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MAW championship match

Honest Frank vs. Mainstream Hernandez ©

Frank is a lot better in '10 than '05


Rip Cord Invitational round 1 matches:

Sgt BL West vs. Ricky Douglas w/Karen Killer


Insane Machine vs. Masked Cougar


Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Eric Strong


Frankie Perez vs. Murderous Mikey

winner Frankie Perez


A chance at the tag titles

Nevada Nuclear vs. DC Rayne

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MAW Resolutions 08


Rip Chord presents

MAW Resolutions 08

Stanley Hall

January 18, 2007

Attendence 300



Wanda Fish d. Raven Nightfall C-




Why Frank? C

MAW champion Mainstream Hernandez comes out to start the show. “Why Frank?” asking the question on everyone’s minds. “Why? We had just had a great match. We are getting ready to fight again and you turn your back on the fans. Why? You are a great wrestler. You are the man? Why?”


Frank answers. C

As Mainstream continues his questions out comes Frank, one who is never afraid to talk. “Hernandez, I don’t have to justify anything for you or for these sweaty hillbilly-swamprats. I only have to answer to Frank, Honest Frank. And tonight I will take that little title you are holding for me. Got it!”


RCI 08 Round 1 Bracket A E

Merve puts over the RCI08 matches tonight: Frankie Perez vs. Murderous Mikey, Mean Machine vs. Erik Strong, Insane Machine vs. Masked Cougar, and Sgt. Bubba Lee West vs. Ricky Douglas.


RCI 08 round 1 match

Frankie Perez vs. Murderous Mikey w/Karen Killer D

Mikey did his best to look dangerous and Karen did a good job at ringside, but Perez was the star of this match. Unfortunately it was not enough to be a classic, but it was pretty good as Perez hooked the P-Clutch to secure his advance in the tourney next month at the 5 minute mark.


The shot at the tag titles on the line D

Merv puts over the fact if DC Rayne can win tonight against Nevada Nuclear, then Natural Storm will get a tag title shot next month.


DC Rayne vs. Nevada Nuclear C-

Zeus and Eddie came out with their respective partners, but Jay sent them to the back. This was a good matchup. Nevada and DC went back and forth with power and holds being exchanged. Nevada had a couple of near falls, but DC would find a way to kick out. The end came when Nevada tried to come off the top, but DC was playing possum, raising the knees and hitting the Tornado to gain the pin at the 11 minute mark. Natural Storm will gain another shot at the Tag titles next month at RCI.



RCI08 first round match

Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Erik Strong C-

Mean Jean seemed to take Erik lightly. No doubt he was in control. As Machine turned to use an underhanded trick and Karen had Jay’s attention, out from under the ring came Harvey Hayes. Hayes caught Jean with some foreign object. Hayes laid Strong on top and skedaddled out of the ring as Fair turned around to make the count. Strong advances to the next round next month.


New Monster A

A video of a large being in a gold outfit with a dragon head is shown destroying different wrestlers in Europe and Japan. The words “Be afraid, be very afraid, He’s coming!” scrolls across the screen.


RCI 08 first round match

Insane Machine vs. Masked Cougar C-

Another great first round match from these two WLW/CZCW guys. They wowed the crowd with great chemistry and it was a shame it had to end. The end came when Machine reversed an dragon arm bar into the Dream of Rage sleeper to gain victory. Insane Machine advances to the next round next month.


Rip thanks everyone B-

Rip Chord comes out and thanks the fans for coming and making this a special night, selling out Stanley Hall.

Fan Interaction C

Some of our veterans and newcomers come out and greet the fans in character.


RCI 08 first round match

Sgt Bubba Lee West vs. Ricky Douglas w/Karen Killer C-

Another great first round match. Ricky Douglas is not the best wrestler or spokesperson in the world, but he can definitely put on a great match with just about anyone. West is no nonsense and another great showman. The two locked up and tore down the house. Karen gave a lot of good work outside, but it was settled in the ring. West hits the Cannon Fodder to gain the win at the 11 minute mark. Sgt. West advances to the RCI next month.


RCI 08 next month C-

We see a bracket showing next month’s tournament rounds. PRP vs. Steven Parker, Remmy Skye vs. Oscar Golden, Sgt. West vs. Eric Strong, and Frankie Perez vs. Insane Machine.


MAW championship

Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Honest Frank C

This was an anticipated rematch. Last month Frank made a shocking turn and brutalized the MAW champ after a draw. Now Frank continued where he left off. Mainstream took some punishment early and had to dig deep to escape a couple of near falls. As the match went on though, Mainstream seemed to have that extra wind and Frank was tiring down. Around the 30 minute mark, Mainstream seemed to have Frank hooked in the Surfboard. Frank barely reached the ropes and rolled out of the ring. As Mainstream followed, Frank took a chair to Mainstream’s head. Jay Fair called for the bell and Mainstream won by DQ. But Frank was not through. He brutally beat Mainstream down again till Eric Strong and Jack Giedroyc came out to make the save.


Overall show: C-


We had a sellout. Yeah….and a great main event, though Frank was worn out at the end. The RCI is next month. Let’s see how it shapes out… Thanks for predicting and reading.

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MAW RCI 08 Preview


Rip Chord presents

MAW Rip Cord Invitational 08

Stanley Hall

February 15, 2008


Last month we gained the final four entrants to the RCI 08 in a sold out Stanley Hall. Which of the eight men left will prevail in a grueling night of three matches for the winner? Also Honest Frank sunk to a new low with a brutal DQ and post match attack on MAW champion Mainstream Hernandez. This month he has demanded a loser leaves MAW match for the title. Also Natural Storm earn a final title shot against Olympic Powers, will they prevail? Harvey Hayes repaid the favor in costing Mean Machine his chance to move on in the RCI and the automatic title shot. What will happen with these two?


The card:

Loser leaves MAW (MAW championship)

Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Honest Frank


RCI 08

Puerto Rican Power w/Karen Killer vs. Steven Parker w/Karen Killer

Remmy Skye vs. Oscar Golden

Sgt. Bubba Lee West vs. Erik Strong

Frankie Perez vs. Insane Machine

Winner match 3 vs. winner match 4

Winner match 1 vs. winner match 2

Winner match 5 vs. winner match 6


MAW tag team championship

Olympic Powers © vs. Natural Storm

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Loser leaves MAW (MAW championship)

Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Honest Frank


RCI 08

Puerto Rican Power w/Karen Killer vs. Steven Parker w/Karen Killer

I;m a huge Parker fan but PPP has the skills and overness to win this.


Remmy Skye vs. Oscar Golden

Remmy is just too talented to not go over.


Sgt. Bubba Lee West vs. Erik Strong

I'm a Strong mark, hope he goes over.


Frankie Perez vs. Insane Machine

Perez is solid, but not good enough to beat the Machine.


Winner match 3 vs. winner match 4

Strong vs Machine.

Winner match 1 vs. winner match 2

PPP vs Remmy.

Winner match 5 vs. winner match 6

PPP vs Machine. . I think Machine, as he's a MAW mainstay.


MAW tag team championship

Olympic Powers © vs. Natural Storm

It's time for the Storm to be champs.

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The card:

Loser leaves MAW (MAW championship)

Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Honest Frank

I see Hernandez as the one more likely to grow out of MAW


RCI 08

Puerto Rican Power w/Karen Killer vs. Steven Parker w/Karen Killer

Remmy Skye vs. Oscar Golden

Sgt. Bubba Lee West vs. Erik Strong

Frankie Perez vs. Insane Machine

Winner match 3 vs. winner match 4

Winner match 1 vs. winner match 2

Winner match 5 vs. winner match 6


Still picking Perez for it all.


MAW tag team championship

Olympic Powers © vs. Natural Storm

I think the Storm is all drizzle

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RCI 08 results


Rip Chord presents

MAW Rip Cord Invitational 08

February 15, 2008

Stanley Hall

Attendence 285



Wanda Fish d. Raven Nightfall C-

Larry Wood d. California Surfedor E




Loser leaves MAW C

Rip Chord comes out to welcome everyone to tonight’s show. He reminds everyone in addition to tonight’s tournament is also a loser leaves MAW champion match between Mainstream Hernandez and Honest Frank.

RCI08 bracket A C-

Rip also reminds us tonight the top half of the bracket will be PRP vs. Steven Parker and Remmy Skye vs. Oscar Golden.

RCI08 bracket B D

The bottom half of the bracket will be Frankie Perez vs. Insane Machine and Sgt. Bubba Lee West vs. Eric Strong.


RCI08 Match 1 C

Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat vs. Steven Parker w/Karen Killer

A good opening match for the tournament. Parker works hard, but Puerto Rican Power is too much. Power hits the San Jaun Express to gain the pin at the 6 minute mark. Puerto Rican Power advances.


West Coast Mafia will meet in the finals E

Frankie Perez, Remmy Skye, and Insane Machine come out next. Frankie grabs the mic, “That’s right fans, tonight your favorite team, the only three wrestlers worth watching here in Hickville central will meet in the finals and dominate this rink-dink tournament.”


RCI08 Match 2

Remmy Skye vs. Oscar Golden C-

Oscar wanted to pull this out. He came out and really flew around the ring with quick holds and strikes. Skye seemed off balance tonight, but soon he dug into his bag of tricks to gain the upper hand. Skye wins with a Skye Diver at the 8 minute mark. Remmy Skye advances to meet PRP in the semi finals.


Insane Machine-Frankie Perez E

After the match Insane Machine and Perez come out to celebrate with Skye. Perez tells Skye, “see you in the finals Skye.” Insane seems to take umbrage at the comment. Shoving begins till Skye comes between the two and they head to the back.


RCI08 match 3

Sgt. Bubba Lee West vs. Erik Strong D

Strong has shown a lot of growth in recent months and this battle showed his skills, but West proved he was still a step above the youngster. West hit the Cannon Fodder at the 7 minute mark to move on in the tournament.


Daddy said have a good time C-

A rich pretentious snob comes out next. “Listen all you peasants. I am Lord Geoffrey Windameer. Sir to all of you. Daddies, God rest his soul, told me to go out and have a good time. So I bought a couple of wrestlers. Let me show you them.” A video begins of two large wresters wreaking havoc. The names Missing Link and Ghidorah roll across the bottom.



RCI08 match 4

Frankie Perez vs. Insane Machine C-

Both men came out with lots of fire in their eyes. They circled each other for a couple of minutes showing a fierce wariness. Then to the shock of the crowd, Insane Machine laid down to be pinned by Frankie Perez. Perez moves on to face Sgt. West in the next round.


Final shot at tag straps E

We are reminded that tonight Natural Storm will have their last chance at the MAW tag team titles against the Olympic Powers.


MAW tag team title match

Olympic Powers © vs. Natural Storm w/ mystery lady D

Natural Storm do not come out alone tonight. A mysterious lady comes out with them. Nevada and Zeus tried their best to avoid the confrontation, but the new lady really kept DC and Eddie focused. Back and forth till finally Eddie caught Zeus with Windbreaker and gained the pin. Natural Storm and the new lady win the MAW tag team championship.


Semifinal matches C

Rip comes back out and reminds us the semifinal matches are Puerto Rican Power vs. Remmy Skye and Frankie Perez vs. Sgt. Bubba Lee West.


Semifinal match 1

Frankie Perez vs. Sgt. Bubba Lee West C

West comes out on fire and Perez is back peddling. Remmy Skye comes out to be met by Jorge Washington, but Insane Machine comes out and distracts West enough for Perez to gain the upperhand. Perez gains the win with the P-Clutch at the 11 minute mark. Perez advances to the final.


A backstage Brawl D

We cut outside and see Mean Machine and Harvey Hayes in a brawl in the parking lot. They are slamming each other into cars and the sidewalk.


PRP/JH speak out C+

Puerto Rican Power and Jennifer Heat hype their semifinal match with Remmy Skye.


Semifinal match 2

Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat vs. Remmy Skye C+

This was an excellent match. Skye tried to fly and keep Power off balance. For the first part he succeeded, but soon Power got a hold of the high flyer and unleashed punishment. Insane Machine tried to come out to help, but Sgt Bubba Lee West met him and prevented the interference. Power won by pinfall at the 13 minute mark. Puerto Rican Power advances to the finals.


Puerto Celebrates B

Puerto Rican Power and Jennifer Heat celebrate the hard fought victory.


Fan Interaction C-


Frank promises a win C-

Honest Frank comes out, “Mainstream, tonight you and I fight and one of us will leave MAW. Well young man, I hate you will have to leave the only place that will have you. But I will not lose. In fact I promise I will win tonight.”


MAW championship match (Loser leaves MAW)

Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Honest Frank C

This was an epic encounter. Frank gave all he had and Mainstream played his part well. Frank dished out a great deal of punishment, but Mainstream seemed to always get back up. As the match went on and on the fans were on the edge of their seats. The end came when Frank went for a rare top rope move only for Mainstream to move out of the way. Mainstream capitalized with a quick cover and pin at the 25 minute mark. Frank has to leave MAW. Mainstream retains his title.


Respect for Frank C-

Honest Frank is slow to get up. Mainstream tries to go and help him up. Mainstream sticks out a hand to shake Frank’s hand. Frank shrugs off Mainstream’s help, but as the fans are giving a standing ovation, he turns and shakes Mainstream’s hand. He acknowledges the fans thanks as he says farewell.


Final’s hype C

Puerto Rican Power will battle Frankie Perez tonight in the RCI08 finals.


RCI 08 Final match

Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat vs. Frankie Perez C

What a match up. Both men have had two prior matches but they came out battling. Perez took an early advantage seeming to wind Power. Power powered out of many near falls. When the rest of West Coast Mafia came to ringside, out came the Real Americans. This battle would be settled in the ring. Back and forth. Perez locked in the P-Clutch and all seemed to be over till Jennifer Heat was able to distract Perez. Perez went to grab Jennifer and Power got up. Seeing Jennifer in trouble enraged the big man. Perez didn’t have a comeback for the large powerhouse. Power hit three powerbombs before getting the pin at the 19 minute mark. Puerto Rican Power is the RCI 08 champ.


Puerto Rican Power and Jennifer Heat celebrate C

Jennifer Heat comes into the ring and Puerto Rican Power seems to come back to himself. He and Jennifer celebrate with the fans as the show ends.


Overall show: C

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Dragon, you and Timber both did pretty well with the predictions. Mainstream kept the title because Frank outgrew us right now. He wanted alot more than I could pay. He is working both NYCW and Dave so he was stretching to come to us. As for the tag titles I gave Natural Storm what they miss most, a beauty with a mouth. Lets see how they hold up, but don't fret, Olympics are not gone.


The tourney I put Power over as he is raking in high marks month in and month out. And I wanted a Face-face battle. Plus a couple of storylines will spin out of the tournament. Thanks alot for the predictions and reading.....

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A fun read and MAW is an old favorite of mine from the day i read James Casey's Dynasty.


Glad to see Storm going over and getting a mouth piece is a great idea. I was a bit peeved that that Power won the RCI, He really didn't need the push but i would say that he's earned it. I figured Frank would out grow you so picking Mainstream wasn't a hard choice. I never liked the Sarge, so i didn't really want him to win any of it.


Looks like Mainstream and Power are gonna clash soon. That will be a great match. Storm will need some one to fued with, i'm assuming you'll pull some new faces in. All in all, a fun read.

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MAW Wrestling Classic preview


Rip Chord presents

MAW Wrestling Classic

Stanley Hall

March 21, 2008


Last month at RCI 08 we saw a legend leave the area, we saw a new RCI champion, we saw new tag team champs. What will the Classic have in store. Puerto Rican Power is wasting no time to cash in his title shot as he will take on the underdog MAW champion Mainstream Hernandez. Hernandez just vanquished one large brawler, can he withstand the power?


Natural Storm have found a mouthpiece and the titles, but Olympic Storm are coming in for their rematch.


Mean Machine has been trying to teach the upstart Harvey Hayes a lesson. This month they will meet. Will the vetern win out or will the young hero steal a win?


The card:

MAW championship

Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat

Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Harvey Hayes

Oscar Golden vs. Steven Lane

MAW tag team championship

Natural Storm w/Mystery Lady vs. Olympic Powers

Frankie Perez vs. Tim Westybrook

the Firm (Ricky Dougals/Murderous Mikey) w/Karen Killer vs. ????

the Hurricanes vs. John Greed and Paul Allen


Be there at 6:30 for some bonus action and 7:00 for the main show, the MAW Wrestling Classic

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MAW championship

Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat

I dont think that PPP is ready just yet to grab the belt.

Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Harvey Hayes

Machine has the skills and talent here to win.

Oscar Golden vs. Steven Lane

Not sure of Lane, so i'll go with Golden

MAW tag team championship

Natural Storm w/Mystery Lady vs. Olympic Powers

The Storm aren't ready to drop the belts after they just won them

Frankie Perez vs. Tim Westybrook

I like Westybrook, but he's not going to beat Perez.

the Firm (Ricky Dougals/Murderous Mikey) w/Karen Killer vs. ????

Always take the question-marks.

the Hurricanes vs. John Greed and Paul Allen

I like the Hurricanes though Greed and Allen are an interesting pair

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<p>MAW championship</p><p>

<strong>Mainstream Hernandez ©</strong> vs. Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat</p><p>

<em>PRP could win, but only likely if Hernandez isn't re-signing</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mean Machine w/Karen Killer</strong> vs. Harvey Hayes</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Oscar Golden </strong>vs. Steven Lane</p><p> </p><p>

MAW tag team championship</p><p>

<strong>Natural Storm w/Mystery Lady</strong> vs. Olympic Powers</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Frankie Perez</strong> vs. Tim Westybrook</p><p> </p><p>

the Firm (Ricky Dougals/Murderous Mikey) w/Karen Killer vs. <strong>????</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>the Hurricanes</strong> vs. John Greed and Paul Allen</p>

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MAW Wrestling Classic results


Rip Chord presents


MAW Wrestling Classic

March 21, 2008

Stanley Hall

Attendance: 285



Wanda Fish d. Miss Information C-

Larry Wood d. Reginald Morris E



RCI08 final C+

We see a video of the end of the PRP-Perez match at RCI match.


Storm’s jubilation C+

The new MAW tag team champions, DC Rayne and Eddie Howard, come out with the mystery woman. She takes the stick, “Hello wonderful Carolina fans. I hear you want to know who I am. I am Monique, DC’s cousin from out west. I’m here to help the guys and watch their backs. Thank you for helping these guys and myself to this honor. As you can see the three of us are hot, hot, HOT!”


The Hurricanes vs. John Greed and Paul Allen D

Erik Strong and Jack Giedroyc come out ready tonight. There seems to be some interaction between Persephone and Jack, but not enough to keep Giedroyc from getting the pin on Allen at the 5 minute mark.


An approach: C

After the match, Persephone approaches Jack Giedroyc. “Jack, baby, I’ve been watching you. How would you like someone to guide you to new heights?”

Giedrocy replies by turning his back and leaving with Erik Strong.


A woman scorned C

A furious Persephone is not to be outdone as the gods of Thunder come from the back and join John Greed in an attack on the Hurricanes.


Respect C+

We are shown backstage where Puerto Rican Power and Jennifer Heat are walking and round the corner they run into Mainstream Hernandez. Hernandez hits the deck. Puerto Rican Power reaches his hand out to help Mainstream up. Mainstream takes it and they both shake hands. Mainstream says, “I’m really honored to be facing you tonight, Power.”

Power responds, “The honor is all mine.”


The Firm (Ricky Douglas/Murderous Mikey) w/Karen Killer vs. Rocking Ryan and Clyde Wilson E

Ricky Douglas and Mikey worked fairly well in quickly squashing Ryan and Wilson. The end came at the 6 minute mark with Mikey pinning Rocking Ryan.


Karen happy C

Karen and the Firm celebrate their win to the ire of the crowd.


You will regret making fun of me C+

Lord Geoffry Windameer comes out next. “You pathetic peons will regret making fun of me. Take a look at what’s coming.” A video begins showing a big man in a gold suit and another large Japanese behemoth wearing a viking helmet. They are shown destroying men after men.”


Frankie Perez vs. Tim Westybrook C

Westybrook is really going to be a major force in the ring, but not tonight. He kept his end up for a while, but Perez showed a renewed focus taking the big man down the P-Clutch at the 7 minute mark.


I was robbed. C

After the match Perez grabbed a mic, “I was robbed. Puerto Rican Power and Jennifer Heat, you both know I should have won the match. I will get you both. And I will gain the stinking MAW title this year.”


Olympic Storm rematch tonight E

We see a short clip highlighting the rematch of Olympic Powers and Natural Storm for the MAW tag team champions.


MAW tag team championship

Natural Strom © w/Monique vs. Olympic Powers D

Nevada starts off with DC. DC has the upper hand causing Nevada to tag to Zeus. Zeus showcased his power, but met his match when Eddie Howard made his way into the ring. Monique true to her word played a part distracting the heels and keeping them off their game. The end came when DC hit the Roaring Storm on Zeus to gain the pin at the 12 minute mark.


Successful defense C

As Monique and Natural Storm celebrate their defense out comes Karen Killer and Firm. The Firm has surprise on their side as they take down the tag champs.


You cost me D

Sgt. Bubba Lee West and his partner Jorge Washington come out to the podium. West grabs the mic, “Insane Machine, you cost me the RCI last month. You filthy piece of maggot flesh, you sorry excuse of wrestling material. I want you and I will get you. You will pay for standing in the way of the American Dream.”


Response C

As the Real Americans are talking out come Insane Machine and Remmy Skye. “So our man P-Dawg got screwed and you want to jump on the bandwagon you little dwarf. My man Insane didn’t cost you. It is the West Coast Mafia who has been cheated.”


Faceoff or more C

The two pairs start shoving which quickly leads to an all out brawl. The keep battling to the delight of the crowd till…..


Rip makes a match. C

Rip Chord makes his way out to the podium with security to break up the West Coast Mafia and Real Americans. “Well you boys want to fight? I’ll let you fight, but in the ring. Next month at MAW Americana 08, it will be Sgt. Bubba Lee West and Insane Machine one-on-one.


Oscar Golden vs. Steven Lane D

The cowboy Lane riled up the crowd with his underhanded tactics, but the pretty boy Canadian had what it took to pin Lane at the 6 minute mark.


Mean Machine talks E

Mean Machine comes out with Karen Killer, “Tonight, I will grind you up, Hayes. Tonight the Machine will continue while you fail.”


Hayes answers E

As Mean Machine enters the ring, out comes Harvey Hayes. “Tonight, Mean Machine you and I will battle. I respect what you’ve done, but your actions on me are uncalled for. Tonight you will find out why I am here and why the future is catching up to you. Tonight I break your machine.”


Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Harvey Hayes D

This match had been building up for a while. Hayes was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Machine wanting to make an example of the upstart. Hayes fought valiantly, but Machine looked well oiled tonight. Mean Machine methodically took the youngster apart early. Hayes did gain and upper hand later. Using his speed and quickness to take Machine off balance, but the Machine got his bearings and ground down Hayes with the Cattley Driver at the 15minute mark.


Fan Interaction C

An intermission and meet and greet for the fans.


MAW championship matchMainstream Hernandez © vs. Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat C+

What a battle. Hernandez, quick and agile- Power, large and powerful, were set to have a classic battle of the two extremes. Hernandez seemed to keep Power off balance early with darting attacks and quick moves. When Power did catch him, Hernandez would find a way to weasel out. The fans were eating it up. Puerto Rican gained an advantage when Hernandez tried to come off the top rope, but was caught. Power then began to use his strength to beat down the champ. Mainstream time and time again looked down for the count only to find a way to reach for the ropes, kick out or slip loose. The end came as Puerto Rican Power and lifted Mainstream up for a Puerto Rican bomb, made the cover, but the bell rung for the time limit. A 30 minute time limit draw, Mainstream keeps his title.



Our best main event. Ok show overall and disappointment for Hayes-Mean Machine.

Overall show C+

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I like where you're going with this. Fun stuff, a good read.

When i used MAW, i made sure that old Rip was really working. He was an announcer, Authority Figure, Interviewer and i popped him as a heel. Rip is the grease that makes MAW run. He's great for everything.


I did add a few Diva angles to use, mostly looks and entrainment stuff. Backstage taunts and pre-show getting ready stuff. The angles always go over well, fans love the girls regardless of the product.


If i may ask, what is the set up you're using for the Fan Interaction angle? I might want to steal the set up and add it to my game. I like that but don't really have anything set for it myself.


Glad that Mainstream/PPP went to a time limit. Both those guys can make your product rise very fast. That friendly feud can go anyway you like, face/face for awhile, one goes heel and crazy. Great for interviews and just out right great matches.


The Firm with Mikey in it, bah :) how the mighty have fallen.

Glad the Storm retained. The were stars in my old MAW game.

Always been a big fan of Mean Jean. I always gave him the star push. Good to he's not forgotten.


Good stuff.

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If i may ask, what is the set up you're using for the Fan Interaction angle? I might want to steal the set up and add it to my game. I like that but don't really have anything set for it myself.


Thanks Timber....Actually i stole/borrowed the idea from Dragonmack's diary


my basic setup was a hype with 8 participants as CAT. The first 4 are rated on entertainment or microphone. The other 4 are not rated. That way my new guys or guys I want to 'grow' pick up skills quicker. It has helped tremendously with Atlas and Titan.


I have begun running a different one lately, actually since the May 08 show that uses 8, but two of the four rated slots are on looks.


I usually have Rip working the table and envolved, but this go I wanted to try to use him as a mouthpiece on events and road agent.


I'm glad you like the storylines and PRP-Hernandez is a gold fued for me. I have a plethora of heels to challenge the winner.


Thanks again for commenting and Dragonmack thanks to you for predicting and your advice...

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<p>Well it was a good month overall....The PRP-mainstream match didn't disappoint. In predictions we started over as had just came off the RCI, one of our three big shows.</p><p> </p><p>

1) DragonMack 5-2</p><p>

1) Timber 5-2</p><p> </p><p>

The two to trip you up were the draw for the title and Firm starting their rise.</p><p>

Thanks again for the predictions and comments.</p>

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<p>MAW Americana 08 preview</p><p> </p><p>

Last month we saw a classic at MAW Wrestling Classic as the MAW champion Mainstream Hernandez and challenger Puerto Rican Power battled to a time limit draw. This month We will see them again. This month we will have another battle. Which man will come out on top?</p><p> </p><p>

Rip made a match to settle the differences of Sgt. Bubba Lee West and Insane Machine. These two men have a disagreement stemming from the RCI. Who will come out on top?</p><p> </p><p>

Mean Machine finished off Harvey Hayes, where will the sights of the former MAW champion be this month?</p><p> </p><p>

The Hurricanes rebuffed an advance from Persephone, so she called her muscle, gods of Thunder in. This month they will settle it in the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

The Firm attacked Natural Storm and Monique after a brutal battle with Olympic Power. Will Storm get their revenge this month?</p><p> </p><p>

Also who is this Lord Geoffery Windameer? Who are his monsters he keeps showing videos of?</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Come taste a piece of MAW Americana @ 7:00 April 18 in the historic Stanley Hall.</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>MAW championship match</strong></p><p>

Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat</p><p>

Sgt. Bubba Lee West vs. Insane Machine</p><p>

Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Masked Cougar</p><p>

<strong>MAW tag team championship</strong></p><p>

Natural Storm © w/Monique vs. the Firm w/Karen Killer</p><p>

Hurricanes vs. gods of Thunder w/Persephone</p><p>

Oscar Golden vs. John Greed</p>

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<p>MAW championship match</p><p>

<strong>Mainstream Hernandez ©</strong> vs. Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat</p><p>

I don't think it's quite PPP's time to get the belt. Soon though.</p><p> </p><p>

Sgt. Bubba Lee West vs. <strong>Insane Machine</strong></p><p>

I never liked Bubba, too expensive and never liked his render.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mean Machine w/Karen Killer</strong> vs. Masked Cougar</p><p>

Time for Jean to head up the ladder and snag the gold.</p><p>

MAW tag team championship</p><p>

<strong>Natural Storm © w/Monique </strong>vs. the Firm w/Karen Killer</p><p>

The Firm aren't talented enough to win this just yet. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hurricanes</strong> vs. gods of Thunder w/Persephone</p><p>

The GODZ are fun to use but they go down quickly to the Hurricanes.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Oscar Golden</strong> vs. John Greed.</p><p>

I wanted to pick Greed here, but Oscar is a MAW mainstay.</p>

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MAW championship match

Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat

Mainstreamer all the way


Sgt. Bubba Lee West vs. Insane Machine

Bubba is next challenger


Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Masked Cougar

MAW icon


MAW tag team championship

Natural Storm © w/Monique vs. the Firm w/Karen Killer

Firm are weak sticks without Mean Machine in the ring


Hurricanes vs. gods of Thunder w/Persephone

Gods of blunder


Oscar Golden vs. John Greed

Got to go with Greed

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MAW Americana 08 Results


Rip Chord presents

MAW Americana 08

Stanley Hall

April 18

Attendance 285



Wanda Fish d. Roz Lauren C-

Larry Wood d. Tim Westybrook D



Deadly still in action C+

Persephone comes out with John Greed and the gods of Thunder. “Tonight Oscar, you and that little foolish British punk will know why the world fears Deadly!”


John Greed w/ Persephone vs. Oscar Golden D

Good back and forth action as Oscar and Greed matched move for move. Persephone tried to interfere, but ended up costing Greed the match. Golden gains the pin at the 7 minute mark. There is a long stare after the match between Greed and Persephone until.


Hell hath no fury….. D

Eric Strong and Jack Giedrocy come out. “Well, well, looks like trouble in loveville tonight. I don’t know what your problem is Persephone, but I won’t touch you with a 10 ft pole. Greed you need to wake up! First, Perse, you throw yourself at me and can’t take no. Then you throw these two Arni movie rejects our way. Well tonight we will demolish them and move on.”


gods of Thunder w/Persephone vs. Hurricanes D

That is all Persephone could take. She unleashed her huge charges and the battle was on. Atlas has really improved a lot and was taking the battle to Strong, who had to make a tag to Giedroyc. Jack was all afire with punches to the big giants. Greed comes out of the back and tries to turn the tide, but misses Giedroyc and hits Titan in front of Jay Fair. Gied makes the cover, only to hear the bell. It is a DQ victory awarded to the gods of Thunder. The fans are irate, the Hurricanes are irate, Persephone is irate, but the gods just want to get out of Dodge.


You want us E

Not a good segment here. MAW tag champs, Natural Storm come out with Monique all upset. “Firm you want a piece of us. Douglas we have a score to settle with you anyway, and now you pull this with your new twin. Come on in the ring and taste a piece of Mother Nature. Of Natural Storm.”


I beat you once…. D

As Natural Storm is raging, out come Murderous Mikey and Ricky Douglas with Karen Killer. “Storm unless you forgot…It was the A* Alliance who beat you for the titles before. Parker and this man, Ricky Douglas. If I were you I would fear what could happen. Don’t discount the Firm.”


MAW tag title match

Natural Storm w/Monique vs. the Firm w/Karen Killer D

Eddie and DC were fired up for this one. Both of them went after Mikey and Ricky like an inferno. In fact this match got out of hand rather quickly and Fair had no choice but to call for the bell with a double countout.


A battle brewing E

But the battle didn’t stop there. The two teams and their managers tore into each other battling all the way to the back.


Looks like I’ve been overlooked D

Mean Machine comes out sans Karen. “Well Rip, don’t think I haven’t been paying attention. I’ve beaten big lugs, snot nosed Canadian Punks, and young upstarts…but you know and I know I deserve my title back. You know I’m not one to whine. I take what’s mine. Tonight I destroy this masked freak…then I want my title.”


Hold on a minute… E

“I respect you for you have done, Machine.” Out comes Frankie Perez. “But you are kinda over the hill. If anyone deserves the title its me and the West Coast Mafia. Step aside, old man, and let the real wrestlers handle it.” The two men have an intense staredown till Machine’s opponent comes out.


Mean Machine vs. Masked Cougar D

Machine was on a mission. He does most of his speaking in the ring. Cougar put up a valiant fight. Using his flying moves to hit Machine early, but the Machine kept grinding on. Machine picks up the pin at the 9 minute mark. Perez stayed on the ramp watching the entire match.


The monsters will be here soon E

Lord Geoffery Windameer comes out to laughs and boos. He keeps his hankerchief over his nose. “Peasants, I can’t stand the smell of peasants or colonials. I warn you one last time. The beast will unleash WAR on you soon. You will bow before royalty.” While he is talking the video of the two large men he has been showing comes up again.


Sgt. West, you are an idiot… E

West Coast Mafia hit the podium next. Remmy Skye has the mic, “Sgt..I mean Private West..you are an idiot. Who do you and Washington think you are? Getting in Mafia business, tonight you will pay. Tonight you will understand why West Coast is the only America…” Insane Machine gets into the ring.


Listen up you maggot… E

The Real Americans come to the podium. The Sarge takes the mic, “Remmy Skye, you useless piece of tissue, you will drop and give me 50 in time. But tonight I will take out the no-good, lowlife, Insane Machine. You must be Insane, interrupting my match in the RCI. I will dispose of you and Jorge will have my back. We are the ‘Real Americans’.”


Sgt. West w/Jorge Washington vs. Insane Machine w/Remmy Skye C-

The promos weren’t a lot, but the match sure was. Machine and West tore up the ring. This was the best match of the night so far. West used his ground game to ground the hi flying Machine. Insane used his slipperiness to slip out of West’s holds. Washington and Skye nutrualized each other outside the ring. It was a good match till West was able to catch Insane Machine in the Cannon Fodder at the 17 minute mark.


Not over…. C-

But that was not it. Washington and Skye hit the ring. The Americans doubled up on Skye till Machine got up. It was an all out war as all four men continued beating on one another till Frankie Perez came out to put the odds in the Mafia’s favor. The Real Americans took the better part of valor.


We will try this again…. B

MAW owner Rip Chord comes out next, “Well thank you good folks. It’s always great to come out to Stanley Hall to see the greatest fans in the wrestling world. Last month we had a time limit draw as MAW champion Mainstream Hernandez and Puerto Rican Power gave a great show. This month we will try it again with a 50 minute time limit.”


PRP and Jennifer Heat hype title match C+

Puerto Rican Power and Jennifer Heat come out. “Mainstream, you are a resourceful champion. I was honored to fight you last month. We battled till the time ran down, but this month the Power of the people will raise up a new champion. This month we will battle, but the people will win. Power will win.”


Mainstream hypes C

As Puerto Rican Power and Jennifer make their way to the ring, the MAW champion Mainstream Hernandez comes to the podium. “Power, you are a great man, a tough opponent. I am honored to defend against you. It will be an uphill climb, but the people believe in me. And I will use the heart I have to do my best. Win or lose, we will both be winners tonight.”


MAW championship

Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Puerto Rican Power C+

Another great battle. The downside was the crowd was restless. It was almost a replay of last month as Power used his strength and Hernandez used his speed. Back and forth they went. Power looked to have the victory a couple of times, but Hernandez would find a way to power out. The action spilled to the floor as both men battled. Fair tried to let the match continue, but he had to begin his count. Hernandez was accidently slung into Heat. Puerto Rican Power tried to check on her and Mainstream was distraught. Power picked up Mainstream and threw him into the ring. Just in time for Fair to get to 10. Count out victory. Mainstream retains his title, but is Jennifer Heat ok?



Overall show: C

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Around the USA


Well we had a pretty good month and now I had a chance to catch up on some of the doings around the USA....Power had been telling me that he and Frank were teaming in Dave. They we're called the LadyKillers. Remmy had been in a program with Cpt USA and Donnie J for the CZCW title. Well let me see what's going on.


I took the CZCW Spring Break DVD that Frankie brought me. It was pretty good.


In the opening match Fox Mask retained his CZCW Extreme title over. Flying Jimmie Fox. Good extreme action that CZ fans really enjoy. It got the crowd really fired up.


But the second match was the match of the show, Snap Dragon and Plauge. They went back and forth all over the ring and the areana. Snap pulled out the win with a nice schoolboy rollup catching Plauge coming off the ropes. The were chanting "That was awesome!!"


Frankie was involved in the next match, a tag team match. The No Fear Soldiers (Jerimiah Moose and E.M.M. Moe) were battling Frankie and Prince Adam. It was a pretty good match. Frankie and Jeremiah work well together in the ring. Hummm....maybe a thought for the future. Well the No Fear soldiers were more cohesive and picked up the victory.


Insane was up next. He fought Valiant in a surprisingly good match. Valiant and Machine matched up pretty well. Valiant had the upper hand early, but Machine lived up to his name, Insane, flying around the ring and pulling out the win.


Jimmie P and Ota were next. Another stellar preformance. I wished we could have afforded Ota earlier. He can really work the ring. Well Jimmie pulled out the win in what was the second best match of the night.


The main event was a three way for the CZCW championship. Donnie J had to defend against Remmy Skye and Cpt. USA. Skye really looked good, he was a good champion for us. He may have to get another run. Cpt USA was really moving. When he went to CZCW I didn't think he could keep up with their product type. He proved me wrong. Well it came down to Skye and Donnie in the ring. Cpt snuck off (Yes I know that is hard to believe) the top rope and hit Skye. Donnie took advantage of Cpt being down too to gain the pin and retain.


All in all it was a good show and a great watch.

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Can't go wrong with CZCW. It's a great group of guys but the only thing for me is that they are a bit boring. No real angles. Just match after great match. I do tweak them so that i can get some fun light angles in there. Though i have found out that you can do SEX or Looks stuff and the crowd doesn't kick you for it.
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Around the USA in April continued


OOC....I agree Timber, I've never played CZCW, but I do love their talent.


Well another day, Puerto Rico came back and brought a video from Dave’s Rock-n-Roll Over. He and Jean were all grins and I promised them I would watch it.


Not too bad. First match pitted Sgt. Bubba Lee West against the Big Problem. West came t the ring with a watergun, having flashbacks. (pretty funny stuff). Big Problem won the match, but West came out looking good.

The second match was a 6 man tag team affair. Nemesis, Pistol Pete, and Jungle Jack defeated Acid, Mic Muscles, and American Buffalo. Nemesis and Pistol Pete really looked good out there helping to steal the show. It was definitely the best match of the night.

The third match was a surprise for me. Warlord Agony went over Teddy Powell. I really haven’t seen much of the Warlords, but Agony looked pretty decent.

The fourth match was another 6 man affair- Whistler, Art Reed, and Joey Minnesota took down Travis Century, Danny B. Bling, and Hell’s Bouncer. Bouncer was the weak link in this match, but it was ok.

The fifth match pitted the Ladykillers (Honest Frank and Puerto Rican Power) in a great battle with JD Morgan and Darryl Devine. Devine really looked good in contrast to the others in this match for his style, but Puerto and Frank put out an amazing performance. I see the Ladykillers as a force of the future? Devine and Morgan took the win, but it was great to see Frank doing well.

The last match was another tag battle- Wolverine and Guide teamed up to take out the New Jersey Devils. It was a great match, but it was outshone by the six man with Nemesis and the tag match with the Ladykillers.


A pretty good show, but not what I was expecting overall from DAVE. Saw some our guys doing some great work there.

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