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special 8 man tag match

Puerto Rican Power, Mean Machine, and the A* Alliance vs. Windameer Inc.


Masked Ninjas vs. Real Americans

Frankie Perez vs. DC Rayne


MAW Knockouts championship

Raven Nightfall © vs. Melody Cuthill


Wanda Fish vs. Tai

Remmy Skye vs. Eddie Howard


MAW tag team championship

Olympic Powers © vs. ????

Wild Luck w/Persephone vs. Hurricanes

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Puerto Rican Power, Mean Machine, and the A* Alliance vs. Windameer Inc.

That's a lot of power on the face side


Masked Ninjas vs. Real Americans

Ninja's are cooler


Frankie Perez vs. DC Rayne

Perez is better


MAW Knockouts championship

Raven Nightfall © vs. Melody Cuthill

Dont see her dropping it right after she won it


Wanda Fish vs. Tai

Fish is the Dish


Remmy Skye vs. Eddie Howard

Natural Storm is just a drizzle in singles action


MAW tag team championship

Olympic Powers © vs. ????

They've been champions for awhile, so I can see a surprise upset here.


Wild Luck w/Persephone vs. Hurricanes

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MAW Wrestling Classic 4 results


Rip Chord presents

MAW Wrestling Classic


March 2009

Delaware Auditorium


Attendance 950




Masked Ninjas d. Oscar Golden/Californico C

Tim Westybrook d. Masked Cougar C

PRP d. Insane Machine to retain the MAW championship B





You helped me Mean Machine B

MAW champion, Puerto Rican Power, and Jennifer Heat come out to the roar of the crowd. “Welcome Powermaniacs. Last month you helped me overcome the Missing Link. Then after the match, Windameer had his goons try to put down the power. Then out of the darkness help came, the Mean Machine. Mean Machine, why did you help me?


This is my yard. B-

Familiar music hits, out comes Mean Machine himself with Karen Killer. “Power this has nothing to do with you. This nutcase attacked the Firm, then he thinks he runs my yard. This is my yard, my ring and I will do the demolishing. Don’t think I’ve taken my sights off of you or my title, but first I have unfinished business.


Wild Luck w/Persephone vs. Hurricanes C

Wild Luck looks to finish off the Hurricanes once and for all. Persephone tries to interfere throughout the match. Larry Wood seems to have the upperhand with Erik Strong, when Persephone tries to help, she hits Wood by mistake. Giedroyc had bumped into Persephone. Strong got up and tagged Giedroyc. Jack is on fire taking down Greed and the big Wood. The end comes with Jack Giedroyc hitting Greed with the Wrath of God and 1, 2, 3….Hurricanes win. Persephone begins to shriek as the Hurricanes celebrate with the fans ringside.


West Coast Statement C

RCI champion Frankie Perez comes out with fellow West Coast Mafia members, Remmy Skye and Insane Machine, “Well these stinking, inbred locals thought they had it all. We proved them wrong again. West Coast rules. Perez is the RCI man, Insane tears up the ring, and I, Remmy Skye rules the air. Together we rule MAW. Why, because that’s how the West Coast rolls. I’m ready to show you now. Get out here Howard.


Remmy Skye vs. Eddie Howard w/Monique C-

This started pretty good, with Howard getting some quick power moves, but quickly went to Skye. Skye began to use his speed and aerial attack to keep the bigger Howard off his feet. Monique tried to keep her man fired up, but Skye was too wiley. Skye gains the pinfall at the 6:20 mark using the ropes for leverage.


Olympic Power, the greatest team C-

Out come the MAW tag champions, Olympic Power. “You know Zeus, we come out every month and every month we beat another ‘great’ team from MAW. I tell you when will they just retire the tag titles with the greatest tag team in history, Olympic Power. Who can beat us? Who will bit the dust this time?”


MAW tag team championship

Olympic Power © vs. Reginald Morris and Arthur T. Turtle

This was another short squash. Zeus came in and brutalized poor Morris. Turtle was tagged in only to be met by Nevada. Nevada hits the Mushroom cloud for the win at the 5:02 mark. Olympic Power retains their tag titles.


Olympic beatdown…Hurricane blows in C

Not satisfied and being sadistic, the Olympic Power begins to put the boots to the fallen men. Out of the back come Erik Strong and Jack Giedroyc. The champs beat a hasty retreat as the Hurricanes stand tall in the ring. Medical staff checks on the fallen men.


Raven, the first MAW Knockout champion B

As Turtle and Morris are helped to the back, out comes MAW Knockouts champion, Raven Nightfall. “Creatures, you don’t know what the night holds. The beauty of the night, the music of the night. And now the champion of the night. I will live up to its name and Knockout all who cross my path. First you will witness someone who fell short last month. Then see true greatness.” As Raven gets finished out Superstar blares over the speakers. Out comes Wanda Fish, the lady Raven defeated in the MAW Knockouts tournament final.


Wanda Fish vs. Tai C-

Tai was a ball of fire, wild and upredictable, but Wanda is very talented. With the support of the MAW fans Wanda was able to tame the wild Tai. Wand wins with the Dish of the Day at the 5:41 mark.


MAW Knockouts Championship

Raven Nightfall © vs. Melody Cuthill C

Raven and Wanda had a bit of a staredown between the matches. Raven then went after Melody with the fury of a hellion. Cuthill tried to mount some offence, but the champion was too much. Nightfall hit the Nightfaller at the 6:52 mark. Raven Nightfall retains her MAW Knockouts championship.


Perez the RCI man C-

Frankie Perez comes out again. “Here I am, your RCI champion. I will get the MAW title. You wait and you see. Puerto Rican Power was too afraid to face me this month, but mark my words. When we fight the title is mine. Tonight I will calm the storm.”


Frankie Perez vs. DC Rayne w/Monique C

DC looked to try to even the score with the West Coast Mafia. He hit some quick moves, but Perez came on strong. Perez showed why he was the RCI champion and one of the most feared men in MAW. Perez wins at the 9:51 mark with the P-Clutch.


Perez and Insane C

Insane Machine and Frankie Perez are in the ring taunting the crowd over the fallen DC.


The master sends a note C+

The two black ninjas are seen in the back in a meditative pose. A gong is heard in the background and then a puff of smoke. A note appears. The camera zooms in as the Ninja on the right opens the note. Fine calligraphy is seen saying “I am coming. Dispose of the infidels quickly.” The two ninjas rose and started to the ring.


You messed with the wrong guys C-

Back out at the ring, the Real Americans have come out. “You two yellow bellied pansy pajama wearing freaks messed with the wrong guys. You maggots will learn what real pain is as I march up your front and back down your back, planting my size 15’s in your *&$. Get out here and fight like men.” Puff of smoke and the ninjas were there.”


Real Americans vs. Black Ninjas C+

This was a pure brawl from the word go. West and the first ninja paired off outside the ring with fabulous moves. Jorge was on the other side with the smaller ninja. Washington was having the harder time keeping up with the smaller ninja and his ninja tricks. West was trading move and hit with the first ninja. Fair tried to keep order, but this was a whirlwind that never got in the ring. He had no choice but to call for the bell after 10 minutes of not getting control. Double countout.


Puff of smoke. C+

The two teams battled with the ninjas getting the upper hand. Washington had enough and grabbed a chair. He drove the little ninja toward West. The Sgt. grabbed a chair also. It seemed they had the two ninjas near ringside, then a puff of smoke as they both swung. The loud smack of contact was heard. When the smoke cleared both Real Americans were laid out and the ninjas were nowhere to be seen.


Rip Speaks B-

MAW owner, Rip Chord comes out as the crowd is trying to figure out what is happening and staff attend to the fallen Real Americans. “Welcome MAW fans. I don’t know much about ninjas and smoke, but I do know about the ring and settling things in the ring. I have a problem. Windameer has tried to run roughshod over MAW. He has angered the Firm and Puerto Rican Power. Well tonight it will be settled in the ring. Windameer, you and your three men will face Puerto Rican Power, Mean Machine, and the A* Alliance in my ring. We will see who is worthy. It will be no DQ, no countout. We will have a winner.”


Special grudge match, no count out no DQ.

Puerto Rican Power, Mean Machine, and A* Alliance vs. lord Geoffrey Windameer, Missing Link, and War Inc. C+

This was a brawl from the word go. Cheyenne Silver and Parker paired off. Windameer and Douglas, Mean Machine and Ghidorah, and of course Puerto Rican Power and Missing Link. This brawl went everywhere. Back and forth, swooping of who was fighting. Finally Jay Fair got some of it in the ring. Puerto Rican Power and Missing Link started. We went through various pairings till Ghidorah was in the ring with Ricky Douglas. Ghidorah looked to have it won, and then Douglas was able to make the desperation tag to Mean Machine. Mean comes in, then all the others. Machine hits the Mood Swing…1, 2, 3….PRP and Firm win.


All out brawl C+

The battle was not over. The seven men left standing were battling it out. Windameer was hit by the Future Shock and the San Juan Rush. The battle continued to the back.



Overall rating C+



This was a pretty good show for us coming out of the big RCI. We set up a couple of new programs and ended a program. PRP-Missing Link is swinging to a conclusion. I will try to have another profile up of some of our stars, especially the game generated stars who are new for us.

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Timber said:

Good stuff. I like to read it and it's coming along really well. I'll keep checking on updates.


Thanks Timber....


Profile: Harvey Hayes


Harvey Hayes is a small American wrester who turned pro in December in 2006. At 23 years old, alot is expected of Harvey. He has excellent mic skills and connects well with the fans. Will this be the breakout year for Hayes? Will he live up to his potential?

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MAW Americana 09 Preview


Rip Chord presents

MAW Americana 09


Last month Puerto Rican Power, Mean Machine, and the A* Alliance teamed up to demolish Windameer and his men. Windameer has lobbied and gotten a last chance for Missing Link. Will this be the time Puerto Rican Power loses his title?


Speaking of Windameer, his behemoth, Ghidorah has challenged Mean Machine. Will the big man be too much for the wiley veteran?


MAW Knockouts champion, Raven Nightfall made her first defense last month, who will step up to challenge her this month? None other than Kit Hatoyama, a sensational young lady from the east who can really tear up the ring.


The West Coast Mafia seems rejuvenated after Frankie Perez winning the RCI09, what will they be up to this month?


The card:

MAW championship (last shot)

Puerto Rican Power © w/Jennifer Heat vs. Missing Link w/Windameer


Special challenge

Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Ghidorah w/Windameer


James Hernandez vs. Cheyenne Silver w/Windameer

Frankie Perez vs. Oscar Golden


MAW Knockouts championship

Raven © vs. Kit Hatoyama


Wanda Fish vs. Miss Information

Masked Cougar vs. DeCipher

Remmy Skye vs. Joaquin Mora

Tim Westybrook vs. Reginald Morris


Be there April 16, 2009 as we bring the best of America to Mid-Atlantic for MAW Americana 09.

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MAW championship (last shot)

Puerto Rican Power © w/Jennifer Heat vs. Missing Link w/Windameer


Special challenge

Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Ghidorah w/Windameer


James Hernandez vs. Cheyenne Silver w/Windameer


Frankie Perez vs. Oscar Golden


MAW Knockouts championship

Raven © vs. Kit Hatoyama


Wanda Fish vs. Miss Information

Masked Cougar vs. DeCipher

Remmy Skye vs. Joaquin Mora

Tim Westybrook vs. Reginald Morris

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MAW championship (last shot)

Puerto Rican Power © w/Jennifer Heat vs. Missing Link w/Windameer


Special challenge

Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Ghidorah w/Windameer


James Hernandez vs. Cheyenne Silver w/Windameer

Frankie Perez vs. Oscar Golden


MAW Knockouts championship

Raven © vs. Kit Hatoyama


Wanda Fish vs. Miss Information

Masked Cougar vs. DeCipher

Remmy Skye vs. Joaquin Mora

Tim Westybrook vs. Reginald Morris

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MAW Americana 09 results


Rip Chord presents


MAW Americana 09


Delaware Auditorium


April 17, 2009


Attendance: 855






James Hernandez d. Cheyenne Silver C


A* Alliance d. Natural Storm D


Unknown big man d. Eddie Howard C-



Main Show


Missing Link’s Last chance B-


Duke and Merve welcome everyone to the show. They put over the fact that tonight is Missing Link’s last chance to challenge for the MAW title.



Tim Westybrook vs. Del Muerto C-


Del Muerto is a very agile big man, but Westybrook is a hoss. Westybrook took the big man down and wins by pinfall at the 6 minute mark.



Persephone B+


As Westybrook is giving hi5s at ringside, out come Persephone. “Westybrook this is your lucky day. I need another man, and you my friend could be that man, you big hunk. Big muscles, big brains, big future. What do you say?

Westybrook looks at her and then to the fans.I’m sorry, you’re a lady, but I don’t need your help. It just won’t work.” And Westybrook walks off as Persephone is in a huff.



You should not have stuck your nose in our business C-



MAW tag team champions, Olympic Power are out next. “Well, well Zeus, we have some mere mortals thinking they can interfere in the gods’s business. I think we need to make an example of them. Hurricanes, you will pay and suffer the wrath of the gods…



Insane Machine vs. Reginald Morris D


Machine comes out meaning business. He takes the young Morris to school. Quick 5 minutes as Machine wins by pinfall.



West Coast C


Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye come out to celebrate with Insane Machine. Frankie and Insane head to the back as Skye gets ready to battle.



Remmy Skye vs. Joaquin Mora D


This was another squash. Skye didn’t even need to hit the Skye Diver to pick up the win at the 6 minute mark. Surprisingly Perez and Insane didn’t come back out to celebrate with Skye.



Ninja tactics C


As the Real Americans are coming out to address the crowd, there is a gong sound. Suddenly the two ninjas swing out from the curtains. The ambush is complete. The ninja tactics are too much. The two proud Americans are quickly subdued. Medical staff are out to check on the fallen men.



Master will be here soon. C+


As the ninjas are turning to leave, the first ninja throws something at the announce table. Duke jumps back and draws his 6 shooter. Merve jumps out of his sheet. “I knew I knew him…that’s..” A gong rings. The first ninja puts his hand to his covered lips. Then the ninja points to the object….a shirken with a note. Duke grabs the note and reads it. “I will be there soon. The true infidel will fall without honor on that day. The master.

The two ninjas disappear in a puff of smoke.



Masked Cougar vs. DeCipher C-


The Cougar and DeCipher were a good match. The chemistry was great. DeCipher started out with the advantage, but Cougar rallied to pick up a pinfall win at the 8 minute mark.



I am the greatest B


MAW Knockouts champion, Raven Nightfall comes out. “Here I am strait from the night. I’m here to make all your dreams…nightmares come true. Last week I took out one opponent. Who will be the sacrifice tonight?”


Wanda Fish vs. Miss Information D


Miss Information has the looks, but not the skill. The narcist secretary wasn’t no match for Wanda. Wanda wins with the Dish of the Day at the 6 minute mark.



Raven has a challenger B+


Merve and Duke were still shaken by the ninjas. “I know who that ninja is..its” A gong is heard

I don’t think those two hombres are playing. I don’t think you want to get mixed up in that. I do have some news though. Raven Nightfall has a challenger….Kit Hatoyama.”


MAW Knockouts championship

Raven Nightfall © vs. Kit Hatoyama C


The championship match was great. Kit Hatoyama is an exciting Japanese youngster. The champion seemed to underestimate her in the beginning to her demise. Kit had a couple of quick two counts. Raven regrouped and began to take control. Raven was moving in for the pin, but Hatoyama reversed the Nightfaller…1…2….the bell rings. Hatoyama thinks she won, but no Jay Fair consults the bell table. The time ran out. It was a time limit draw.



Post match B


As Kit is soaking in the results, Raven seems upset. A dark look creeps across her face. She turns and begins to put the boots to the distracted Kit. Raven then pounds Kit leaving her down. Raven leaves to a chorus of boos as the busy staff comes to check on the fallen Kit.



Ghidorah wants someone C


Lord Geoffrey Windameer comes out with a cast on his arm and a neck brace on. Out with him was Ghidorah carrying a contraption. “Tonight Mean Machine, you will pay the piper, you and that overgrown Power tried to injure a member of royalty. The penalty is death. Tonight you will face the monster, Ghidorah.” Ghidorah looks vicious and begins to rip apart a machine.



You’ve got it C+

As Windameer and Ghidorah are still at the podium, out comes Mean Machine and Karen Killer. “you’ve got it punk.”



Ghidorah w/Windameer vs. Mean Machine C-


The brutal Ghidorah used his size and strength to slow down the Machine. Machine kept getting up though. As the match wore on Ghidorah was wearing down. Windameer tried to get involved, but was grabbed by Karen Killer. Mean then goes to work dismantling the big Ghidorah. Mean Machine hits the Gears of the Machine to pick up the win.


PRP comes out B


As Windameer calls the troops to grab Mean Machine, out comes MAW champion, Puerto Rican Power and Jennifer Heat. There is a big standoff till Rip comes out. “Windameer, if you guys don’t stand down for the next match, Missing Link will lose and never get a shot at the MAW title again.” Ghidorah and Cheyenne Silver go to the back. We are ready for the main event.



MAW championship

Puerto Rican Power © w/Jennifer Heat vs. Missing Link w/Windameer B


Missing Link is focused and takes the champion off his feet early. The wild link looks to capitalize. Link and the injured Windameer take turns distracting Fair. Once Windameer hits Power with his cast. Power is down. 1, 2…he’s up. Power is making a comeback. Link begins to attack with fevor, but Power is shaking, the fans are on their feet. Atomic Drop, San Juan Rush, 1, 2, 3…..winner and still champion Puerto Rican Power. Power picks up Windameer as he tries to come into the ring. Power slam.



The champion celebrates B

After the match Puerto Rican Power and Jennifer Heat celebrate with the crowd.


Overall show: C+



The crowd was down as I raised the ticket prices too much. All in all it was a good show.

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After the first two shows it is a tight race for the predictions


Timber 7-2 (12-5)

Dragonmack 6-3 (11-6)



For some reason both of you missed a prediction and the draw for Raven threw you off. Dragon, you are right normally Ghidorah would have gone over Machine, but he is not preforming where I wanted him to by now.


Next month there are two shows. We ae growing some and after a long talk with my Uncle and Rip we are going to branch out. We will run a show in the Tri-state area. Then for June we will run one in the Southeast. Lets see what will happen.


thanks again for predictions and comments and all who read....

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<p>a meeting about the future</p><p> </p><p>

Laura was with me in the car...Laura McKenna. She was one of our preformers and what a preformer. A talented lady who hasn't had her shot yet. Well when she came in she was really nice, but to me another lady in the ranks. Well as time goes, we began to spend a little more time together. Working on the show here, coffee there. Now she was with me as I was getting ready to go into the Candlewood Suites. My Uncle Ray was a big man and he was in town to talk about the company he bought. Rip was already waiting outside, looking serene as he could possibly look.</p><p>

"<span style="color:#FF00FF;">Come on LL, this is your chance, I know how you've seen this company grow and grow in your dreams and plans. Go on in there and knock them dead.</span>"</p><p> </p><p>

"<span style="color:#FF0000;">Rip, ole bear, how is it going? I see the slow life agrees with you less and less."</span> My uncle always seems to greet his old friends first, but then he goes strait to business. "<span style="color:#FF0000;">Well LL, how is my company doing? What have you been doing?"</span></p><p> </p><p>

"<span style="color:#2E8B57;">Uncle good to see you too. The company is doing great. We're at $300,000 in the bank."</span></p><p>

My uncle's eyes lit up. "<span style="color:#FF0000;">Chord is this true?</span>" Rip nodded his head.</p><p> </p><p>

"<span style="color:#0000FF;">The boy's done pretty good."</span></p><p> </p><p>

"<span style="color:#FF0000;">Now that's what I'm talking about."</span></p><p> </p><p>

"<span style="color:#2E8B57;">Well Uncle Ray, I'm glad you're happy. I have something else I want to bring up.</span>"</p><p> </p><p>

Rip just lowed his shaking head. He didn't like the idea when I ran it by him last week.</p><p> </p><p>

"<span style="color:#FF0000;">What is it?"</span></p><p> </p><p>

"<span style="color:#2E8B57;">Well, we've been growing in the MAW pretty well. I did raise the prices too much and it hurt us a couple of months, but I've lowered them back down now. But we are still growing. I've thought about maybe expanding out to nearby territories."</span></p><p> </p><p>

"<span style="color:#FF0000;">What? Rip what do you think?"</span></p><p> </p><p>

"<span style="color:#0000FF;">Ray, I started this company as a training area. Like the old territories in the old days. Can we do it? Probably. Will everyone want to watch it everywhere? Probably not. But it is not what I had in mind when I started this. Just train the next stars right."</span></p><p> </p><p>

"<span style="color:#2E8B57;">I'm not talking about national like SWF or TCW. Just the Tri-state and Southeast."</span></p><p> </p><p>

"<span style="color:#0000FF;">You know Stomper won't like that. Tri-state is his area</span>."</p><p> </p><p>

"<span style="color:#2E8B57;">No we're different enough from him to not step on his toes. Jean works for both, and he and I talked to Stomper about it. Stomper kinda warmed up to it."</span></p><p> </p><p>

"<span style="color:#FF0000;">Well Rip, we can give it a chance a couple of small shows. How often?"</span></p><p> </p><p>

"<span style="color:#2E8B57;">Every other month. In addition to our regular monthly show here in MAW</span>."</p><p> </p><p>

"<span style="color:#FF0000;">OK, we'll run for four months. If we don't lose any money then we will see."</span></p><p> </p><p>

"<span style="color:#2E8B57;">Thanks Uncle Ray."</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

I was excited. Here we go. I had the plans for the first show in New York planned. MAW New York Nights. It would be scheduled for Friday May 14.</p>

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<p>MAW New York Nights preview</p><p> </p><p>

Rip Chord presents</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="font-family:'Arial Black';">MAW New York Nights</span></span></p><p>

May 8, 2009</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Our first time out of the Mid-Atlantic...and we're going big...to the Big Apple....you seen the DVDs, you read the internet, come out to the Weston Gym. </p><p> </p><p>

On tap</p><p> </p><p>

MAW champion Puerto Rican Power and Mean Machine will battle the mysterious ninjas.</p><p> </p><p>

MAW Knockout champion Raven Nightfall will defend her title against the lady she beat for the title, Wanda Fish.</p><p> </p><p>

come out for all the action and excitement of MAW in New York.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>quick picks:</strong></p><p>

Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat and Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. the Ninjas w/Mysterious Master</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MAW Knockouts championship</strong>Raven Nightfall © vs. Wanda Fish</p><p> </p><p>

Zeus Maxmillion vs. Jack Giedroyc</p><p> </p><p>

Arthur T. Turtle/the Outlaw vs. DND (DeCipher and Del Muerto)</p>

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<p>quick picks:</p><p>

Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat and Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. <strong>the Ninjas w/Mysterious Master</strong></p><p> </p><p>

MAW Knockouts championship<strong>Raven Nightfall ©</strong> vs. Wanda Fish</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Zeus Maxmillion </strong>vs. Jack Giedroyc</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Arthur T. Turtle/the Outlaw </strong>vs. DND (DeCipher and Del Muerto)</p>

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<p><strong>Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat and Mean Machine w/Karen Killer</strong> vs. the Ninjas w/Mysterious Master</p><p> </p><p>

MAW Knockouts championshipRaven <strong>Nightfall © </strong>vs. Wanda Fish</p><p> </p><p>

Zeus Maxmillion vs. <strong>Jack Giedroyc</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Arthur T. Turtle/the Outlaw</strong> vs. DND (DeCipher and Del Muerto)</p>

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<p>MAW New York Nights results</p><p> </p><p>

Rip Chord presents:</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-family:'Arial Black';"><span style="font-size:18px;">MAW New York Nights</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>May 8, 2009</p><p>

Weston Gym</p><p>

Att: 109</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Preshow:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>A* Alliance d. Bloxsome (Willie and Ali Bloxsome)</strong> E</p><p>

<strong>The Big Problem w/lord Geoffery Windameer d. James Hernandez </strong> C+</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mainshow</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Welcome </strong> B</p><p> </p><p>

Owner Rip Chord comes out, "I tell you it's great to be back in the Big Apple. There's no place like New York City. I'm glad we could be here. My friend, Stomper, told me you were the best fans in wrestling, Well I here and believe you and the Mid-Atlantic fans are neck and neck. We are proud to come to you tonight and I hope you enjoy seeing some familar faces, and some new faces. Enjoy the show."</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MAW champ</strong> B+</p><p> </p><p>

MAW champion, Puerto Rican Power and the lovely Jennifer Heat come out to address the raucous New York Crowd. "Hola Hombres, I'm glad to be among the people, in the City that never sleeps. Tonight I will team up with the one time enemy, Mean Machine, to face two mysterious men, who have tried to run roughshod over MAW. Tonight I need your help to keep one eye on Machine and one eye on the ninjas. Are you with me?" A loud "Yeah" "Well let's get it on."</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Arthur T. Turtle and the Outlaw vs. DND (DeCipher and Del Muerto)</strong> F</p><p> </p><p>

Not the best match for our first action in New York. Turtle and the young Outlaw worked pretty good. The Mexican duo put up a good fight. The end came when Turtle caught DeCipher in a roll up...1, 2, 3....</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Next: Zeus Maxmillion vs. Jack Giedroyc </strong> C</p><p> </p><p>

Our announcers describe the next to competitors to the crowd. Duke Hazzard and Merve looked good in this segment.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Zeus Maxmillion vs. Jack Giedroyc </strong> E</p><p> </p><p>

This was a decent match. Giedroyc and Maxmillion had pretty good chemistry. Giedroyc was the better man as he hit the Wrath of God to gain the pinfall at the 8 minute mark. A good rumble that fired up the fans.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Knockout champion</strong> B</p><p>

MAW Knockout champion, Raven Nightfall, comes out. The crowd didn't know how to receive her at first, but they enjoyed her looks as the catcalls showcased. She quicky turned the crowd by praising the Red Sox. "Well one thing I miss here in New York is good baseball. I wish we were in Boston. Anyway, tonight I get served a dish in Wanda Dish. Tonight she will find out the the Angel of the Night falls to noone.....no one!"</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MAW Knockouts championship</strong> </p><p>

<strong>Raven Nightfall © vs. Wanda Fish </strong> C- </p><p> </p><p>

This match took off where the tournament final ended. Wanda was clearly the crowd favorite. Wanda came with all she had. She really wanted the MAW Knockouts title. Raven took many shortcuts and got out of the ring constantly to escape from Wanda. The tide turned when Wanda followed Raven to the outside. Raven quickly pounced and slammed Wanda into the ring post. Raven dragged Wanda back in the ring, 1, 2…Wanda somehow kicked out. Raven hits the Nightfaller…1, 2, Wanda kicks out. Raven then continues to work till Wanda reverses Raven into the turnbuckle. Raven hits hard. Wanda charges in. Wanda has Raven down, but no Raven slips her foot under the rope. Wanda gets up thinking she has won…Raven comes up..roll up, feet on the the rope, without Fair noticing..1, 2, 3…Raven Nightfall defends here title. Wanda is dejected. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The ninjas and the master. </strong> B-</p><p> </p><p>

A mechanically distorted voice comes over the speakers. “Tonight you will witness true destruction. The two ‘stars’ of MAW will fall to the most leathal men in our area. Rising Sun attack”</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat and Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Rising Sun </strong> C+ </p><p> </p><p>

The two Ninjas now have a name. Rising Sun come out with the usual puff of smoke. MAW champion and Mean Machine seem to work together better tonight. Machine seems to have somewhat of a fan base here with his work in the NYCW. Ninja 1 also seems to have a following here. Maybe he works her e too? The action in the ring went back and forth. Machine was able to match ninja 2 move for move, but the champ had trouble keeping up with the more nimble ninja 2. Ninja 1 used his ninja tactics to take out Machine at ringside. Then the double team was on Power. The action was too furious for Duke and Merve to follow. Power seemed to be down, till Mean Machine was able to climb back into the action. Back and forth the action went. The end came when Ninja 1 tried a hurricanranna on Power. Power caught the Ninja, Powerbomb…quick tag to Mean Machine Machine hits the Mood Swing…1, 2, 3…Power and Machine pick up the hard fought victory.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Faces celebrate? </strong> C+</p><p>

Puerto Rican Power, Mean Machine, Jennifer Heat, and Karen Killer began to celebrate with the crowd as Rising Sun disappears with a puff of smoke. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Our first Tri-state area show ends it was a great showing for the first show, but it had some pretty loaded matches.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Overall rating: </strong> C-</p>

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<p>Well our fist excursion outside the Mid-Atlantic was a sucess for us. The predictions were kinda hard, since it was a special show:</p><p> </p><p>

Dragon 4-0 (15-6)</p><p>

Timber 2-2 (14-7)</p><p> </p><p>

congrats Dragonmack for getting all four correct.</p>

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<p>MAW Old School Rules the card</p><p> </p><p>

Rip Chord presents</p><p> </p><p>

MAW Old School Rules</p><p> </p><p>

We're back in the Mid-Atlantic. Our trip up north was good, but it is good to be back home...Rip wants to bring back the good ole days....Old School Rules:</p><p> </p><p>

Last month, MAW champion, Puerto Rican Power was able to take out Missing Link once and for all, this month he faces a man on a roll...RCI09 champion, Frankie Perez. Will the West Coast Mafia member finally win the title?</p><p> </p><p>

The Real Americans and Rising Sun battled to a draw, will the Americans get revenge or will we know who the ninjas are?</p><p> </p><p>

Mean Machine took out the menacing Ghidorah, will he be able to win the battle of the Machines with Insane Machine?</p><p> </p><p>

Kit Hayotoma battled MAW Knockout champion, Raven Nightfall to a draw, will this month be her chance to shine as the MAW Knockout champion?</p><p> </p><p>

MAW tag champs, Olympic Power will put their titles on the line to battle the Hurricanes. Who will be victorious?</p><p> </p><p>

All this and more, coming this May to the Delaware Auditorium....for MAW Old School Rules.</p><p> </p><p>

quick picks:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MAW championship</strong></p><p>

Puerto Rican Power © w/Jennifer Heat vs. Frankie Perez</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Battle of the Machines (no 1 contenders match)</strong></p><p>

Mean Machine vs. Insane Machine</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Grudge Match</strong></p><p>

Rising Sun vs. Real Americans</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MAW tag team championship</strong></p><p>

Olympic Power © vs. Hurricanes</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MAW Knockouts championship</strong></p><p>

Raven Nightfall © vs. Kit Hayotoma</p><p> </p><p>

John Greed w/Persphone vs. Masked Cougar</p><p> </p><p>

Remmy Skye vs. the Outlaw</p>

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<p>MAW championship</p><p>

<strong>Puerto Rican Power ©</strong> w/Jennifer Heat vs. Frankie Perez</p><p> </p><p>

Battle of the Machines (no 1 contenders match)</p><p>

<strong>Mean Machine</strong> vs. Insane Machine</p><p> </p><p>

Grudge Match</p><p>

Rising Sun vs. <strong>Real Americans</strong></p><p> </p><p>

MAW tag team championship</p><p>

<strong>Olympic Power ©</strong> vs. Hurricanes</p><p> </p><p>

MAW Knockouts championship</p><p>

<strong>Raven Nightfall ©</strong> vs. Kit Hayotoma</p><p> </p><p>

John Greed w/Persphone vs. <strong>Masked Cougar</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Remmy Skye</strong> vs. the Outlaw</p>

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<p>MAW championship</p><p>

<strong>Puerto Rican Power © w/Jennifer Heat</strong> vs. Frankie Perez</p><p> </p><p>

Battle of the Machines (no 1 contenders match)</p><p>

<strong>Mean Machine </strong>vs. Insane Machine</p><p> </p><p>

Grudge Match</p><p>

<strong>Rising Sun </strong>vs. Real Americans</p><p> </p><p>

MAW tag team championship</p><p>

<strong>Olympic Power ©</strong> vs. Hurricanes</p><p> </p><p>

MAW Knockouts championship</p><p>

<strong>Raven Nightfall © </strong>vs. Kit Hayotoma</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>John Greed w/Persphone </strong>vs. Masked Cougar</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Remmy Skye </strong>vs. the Outlaw</p>

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<p>MAW Old School Rules results</p><p> </p><p>

Rip Cord presents </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Black';"><span style="font-size:18px;">MAW Old School Rules</span></span></p><p> </p><p>

Att 738</p><p>

May 09</p><p>

Delaware Auditorium</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>


The Big Problem w/Windameer d. Reginald Morris C-</p><p>

War Inc. w/Windameer d. Natural Storm w/Moniqe C-</p><p>

Wanda Fish d. Angel Tukodome C-</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mainshow:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Welcome</strong> D</p><p> </p><p>

Duke Hazzard, Merve Ernest, and newcomer Rock Downpour welcome everyone to tonight's show.</p><p>

<strong>Ernest</strong>: "Welcome Rock to MAW. The bedrock of old school wrestling."</p><p>

<strong>Downpour</strong>: "Thanks Merve. I'm glad to be here. I hear over and over, what action happens down here in the Mid-Atlantic. I got a chance earlier this month to view it live and in person at MAW New York Nights. This is action at its best. And it is appropriate I come in for MAW Old School Rules. What a card we have. MAW Puerto Rican Power battles RCI 09 champion Frankie Perez. Power looks strong and I don't see anyway for Perez to take the title..."</p><p>

<strong>Hazzard</strong>: "Hang on there a moment. The RCI champion has historically taken the MAW title when they challenge for it..."</p><p>

<strong>Downpour</strong>: "That's true Duke, but the only RCI champion to not gain the title was Frankie Perez back in 06."</p><p>

<strong>Ernest</strong>: "Thank God, its good to have someone knowlegable here at the table. I see you've done your homework, Rock."</p><p>

<strong>Downpour</strong>: "That's part of our job. To help people see what's really going on."</p><p>

<strong>Hazzard</strong>: "Don't get too ****y. Mid Atlantic aint New York."</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Questions</strong> C+</p><p>

Remmy Skye is coming out to prepare for his match tonight, "Hey east coast slum...I know you wish you were me, I want to call out my 'buddy', Frankie Perez.....PDawg come on out." Perez comes out. "Hey man what's going on? We got together 4ever...what happened? You and Machine don't come out to my matches. Are we together?"</p><p>

"Hey brother, we are. Tonight is a big night for the West Coast Mafia. Tonight we will regain what is ours, the MAW title and take it back to the Real America..the West Coast. Brother, we are together 4ever...4Life."</p><p>

A short staredown, then Insane Machine comes out. It looks tense, till they shake hands and hug.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Remmy Skye vs. the Outlaw</strong> C-</p><p>

Outlaw and Skye have pretty good chemistry. It didn't help Outlaw much in this match, though. Skye pretty much dominated Skye Diver as Perez and Insane Machine cheer him on at ringside.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>No 1 contenders match tonight</strong> C</p><p>

<strong>Ernest</strong>: "West Coast starts off strong, later tonight we have another memeber Insane Machine battling Mean Machine for the no 1 contenders match.</p><p>

<strong>Downpour</strong>: "That's right Merve. A battle of Machines. Who will come out on top? If Insane come out and Perez wins, what happens then? Duke?"</p><p>

<strong>Hazzard</strong>: "Thank you for letting me talk. People come out to hear the crystal clear truth of Duke Hazzard, not some mumbo jumbo New York fancy pants talk. West Coast is on a roll. Tonight the West Coast takes Mid Atlantic."</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Persephone wants Westybrook</strong> B+</p><p>

The spoilt daddy's girl come out with John Greed. "Westybrook, you think your someone. I will get you...you will pay for not using your common sense...and joining the best thing in wrestling today."</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>John Greed w/Persephone vs. Masked Cougar</strong> C-</p><p>

After the speech, the match was on. Greed seemed to take Cougar a little to lightly. Cougar came to life. Throwing his body around like a leathal weapon. Cougar wins with a pinfall at the 7 minute mark. After the match, Persephone was irate. She grabbed her cell phone and began calling someone.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage attack</strong> C</p><p>

We switch backstage quickly to see Nevada Nuclear and Zeus Maxmillion have began to attack Jack Giedroyc. The MAW tag team champions are putting the boots to one of their challengers. Zeus finishes the job with a chair shot to the fallen man.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Raven wants to end it</strong> B</p><p>

MAW Knockouts champion, Raven Nightfall comes out next, "All I've heard all month is Kit will win. Hatoyama will end the Night reign. Well I've had enough. We will finish this, get out here Hatoyama."</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MAW Knockouts championship</strong> </p><p>

<strong>Raven Nightfall © vs. Kit Hatoyama</strong> C</p><p>

This was a barnburner. It was all it was cooked up for us. Kit came out launching moves from all over the ring. Nightfall was really off balance. A couple of nearfalls had the crowd on their feet. Nightfall was able to reverse the tide with some illegal tactics. Then Nightfall went to work. The Angel of the Night wins with a Nightfaller at the 9 minute mark. Raven Nightfall retains her title.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Raven is the champion</strong> B</p><p>

Raven adds insult to injury after the match hitting another Nightfaller on the fallen Kit. The fans boo her roundly as she struts her stuff in the ring with the belt.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Doesn't look like a match tonight</strong> C</p><p>

MAW tag team champions, Olympic Power, come out to the podium. "Well, well Hurricanes, doesn't look like a match tonight. Too bad, we were really looking forward to taking you down a notch for sticking your nose in god business...."</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Yes there will be.....</strong> C</p><p>

The tag champs are interrupted by owner, Rip Chord. "Hold on there. This is wrestling and last I checked you don't run anything. I say there will be a match tonight. Things get settled in the ring here. I talked to Erik Strong in the back and told him to find someone. He did....His old partner James Hernandez. Tonight you will face Call to Action."</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MAW tag team championship</strong><strong>Olympic Power © vs.. Call to Action (Strong and Hernandez)</strong> C-</p><p>

The fans went wild. The champs were off definitely caught off gaurd. Strong and Hernandez showed great the great teamwork that wowed fans earlier in their careers. The end came when Hernandez caught Zeus with the Hang 10. Winners and new MAW tag team champions, Call to Action.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tonight we will finish you ninjas </strong> C+</p><p>

The Real Americans come out as the new tag champs leave the ring area. West takes the mic, "Ninjas, you think your something. Last month you Pearl Harbored us. Month before we had you and you puff away. Tonight we take you to boot camp and destroy you."</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>NO..... </strong> C+</p><p>

As the Real Americans as talking there is a puff os smoke in the ring. The two ninjas appear. A shirken throw and there is a note at the announce table. "No...Tonight the Master will appear...."</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Real Americans vs. Rising Sun</strong> C+</p><p>

This is another major brawl with the two Ninjas using Ninja tactics and quick strikes to battle the power and strenght of the Real Americans. Downpour was heard to say, "I know ninja 1...he's Fumihiro Ota." Hazzard looked shocked as Merve had a look of I thought so....Back in the ring West had Ninja 2 in the corner. He makes a tag to Jorge Washington. Washington unloads with a backbreaker, no Ninja 2 flips up and tags Ota. Ota goes to work with his ninja tactics. Suddenly there is a puff of smoke on the entrance ramp. Another ninja figure appears...they are slight in form. West is distracted. The new person points and then the universal sign for the end.....Ota hits a wicked ensinguree kick to Washington's head....1, 2, 3....Rising sun wins. Post match the two ninjas hit quick strikes on the stunned Sgt. West goes down. The mysterious master, Ota, and Ninja 2 then disappear.</p><p>

<strong>Master appearing </strong> C+</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>No 1 contenders match (Machine vs. Machine)</strong></p><p>

<strong>Insane Machine vs. Mean Machine w/Karen Killer</strong> C</p><p>

Another match that wowed the crowd. Mean used his methodical approach, but Insane was a house of fire. Mean's approach won out as he hooked the Gears of the Machine on Insane at the 13 minute mark to gain the submission win. Mean Machine will challenge for the title next month at MAW Super Showdown 4.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>RCI man gets his shot.</strong> C+</p><p>

RCI 09 champion, Frankie Perez comes out to the podium. "Well finally, tonight I get my shot at the MAW title. You all know the West Coast rules. Insane was robbed, but I will make up for it and destroy the Power. You people are pathetic, you think you can beat the West Coast. NO Sir...we will take our title back tonight."</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Champ speaks</strong> B</p><p>

Perez makes his way to the ring as the MAW champion, Puerto Rican Power comes to the podium with Jennifer Heat. "My Powermaniacs, I come to you mi familia. It is my honor to fight for you and the MAW title. tonight I need you to shut up the loud mouthed west coast punk. Perez has been around for a while always nipping for the title, but tonight we finish him. With your help."</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MAW championship</strong> </p><p>

<strong>Puerto Rican Power © w/Jennifer Heat vs. Frankie Perez</strong> B-</p><p>

The main event was hot. Most folks gave Perez little chance to dethrone the champ, but tonight we had a new Perez in the ring. He kept the big champion moving alot. Power had to draw on the fans tonight. Perez would move in quick, but move out before the big man could strike back. the 30 minute mark began to show how Perez's approach was working. Perez began to get ****y, he moved in, but no the champ caught him with a Power bomb.....Perez barely reaches the ropes. He rolls to the outside. Power follows sensing the end, but as Fair gets turned around by Perez, Remmy Skye is under the ring. He comes out and nails the Champion. Perez then goes around and drags the champ into the ring. 1...2...Kick out. Perez locks in the Golden Gate Bridge...Fair checks the champ....he's out...We have a new MAW champion, Frankie Perez......</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>West Coast Celebration</strong> C+</p><p>

Frankie Perez takes the title as Insane Machine and Remmy Skye join him in the ring. The fans are livid, but we have a new champion.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Good bye Power</strong> B</p><p>

After Perez and West Coast leave the ring, Power gets up to the roar of the crowd. One smart fans holds up a sign, "Good bye Power" Power acknowledges the fans as they thank him for his time in MAW.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Overall show C+</strong></p><p>

Well Power came and told me on Monday that TCW had offered him a written contract. He told me he was going to accept which prompted the change in the match. Some fans had caught wind of the move and were prepared to send off our star. I couldn't let our main star go without some sendoff. The locker cleared to come out and celebrate with Power and Heat with our fans.</p>

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another exciting card... I thew out the match with the Olympics vs. Hurricanes because I meant for the Olympics to retain vs Call to Action, but forgot to set it on the notes. That puts you both at 4-2 for the card.


Puerto Rican Power leaving was the biggest trip up.



Dragonmack 4-2 (19-8)

Timber 4-2 (18-9)


thanks again for predicting and your comments.


how did you like the new announcers addition to some of the action?



Thanks again....

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MAW Southern Sizzler the card


Rip Chord presents:


MAW Southern Sizzler


June, one hot month, comes before the 4th. What is there to do...come on down to the Rainbow Bar and Grill for Steak, Shrimp and Wrestling, Mid-Atlantic Style. That's right we're coming out to one of the greatest areas of wrestling with great wrestling action. Bring the family out for good food and fun.


What's on tap.......


MAW has a new champion, Frankie Perez...Perez beat longtime champion, Puerto Rican Power last month. Now he's ready to put the title on the line against a newcommer making a splash, Rising Sun ninja 2.


We have new tag team champions, Erik Strong and James Hernandez reteamed to dethrone, Olympic Power. Olympic Power wants their rematch. Will they regain their titles?


Persephone has unleashed Larry Wood on MAW. Now that Tim Westybrook has rebuffed her, will Wood put Westybrook to rest?


Come on out for a good time this Friday, June 12 for Rip Chord MAW action.


quick pics


MAW championship:

Frankie Perez © vs. Rising Sun Ninja 2


Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Rising Sun Ninja 1 (Fumihiro Ota)


MAW tag team championship

Call to Action © vs. Olympic Power


Tim Westybrook vs. Larry Wood w/Persephone

Miss Information vs. Anni Ki

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<p><strong>Frankie Perez ©</strong> vs. Rising Sun Ninja 2</p><p> </p><p>

Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. <strong>Rising Sun Ninja 1 (Fumihiro Ota)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

MAW tag team championship</p><p>

<strong>Call to Action ©</strong> vs. Olympic Power</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tim Westybrook</strong> vs. Larry Wood w/Persephone</p><p>

Miss Information vs. <strong>Anni Ki</strong></p>

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<p>AW championship:</p><p>

<strong>Frankie Perez © </strong>vs. Rising Sun Ninja 2</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mean Machine w/Karen Killer</strong> vs. Rising Sun Ninja 1 (Fumihiro Ota)</p><p> </p><p>

MAW tag team championship</p><p>

<strong>Call to Action © </strong>vs. Olympic Power</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tim Westybrook </strong>vs. Larry Wood w/Persephone</p><p>

Miss Information vs. <strong>Anni Ki</strong></p>

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<p>MAW Southern Sizzler the results</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="font-size:18px;">MAW Southeast Sizzler</span></span></strong></p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Rainbow Bar and Grill</p><p>

Friday June </p><p>

Att: 103</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>


Bloxsome (Ali and Willie) d. Reginald Morris/the Outlaw E</p><p>

Cheyenne Silver d. DeCipher, Arthur T. Turtle, and Masked Cougar E</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Main Show:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Miss Information vs. Anni Ki </strong> F</p><p>

Not a barn burner, but definitely eye candy. Anni Ki picks up the pin at the 5 minute mark.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Westybrook you will rue the day</strong> B+</p><p>

Keeping up the eye candy, Persephone comes out next with Larry Wood in tow. “Westybrook, you will rue the day you mistakenly walked away from Persephone. Tonight Larry Wildman Wood will demolish you and your so called career.”</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tim Westybrook vs. Larry Wood w/Persephone </strong> D</p><p>

This was a brawlfest. Wood is a pretty entertaining, but Westybrook is a little bit more crafty. Westybrook wins with a pinfall at the 8 minute mark. Persephone is livid.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Olympic Power will battle tonight. </strong> C-</p><p>

Nevada Nuclear and Zeus Maxmillion come out, “At MAW the Clash, MAW tried to blindside us. Yes you caught us unawares with Call to Action, when we were suppose to face the Hurricanes. Lucky brake, even a hobbled squirrel finds a nut sometime. We will get our belts back tonight. We are prepared for you this time.”</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MAW tag team championship </strong> </p><p>

<strong>Call To Action © vs. Olympic Powers </strong> D</p><p>

This was brawl from the beginning. Zeus and Hernandez started the action. After Hernandez gained the advantage, he tagged in the fiery Strong. Strong then was cutoff. The Olympic Power then went to work. The crowd repeatedly tried to get behind Strong, but the duo proved too much. Nevada picks up the pin at the 14 minute mark on Strong. Olympic Power regains the MAW tag straps.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rising Sun hype </strong> C+</p><p>

Fumihiro Ota appears at the podium with a puff of smoke. He makes the universal death sign and heads to the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Fumihiro Ota</strong> C+</p><p>

This was a great match up for us in the South East. Machine and Ota worked well together. Machine used his methodical approach, but Ota refused to be perturbed. The end came when Ota used his Ninja tactics to gain the pinfall at the 16 minute mark.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Perez the new MAW champ </strong> C</p><p>

The new MAW champ, Frankie Perez comes out next. “Here I am, the MAW champion. I’ve ran many men out of the sport. I’m bringing the real America to the backwaters of the South East….I am the leader of the West Coast Mafia.”</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MAW championship[/b</strong></p><p><strong>

]</strong><strong><strong>Frankie Perez vs. Rising Sun ninja 2</strong></strong><strong> C+</strong></p><p><strong>

This was another good matchup for us. Ninja 2 is the smaller, quicker version. He went to work making Frankie chase him. Frankie came in with his normal ****y self…The Ninja took advantage and took the champ to the flight early. Perez finally reversed the momentum and was able to hit some offence. The end came when Perez was able to lock the P-clutch for the submission victory at the 18 minute mark. Frankie Perez makes his first defence of the MAW title.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Overall schore: C</strong></p>

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