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Well the Sizzler was another big sucess for us. Not a profit for the show, but for the month we came out ahead.


the predictions went pretty well with the tag titles being the big stumbling block.



Dragonmack 4-1 (23-9)

Timber 3-2 (21-11)



Still anybody's ballgame going into MAW Summer Showdown 4....


Thanks for the predictions

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MAW Super Showdown 4 the card


Rip Chord presents


MAW Super Showdown 4


Friday June 19, 2009


Last month we gained a new MAW champion....Frankie Perez who ended the Puerto Rican Power's 1 year, 13 defence reign, looks to reign surpreme. But the Mean Machine won the right to be number 1 contender. Will the Machine cut short the West Coast reign?


The MAW tag titles changed hand last month as Call to Action reunited to beat the Olympic Power, but Olympic Power won the titles back at MAW Summer Sizzler earlier this month. Rip Chord says he has challengers for the titles at the Super Showdown. Who are they?


MAW Knockouts champion, Raven Nightfall took care of Kit Hatoyama last month. This month she faces the lady she beat for the title, Wanda Fish. Will Wanda finally gain the coveted MAW Knockouts title?


Rising Sun's mysterious Master appeared last month as they defeated the Real Americans. What do they have in store this month?



Action is spades at the Delaware Auditorium. Come out for an exciting family night of wrestling.


quick picks:


MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Mean Machine w/Karen Killer


James Hernandez vs. Missing Link w/Windameer

Rising Sun vs. ????


MAW tag team championship

Olympic Power © vs. Rip's mystery team


MAW Knockouts championship

Raven Nightfall © vs. Wanda Fish


Insane Machine vs. Clyde Wilson vs. Ghidorah

Anni Ki vs. Melody Cuthill vs. Kit Haytoma

Cheyenne Silver w/Windameer vs. Masked Cougar

John Greed vs. Harvey Hayes

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MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Mean Machine w/Karen Killer


James Hernandez vs. Missing Link w/Windameer

Rising Sun vs. ????


MAW tag team championship

Olympic Power © vs. Rip's mystery team


MAW Knockouts championship

Raven Nightfall © vs. Wanda Fish


Insane Machine vs. Clyde Wilson vs. Ghidorah

Anni Ki vs. Melody Cuthill vs. Kit Haytoma

Cheyenne Silver w/Windameer vs. Masked Cougar

John Greed vs. Harvey Hayes

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MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Mean Machine w/Karen Killer


James Hernandez vs. Missing Link w/Windameer

Rising Sun vs. ????


MAW tag team championship

Olympic Power © vs. Rip's mystery team


MAW Knockouts championship

Raven Nightfall © vs. Wanda Fish


Insane Machine vs. Clyde Wilson vs. Ghidorah

Anni Ki vs. Melody Cuthill vs. Kit Haytoma

Cheyenne Silver w/Windameer vs. Masked Cougar

John Greed vs. Harvey Hayes

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry I've been out for the holidays...and I've lost the notebook where I wrote up everything for the shows. Unfortunately I don't have all the angles that were in the show exactly how I had them in the show. I will try to put the information as best as I can recall and the matches.


Sorry, the show should be up this afternoon.

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MAW Super Showdown 4 Results


MAW Super Showdown 4

June 2009

Attendence 1000




DND (DeCipher/Del Muerto) d. Bloxsome F

Fumihiro Ota d. Mean Machine C+


Main Show:


New Champ:

New MAW champion, Frankie Perez comes out to the crowd, “Well, well I ran that big overgrown roid freak out of MAW. Now who is there to challenge me?”


Interruption/Find someone

As Perez is talking out comes Jennifer Heat. “Listen you stupido, you didn’t run anyone out. Everyone here knows Puerto Rican Power was a champion for the people. Why do you disrespect your people?

“Shut up hussy, the West Coast rules MAW now. You’re either for us or against us.”

You shut up pig. I would fight you now if I could…”

“I have a fight for you, but find someone, and I will prove to you no one can beat the West Coast…”


I’m Here

As Perez finishes out of the back comes Mean Machine and Karen. “I’m here. Tonight you have to face me, the number one contender. You and I have had our battles, but I am the man who whooped your tail all over the Carolinas. Tonight I will take back my title.” Perez and Mean Machine have an intense staredown.


Harvey Hayes vs. John Greed w/Persephone E

Not the greatest match in our history, but a decent start. Hayes started strong, but Persephone put her self into the mix. Greed finished with the Deadly Induction for the win.


I have someone coming

Persephone comes to the podium after the match. “Soon I will have some new Deadly additions. Beware all who cross us.”


Masked Cougar vs. Cheyenne Silver w/Windameer C

This was a great match. Silver has really shown lots of promise and growth. Cougar is a reliable performer. Windameer has grown a lot at ringside. The end came when Windameer distracted Cougar enough for Silver to hit Cougar with Windameer’s cane. Silver picks up the win.


Anni Ki vs. Melody Cuthill vs. Kit Hayotoma C-

A nice Knockouts three way. The three ladies compliment each other well. Cuthill proved too much as she picks up the win over Ki.


Tonight I take the Knockouts title

Wanda Fish comes out to the podium. “Raven you won the title at RCI09, but I will win the MAW Knockouts title tonight, for me and the people.”


You will never see this title

As Wanda makes her way to the ring, out comes the MAW Knockouts champion, Raven Nightfall. “You will never hold my championship, Fish. I beat you then, and I will beat you now.”


MAW Knockouts championship

Raven Nightfall © vs. Wanda Fish C

These two don’t click in the ring, not the best pair to build a division on, but they put on great matches anyway. Wanda started hot, but Raven found a way to thwart her. Raven came on for a bit, but then Wanda caught fire. Wanda began to look like she could win the title, till Raven slipped Fair between them. Wanda caught Jay with a beautiful drop kick. Wanda went to check on Fair, and Raven took advantage. When Fair came round, Raven had Wanda rolled up for the 1, 2,3…Raven Nightfall retains the MAW Knockouts Title.



After the match, Raven grabbed a mic, “Well Wanda that was your last chance. You will never get another shot at my title.”


Clyde Wilson vs. Ghidorah w/Windameer vs. Insane Machine C-

Wilson is a sour puss. He doesn’t want to earn his way up the ladder here. He really brought down, what could have been a great match. Insane and Ghidorah had great nights as the Insane Machine pulls out the pinfall win over Wilson.


No one to challenge us

MAW champions, Olympic Power comes out to the podium next. “Looks like we have no challengers this month. We answered the Call to Action with the power of the gods.”

“Wait a minute there, Nukie. I’m the boss here, “ It’s the owner, Rip Chord. I have someone for you to face this month.” Out came the Hurricanes. “Olympic Power you will face the Hurricanes this month with the titles on the line.”



MAW Tag Team Championship

Olympic Power © vs. Hurricanes C-

This battle has been months in the making. Strong and Giedroyc took advantage of Zeus and Nevada being taking off guard. The champs weren’t going to lie down though. Back and forth the action went. Finally Strong hits the Eye of the Storm (shooting star press) on Zeus to pick up the win and gain the MAW tag team titles. The Hurricanes are the MAW tag champs.


New Champs celebrate

Eric Strong and Jack Giedroyc celebrate with the fans for the win.


Terror begins

The Mysterious Master appears on the big screen flanked by . The distorted voice begins, “Tonight my minions will continue our reign of destruction. You Americans have become too soft, too weak. Tonight the A* Alliance will fall.”


A* Alliance w/Karen Killer vs. Rising Sun C

Ota starts the match with Steven Parker. This match was great for what it was. Ota and his partner were quick and lethal. The end came when Ninja 2 hits Parker with a killer version of the Canadian Destoyer. 1, 2, 3…Rising Sun wins.


Night of Terror

After the match Ricky Douglas rushes in to check on the fallen Parker. A puff of smoke and Karen disappears from ringside. The mysterious master’s voice is heard….”Finish him!!!!” The Ninjas then brutally assault Douglas. As the carnage clears, Douglas is definitely hurt.


The Link grows

We see lord Geoffrey Windameer backstage with the Missing Link. Windameer looks heated, but quiets down when he notices the camera.


James Hernandez vs. The Missing Link w/Windameer C

These two men had been battling for a while. They know each other well. Hernandez was the better man this time too. Hitting the Fan’s Finisher to gain the pinfall win.


Carried Away

Hernandez celebrates with the fans, when Windameer turns to the back and a large hulking man comes out. “It’s the Big Problem.”, comments Merve. The Big Problem enters the ring and headbutts the Missing Link. He then picks up the Link and carries him to the back following Windameer.


Tonight I take my title

Mean Machine comes out without Karen Killer. “Tonight my brothers have fallen , Karen has been hurt, and who can I take it out on? Perez I wouldn’t want to be you. Tonight I take my title.”


Old man, go home

MAW champion, Frankie Perez comes out as Mean Machine heads to the ring. “Old Man go home. Better yet, here’s a dollar call someone who cares. Tonight I will put you back in your own old age home.”


MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Mean Machine C+

Definitely the match of the night. These two men have battled some over the years. Machine was uncharacteristically emotional. He rushed Perez and really took Perez down. Machine looked to make good his boast, till Perez caught his balance. The two men put on a great match till around the 20 minute mark, Machine seemed to run out of gas. Perez locked the P-Clutch. Machine was out, Perez defended his MAW title.


Terror continues

After the Match Perez begins to celebrate, when a puff of smoke. Rising Sun appears with the Master. Ota and the other ninja hit the ring and begin to assault the fallen Mean Machine. The show ends with Perez leaving the ring and the fallen Machine and the gloating Rising Sun.



Overall show C

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Well the Summer prediction contest is over....it was close....Timber pulled out the win this month, but Dragon kept his lead to win the contest.


Dragonmack 4-4 (27-13)

Timber 4-3 (25-14)


Thanks again for predicting and giving feedback. It is always appreciated.


The new contest begins with the next show, MAW Garden State Grappling.

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MAW Garden State Grappling the card


Rip Chord presents


MAW Garden State Grappling



July is here and MAW is headed back up north to the Garden state. Bringing the hard hitting action that sets MAW as the breadbasket of tommorrows talent.


MAW Super Showdown 4 saw MAW champion, Frankie Perez defend his title against the Mean Machine. This month he gets no rest as he faces the mysterious Fumihiro Ota. Will the West Coaster retain?


Windameer has brought in the Big Problem. Now Problem and the Missing Link will be teaming up to face A* Alliance.


The Olympic Power lost their tag titles last month, they look to get back on the winning track facing the meanacing team of the Real Americans. Will they restart their momentum?


Come out for great wrestling action Thursday July 11.


quick picks:


MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Fumihiro Ota w/the master


A* Alliance vs. Windameer's Court (The Big Problem/The Missing Link) w/Windameer


Olympic Power vs. Real Americans


John Greed w/Persephone vs. Tim Westybrook

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MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Fumihiro Ota w/the master

While I mark for the ninja, Frankie is a solid champion.


A* Alliance vs. Windameer's Court (The Big Problem/The Missing Link) w/Windameer

Sheer size wins this


Olympic Power vs. Real Americans

Always go with the red, white and blue


John Greed w/Persephone vs. Tim Westybrook

Even with Steven Parker's castoffs, Greed isnt winning

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MAW Garden State Grappling the results


Rip Chord presents:


MAW Garden State Grappling

Wesson Gymnasium

Attendance 112


PreshowRaven Nightfall d. Melody Cuthill C-


Main show


Fire Wood B+

The show opens with Persephone coming to the Podium with John Greed and Larry Wood….”Hello my adoring fans. I know you came to see Deadly in action, especially the best manager in wrestling today. But I do have some business to take care of tonight, Wood, you have been a big disappointment to me. I am tired of you, tired of your losing. You were suppose to have the MAW belt by now, but you are just a big dumb lump of hillbilly…your fired.” The dejected Wood looks at Persephone as she points to the back and then dejectedly walks away. “Persephone yells, “Wait Wood, I’ve changed my mind.” She smiles at him sweetly. As he comes back toward her…..


Deadly unleashed……. B+

Out of the back comes two burly men….They lay into poor Larry Wood as Persephone smiles. After putting the beating to Wood, the two men come to stand beside Persephone and Greed. “I want to introduce you to the newest team in MAW. They are no strangers to you here in New Jersey….Alex Braun and Tank Bradley…together they are Deadly.” John Greed heads to the ring for his match.


John Greed vs. Tim Westybrook E

Westybrook was wary entering the ring as Deadly tried to stay ringside with Persephone, but Jay Fair sent them to the back. Greed started ****y, but the power of Westybrook was too much as he gained the pinfall victory to wipe the smile off of Persephone’s face. Deadly tried to come out to get Westybrook, but Tim beat a hasty retreat to the back.


The champs are here C

The MAW tag team champions come to the podium next….”Here we are Olympic brother Zeus. MAW champs with no one to face….Ready, willing, and able to take on and destroy anyone, but not tonight….oh well….”

“Wait a minute there….”, Out of the back comes Sgt. West and Jorge Washington, the Real Americans…”I think we can face you…..”

“No way, you are not worthy, you let two little ninjas destroy you.”

“Yes they are…tonight for the MAW tag titles.” It was Rip Chord. “In fact right now!!”


MAW tag team championship

Olympic Power © vs. Real Americans C-

The Olympics were caught off balance as West and Washington took it to them early. Zeus and Nevada were going to the outside to slow down the onslaught. West chased Zeus down. Fair went out to try to get the men back to the ring area, but Nevada took the opportunity to clock Washington with his tag belt. Ditching the belt, Nevada then hits the Mushroom Cloud and covered Jorge as Fair got back in the ring to make the three count…..Olympic Power defends their tag belts.


Windameer’s Court C+

Lord Geoffrey comes out next flanked by Missing Link and The Big Problem. “I have a problem, the Missing Link has lost his way. Now I’ve found my problem solver…the Big Problem. Together they will make up my court….Windameer’s Court….”


Windameer’s Court w/Windameer vs. A* Alliance w/Karen Killer C

Steven and Ricky came out trying to change their fortunes, but the Power of Problem and Link waw too much…the new tandem won by pinfall in a devastating fashion.


Perez the champ C-

MAW champion Frankie Perez comes out to the podium, “Well its great to be back in New Jersey…NOT!!! Why do you east coast hillbillies think you can ever be worthy of West Coast….The Mafia has come DOWN here to share true greatness with you. As you see we hold the MAW title. Tonight I face some faceless ninja…LOL, I am your champion.”


MAW championshipFrankie Perez © vs. Fumihiro Ota C+

Perez came out with disdain for the smaller Ninja, but the agile Ota quickly wiped the ****y grin off his face. Ota came close to taking the title in the first few minutes, but Perez bailed. When Perez came back into the ring, it was for more punishment. Ota seemed to have it won, till Perez accidently hit Fair while falling back from Ota’s quick strikes. Then out of the back comes the Mean Machine. Two weeks ago, Ota had viciously attacked Machine in his championship shot, now the Machine was repaying the factor. Machine was able to hit the Mood Swing. He drapped Perez over Ota as Fair came to. 1, 2, 3….Perez retains as the show ends.



Overall show C-

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MAW Summer Heatwave 09


Rip Chord presents


MAW Summer Heatwave 09


July brings another big show. Last month Frankie Perez wanted a challenger and got one...Mean Machine. But Mean Machine fell short and was destroyed by Rising Sun and their mysterious master....This month Perez will be looking for another challenger, will Jennifer Heat have someone?


MAW Knockouts champion Raven Nightfall retained her title beating Wanda Fish, who will step forth, will Wanda gain a rematch?


Last month the Hurricanes won the MAW tag titles from Olympic Power, but Olympic Power had title belts at MAW Garden State Grappling in New Jersey. What happened? Who are the champs?


Lord Geoffrey Windameer introduced his problem solver, The Big Problem at MAW GSG....What will he do this month?



Quick Picks


MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Jennifer Heat's wrestler


Fumihiro Ota vs. Steven Parker w/Karen Killer

Wanda Fish vs. ????

The Big Problem w/Windameer vs. DC Rayne


MAW tag team championship

Hurricanes vs. Olympic Power

Cheyenne Wilson w/Windameer vs. Clyde Wilson

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A saturday at the gym


Well it was a saturday afternoon and where was I....at the gym...in walks..Rip Chord.


"Hey kid, let me have a word with you."


"Sure Rip"


"YOu know I wasn't too keen on you working outside Mid-Atlantic..."


"Yeah, I know...but...


"But, I think your doing ok...I do have one suggestion. Fans are alot more hip now, especially with the computer and the yahoonet." (Rip was quite up on the internet yet.) "You need to have more flow...I understand stacking the card some with talent from that area, but remember we are telling a story. Just keep it consistant...use the time to expand your story."


"Thanks Rip, I have some ideas I want to talk to you about...At MAW Battle of the Mid-Atlantic..."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rip Chord presents

MAW Summer Heatwave 09

Attendence 1000

Preshow:Olympic Power d. Bloxsome D

John Greed w/Persphone d. Arthur T. Turtle D

Cherry Bomb d. Angel Takudome C-

Devil’s Daughter d. Anni Ki C-


Main showNo one can face me C+

MAW champions, Frankie Perez comes out to open the show, “I ran out the unbeatable Puerto Rican Power. Last month I shut down the Machine. Who is left? No one can face me……”


I’ve got someone C+


The champion is interrupted by a beautiful raven haired lady. The fans erupt as Jennifer Heat comes out, “Perez, you haven’t run anyone away. And I have someone to face you. Last month you told me to find someone before we were interrupted by the Machine. Well I did..


No way, little lady, you’re cute, but you have to earn a shot here.” Jennifer shows no hint of backing down as she climbs into the ring with Perez towering over her. Then out of the back comes……


Well, Perez, I know you are a new champion. I don’t know how you settle things out west, but here in the Mid-Atlantic we put our money where our mouth is." Its Rip Chord, MAW owner. "I remember you telling Ms. Heat to get someone. She did and told me…so yes, tonight you will face her wrestler for the MAW championship.


Ernest “Who could it be? Who did Heat find that would have Rip’s wholehearted support?”


Hazzard “You can bet it someone who can carry their own weight here in the MAW.”


Clyde Wilson vs. Cheyenne Silver w/Windameer D

This could have been a nice opening match, but Wilson was overmatched. Silver has really grown up over the last year and the presence of Windameer at ringside only added to that advantage. Silver wins by submission.


Deadly grows next month C+

Persephone Larry Wood, and John Greed come out next. “Listen up you little people. Deadly is the greatest team money can buy. As hard as it is to believe we are going to get a little bit better. Next month Deadly grows even more Deadly…”


Hurricanes will win tonight C-

Out come the MAW tag team champions, Erik Strong and Jack Giedroyc- the Hurricanes. “Last month with the help you great MAW fans we captured the MAW tag team titles. Then earlier this month we catch Olympic Power carrying some cheap knockoffs. We’ll settle this tonight, we will beat the Olympic Power once and for all and show everyone who the real tag team champions are….”


You don’t have a prayer…. C-

“Hold on there wee man.” Out comes ex-champions Olympic Power carrying tag belts. “We are the real champs, you are looking at immortal power, nuclear power…real Olympic Power and we are the rightful champs. Zeus, king of the Olympians, and me Nevada Nuclear…we are Olympic Power you have no prayer of beating your MAW tag team champions.”


MAW tag team championship

Hurricanes © vs. Olympic Power C-

Action abounded in this quick paced contest. Nevada and Zeus were trying to prove their boast as the young duo of Giedroyc and Strong played to the crowd. The end came as Nevada looked to hit the Mushroom Cloud, but no, Giedroyc hits the Eye of the Hurricane and gains the pinfall. The Hurricanes retain the MAW tag team championship.


Hurricanes celebrate C

Erik Strong and Jack Giedroyc celebrate with the fans as Nevada and Zeus dejectedly walk to the back.


Introducing the Problem……solver C

Lord Geoffrey Windameer comes out next trailed by the big man he brought out last month, “Here he is people….he is my problem solver, but to all who stand in the way of true royalty he is The Big Problem. You will recognize your true place, and my true place at your lord.”


The Big Problem w/Windameer vs. DC Rayne w/Monique C-

Rayne starts hot taking to the big man, but Problem shrugged off the attacks and quickly pulverized the Rayne man. Windameer gloats after the brutal end.


You have to work your way back up again… B

MAW Knockout champion, Raven Nightfall, comes out next. “People of MAW, I know you’re as tired of seeing Wanda Fish as I am. I’ve beaten her and beaten her. Wanda, you want another shot, you have to work your way up, like everyone else. You might as well start tonight. If you can work your way up everyone here in MAW to earn another shot.” Wanda comes out ready to meet her challenge.


Wanda Fish vs. Roz Lauren D

Roz is a great prospect, but Wanda is the real deal. Wanda hits the Dish of the Day to gain the win in 3 minutes.


Wanda wins B-

Wanda celebrates with the fans as Raven who was near ringside grabs a mic, “That is just one, remember you have to work your way through everyone….” Raven throws down the mic and head to the back.


Perez vs. Heat’s wrestler tonight C+

Merve and Duke comment on that tonight Perez will face Jennifer Heat’s wrester. Who could it be? Will Perez be ready? What about the West Coast Mafia?


Mean Machine broken again C+

Merve and Duke are interrupted by a shirken thrown to their table. There is a note attached. It reads…-Watch the Screen- in flowing script. We tune into the screen to see a replay of Rising Sun destroying Mean Machine at the end of MAW Super Showdown. Then the Mean Machine is shown being carted off and in a hospital room. A message scrolls at the bottom of the screen….”The Master is coming soon…..the Machine has been broken..again….” Steven Parker runs out of the back demanding the Ninjas to show themselves. A puff of smoke and Fumihiro Ota appears. Jay Fair runs from the back and we have a match.


Steven Parker vs. Fumihiro Ota C

You have to give Parker credit as took on the elusive ninja, but he was not match for Ota. Ota make quick work of the youngster.


Douglas taken out C+

Ricky Douglas comes flying from the back to stop Ota from dishing further punishment on Parker, but The Second Ninja was waiting. As Parker was out in the ring, the two ninjas then turn the destructive force on Ricky Douglas. Douglas is hurt badly as the ninjas disappear in a puff of smoke.


Heat’s wrestler is……. C+

After the injured Ricky Douglas is helped to the back, MAW champion, Frankie Perez is out to the ring for his title defense…”Heat time to put up or shut up..Who is the victim tonight?”

Jennifer Heat comes out with a wide grin, “Don’t worry Frankie, I didn’t have to go far. Your opponent tonight is none other than your old friend…..James Hernandez". Ex-MAW champion, James Hernandez comes out to the sold out crowd on their feet. Perez looks worried.


MAW championshipFrankie Perez © vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat C+

Perez is off his game early as Hernandez takes full advantage. Hernandez looks to have the match and his second MAW title reign till out of the back comes Remmy Skye and Insane Machine. Fair has no choice but to call for the bell. James Hernandez wins the battle by DQ, but not the war as the West Coast Mafia puts the boots to the valiant warrior. Jennifer Heat can only look on as Hernandez falls victim to numbers and our show comes to an end.


Overall show C

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Thanks for all who read this....and Dragon thanks for taking the time to predict...you went 3-3 for this month.


August is a new month. We are working our way up to the big MAW Where It All Begins Again 4 in October, but first we head south for MAW Mississippi Murder. What is in store?


At MAW Summer Heatwave, Frankie Perez faced off with Jennifer Heat's new man, James Hernandez. Hernandez won, but not the title as the rest of the West Coast Mafia attacks. The two men will meet again. Will Perez keep his title or will Hernandez regain his MAW title?


Windameer has grown adding the monstrous Big Problem to his stable. Now Problem and Missing Link will team up as Windameer's Court to face the stawart duo of Natural Storm.


MAW Knockouts champion, Raven Nightfall will defend her title.


And Persephone has a new team to debut.


Quick Picks:

MAW ChampionshipFrankie Perez © vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat

Natural Storm w/Monique vs. Windameer's Court w/Windameer


MAW Knockouts championshipRaven Nightfall © vs. ????


Persephone's new team vs. Bloxsome


Come on out for an exciting family night of action MAW style in Mississippi.

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<p>MAW Mississippi Murder the results....</p><p> </p><p>

Rip Chord presents</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Black';"><span style="font-size:14px;">MAW Mississippi Murder</span></span></p><p>


Attendence 87</p></div><p></p><p></p><p>


10 man battle royal Cheyenne Silver d. Clyde Wilson, Oscar Golden, and Surfeador Californico E</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Main show</strong></p><p>

<strong>Real Americans vs. DnD (DeCipher/Del Muerto) </strong> D</p><p>

This was a pretty good opening match. The Real Americans have been out for a while since their battle with the Rising Sun. They come back strong with a win here as Sgt. West hits the Howitzer on DeCipher for the win.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Deadly’s new team</strong> B-</p><p>

Persephone, Larry Wood, and John Greed come out next. “Well, well, Here I am, the belle of the ball. But now I’m having to sit in this pigstye. But that can’t keep me down now. No tonight I present to you my new team, Deadly.” With that two large angry looking men come from the back.”</p><p> </p><p>

“Oh my gosh! That’s Alex Braun and Tank Bradley.” ,chimed Merve Ernest.</p><p> </p><p>

Persephone resumes as the crowd soaks in the new team, “Feast your eyes on Alex Braun and Tank Bradley, Deadly. Watch what they can do.” Out comes their opponents, Bloxsome.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Deadly w/Persephone vs. Bloxsome</strong> C</p><p>

Bloxsome needs some work, but Deadly really looked good. It helps that Persephone and they have great chemistry. Deadly quickly defeated the family team in a squash.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Raven is a Knockout!! </strong> B+</p><p>

MAW Knockout champion, Raven Nightfall is shown in a short video. The fans seemed to enjoy this snippit.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MAW Knockouts championship</strong></p><p>

<strong>Raven Nightfall © vs. Kit Hayotoma </strong> D</p><p>

Not the best defense, but Raven did look pretty good defending her title.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Windameer’s Court </strong> C+</p><p>

Lord Geoffrey Windameer comes out next flanked by Big Problem and Missing Link. “I present to you the next generation of champions, Windameer’s Court.”</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Natural Storm w/Monique vs. Windameer’s Court w/Windameer </strong> C-</p><p>

Windameer’s court looked brutal. Rayne and Howard got some quick early shots, but the Problem was just too much. Big Problem picks up the pinfall over Rayne.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Fan Interaction/Intermission </strong> B</p><p>

A quick interaction to help some of our guys some pop and skills building. It featured Frankie Perez, Mainstream Hernandez, Jennifer Heat, Big Problem, Cheyenne Silver, Persephone, John Greed, Alex Braun.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Main Event Hype </strong> B</p><p>

We see a short video hyping our main event of Frankie Perez vs. Mainstream Hernandez for the MAW title.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MAW championship</strong></p><p>

<strong>Frankie Perez © vs. Mainstream Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat </strong> C-</p><p>

This match was pretty good as neither man is really known in the southeast. Perez took an early advantage, but Hernandez stormed back. Hernandez seemed to have the match won till an inadvertent hit on Heat by Perez caused Jay Fair to go check on her. As Fair’s attention was there, out comes Remmy Skye. Remmy hits Hernandez. He pulls Perez on top of Hernandez and leaves the ring. Fair comes back and counts the three count. Perez retains his MAW title.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Beatdown</strong> C</p><p>

After the match, Remmy Skye and Insane Machine come out of the back and begin to add punishment to Hernandez. The show ends with West Coast Mafia standing over a beaten Hernandez.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Overall show</strong> D</p>

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MAW the Battle of the Mid-Atlantic 09 the card


Rip Chord presents

MAW The Battle of the Mid-Atlantic 09


Last month at MAW Summer Heatwave 09, Jennifer Heat produced James Hernandez to challenge MAW champion Frankie Perez. Hernandez won a DQ victory, but not the title. Then earlier this month at MAW Mississippi Murder, Remmy Skye came out to help Perez defeat Hernandez. Perez has claimed to put Hernandez away..now he is ready to move on. At MAW TBOTMA 09 he faces a strong test in Tim Westybrook. Westybrook has been working his way through big men. Will this be Westybrook’s big break?

Meanwhile Hernandez has to climb the ladder by facing the West Coast Mafia one at a time. This month he will face Insane Machine.


Rising Sun took out Mean Machine at MAW Super Showdown 4, then last month they took out Ricky Douglas. This month Steven Parker is alone to face Rising Sun Ninja 2. Will he survive?


MAW Knockouts champion, Raven Nightfall has told Wanda Fish that she must work her way back up the ladder to challenge for the title. Wanda will continue her climb by facing Angel Takadome. Meanwhile Raven will defend her title against Kit Hayotoma.


The MAW tag champs, the Hurricanes will defend against former champions Olympic Power, 1 more time. Will the ex champs regain their titles or will the Hurricanes blow them away?


All this and more, come on out for a night of exciting family friendly fun of Mid-Atlantic Wrestling.


Quick picks

MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Tim Westybrook

Insane Machine vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat

Windameer’s Court (Big Problem and Missing Link) w/ Windameer vs. ?????

MAW Knockouts Championship

Raven Nightfall © vs. Kit Hayotoma

Wanda Fish vs. Angel Takadome

Rising Sun Ninja 2 vs. Steven Parker w/Karen Killer

MAW tag team championship

Hurricanes © vs. Olympic Power

Deadly (Alex Braun/Tank Bradley) w/Persephone vs. Natural Storm w/Monique

Remmy Skye vs. The Outlaw

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Frankie Perez © vs. Tim Westybrook


Insane Machine vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat


Windameer’s Court (Big Problem and Missing Link) w/ Windameer vs. ?????


MAW Knockouts Championship

Raven Nightfall © vs. Kit Hayotoma


Wanda Fish vs. Angel Takadome


Rising Sun Ninja 2 vs. Steven Parker w/Karen KillerMAW tag team championship


Hurricanes © vs. Olympic Power


Deadly (Alex Braun/Tank Bradley) w/Persephone vs. Natural Storm w/Monique

Remmy Skye vs. The Outlaw

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MAW the Battle of the Mid-Atlantic 09 the results


Rip Chord presents


MAW The Battle of the Mid-Atlantic 09


Delaware Auditorium


Attendance 1000





Ghidorah w/Windameer d. Arthur T. Turtle C-

Cherry Bomb d. Roz C-

Cheyenne Silver d. DC Rayne C-

Devil’s Daughter d. Kit Hayotoma C-

Deadly w/ Persephone d. Oscar Golden/Surfeador Californico C



Main show


Remmy Skye vs. the Outlaw C-

A good opening match that allowed Skye to get some singles work. The Outlaw is a newcomer that just started in the business, but he does look pretty impressive. He shows some promise for the future. Skye wins though with the Skye Diver.



You don’t deserve another chance C+

MAW champion, Frankie Perez, comes out after the match with Insane Machine. West Coast Mafia is standing tall in the ring. Perez grabs a mic, “Hernandez, you don’t deserve another shot. Yeah, you are a former champion, but you had two chances already. Time to move to the back of the line and give someone more deserving a shot. You have to work your way back up, just like everyone else. See, unlike you East coast hillbillies, the West Coast Mafia is an equal opportunity group. We give everyone an equal opportunity to get beaten. So you and the little tramp, Heat get on back.”



Larry Wood??? C+

As the West Coast Mafia leaves the ring area, out comes Deadly. Persephone, John Greed, Larry Wood, Alex Braun, and Tank Bradley. As Persephone grabs the mic, Deadly and John Greed attack Larry Wood. The quick strikes are brutal and enough to catch the puppy dog Wood off guard. The quartet leave Wood in a heap and head on to the ring.


My New team C

Persephone grabs a microphone, “Well I see you inbreds have no idea of true leadership. My daddy always told me,, ‘When something doesn’t perform, discard it.’ Larry Wood, you haven’t lived up to your potential. You were suppose to bring me the head of Jack Giedroyc, but you didn’t. so we disposed of you. Now you are looking at the greatest team in MAW, Deadly. They are primed to demolish, anyone who tries to mess with Persephone.”



Deadly w/ Persephone vs. Natural Storm w/Monique C

Alex and Tank work like the well oiled matchine they are. With Persephone at ringside it was a forgone conclusion. Tank puts Rayne away for the victory.



Hurricanes hype Olympic Power C

MAW tag team champions, the Hurricanes come out next as Jack Giedroyc has a mic, “Tonight we finally put to rest the Olympic Power. We won the titles, thanks to you fine folks, and buggar if they make fakes. Then to top off the tea they want another shot. I have something for you boys. Erik and I will blow you away.”


Keep our titles warm. C

The challengers are next to come out. Olympic Power looks primed for the battle. Nevada Nuclear and Zeus Maxamillion have serious looks in their eyes tonight. “Lets hope you’ve kept our titles warm Hot Air. We will be taking them back tonight.”



MAW Tag Team championship

Hurricanes © vs. Olympic Power C-

Another good output from these two teams. Nevada and Zeus looked determined, but Erik and Jack had an answer for all their moves. The end came when Jack Giedroyc hits the Crashing on for win. The Hurricanes retain their MAW tag team titles.


Deadly strikes C+

As the Hurricanes are savoring their victory out of the back comes Alex Braun, Tank Bradley, John Greed, and Persephone. The trio begins to put the boots to the champions as Persephone cackles with glee. Persephone then addresses the crowd, “I told you Giedroyc I would get you. Now you will pay. You and your little street trash buddy.”



I’m coming back C+

The fans erupt as Mean Machine comes out to address the crowd. He is flanked by Karen and Parker. “I’m here for one thing…Rising Sun, I don’t know you, but you have made one enemy you will regret. This is my yard, my land, and my house. I will take you down and your Master. Firm is 4 life!”


Rising Sun 2 vs. Steven Parker w/Karen Killer C+

The smaller quicker Ninja started fast, but Parker fed off the crowd. Ota came from the back during the match, but was met by Mean Machine. Machine put up a valiant fight, but being still injured he couldn’t stop the Ninja. In the ring the quicker Ninja seemed to have the upper hand, till Parker was able to grab the ninja mask and rip it away. The crowd was in shock, it was Kazuma Narato. Parker was in shock also. Long enough for Narato to hit three swift kicks and make the cover. Fair counted the one, two, three. Kazuma Narato won the match.



Master will destroy the Firm C+

As Rising Sun was prepared to continue the assault a gong sounded. The big screen came on and a smoky room was shown with a shadowy figure. Ota and Narato both bowed to the screen. A raspy voice declared, “Doom!!! Doom is what I will bring to the Firm. We will destroy the Firm!!!”



You won last time, but not this time C+

MAW Knockout champion, Raven Nightfall, comes out. “Wanda Fish, you got real lucky last month. This month Angel will make mince meat of you and you will the dish of the day.”


Angel Takadome vs. Wanda Fish C-

Angel came out trying to look good in front of Raven. Wanda was more determined though. Wanda pulls out the victory with a Dish of the Day.


Wanda wins again B

Wanda is celebrating as Raven is furious at ringside. Raven tries to sneak up on Wanda, but Wanda is ready and Raven has to leave the ring.


Kit tries again B

As on cue the challenger for Raven’s MAW Knockouts title comes out, Kit Hayotoma. A graphic shows how close Kit came to winning the title earlier this year.


MAW Knockouts championship

Raven Nightfall © vs. Kit Hayotoma C

This was a decent match, but Kit was off her game tonight. Raven seems to take her anger out on poor Hayotoma. Raven wins with the Nightfaller to retain her title.


Raven is champ B

Turn about is fair play as Wanda comes out to check on Kit. Raven is taunting Wanda with her title.



Windameer’s Court is here C+

A quick video shows how devastating Big Problem and Missing Link can be.


Windameer’s Court w/Windameer vs. Harvey Hayes/Oscar Golden C-

Harvey and Oscar try to use speed, but Problem and Link are too powerful Problem wins by pinning Oscar.

Windameer has grown B

After the match, War Inc comes out to join Windameer and Windameer’s Court. This is an impressive looking group.



I have and I will B-

James Hernandez rushes out in his street clothes all torn and ragged. Jennifer Heat comes running behind with a mic, “Wait, wait…”

Hernandez is heard, “No way. Sorry I’m late folks. I had a little obstacle to overcome.” A video begins to play showing James Hernandez trying to come into the arean and being attacked by Remmy Skye and Insane Machine. “As you can see Frankie Perez is really scared of me,. I’ve beaten all three in one night. And I will beat all three again to regain your title. Get out here Insane Machine.”


Insane Machine vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat C+

This was another great match. Hernandez and Insane work well together. This was no exception. Machine looked to have the early advantage, but Hernandez fed off the crowd and pulled out the victory.


Another attack C+

Hernandez didn’t have long to celebrate as Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye come out and join Insane Machine in a beatdown of Hernandez.



No one can beat me C

Perez stands in the ring as Hernandez is wheeled out of the ringside area. “Take a good look at what happens to people who get in our way. I can’t be beaten. Who is this Westybrook? He thinks he can do something.”


MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Tim Westybrook C+

Perez was very contemptuous of Westybrook at first to his detriment. Westybrook proved he could hold his own with the champion. Westybrook caught a couple of 2 counts before Perez bailed to the outside. Westybrook went after him, and into Perez’s trap. The wiley champion took out the challenger with quick shots into the railing. Rolling the challenger into the ring Perez was able to lock on the P-Clutch. Frankie Perez retains his title.


West Coast Supreme C

The show ends with the West Coast Mafia reigning supreme in the ring.



Overall show rating C+

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MAW Putting on the Ritz (Tri-state)


Rip Chord presents


MAW Putting On the Ritz


On September 9, 8 pm, MAW comes back to the Tri-State area to Put on the Ritz.


At the Battle of the Mid-Atlantic we saw Perez defend against Tim Westybrook. Westybrook came up just short but looks to rebound this month as he will battle against one of Persephone and Deadly's new men, Alex Braun. Persephone hasn't forgotten that Westybrook spurned a chance to join Deadly. Will Westybrook rebound or will Deadly prove to be his peril.


The other half of Deadly's new team will pursue another spurner of Persephone, Jack Giedroyc. The new team attacked the MAW tag team champions, the Hurricanes at MAW TBOTMA. Will Jack Giedroyc meet the test or will Tank Bradley overwelm the young Brit?


Rising Sun has finally been completely unmasked, Fumihiro Ota and Kazuma Narato. They have seemed to dispatched the Firm. This night they will battle another prime group of MAW, the West Coast Mafia team of Insane Machine and Remmy Skye. Which team will come out on top?


Wanda Fish is still trying to climb back up the ladder and face MAW Knockouts champion, Raven Nightfall. Will she be able to overcome the next opponent, Devil's Daughter?


The action will be hot as Rip Chord and Mid-Atlantic come to the Tri-State area to MAW Putting on the Ritz.


Quick picks


West Coast Mafia vs. Rising Sun

Alex Braun w/Persephone vs. Tim Westybrook

Devil's Daughter vs. Wanda Fish

Tank Bradley w/Persephone vs. Jack Giedroyc

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MAW Puttign on the Ritz the results


Rip Chord presents


MAW Putting on the Ritz




September 9, 2009

Attendence 99




Larry Wood d. Cheyenne Silver D

10 man battle royal Ricky Douglas d. Zeus, Windameer, and Masked Cougar. E

Mean Machine d. Paul Allen C-




Did you forget about me? C+

Our show starts with Persephone coming out with John Greed and Deadly. "So Jack Giedroyc, did you forget about me? Eric Strong, did you forget about me? Well you'd better fear the Deadly touch I have now."


Tank Bradley w/Persephone vs. Jack Giedroyc C

Giedroyc started strong with fast moves over the larger opponent, but Tank was too much. Persephone was also a major factor in this match. She had a demented look in her eyes as she watched the man who'd spurned her get beat up and down the ring. The end came when Tank locked on a figure four and finished the young Hurricane off.


Deadly recogning C+

After the match Tank continued to beat on the fallen Giedroyc till Eric Strong came out of the back. But as Strong made it to the ring, Alex Braun came from behind. The scene ends with a gloating Persephone standing over the fallen Hurricanes.



You won last time, but not this time C+

MAW Knockouts champion Raven Nightfall comes out to address the crowd. "Wanda, you think you deserve a shot? You did beat Angel last time, but you will not beat tonight's challenge." Wanda Fish comes out quickly and Raven retreats to the announce table.


Devil's Daughter vs. Wanda Fish C

This was and excellent match. Devil's Daughter and Wanda have excellent chemistry. They seemed to read each other's minds. The end came when Raven tried to intervene and got Devil's Daughter to be disqualified. Wanda wins and moves a step closer to the challenging for the Knockouts title.


I will get you, too. C+

Out comes Persephone, John Greed, and Deadly again. "Well, well, Tim Westybrook. You saw what happened to the Hurricanes earlier. Now you also turned down a chance to join the greatest family in wrestling. Tonight you will learn the folly of your ways, I do feel sorry for you, Westybrook, but you time is over."


Alex Braun w/Persephone vs. Tim Westybrook C

Another great match here. Westybrook is a big tough customer, but Alex is someone who has been around the block. Alex used his experience and Persephone at ringside to take control. Alex hits Braun Damage to gain the victory.


Another beatdown B-

The victory was not enought for Persephone. Once again after the bell Alex and Tank put the boots to the fallen Westybrook. Persephone and Deadly have had a great night tonight.


Rising Sun is here C+

The mysterious Master makes a rare appearance at the podium. The smoky haze and billowous dark cloak makes it hard to make out just who it is. "Tonight the Rising Sun wrestle unmasked and free. Soon all will see. West Coast is truely a marvelous place, but you will be destroyed apace."


Rising Sun w/Master vs. West Coast Mafia C+

Insane Machine and Remmy Skye start this match with lots of disdain for the two unmasked ninjas. They quicky changed their approach as Ota and Narato struck quick and often. Machine and Skye were tough and fought back, but the Ninjas also had the Master in their corner. The end came when Ota was able to pin Skye using Ninja Tactics.



All in all it was a great show in the Tri-state area for Persephone, Rising Sun, and MAW.


overall show C+


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