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MAW... dealing with Jay

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Findlay O’Farraday Vs. Ricky Douglas W/ Ernest Forth Dyke-Hume

From personal experience, Douglas has never been able to deliver anything remotely decent for the price he offers


Syd Collier Vs. Curtis Jenkins

Skilled graduate over unused jobber


Keith Vegas Vs. Cameron Vessey

Since plans for him to win the invitational were scrapped, I don't see him picking up a win here. Oh yeah, and he sucks too


Casey Valentine Vs. Max Mayhem

Another jobber who you haven't been using recently


Huey Cannonball Vs. Riley McManus

A McManus win would make his team a viable option to challenge the champions


Generation X (Jay Chord and Brett Starr) Vs. Citizen X and Ace Youngblood

Depends on what the disposition of the guy you have under the mask is, but I'll go with the heels and having Chord build up to a title feud with...


American Patriot Vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Tim Westybrook?


I'll be reading, though some things early on like the talent trades for the RCI could have been a bit better explained, it's still good to see another MAW diary that is at least semi-consistent

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I'll be reading, though some things early on like the talent trades for the RCI could have been a bit better explained, it's still good to see another MAW diary that is at least semi-consistent


Thanks for the feedback man. You're right I dove into the RCI a bit prematurely without giving any explanation. I think i was just anxious to get things started.

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“Tell me you’re kidding kid… Roderick Remus? How the hell do you expect to have Remus pass as Brandon Smith?”


Jean was on a conference call from Pittsburg, and needless to say he didn’t think my hiring of Remus to feel the void left by Brandon’s departure was a good idea.


“My hands were tied Jean, and you know Rip, it had to be someone who wasn’t already working with another company.”


“But Roderick freakin’ Remus? What the hell didn’t you just call me, I could have handled it.”


“You left me in charge remember, I wanted to prove that I could handle things on my own.”


Yeah, well you couldn’t, no one is going to believe he’s “the real” Masked Patriot, then the program is going to go to ****.”


“Look I said I was sorry, besides I think I can make it work.”

“Yeah well you better because it’s your ass on the line for this one not mine.”


I then heard the click of the phone and Jean was gone. I had the feeling I wasn’t going to be left on my own again anytime soon.


C-Verse Explanation: I wanted to stay true to not signing any workers that were working for another company, it just seemed like the “Rip” thing to do. Add that to the fact that I also had to find someone with the same popularity as Brandon Smith, and it really limited my possibilities. That left Remus as the only candidate whose skills even remotely resembled that off Bulldozer.

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Remus? I like the guy but he really sandbags it for me whenever I expect him to put on a decent match. Is Hugh de Aske not unemployed still? I know he's really overused but as long as you mask him and play him off as American Patriot/give him a character that isn't a pirate I could see it working. Plus, his ring abilities are comparable to Brandon's, he's just not as over.


Still, as long as you get Remus to pull off some decent performances, it'll be interesting to see to say the least. Sucks that you lost Brandon so early, usually takes longer for RIPW to get a hold of him.

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Remus? I like the guy but he really sandbags it for me whenever I expect him to put on a decent match. Is Hugh de Aske not unemployed still? I know he's really overused but as long as you mask him and play him off as American Patriot/give him a character that isn't a pirate I could see it working. Plus, his ring abilities are comparable to Brandon's, he's just not as over.


Still, as long as you get Remus to pull off some decent performances, it'll be interesting to see to say the least. Sucks that you lost Brandon so early, usually takes longer for RIPW to get a hold of him.


i thought long and hard actually about Hugh then decided no for two reasons.


1) i don't think Rip would have signed him. He seems to be developed enough for Rip not to see any interest in.


2) And this was the important one really. Hugh was only an F+ in the Mid Atlantic Region and The Masked Patriot was at E+ on the cusp of D-. That's a pretty huge difference in a promotion this size, and I just didn't feel like I could sacrifice it. Plus it can possibly play into the story of the inexperience my guy has as a booker.

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MAW Proudly Presents…


Live from Stanley Hall

Attendance: 229

Announcers: Marvin Earnest and Duke Hazzard



The show opens with Jay Chord coming down to the ring. He calls his father out and asks who he has to beat next to prove he is the best in the business. Rip comes out and tells Jay not to get to ****y, because his match tonight will have to show just how much of a team player he is as he faces Ace Youngblood and Citizen X. Jay stands in the ring looking very concerned.

Rating: D-



Findlay O’Farraday Vs. Ricky Douglas W/ Ernest Forth Dyke-Hume


O’Farraday is starting to really grow tired of his former manager and his new client. O’Farraday came out hammering on Douglas, but lost focus when Forth Dyke-Hume climbed onto the apron. Of course that was a mistake Hume wouldn’t be making again as he was sent flying into the guard rail.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Findlay O'Farraday defeated Ricky Douglas in 8:03 by pinfall with an Atomic Spinebuster.

Rating: E+



Syd Collier Vs. Curtis Jenkins


The battle of a couple of jobbers so to speak, Collier is a new MAW graduate and looks to be a very impressive youngster, but as for now he pays his dues to Curtis Jenkins.


Curtis Jenkins defeated Syd Collier in 3:37 by pinfall.

Rating: E



We go backstage next where Jay is talking to the rest of The Succession. He tells them that tonight they better all be on their toes, because Jay won’t be able to handle this all himself, he has to rely on Brett and let’s face it he just isn’t as talented as Jay.

Rating: E+



Cameron Vessey Vs. Keith Vegas


Vessey is a very competent youngster who is going against Rip’s pet project. While Vessey is a solid competitor I’m starting to think Rip isn’t so senile as Vegas helped Vessey put on a pretty credible match.


In an extremely short match, Cameron Vessey defeated Keith Vegas in 5:26 by pinfall with a Vessey Driver.

Rating: D-



Max Mayhem Vs. Casey Valentine


These two are part of a couple of our up and coming tag teams and they put together the type of match that’s expected of them. There are times when Mayhem shows glimpses of decency and this was one of those times. While Valentine was arguing with the ref about a slow three count, Mayhem was able to roll him up and get the huge victory.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Max Mayhem defeated Casey Valentine in 6:44 by pinfall.

Rating: D-



Huey Cannonball Vs. Riley McManus


Huey Cannonball was once the awkward third wheel in a boy band, but not anymore. Now Cannonball is the very definition of cool and he proved to McManus that being cool is all you really need to get ahead in the world.


Huey Cannonball defeated Riley McManus in 3:44 by pinfall with a Cannonball Run.

Rating: E



We go backstage again where a brawl has broken out and The Awesomeness pummeled The Aces of Mayhem.

Rating: F



Generation X Vs. Ace Youngblood and Citizen X


Citizen X was put into this match mainly due to his overness. Generation X showed a real ****iness that made the fans hate them the minute they made their way down to the ring. Jay started the match off against Youngblood and immediately started using underhanded tactics to get the advantage. This drew Citizen X into the ring but while the ref was trying to get him back into the corner Brett Starr helped Chord with Youngblood pummeling him. Even with the double team tactics however it seemed that Citizen X was still going to find a way to win. That is until Cameron Vessey came to the ring from the back and nailed Citizen X with what looked like brass knuckles when the ref had his back turned.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Generation X defeated Citizen X and Ace Youngblood in 9:36 when Jay Chord defeated Citizen X by pinfall with a Generation Gap following interference from Cameron Vessey.

Rating: D-



American Patriot comes out next and says that he has a special treat for the fans. Like a true American he went out and found the greatest football player willing to step into the ring with him and challenged him to a title match. He then introduced his opponent Bulldozer Brandon Smith.

Rating: E+



Mid Atlantic Championship Match:

American Patriot Vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith


I held my breath throughout this entire match, it was either going to make or break me. Smith was a complete professional throughout the course of the match despite the fact that he knew he had to give Remus the rub. As far as the fans go, while they seemed to know something was up with the Patriot, they seemed to into the match to really care what was different. I’m not sure if it was Remus or Smith that held the match together, but it ended up being a solid match and more than worthy of our main event.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, American Patriot defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 12:42 by submission with a Patriot Clutch

Rating: D-



Final Rating: D-

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Nice show, was really surprised to find you gave Max Mayhem that win over Valentine. The damn problem I always have with Remus is that yeah, he can pull off low D's with most poeple he faces, but he really doesn't seem to be able to break it versus anyone.


Thanks man. Mayhem taking the win over Valentine made since from a booking stand point, once the story unfolds I think you'll understand what I'm talking about.


For now if Remus can pull off low D's with everyone I'll be one happy guy... We'll deal with him not being able to break that ceiling when we get there :p

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No backstage drama to report this month, the Remus decision was a complete success, at least for now. We decided to do a talent trade this month with CZCW this time for Matt Sparrow. I was hoping to put Sparrow against another Main Eventer to help put on another solid show... let's hope it works.




MAW Proudly Presents…

Old School Rules

Live from Stanley Hall

Friday Week 4 May 2010




Mean Jean Cattley


Matt Sparrow


Cage Match:

Jay Chord


Citizen X


Syd Collier


American Patriot




The Atlantic Connection


Max Mayhem


Ricky Douglas W/ Ernest Forthdyke-Hume



Quick Picks:


Mean Jean Cattley Vs. Matt Sparrow


Cage Match:

Jay Chord Vs. Citizen X


Syd Collier Vs. American Patriot


C-V-2 Vs. The Atlantic Connection


Max Mayhem Vs. Ricky Douglas W/ Ernest Forthdyke-Hume

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Mean Jean Cattley Vs. Matt Sparrow

You made it no secret Sparrow's on talent trade


Cage Match:

Jay Chord Vs. Citizen X

Chord has a lot more potential than Citizen X, who, despite his auto-push, will never really be seen as a true main eventer


Syd Collier Vs. American Patriot

Looks like you're having Collier pay his dues, and you need the new Patriot to look strong


C-V-2 Vs. The Atlantic Connection

People like Curtis Jenkins don't get wins over people like Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey, even though McManus is awesome


Max Mayhem Vs. Ricky Douglas W/ Ernest Forthdyke-Hume

Seems like you have something planned with Mayhem, and I see Findlay getting involved

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Ii first wanted to thank BYU 14 for the DOTM nomination. Even if wasn't seconded it's nice just to be recognized.


I also wanted to thank John Lions for continuing to participate in the pick em and leaving feedback. Also good luck to both of you in the voting.


Thanks also to everyone else who just reads and "stalks" the page. It's nice to see this thing getting some views.



MAW Proudly Presents…

Old School Rules

Live from Stanley Hall

Attendance: 228

Announcers: Marvin Earnest and Duke Hazzard



The show opens up with Rip Chord in the ring. He tells Jay that he is sick of his games and that Jay is ruining the good Chord name, but tonight that all changes, because tonight he will have a one on one match against Citizen X…in a steel cage match!

Rating: D



Max Mayhem Vs. Ricky Douglas W/ Ernest Forthdyke-Hume


Thus far Mayhem has had a pretty decent run, mostly as part of his Aces of Mayhem tag team. Tonight however he bit off more than he could chew as Ricky Douglas, along with Ernest Forthdyke-Hume, used his technical experience to work on the leg of Mayhem. Once he had Mayhem off his feet it was just a matter of time before he picked up the win.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction but featured terrible wrestling, Ricky Douglas defeated Max Mayhem in 10:33 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock.

Rating: E



After the match Findlay O’Farraday made his way down to the ring and attacked Forthdyke-Hume. This prompted Douglas to grab a chair and attack O’Farraday, but after he shrugged off a chair shot to the back Douglas tucked tail and headed to the back.

Rating: E+



Backstage next Jay is talking with the rest of The Succession and says that he needs them again tonight, because his father has really stacked the odds against him putting him inside a cage. Brett Starr then says he has a great idea, but the camera fades out before we can hear it.

Rating: E+



C-V-2 Vs. The Atlantic Connection


The tag team picture looks t be heating up in this match as four of our younger wrestlers square off here in a match that was better than expected. It wasn’t much of a secret however who was going to win this one, as the much more over C-V-2 made quick work of Riley McManus and Curtis Jenkins.


C-V-2 defeated The Atlantic Connection in 5:14 when Casey Valentine defeated Riley McManus by pinfall with a Flying V.

Rating: D-



Syd Collier Vs. American Patriot


Remus once again proved that he was perhaps a better addition than anyone would give me credit for as he took the newest superstar on the roster Syd Collier to an excellent match that I don’t think anyone would have expected. With matches like this Bulldozer isn’t going to be missed much at all.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction but featured terrible wrestling, American Patriot defeated Syd Collier in 10:31 by submission with a Patriot Clutch.

Rating: D



We go backstage next where Jay Chord is laying in a pool of his own blood. His attacker is nowhere to be found and paramedics rush to the scene loading him onto a gurney and rushing him to the hospital.

Rating: E



Rip makes his way to the ring next and announces that since Jay can no longer participate in the match tonight the man who interfered in his match last month can take his place. He then calls out Cameron Vessey.

Rating: D-



Cage Match:

Cameron Vessey Vs. Citizen X


Vessey protested all the way to the ring stating that he was already exhausted from his match earlier tonight. Rip has absolutely no sympathy for him at all as he locks both competitors inside the cage. From there X took all of his anger for Jay out on Vessey tossing him into the cage and making him a bloody mess within the first three minutes of the match. The blood seemed to wake Vessey up a bit however as and he would start hammering away on X with stiff right’s then leveling him with a massive DDT. Vessey nearly escaped the cage after this, but X was able to grab him by the ankle and send him crashing back to the mat. From there it wasn’t long before Citizen X took the victory.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Citizen X defeated Cameron Vessey in a Cage Modern match in 9:49 by pinfall with a Flaming Anarchy.

Rating: D



Mean Jean comes to the ring next and says that American Patriot isn’t the only person who can beat outsiders to impress Rip Chord. He then says that he has been granted a match against one of CZCW’s finest… Matt Sparrow.

Rating: E+



Mean Jean Cattley Vs. Matt Sparrow


This was a very interesting match that seemed to have the fans on the edge of their seats. The technically minded Mean Jean had never fought an opponent like Matt Sparrow before who continued to throw himself recklessly off the top rope. Jean had no idea how to combat this and for the first half on the match Jean was mostly on his back wondering how Sparrow was going to use the ropes next. Eventually Jean realized all opponents were the same and as soon as he caught Sparrow with a low blow followed by a rake to the eyes he was back in business. This match actually helped Jean understand the art of “Flying” better, and while he would never do it himself, he respected it a little more after this match.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Mean Jean Cattley defeated Matt Sparrow in 15:12 by pinfall with a Mood Swing.

Rating: D



Final Rating: D

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About six months into being a booker, I thought I was really getting the hang of it. Things were really running smoothly and my first addition to the roster, Roderick Remus, was proving to really hold his weight in the company. I felt like everything was going perfectly, of course leave it to Jay and his goons to come and throw a wrench into it all.


I was sitting in an office inside Stanley Hall preparing for the next big show, Fan Festival, when I heard a commotion coming from the locker room. As I walked in to see what was going on Jean had Brett Starr by the throat and was attempting to choke the life out of him.


“I don’t give a damn who you’re Grandfather is you snot nosed piece of ****, I will end you right now!”


Brett was starting to a third shade of red and it took every ounce of strength I had to get Jean to release his death grip of Brett.


“What the hell is going on here?”


“This piece of **** seems to think I have it out for him and to get even he filled my shoes with dog ****!”


There was snickering in the corner and I knew without even looking it was the rest of “the gang” Jay, Cameron, and Casey. I took a deep breath, I knew I had to get a hold on the locker room as soon as possible or in six months when I took over it was going to be absolute chaos.


“Brett, why don’t you tell me your side of the story.”


“He hates us man, all he ever does it job me out, he leaves me off the show more times than not, and all just because he can’t deal with the fact that a kid half his age has twice as much talent as he ever did!”


This comment made Jean come at Brett again and a couple of the guys who were also there had to wrestle him to the ground. I told Brett he was on a very short leash and if this happened again he would be out of a job. He commented back with “Yeah, whatever I can get a job anywhere I want whenever I want.” He then stormed out of the room and I went back to my office thinking the situation was over, of course when it comes to Jay it’s never over and he was in my office within the next five minutes.


“You know maybe Brett was out of line, but let’s be honest here Kid, Jean has it out for him and the fact of the matter is he’s been held back.”


I was starting to get frustrated, all I wanted to was get back to my work but instead I had to deal with petty drama.


“Maybe he’s been held back, but let’s face it Jay he hasn’t done anything to deserve a push either.”


“See Kid the problem with my old man, and Jean, and hell maybe you to is that everyone thinks this company is bigger than it is. This isn’t the big leagues Kid, hell this isn’t even The Zone. We are a small promotion that damn near nobody knows about. And do you know why, because Dad thinks younger kids need a place to hone their skills and gain exposure, but in the same breath he says they can’t get over exposed because they are to green. Do you see the problem with that line of thinking?”


I had to admit, Jay made a fair point, why not get a decent push right out the gate if you have the chops to back it up. I decided to fold.


“Fine Jay you win, I’ll pencil him in for a singles match and a win next month, now can I please get back to work?”


“We’re going to have a real bright future you and I,” he said as he left my office with that grin on his face.

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MAW Proudly Presents…

Fan Festival

Live from Stanley Hall

Week 4 June 2010


Mean Jean Cattley


Teddy Powell


Citizen X and American Patriot




Ace Youngblood


Syd Collier


Keith Vegas


Ricky Douglas


Brett Starr


Curtis Jenkins


Riley McManus


Jefferson Stardust W/ Lisa Bowen


Max Mayhem


Huey Cannonball



Quick Picks:


Mean Jean Cattley Vs. Teddy Powell


Citizen X and American Patriot Vs. C-V-2


Ace Youngblood Vs. Syd Collier


Keith Vegas Vs. Ricky Douglas


Brett Starr Vs. Curtis Jenkins


Riley McManus Vs. Jefferson Stardust W/ Lisa Bowen


Max Mayhem Vs. Huey Cannonball

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Mean Jean Cattley Vs. Teddy Powell

MJ won't fall here


Citizen X and American Patriot Vs. C-V-2

Younger guys go over


Ace Youngblood Vs. Syd Collier

Syd not quite ready start going over


Keith Vegas Vs. Ricky Douglas


Brett Starr Vs. Curtis Jenkins


Riley McManus Vs. Jefferson Stardust W/ Lisa Bowen


Max Mayhem Vs. Huey Cannonball

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Mean Jean Cattley Vs. Teddy Powell

Going to assume Powell is on lone, therefore will do the job


Citizen X and American Patriot Vs. C-V-2

Don't think you can let your second-biggest face and your champ go down just yet


Ace Youngblood Vs. Syd Collier

Collier's paying his dues, one job at a time


Keith Vegas Vs. Ricky Douglas

Keith Vegas is a waste


Brett Starr Vs. Curtis Jenkins

As is Curtis Jenkins


Riley McManus Vs. Jefferson Stardust W/ Lisa Bowen

Riley, however, is not. But Stardust still goes over


Max Mayhem Vs. Huey Cannonball

Toss up, went with Mayhem

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MAW Proudly Presents…

Fan Festival

Live from Stanley Hall

Attendance: 220

Announcers: Marvin Earnest and Duke Hazzard



The show opens with The Aces of Mayhem in the ring. They demand a title match against The Awesomeness and they want it tonight. Huey Cannonball makes his way to the ring and says that Mayhem and Youngblood aren’t awesome enough to face them again, but if Mayhem can beat him in a match right now they may just reconsider.

Rating: E



Max Mayhem Vs. Huey Cannonball


In an extremely poor match, Max Mayhem defeated Huey Cannonball in 8:01 by pinfall.

Rating: E



Jay Chord comes to the ring next on crutches. He demands to know who attacked him and cost him the chance to beat the hell out of Citizen X. X then makes his way to the ring and tells Jay he isn’t fooling anyone he knows Jay only faked the injury because he was afraid to face him without his posse.

Rating: D



This brought out Cameron Vessey who attacked Citizen X from behind then demanded a rematch with him tonight, but this time it was going to be in his element a tag team match.

Rating: E+



Riley McManus Vs. Jefferson Stardust W/ Lisa Bowen


Jefferson Stardust defeated Riley McManus in 4:28 by pinfall with a Stage Dive.

Rating: E



Brett Starr Vs. Curtis Jenkins


Brett Starr defeated Curtis Jenkins in 5:25 by pinfall with a Hollywood Hammer.

Rating: E+



Ricky Douglas came to the ring next and informed Findlay O’Farraday that he had a new strategy and next time they meet he will tear him limb from limb.

Rating: F+



Keith Vegas Vs. Ricky Douglas


Ricky Douglas defeated Keith Vegas in 3:46 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock.

Rating: D-



Ace Youngblood Vs. Syd Collier


Ace Youngblood defeated Syd Collier in 5:21 by pinfall with a Flying Tomahawk Chop.

Rating: E+



Citizen X comes to the ring next and announces his tag partner as American Patriot!

Rating: D-



Citizen X and American Patriot Vs. C-V-2


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Citizen X and American Patriot defeated C-V-2 in 10:26 when Citizen X defeated Casey Valentine by pinfall with a Flaming Anarchy.

Rating: D



Mean Jean Cattley Vs. Teddy Powell


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Mean Jean Cattley defeated Teddy Powell in 15:15 by pinfall with a Mood Swing.

Rating: D



Final Rating: D-

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