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MAW The Clash II Preview


Dragon you did pretty good for not knowing all the characters....thanks for taking the time to predict.


Rip Chord presents:

MAW The Clash II


September 21, 2007

Stanley Hall

MAW champ Mainstream Hernendez sucessfully turned back the challenge of West Coast Mafia member Insane Machine, but he and his friends lost the war. Erik Strong fell to Remmy Skye and Jack Giedrocy lost to Frankie Perez. This month the champ will team up with the Hurricanes to take on the West Coast Mafia in a 6 man battle. If West Coast wins then the champ will have to face all three in a gauntlet at MAW Where It All Begins Again 2. If the Champ and his team mates win then West Coast Mafia members cannot challenge for the MAW title again during Mainstream's reign.


Natural Storm won a countout victory over the tag champs last month. This month their looking for another shot for the tag titles.


Oscar Golden hasn't forgotten about his run ins with Ricky Douglas, as he and Flash Savage attacked the Firm tag team last month. This month the two teams will settle it in the ring.


Puerto Rican Power with Jennifer Heat has really been turning heads here in the Mid-Atlantic area...Persephone has taken exception to Heat and has fired up Greed to put the upstarts in their place.


Quick Picks:

Mainstream Hernendez and The Hurricanes (Jack Giedrocy and Erik Strong) vs. West Coast Mafia (Frankie Perez, Insane Machine, and Remmy Skye)


Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat vs. John Greed w/Persephone

Natural Storm vs. ????

Canadian Blondes vs. the Firm

Steven Parker vs. Tim Westybrook

Sgt. Bubba Lee West vs. Reginald Morris


Be there for the clash of groups, of styles, of warriors....be there for MAW the Clash II.....

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  • Replies 408
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Mainstream Hernendez and The Hurricanes (Jack Giedrocy and Erik Strong) vs. West Coast Mafia (Frankie Perez, Insane Machine, and Remmy Skye)

I see Skye being better than Strong


Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat vs. John Greed w/Persephone

PRP is the man


Natural Storm vs. ????

I invoke the ???? rule


Canadian Blondes vs. the Firm

Catteley trumps both Blondes


Steven Parker vs. Tim Westybrook

Parker may be the future, but Westybrook is a beast


Sgt. Bubba Lee West vs. Reginald Morris

Boot camp begins

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MAW The Clash II


Rip Chord presents

MAW The Clash II

Stanley Hall

September 21, 2007

Attendence: 191



Oscar Golden d. Al Coleman E


Main Show


You can’t beat us 3 on 3 D

The West Coast Mafia comes out to open the show. Frankie Perez grabs the mic, “Mainstream, you think your something? You know that you and your two punk friends don’t stand a chance against the West Coast Mafia. Two hillbillies and a Brit against the pride of the Real America…the only part of America that counts….West Coast- that’s a foregone conclusion- West Coast all the way. No way you can beat us. So get ready to face the gauntlet next month at MAW Where It All Begins Again 2.”


Yes We Can D

While Perez is still talking he is cut off as MAW champion Mainstream Hernandez comes out flanked by Jack Giedrocy and Erik Strong. “Here you go again spouting and wasting peoples time Perez. We are proud of being from the Carolinas, and as for Jack, he just don’t like you arrogant punks. Tonight my friends and I are not alone, we have all these folks in our corner and it’s enough to overcome you.” The two groups have an intense stare down till the Mafia head to the back.


Steven Parker w/Karen Killer vs. Tim Westybrook C-

Westybrook came out ready for a fight tonight. He took it to the Firm member with lefts and rights. Parker was really reeling till Karen helped even things up by jumping up on the apron. Parker was wise enough to take quick advantage. Parker hits the Future Shock at the 9 minute mark for the win.


Sgt. Bubba Lee West vs. Reginald Morris E

After the excellent opening match this squash really bored the crowd. West took Morris to boot camp, but Morris left a lot to be desired.


Who do you think you are? C-

MAW tag team champs, Olympic Powers, come out next. Nevada grabs the mic, “Who do you two clowns think you are? Zeus and I come out and worked our inevitable way to our rightful place at the top of the mountain. We are the tag team champs and two old news ‘Persians want to try to take our place. Just as the 300 stopped the Persians we would stop you, but you aren’t worth our time. DC, Eddie you are old news, make way for the true powers, the Olympic Powers.”


Almost D

As Zeus and Nevada are interacting with the crowd, Natural Storm comes out to try to gain a measure of revenge, but the Olympic Powers high tail it before getting caught.


Canadian Blondes vs. The Firm (Ricky Douglas/Murderous Mikey) w/Karen Killer E

These two teams were not interested in a wrestling match as it deteriated into a brawl early. Douglas and Mikey had the upperhand as they are definitely the bigger, stronger team, but Oscar and Flash used their speed to try to even it up. Jay Fair had no choice but to count out both teams as they stayed on the floor with the battle most of the match. This war is far from settled.


Fan Interaction C-

Another intermission for the fans to interact with our workers.


Another defense tonight C

As the Olympic Powers and Natural Storm are bantering during the Fan interaction, Rip Chord comes out, “Powers, you want to be champions, you will act like champions. Tonight you will defend your titles against Natural Storm. If you are counted out you will lose your titles.


MAW tag team championship

Olympic Powers © vs. Natural Storm D

Here we go again. The champs really tried to avoid this matchup and now Rip had put the stip of a title change on a count out. After the usual avoidance Nevada and Eddie finally hook up first. Howard really takes it to Nevada and forces the tag to Zeus. Zeus comes in to get a good dose of rage and fury of the storm. DC is on the outside begging to be let in to let some of his frustration out. The fans seem to be getting in to this match, till Nevada comes into the ring with a chair in front of Jay Fair to elicit the DQ. Natural Storm wins the match, but not the titles. What new lows can the champs sink to?


Persephone and Greed C

John Greed and Peresphone come out to the podium flanked by the hulking gods of Thunder. “Power, you and your little two bit tramp come up out of nowhere and think you runs something. You come out all lovey-dovey…well tonight you will meet a man, a real man who will take you down. “

Persephone adds, “And Heat, you little tramp, there is only one lady here and that is me.”


MAW champ Mainstream Hernandez and the Hurricanes vs. the West Coast Mafia C-

This was an excellent match. Hernandez and the Hurricanes really feed off the crowd. Frankie Perez and Jack Giedrocy started the action with lots of great grappling action. Perez quickly tagged the Insane Machine and IM and Gied stole the show. The end came when Hernandez was outside battling with Remmy Skye and Perez pinned Erik Strong to earn a gauntlet match for the title next month.


Next Month the whole West Coast Mafia gets a title shot C-


John Greed w/ Persephone vs. Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat C-

Another great match to close the show with both ladies adding a lot ringside to the action. Greed used his speed to keep Power off balance at the beginning, but Puerto Got riled up as he saw Persephone go after his beloved Heat. Power took out his rage on poor Greed to the delight of the fans. The end came with Cupid’s Crush at the 13 minute mark.

Power ascendant B-

We end the show with Persephone running to the back as Puerto Rican Power and Jennifer Heat celebrate with the fans.



Overall show C-


All in all a good show. I am really disappointed with the Natural Storm/Olympic Power fued I was really hoping that Zeus and Nevada pairing would help DC and Eddie grow as I've paired them back up again. But things are set up for Where It All Begins Again 2

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DragonMack you batted 500 again as now you are 6-6 overall...that is really good for not knowing the pushes.


I appreciate you taking the time to read and predict.


thanks to all who read, it really helps to see others reading and hopefully enjoying this little bit.

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<p>Rip Chord presents</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="color:#4169E1;">MAW Where It All Begins Again 2</span></span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Here we are fans…..we are at the biggest show of the year….MAW Where It All Begins Again 2. Lots of action that promises to shake up the MAW foundations.</p><p> </p><p>

MAW champion Mainsteam Hernandez and his team lost a 6 man battle and now must put his title up against the entire West Coast Mafia in a Gauntlet. Our champ has overcome odds. Two years of struggle to rise to the title and now it may be gone. Remmy Skye, the ex-champ who wants his title back, Frankie Perez, the man who beat Mainstream for the RCI twice in 06, and Insane Machine, an awesome competitor known around the world, all will have a chance to unseat the champ. Will the Mafia take the title or will our resident underdog rise to the occasion?</p><p> </p><p>

The MAW tag team champions, Olympic Powers, have resorted to a count out and DQ to retain their titles against the former champs, Natural Storm. Will this be the month for Natural Storm to finally prove themselves the real champs?</p><p> </p><p>

The Hurricanes after a tough loss last month to put Mainstream in his predicament don’t have a month to slack off. They face the formidable team of Sgt. Bubba Lee West and Jorge Washington, the Real Americans. Will they be up to the task?</p><p> </p><p>

Also appearing:</p><p>

Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat, Mean Machine, Harvey Hayes, gods of Thunder, The Firm w/Karen Killer, Steven Parker, and Steven Lane.</p><p> </p><p>

Be there October 26, 2007, Stanley Hall for the foundation shaking Where It All Begins Again 2.</p><p> </p><p>

Quick Picks</p><p>

Hurricanes vs. Real Americans</p><p>

Natural Storm vs. gods of Thunder</p><p>

Steven Parker vs. Masked Cougar</p><p>

Steven Lane vs. Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat</p><p>

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Insane Machine</p><p>

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Remmy Skye</p><p>

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Frankie Perez</p>

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Hurricanes vs. Real Americans


Natural Storm vs. gods of Thunder


Steven Parker vs. Masked Cougar[/b


]Steven Lane vs. Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat


Mainstream Hernandez vs. Insane Machine

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Remmy Skye

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Frankie Perez

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rip Chord presents

Where It All Begins Again 2

Stanley Hall

October 26, 2007

Attendence 234



John Greed w/Persephone d. Rockin Ryan Turner D

Larry Wood d. Clyde Wilson D


Main Show

Hurricanes vs. Real Americans D

The Sgt has risen in rank as he came out wearing a corporal’s cap. The ‘real’ Americans came out on fire, but the Hurricanes are not two to back down. Erik Strong started against West to the excitement of the crowd. Back on forth till West took the low road. Quickly making the tag, Washington comes in to give Strong a good thrashing. Strong was able to make the hot tag and get Jack Giedrocy a chance to finally get into the ring and take out the bullies. Giedrocy took it two the Americans till the numbers game became too much. Finally all four men ended up in the ring and Jay Fair wisely let the battle go. The finish came when Giedrocy went to the top to leap on Washington on the outside when West whipped Strong into that corner. West quickly covered the fallen Giedrocy for the pin.


A chair is taken C-

We are shown the backstage area on the monitor where Mean Machine and Karen Killer are watching the action. Mean Machine gets up to go to the restroom when Harvey Hayes comes in. Hayes sits in Machine’s chair and turns to Karen, “Hello maam, I noticed you were here alone. I have something for you.” Machine returns to see Havey handing Karen a flower.

“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING PUNK? First you take my drink, now my chair, and my manager.” Jean reaches to grab the startled Hayes, but Hayes displays some uncommon good sense and hits the bricks.


You are cowards C

DC Rayne and Eddie Howard come to the ring to address the tag team champions, Olympic Powers. “You two are cowards. First you walk out, and then you get intentionally disqualified. Why not fight like men? Oh yeah you just a couple of punks in need of some enlightment.”


No we are champs C

Before Rayne could finish out come the MAW tag team champs to the ramp, “No, Zeus and I are the champs. You two are just a couple of washed up has-beens who need to know when your outsmarted. There is not team in MAW who can compare with us.”


We should be in this C+

Interrupting the champs out comes Persephone with the gods of Thunder. “Hold on there pretty boy. These two men are the ex-champs and they are the ones who deserve to have the shot tonight.”

DC speaks up again. “Tell you what blondi, we’ll take your boys now and the winner gets these two punks.”

Persephone says “You got it Storm.”

The Champs look ready to deny this, when the owner, Rip Chord comes out, “I think that is a great idea. Its on.”


No 1 contenders match

Natural Storm vs. gods of Thunder w/Persephone D

This was another great matchup as Atlas and Titan have grown a lot during their tenure here. DC and Eddie usually have a good match also. Atlas and Titan gave a lot and pushed this match into the ten minute mark. The end came when Olympic Powers tried to interfere but it backfired giving DC a chance to pin Atlas.


MAW tag team championship

Olympic Powers © vs. Natural Storm C-

The champs wasted no time jumping into the ring to take advantage of the tired challengers. Zeus went to work on Howard as Nevada began pounding DC. A valiant fight was put up by the fan favorites but to no avail. At the 15 minute mark Zeus hit his Thunderbolt to gain the pin on DC to win the match and retain the titles.


Blonde Ambition C-

The celebration of the Olympic Power is cut short as the monitor switches to backstage and we see The Firm, Murderous Mikey and Ricky Douglas, brawling with the Canadian Blondes. The two teams are smashing up the catering area with Ricky Douglas smashing Oscar with the coffee pot and Murderous Mikey getting smashed with the meat tray. This fued is far from over.


Masked Cougar vs. Steven Parker w/Karen Killer C-

This was another great match. Parker is growing in skills, but Cougar is on top game. The competitors spent the first few minutes feeling each other out, but soon grew into a spot fest. Cougar showed his superior skill and seemed to have the victory in hand until forgotten Karen at ringside caused enough distraction to give Parker the opening to pick up the pin at the 8 minute mark.


Lead strike B-

Puerto Rican Power and Jennifer Heat are shown making their way down the back hallway when out of nowhere Steven Lane smashes Puerto with a lead pipe. He saunters off leaving his opponent down knocked out. Jennifer Heat is in shock and very despondent. How will PRP be able to compete tonight? Has Steven Lane found the way to finally derail the big muscle monster?


Steven Lane vs. Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat C-

Steven Lane is in the ring and looking smug as PRP’s music is played, but only Jennifer Heat comes out. She has been crying. Lane looks to be going out to harass the lady when Power comes out from behind the curtain. His head is bandaged, but there is a fire in his eyes. The fight is on. Lane matches up well with the big muscle man. Power definitely has the advantage in skill and experience, but also has suffered blow to the head that Lane takes advantage of. The end comes as Lane slams Power into the ring post and begins to showboat too much even taunting Jennifer Heat. The obviously groggy Power sees this and jumps up with an inhuman ferocity and pummels Lane twice, picks Lane up and Puerto Rican Slam. 1, 2, 3….Power is still undefeated here in MAW.


Dazed celebration A

The fans are eating up the romantic couple as they celebrate, though Power seems to lose his adrenaline rush and succumb to the effects of the headshots. Puerto had to be helped to the back by the training staff.


Mainstream Hypes C+

Mainstream Hernandez comes out to the podium. “Time to face the piper. Tonight the deck is stacked against us, but I believe that with your help fans, we can overcome the Mafia’s evil. I need you tonight more than ever. Are you with me?”


Mafia arrives C+

Frankie Perez, Remmy Skye, and Insane Machine come out next, “Save your breath, punk, tonight you will fall. There is no way you can beat the three of us.”


Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Insane Machine C-

Insane was obviously out to damage Hernandez. Cutting corners and taking cheap shots throughout the match, Machine was disqualified at the 12 minute mark when Remmy Skye came to double team the champ. Hernandez wins the first match.


Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Remmy Skye C-

Remmy Skye sensing his opportunity to regain his title quickly begins his turn. Mainstream seems helpless as Skye punishes the champ. Skye then makes the cardinal mistake of trying to punish Hernandez. Skye hit the Skye Diver and then began to parade around motioning for the belt. All this did was give the fans time to rally Hernandez. Mainstream got the quick rollup on Skye, but Skye was able to break the pin at 2 ¾. But now the fight was on. The MAW underdog champion was battling for his life and the fans were on their feet. Tooth/nail/punch hold, counter, back-forth. The two men battled and had the fans on their feet scream and clapping. Hernandez seemed to be finally running empty as he lay on the mat and Skye assended the ropes for another Skye Diver, but no Mainstream was playing possum. He caught Skye with his knees and then quickly locked in the Crossface chicken wing to gain the win. Hernandez has pulled out his second win, but now he has to face Perez.


An interruption E

Just as Perez was getting ready to get his shot, out of the back come Harvey Hayes being chased by Mean Machine. Machine catches Harvey near ringside and proceeds to but a beating on him. Hayes slips away and runs to the back.


You’ve never beaten me C

Perez grabs a mic before entering the ring. “Mainstream, you and I have fought many times and I’ve beaten you many times and tonight I will take that title for the Mafia.


Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Frankie Perez C-

Perez was slow and methodical, knowing that Hernandez had been through two grueling matches already. Perez really knows his craft as does Hernandez as the face in peril. Perez came closer and closer, but as he went for the pin at the 16 minute mark, Skye distracts Perez. Mainstream tries another rollup, but Perez reverses it…1…2…no Mainstream kicks out. The fans erupt. Mainstream gets some new life…enough to mount a comeback….25 minute mark still no winner. Folks in the stands are horse from screaming and imploring Mainstream to find a way to win. Perez seemed to gain the upperhand with a nice suplex and goes to lock in the PClutch, but now Mainstream grabs the ankle and locks in the Come from Behind ankle lock, and yes Perez taps…..at the 32 minute mark Perez taps…Mainstream has survived the gauntlet and retains his championship.


Celebration C-

Erik Strong and Jack Giedrocy come from the back to help Mainstream up to celebrate the big victory and close our show.


Overall score C-

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Dragonmack you went 4-3 this time to be over 500 at 10-9. This finishes this set of shows and storylines. Three storylines will continue for another month or so, but the main storyline with Mainstream and the West Coast Mafia has ended with Mainstream getting a nice bump.
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A rundown of


As promised Dragon here is a brief rundown of our talent at this point.


Main Event

Mainstream Hernandez

Puerto Rican Power

Honest Frank

Remmy Skye

Crp. Bubba Lee West

Insane Machine

Mean Machine



Upper Mid Card

Oscar Golden

Harvey Hayes

DC Rayne

Frankie Perez

Ricky Douglas

Steven Lane

Jorge Washington

Nevada Nuclear

Clyde Wilson

Steven Parker


Mid Card:

Eric Strong

Eddie Howard

Masked Cougar


John Greed



Lower Mid Card

Jack Giedroyc

Reginald Morris

Tim Westybrook

Murderous Mikey

Larry Wood

Paul Allen

Zeus Maxmillion



Surfedeor Californicano


Rockin Ryan Turner



Karen Killer

Jennifer Heat


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MAW Fallout 2


Rip Chord presents


Monday, November 19, 2007


Mainstream Hernendez showed what being a champion is all about beating not 1 or 2, but all 3 members of the West Coast Mafia last month at MAW Where It All Begins Again 2. What will this stellar champion show this month as he faces a man on a roll, Steven Parker. What will West Coast Mafia have to say?


Honest Frank has been on hiatus for the last couple of months, he returns this month. Will Mean Machine exact revenge on Harvey Hayes? Find this and more out this month as MAW Fallout 2 hits you in Stanley Hall, 7pm Monday, November 19th.


Quick Picks:

MAW championship

Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Steven Parker w/Karen Killer

Insane Machine vs. Honest Frank

The Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Harvey Hayes

Real Americans vs. gods of Thunder w/Persephone

John Greed w/Persephone vs. Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat

Ricky Douglas w/Karen Killer vs. Oscar Golden

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<p>Quick Picks:</p><p>

MAW championship</p><p>

<strong>Mainstream Hernandez ©</strong> vs. Steven Parker w/Karen Killer</p><p>

Insane Machine vs. <strong>Honest Frank</strong></p><p>

<strong>The Mean Machine </strong>w/Karen Killer vs. Harvey Hayes</p><p>

<strong>Real Americans</strong> vs. gods of Thunder w/Persephone</p><p>

John Greed w/Persephone vs. <strong>Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat</strong></p><p>

Ricky Douglas w/Karen Killer vs. <strong>Oscar Golden</strong></p>

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<p>AW championship</p><p>

<strong>Mainstream Hernandez ©</strong> vs. Steven Parker w/Karen Killer</p><p>

Insane Machine vs. Honest Frank</p><p>

<strong>The Mean Machine w/Karen Killer</strong> vs. Harvey Hayes</p><p>

Real Americans vs. <strong>gods of Thunder w/Persephone</strong></p><p>

John Greed w/Persephone vs.<strong> Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat</strong></p><p>

<strong>Ricky Douglas w/Karen Killer </strong>vs. Oscar Golden</p>

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<p>MAW Fallout 2 results</p><p> </p><p>

Rip Chord presents</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-family:Georgia;"><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">MAW Fallout 2</span></span></span></strong></p><p>

Stanley Hall</p><p>

November 19, 2007</p><p>

Attendence 196</p></div><p></p><p></p><p>


<strong>Masked Cougar/Foxfire d. Larry Wood/Paul Allen </strong> C</p><p>

<strong>Eric Strong d. American Elemental</strong> C-</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Main Show </strong></p><p>

<strong>We’re still here </strong> C-</p><p>

West Coast Mafia come out. Perez takes the stick, “Mainstream, we give you props, but you will not be champion long. We are still here and you had better watch your back. We will take you down and take back our title.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ricky Douglas vs. Oscar Golden</strong> D</p><p>

These two men have been going at it for ¾ of a year now, and the battle they showcased tonight was another example of their animosity. Douglas was a machine wrecking havoc on Oscar, yet Oscar kept getting up. Murderous Mikey came down to try to keep Oscar down and this brought out Flash. Savage got Mikey to chase him back up to the back, leaving the two to battle 1-on-1. Douglas looked to have it hooking the Firm Resolution, but Oscar somehow rolled Douglas up into the Canadian Bear Trap. Douglas taps out at the 11 minute mark. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>A snub?</strong> C-</p><p>

Mainstream is shown backstage and he sees Honest Frank come through. Mainstream calls Frank, but Frank keeps on walking without acknowledging Hernandez.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat vs. John Greed w/Persephone</strong> C-/B+</p><p>

These two have battled before and tonight Persephone tried to distract Power and give her man the advantage. Heat was having none of that. She grabbed Persephone by the hair and slammed her into the rail around the ring. In the ring Power had Greed and was really tearing him up. Out comes gods of Thunder but not quick enough to save Greed from the pinfall at 6 minute mark. Atlas and Tiant tried to jump into grab Heat, when Power slammed both of their heads together. Deadly makes a quick retreat to the top of the ramp leaving Heat and Power to celebrate with the fans.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>gods of Thunder without Persephone vs. Real Americans</strong> D</p><p>

This was not good for the Thunder boys as Jorge Washington and Sgt. Bubba Lee West came from behind them and took them straight to the ring. Jorge was more than enough of a match for the two big gods and West had the experience to take the match. The end came with West pinning Atlas after the Cannon Fodder at the 6 minute mark.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Enough is enough.</strong> C-</p><p>

Harvey Hayes comes out next, “Mean Machine, I don’t know what your problem is. I accidently took your cup and chair. That’s no reason for you to chase me or for us to fight. We are both grown men. Let’s settle this like men.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>I’m always ready </strong> D</p><p>

Mean Machine comes out with Karen Killer, “Hey punk, I’m always ready. You are just a snot nosed loser who wants to steal my spot. Tonight we can settle this, like men, in the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Harvey Hayes</strong> D</p><p>

Jean was true to his word, but Hayes brought his A game tonight. Hayes frustrated the Machine early by countering moves and staying one move ahead it seemed. Karen at ringside was to play a role by getting on the apron then seeming to fall off to the floor when Hayes went to check on her, Machine grabbed him and hooked a suplex type bridge that he calls the Hammer to get the pin at the 11 minute mark.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Fan Interaction intermission </strong> C-</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Insane Machine vs. Honest Frank </strong> C-</p><p>

Insane Machine was looking to get back on the winning track and Frank was making a return to the ring at MAW. Both men went at it and gave a great match. Insane Machine was moving, but Frank was a man on a mission. Frank pulled out the win at the 14 minute mark. Honest Frank is really looked focused since his return.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mainstream Hypes </strong> C</p><p>

MAW champion Mainstream Hernandez comes out to the podium, “Thank you MAW. Yes Carolina, you are the reason I can still stand here as your MAW champion. Tonight we take on another young man who has been on a roll lately. Steven Parker, I don’t always agree with your ways, but I do promise you a fight. This title is not mine, but the peoples’ and I will defend it with honor.”</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>MAW championship match</strong></p></div><p></p><p>

<strong>Mainstream Hernandez vs. Steven Parker w/Karen Killer </strong> C-</p><p>

Mainstream and Parker were great. They had good chemistry tonight and the fans were eating up the match. Not a lot of buildup but the match spoke for itself. Parker started strong and really showed why he is a bright prospect for the future. Hernandez showed why he makes a perfect underdog taking and taking. The end came when Paker went to hit the Future Shock, but Mainstream rolled out of the way and locked on the Surfboard clutch. Parker taps. Mainstream retains.</p><p> </p><p>

Overall show C-</p><p> </p><p>

OOC: A shorter show and not as many talents on to try to save some money, but it was a good show with the last two matches really carrying the show.</p><p>

Next month we begin the prelims for RCI 08……</p><p> </p><p>

Welcome to Timber and thanks to you and Dmack for predicting. Thanks to all who read.</p>

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<p>Nice set up for the dynasty. I'm just a huge Mean Jean mark and while i dig Mainstream, we all know that Parker has a huge upside. Lots of good angles. Reads really well and i like what you're doing. Keep it up.</p><p> </p><p>

Are you just using the base 05 game, or have you added to it? I still play the 05 setup and got some of the angle packs from bobnic.com to add as i suck at making angles. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

I like it, will keep reading.</p>

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Thanks Timber for the kind words….I’m just running the old 05 but I did up the starting money some to reflect my “uncle” buy the company. I usually right my own storylines and angles. I try to use the best skills of the atheletes (ie: Rip overness, Jennifer Heat looks).


Dragonmack you really did well this time going 5-1…it puts your total to 15-10.

Timber you did pretty well going 3-2.

I am grooming Parker for the future, but it will be very slow getting there. I’m afraid to give the title to the West Coast as they are usually gone quickly, though they deserve a good run. The Real Americans and Olympic Powers have been great additions to the roster. I hated losing Shingen Miyakai early as he was really pulling out a great crowd response.

As guessed Puerto Rican Power is drawing the best reaction as he will get E’s and D’s in advanced booking heat. Everyone else gets F’s.


Thanks again…preview for MAW Christmas Show.

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Rip Chord presents

December 21, 2007

MAW Christmas Show 07

Stanley Hall


Getting ready for the MAW Rip Cord Invitational 3 we are having a big 16 man tournament because we are having some many young stars from around the country wanting to be involved. This month the first 8 will battle. In January at the MAW Resolutions 08 the second 8 will battle. The winners from each month will move to finish the tournament at RCI 3.


Honest Frank has returned with an impressive win over Insane Machine. Now he will challenge for the MAW title. Why did he not respond to Mainstream last week?



MAW championship

Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Honest Frank

RCI first round

Remmy Skye vs. Steven Lane

Oscar Golden vs. Harvey Hayes

Jack Giedroyc vs. Steven Parker

Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat vs. Tim Westybrook



Ricky Douglas vs. Larry Wood

Zeus Maxmillion vs. Eddie Howard

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MAW championship

Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Honest Frank

RCI first round

Remmy Skye vs. Steven Lane

Oscar Golden vs. Harvey Hayes

Jack Giedroyc vs. Steven Parker

Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat vs. Tim Westybrook


Winner of the RCI Steven Parker



Ricky Douglas vs. Larry Wood

Zeus Maxmillion vs. Eddie Howard

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MAW championship

Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Honest Frank

RCI first round

Remmy Skye vs. Steven Lane

Oscar Golden vs. Harvey Hayes

Jack Giedroyc vs. Steven Parker

Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat vs. Tim Westybrook


winner Remmy Skye



Ricky Douglas vs. Larry Wood

Zeus Maxmillion vs. Eddie Howard

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Rip Chord presents

MAW Chistmas Show 07

Stanley Hall

December 21, 2007

Attendence: 107



Ghidorah d. Jack Giedrocy E



RCI Bracket B Round 1 E

Merv puts over tonight’s half of the first round matches. Puerto Rican Power vs. Tim Westybrook, Oscar Golden vs. Harvey Hayes, Jack Giedrocy vs. Steven Parker, and Remmy Skye vs. Steven Lane.


West Coast Boast C-

Frankie Perez, Remmy Skye, and Insane Machine come out. Perez takes the mic, “Well, well, Mainstream, you think you are safe. You think we wouldn’t come back for you. Well here we go. We are all in the RCI this time. And all three of us will mow down the competition and then you will have your recogning. West Coast Mafia will dominate the RCI 08.”


RCI first round match

Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat vs. Tim Westybrook C

A rematch from a bout earlier in the year. Westybrook is a large beast who can rumble, but Power is the man picking up the victory at the 7 minute mark to advance in the tournament.


A tag title shot on the line E

Merv puts over we will see Eddie Howard vs. Zeus Maxmillion. Howard has to win to keep alive Natural Storm’s title shot hopes.


Zeus Maxmillion w/Nevada Nuclear vs. Eddie Howard w/DC Rayne E

These two powerhouses really tried their best tonight with a lot of growth from both. Nevada and DC had some good interaction on the outside, but Howard was the star pinning the Olympian at the 6 minute mark. Next month DC will face Nevada to try to seal the title shot hopes.


Another Snub C

We go backstage and see Mainstream coming up the the catering table and seeing Honest Frank. Mainstream calls his name and tries to shake his hand. Frank seems not to hear him, continues with his food down the hallway. Mainstream is left puzzled.


Ricky Douglas vs. Larry Wood D

Here is a match giving two of our unheralded workers a chance to match up. Ricky Douglas is very dependable and Wood is an excellent booker behind the scenes and really over as a Wildman. Decent match were Douglas used his methodical approach to take Wood down for the pin at the 6 minute mark.

Honest Frank returns C

Honest Frank comes out to the podium to address the crowd. “Its great to be back in the Carolinas. I’ve really missed yall. You’ve been wondering where I’ve been. Well I had some business to take care of up north. Now I’m back. Last month I was given a chance to show the ‘light’ to an Insane Machine. This month a shot at one of the most coveted titles in the US, the MAW title. I feel like this has been a journey for me and you fans have really helped me get here. Mainstream, I respect you, but tonight I will fulfill a dream and cement my legacy by taking the MAW title.”


RCI first round match

Oscar Golden vs. Harvey Hayes D

Hayes fresh off his defeat to Mean Machine last month came out with something to prove. Oscar was hard pressed to stay alive. This was a good clean match though. Just as Hayes seemed to have Oscar were he wanted him, he accidently hit Jay Fair. Out of the back came Mean Machine. Jean was not content to just win last month, but wanted to cost the upstart his chance in the tournament. Jean whacked Hayes with a chair and then hit the Mood Swing. He laid Oscar on top and left the ring as Fair was waking up. Fair looked over and made the count. Golden wins and advances.


RCI first round match

Jack Giedrocy vs. Steven Parker D

This was another good match of young stars. Giedrocy and Parker have pretty good chemistry. Lots of back and forth action and it seemed no one would be able to gain the upper hand. The finish finally came when Giedrocy slipped on the top rope allowing Parker a chance to hit the Future Shock and gain the pin at the 16 minute mark. Parker advances in the tournament.


Fan Interaction C-

Another intermission to allow the fans a chance to interact with our top stars and newcomers.


RCI first round match

Steven Lane vs. Remmy Skye C-

This was another gem. Skye and Lane had great chemistry. Lane used his strength to gain and upper hand early, but Skye used his experience to turn the tables. Insane Machine did come out for a moment, but was sent to the back by Jay Fair. Skye really didn’t need the help as he gained the pin via Skye Diver at the 14 minute mark. Remmy Skye advances.


RCI Bracket B round 2 in February D

In February you will see Puerto Rican Power vs. Steven Parker and Oscar Golden vs. Remmy Skye.


Mainstream hypes Frank C

MAW champion, Mainstream comes out, “Tonight fans you will witness two good men battling for the Prize, the MAW belt. Tonight fans I will need your help. Frank is a great man, but an even better wrestler. This will be the battle of my career.”


MAW championship match

Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Honest Frank C

This was an awesome match. Frank used his power and Hernandez used his resilience to keep going. This match had many near falls, but neither one could come out on top. In fact the end came with a time limit draw at the 35 minute mark. No winner.


Respect? C

After the match both men were tired and battered. Mainstream went to shake Frank’s hand, and Frank reached out and begin to shake. Then both men went to share the fans thanks for the good match, till Frank turned with the belt and slammed Mainstream from behind, beginning a brutal beat down on an unsuspecting champ.


Show rating C


OOC Frank is always better as a heel and his turn tonight went great. I had made him a face because of my lack of top faces, but now he can be his real self. Over all the show as great as we had two of our best matches on this card. I’m still very disappointed with Natural Storm and Olympic Powers and have to make some changes there to help them.


Thanks to all for reading and commenting…the end of the year review will be up soon.

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Year end MAW


MAW 07 in review


It was an exciting year that saw many twists and turns. January saw MAW champion Remmy Skye defending against a strong challenge of Frankie Perez and his friends, but he quickly turned his back on the fans. Meanwhile MAW original Mainstream Hernandez realized his quest to win the RCI 07. This lead to a showdown at the MAW Super Showdown in June where Hernandez completed his quest to win the MAW title. No rest for the wicked as the West Coast Mafia gained a gauntlet match for WIABA 2. Mainstream survived to cement himself as the MAW champ. The end of the year saw Honest Frank return and turn his back on the fans after earning a draw against Mainstream. 2008 will see this rivalry heat up.


On the tag scene the A* Alliance began the year dominating, but lost the titles to the gods of Thunder, who were being led by Pesephone. Gods of Thunder were cruising along till the Olympic Powers came on the scene. The end of the year saw the return of Natural Storm to challenge Olympic Powers for their titles.

We saw a rise in attendance for most of the year that fell back off during the Christmas season. Our quality were became consistant after a few hiccups early in the year.


Your chance to vote on the Awards

Please vote and we will give the tally:


Wrestler of the Year

Mainstream Hernandez

Frankie Perez

Insane Machine


Most Improved Wrestler of the Year

Mainstream Hernandez

Insane Machine


Newcomer of the Year

Puerto Rican Power

Insane Machine

Erik Strong


Tag Team of the Year

Olympic Powers

gods of Thunder



Manager of the Year


Jennifer Heat

Karen Killer


Match of the Year

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Frankie Perez (Old School Rules 07)

Gauntlet Match (Mainstream Hernendez vs. Insane Machine, Remmy Skye, and Frankie Perez) (Where It All Begins Again 2)

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Insand Machine (The Battle of the Mid-Atlantic)

Honest Frank vs. Mean Machine (Cage) (Rip Cord Invitational)

Puerto Rican Power vs. John Greed (MAW Fallout)


Fued of the Year

Honest Frank vs. Mean Machine

Mainstream Hernandez vs. West Coast Mafia

gods of Thunder vs. Olympic Powers

Natural Storm vs. Real Americans

Deadly (greed/Persephone) vs. Puerto Rican Power/Jennifer Heat


Card of the Year


Rip Cord Invitational

Wrestling Classic


Old School Rules

Super Showdown

Summer Heatwave

Battle of the Mid-Atlantic

The Clash

Where It All Begins Again


Christmas Show


Please vote for one in each catagory...thank you

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Wrestler of the Year

Mainstream Hernandez

Frankie Perez

Insane Machine


Most Improved Wrestler of the Year

Mainstream Hernandez

Insane Machine

Newcomer of the Year

Puerto Rican Power

Insane Machine

Erik Strong


Tag Team of the Year

Olympic Powers

gods of Thunder



Manager of the Year


Jennifer Heat

Karen Killer


Match of the Year

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Frankie Perez (Old School Rules 07)

Gauntlet Match (Mainstream Hernendez vs. Insane Machine, Remmy Skye, and Frankie Perez) (Where It All Begins Again 2)

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Insand Machine (The Battle of the Mid-Atlantic)

Honest Frank vs. Mean Machine (Cage) (Rip Cord Invitational)

Puerto Rican Power vs. John Greed (MAW Fallout)


Fued of the Year

Honest Frank vs. Mean Machine

Mainstream Hernandez vs. West Coast Mafia

gods of Thunder vs. Olympic Powers

Natural Storm vs. Real Americans

Deadly (greed/Persephone) vs. Puerto Rican Power/Jennifer Heat


Card of the Year


Rip Cord Invitational

Wrestling Classic


Old School Rules

Super Showdown

Summer Heatwave

Battle of the Mid-Atlantic

The Clash

Where It All Begins Again


Christmas Show

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Wrestler of the Year

Mainstream Hernandez

Frankie Perez

Insane Machine


Most Improved Wrestler of the Year

Mainstream Hernandez

Insane Machine


Newcomer of the Year

Puerto Rican Power

Insane Machine

Erik Strong


Tag Team of the Year

Olympic Powers

gods of Thunder



Manager of the Year


Jennifer Heat

Karen Killer


Match of the Year

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Frankie Perez (Old School Rules 07)

Gauntlet Match (Mainstream Hernendez vs. Insane Machine, Remmy Skye, and Frankie Perez) (Where It All Begins Again 2)

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Insand Machine (The Battle of the Mid-Atlantic)

Honest Frank vs. Mean Machine (Cage) (Rip Cord Invitational)

Puerto Rican Power vs. John Greed (MAW Fallout)


Fued of the Year

Honest Frank vs. Mean Machine

Mainstream Hernandez vs. West Coast Mafia

gods of Thunder vs. Olympic Powers

Natural Storm vs. Real Americans

Deadly (greed/Persephone) vs. Puerto Rican Power/Jennifer Heat


Card of the Year


Rip Cord Invitational

Wrestling Classic


Old School Rules

Super Showdown

Summer Heatwave

Battle of the Mid-Atlantic

The Clash

Where It All Begins Again


Christmas Show

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MAW Year end party...awards finals


MAW New Year’s party….Saturday after New Year’s. It was a good night. Almost everyone was able to make it. Jean, Frank, Puerto, Karen, and West had to make it late because of a Dave show, but they made it. I noticed Puerto and Karen had been seeming to spend a lot of time together and the rumor that Jean had told me seemed true. Heat was there but she was spending time talking Frankie Perez and James Hernandez near the buffet table. Despite the drop in attendance at the last show this was a great year overall.


Rip and Larry Wood were having a jolly time laughing it up in the corner. Jean, Frank, West, and DC were ripping poor Eric Strong and Paul Allen playing the new SWF video game. Meanwhile Zeus, Nevada, Fred Head, and John Greed were swooping stories with Jorge Washington and Aristocrat about traveling to the shows. Steven Lane and Harvey Hayes were in a friendly card game with Persephone and Jack Giedrocy.


All throughout the party as I wandered giving time to all of them I heard comments on the Year in Review for Wrestling published by GDS. DC and Eddie commented on how NOTBW had gotten most improved fed for the 2nd year in a row. They heard Shingen and Nicole were doing well. That Shingen had won the two titles this year up there. Rip and Larry told me about Dread winning the Veteran of the Year and how he could carry a fence post to a great program. Nevada and Fred were talking about Liberty really showing out at TCW and getting wrestler of the year. Frank and Jean talked about how Eisen was the showman, not the greatest man, but the showmen leading SWF to be the standard as promotion of the year, but Victoria Stone was showing why the Stones are the real deal and who to watch winning Female of the Year. My guys were students of the game. Even Perez told me about Nobuastu Tatsukio vs. Yoshimi Mushashibo in PGHW as the match of the year. Insane Machine had seen the match first hand and brought a tape back. It was awesome. Of course the PGHW card, Wrestling was a phenomenal card as card of the year. Skye also told me about Sensational Dragon winning the young wrestler of the year for the second year running.

All in all it was a great time for us to look back and have a great time. Well time to get their attention.


“Evening everyone, glad you could make it. We’ve had a great year and you are the reason why. Your dedication and hard work have pulled us to a new level. And now we have a chance to look at some awards for a great year. This year we had some great fans and we gave them a chance to vote for their favorites.”


“Now first the Card of the Year- there were some debate from the fans and the vote ended in a tie. So we looked at feedback and attendance and as we hoped MAW Where It All Begins Again 2 edged out MAW Rip Cord Invitational 07.” A great whoop went up, especially from Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye.

Told you that the gauntlet would be a blast.”


"The next category, Feud of the Year, was a little tougher. We had a tie here too with Jean vs. Frank and Mainstream vs. West Coast Mafia. Both had some great matches and segments. Frankie and Remmy you can tell Insane since he had a commitment in Japan tonight that yall really pulled out a dozy with James. And James you play the underdog well, also, Frank, you and Jean had a great story and it’s hard to bet against it. So he tie was broken and given to Mean Machine vs. Frank.” There was a lot ovation for the two as they stood up and clapped each other on the back.

What do you say, Jean, they even teach us old folks can teach some new tricks.”

Yea, Frank, even us old fogey can show up now and again.”


“Match of the Year is next. We had some great ones this year and there was a lot of discussion on this one. One fan, Dragonmack really enjoyed the battle Mainstream and Insane put on at The Battle of the Mid-Atlantic. Another fan, Timber, gave some love to you Frank and Jean for your cage match at RCI. This was truly tough. The winner was Mainstream vs. Insane Machine at Battle of the Mid-Atlantic.” Mainstream stood up.

Well Insane is not here, but he is one great guy. I know I couldn’t be up here except having great guys to work against.” Cheers around. It seems that James has learned a little humility. He is doing a lot better at making friends backstage and that will help him as he moves on. I’m not hoping for it, but I know sooner or later someone will come scoop him up. That is what we are here for to make the stars for the future.


After James sat back down, “We move to the next category, Manager of the Year. This was pretty much a landslide as Karen you pulled it out. One fan, Timber, said, “She puts the hot in dark.”

Karen was actually blushing as he left Puerto Rican Power’s arm and came up to accept her plaque.


“Tag Team of the Year, and this was a year of tag teams for us. Nevada, Zeus- Olympic Powers you are this year’s tag team. Dragonmack, a fan, commented, “Confidence, smarts, and champs what else do you need?”

Nevada, feel the power! Really thanks there are some great teams here and to be able to put on a show that garners some fan interest it really makes it all worthwhile.”

And it helps garner the paycheck too, Zeus, don’t forget that. It is great and we look forward to another good year coming up.”


“Newcomer of the Year is next. It was pretty uninamous for this one. Paul, Puerto Rican Power’s nickname, you have made a splash with Jennifer Heat. You garnered the greatest reactions we have seen here. Here is your award.

Now it was Paul’s turn to leave Karen and make his way to the podium.

Well, well time to party. This is wonderful. You are a great group of guys to work around. You teach me everyday and Jennifer you know you are the oil that fuels our engine. Thank you for this welcome to MAW.”


“Well down to the last two. First, Most Improved. We had another tie in this category. Insane Machine and Mainstream Hernandez. I brought in the booking team to help sort this out and the winner is Mainstream. Mainstream you’ve risen to be our face and have carried it well so far. And our Wrestler Of the Year- is Mainstream Hernandez. You preformed night in and night out for us. You were in the ring three times in one night twice this year. You are a personification of a great Wrestler.”

Amid the loud standing ovation from the ‘boys’ James comes up, “I’m truly honored. Like I mentioned before it is you guys that make me. I’ve learned a lot in these two years and I’m appreciative of Leroy and Rip giving me a chance to run with the belt.” Tears try to come out, but James fights them back. Persephone comes up and takes James aside.

Well that was the awards. The party went on for a while before breaking up around 5am. It was a good year, but now we have to build on it.


Thanks for voting on this.

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Rip Chord presents

MAW Resolutions 08

Stanley Hall

January 18, 2008 7pm


The RCI 08 has started with four exciting matches last month. This month we will conclude the first round. Honest Frank made his return and drew a draw with MAW champ Mainstream Hernandez and then brutally turned on the champ post match. They will meet again this month to settle this. Eddie Howard brought some light to Natural Storm’s quest for a rematch for the MAW tag titles. Will DC seal the deal this month? It’s a new year, but the same great action you’ve come to enjoy.


The card:

MAW championship match

Honest Frank vs. Mainstream Hernandez ©


Rip Cord Invitational round 1 matches:

Sgt BL West vs. Ricky Douglas w/Karen Killer

Insane Machine vs. Masked Cougar

Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Eric Strong

Frankie Perez vs. Murderous Mikey


A chance at the tag titles

Nevada Nuclear vs. DC Rayne


Be there for excitement and guts as these men battle to begin the new year.

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Thanks for the shout out. I really love MAW, great guys, solid workers, all they need is just alittle direction and they can go anywhere.


The card:

MAW championship match

Honest Frank vs. Mainstream Hernandez ©[

I don't think it's time to drop the belt.


Rip Cord Invitational round 1 matches:

Sgt BL West vs. Ricky Douglas w/Karen Killer

You get a manager, you get the win.


Insane Machine vs. Masked Cougar

Machine is great, Cougar isn't going to get the win.


Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Eric Strong

I'm a Jean fan, though Strong is going to break out soon.


Frankie Perez vs. Murderous Mikey

Perez is amazing and Mikey will never have what it takes. Sorry Mikey.


A chance at the tag titles

Nevada Nuclear vs. DC Rayne

Nuclear is gonna win, but i'm rooting for DC because i've always like the Storm. Thinking more on it. I think it'll go to a double DQ or draw. I think it could lead to a great gimmick match later. Cage or Submission match. Cages are rare in MAW but would be cool to do it team style

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