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BHOTWG- Stepping into the Inferno

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Leader: Tadiyuki Kikkawa

Members: Tasuku Iesada, John Pathlow

Former Members: Masaaki Okazaki, Mike Watson, Chuichi Sanda (Unofficial 'Trial' Member)

Championships Held: King of Fighters Championship (Tadiyuki Kikkawa)


Despite Tadiyuki Kikkawa's continued dominance as the King of Fighters champion, Team INSPIRE's once dominant position was eroded throughout the Burn Don't Freeze Tour, with the once feared faction now short of members.


The problems began when leader Tadiyuki Kikkawa actively sought an extra member to join the original 'INSPIRE 4' who could pursue the Junior Championship. Kikkawa's chosen man was the hard striking gaijin John Pathlow but Mike Watson had issues with Pathlow joining and it came down to Watson or Pathlow staying in Team INSPIRE. Pathlow won the loser leaves INSPIRE match at Test of Prophecies in April and Watson was banished from the group.


Tasuku Iesada fresh off his win in the 2009 Super 10 Cup came up short in his challenge of the Burning World Championship at Fire Dream of the Immortals and though he earned another shot in May, his continued failure to win the belt from Hiroaki Nakasawa has begun to disappoint Tadiyuki Kikkawa.


It is the high standards of the INSPIRE leader that could well be pulling Team INSPIRE apart, as Masaaki Okazaki's failure to maintain his spot in the Contenders Circle came to a head when Okazaki challenged Kikkawa for the King of Fighters Championship at Inferno of Purity with his spot in Team INSPIRE on the line, Okazaki failed and like Mike Watson two months earlier was forced to leave.


Chuichi Sanda looked to join Team INSPIRE from May, after he turned on his former tag partner Eiji Hamacho and he was allowed to run with INSPIRE as a trial member however he failed to impress Kikkawa and the final straw was the loss in the Six Man Tag at Inferno of Purity with the blame placed squarely on his shoulders.


Despite Sanda taking the blame, Kikkawa has made it no secret either to Pathlow or even his long standing ally Iesada that are failing to reach the standards he has been setting either, as Pathlow threw away a comanding postion in the Best of the Super Juniors Cup and Iesada has been unable to re-establish himself as the out-right number one contender for the World Championship.


Will Team INSPIRE re-group and return a stronger force with Pathlow and Iesada raising their game to meet Kikkawa's impossibly high standards or will the King of Fighters over-reaching expectations continue to force further cracks in the once dominant Team INSPIRE?

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Black Heart Brethren







Leader: Yasuhiko Taira

Members: Yasunobu Masuno, Black Cobra, The Awesome Kiyaru, Golden Scorpion

Championships Held: World Tag Team Championship (Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno: March- June 2010), Junior Tag Team Championship (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion: From March 2010)


Whilst the Black Heart Brethren were not without success in the Burn Don't Freeze Tour they have been unable to re-establish themselves us the top stable in Burning Hammer. The tour started well with both Black Magic (Yasunobu Masuno & Yasuhiko Taira) and the Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion) capturing both sets of Tag Team Titles at the Fire Dream of the Immortals PPV.


It was a tour of mixed success for the mulleted powerhouse pairing of stable leader Yasuhiko Taira and Yasunobu Masuno, as they held the World Tag Team Titles for much of tour, getting the better of persistant challengers Wild Fire. However they were unable to retain the belts at the Inferno of Purity PPV as The Rebellion defeated them for the titles in a three way No DQ match that also involved Wild Fire. And though Black Magic continued to look dominant as a Tag Team, it was tough tour for them in singles competition as both Taira and Masuno fell out of the contenders circle for the World Championship. Whilst a series of losses in battle's with the Burning Sekigun towards the end of the tour will have hurt their pride and given confidence to their bitter rivals.


The Junior Division trio of Black Cobra, The Awesome Kiyaru and Golden Scorpion on the whole had an impressive tour, that saw them come up just short of being able to add the singles prizes of either the Burning Junior Championship or the Best of the Super Juniors Cup.


Black Cobra established himself at the top end of the Junior Championship contenders circle but was unable to gain the belt he has coveted for so long, whilst the Black Heart Flying Squadron have proven to be strong Junior Tag Team Champions.


It was in the Best of the Super Juniors Cup however that the trio came into their own as they secured three out of the four spots in the semi finals of the world renowned Junior Division tournament, however despite that feat and Black Cobra's perfect record heading into the finals...the trophy did not end up in their hands as Cobra fell at the last hurdle, defeated by Elemental III.


In an interesting turn of events Black Cobra showed Elemental III a great of respect in defeat, something not normally associated with either Cobra or the Black Heart Brethren.

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Leader: Sensational Dragon*

Members: Shimedzu, Miyamae, American Optimus, Super Joshuya

Championships Held: Junior Championship (Sensational Dragon), World Tag Team Championship (Shimedzu & Miyamae: June 2010)


* His ego says he is the leader, but he's really just co-leader with The Rebellion.


When Hooded Kudo was taken out of BHOTWG last year by Team INSPIRE, the Dragon Feet name seemed to be dead and buried. However Sensational Dragon and The Rebellion have combined to revive Dragon Feet, as the latest incarnation look set to be true force once again in BHOTWG.


Junior Champion Sensational Dragon continued to see off all challengers for his belt as he begins to close in on what could be a year long reign with the belt and though he failed to succesfully defend the Best of the Super Juniors Cup, he became only the third Junior Heavyweight wrestler in Burning Hammer History to be granted a World Championship title shot.


Meanwhile The Rebellion continued to go from strength to strength and once see as 'too small to compete with the big guns' Shimedzu and Miyamae have thrown that theory out of the window during the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour, over coming larger foes with superior guile and agility both in singles and Tag Team competiion.


It's in singles that Shimedzu in particular has particularly broken out, with 'Kamikaze Spirit' challenging for both the World Championship and the King of Fighters titles and though he was unsuccesful in claiming either belt it has begun to establish him as a true main event player in BHOTWG. Miyamae's forays into singles competion weren't quite as fruitful but spurred on and inspired by his partners his success he did establish himself in the contenders circle at the end of the tour.


Towards the end of the tour, they once again looked towards reminding everyone just why many see them as the best Tag Team in BHOTWG history and they were able to do just that by capturing the Burning World Tag Team Championship at Inferno of Purity to secure what many see as a long overdue third reign with the belts.


Lower down the ranks, Super Joshuya with memories of his team with the original Optimus in mind defected from the Burning Sekigun to form the Optimum Impact Tag Team with Optimus chosen successor American Optimus as they set their sights on the Junior Tag Team Championship. But problems have arisen between the pair since the Best of the Super Juniors tournament over American Optimus desire to win at all costs, which opposes Super Joshuya's philosophy that it is better to lose honorably than to win in dishonorable vein.


However despite Optimum Impact's growing strife, Dragon Feet 2K9 appear to have been the stable that has grown in standing the most during the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour.

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Leader: ????

Members: Mitsunari Fuganaga, Toshiki Shibanumo, VENOM, Yoshii Shiomi

Former Members: Chuichi Sanda, Eiji Hamacho (former leader)


It looks to be the beginning of the end for the RAGE stable, who head into the new tour leaderless, directioneless and on it's last legs.


Unable to recapture the World Tag Team Titles and with the pressure of keeping the RAGE stable a respectable force as those around continued to lose the Raging Bulls fell apart with Chuichi Sanda turning on Eiji Hamacho. Sanda walked out on RAGE all together and initially got the better of his former Tag partner in a bitter feud.


Despite Sanda's departure, the Hamacho lead RAGE struggled on, until he was put out of action by Tadiyuki Kikkawa, as the Raging Bull made a brave challenge for the King of Fighters Championship. Hamacho did return at Inferno of Purity, but 'reborn' as Mister Macho fighting alongside Burning Sekigun members Kinnojo Horri and Marihito Masuko, seemingly no longer part of RAGE.


Unless someone else is able to step into the leadership role, the future looks bleak for RAGE as we head towards the end of 2010.

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Be interesting to see if you have any plans for RAGE. They are so weak right now that it might make for a good storyline going forward to have someone come in and take them by the scruff of the neck and rebuild the stable to something resembling more than just a bunch of jobbers. Okazaki is free now, I guess.


Black Heart Brethren definitely my favourite of the stables, which is probably why I didn't enjoy the Elemental III win in the Best of the Super Juniors so much!

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Enjoying these stable recaps, TK. Its a nice way to lay things out once again. I knew the Sekigun had a lot of members, but its interesting to see it like that.


Thanks, I think it's also a good way to recap what happened on this tour, as most of the really important stuff will have involved any of the workers involved in one of the stables.


If you look at how the Sekigun line up in the pictures, the top line is like the 'A' Team, and the bottom line is very much the 'B' Team.


Right now the Sekigun are too big to be considered an actual real stable but then again they are just supposed to be 'homegrown' stars and Burning Hammer loyalists 'representing' BHOTWG rather than being a proper stable in the vein of Dragon Feet 2K9 or the Black Heart Brethren.


Be interesting to see if you have any plans for RAGE. They are so weak right now that it might make for a good storyline going forward to have someone come in and take them by the scruff of the neck and rebuild the stable to something resembling more than just a bunch of jobbers. Okazaki is free now, I guess.


Well watch this space on that score, the only thing I will say is that the current 'gaggle of glorified jobbers' incarnation of RAGE won't be carrying on for much longer.

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The Onodera Diaries:


I would never have thought that Kaneko-san's instructions not to be able to sign workers from promotions that are at 'cult size' or higher would prove to be so frustrating, but that's exactly what it has been.


Now the essence of what is behind Kaneko-san's reasons are an admirable one, as he want's us to build own home grown stars. But in doing so an opportunity has been missed whilst PGHW were in a weakened state. However a quietly resurgent GCG who had quckly risen from Regional to Cult back in January, have been able to share workers with PGHW. The added depth the likes of Samoan Machine have brought to the PGHW roster, have helped them to once again rise to National size and once again they are a threat to our status as the top promotion in Japan.


Whilst I do not believe that BHOTWG should be the be all and end all of Puroresu, as no competition at all is not healthy for our sport, there was the chance for us to really assert our authority as the out right number one and Kaneko-san's policy of insisting we not snap up the free-lance talents to add extra depth to our roster was a huge error in my view.


I guess Kaneko-san is hoping that we have some future stars waiting down in Hinote Dojo but that cupboard is pretty bare right now. Our most ready development projects down there are all Junior Division wrestlers; Mystic Dragon, Ninja Shunji, Reijaro Hiraki but we our Junior Heavyweight scene is deep enough already with the likes of White Samurai and Red Panther cases in point of those already struggling to make an impact.


It's homegrown heavyweights that we need but to be honest they are just not coming through at the moment and one has to wonder if the likes of Dynamite Narahashi and Nariaki Hitomi were discarded too quicky. Heiachiro Sakai and Taro Shionoya are the two developmental heavyweights that have put in the most time in Hinote but neither look to be someone who could carry Burning Hammer upon their shoulders in the future.


A few years younger than Sakai or Shionoya, both Omezo Shikitei and Ryushi Sato could have the raw talent to at least carve themselves a solid career but right now both men need more seasoning before being called up to the main roster.


And that's as far as our number of heavyweight developmental prospects go, four of them and not one of them has the aura of a new Kikkawa or a new Nakasawa about them and it's worrying because there appears to be no bridge between the Nakasawa generation that have now reached their peak period in their early thirties and the not quite ready young lions we currently have down in Hinote. We can only hope that Hinote can un-earth a few gems or the future once again see's us in danger of being overtaken once again by PGHW or even Golden, either of whom's dojo's it must generally been said have been able to turn out better prospects in recent years.


Despite these frustrations however, I am determined to make my time as Head Booker of BHOTWG work, it is after all Tetsuzan Kaneko's company and right now despite PGHW's current resurgence and both GCG and WLW's climb to cult status Burning Hammer are still in a healthy position. It's just the future I worry about, the future where veterans like Kikkawa have hung up the boots or are too broken down and the depth beyond Nakasawa, Horri and Toshusai is non existant, because as great as our Junior Heavyweight division is and it will continue to be it cannot carry the entire promotion upon it's shoulders.

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In your game Horri should only be 28 right now I believe. I know he's four years younger than Nakasawa. Which, barring injury or rapid early decline, would seem to make him the logical successor to Nakasawa and Kikkawa.


Of course, I doubt your game will get far along enough for it to really matter :p

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In your game Horri should only be 28 right now I believe. I know he's four years younger than Nakasawa. Which, barring injury or rapid early decline, would seem to make him the logical successor to Nakasawa and Kikkawa.


Of course, I doubt your game will get far along enough for it to really matter :p


Of the in or hitting their prime generation:

Nakasawa (33)

Taira (32)

Horri (29)

Onodera (29)

Toshusai (28)

Masuno (27)


Whilst that isn't a bad main event scene for the heavyweight division in Burning Hammer that could realistically carry the promotion for the next decade, a promoton of BHOTWG's size really should have more depth on the horizon and I don't see that depth coming through from the Hinote Dojo.


And you're right my game move's so slowly it won't have any real effect on my game :D.


However I think it's a point worth making and the fact that it also kind of ties in with the frustration of not being able to sign anyone working for a cult (or above) sized promotion, meaning that I can't really add any talent who could make a real impact to the roster and am stuck with signing either unknown gaijins or mediocrity that can only really serve as jobbers.


Saying that John Pathlow (Hell Monkey) was the one guy I did manage to get signed up whilst WLW were still Regional but seeing as WLW are only really stocked with Junior Heavyweights on the roster, I wasn't going to be raiding them all that much as I am already stacked with those.

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When I was looking at doing a Burning Hammer 2010 game (inspired by this great work, obviously), I was actually a bit surprised by the lack of quality young heavyweight talent in Japan. Even looking at the future workers - there are a few that come through, but few clear and obvious future stars.


Its not like BHOTWG is in a bad position to start off with. Or PGHW. But I don't think it would be impossible for either to run into some trouble. The match intensity of both promotions is pretty harsh on the physical health of the talent, apparently. So guys probably age a bit quicker and it wouldn't be a shock to see a few take some injuries. Suddenly either promotion could be light in that regard.


Loyalty means stealing from other promotions can be impossible anyway. But I don't know that there would be too many tempting native talents - beyond Shingen Miyazaki maybe - even if you didn't have that "no hiring from cult" rule.

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The Onodera Diaries:


Maybe I'll get over it in time, but right now I really dislike Eisaku Hoshino. We tried to sign him, but could not meet his demands. A few days later we here he has signed on with PGHW on a written contract. Now we were told in his negotiations that he was adamant that he would not sign a written deal and that he wanted to keep his options open. It's just very disappointing we were strung along like this.


Perhaps though this could be for the best, don't get me wrong he is a talent and one that would have strengthened us at the top but perhaps we could do without his ego and his over inflated demands. Basically he played us against PGHW so that the could get more money from Pride, as it appears Seiji Jimbo was desperate for Hoshino-san to return to his 'home' despite the still frosty relations between Hoshino-san and Nobuatso Tatsuko over there; it leaves you with little wonder that Hoshino-san with the games he has played in these contract negotiations tried to get into the world of politics.


On a seperate note we have decided to end the PPA contract of Fukusubaru Inao. Inao-san was never going to amount to anything more than a 'jobber' with us for anyone trying to break through and move up the card a loss to an established part of the roster would mean a whole lot more than a win over Inao-san.


There are a few others who may not have much more of a future with Burning Hammer, but they are on written deals and their contracts do not come up for a little while yet.

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The Onodera Diaries:


Despite missing out on our top target during the off-season we have made a few additions to help freshen up the roster. No one who is going to make a major impact anytime soon but we feel can do a good job in the lower end of the roster.


Well one of the additions has actually been part of the Burning Hammer system for a while, that being Kyoshi 'MYSTIC Dragon' Maraguchi. Though the Junior Heavyweight scene is stacked right now in BHOTWG, the feeling was that Marghuchi-san, a two time All-Japan champion in Hinote Dojo had more than done the time down in our developmental territory. He was actually briefly called up in the fall of 2008, but he was far from ready back then, two years on and the time feels right for the son of the original Elemental to prove himself once more on the big stage.


The actual signings a couple of gaijin wrestlers that will be working on a PPA contract over the next tour...these being Gareth Wayne and Merle O'Curle. Wayne has begun to build himself some name value with a prominent role with the WEXVV promotion as a hated gaijin heel. Admittedly not a great wrestler, he does however perform the bully gimmick pretty well and he could do the job in that role amongst the lower card.


Merle O'Curle is the current ROF Champion over in the UK, but he comes here as complete unknown. However what the scouts have seen of him, is that he is a time technical wrestler who should he be able to catch on with the BHOTWG fanbase could be a very solid addition to the roster.

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O.O.C Note:


Basic schedule of what to expect over the next few posts....


Wrestling world news for July


A couple of Onodera Diaries pieces for August...which as you can see I have been using to gradually filter over the off-season news for BHOTWG such as new signings etc.


Wrestling world news for August will follow.


Finally the new roster heading into the next tour will then end the off-season posts.

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So MYSTIC Dragon is being added. Excellent. I would like to request that at some point, he teams with Sensation Dragon as Double Dragon. Its too obvious and awesome not to do.


Thank you.


That name is full of fail.... and a movie that had scott wolf in it, which is also full of fail.


Instead their name should be Mystic Dragon Sensations!

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That name is full of fail.... and a movie that had scott wolf in it, which is also full of fail.


Instead their name should be Mystic Dragon Sensations!


Fail? Not to the Japanese puro fans. How would they not love a direct reference to classic video game? Even the fairly serious nature of Burning Hammer would not override that.


BTW, the movie never happened. Like many early based-on-videogames movies, it simply did not happen.

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July News and Notes from around the Wrestling World


21st Century Wrestling

(Size: Cult, Prestige: E+, Momentum: C-)


Worker Extensions: 21CW extend the contracts of Uppercard heel Edward 'Cousin of Tommy' Cornell and Adam Matravers valet Phoebe Plumridge.


Canadian Charisma Championship Combat

(Size: Regional, Prestige: E, Momentum: D)


Nothing to report this month for 4C


5 Star Supreme Wrestling

(Size: Regional, Prestige: C-, Momentum: C)


Worker Extensions: 5SSW extend the contract of Uppercard veteran Saori Nakadan.


Angel Athletic Association


(Size: Regional, Prestige: F+, Momentum: C-)


Worker Extensions: AAA extend the contract of lowercard babyface Wendy Anderson.


All Canada Pro Wrestling


(Size: Local, Prestige: F, Momentum: D)


Worker Extensions: ACPW extend the contract of Heather B, the valet of top star Jamie Atherton.


Australian Pro Wrestling

(Size: Regional, Prestige: E-, Momentum: C)


Worker Signings: APW try to plug the gap after the RAW talent raid, by raiding DIW and snapping up promising youngster Nicky Gilbert.


Worker Departures: Swoop McCarthy and Dumfrey Pin complete their departures from APW, after agreeing to sign with the rival RAW promotion last month. Swoop's departure is a particularly untimely one as he was holding the Commonwealth title at the time of his departure.


Title Changes: Harry Simonsen defeats Lanny Williams for the vacant APW Commonwealth title to become the champion for a record setting third time.


Babes of Sin CityBabes of Sin City

(Size: Small, Prestige: F, Momentum: E)


Worker Extensions: BSC extend the contract of Head Booker/Road Agent Marilyn Stardust.


Canadian Golden Combat


(Size: Cult, Prestige: B-, Momentum: C)


Worker Extensions: CGC extend the contract of referee Francis Long.


Title Changes: The Soldiers of Fortune half year title reign came to an end at the hands of the tandem of Bobby Thomas and Whippy The Clown, who have dubbed themselves 'Team Brilliance'.


Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling

(Size: Regional, Prestige: E, Momentum: C)


Worker Extensions: CZCW extend the contracts of midcarder Jake Idol and road agent Dylan Sidle.


Deep Impact Wrestling

(Size: Small, Prestige: F+, Momentum: D-)


Worker Signings: DIW bring in powerhouse Vaughan from the Australian Exhibition Hall circuit, to help plug some gaps on the roster after talent raids from their rivals.


Worker Extensions: DIW extend the contracts of Uppercarder Hatemonger and Colour Commentator/Head Booker Big Jim Teasdale.


Worker Departures: Maurice Jackson completes his departure to RAW.


Title Changes: The Bad Truckers (Diesel Dan and Big Rig) defeat The Criminals (Mace Mueller and Abattoir) in a rematch of last months Tag Title match to win the DIW Tag belts for the first time.


European Wrestling Association

(Size: Small, Prestige: F+, Momentum: D)


Worker Extensions: EWA extend the contract of Universal Champion Bam Bam Johansson.


Exodus 2010

(Size: Small, Prestige: E, Momentum: D)


Worker Releases: For financial reasons Exodus 2010 cut part of their initial roster, these cuts include former WLW man Yuki Horigushi, Kiemon Yoshimatsu, Kali Hanari and teenager Musashi.


Title Changes: Quick Kick Nakao defeats Kuemon Hotta to become the inaugral Exodus 2010 Global Champion, Hotta himself does claim Exodus 2010 other singles title the Intenet Championship, defeating Totoya Munakata to win the title. Whilst Taheji Konoe teams with Tsuyuraki Kamachi to defeat the duo of Yuki Horigoshi and Evil Spirit to claim the Deadly Duo Championship.


Freedom CaribbeanWrestling

(Size: Small, Prestige: E-, Momentum: C-)


Worker Extensions: FCW extend the contracts of Midcard monster heel King Kong Kennedy, and lower card babyface Tigre Salvaje Jr.


Golden Canvas Grappling

(Size: Cult, Prestige: C-, Momentum: B-)


Nothing to report this month for GCG.


Hinote Dojo

(Size: Small, Prestige: E-, Momentum: C-)


Worker Arrival: Kanishoki is sent down from BHOTWG into development with Hinote Dojo.


Worker Extensions: Burning EXILE extends his stay with Hinote Dojo on a short term PPA contract.


Worker Departures: Hinote Dojo release Masakazu Kaima. Mystic Dragon is called up to the BHOTWG roster.


Title Changes: Kanishoki ends the year long reign of Mystic Dragon to win the Hinote Dojo All Japan Title.


Mid Atlantic Wrestling

(Size: Small, Prestige: E-, Momentum: C-)


Worker Signings: MAW bring Boot Camp graduate Cameron Jones onto their roster.


Men of Steel Combat

(Size: Small, Prestige: F+, Momentum: D-)


Worker Extensions: MOSC extend the contract of colour commentator Lawrence Young.


Mexican PremierWrestling Federation

(Size: Regional, Prestige: D, Momentum: C+)


Worker Extensions: MPWF extend the contract of Uppercard Tecnico Mario Heroic.


Title Changes: Mario Heroic, Spanish Superfly and Cique Jr's reign with the Trios belts only last a month, losing them to the unit of Genio Verde, Soul Taker and El Bandito in only their first defence.


North of the Border Pro Wrestling

(Size: National, Prestige: B, Momentum: A)


General News: Victoria Stone inherited NOTBPW from her father Dan Stone and her first decision was to put her husband Sean McFly in charge as head booker. Whether this courses tension with the rest of the roster remains to be seen but if McFly continues to do what NOTBPW have been doing, then any accusations of favourtism on Victoria Stone's part will soon be washed away.


Worker Extensions: NOTBW extend the contract of Sally Anne Christiansen and announcer Tommy London.


Title Changes: Lauren Easter ends the near year long reign of Kristabel Plum to become the NOTBPW Womens Champion for the first time.


New York Championship Wrestling

(Size: Regional, Prestige: E, Momentum: C-)


Worker Signings: NYCW continue to add to their roster following last month rise to a Regional sized promotion, those additions include CZCW icon Fox Mask (under his alternate Snow Fox gimmick), former SCCW star Jack Griffith, Sgt Bubba Lee West and GCG's Rhino Umaga on a PPA deal.


Worker Extensions: NYCW extend the contract of lowercarder Dean Waldorf and Uppercard mainstay Whistler, who shocked NYCW audiences this year by turning heel.


Title Changes: Veteran Lee Wright ends Sammy The Shark's eight month reign with the Tri-State Regional title, to claim the belt for a second time.


Original Lucha Libre Is Eternal

(Size: Regional, Prestige: C-, Momentum: C-)


Worker Departures: OLLIE were dealt a blow when star babyface and Campeon de Universal El Leon failed to come to agreement on a new contract.


Title Changes: El Critico defeats Gino Montero for the vacant Campeon de Universal.


Pride Glory Honor Wrestling

(Size: National, Prestige: A, Momentum: B+)


General News: With injury problems behind them and after putting together a string of good shows, PGHW have risen back to National sized and are once again direct competition for BHOTWG.


Worker Signings: PGHW boost their roster with the additions of former BHOTWG man Mike Watson on a written deal, whilst GCG men Samoan Machine and Roy Edison add PGHW to their schedule on a PPA basis. Most signifcant however is the fact that Eisaku Hoshino has decided to return to PGHW signing a written deal with the promotion where he made his name and seemingly burying the hatchet with Nobuatso Tatsuko.


Worker Extensions: Glory Crown Champion PRIDE Koiso extends his contract with PGHW.


Title Changes: Veteran Matsuyuki Shiga defeats Kazuhiuge Matsuki to claim the vacant Historical Japan title, to win the belt for a third time.


Samoan Machine teams with Akinori Kwakami to end the nine month long Glory Tag Crown reign of Masaku Ugaki and Ryoma Muruyama.


Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling

(Size: Regional, Prestige: E+, Momentum: D)


Worker Signings: PSW get a nice boost when they manage to add NOTBPW's Damian 'The Natural' Carvill to their roster. With NOTBPW having gone to National status, it's a surprise that Carvill hasn't signed a written deal with the Canadian promotion.


Revolution Australian Wrestling

(Size: Cult, Prestige: C-, Momentum: D+)


Worker Extensions: RAW extend the contracts of Midcard Heel Quizzical Mark Question, opening level worker Blaze Maximum, valet Autum Gleeson and referee Wayne Schimmelbush.


Rhode Island Pro Wrestling

(Size: Small , Prestige: E+, Momentum: D-)


Nothing to Report This Month for RIPW.


Ring of Fire

(Size: Small , Prestige: F+, Momentum: D+)


Nothing to report this month for ROF.


Pro Wrestling SAISHO

(Size: Small , Prestige: F+, Momentum: D+)


Worker Signings: SAISHO add referee Tsutomu Watnabe to their roster.


South of the Border Pro Wrestling

(Size: Cult, Prestige: D, Momentum: B-)


Worker Signings: Former OLLIE mainstay Marcos Flores has signed with SOTBPW, the popular and well respected Tecnico is expected to slot into the Uppercard of the SOTBPW roster.


Worker Extensions: SOTBPW extend the contract of veteran rudo Verdugo Estupendo.


Supreme Wrestling Federation

(Size: Global , Prestige: A*, Momentum: B)


Worker Signings: Supreme Wrestling University Graduate Spencer Spade signs a contract with the SWF, immediately by-passing development with RIPW to be brought onto the main roster.


Worker Extensions: SWF extend the contract of established Upper card prescence Remo Richardson.


Worker Departures: Unhappy at a lack of a focused push since the break up of the High Concept Tag Team and the departure of Elmo Benson, Gregory 'Groucho Bling' Black has decided to leave the SWF.


Title Changes: Valiant ends the nine month long reign of Brandon James to win the North American Championship for the first time.


Total Championship Wrestling


(Size: International, Prestige: B+, Momentum: B)


Media News: TCW have struck a deal with PPV Japan to show their PPV events in Japan as they look to expand their International prescence.


Worker Signings: Former USPW owner Danny Jillefski has joined the commentary team for TCW on an exclusive written contract.


Worker Extensions: TCW extend the contracts of Midcarders Joshua Taylor and Sammy Bach, along with valet Laura Huggins.


Ultimate European Wrestling

(Size: Small , Prestige: F+, Momentum: C-)


Worker Extensions: UEW extend the contract of established uppercarder Sergei Kalashnov.


United States Pro Wrestling


(Size: Cult , Prestige: C+, Momentum: C+)


Worker Departures: Former owner Danny Jillefski completes a shock departure from USPW to sign with rivals TCW.


Title Changes: Nicky Champion ends Peter Valentine's ten month long reign with the USPW National Title and Belle Bryden becomes the Women's Champion for a second time, to regain the title from Raven Robinson.


Victory Wrestling Association


(Size: Small , Prestige: F+, Momentum: D)


Nothing to report this month for VWA.


Warrior Engine XXV

(Size: Small , Prestige: E-, Momentum: D+)


Worker Departures: WEXVV decide against renewing the contract of Koji Kajiwara, with the former rugby player deemed surplus to requirements at this point in time.


World Level Wrestling


(Size: Cult , Prestige: C, Momentum: B)


Worker Signings: American Elemental returns to WLW on a PPA contract, allowing him to also continue to work for CZCW in his native U.S.


Worker Extensions: WLW extend the contract of veteran roster mainstay Yosuke 'Awesome Thunder' Narita.


ZEN: Art of Wrestling

(Size: Small , Prestige: F+, Momentum: D-)


Worker Extensions: ZEN extend the contract of Guru Vishni, the manager of Mirror Universe John Gordon.




New Talent


Armando Guerrero: Mexican Born wrestler who lives and works in Australia. Eschewing the usual high flying of a Mexican luchador, Guerrero works more of a brawling style and is nicknamed 'The Hammer' due to his highly effective left hook.


Cameron Jones: MAW Boot Camp Graduate is a solid all rounder but does have an air of 'generic wrestler' about him. If he continues to improve he should be able to carve out a solid career for himself but at this stage lacks the intangibles to become a future star.


Devastating Don: Borderline immobile superheavyweight is as to be expected very limited in the ring, but like all 'monsters' his selling point is his mammoth size and being able to 'squash' smaller wrestlers through his sheer size difference.


Hypnotiq Jr: Is the second man to don the Hypnotiq mask, after his uncle Jose Luis Molina. Whilst Molina was more of a submission focused technical wrestler, his nephew is more a traditional luchador blending aerial acrobatics with daredevil dive. At this stage the jurys out on whether or not Jr can match or surpass the impact his uncle had under the Hynotiq mask.


Lillian O'Donahue: 19 year old female manager who works a secretary gimmick, is now actively looking to be hired by one of the 'name' promotions in Australia. Can cut a decent promo but a lack of 'drop dead gorgeous' looks could see her struggle to make an impact.


Spencer Spade: The latest Supreme University Graduate, is seen as one of the brightest prospects in Pro Wrestling. An all rounder with charisma to burn, many feel that once he has reached his peak he has the potential to be a future superstar.





Dark Eagle: Suffered a minor concussion after being on a receiving end of a botched backdrop suplex from Masayuki Shiga when challenging for the Historical Japan title in Japan and is expected to be out of action for the next month.


Bam Bam Johansson: EWA Universal Champion is currently suffering with Chronic Upper Back Pain but is expected to work through the pain.



Worker Retirements:


Preston Holt: The 66 year old announced his full retirement from the wrestling business. Best known as the former owner of California Pro Wrestling, he won the CWF title on four occasions and the promotion was one of the most succesful of the territorial era during the 1970's and the early 80's until it was put of business by the SWF. In the mid nineties he took ownership of another wrestling promotion, Rapid Pro Wrestling like his earlier venture, it was noted for it's focus on strong in-ring competition but once again Holt lost out as RPW was put of business by DaVE during the East Coast Wars. Since RPW has folded Holt has mostly drifted along as an occasional 'nostalgia' guest speaker for various promotions.


April Appleseed: Former two time NOTBPW women's champion announced her retirement from in-ring competition at the Age of 37. A mainstay of the NOTBPW womens division between 2003 and 2006, her run included two title reigns and a string of great matches with Victoria Stone, but hercontract was somewhat surprisingly not renewed in November 2006. Perhaps because of the fact that she was already the 'wrong' side of 30 and with plenty of new talent coming through on the women's wrestling scene, Appleseed struggled to find regular work after her release from NOTBPW.



Other News



Backstage Trouble: UEW valet Aria Moore has fallen out with owner Ali Bloxsome. At this moment in time she remains employed with the promotion but given the nature of her fall out with Bloxsome, it would be a surprise to see her contract renewed.


So you wanna be a Movie Star?: SWF star Remo Richardson, will be away from in-ring action for a while as he has been offered a part in major Hollywood movie 'The Dispensables' and has left to begin filming.

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The Onodera Diaries:


Burning Hammer fans can now look forward to 4 Hours of BHOTWG action on their TV from next month. We succesfullly renegotiated an extension for Lords of the Ring (which was averaging around a 4.95 rating throughout the Burn Don't Freeze Tour) with Japanese Sports Vision. In addition to that we will have a new show showing on the Early Evening slot on Fridays on Prime Japan TV, called Ironclad. This should make for a better presentation of our product across Japan.


Another pleasing thing the past few weeks was the succesful renegotiation of Black Cobra's contract with us. Cobra is one of our top in-ring performers and it was vital we lock him down to a new contract. It was for a slight pay rise, but one I feel will be worth it.


We also secured Junior Division lower carders Yoshii Shiomi and Stone Yoshikawa to one year written deals. Both were working with PPA deals, and though neither are vital parts of the roster we feel that securing them to a written contract could make them feel more like valued members of the roster, added to the fact that I do feel both are decent talents whose lowly position is more to do with the depth of the roster they are competing with, rather than lack of ability on their part.


Well actually part of the challenge of signing Yoshikawa was that I felt PGHW had dropped the ball a little by releasing him, but the previous tour I did treat him than little more than job fodder. It's not something I will force (as a forced push is never accepted by fans), but I do believe the House of Stone graduate has something within him to rise above his current lowly status.

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The Onodera Diaries:



Not much to think about at the end of the month, Junior Division veteran Super Joshuya signed a new two year written contract and Hinote Dojo development prospect Heiachiro Sakai was secured to a one year exclusive PPA extension to his current deal, it will basically be make or break time over the next few tours for Sakai to prove that he does have what it takes to step up to the main roster.


We are now ready for our next tour, the roster is in place and with PGHW back to a National sized promotion we now know that nothing but our best is required every night we step into the ring, if we want to remain the top promotion in all of Japan.


I may have been resistant at first to take on a role of such responsibility and I am still unsure that I have the fall backing of everyone here in Burning Hammer, but I am determined to prove Kaneko-san's faith in me was justified.


Even if Kikkawa-san's criticism has died down, he has not been forthcoming with praise either, it appears he has simply accepted this is the way things are and that he is just waiting for me to fail. But I am determined not to fail and even with the challenges put in front of me, I vow to succeed not just for myself but for Burning Hammer!

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August News and Notes from around the Wrestling World


21st Century Wrestling

(Size: Cult, Prestige: E+, Momentum: C)


Worker Extensions: 21CW extend the contract of current double champion Buff Martinez.


Canadian Charisma Championship Combat

(Size: Regional, Prestige: E, Momentum: C-)


Worker Signings: 4C bring Combat Academy graduate Morgan Malone onto their roster.


Worker Extensions: 4C extend the contract of youngster Leftie Wilkes.


Title Changes: Jesse Gilbert already one half of the Tag Team champions, ends Antonio Del Vecchio's ten month reign to claim the Hardcore Title.


5 Star Supreme Wrestling

(Size: Regional, Prestige: C-, Momentum: C+)


Nothing to report this month for 5SSW


Angel Athletic Association


(Size: Regional, Prestige: F+, Momentum: C)


Worker Extensions: AAA extend the contracts of Femme Fatale champion Grace Harper, veteran heel Vixxen, up and coming young midcarder Debbie Rose and colour commentator Sue Danes.


All Canada Pro Wrestling

(Size: Local, Prestige: F, Momentum: D)


Worker Extensions: ACPW extend the contract of Royce Greig.


Australian Pro Wrestling

(Size: Regional, Prestige: E-, Momentum: C)


Worker Signings: APW lure Mayhem Mulhooney away from DIW.


Worker Extensions: APW extend the contract of key main event heel Debonair David Peterson and colour commenator Frank Mucciolo.


Babes of Sin City

(Size: Small, Prestige: F, Momentum: E+)


Worker Extensions: BSC extend the contracts of Alexis Lee Littlefeather and Sprite.


Canadian Golden Combat


(Size: Cult, Prestige: B-, Momentum: C+)


Worker Signings: Former PSW jobber Brimstone has somehow managed to land a spot on CGC's roster.


Worker Extensions: CGC extend the contracts of veteran brawlers Henry Lee and Brett Fraser.


Worker Departures: CGC were rocked by the departure of Jack DeColt, who has decided that he has done all he can in CGC and that it was time to prove himself elsewhere. This of course came as shock news to CGC as Jack was holding their World Championship at the time, plus the fact that he was also the head trainer for their DeColt Powerhouse wrestling school.


Title Changes: In a somewhat surprising move* Ryan Powell and Whippy The Clown are given the chance to battle it out for the CGC World Title left vacated by Jack DeColt's sudden departure, it was Powell who emerged victorious to begin his first reign with the belt.


* O.O.C Note: Actually it doesn't surprise me, given the number of frankly dumb title changes that the CPU feds spit out on a regular basis.


Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling

(Size: Regional, Prestige: E, Momentum: C+)


Worker Extensions: CZCW extend the contract of Tag Champion Al Coleman.


Worker Departures: Former Coastal Zone Champion James Prudence completes his departure from CZCW to join the SWF's developmental fed RIPW.


Deep Impact Wrestling


(Size: Small, Prestige: F+, Momentum: D-)


Worker Signings: DIW add Aussie wrestling veterans Trehawke Phillips and Septimus Stubbs to help fill the gaps on their roster caused by recent roster raids.


Worker Departures: Nicky Gilbert and Mayhem Mulhoney both leave DIW to join up with APW.


European Wrestling Association

(Size: Small, Prestige: F+, Momentum: D)


Worker Extensions: EWA extend the contract of masked high flyer Super Falcon and young Dutch brawler Bas Hagen.


Exodus 2010

(Size: Small, Prestige: E-, Momentum: D+)


General News: There are rumours that the up-start promotion may not see out their first year and that they are are already struggling with serious financial problems.


Title Changes: Quick Kick Nakao makes only one succesful defence of the Exodus 2010 Global Championship as he is beaten for the belt by Kenko Takemitsu and Kuemon Hotta loses the Internet Championship to Morimasa Kato.


Freedom CaribbeanWrestling

(Size: Small, Prestige: E-, Momentum: C)


Worker Extensions: FCW extend the contracts of homegrown main event star Kirk Jameson and midcard face Amo Del Gato.


Golden Canvas Grappling

(Size: Cult, Prestige: C, Momentum: B)


Worker Extensions: GCG extend the contracts of Tag Team champion Harumi Okazawaya and lower carders Namboku Makuda and JOJI.


Worker Departures: Stone Yoshikawa finishes up with GCG, after securing an exclusive written deal with BHOTWG.


Hinote Dojo

(Size: Small, Prestige: E-, Momentum: C-)


Worker Extensions: Hinote Dojo extend the PPA contract of veteran Amane Shunsen.


Mid Atlantic Wrestling

(Size: Small, Prestige: E-, Momentum: C-)


Worker Departures: MAW lose colour commentator Duke Hazzard, as he heads for the SWF's Developmental fed RIPW.


Men of Steel Combat

(Size: Small, Prestige: F+, Momentum: D)


Nothing to report this month for MOSC.


Mexican PremierWrestling Federation

(Size: Regional, Prestige: D, Momentum: B-)


Worker Extensions: MPWF extend the contract of popular tecnico Electrico.


North of the Border Pro Wrestling

(Size: National, Prestige: B, Momentum: A)


Worker Extensions: NOTBW extend the contract of referee Clarence Garcia


Title Changes: Lauren Easter ends the near year long reign of Kristabel Plum to become the NOTBPW Womens Champion for the first time.


New York Championship Wrestling


(Size: Regional, Prestige: E, Momentum: C-)


Worker Signings: NYCW add Remmy Skye to their roster, a signing that appears to be a futher signal that they are gradually evolving towards a more modern wrestling product.


Worker Extensions: NYCW extend the contracts of Marv Statler as they keep the Ring Generals in tact following Dean Waldorf's contract extension last month, veteran Lee Wright and valet Fern Hathaway


Worker Departures: James Prudence stay in NYCW is a brief one, as he heads for RIPW on an SWF development deal.


Original Lucha Libre Is Eternal

(Size: Regional, Prestige: C-, Momentum: C)


Worker Extensions: OLLIE extend the contract of midcard tecnico Phoenix II.


Pride Glory Honor Wrestling

(Size: National, Prestige: A, Momentum: A)


Worker Signings: Mokuami Maita adds PGHW to his already busy schedule on a PPA deal, PGHW dojo graduate Mashashi Urogataya secures as spot on the PGHW roster and Hirokumi Saito is called up from SAISHO.


Worker Extensions: PGHW extend the contracts of young talents Bussho Makiguchi, Kazuhige Matsuki and Simon Flemmingway.


Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling


(Size: Regional, Prestige: E+, Momentum: C-)


Worker Extensions: PSW extend the contract of Upper card fan favourite Teddy Powell, rising heel Ash Campbell and low card bully Dead Bolt.


Revolution Australian Wrestling

(Size: Cult, Prestige: C-, Momentum: C-)


Worker Extensions: RAW extend the contracts of fan favourite Captain Wrestling II, low end heel Vincent Victory and colour commentator Rebecca Richey.


Rhode Island Pro Wrestling


(Size: Small , Prestige: E+, Momentum: D+)


Worker Signings: RIPW add James Prudence and former TCW star Fumihiro Ota on SWF Developmental contracts, recently retired wrestler Elijah Harris takes over as the new colour commentator and former MAW commentator joins RIPW under a developmental deal as he switches to a ringside manager.


Worker Departures: Veteran colour commentator Mayhem Midden is released by RIPW.


Ring of Fire


(Size: Small , Prestige: F+, Momentum: D+)


Worker Extensions: ROF extend the contracts of Upper Midcarder Billy Robinson and announcer Justin Blackham.


Pro Wrestling SAISHO


(Size: Small , Prestige: F+, Momentum: C-)


Worker Signings: Shingen Miyizaki has joined SAISHO on a PGHW developmental contract, many feel that this is only a move for PGHW to secure Miyazaki to an exclusive contract before they find the right time to move him to the main roster.


South of the Border Pro Wrestling

(Size: Cult, Prestige: D+, Momentum: B-)


Worker Extensions: SOTBPW extend the contract of midcard rudo Lobo Blanco and lower card rudo El Alborotador Confiado


Supreme Wrestling Federation

(Size: Global , Prestige: A*, Momentum: B)


Worker Signings: SWF call up a pair of young 'hosses' in Bear Bekowski and Marshall Dillon from RIPW, along with diminutive manager Brains McGhee who completes his return to the SWF. It is likely that McGhee will be paired with Dillon, as they worked together in RIPW.


Worker Extensions: SWF extend the contracts of Lower Card Heel's John Greed and Knuckles, plus road agent Marcus McKing.


Total Championship Wrestling

(Size: International, Prestige: B+, Momentum: B+)


Media News: TCW struck a deal with Seleccion Mexico, to show their PPV's in Mexico.


Worker Extensions: TCW extend the contracts of established Uppercard heel Brent Hill, lowercard face Clark Alexander and road agent Arnold Westberry.


Title Changes: Steven Parker ended the eight month reign of Chance Fortune to claim the TCW All Action Title for the first time.


Ultimate European Wrestling

(Size: Small , Prestige: F+, Momentum: C-)


Worker Extensions: UEW extend the contract of midcard heel Lars Brecher.


United States Pro Wrestling

(Size: Cult , Prestige: C+, Momentum: C+)


Worker Signings: PSW owner Mitch Naess signs with USPW on a PPA basis to work as part of their announce team.


Worker Extensions: USPW extend the contracts of veteran midcarders Freddie Datsun and Peter Valentine.


Victory Wrestling Association

(Size: Small , Prestige: F+, Momentum: C-)


Nothing to report this month for VWA.


Warrior Engine XXV

(Size: Regional, Prestige: E+, Momentum: C)


General News: WEXVV have often flirted with death over the years due to often running into financial problems but they appear to have put those behind them and after their steadiest year in their history thus far they have managed to rise to being recognised as a Regional sized promotion.


Worker Signings: WEXVV add established gaijin talent UK Dragon to their roster.


Title Changes: It was all change for WEXVV in August as every title changed hands, Ryu Kajahara regained the Warriors Heart Title from Gareth Wayne, for his fifth reign with the belt, Henry Lee defeat Doug Peak to become a three time King of the Death Matches champion but Lee and Peak then teamed up to end the 13 month Blood Brothers title reign of Matsudaira Morioka and Mamoru Nagahama.


World Level Wrestling

(Size: Cult , Prestige: C+, Momentum: B+)


Worker Extensions: WLW extend the contracts of promotional 'poster boy' Emerald Angel and veteran Dark Eagle.


Title Changes: The Great Hisato ends the ten month title reign of Magnum KOBE to claim the WLW Universal Title for a third time.


ZEN: Art of Wrestling


(Size: Small , Prestige: F+, Momentum: D+)


Worker Extensions: ZEN extend the contract of midcard heel Eraser.



New Talent


Buzz Reid: An unskilled large heavweight brawler from Georgia, that can do little more than the silent ringside enforcer role. Unless one of the bigger promotions is looking for the 'next Charlie Thatcher' it is unlikely Reid will go too far in the wrestling business.


Mashashi Urogataya: The latest graduate from the PGHW dojo, and like many that have graduated from there is a technically solid middllweight in strong physical shape. PGHW feel that he is ready enough to by-pass development in SAISHO and have already called him up to their main roster.


Morgan Malone: A graduate of the 4C Combat Academy, at this stage Malone is an all rounder but many feel that is because he just hasn't found what type of wrestler he wants to become yet. Still very green at this stage the 18 year old, still needs alot of developing to do (both in terms of wrestling skill and physical development) but 4C must feel that it is better for him to experience working real matches than being stuck in their Combat Academy.


Remmy Honeyman: Has built up a reputation as a solid unselfish performer working small exhibition shows and now it appears that some of the larger independents have begun to cast an eye over this solid all rounder. General feeling is that he is someone who never break out as a 'star' but could be a solid addition to many promotions as a dependable lower card prescence.





In great news there was no major injuries to report of this month across the wrestling world.


Worker Retirements


Dan Stone: After handing over full ownership of NOTBPW to his daughter Victoria, Dan Stone fully retires from the wrestling business at the Age of 66. His in-ring career saw him become one of the most decorated and well respected figures in North American wrestling, a seven time champion it was however with the CWF for whom he won their championship three times that he will be most fondly remembered wrestling inside the squared circle for. in 1985 Dan Stone formed the break-away NOTBPW promotion, that put even more emphasis on strong in-ring competion than the CWF, a reputation it has up held to this day. Retiring from in-ring competition five years later, Stone senior then went on to see his talented off-spring grow to become great wrestlers themselves during the 90's and beyond and become true wrestling pioneers just like their father the two decades prior.


Mephisto: The legendary Mexican Rudo has announced his full retirement from the wrestling business. Mephisto was one of lucha libre's biggest names during the 1960's and 1970's and though he never won a title, this was during the time become title belts were truly introduced into Lucha Libre and he his reputation was built upon the many masks he claimed from tecnico's making him one of the most feared rudo's of his era.


Whipper Spencer Marks: The Canadian wrestling legend formally announced his retirement from the wrestling business as the Age of 71. He is best known for being one half of the Calgary Wolverines Tag Team alongide George DeColt, where he would nearly always play the babyface in peril, before making the 'hot tag' to DeColt, something that has coined the well worn phrase in the business 'playing Spencer Marks' whenever this situation should occur in a Tag Team contest. Alongside DeColt he was a five time CWF National Tag Team champion, but he did also carve out a fine singles career for himself too either side of the Calgary Wolverines prominent era, for California Pro Wrestling in the early 70's he was a three time champion and in the lates 80's for the CWF he saw a revival as a singles performer in his own right, stepping outside of the shadow of his tag team partner to win the CWF National championship on two occassions.



Other News


Return of a Legend: Louis Figo Manico one of the biggest names in the history of European wrestling has announced his return to the sport after a three year hiatus. It will be interesting to see just where the former owner of the Ultimate Combat Ring promotion will decide to work, following such a lengthy time away.


Drugs Shame: Former OLLIE luchador DeCipher was caught with illegal steroids, after his car was stopped near the U.S Border in Tijuana. The amount on him, does not appear to be enough to land him in jail but it does appear that this will ruin DeCipher's chances of seeing a return to one of the name promotions in Mexico or anywhere elses for that matter.

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- 1st September 2010




Main Event (The Top Stars of BHOTWG)


Black Cobra (Canadian Darkness)




Affiliation: Black Heart Brethren

Hometown: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Age: 35/ Height: 180cm, Weight: 95 kg

Finishers: Alabaster Agony (Leg Hook Spinning Headscissors Arm Bar), Death By Cobra (Double Wrist Clutch Powerbomb), From Canada With Love (Swandive Headbutt), Stoneplex (Bridging Northern Lights Suplex), Stone Hold (Sharpshooter)


Press Release: Black Cobra was a constant threat for the Burning Junior Championship title on the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour, though the prize he covets so much still eludes him. The Best of the Super Juniors Cup saw him almost complete a perfect tournament until he fell at the last hurdle to Elemental III for whom he had gotten the better of previously throughout the tour in a series of increasingly fantastic matches between the two Junior Heavyweight stars. Known for his arrogance and often disrespectful attitude towards his opponents, Cobra showed signs of a change in character when he did show respect to Elemental III after his defeat following their epic encounter for the Best of the Super Juniors Cup.


Onodera's viewpoint: Duane Stone as Black Cobra continues to be one of our most consistent and impressive performers, the matches with Elemental III were of course one of the true highlights of the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour but everytime Stone puts on the Cobra mask and steps into the ring, he elevates the quality of whichever match he is.




Hiroaki Nakasawa (The H-Bomb, The Leader of the Sekigun)




Affiliation: Burning Sekigun

Hometown: Yokohama, Kanto

Age: 33/ Height: 196cm, Weight: 134 kg

Finishers: Compression Powerbomb (Scoop Lift Powerbomb), H-Bomb (Crucifix Powerbomb), H-Sault (Moonsault), Nakasawa Neckbreaker (Inverted Swinging Neckbreaker), Sudden Impact Lariat (Turnaround Short Range Lariat), Super H-Bomb (Crucifix Superbomb). Figure Four Leglock


Press Release: Hiroaki Nakasawa continues to stand tall as the BHOTWG World Champion, as he made six further successful defences of the most coveted prize in puroresu against four different challengers. However he still hasn't faced the King of Fighters Tadiyuki Kikkawa and questions will remain if he is the true ace of BHOTWG until those two face one another.


Onodera's viewpoint: Naksawa-san continues to do a fine job in his second run as the World Champion, showing that he has fully evolved into one of the aces of Burning Hammer. Of course the showdown everyone wants to see his with Kikkawa-san but we purposely held back on not making it happen on the last tour, without giving anything away...perhaps the time is right to pull the trigger on that showdown in the second tour of 2010?




Kinnojo Horri (Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer)




Affiliation: Burning Sekigun

Hometown: Chiba, Kanto

Age: 29 /Height: 198cm, Weight: 138 kg

Finishers: Burning Lariat (Explosive Short Arm Lariat), Destiny Bomb (Gutwrench Powerbomb), Fierce Spinebuster (High Angle Spinebuster), Horri Spinebuster (Sitout Spinebuster), Hurricane Spinebuster (Spinning Spinebuster)


Press Release: Kinnojo Horri continues to be one of the top wrestlers on the BHOTWG roster and a consistent contender for the Burning World Championship but just how much longer is he prepared to pay second fiddle to Hiroaki Nakasawa in the Burning Sekigun. Those feelings came to a head during Kinnojo Horri's unsuccesful attempt to dethrone Nakasawa as World Champion, though their differences were put aside after that and the Sekigun finished the tour strong and united with Nakasawa and Horri at the helm.


The Burn, Don't Freeze Tour also saw Horri unsuccesfully challenge Tadiyuki Kikkawa for the King of Fighters Championship and one has to wonder just how far Kinnojo Horri is prepared to go to claim either prize from his ally Nakasawa or his long time foe Kikkawa.


Onodera's viewpoint: Horri-san may well be a little one dimensional compared to more rounded wrestlers such as Nakasawa-san but this does not mean I no longer see him as World Champion material, as he works the brawling/power style well and with talent around him can be carried to very good matches capable of headlining our shows.




Miyamae (The Viper)




Affiliation: Dragon Feet 2K9

Hometown: Kawasaki, Kanto

Regular Tag Team: The Rebellion (w/Shimedzu)

Age: 38 / Height: 185cm, Weight: 107 kg

Finishers: Glittering Magican (Shining Wizard), Miyamae Spoiler (Swinging Reverse STO), Rebel Stomp (Diving Double Stomp), Snake Charmer (Over the Shoulder single leg Boston Crab), Snake Poison (Anaconda Vice)


Press Release: After years of struggling to overcome the larger sized athletes of the BHOTWG Heavyweight Division, The Rebellion really begun to show that skill and ingenuity can overcome size and power. It may simply be down to experience but Miyamae-san and Shimedzu-san really pushed on this tour, not only recapturing the form, that has seen many fans dub them the best team in Burning Hammer History but also solidifying themselves as contenders for the World Championship, and though Miyamae has yet to earn the title shots his partner Shimedzu did, by the end of the Burn Don't Freeze Tour he had solidified his spot in the Contenders Circle as well as capturing the Burning World Tag Team Championship for a long overdue third time.


Onodera's viewpoint: One of my main intentions since I took on the book, was to push a better standard of in-ring performance amongst our heavyweight division...we had the talent there but my predecessors felt the need to push the kick, punch, power-move brigade, as they felt this is what the fans expected , this is what they 'knew' the fans would buy into. Of course the pushing of The Rebellion, two skilled 'middleweights' long under-pushed was paramount to my 'mini-revolution' in this sense and I feel gradually over the course of the previous tour I have managed to change the fans perceptions that smaller wrestlers can have what it takes to take down the big guys that there is no reason why someone like Miyamae cannot reach the summit of BHOTWG.




Sensational Dragon (He's not just good, he's Sensational!)




Affiliation: Dragon Feet 2K9

Hometown: Nara, Kinki

Age: 25 / Height: 175cm, Weight: 84 kg

Finishers: Dragon Slice (Shiranui), Dragon Suplex, Dragon's Cross (Tiger Feint Crucifix Arm Bar), Dragon's Fire (Corkscrew 630 Senton), Sensation Shock (Diving Frontflip hurricanrana pin).


Press Release: Sensational Dragon continued to make headlines on the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour both with his impressive in-ring performances and his permantly confident aura, something that truly came to the fore when he challenged Hiroaki Nakasawa for the World Championship after he had failed to succesfully defend the Best of the Super Juniors Cup he had won the previous year; and though Dragon failed in his bid to win the World Title, there is the feeling that he has sights set on being seen than more than one of the true greats of the Junior Division, something he has already stamped his mark on, as he closes in on a year long reign in his third run as Junior Champion.


Onodera's viewpoint: Despite the fact that the 'real' Sensational Dragon is pretty much one and the same as the persona he has when he steps inside the ring (he really does believe he is the greatest thing ever), I've not had any problems with Dragon-san. Sure he believes his own hype way too much, but when he steps inside the ring he performs and he does have the talent to back his bravado up, when that's the case it becomes alot more palatable to deal with someone like Dragon-san.




Shimedzu (Kamikaze Spirit)




Affiliation: Dragon Feet 2K9

Hometown: Kobe, Kinki

Regular Tag Team: The Rebellion (w/Miyamae)

Age: 39/Height: 183cm , Weight: 105 kg

Finishers: A-KO Arrow (Slingshot Falcon Arrow), Life Flasher (Rebound Running Boot), Revolution Drop (Twisting Inverted Brainbuster), Insurrexion Device (Guillotine Choke)Shimedzu Skull Drop (Spike Brainbuster), Total Anarchy (Moonsault Side Slam)


Press Release: In 2010 Shimedzu has shown at the Age of 39, that it's not too late to have breakout year, always seen as a fine tag competitor and a solid midcard prescence who didn't quite have what it takes to compete for the World Championship, Shimedzu elevated his game to become a true competitor for the top prize in Puroresu and though he was unsuccesful in two attempts to win the Burning World Championship his performances on those matches saw him establish himself amongst the elite of BHOTWG. Such performances also seemed to inspire and motivate his long term tag team partner Miyamae to also raise his game and though they seemed to have their sights on singles glory, this renewed confidence helped them to also rediscover their form as a Tag Team and at Inferno of Purity they captured their third World Tag Team Championship together.


Onodera's viewpoint: Because of the way Shimedzu-san's career is linked so heavily with that of his long time tag team partner Miyamae-san, what I said about Miyamae-san , the same very much applies here for Shimedzu-san.




Tadiyuki Kikkawa (The King of Fighters)




Affiliation: INSPIRE

Hometown: Osaka, Kinki

Age: 38/ Height: 196cm, Weight: 134 kg

Finishers: Burning Lariat (Explosive Short Arm Lariat), Incendiary Tower (Vertical Suplex Powerbomb),Kikkawa Driver (Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver ), Kikkawa Lariat (Running Lariat) , Kikkawa Death Choke (Straight Jacket Hold)


Press Release: Like Hiroaki Nakasawa with the World Championship, Tadiyuki Kikkawa has appeared unbeatable in the defence of 'his' King of Fighters Championship, the belt he had brought over on his return to BHOTWG, after he had folded the break away INSPIRE promotion. Unsatsifed at the challengers put forth to him by BHOTWG match makers, Kikkawa put 'his' belt on the line on a series of open challenges towards the end of the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour and though their were some brave challenges from the likes of Eiji Hamacho and his Team INSPIRE stable mate Masaaki Okazaki, no one was able to knock the 'King' off his throne.


However many fans will be craving for a long awaited showdown with Hiroaki Nakasawa, and should Kikkawa continue to avoid the World Champion in singles competition one will wonder if the 'King of Fighters' is in fact afraid of the one man, many feel could get the better of the seemingly unstoppable leader of Team INSPIRE.


Onodera's viewpoint: I still feel that I am still in a battle to win the respect of Kikkawa-san and it will take some time to do so, but to his credit he is a consumate professional whenever he steps into the ring, and he has continued to perform and bring great performances since his return to BHOTWG. In that case I can only applaud and respect him for not being one to 'cut off his nose, to spite his face' so to speak, I just hope that in time I will win fully win his respect for the job I am doing as head booker.




Tasuko Iesada (Dangerous)




Affiliation: INSPIRE

Hometown: Kanazawa, Chubu

Age: 36 Current Push: Main Eventer

Height: 185cm , Weight: 110 kg

Finishers: Iesada Bridge (Bridging Northern Lights Suplex), Iesada Lockdown (Cross Legged Bridging Pin), Iesada Special (Bridging Cross Arm Breaker), Iesada Special II (Northern Lights Suplex floated into a Cross Arm Breaker), Iesada Special III (Victory Roll transitioned into a Cross Arm Breaker).


Press Release: Tasuku Iesada came into the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour brimming with confidence after winning the 2009 edition of the annual Super-10 cup tournament in December. However after two failed attemps at winning the World Championship and a recent loss to Shimedzu in the contenders circle, it appears that Iesada's attempts to claim the top prize in Puroresu are slipping away, something that has not gone un-noticed by his Team INSPIRE leader Tadyiuki Kikkawa. Questions heading into the next tour for Iesada-san, is can he re-establish himself as the top contender for the World Championship and at the same time win back the respect of his long time ally Kikkawa.


Onodera's viewpoint: Iesada-san who I took over the heading booking position from, of course has been alot more understanding over the situation, as he wanted to step down in the first place as he wasn't comfortable with being pushed so strongly whilst he had the book. In truth his push has kind of stalled, but it has stalled near the top and he's simply stuck where he is right now, because I wanted both Kikkawa and Nakasawa to remain looking virtually unbeatable during the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour. Iesada-san however remains a valued member of the main event scene, and alongside the revitalised Rebellion, he is leading the way for 'smaller' wrestlers to be taken seriously as legitimate contenders for the Burning World Championship.

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Upper Mid Card

(On the cusp of greatness or gatekeepers to the main event)



Elemental III (The Third Generation Icon)




Affiliation: Burning Sekigun

Hometown: Takamatsu, Shikoku

Regular Tag Team: Your New Heroes (w/Marihito Masuko)

Age: 23/ Height: 178cm, Weight: 88 kg

Finishers: Earth Breaker (Double Underhook Powerbomb), Elemental Clutch (Koji Clutch), Elemental Suplex (Double Arm German Suplex), Inferno Splash (Corkscrew 450 Splash), Ankle Holdo (Ankle Lock)


Press Release: The Burn Don't Freeze Tour will be best remembered by Elemental III for a series of great matches with Black Cobra. Throughout Cobra had got the better of the 'Third Generation Icon' until they met in the finals of the Best of the Super Juniors, where Elemental III finally bested his rival in a triumph that also appeared to win the respect of Cobra. The Third Generation Icon now has a Junior Championship title shot reserved for Night of the Burning Hammer and he will he determined to claim the title for a second time, as he strives to match the legacy of his predecessors.


Onodera's viewpoint: Elemental III still isn't quite up to the levels of either Elemental I or II, but to be honest it took II a few years to be talked about in the same breath as the original Elemental amongst Burning Hammer fans and III is still only 23 and has yet to reach his peak. At this stage III is a very good Super Junior, who actually in the opposite of Dragon actually needs to believe in himself more, because he does have the talent and he has talent around him to help nuture that and help him reach the levels of his predecessor who wore the revered Elemental hood.




Golden Scorpion (The Gold and Black Attack)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion-1.jpg http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BHOTWGJrTag1.jpg


Affiliation: Black Heart Brethren

Hometown: Obihiro, Hokkaido

Regular Tag Team: Black Heart Flying Squadron (w/The Awesome Kiyaru)

Age: 34/ Height: 183cm, Weight: 90 kg

Finishers: Brainbuster, Aneurysm Brainbuster (Turnbuckle Brainbuster), Golden Shot (Slingshot/Springboard Leg Drop), Scorpion Stinger (Leg Trap Sunset Flip Powerbomb), Scorpion Death Lock (Sharpshooter)


Press Release: The Burn Don't Freeze Tour was a good one for Golden Scorpion, as the 'Gold and Black Attack' claimed Junior Tag Team gold alongside The Awesome Kiyaru, as the Black Heart Flying Squadron dethroned Your New Heroes at Fire Dream of the Immortals and the BHB pair still carry the belts into the new tour.


On the singles front Scorpion was still struggling to establish himself as a true contender for the Junior Championship during much of the tour but had a 'breakthrough' month during the Best of the Super Juniors Cup, where he was the 'surprise package' in his Block to reach the semi finals. Scorpion of course has been on the cusp of breaking through many times before only to fall back into the pack again, so this remains to be seen is this another false dawn or if Scorpion can build on an impressive run in the Best of the Super Juniors.


Onodera's viewpoint: Already in his mid thirties it's really now or never for Scorpion to truly establish himself as one of the top Super Juniors in BHOTWG, and he has the skills to reach the top, only thing stopping him is all the talent around him and that has always seemed to be what has held Scorpion back, there always seems to be a better option, at least I found that to be the case. I was very tempted for Scorpion to win the cup this year and finally get that big singles triumph, but then the Cobra-Elemental matches happened and the Scorpion triumph was tweaked to Scorpion simply having a good run in the cup.




John Pathlow(Rapid Fire)




Affiliation: Team INSPIRE

Hometown: Brooklyn, New York, USA

Age: 31 /Height: 180cm, Weight: 100 kg

Finishers: Apocalyse Lariat (Rebound Pendulum Lariat), Blunt Force Trauma (Running Leaping Side Kick), Heart Compactor (Diving Double Knee Drop) Kill-Drill (Double Underhook Piledriver), Kimura Lock


Press Release: The gaijin 'outsider' John Pathlow came in BHOTWG and immediately put the rest of Burning Hammer not just the Junior Division on notice with his hard hitting style. It certainly caught the eye of Tadiyuki Kikkawa who brought Pathlow into Team INSPIRE, as the man to bring the Junior Championship to them. One man not too happy about that was Mike Watson, but Watson lost his place in INSPIRE as Pathlow beat the 'Calgary Assassin' to cement his place in INSPIRE.


However Pathlow has failed to deliver what Kikkawa set him to do, and that is to win the Junior Championship, add to the fact that Pathlow blew a commanding position in the Block Stage of the Best of the Super Juniors and it appears Kikkawa's patience is beginning to wear thin with his chosen man in the Junior Division. Can Pathlow repay the faith shown in him by Kikkawa or will he continue to fail to deliver when the pressure is on for him to do so?


Onodera's Viewpoint: We actually share Pathlow-san with WLW (something we have to adhere to due to our non aggressive working relationship with them), where he is still enjoying a strong push as his Hell Monkey alter ego. He does however seem to be able to take the gruelling schedule in his stride and his between his work with us and WLW remains a reasonably high level of popularity. There is of course the feeling that if we did not share him, he would receive an even stronger push, because as one of the larger Junior Heavyweights on the roster, the fans can instantly buy into him as a dominant force but as we do share him, we remain somewhat tentative in pushing him above and beyond those secured to written deals.




Marihito Masuko(The Painted Wonder)




Affiliation: Burning Sekigun

Hometown: Naha, Okinawa

Regular Tag Team: Your New Heroes (w/Elemental III)

Age: 28/ Height: 165cm, Weight: 75 kg

Finishers: Into The White (Springboard Bulldog), Masuko Cradle (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex), Masuko Cradle Shock (Swinging Leg Hook Fireman's Carry Slam), Pink Dream (Straight Jacket Triangle Choke- usually transitioned from a headscissors takedown), Pink Dust (Double Jump Moonsault)


Press Release: Alongside Elemental III, Marihito Masuko lost the Junior Tag Team titles early in the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour to the Black Heart Flying Squadron. After that the 'Painted Wonder' turned his attention to capturing the Junior Championship for a third time, but failed in three attempts to unseat his long time rival Sensational Dragon as champion. The Best of the Super Juniors cup, saw him put up a strong showing but one not strong enough as he was pipped for a place in the semi finals by his tag partner Elemental III.


Can Marihito Masuko climb the summit once more to Junior Division glory or will 2010 end in disappointment for the 'Painted Wonder'?


Onodera's viewpoint: One has to wonder just how far Masuko-san would have got in his career without developing a unique look and a memorable character built upon a charismatic mystique. Don't get me wrong, Masuko-san is a talent and I'm sure that in time he would have won the Junior Championship during his career but would he already be as decorated as he already is, without the Masuko 'brand' having catched on with the BHOTWG fans pretty much insantaneously from when he made his debut.




Masaaki Okazaki (No Mercy)




Hometown: Tokyo, Kanto

Age: 40 /Height: 188cm, Weight: 110 kg

Finishers: Angular Arm Bar (Grounded Arm Bar), Century Crab Lift (Leglock Cloverleaf), Okazaki Explosion (Wrist Clutch Exploder Suplex), Okazaki Kick Barrage (Shoot Kick flurry on a seated or kneeling opponent)


Press Release: The Burn, Don't Freeze Tour was a troublesome one for Masaaki Okazaki as 'No Mercy' lost his position in the contenders circle and then faced increasing critcism from his Team INSPIRE leader Tadiyuki Kikkawa when he failed to win it back...this came to a head when Okazaki challenged Kikkawa for the King of Fighters belt at Inferno of Purity with his Team INSPIRE membership on the line.


Okazaki failed to defeat Kikkawa and now find's himself out of Team INSPIRE. Will 'No Mercy' continue to spiral downwards or will he re-group and become motivated by a sense to prove his former leader wrong.


Onodera's viewpoint: Within Team INSPIRE Okazaki-san was always pushed a the number three behind Kikkawa-san and Iesada-san, so whilst he has been de-pushed a little on the previous tour, I think going forward he has the chance to become more than just Kikkawa's lackey.




Tadakuni Toshusai(Wild Charisma)




Affiliation: Burning Sekigun

Hometown: Morioka, Tohoku

Regular Tag Team: Wild Fire (w/Takayuki Onodera)

Age: 28 /Height: 193cm, Weight: 127 kg

Finishers: Shock Driller (Double Underhook Piledriver), Shock Kick (Bicycle Kick), Shock Treatment (Double Underhook Backbreaker), Spine Shocker (Spinebuster)


Press Release: 'Wild Charisma' established himself as someone who will make a real impact in Burning Hammer, perhaps sooner rather than later. Alongside Takayuki Onodera he formed the 'Wild Fire' Tag Team as they established themselves amongst the top contenders for the World Tag Team Championship, however they were unable to dethrone Black Magic in a series of intense matches between the warring tandems. However 'Wild Charisma' did manage to beat Yasuhiko Taira to force his way into the World Championship contenders circle.


Toshusai-san will be looking to build upon his increasing stature within BHOTWG and in his own unique way had vowed to win a championship by the end of the year, be it singles or Tag Team gold, can 'Wild Charisma' deliver on such a promise?


Onodera's viewpoint: My now regular Tag Team partner, Toshusai-san is far and away not amongst the best in-ring performers on the roster but what he does have going for him is bucket loads of charisma, which means that he draws the fans into his matches with his 'crazy man' character. The jury is very much still out on him as a top singles performer and in all honesty he still needs a quality opponent in the ring with him to be carried to a good match. It's in the Tag Team setting that Toshusai-san excels in more and he is capable of doing a great job of being both the face in peril or the 'house on fire' saviour.





Takayuki Onodera(Iron Man)




Affiliation: Burning Sekigun

Hometown: Nishinomiya, Kinki

Regular Tag Team: Wild Fire (w/Tadakuni Toshusai)

Age: 29/Height: 188cm, Weight: 109 kg

Finishers: Call The Doctor (Invereted Facelock lifted Scoop Slam Piledriver), End Of You (Rolling Elbow to the Back of the Head), LRC (Arm Trap Crossface), O2 Suplex (Bridging German Suplex).


Press Release: Unable to break into the Contenders Circle for the World Championship, 'Iron Man' Takayuki Onodera set his sights on Tag Team glory, forming the increasingly popular 'Wild Fire' team with Tadakuni Toshusai. The 'chalk and cheese' duo engaged in a series of intense matches with Black Magic but were unable to get the better of the dominant heavweight pair, in their pursuit of the World Tag Team Titles.


Onodera's viewpoint: From an in-ring point of view, I think I have had a pretty good tour without feeling like I have over-pushed myself/abused my position at the expense of others. The team with Toshusai-san has been a fruitful one, and it's more about helping to get him/the team over more than myself. Toshusai-san is the one makes the fans care about Wild Fire, I'm just there to provide the steak to his sizzle.




The Awesome Kiyaru (The Dark Enigma)




Affiliation: Black Heart Brethren

Hometown: Miyazaki, Kyushu

Regular Tag Team: Black Heart Flying Squadron (w/Golden Scorpion)

Age: 39/ Height: 178cm, Weight: 82 kg

Finishers: Ethereal Killer (Springboard Shooting Star Press), Instant Wizard (Feint Moonsault into a Standing Moonsault), Kiyaru Effect (Forward Somersault Stunner), Lord of the Ring (Twisting Springboard Tornado DDT), Magic Cloud (Imploding 450 Splash).


Press Release: The Burn, Don't Freeze Tour was a pretty good one for the long time Junior Division mainstay. Alongside Golden Scorpion, Kiyaru captured the Junior Tag Team Titles at Inferno of Purity, and the tandem known as the Black Heart Flying Squadron have looked dominant in their third run with their belts.


Kiyaru who has a special relationship with the Best of the Super Juniors tournament, having won it three times in a row between 2001-2003 once again had an impressive showing in the tournament, but fell to defeat in the semi finals to eventual winner Elemental III after topping his block.


Despite approaching 40, The Awesome Kiyaru looks in no sign of slowing down and the 'Dark Enigma' remains amongst the top talents in BHOTWG's ultra competitive Junior Division.


Onodera's viewpoint: Despite younger talent coming through, as part of something of a gradual 'youth movement' in the Junior Division over recent years, Kiyaru-san maintains a position amongst the top tier of BHOTWG Super Juniors, and he deserves to do so, not on his impressive past reputation but because he can still perform as well as he has ever has over the years and at this moment in time he shows no signs of dropping off in terms of still being able to perform at the highest level.





Yasuhiko Taira (The Bulldozer)




Affiliation: Black Heart Brethren

Hometown: Maebashi, Kanto

Regular Tag Team: Black Magic (w/Yasunobu Masuno)

Age: 32 /Height: 201cm, Weight: 145 kg

Finishers: Samson Slam (Pumphandle Fallaway Slam), The Flattener (Running Clothesline into the corner), Typhoon Suplex (Rotating Vertical Suplex), Wrecking Ball (Muscle Buster)


Press Release: Winning the World Tag Team championship for a second time alongside Yasunobu Masuno from The Behemoths at Fire Dream of the Immortals, former World Champion Yasuhiko Taira held one half of those belts for much of the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour, until Black Magic were toppled at Inferno of Purity in by The Rebellion in a three way match that also included the team they had feuded most prominently with Wild Fire and though Black Magic generally got the better of the Burning Sekigun pair , Taira did fall to defeat to Toshusai in singles action, costing him his place in the contenders circle for the World Championship.


Will Black Magic try and win the World Tag Team Titles back or will 'The Bulldozewr' have a renewed focus on trying to become World Champion for a second time.


Onodera's viewpoint: I'm still not high enough on Taira-san to push him to where he was a few years back, but he has improved enough over the years and is continuing to make little improvements for him to maintain a reasonably high position on the roster and not to be de-pushed too far. In fact Masuno-san and he, did a decent job as World Tag Team champions and were the only pair that the fans could really buy into toppling The Behemoths (prior to that teams major de-push) and then falling to defeat to the smaller but quicker and smarter Rebellion.




Yasunobu Masuno(The Hammer)




Affiliation: Black Heart Brethren

Hometown: Sapporo, Hokkaido

Regular Tag Team: Black Magic (w/Yasuhiko Taira)

Age: 27 /Height: 198cm, Weight: 150 kg

Finishers: Avalanche Powerbomb (Elevated Powerbomb), Blast Test (Vertical Suplex Side Slam), Day of Rackening (Argentine Backbreaker Rack), Masuno Deep Sleeper (Arm Hook Sleeper), Magic K.O (Rolling Elbow- often done with a loaded elbow pad)


Press Release: Winning the World Tag Team championship for a second time alongside Yasuhiko Taira from The Behemoths at Fire Dream of the Immortals, Yasunobu Masuno held one half of those belts for much of the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour, until Black Magic were toppled at Inferno of Purity in by The Rebellion in a three way match that also included the team they had feuded most prominently with Wild Fire. Maintaining Black Magic''s postion atop the Tag ranks in BHOTWG was the main focus for 'The Hammer' throughout the tour, after he had lost his contenders circle spot to one of the men that he would eventually lose the Tag gold to, Shimedzu.


Will Masuno continue to strive for Tag Team glory alongside Taira, or will 'The Hammer' attempt to step out of his partners shadow and push himself back into the contention for the Burning World Championship.


Onodera's viewpoint: Five years younger than his tag team partner, Masuno-san still has the potential to grow into a really great competitor. It was about this time that Taira san's push towards out right stardom was triggered, but I feel we should learn from that mistake with Masuno-san and I feel in the long run, by holding back on such a major push could make for a more capable performer in the long run and perhaps one capable of helping to carry BHOTWG once the Kikkawa generation are no longer able to perform to their best.

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