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MAW... dealing with Jay

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My first job in the wrestling business was nothing more than setting a small ring inside Stanley Hall once a month for a small time promotion called Mid Atlantic Wrestling. I started this job back in 2005 for 25 bucks a night. Why did I agree to work for so little you ask, well part of it was because I just wanted to break into the business, a bigger part of it however was the fact that I would be working with the legendary Rip Chord. Rip was a great mentor and really took the time to know each and every one of his employees, even the ones who did nothing more than set up the ring. I told Rip about my ambition to break into the backstage area of the business because I knew I wasn’t cut out to be a wrestler. Rip encourage me to keep doing what I was doing and to never lose sight of my dreams.


By 2007 I was in charge of all things production in MAW. Of course we didn’t have any TV deals so it was mostly just being in charge of the ring setup, lighting, PA system, and the single camera that was used to shoot our DVD footage. I started to develop a sort of relationship with Rip, the kind that a kid would have with his Grandfather. I would bounce occasional storyline ideas off of Rip and he would always come back with asking me about college and any serious relationships I was in. There were a few times however that Rip would use the storylines I suggested, and while this was never acknowledge by Rip or anyone, it was always a bit more satisfying to know that a legend such as Rip Chord thought my ideas had merit.


In 2010 I got the shock of my life, for two year now Jean Cattley had been talking about giving up the book so he could focus strictly on wrestling. Since the day he made the announcement everyone knew that Marv Earnest was going to get the job. Marv had a great mind for the business and was always in the discussion a new promotion was looking for a booker. However, when Rip finally chose someone to start working under Jean to make the clean handoff in 2011 the entire locker room was in a state of shock when it was announced that I would be the one working under Jean not Marv.

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My first official meeting with Rip and Jean came on January 2010 inside of a make shift booking room that consisted of three chairs, a small fold out table, and a dry erase board that looked like it had seen its share of better days.


“Alright kid this is the place where all the magic happens.” I looked around the room again slowly thinking that I had somehow missed something, but no, this place didn’t look like it had seen any “magic” in years.


“Your position is quite simple; Jean here is going to be in charge of all the booking, he and I have the final say. If there is a storyline you want ran, or a wrestler you want pushed it comes through us first, got it?”


“Yes sir, but I have to ask, why me? I mean I’m honored, but I always thought Marv…”


“Look kid the truth is you have a lot of potential. I’ve used a few of the ideas you have had over the years, and didn’t completely hate the ones I didn’t use. You have a lot of heart and that’s important at a place like this. Above all, you still think like a fan, Marv thinks strictly on a political level and any decisions he would make would be bias, I don’t have to worry about that with you.”


A felt a since of pride come over me, and I knew that I was going to be able to succeed, after all Rip freakin Chord believed I could do it.


“We will meet back here in exactly 2 weeks to go over the Rip Chord Invitational. In the mean time Kid I’ll show you your new office and I’m sure Jean here will help you get accustomed to anything you need in the mean time.”


Jean nodded and Rip cast me a fatherly smile. As I left the office I couldn’t believe it, I was finally living the dream.

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The day before my meeting with Rip and Jean I had an interesting run in with Jay Chord, before this I had never really dealt with Jay before. I had always heard the rumors that he was a handful to work with, but I’d never experienced it first hand, plus he was always fun to watch in the ring.


“So I hear that you’re going to be getting the book next year, after that fool Cattley finally steps down. You see like you have potential in this business, so I just wanted to let you know that you have my support.”


“Look Jay I know what you’re trying to do, and it’s not going to work. I already told Rip that I wouldn’t play favorites and I meant it.” Jay’s face immediately turned three different shades of red. I was really proud of myself for standing up to the problem child this early on. Unfortunately this wasn’t his first encounter with someone like me.


“Look Kid, I’m going to make this simple for you. Right now you work for my old man and that’s great, but let’s faces it his health is getting worse every day and in all actuality by this time next year I’ll have the reigns to this company not him, so you may just want to think about that before making some kind of decision.” With that Jay gave me a ****y smile, patted me on the arm then jogged off completely happy with himself.



O.O.C. Alright guys one more post which I should have up in a couple hours, then I'll have the Rip Chord Invitational predictions up.

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The next day was my big meeting with Rip and Jean, I had a book full of notes that I had taken, and had already taken two stiff shots of Jack to calm my nerves. When I walked into the room Rip and Jean were already there small talking as if this was just another day. As the door closed behind me I felt beads of sweat forming on my forehead and I wished I still had that bottle Jack. Rip looked to me with a slight grin, then over to Jean.


“Glad you could join us Kid, Jean and I were just here tossing ideas back and forth on who should win the Invitational, and I think we have a clear cut winner.”


As I gathered y notes in front of me I felt my heart being torn out I had worked on these notes for hours, and a decision had already been made before I was even there?


“We have decided that Keith Vegas should win the Invitational, and then go on to feud with Jean here before finally wrapping up the year by beating American Patriot for the belt. How’s all that sound to you Kid?”


“Um… yeah that could work. I mean, Vegas is a bit green, but the Invitational is all about making new stars. So we could use that, maybe package him as the underdog who keeps winning through hard work and determination. Sell as it’s the size of your heart that matters not the size of your arms.”


Rip and Jean looked at one another then burst into such laughter that Rip was actually in tears.


“Jesus Kid, who damn senile do you really think I am, putting the belt on Vegas? That kid has a long way to go before he wins anything.”


“I’ll give you one thing though Kid, you spun it well, that’s important. I especially like the line about the size of the heart that matters.”


“Now let’s get down to business boys shall we? Jean and I were talking and decided on three possible winners for the Invitational; Jay, Findlay O’Farraday, and Cameron Vessey. What’s your thoughts on the three?”


I let out a long exhale there were a couple of different angles I could take on this, but in the back of my mind I kept reliving the conversation I had yesterday with Jay.


“Well, I could make compelling arguments for each competitor, one hand you have Jay. Here’s a kid that’s not only loaded with potential, but also has the last name of the owner, and let’s face it that’s going to hold a lot of weight for every fan watching. Looking at the big picture with Jay winning we can tease about a possible father son confrontation, or hell Rip if you’re feeling up to it perhaps even have a blow off match between the two of you.”


Rip couldn’t help but smile, I wasn’t sure if it was because of the ideas I was shooting out for his son, or because of the sheer talent he knows his offspring has. Jean just nodded and took down a couple of notes before I continued.


“On the other hand we have Cameron Vessey. Here’s another future great with loads of pedigree. We could always have him win, turn him face then feud him against a jealous Jay over who has the better family name.”


Rip wasn’t smiling and nodding on this suggestion but he did seem to be listening contently, I was hoping this meant I was gaining his trust, although I really wasn’t sure.


“Then last we have O’Farraday. To be honest the friendly giant gimmick isn’t my favorite, as I appreciate an evil giant much more. However, the fans seem to like him as a face so we could have him win, perhaps by DQ after Forthdyke-Hume and Ricky Douglas get involved in the match. That could setup a decent undercard feud that would bring both mean up the roster.”


Rip looked to Jean, who nodded, a clear sign that he was taking over the conversation, cleared his throat and smiled.


“It sounds like you’ve done your homework Kid; I like that. Everything you have said will be taken into careful consideration by myself and Rip, but please understand this is your first show and the biggest the year for us. I say that to say this, everything you have said has been outstanding, however the final decision will be mine and Rip’s alone…You understand.”


Of course I understood, although I was a little disappointed to not know the outcome of the event, but I took it in stride. I stood from the table shook hands with both men then headed back to my office to catch up on the latest happenings around the business.

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MAW Proudly Presents…

The Rip Chord Invitational

Live from Stanley Hall

Live Friday Week 4 January, 2010


Findlay O’Farraday


The Sensational Singh


Cameron Vessey


Darryl Devine


Roger Cage


Jay Chord


Ash Campbell


Ricky Douglas W/ Earnest Forthdyke-Hume




The Aces of Mayhem


Brett Starr and Casey Valentine


Keith Vegas


Jackpot Jordan


Mid Atlantic Championship Title Match:

American Patriot


Mean Jean Cattley


Quick Picks:


Findlay O’Farraday Vs. The Sensational Singh


Cameron Vessey Vs. Darryl Devine


Roger Cage Vs. Jay Chord


Ash Campbell Vs. Ricky Douglas W/ Earnest Forthdyke-Hume


The Aces of Mayhem Vs. Brett Starr and Casey Valentine


Keith Vegas Vs. Jackpot Jordan


American Patriot Vs. Mean Jean Cattley


Who Will Win the RCI:

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Findlay O’Farraday Vs. The Sensational Singh


Cameron Vessey Vs. Darryl Devine


Roger Cage Vs. Jay Chord


Ash Campbell Vs. Ricky Douglas W/ Earnest Forthdyke-Hume


The Aces of Mayhem Vs. Brett Starr and Casey Valentine


Keith Vegas Vs. Jackpot Jordan


American Patriot Vs. Mean Jean Cattley


Who Will Win the RCI: Jay Chord

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Findlay O’Farraday Vs. The Sensational Singh


Cameron Vessey Vs. Darryl Devine


Roger Cage Vs. Jay Chord


Ash Campbell Vs. Ricky Douglas W/ Earnest Forthdyke-Hume


The Aces of Mayhem Vs. Brett Starr and Casey Valentine


Keith Vegas Vs. Jackpot Jordan


American Patriot Vs. Mean Jean Cattley


Who Will Win the RCI: Jay Chord

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Findlay O’Farraday Vs. The Sensational Singh


Cameron Vessey Vs. Darryl Devine


Roger Cage Vs. Jay Chord


Ash Campbell Vs. Ricky Douglas W/ Earnest Forthdyke-Hume


The Aces of Mayhem Vs. Brett Starr and Casey Valentine


Keith Vegas Vs. Jackpot Jordan


American Patriot Vs. Mean Jean Cattley


Who Will Win the RCI: Darryl Devine

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MAW Proudly Presents…

The Rip Chord Invitational

Live from Stanley Hall

Attendance: 114

Announcers: Marvin Earnest and Duke Hazzard



The show opens up with Rip Chord thanking everyone for coming out to Stanley Hall. He goes on to say that this is going to be the best Invitational yet and he hopes everyone enjoys it.


Rip: “Hello and welcome to the fifth annual Rip Chord Invitational!!!”


(Cheap heat from the crowd that Rip greets with open arms…literally.)


Rip: “Tonight we are going to bring you the very best from all over America. We have competitors from CZCW, PSW, FCW, NYCW, USPW, and of course MAW all competing for the most prestigious tournament title in America. So sit back relax and prepare for one hell of a night!”


(The fans pop one more time for Rip as he exits the ring with a huge smile on his face.)

Rating: C-


Quarter Finals Match:

Findlay O’Farraday Vs. The Sensational Singh


In the opening match we have the friendly neighborhood giant taking on a rising star from FCW. Singh tried to use his speed to his advantage early on attempting to stick and move. The tactics didn’t work for long on O’Farraday, because once he got a hold of the much smaller Singh he use his massive size and strength to pummel Singh and score the victory.


In an extremely short match, Findlay O'Farraday defeated The Sensational Singh in 5:18 by pinfall with an Atomic Spinebuster

Rating: D



Quarter Finals Match:

Cameron Vessey Vs. Darryl Devine


Cameron Vessey made his way to the ring with his posse Jay Chord, Brett Starr, and Casey Valentine. This made for complete chaos almost from the start as the ref had to try and get a handle on not only the in ring action, but also on the men outside the ring just waiting to pounce. They would get their chance midway through the match as Vessey tossed Devine to the outside and while Starr and Valentine distracted the ref Vessey and Chord made easy work of Devine.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Cameron Vessey defeated Darryl Devine in 9:42 by pinfall with a Vessey Driver following interference from Jay Chord.

Rating: D+



Quarter Finals Match:

Roger Cage Vs. Jay Chord


Jay came to the match alone feeling more than confident about his match. This almost cost Chord dearly as Cage shows just how improved he has gotten. Cage started the match off on fire hitting Chord with hard lefts and rights before starting to work on the right arm of Chord. It looked as though Cage was going to completely dominate the match until Chord was able to rake his eyes and get the upper hand. From there Jay proved to be the son of his father showing solid technical wrestling before putting Cage away for good.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jay Chord defeated Roger Cage in 8:27 by pinfall.

Rating: D+



Quarter Finals Match:

Ash Campbell Vs. Ricky Douglas W/ Earnest Forthdyke-Hume


Ash Campbell is a worker who doesn’t seem to be anything like his father and he came into this match looking rather weak. Douglas dominated the match early on keeping Campbell on his back while he worked on his lower body. However, Douglas would make a fatal mistake as he attempted to suplex Campbell, but Campbell was able to reverse it then hit the top rope to stun Douglas.


In an extremely short match, Ash Campbell defeated Ricky Douglas in 5:09 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press.

Rating: E+



The Aces of Mayhem Vs. Brett Starr and Casey Valentine


We take a break from the tournament next to focus on the tag team division where Starr and Valentine look to prove they are just as an important part to The Succession as Jay and Cameron. This proved to be much more difficult for the team than they expected as Youngblood and Mayhem really seemed to click as a team. Ace tossed Valentine into the corner where Mayhem was waiting and sent a vicious kick to the head of him. Starr and Valentine would eventually get the upper hand however after a missed top rope splash from Mayhem. From there it looked like all was lost for The Aces of Mayhem, but they refused to quit and eventually another opening occurred for them and this time they would capitalize and not look back.


The Aces Of Mayhem defeated Brett Starr and Casey Valentine in 4:39 when Ace Youngblood defeated Brett Starr by pinfall with a Flying Tomahawk Chop.

Rating: D-



Semi-Finals Match:

Cameron Vessey Vs. Findlay O’Farraday


We get back to the tournament now as O’Farraday the friendly giant is back and this time facing a very tough Cameron Vessey. Vessey made the fatal error early on thinking he could match strength with the big man, a decision that baffled everyone. Needless to say O’Farraday was able to send Vessey sailing across the ring with a single blow and Vessey was never able to recover.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Findlay O'Farraday defeated Cameron Vessey in 6:01 by pinfall with an Atomic Spinebuster.

Rating: D+



Semi-Finals Match:

Jay Chord Vs. Ash Campbell


Jay decided to bring his tag team partner Brett Starr to the ring with him tonight as backup against Campbell. This match was better than expected as Campbell decided to bring his ‘A’ game for this match. He and Chord started the match off going toe to toe with neither competitor wanting to back down. Eventually it was Chord who got the upper hand and he sent Campbell flying into the corner. Campbell would answer right back however with a dropkick out of nowhere that would catch Jay square on the chin. From there these two continued to go back and forth until Jay hit a bell to back followed by a handful of tights to take the win.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jay Chord defeated Ash Campbell in 9:32 by pinfall with a handful of tights.

Rating: D-



Keith Vegas Vs. Jackpot Jordan


We take another break from tournament action to feature the newest member of the MAW family Keith Vegas. Vegas is a kid who’s signing baffled a lot of people, but Rip was convinced he had potential. Vegas showed a fair amount of offense in this contest and while he didn’t look amazing, he also didn’t look horrible. There may be hope for this kid after all.


In an extremely short match, Jackpot Jordan defeated Keith Vegas in 4:05 by pinfall with a Cash In.

Rating: E



A video is played next showing the path O’Farraday and Chord took to get here.

Rating: E-



Rip Chord Invitational Finals Match:

Findlay O’Farraday Vs. Jay Chord


Just before the match it was announced that the other members of The Succession must stay in the back for this match, needless to say Jay wasn’t very happy about that. The match itself was still a great one though and it really showcased the talents of Jay Chord. O’Farraday used his basic rumble skills to keep himself in the match and he nearly had Jay beat on more than one occasion, but each time Jay was somehow able to overcome it. However, after all of that it was actually the interference of Ricky Douglas on O’Farraday that made the difference.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jay Chord defeated Findlay O'Farraday in 9:27 by pinfall with a Cradle Piledriver following interference from Ricky Douglas. Jay Chord wins the Rip Chord Invitational Challenge title.

Rating: D



After the match Rip made his way down to present his son with the trophy.


Rip: “Son today was suppose to be a day of celebration, a day where we named the greatest wrestler in the world, but instead you turned this whole damn tournament upside down!”


Jay: “I did what I had to do to win, isn’t that what you always say dad?”


Rip: “I knew that one day you would in this tournament, and I envisioned it being the proudest moment of my life, but you took that away from me by cheating to win.”


Jay: “Tonight was all about me old man, Jay Chord! Now shut up and give me my damn trophy!”


(The crowd boo and hiss at Jay as Rip flips him the trophy then leaves the ring shaking his head and refusing to do a formal presentation.)

Rating: D



Mid Atlantic Championship Title Match:

American Patriot Vs. Mean Jean Cattley


This was the match everyone was waiting for, and it didn’t disappoint. Jean plays the heel to perfection cheating at every opportunity to the point where he should be disqualified but isn’t. Meanwhile our champion American Patriot showed his true Americanism by continuing to fight even when it looked like all hope was lost. Jean would go for a mood swing to try and end things, but the Patriot somehow managed to reverse it into a backdrop driver to score the victory.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, American Patriot defeated Mean Jean Cattley in 13:10 by pinfall with a Backdrop Driver. American Patriot makes defence number 1 of his Mid Atlantic Championship title.

Rating: D+



After the match American Patriot celebrates his victory with the crowd.

Rating: E-



Final Rating: D

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Not more than thirty minutes after the Invitational was over I was in my office jotting down notes for the next show when the door was pushed open. I didn’t even have to look up I knew exactly who it was, and was even a little shocked it took him as long as it did to gloat.


“I knew you would come to your senses Kid, together you and me can take over the world!”


I couldn’t help but smirk, who did this guy think he was Scarface?


“Look Jay the truth is, I didn’t have anything to do with it. The call was made without me.”


“Yeah whatever helps you sleep better at night, I heard you sell my dad and that smuck Cattley. I know that was the reason I was picked to win, we’re going to make a good team Kid, I’ll be in touch.”


And just like that Jay Chord was gone just as fast as he had appeared. He did get me thinking though, maybe he was right, maybe it was my pitch that got him to win the Invitational. Did I some how subconsciously side with Jay, or did he just simply deserve to win. I didn’t think of myself as a politician, but maybe I was and just didn’t realize it.

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MAW Proudly Presents…

Wrestling Classic

Live from Stanley Hall

Friday Week 4 February, 2010



Citizen X.


Mean Jean Cattley


Findlay O’Farraday


The New York Doll


Keith Vegas


Casey Valentine


Darryl Devine


Ricky Douglas W/ Ernest Forthdyke-Hume


Tag Team Championship Match:

The Awesomeness


The Atlantic Connection


Jay Chord


Ace Youngblood



Quick Picks:


Citizen X. Vs. Mean Jean Cattley


Findlay O’Farraday Vs. The New York Doll


Keith Vegas Vs. Casey Valentine


Darryl Devine Vs. Ricky Douglas W/ Ernest Forthdyke-Hume


The Awesomeness Vs. The Atlantic Connection


Jay Chord Vs. Ace Youngblood



OOC: So it just occurred to me that I never posted a roster/champion post. Anyone think that may be helpful?

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Citizen X. Vs. Mean Jean Cattley


Findlay O’Farraday Vs. The New York Doll


Keith Vegas Vs. Casey Valentine


Darryl Devine Vs. Ricky Douglas W/ Ernest Forthdyke-Hume


The Awesomeness Vs. The Atlantic Connection


Jay Chord Vs. Ace Youngblood

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MAW Proudly Presents…

Wrestling Classic

Live from Stanley Hall

Attendance: 149

Announcers: Marvin Earnest and Duke Hazzard



The show opens with Jay Chord coming to the ring with his newly won trophy and a custom made crown. He declares himself the king of MAW and the best wrestler in the world. This prompts American Patriot to hit the ring who reminds Jay that he is still the MAW champion, which means Jay is only, at best, number two. Jay says that after he handles Ace Youngblood he would have no problem taking that title later on in the night. Patriot says he’s never backed down from a challenge and he won’t start now.

Rating: D-



Jay Chord Vs. Ace Youngblood


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jay Chord defeated Ace Youngblood in 12:17 by pinfall with a Cradle Piledriver.

Rating: D+



Tag Team Championship Match:

The Awesomeness Vs. The Atlantic Connection


The Awesomeness defeated The Atlantic Connection in 4:32 when Jefferson Stardust defeated Riley McManus by pinfall with a Stage Dive after Lisa Bowen interfered. The Awesomeness make defence number 1 of their Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles.

Rating: E



After the match it was announced to an uninterested crowd that The Awesomeness will be in action next month against The Aces of Mayhem.

Rating: F+



Darryl Devine Vs. Ricky Douglas W/ Ernest Forthdyke-Hume


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Darryl Devine defeated Ricky Douglas in 9:31 by pinfall with a Devine Dream Drop after a distraction from Findlay O'Farraday.

Rating: D



Rip Chord came to the ring next and said that last time he checked he still ran this company. He goes on to say that Jay has done nothing to earn a title shot, and therefore will not be getting one here tonight.

Rating: D



Keith Vegas Vs. Casey Valentine


Casey Valentine defeated Keith Vegas in 4:43 by pinfall with a Deep Impact.

Rating: E+



Findlay O’Farraday Vs. The New York Doll


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Findlay O'Farraday defeated The New York Doll in 8:50 by pinfall with an Atomic Spinebuster.

Rating: E+



After the match O’Farraday tells Douglas and Forthdyke-Hume to watch their back, because they awoke a sleeping giant last month when they cost him the RCI.

Rating: E+



Citizen X. Vs. Mean Jean Cattley


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Mean Jean Cattley defeated Citizen X in 11:41 by pinfall with a Mood Swing.

Rating: D-



Final Rating: E+



So I tried out a much more condenced writing summary. I'm not in love with it, and a thinking at the very least I should add pictures. Anyway feel free to tell me what you think.

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Pictures aren't a requirement to get a good or popular diary ( I didn't even use them till I did my MHW one :o ) but they do seem to get more people to take more than a passing glance at a diary.


As for the mininimalist show presentation, it kind of depends what you want to do with your diary. If its mostly about the backstage interactions with Jay, and the shows are kind of secondary, then there isn't anything wrong with it as it will be your non show posts that would carry the diary.


On the other hand, if what actually happens on the show is important to the story you want to tell, you might want to add more to it, even if its just your thoughts on the matches and angles.

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Pictures aren't a requirement to get a good or popular diary ( I didn't even use them till I did my MHW one :o ) but they do seem to get more people to take more than a passing glance at a diary.


As for the mininimalist show presentation, it kind of depends what you want to do with your diary. If its mostly about the backstage interactions with Jay, and the shows are kind of secondary, then there isn't anything wrong with it as it will be your non show posts that would carry the diary.


On the other hand, if what actually happens on the show is important to the story you want to tell, you might want to add more to it, even if its just your thoughts on the matches and angles.



Yeah I thought that. I guess my problem is that i haven't actually watched wrestling in years and so my knowledge on moves and what not are very limited, as I'm sure you can tell by my RCI write up.


It's funny though when I started this diary it was (obviously) going to be all about the backstage antics on Jay and how he's horrible to work with. But I'm now in November on the game and he has only had one incident lol. So it looks like I may have to focus on the in ring action ;)

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On March first we had our usual state of the union meeting between Myself, Rip, and Jean. I had learned a lot my first couple of months here and I started getting the feeling Jean was starting to slowly trust me. As I rounded the corner to go into the “War Room” I was approached by what smelled like a drunk Jay Chord and Brett Starr.


“Hey Kid, I’m glad I catched you.”


Um… you mean caught, and is that liquor I smell?”


What are you my fu**ing English teacher now! Look I was talking to the boys and we need a favor.”


“More alcohol?”


“No man we got plenty of that, see Cameron’s dad is on the road with NYCW and left the key to the liquor cabinet, so Brett here…”


“Yeah, I don’t really care. Look Jay I’m already late what do you want?”


“This fu**ing drug testing is killing us man. It’s hard to keep our party boy image up, when we have to be all drug free and sh**. I need you to get dad to lift it.”


“You’re kidding right?”


Jay looked at Brett then the two of them burst into laughter falling into the wall before catching themselves.


“No man I’m serious, remember I’m going to be your boss soon, and you don’t want to piss me off.”


Jay laughed again and tried to grab my shoulder as he walked away, but completely missed and fell to the floor again. I looked at my watch, 9:31 AM, guess it was Five O’clock somewhere.

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I walked into the board room with Rip already laying into Jean, poor guy, Rip was really scary when he wanted to be.


“How the hell have we managed to lose more than 20,000 dollars for two consecutive months Jean!”


Oh crap, I knew exactly how, and I knew how to fix it. Jean took it all in stride though, he never lost his cool, never showed Rip any fear at all.


“Rip I can assure you it has nothing to do with me, or my booking.”


“Oh so this is all my fault then Jean is that what you’re saying?”


Well it was now or never I told myself, I may not have wanted to play the political game, or even cared to have Jay as an ally, but let’s face it it’s nice to have an ace in the hole.


“Actually sir, it kind of is your fault.”


Rip spun around and his face was about to burst with anger.


“Let me guess Kid, you’ve been here two months but you suddenly have all the fu**ing answers huh!”


I look to Jean who shook his head no telling me to just keep my mouth shut and he would handle it, but I couldn’t.


“Sir, do you realize you’re spending almost 28,000 dollars on your drug testing policy? Now I get it, you have standards and you want to ensure all these kids are clean and I respect that; but you can’t have your cake and eat it to Sir, it’s one or the other.”


Rip took a deep breath and massaged his temples mumbling something under his breath. He then slowly turned to Jean.


“Is he right, are you thinking the same thing?”


“Look Rip there’s easier ways, hell half these kids would give it away if they were taking any drugs they wouldn’t know how to act. And this isn’t a sports entertainment business so size isn’t really a big deal.”


“So the two of you think it’s best to just scrap the whole damn program?”


Jean looked to me and I to him, Rip still had a very old school approach about him and sometimes that was hard to break.


“Yeah Rip, we do.”


“Fine, but I better start seeing some God Damned profit in the next few months or both of you will be out of a job!”


Rip pushed himself away from the table and abruptly let himself out, making it a point to slam the door in the process. Jean and I sat there speechless for almost an entire minute, neither of us show what to say. Then Jean slowly stood up and walked to the door. Just before he walked out though he looked back at me.


“You’ve got balls kid, and that’s important. Keep your head on straight and you’re going to do alright here…trust me.”


And with those final words Jean left the room, I knew Jay was going to be excited and claim I did all this for him, but really it was just good business sense.



OOC: Sorry it took so long for me to post guys. I just got back from a much needed 5 day vacation in Disney World with the kids. But I'm back now and hoping no one has lost interest just yet.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">MAW Proudly Presents…</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">

Super Showdown</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">

Live from Stanley Hall</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">

Friday Week 4 March, 2010</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mid Atlantic Championship Title Match:</strong></p><p>

American Patriot </p><p>

Vs. </p><p>

Steven Parker</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Cameron Vessey </p><p>

Vs. </p><p>

Darryl Devine</p><p> </p><p>

Jay Chord </p><p>

Vs. </p><p>

???</p><p> </p><p>

Citizen X </p><p>

Vs. </p><p>

Brett Starr</p><p>


Non-Title Match:</strong></p><p>

The Awesomeness </p><p>

Vs. </p><p>

The Aces of Mayhem</p><p> </p><p>

Riley McManus </p><p>

Vs. </p><p>

Mean Jean Cattley</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Quick Picks:</p><p> </p><p>

American Patriot Vs. Steven Parker</p><p> </p><p>

Cameron Vessey Vs. Darryl Devine</p><p> </p><p>

Jay Chord Vs. ???</p><p> </p><p>

Citizen X Vs. Brett Starr</p><p> </p><p>

The Awesomeness Vs. The Aces of Mayhem</p><p> </p><p>

Riley McManus Vs. Mean Jean Cattley</p>

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MAW Proudly Presents…

Super Showdown

Live from Stanley Hall

Attendance: 133

Announcers: Marvin Earnest and Duke Hazzard



The show opens with Rip Chord in the middle of the ring. He announces that this month Jay will have to prove he really is worthy of being named the number one contender, and he will have to do it against the man he screwed at the RCI…Findlay O’Farraday.

Rating: D-



Riley McManus Vs. Mean Jean Cattley


McManus really shows a lot of upside, and as it turns out he recently informed us that he loves to open the show. As long as we continue to book him against talent like Mean Jean he should really develop into a star.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Mean Jean Cattley defeated Riley McManus in 7:17 by pinfall with a Mood Swing.

Rating: D



The Awesomeness Vs. The Aces of Mayhem


These are four of our upcoming stars…hopefully. I am personally a huge Jefferson Stardust fan, and would like to really see him excel. His partner Huey Cannonball, has come a long way already after being the awkward third wheel in a boy band.


The Aces Of Mayhem defeated The Awesomeness in 4:48 when Ace Youngblood defeated Jefferson Stardust by pinfall with a Flying Tomahawk Chop.

Rating: E



After the match Ace and Max celebrated their huge upset victory with the crowd.

Rating: E



Citizen X Vs. Brett Starr


These next two wrestlers I didn’t have a complete handle on. Citizen X was a Main Eventer, but as a face his gimmick just wasn’t really clicking for me. I wanted to turn him back heel, but Jean and Rip both disagreed. Meanwhile Brett Starr was banking on not only his family, but also his friendship with Jay to get far. Sad thing was, it would probably work.


In an extremely poor match, Citizen X defeated Brett Starr in 7:57 by pinfall with a Flaming Anarchy.

Rating: E+



After the match American Patriot made his way to the ring. He says that Jay’s speech got him thinking last month, and he feels he still has a lot to prove to the fans of MAW. He then announces that he brought in a former MAW champion to face tonight to prove that he really is the greatest champion of all time. He then leaves the ring leaving fans to speculate who the former champ is.

Rating: D-



Jay Chord Vs. Findlay O’Farraday


Jay Chord, what could I say he was my future boss, and probably the most talented wrestler on the roster. The problem was he was known to be extremely poisonous backstage, and while I hadn’t experienced it yet I knew it was coming. O’Farraday was playing the friendly giant gimmick, not my favorite, but it seemed to be working for him, at least for now.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jay Chord defeated Findlay O'Farraday in 10:08 by pinfall with a Cradle Piledriver following interference from Ricky Douglas.

Rating: D-



After the match O’Farraday says enough is enough and he demands to get Douglas in a match next month. Douglas says he would gladly accept the challenge, much to the dismay of his manager Ernest Forthdyke-Hume.

Rating: E-



Cameron Vessey Vs. Darryl Devine


Vessey was another wrestler hoping to go far based on his name and his friendships within the company. What was sad about that was that he was a good enough wrestler he didn’t need to depend on all of that to be a star. Devine was currently on loan to us from USPW and is a great wrestler. I’m hoping that some of that will rub off on our guys.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Darryl Devine defeated Cameron Vessey in 7:41 by pinfall with a Devine Dream Drop.

Rating: D



Mid Atlantic Championship Title Match:

American Patriot Vs. Steven Parker


Bulldozer Brandon Smith plays an amazing American Patriot and I couldn’t think of a better heel to bring into MAW than the infamous Steven “The Future” Parker. These two were able to put on an amazing show that really helped get Patriot even more over as a face.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, American Patriot defeated Steven Parker in 15:20 by pinfall with a Backdrop Driver. American Patriot makes defence number 2 of his Mid Atlantic Championship title.

Rating: D+



Final Rating: D


OOC: Alright guys I added a little more "beef" to the matches, mainly just booker notes and what not. Again still trying to find my groove so please let me know what ya think. And as always thanks for reading

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OOC: Alright guys I added a little more "beef" to the matches, mainly just booker notes and what not. Again still trying to find my groove so please let me know what ya think. And as always thanks for reading


I'm enjoying this so far. The level of detail in the matches is enough that I'll read them (I have a short attention span), but not so short that I feel like you're just posting results.


/thumbs up.

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This was an interesting month for me, Jean went off to Pittsburg to compete for the month in our half of the talent trade and that left me in charge of all the booking decision. Normally this wouldn’t be to big of a deal, I mean I have been involved in the storylines for the past three months and the matches were pretty much already booked. This should have been a great month for me that is until my world was turned upside down after perhaps our biggest star decided to take a deal from the big leagues. Now I had to decide where I was going to take the biggest storyline in MAW history, and I had to do it without my mentor Mean Jean Cattley.

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“What do you mean you’re accepting their offer!?!?” Smoke was coming out of my ears, how could he be so ungrateful? During this biggest push of his young career he’s just going to bail?


“Look I’m sorry kid, but what do you want me to do, I get the chance to work with Tommy Cornell.”

“This is just great, Americana is in two weeks, what are we suppose to do?” He didn’t have a chance to answer, Rip threw his hand in front of my face. Apparently he had heard enough.


“Don’t forget that we are feeder league Kid, it’s a good day for us when we can say one of our own has made the jump. It gives us a proven track record, a record we can be proud of.”

“Yeah but what about the fans Rip?” I had cooled down a lot at this point, Rip always seemed to have that kind of effect on people, he was very soft spoken for a man of his stature.


“I suggest we get on the phone and find a replacement, that’s the beauty of working behind a mask Kid, no one really has to know.”


I nodded defeated, then rose to my feet the meeting now over.


“It’s been nice working with you… Brandon.”

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MAW Proudly Presents…


Live from Stanley Hall

Friday Week 4 April, 2010


Findlay O’Farraday


Ricky Douglas W/ Ernest Forth Dyke-Hume


Syd Collier


Curtis Jenkins


Keith Vegas


Cameron Vessey


Casey Valentine


Max Mayhem


Huey Cannonball


Riley McManus


Generation X (Jay Chord and Brett Starr)


Citizen X and Ace Youngblood


Mid Atlantic Championship Match:

American Patriot


Bulldozer Brandon Smith



Quick Picks:


Findlay O’Farraday Vs. Ricky Douglas W/ Ernest Forth Dyke-Hume


Syd Collier Vs. Curtis Jenkins


Keith Vegas Vs. Cameron Vessey


Casey Valentine Vs. Max Mayhem


Huey Cannonball Vs. Riley McManus


Generation X (Jay Chord and Brett Starr) Vs. Citizen X and Ace Youngblood


American Patriot Vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

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