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NYCW Fighting Spirit


I was relaxing..yeah right, I was looking over the plans for May and MAW Old School Rules. Jean came by. “Hey Leroy, what you doing tomorrow?”


“Nothing I know about. You know bookers don’t really work, we just make your life hell.”


Jean laughed. “Well I’m headed up to NY for the show. A guy named Dragon Mack wants to meet you. Your welcome to ride with me.”




Another free show, can’t beat that. Well it was good to see Frank again. He is a real pro holding no grudges understanding we couldn’t meet his salary request. Plus he liked the way we sent him out. Coyote Dynamite are always pranksters. And seeing Robert Oxford and Whistler brought back some memories.


Dragon was a great guy. We swopped the usual stories of bookers and even Ota came in to talk some. All in all it was great to get out and just socialize with old friends.


But I came for a show. The Ministry was packed. We opened with Whistler going over Sammy the Shark in a squash. It was good though and Whistler warmed the fans up a good bit.


Another 6 man match came next. What is it with the 6 man matches this month? Mean Jean teamed with Masked Mauler and Big Problem to defeat NY Doll and Coyote Dynamite. Jean looked pretty good at there, but Big Problem really opened my eyes. A big guy, and you know I like ‘em big.


The Tri-State title was up for grabs as Mr. America turned back a stiff challenge from Robert Oxford. Robert really fueled the crowd using some great dirty tricks. Mr. America did a good job of garnering sympathy and then making the big comeback.


Honest Frank and Steve Flash showcased why they were going to be a major players in the future of NYCW. Frank took the match, but both guys were winners in this clash.


Joey Minnesota and Fumihiro Ota teamed up the take out Team Dynasty. This was an excellent match as all four men really tore up the ring.


The main event saw Grandmaster Funk defending his Empire State title against Travis Century. Century was great at setting the psychology for this barnburner. Funk won to retain, but Century showed why he is a great addition to any roster.


It was a great show and I really enjoyed talking to the guys here. I invited Dragon and the guys to come down and visit MAW. Who knows what can come of it?

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Around the USA in April...USPW


Rip and I were going over the last few plans for Old School Rules, when he asked, “Leroy, when are you going to come with me back to Huntsville?”

I knew were Rip was going. I haven’t been on one of his excursions in a while. “Well when is USPW going to have their show this month?”

“Tomorrow night, you coming?”

“Sure Rip.”


We drove down that next morning. It was actually a good drive as Persephone was going with us. We got to Huntsville around 3pm and went into the arena. As Persephone went to the back to get her part of the show, Rip and I walked into talk to Danny.

I had a great talk with Cpt. USA and Joey Minnesota. Joey once again declined coming in to work a couple of shows. I wonder why?


The house was packed for the show. And it started pretty good. Cpt. USA defended his National Title against Danny Rushmore. Rushmore was accompanied by Persephone. Persephone did a great job, but Cap retained.


Persephone remained at ringside to welcome out her other charges, USPW tag team champions, Savage Fury. The Fury defended against the Hillbillies. A fair match that was carried by the fact Persephone can really garner attention. The champs retained, but they all looked pretty exhausted.


The next match was a match of the decades (one well past his prime and one coming up in the future). Giant Redwood took Tom E. Hawk out, but not without Nick showing why the rumors he is training with Sam Strong might be true.


The fourth match was a great show. Pistol Pete Hall showcased why he worked in the big leagues taking on Mic Muscles. Muscles gave a good bit of punishment, but the fans brought Hall back for the victory.


The main event was a shocker for the fans. Joey Minnesota was challenging Jim Force for the USPW World title. Minnesota looked to have the title all but won till the Force rose with his inhuman ability and vanquished Joey. The fans were ecstatic as the all the Jim Force merchandise erupted around the auditorium. I guess it is true that Joey will be signing a written deal soon.. Who would it be with though?


I enjoyed the show and have a couple of prospects to look into for Rip now.

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MAW Old School Rules....preview


May has come and it is time to go Old School....Last month at MAW Americana, Mainstream Hernendez kept his belt, but at the cost of Jennifer Heat. Is she alright? What will Puerto Rican Power do now? The two warriors meet again for the coveted MAW championship.


Sgt. Bubba Lee West got a measure of revenge over Insane Machine last month, but the war between the Real Americans and West Coast Mafia is far from over.


Mean Machine and Frankie Perez both have thier sites set on the MAW championship. Which one will be next in line for a shot?


The Firm managed a draw with MAW tag champs, Natural Storm. Will they gain the victory this month?


All this and more will be discovered when MAW takes it back to where it should be at MAW Old School Rules, May 15, 2008 at Stanley Hall.



MAW Championship

James Hernendez © vs. Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat?

Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Frankie Perez

Real Americans vs. West Coast Mafia

MAW tag team championship

Natural Storm © w/Monique vs. Firm w/Karen Killer

Steven Parker w/Karen Killer vs. Harvey Hayes

Oscar Golden vs. Surfeador Californico

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MAW Championship

James Hernendez © vs. Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat?

After everything, now is PPP's time.


Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Frankie Perez

I want Jean to win, but i think that Perez will come up and take they match, still rooting for Jean.


Real Americans vs. West Coast Mafia

I am a real American, fight for the right of everyman!


MAW tag team championship

Natural Storm © w/Monique vs. Firm w/Karen Killer

Storm carry on and win this easily.


Steven Parker w/Karen Killer vs. Harvey Hayes

Parker climbs the ladder and starts to stake his claim for a chance at the Belt.


Oscar Golden vs. Surfeador Californico

Oscar is ok in skills and charisma, but Surfeador is gonna wipe him out and take the win.

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MAW Championship

James Hernendez © vs. Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat?

Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Frankie Perez

Real Americans vs. West Coast Mafia

MAW tag team championship

Natural Storm © w/Monique vs. Firm w/Karen Killer

Steven Parker w/Karen Killer vs. Harvey Hayes

Oscar Golden vs. Surfeador Californico

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MAW Old School Rules results


Rip Chord presents

MAW Old School Rules

May 15, 2008

Stanley Hall

Attendance 300



Tatsuki d. Paul Allen D

Wanda Fish d. Angel Takome C



Oscar Golden vs. Surfeador Californico F

A quick match in which Oscar Golden tried to look dangerous, but the fans weren’t buying it too much. This match suffered a lot and the crowd let them know.


Oscar wants Steven Parker D

“I’m here to win your heart, I was here from the start,” Oscar Golden grabs a mic and begins to sing to the crowd. “I’ll never leave you. I’ll stand by your side. I will come like the moon drawn tide.” Dancing away Oscar finally stops. “Fans, thank you for being you. I love being here for you. Dancing, singing, wrestling, but there is someone who doesn’t hear the music. There is someone who has tried to silence the song. Steven Parker, don’t think I’ve forgotten about you. I will show you a step or two, in the ring.”


Steven Parker w/ Karen Killer vs. Harvey Hayes D

Parker enters the arena with Karen. They stop and look at Oscar, but then begin to laugh. Harvey comes out and the match is on. Hayes lost out to the Firm’s Mean Machine earlier this year, and this match didn’t go so well for him either. There was no chemistry between these two, but they did a better job than the opening match. Parker took this match with the Future Shock.


Hurricanes begin to blow D

Jack Giedroyc and Erik Strong come out next, “I tell ‘a, Erik, me lad this white haired wench is getting on my nerves. She insults us, sicks her goons on us, then cost us a match by attacking her own lads. What’s up with that?”

“Gied, you have the right of it. I don’t know what’s up with the dudette or Twiddle Dum and Twiddle Deeb. But I do know we want them.”

“You’re right we want them wankers in the ring. No way we are going to let two walking gargoyles beat us.”


Persephone has an answer C+

As the Hurricanes are commenting out comes Persephone with the gods of Thunder. She begins with her high pitched voice, “What you want? What you want? What are you talking about? I gave you a chance to join greatness, you turned it down. Now you will pay.


Hurricane-Thunder C

With that the two teams tear into each other. Jack and Atlas fight through the audience as Titan and Erik battle to the announce table demolishing the podium. The continue to battle to the back with Persephone shrieking.


Storm blowing C

Monique comes out with Natural Storm. Monique has the mic, but no podium. “Firm, Ricky Douglas, Mikey…you think you deserve something. Last month we lost our cool and didn’t finish the job. This month will be different. This month we will blow you away.”


MAW tag team championship

Natural Storm © w/ Monique vs. The Firm w/Karen Killer D

The second match was almost a repeat of the first. DC and Eddie were more intend on beating Douglas and Mikey to a pulp than wrestling. That worked against them. Monique tried to get her guys to cool down, but Karen took a hand in distracting her. The Firm used the anger of Storm to their advantage. Taking the fight outside a couple of times and ambushing the Storm member while Jay Fair was separating the ladies. The end came when DC met Mikey’s briefcase on the outside knocking him out cold. Douglas got back in the ring, but Fair counted DC out. Firm wins, but Storm retains the titles.


Victory but a loss C-

After the match, Mikey and Douglas celebrate till the titles are handed to Storm. Irate the Firm members assault Eddie and the downed DC while Karen slapped Monique. Finally the Firm members head to the back leaving all three Natural Storm members out.


Real American Fury D

Jorge Washington and Sgt. Bubba Lee West come out next. “Aten hut! Listen up you maggots. You slimy pieces of West Coast trash. You come out here and interfere with matches. Think you run things. Well boy, We here to show you how you succeed in America. Jorge and I are examples of hard work and integrity. Last month I destroyed you Insane Machine, you have to be insane to get in my path, son. Tonight we will use raw American power to demolish you lilly-livered, nightclub hopping, morons.”


West Coast reply D

Remmy Skye and Insane Machine come out from behind the Real Americans and a brawl breaks out. The four battle to the ring where, Jay Fair calls for the bell.


West Coast Mafia vs. Real Americans C-

The action did not let up. Back and forth the four men went wowing the crowd with brutal hits and death defying moves. When some sembelence of order was gained, Skye started off against Jorge. Jorge overpowered the former MAW champion and made the tag to West. West began his brutal boot camp attack. Skye was really in trouble till a hot tag to Insane opened pandemonium. The end came when Insane came off the top rope, only to be caught by a standing Jorge Washington. As Washington gloated, Insane hit a beautiful hurricanranna and locked in the Dragon clutch on Jorge’s arm. Remmy prevented West from making the save as Washington had to tap. West Coast mafia wins to gain some measure of revenge.


Intermission/Fan Interaction C+

We gave the fans a chance to interact with some of our guys. A good chance to rest and sell some merchandise. Many of our younger guys gain some valuable mic and charisma skills during this time.

Perez…. C

As the Fan Interaction comes to a close, Frankie Perez has a mic. “Hey Mean Machine, yeah you old man. I hear you think you are something. You are…past your prime. You were a MAW champion, but now you are just old meat in the ring. Tonight I’m going put you out of our misery, and show you your place…If you’re not too afraid to roll with it?”


Machine responds C-

“Old, Old? Who are you calling OLD? Punk you’re good, but don’t mistake me for a street punk or an old dog. This old dog has had the title and will get it again. Have you had the title? Have you had a title in the MAW? What I thought. You want me in the ring, you disrespecting punk; I’ll take you, right now.” With that Mean Machine throws down the mic, and heads to the ring. Perez looks a little nervous, not expecting Jean to take the match tonight, but then Remmy Skye and Insane Machine come from the back and waylay Mean Machine. The Firm and Steven Parker quickly come from the back, but too late. Mean Machine has taken some punishment. They try to dissuade Jean from the match tonight, but he pushes them away.


Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Frankie Perez C

Machine sold the punishment from the attack well. Perez toyed with the veteran showing true disdain and disrespect. That was almost his downfall as Mean Machine used that arrogance to his advantage and hit a Mood Swing. The fight was on then, but unfortunately the punishment earlier was too much for Machine. Perez locked the P-Clutch to take the win. This was a great match for us.


Face down D

After the match, Firm and West Coast Mafia come from the back and an intense standoff occurred. Mean Machine got up and got face to face with Perez. You could hear Jean shout, “Next month you are mine punk!”


Rip hypes main event C+

Owner Rip Chord comes out, “Well the next match has happened for the last two months without a clear winner. Tonight we will have the winner as Jennifer Heat will not be allowed ringside for her own safety. Also no time limit. There must be a winner tonight.


James? C+

MAW champion, Mainstream Hernandez comes out first, “I am truly sorry, Power and Jennifer. It is not me to hurt a lady or an honorable opponent. Next, it is time for me to grow up. I want you to call me by my real name, James Hernandez. From now on I will be James Hernandez. Tonight Power, may the best man win to represent the pride, honor, and heritage of MAW.”


MAW championship

James Hernandez © vs. Puerto Rican Power B-

The anticipated match was on. Power went full force forward as Hernandez tried to evade the larger man and wear him down. Power was the better man tonight. He just kept coming and coming till he finally caught James with the San Jaun Slam to gain the pin at the 38 minute mark. Both men were tired, but they put on a great match. The crowd did get a little restless during the match though.


Celebration B+

Jennifer Heat ran out of the back to hug her man and celebrate the new MAW champion, Puerto Rican Power.

Overall show C


The main event was our best match ever. Power probably will not be with us long, but we will milk him while he is here. Hernandez is growing and will not disappear. Mean Jean and Frankie are really working hard and their match tonight was great.

Also Monique and Tatsuki have signed a PPA contract with DAVE.

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<p>Coming off the great show had our locker room estatic. We we all riding a nice cloud and getting ready to build on it. But Rip was there to remind us that if we go high, it just means we will fall further on our *&@! face. </p><p>

Speaking of Rip he came in to let me know it was time to make our trip to Arkansas for USPW Declaration of Independence. Perspehone was pumped and talkative the whole trip.</p><p> </p><p>

We arrived with plenty of time for us to visit with the guys backstage. I have to say there was a marked difference between our locker room and USPW. The mood was definitely down here. I hope it doesn’t affect the show.</p><p> </p><p>

The action started with Persephone bringing out Danny Rushmore again. Danny quickly took out Tom E. Hawk in a match that saw little crowd reaction.</p><p> </p><p>

Next Persephone’s tag champs, Savage Fury had a rematch against the Hillbillies. This time the Hillbillies put up a better showing, coming within a hair’s breath of winning the tag titles. Tribal Warrior though was just a bit quicker after Persphone’s interference. Savage Fury retains their titles.</p><p> </p><p>

The third match was a dozy. Darryl Devine and Giant Redwood took out Pistol Pete and Captain USA. It was back and forth for a good bit with Pistol being trapped outside allowing Devine to pin Cpt. USA for the win.</p><p> </p><p>

The main event was not a technical masterpiece, but it was definitely the match of the night. Jim Force came out to defend his USPW World Title against Joey Minnesota. Force ranted on his merchandise which was evidenced profusely in the crowd. Force seemed to have powered his way to victory again, but Minnesota pulled a school boy rollup to gain the surprise win. Joey Minnesota wins the USPW World title belt.</p>

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<p>This month saw some seperation....Congrats to Dragonmack for winning this months round. The last show in this cycle is SuperShowdown and its still anyones game.</p><p> </p><p>

Dragonmack 4-2 (13-6)</p><p>

Timber 2-4 (11-8)</p><p> </p><p>

The Mean Jean and Natural Storm fights triped you both up.</p>

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<p>I was robbed! <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Good stuff, i keep checking here and reading. It's been entertaining and fun.</p>

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Jean comes into the office…it was Friday and we were taking a long weekend to help some bodies get a little rest. I thought Jean was one who needed it, but not so.

“Leroy, what you doing this weekend?”


“Come on man, don’t you want to go up to Penn Park with me?”


“Dragon wants to see you. And plus you know you love the knock down beat down style of NY.”

“ok” Against my better judgment I agreed. I can’t turn down a good show.


NYCW was branching out to Penn Park tonight. Almost a capacity crowd….lets see if they live up to their billing.


The first match was spectacular. Coyote Dynamite looked years younger as he tore poor Sammy the Shark to shreds. The crowd really got warmed up with this old fashion brawl.


As the fans were buzzing, out came the American Made Men. Mr. America took the mic, “Tonight Revenge Warriors you will fail. Tonight you face America…you face Men made in America. Tonight good ole fashioned American fighting will bring you back to earth.”


Masked Mauler and NY Doll come out and the match was on. Mauler and Doll used their bag of tricks to keep the faces perplexed, but true to Mr. America’s word the AMM kept coming, really pulling the crowd behind them. Mr. America got the pin over NY Doll to give his team the win.


The NYCW tag titles were up next. Team Dynasty came out with the straps to take on Massive Problem. The huge Land Mass really tried to keep up with Hell Monkey (yeah right.) The big men had no answer for the fast strikes of Monkey as the champs retained their titles.


MAW’s own Mean Jean Cattley was out next to face Steve Flash. This was an excellent match as both men gave their all. Cattley showcased his strengths as Flash worked the crowd. The end came when Jean hit the Mood Swing to gain the pin. After the match Jean was not satisfied. He put the boots to the fallen Flash to add insult to injury.


The match of the night came next as Travis Century and Joey Minnesota squared off against Robert Oxford and Ota. This match really raised the roof. Century and Ota were great, but when Oxford and Minnesota met in the ring it was awesome. Both men gave their all. The end came when Century held off Ota as Minnesota pinned Oxford. The fans were on their feet for this one.


The main event had no 1 contender Honest Frank challenging NYCW Empire champion Grandmaster Phunk. Phunk looked to be in trouble for this match as Frank showcased his considerable brawling skills. Phunk battled back though and with the help of a good crowd made his comeback to retain his title.


Dragonmack has put on a great show really showing why he is a great up and coming booker.

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I dig DAVE and NYCW as they are the old school kind of wrestling that i like, rather than the overblown snore fest that WWE has become. I like their rosters and while DAVE makes me like them more, you can't deny that NYCW is what i'd tune into every week to see.


I was surprised to see Mean Jean over Flash. When running a smaller promotion i always try to steal Flash and pull him in. He's a great guy and doesn't seem to mind me jobbing him out upper and main eventers. All it takes is some dark matches and a few wins here and there and all my roster benefits from his skills and great personality.


Joey is great, i could never get him to come to MAW or CZCW when i ran those, but i wanted him badly. Great worker, could be heel or face and really get over anywhere.


Team super fat, or Massive Problem. There needs to be a team like that in every promotion, even lucha ones. :) They aren't good for much. Keep the matches short and let them be fat. hehe



Great to see you giving the rest of the world a look see. Good stuff out there till you get Rip to take you to TCW. That'll be fun.

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MAW Super Showdown 3 the card


OOC: Ok Mr. Timber...sorry I took a nap....:)


Rip Chord presents:


MAW Super Showdown

June 20, 2008 7:30 pm

Stanley Hall


We have a new MAW champion, Puerto Rican Power. He defeated James Hernendez, who had 11 sucessful defences. This month James gets his rematch. Can the resident MAW underdog regain his title, or has the age of Power began?



Mean Machine and Frankie Perez squared off last month with Perez locking the P-Clutch for the win after an attack by the West Coast Mafia. Machine asked for and got a rematch for this month. Will he overcome Perez?


The West Coast Mafia and Real Americans took their fight to the ring with the West Coast Mafia taking the nod. These two intense teams will meet again this month. Who will come out on top this time?


Will MAW tag champs, Natural Storm finally get a clean win over the Firm or will Ricky Douglas take the tag straps from them again?


The Hurricanes are in the sites of Persephone and her gods of Thunder. This month they square off in a pair of singles matches. Will Persephone get her way after the slight by Giedrocy?


Come in to Stanley Hall as we celebrate the summer with Super Showdown 3.


quick picks:

MAW championship

Puerto Rican Power © w/Jennifer Heat vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Frankie Perez vs. Mean Machine w/Karen Killer

Real Americans vs. West Coast Mafia

MAW tag team championship

Natural Storm © w/Monique vs. The Firm w/Karen Killer

Titan w/Persephone vs. Eric Strong

Atlas w/Persephone vs. Jack Giedrocy

Oscar Golden vs. Steven Parker w/Karen Killer

Harvey Hayes vs. John Greed w/Persephone

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Puerto Rican Power © w/Jennifer Heat vs. Mainstream Hernandez


Frankie Perez vs. Mean Machine w/Karen Killer


Real Americans vs. West Coast Mafia

MAW tag team championship


Natural Storm © w/Monique vs. The Firm w/Karen Killer


Titan w/Persephone vs. Eric Strong


Atlas w/Persephone vs. Jack Giedrocy


Oscar Golden vs. Steven Parker w/Karen Killer


Harvey Hayes vs. John Greed w/Persephone

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MAW championship

Puerto Rican Power © w/Jennifer Heat vs. Mainstream Hernandez

PPP isn't just going to lose the belt this soon.


Frankie Perez vs. Mean Machine w/Karen Killer

Frankie is great but Jean is ready to rise to the Main Event.


Real Americans vs. West Coast Mafia

No idea, but i'll take the Reals.


MAW tag team championship

Natural Storm © w/Monique vs. The Firm w/Karen Killer

Storm hold on for another defence


Titan w/Persephone vs. Eric Strong

I think they will split the fight. I like Eric but Jack is better over all.

Atlas w/Persephone vs. Jack Giedrocy


Oscar Golden vs. Steven Parker w/Karen Killer

Parker is too good for Oscar.


Harvey Hayes vs. John Greed w/Persephone

Greed has the hot valet, so he wins.

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MAW Super Showdown 3


Rip Chord presents

MAW Super Showdown 3

Stanley Hall

June 20, 2008

Attendence 300



Ghidorah w/lord Geoffrey Windameer d. Joaquin Mora E

Cheyenne Silver w/lord Windameer d. Steven Lane D

Olympic Powers d. Ticishobi/Clyde Wilson D

Raven Nightfall d. Kit Hatoyama C-


Main Show:

Rip Chord welcomes the crowd C+

Rip comes out to welcome the crowd and hype the fact that Puerto Rican Power and James Hernandez will have a rematch tonight for the MAW title.


Harvey Hayes vs. John Greed w/Persephone D

A decent opening match in which Hayes and Greed are trying to work their way into the hearts of the fans. Hayes does a pretty good job of playing the face, but Greed was too much taking the pin at the 5 minute mark.


He’s here C+

Lord Geoffrey Windameer comes out as the fans start laughing at him, “I warned you. Now you will see He is here….” Out comes a large individual complete with Gold Suit and Dragon Mask. “I present Ghidorah.”


Parker and Karen talk C

Steven Parker and Karen Killer come out next. “Tonight Oscar, you learn why you will never rise in MAW. You are not really worth my time, but every once in a while you have to take out the trash. Oscar, tonight is one of those times.”

Steven Parker w/Karen Killer vs. Oscar Golden D

Not the greatest match, but Golden did look good out there as well as Karen doing a great job at ringside. Parker stalked poor Oscar most of the match. Oscar got a little offence in, but Parker hit the Future Shock to win at the 7 minute mark.


Thunder will roll C+

Persephone comes out with the gods of Thunder flanking her. “Giedroyc, you British pansy, tonight you will learn that nobody, I mean nobody turns down the temptation of Deadly. Tonight my warriors, my giants will crush you. Thunder will roll over you Hurricanes.”


Atlas w/Persephone vs. Jack Giedroyc E

Not the match I was hoping for. Giedroyc is still green right now. Atlas has improved a great bit, but not enough. A slugfest that had little scientific action saw Giedroyc take control and seemed to be well on his way to victory till Persephone handed Atlas her purse. She distracted Fair as Atlas plastered Giedrocy with the purse. Purse had something in it as Giedrocy went down like a rock. Atlas quickly made the cover as Jay counted. Atlas wins as Persephone comes into the ring.


Strong showing C

Before Persephone can do anything to Giedroyc, out comes Erik Strong. Erik checks on his partner, then grabs a mic, “Persephone, you little tramp. You are nothing but a spoilt little brat that needs a good spanking. You know you can’t handle rejection. You might have gotten Jack, but I will take out Titan and then we will give you the butt whooping you’ve been needing.” As the medical personnel help remove Giedroyc, we get ready for the next match.


Titan w/Persephone vs. Erik Strong D

A little bit better match than the first as Strong was a house of fire. Titan was reeling from the beginning. Persephone tried the same tactic with the purse, but Strong ducked and Titan missed. Strong used a version of the Typhoon Breaker (a stunner) and picked up the win. Persephone was livid at ringside till Strong chased her to the back.


Firm Blow C

As MAW champions, Natural Storm, come out with Monique to hype their match with Firm tonight, they are blindsided. Ricky Douglas and Murderous Mikey come out of the back wielding chairs. Karen is directing the carnage.


Firm Standing C

As Natural Storm are down with Firm standing over them and Monique screaming in shock, Karen grabs a mic, “Now you see who are the real champions. You street punk wannabes have kept our titles warm for us. Now it’s time for the real tag team Champions to stand up. The Firm is the future. Tonight we take our titles.”


Storm Brewing B-

As Karen is talking Monique is in a rage. She grabs Karen by the hair and a true cat fight breaks out. Firm members are distracted by the ladies giving DC and Eddie a chance to get up and take a measure of revenge. The brawl is on. All the way to the ring. Fair comes down to separate the ladies with security as the two teams make their way to the ring. Once Fair gets them all there, he calls for the bell.


MAW tag team championship

Natural Storm © w/Karen Killer vs. The Firm w/Karen Killer E

The two teams really didn’t have a match, as a street fight. Ref Jay Fair wisely let the teams fight with some leeway on count outs or DQs. Karen and Monique also went at each other outside the ring. This brutal brawl didn’t go well with the crowd though. The end came when DC hit a Roaring Elbow and a dazed Mikey, while Douglas was in a slugfest with Eddie outside. DC made the pin. Natural Storm finally got a definitive win over Firm and retained their tag titles. Karen and Monique were finally separated.


Storming Celebration B-

Firm rolls outside the ring and Karen is still screeching. DC and Eddie stand tall holding Monique back. As the Firm finally heads to the back, Natural Storm celebrate with the crowd. Monique was the star of this part.


Real American talk C-

Sgt. West and Jorge Washington come out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. “West Coast punks. We’ve got your number. You come out here with your hip junk hop trying to corrupt the youth. Well maggots Jorge and I are Real Americans. True blooded Americans. We are here to put you nanny pansey punks back were you belong. The gutter.”


West Coast response. D

As the Americans make their way to the ring, out comes Remmy Skye and Insane Machine. “So you two think you’re something? Neither of you know what real America is. The West Coast. California that is America. That is the real America. One of you is a backwoods hick dressing up playing soldier, and the other is mixed bag of Kentucky hayseeds. You two really think you can take us out? Hip-hop street delight, We’re going to destroy you tonight.”


Real Americans vs. West Coast Mafia C-

A lot better match than the tag title match. Jorge and Skye started the action. Skye took the early advantage keeping Washington off balance with his speed. The tag to Insane didn’t change that tune too much. Washington finally got a chance to tag the wild Sgt. West came in and cleaned house and turned the tide. West held his own, but the numbers caught up with him as Washington had taken a lot of punishment. It looked as if the Mafia was going to gain another victory till somehow Washington pulled his power bomb (Chopping the Cherry Tree) out of nowhere on Skye. He quickly made the pin to the chagrin of Insane Machine. The battle of the two heel teams is far from over though.


Fan Interaction/Intermission B-

Adding Monique and Persephone with some of our lower tier guys really paid off for our monthly intermission segment. Picture taking does better with the ladies.


The Machine grinds C-

Mean Machine comes out with Karen after the intermission. “Perez, you might be pretty good. Last month you and your goons got one up, but I’m not one to make excuses. I execute in the ring. Tonight it’s one on one. Tonight you will feel the machine. You will be ground down. You will fall, punk.”


Old Washed up has been D

Frankie comes out to respond as Mean Machine waits in the ring. “Hey old man. You think you’re doing something? You are an old washed up has been. Last month I proved why you should leave the ring. Leave if for the young lions. Leave it for the ones who can still get it done. Tonight I finish the job, and make you wish you’d never set foot in the ring.”


Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Frankie Perez C-

This was a great match that showcased some good technical wrestling. Perez has come a good ways in that category. Machine was methodical. Even when Perez hit some devastating moves, Machine kept coming. Karen still fuming from the earlier tag title match seemed somewhat distracted and soon took off after Monique who she spotted in an aisle way. This didn’t distract Machine. Machine kept coming. You could tell Perez was getting frustrated as the match went on. Soon you could see the other West Coast Mafia come from the back, but they were intercepted by…not the Firm, but Real Americans. Perez fell apart. Jean took advantage and went through a series of moves. Finally Mean Machine rolled up Perez with a hand full of tights to gain the victory over the younger competitor. Mean Machine rolled out of the ring as Perez fumed in the ring. Meanwhile the Real Americans and West Coast Mafia battled to the back.


James speaks C+

James Hernandez comes out to hype his title rematch with Puerto Rican Power. “Power you were the better man last month. This month I will do my upmost to reclaim my title. With the backing of the fans, with the help of the Man upstairs, we will find a way to become the two time MAW champion.”


Puerto Rican Power speaks C+

As James heads to the ring, out comes MAW champion Puerto Rican Power with Jennifer Heat. “I agree James. You are a worthy competitor, but tonight you will face the Power and the Powermaniacs. I wrestle not with just my power or my name. I use the power of all the people. Let us do battle, let us meet in the arena. Let the best man come forth. Prepare honorable opponent.”


MAW championship

Puerto Rican Power © w/Jennifer Heat vs. James Hernandez B-

This was another epic match. Hernandez tried his best to stay away from the big man. James hit with quick strikes and moved away. The fans were torn who to pull for. If Power got the uperhand they would try to rally the MAW resident underdog. If Hernandez got in some good moves, they would chant for Power. Around the 35 minute mark it seemed if Power was running out of steam. Hernandez moved in thinking it was his chance. No, Power found his third wind and caught Hernandez. Hernandez could not escape. After wearing Hernandez down, Rolling Elbow…Atomic Drop….Spinbuster…incredibly Hernandez gets up only to be met by the San Juan Rush. Power gains the pin and retains the MAW championship.


Hernandez?? C+

After the match, Power goes to check on the fallen Hernandez. He helps the young exchamp to his feet. Hernandez a little groggy pushes Power away. The fans hold their breath. Then Hernandez holds out his hand and shakes the hand of Power. The both raise their hands in response to the thunderous applause of the fans.


Celebration B

As James leaves, Jennifer Heat comes into the ring to celebrate with her man and the fans as we close the show.

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So close. I figured they'd split the matches but i didn't expect Strong to win his. PPP wasn't going to lose but i see a tease in Mainstream, a heel turn soon. Good to see my man Mean Jean getting the win. Figured Natural Storm would retain, didn't feel that they'd lose the belts.


Not sure of Ghidorah, sounds like a Godzilla villain. :)

Always good to have the big monster guy, menace is a great stat to work with.


Great show.

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So close. I figured they'd split the matches but i didn't expect Strong to win his. PPP wasn't going to lose but i see a tease in Mainstream, a heel turn soon. Good to see my man Mean Jean getting the win. Figured Natural Storm would retain, didn't feel that they'd lose the belts.


Not sure of Ghidorah, sounds like a Godzilla villain.

Always good to have the big monster guy, menace is a great stat to work with.


Great show.


Thanks Timber, I appreciate your comments. Yes Ghidorah is from Godzilla, the three headed dragon, He's still got a ways to go to build up Popularity though.


Strong is actually over more with the fans right now than Gied. I really tried to push Gied in the beginning with Skye, but he hasn't caught on.

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I don't mind at all as i'm a fan of Eric Strong. I always try to push him in my MAW games, a long with Mean Jean. MAW is a great place where you can push anyone for the most part.


A monster is fun to run with. In my CZCW game for 2010(i upgraded!), i added a babyface monster in the form of Ekuma the Hawaiian strongman. He squashes lower card heels and hugs the fans, like a face Big Show.


Mainstream's render really lends itself to having him as a face or having him as a heel. I've kept him face for my games. I can see Mainstream grab a partner and start a great heel run. If he stays face, he can still run and take the title back.


Good stuff.

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We come to the end of the summer cycle.....we had a tie for this month at 6-2 for Dragonmack and Timber. That brings the final standings for the first cycle to


Dragonmack 19-8

Timber 17-10


Congratulations to Dragonmack for winning this cycle. I will PM you your prize. Thanks to both of you for your predictions and comments for they are very much appreciated.

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MAW Summer Heatwave 08 preview


MAW Super Showdown 3 saw clashes and answers. Puerto Rican Power was able to retain the MAW championship from the ex champion challenge of James Hernandez. Mean Machine proved he was old or washed up by overcoming Frankie Perez. To add to the disappointing night of the West Coast Mafia, the Real Americans defeated Remmy Skye and Insane Machine in a grueling match. Natural Storm was able to defend their titles and finally get a convincing win over the Firm. Persephone was not pleased as her minions gods of Thunder split two singles matches against the Hurricanes. Also Lord Geoffrey Windameer introduced one of his clients, Ghidorah. But the summer isn’t over. We’re getting ready for a Heatwave… MAW Summer Heatwave 08.

Sgt Bubba Lee West having gained the upperhand against West Coast Mafia now has been granted a title shot against Puerto Rican Power. Will the new champ be able to retain or will the Sgt. take the newcomer to basic training?


Perez and Mean Machine are tied at one apiece. There can be only one…and this month the third battle will definitely give someone the edge in pecking order.


Matches signed:

MAW championship

Puerto Rican Power © w/Jennifer Heat vs. Sgt. Bubba Lee West

Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Frankie Perez

gods of Thunder w/Persephone vs. Hurricanes

Eddie Howard w/Monique vs. Jorge Washington

Harvey Hayes vs. ?????? w/Lord Geoffrey Windameer

No 1 contenders match for tag titles

Olympic Powers vs. Firm w/Karen Killer

Tim Westybrook vs. Clyde Wilson

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MAW championship

Puerto Rican Power © w/Jennifer Heat vs. Sgt. Bubba Lee West

Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Frankie Perez

gods of Thunder w/Persephone vs. Hurricanes

Eddie Howard w/Monique vs. Jorge Washington

Harvey Hayes vs. ?????? w/Lord Geoffrey Windameer

No 1 contenders match for tag titles

Olympic Powers vs. Firm w/Karen Killer

Tim Westybrook vs. Clyde Wilson

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Puerto Rican Power © w/Jennifer Heat vs. Sgt. Bubba Lee West


Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Frankie Perez


gods of Thunder w/Persephone vs. Hurricanes


Eddie Howard w/Monique vs. Jorge Washington


Harvey Hayes vs. ?????? w/Lord Geoffrey Windameer

No 1 contenders match for tag titles


Olympic Powers vs. Firm w/Karen Killer


Tim Westybrook vs. Clyde Wilson

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MAW Summer Heatwave results


Rip Chord presents

MAW Summer Heatwave 08

Stanley Hall

July 18, 2008

Attendence: 300



Larry Wood d. Reginald Morris D

gods of Thunder d. Oscar Golden/Surfeador Californico E



Power to the People C+

MAW champion comes out with Jennifer Heat. “It is a priviledge to represent you the people. You are the ones who fuel the Power, the Puerto Rican Power. You the MAW fans give the glamor and prestige to the MAW championship. It is to you I dedicate the Power. Power to the people. I wrestle for you.”


Tim Westybrook vs. Clyde Wilson F

Two young bulls square off in this opening match. Not the fans favorite, but they two did work hard. Westybrook pulled off the pin at the 6 minute mark.


Beauty and the Beast (and the joker) B-

Wildman Larry Wood is slamming his head against the ringside railing when Persephone and John Greed come out to him. Larry is taken aback at first, and then he stares mesmerized by Persephone. Greed looks puzzled too. Persephone then takes Wood by the hand and leads him to the back.


Olympics are back D

Nevada Nuclear and Zeus Maxmillion come out next. “Its great to be back in the USA. Zeus and I have been over in Japan. We’re back in town loaded to bear. Olympic king and Nuclear power together we make up Olympic Power and we will take our titles back.


Olympic Powers vs. the Firm w/Karen Killer E

Not the greatest match, but a good brawl that pitched the last two challengers for the MAW tag titles for a chance to challenge again. The Firm started strong, but Zeus and Nevada showcased some new moves picked up in Japan to gain the victory.


Missing Link w/Lord Geoffery Windameer vs. Harvey Hayes E

Lord Windameer revealed his newest monster, the Missing Link from Mongolia. This brute was really off the chain as he brutalized poor Harvey for a quick win. Missing Link looks like a beast to be feared here in the MAW.


Rocking Ryan Turner vs. Reginald Morris C

The two young men, especially Turner were trying to impress the fans as they came out, but they were devastated by Missing Link, Windameer, Ghidorah, and newcomer Cheyenne Silver. These 4 men destroyed the two in the ring.


Who can stand? C+

Standing over the beaten pair Windameer grabs the mic, “Who can stand against these men? Who would dare want the battle War….Windameer Inc is here to stay and ready to face anyone.”


Hernandez answers C+

As Windameer drones on, James Hernandez comes out. “You are a loud windbag. The fans have no desire to listen to you anymore. What you did to these two young men is uncalled for. I will take your Missing Link brute next month at MAW Battle of the Mid-Atlantic.”


Howard hypes E

Monique comes out with Eddie Howard. “Tonight Eddie steps out on his own. Jorge Washington is a great competitor and Eddie has faced him and West before. Tonight Eddie will come out again with a victory.”


Eddie Howard w/Monique vs. Jorge Washington D

Again not the greatest match in MAW history, but a good slugfest. Howard was on fire throughout the match, yet Washington showed why he is usually involved in the upper echelons. Washington took control around the 7 minute mark, but then Insane Machine made an appearance out of the back. This distracted Washington enough for Howard to regain control. DC came out of the back when Insane got too close to Monique. He laid his tag title belt beside Howards by the bellman. Howard hit Hurricane to pick up the pinfall victory. Washington took off after Insane Machine.


Possession is 9/10 the law C

As DC got in the ring to celebrate with his tag partner he went to get the tag belts, they were gone……Then up at the entrance we see Olympic Powers in possession of the belts. “So Natural Scum…you hold our belts? We are back…and we will take what is ours. Zeus has the Thunderbolt, I have the Mushroom cloud and now we have a new twist.”


Thunder will roll C-

Persephone comes out with the gods of Thunder. “Last month, Strong you got lucky. Tonight Atlas and Titan will make you regret not joining me as Larry Wood has. Deadly has never been more deadly…”


Hurricanes vs. gods of Thunder w/Persephone D

This match didn’t wow the crowd as much as we wanted, but it was pretty good. The smaller duo of the Hurricanes kept the big men off balance. Persephone actually grabbed Giedrocy one time, only to have her crown taken away in return. The end came when Erik Strong hit The Eye splash on Atlas to gain the pin. Persephone went ballistic, screaming and squealing till John Greed and Larry Wood come out to calm her down.


Fan Interaction/Intermission C+

A very popular monthly segment that allows our guys to interact kayfabe with the crowd. Larry Wood was a big star here. Also DC and Eddie gained a lot of charisma taking pictures with young fans.


Old Washed up cheater C-

Frankie Perez stayed out after the others went to the back. “Mean Machine, or Old Jean…Last month you used a handful of tights to luck up. This month you will fall. This month you will pay the price that old horses pay.”

“Hold on there whippersnapper.” Out come Mean Machine himself with Karen Killer. “I invented the nuts and bolts of the wrestling shortcuts here. This month will be no different than last. I will grind you up and spit you out. Old age and wisdom will always overcome youth and foolishness.”

“Bring it on old man.”


Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Frankie Perez C

Another great match from these two hawses. Perez tried to wear Machine down with quick moves and flying approaches. But Mean Machine just kept coming at his methodical pace. This went on and on till Machine was able to use a foreign object that Perez had brought into the ring while Jay Fair was down. Then he was able to lock in the Nut Job (a modified chicken wing). Fair came around to notice and check Perez, once, twice, three times. Mean Machine wins by submission.


Sgt. speaks C+

As the medical personnel tried to remove Frankie Perez from the ring, out came Sgt. West. The Sgt has a title shot tonight, but the war between the Real Americans and West Coast Mafia still brews. He slammed the helpless Perez off the gurney. Then he bodyslamed Perez into the steel ringside railing. “Tonight Puerto Rican Power you will fall into line and give me three. Then you will give up your mansey pansy hopes and dreams. Tonight I take you to boot camp and come out with the MAW title.”


Puerto and Jennifer speak C+

Sgt West cleared out of the ring as MAW champion Puerto Rican Power and Jennifer Heat came to the ring for the bout. “West, you served this country, but you lost your way. Tonight you will not fight me. I am but a tool. Tonight the People will bring you back from your fallen state. We, Me, Jennifer, and these fans will light your path and clear your mind.”


MAW championship match

Puerto Rican Power © w/Jennifer Heat vs. Sgt. Bubba Lee West B-

This was a highly anticipated matchup. (It garnered a C+ heat when announced in the advance booker). West came to fight, but fighting was up Power’s alley. Seeing that he couldn’t overpower the champ, the Sgt. dug into his bag of military tactics. Shortcuts, low blows, even his military helmet was used, but somehow Power kept getting up with the backing of the crowd. With their help he hit Rolling Elbow…Atomic Drop….Spinbuster…incredibly Sgt. West gets up only to be met by the San Juan Rush, but Sgt. West gets up again attesting to his resilience. Power hits a second San Juan Rush. Finally, Power gains the pin and retains the MAW championship.


People celebration interrupted C+

Puerto Rican Power and Jennifer Heat begin to celebrate with the fans when Mean Machine comes in from behind with Karen Killer in tow. Machine is able to hit the mood swing before Power can react. Mean Machine stands over the fallen Puerto Rican Power to end the show.


Overall show: C


Another good show for us other than the poor matches on the undercard. Next month we begin our countdown to the thirty-fifth show.

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