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Well the first month of the new contest and it was good....


Timber 7-0

Dragonmack 6-1


Thanks again guys for predictions and and feedback...the next preview should be up tommorrow...school has started back and my little first graders don't give alot of free time...lol

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MAW The Battle of the Mid-Atlantic 08 preview


Here we are on show number 33…counting down to show number 35….Where It All Begins Again 3...but before we get there, we have MAW Battle of the Mid-Atlantic 08. The August spectacular is shaping up to be a big night for the men of MAW.


Last month Mean Machine distanced himself from Frankie Perez. Mean Machine then attacked the MAW champion Puerto Rican Power. This month the champion will defend against the former champ. Who will walk away?


Lord Geoffrey Windameer has unleashed a new cadre of hulking monsters to terrorize the area. James Hernandez stood up to accept the challenge of the Missing Link. Will Hernandez be able to stem the tide?


West Coast Mafia and Real Americans have been battling since February. This month will be the deciding battle.


Larry Wood has joined Deadly. Will he thrive under Persephone? Will John Greed be happy?


Scheduled card:


MAW championship

Puerto Rican Power © w/Jennifer Heat vs. Mean Machine w/Karen Killer

James Hernandez vs. Missing Link w/lord Geoffrey Windameer

West Coast Mafia vs. Real Americans

WAR (Ghidorah and Cheyenne Silver) w/lord Geoffrey Windameer vs. Oscar Golden/Surfeador Californico

Tim Westybrook vs. Steven Lane

Larry Wood w/Persephone vs. Harvey Hayes

Be there August 15, 2008 at 7pm as the MAW Battle of the Mid-Atlantic 08 errupts.

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MAW championship

Puerto Rican Power © w/Jennifer Heat vs. Mean Machine w/Karen Killer

James Hernandez vs. Missing Link w/lord Geoffrey Windameer

West Coast Mafia vs. Real Americans

WAR (Ghidorah and Cheyenne Silver) w/lord Geoffrey Windameer vs. Oscar Golden/Surfeador Californico

Tim Westybrook vs. Steven Lane

Larry Wood w/Persephone vs. Harvey Hayes


I can see PRP and Mean going to a DQ finish. I don't think Mean will take the belt but will put on a good show.

The Lord and his new stable will do well, you have to build them up to have them be real threats.

Always a fan of Tim westybrook.

Larry is a great guy to have around, so giving him a few wins will make him happy and that is good.

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Puerto Rican Power © w/Jennifer Heat vs. Mean Machine w/Karen Killer

James Hernandez vs. Missing Link w/lord Geoffrey Windameer

West Coast Mafia vs. Real Americans

WAR (Ghidorah and Cheyenne Silver) w/lord Geoffrey Windameer vs. Oscar Golden/Surfeador Californico

Tim Westybrook vs. Steven Lane

Larry Wood w/Persephone vs. Harvey Hayes

Be there August 15, 2008 at 7pm as the MAW Battle of the Mid-Atlantic 08 errupts.


PRP to retain, Windameer's stable to have a dominant night, and Larry Wood to go psycho.

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MAW Battle of the Mid-Atlantic 08 results part 1


Rip Chord presents

MAW Battle of the Mid-Atlantic 08

Stanley Hall

August 15, 2008

Attendance: 300



Raven Nightfall d. Miss Information C-

Wanda Fish d. Angel Takudome C-



Puerto Rican Power to stop the Machine C+

MAW champion, Puerto Rican Power comes out to open the show with Jennifer Heat. “Mean Machine, I know you are a big man in these parts esse. But I am a big man period. I came to the Mid Atlantic to face the best and perform for the greatest wrestling fans in the world. MAW is mi familia. And tonight I will wreck the machine and defend the good amigos and amigas of MAW. Tonight…”


Machine will grind you up C+

In mid-sentence out come Mean Machine and Karen Killer. “Hold on there hosse. No one comes to Mid-Atlantic and stops the Machine. I am the Mean Machine and this is my ring, my area, my title. You can go on back to the island you came from. Tonight the Machine will grind you up just like every little peon who comes in to take my title from me in my yard.” Mean Machine gets chest to chest with Puerto Rican Power in the ring. Jennifer Heat and Karen Killer are stalking each other at ringside. Finally security comes out to break it up before tensions erupt into violence.


Wildman and the Brat B+

As the area is finally cleared out comes Persephone and John Greed, but not alone. The resident wild man Larry Wood is not far behind. Larry tries to gnaw the guard rail, till Persephone comes over and touches Woods arm. Wood looks mesmerized following Larry Wood to the ring. John Greed looks on in obvious disgust. After climbing in the ring, Persephone grabs the mic, “Beware you grubby little common people. Look at the power I hold. Larry Wood is a beast, but with me he is a machine. A killing machine that will one day capture the gold here in MAW. Harvey Hayes, you pathetic life form you will be first.”


Larry Wood w/Persephone vs. Harvey Hayes D

Not the greatest match in the world, but Persephone definitely helped it from being a total washout. Hayes got some early moves in, but the Wildman seemed possessed in trying to please Persephone. In the end Wood hit the Avalanche for the victory. After winning Wood got on all fours and bit Hayes by the scruff of the neck. He then carried him over and laid him at Persephone’s feet. John Greed looked almost sick. Persephone had an evil glee in her eyes as she patted the Wild Wood on the head.

Celebration B+


Tim Westybrook vs. Steven Lane E

Westybrook came out with a fire tonight taking the cowboy Lane down with quick powerful moves. In a very short match Westybrook pins Lane for the victory.


Windameer and War B-

Lord Geoffrey Windameer comes out with his hulking trio, Missing Link, Cheyenne Silver, and Ghidorah. “Tonight you will rue the nights you laughed at me. In the ring you see the most brutal men money can buy. You will learn to respect me, my money, and my men. Tonight WAR will be unleashed.”


WAR Inc. (Ghidorah/Cheyenne) w/Lord Geoffrey Windameer vs. Oscar Golden/Surfeador Californico E

Another quick squash. Oscar hit Cheyenne early only to bounce off. The match went downhill from there as Silver not only demolished Golden with a brutal overhead chop, but then proceeded to crumple Surfeador on the ringside apron with a devastating closeline. Cheyenne pinned Golden for the win in less than 1 minute.


WAR is unleashed C

After the quick win, Windameer is not satisfied. He commands his brutes to continue the carnage. Ghidorah and Silver then continue to devastate Golden and Californico. Finally the brutal group leaves the two in bloody heaps in the ring.


We have our belts C

As the medical team checks on the two in the ring there is a bright flash of light, like lighting across the Hall. “Zeus, the lights are on, the power is sure. We have our belts, because we are pure…….Olympic Power.” Out come Olympic Power with the stolen tag title belts. “We told you people not to fret. We were gone, but not beaten yet. We’re back in town to take what’s belongs to us. We’re here to raise the fuss. We are Power, elemental, nuclear, god inspired. We’ll destroy the Storm without being tired.”


We want our belts back punks C-

Mid sentence out come Monique and Natural Storm. “Hold on there boys. Crapping is not the way to win the titles. Olympic Sours, you have what belongs to my men. We want them back.”

“Well come and take them.”

Natural Storm takes off toward Olympic Powers who beat a hasty retreat from the ring. In mid chase Monique comes across Rip Chord backstage. “Rip we want our titles back.”

“Monique I agree, things should be settled in the ring. Next month you will get your titles back the old fashion way in the ring.”

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MAW Battle of the Mid-Atlantic 08 part 2 results


Tonight the deciding match D

Merve Ernest puts over the fact we will see West Coast Mafia and Real Americans battling it out for the deciding match tonight.


A match to finish it

Real Americans vs. West Coast Mafia C-

These two teams have been battling it out since February. Both teams come out on fire, but this anger seemed to get the better of them both. Most of the action moved to the outside. Jorge and Skye were battling in the crowd as Insane and Sgt West moved up the entrance ramp. Jay Fair had no choice but to call the match as he lost control. But both groups continued to beat on one another till they reached the back area.


WAR on the move C-

Steven Parker is shown backstage walking till lord Geoffrey Windameer steps out. Parker refuses to move out of the ‘lord’s’ way. Windameer blows his silent whistle and out come Missing Link, Cheyenne Silver, and Ghidorah. The three goons proceed to beating down Parker leaving him in a mess.


Hernandez speaks C+

As Windameer and Missing Link make their way to the ringside area, out comes James Hernandez to a warm welcome in the Hall. “Windameer, we just witnessed another of your atrocities. Steven Parker isn’t my best friend, but everyone is a person here in the USA. We have no ‘lords’ or ‘ladies’ here. Without you’re goons you’re nothing but a big windbag that needs to come down a notch or two. Tonight I will cut down your Missing Link. We will show you the American Way.”


Missing Link w/lord Geoffrey Windameer vs. James Hernandez C

As James enters the ring, the hulking Link wasted no time pounding the young underdog. Hernandez was able to escape the initial onslaught and move around the ring. James hit Link with quick moves to keep him off balance. Link was able to gain the upper hand when he caught Hernandez coming off the second rope. Missing Link was then able to pound the James around the ring. Windameer finally called for the end, but Hernandez kicked out. Link went back to work, but Hernandez found a way to escape and begin to get some offence in. Windameer tried to turn the tables by getting involved. This backfired as Windameer hit Link by mistake. Hernandez goes for a quick pin only to have Silver and Ghidorah run out of the back. Fair has no choice but to call for the bell. Hernandez wins by DQ.


Link not through C

After the bell, Windameer directs his charges to make an example of Hernandez. James is a bloody mess as Windameer and crew leave the ring.


Fan interaction/intermission C+

After clearing the ring of Hernandez, we had our fan interaction session that really helps our guys build their performance, acting, and microphone skills.

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MAW Battle of the Mid-Atlantic 08 conclusion


Puerto Rican Power talks about the Machine C+


After the wrestlers leave to the back, Puerto Rican Power and Jennifer Heat stay out in the ring. "Tonight, mi hobres we battle a cagy old foe. A man who is synonomous with MAW- Mean Machine. Mean Machine, you are a tough man, but tonight I will take you down. Tonight I will break the Machine not for me, but for mi familia, MAW."


MAW championship

Puerto Rican Power © w/Jennifer Heat vs. Mean Machine w/Karen Killer B


This was a gem of a battle. Power and Machine gave alot in the ring. Machine starts off trying to methodically wear down the big powerhouse. Power uses his superior strength to power out early. Around the 20 minute mark, Power started to slow down. Machine capitalized. Mood Swing. 1....2.... Power powers out. Karen went after Jennifer at ringside. Power goes to her rescue to be nailed by Machine. Mean Machine then rams Power into the guard rail. Machine rolls back into the ring to avoid the count, but goes back out to restart it. After a couple of slams into the ringpost, Machine rolls Power back into the ring. Another Mood Swing. 1....2....Jennifer Heat screams out..Frankie Perez has came out to ringside. Mean Machine goes to jaw with Perez. Power jumps up hearing Jennier in trouble....He grabs the stunned Machine, scoop slam. Into the ropes....big boot....back up...into the ropes, atomic drop....Mean Machine staggers up....San Juan Rush....1....2......3....Puerto Rican Power wins and retains the MAW title.


Three way standoff C


After the match, Frankie Perez jumps into the ring and grabs Mean Machine. He goes to lock the P-Clutch, but Puerto Rican Power stops him. Perez and Power have a standoff till Mean Machine slowly gets up to his feet...now there is a three way standoff as the show comes to an end......


overall we had a C+ rating. The main event was our best match ever and it really pulled our show up. Power is really growing for us and I hope he will be around for a litte bit longer.


Ooc: I discovered a new feature i've never seen before, Loyalty. It seems two of the ladies have a loyalty to me. One reason i've always loved this game is all the things i never discovered.

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Timber said:

I like it. Feel sorry for my buddy Parker, but you don't stand in the way of 3 huge monsters..


I agree, but I think you will like what will happen with Parker as a result.....


Well predictions were great again.The only trip ups were WCM-Real Americans and James Hernendez/Missing Link..the results and standings are:


Timber 4-2 (11-2)

Dragonmack 4-2 (10-3)


Thanks again for the predictions and comments.....yes dragon look for Windameer to start making a big impact soon....

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<p><strong>MAW The Battle of the Mid-Atlantic</strong> heated things up here in the Mid-Atlantic area. MAW champion Puerto Rican Power turned away the challenge of the former champion Mean Machine, but Frankie Perez insinuated himself into the mix. Machine and Perez has not cooled off any. </p><p> </p><p>

James Hernandez was able to win, by DQ over the menacing Missing Link, but he definitely lost the war as he was brutalized. Can anyone stop lord Geoffrey Windameer’s army? </p><p> </p><p>

This month we continue our countdown to the big 35th show. <strong>MAW The Clash III</strong> coming to you from Stanley Hall on September 26 at 7 pm.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The card:</strong></p><p>

<strong>MAW championship</strong></p><p>

Puerto Rican Power © w/Jennifer Heat vs. Remmy Skye</p><p>

<strong>Number 1 contenders match</strong></p><p>

Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Frankie Perez</p><p>

Insane Machine vs. Sgt. Bubba Lee West</p><p>

Windameer Inc. (Missing Link, Cheyenne Silver, Ghidora) vs. ?????</p><p>

Tim Westybrook vs. Masked Cougar</p>

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<p>MAW championship</p><p>

<strong>Puerto Rican Power © w/Jennifer Heat</strong> vs. Remmy Skye</p><p>

Number 1 contenders match</p><p>

Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. <strong>Frankie Perez</strong></p><p>

<strong>Insane Machine</strong> vs. Sgt. Bubba Lee West</p><p>

<strong>Windameer Inc. (Missing Link, Cheyenne Silver, Ghidora)</strong> vs. ?????</p><p>

Tim Westybrook vs. <strong>Masked Cougar</strong></p><p> </p><p>

PRP isn't going to lose to Skye, but that will be a great match. </p><p>

I hate to pick Frankie over Mean, but i think a short tumble will happen and then Mean will get back into it.</p><p>

Insane is a great wrestler and i really don't like Bubba.. heh</p><p>

Windameer Inc, needs a few wins feel sorry for the ??? guys.</p><p>

Tim is a future star, but Cougar is the better guy at this point.</p>

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<p>The card:</p><p>

MAW championship</p><p>

<strong>Puerto Rican Power ©</strong> w/Jennifer Heat vs. Remmy Skye</p><p>

<em>Da Power over the Rainbow</em></p><p>

Number 1 contenders match</p><p>

Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. <strong>Frankie Perez</strong></p><p>

<em>I just mark more for Perez</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Insane Machine</strong> vs. Sgt. Bubba Lee West</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Windameer Inc. (Missing Link, Cheyenne Silver, Ghidora)</strong> vs. ?????</p><p>

<em>stable has to get some wins or it's meaningless</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tim Westybrook</strong> vs. Masked Cougar</p>

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MAW the Clash III results part 1


Rip Chord presents

MAW The Clash III

Stanley Hall

September 26, 2008

Attendance: 300



A ten person battle royal is won by Wanda Fish C-



There is a cancer C

MAW champion, Puerto Rican Power comes out with Jennifer Heat, “Hola mi amigos. There is a cancer here in MAW. Two malignant forms that permeate our sport, Mean Machine and Frankie Perez. Both weasel and bully their way, but I’m here to put a stop to it. I promise you, with your help and support I will clean up MAW.”


Tim Westybrook vs. Masked Cougar D

Westybrook has been on a roll as of late, but the match with the speedster, Cougar was his toughest test to date. Cougar tried to wear down the bigger man, but he found out why Westybrook’s nickname is “the iron man.” Westybrook was too much finally locking in an ankle lock submission for the win.


Rip speaks C-, C+, D

MAW owner, Rip Chord comes out to a major ovation. “Welcome tonight to the best fans in the sport. We really appreciate your support to our guys. We are on show 34 of the new era. Next month we will be celebrating our 35th show at MAW Where It All Begins Again 3. We need a main event for that show. Two men have been battling it out for the right to challenge for the MAW championship. Tonight these two men will battle for the right to be in the main event to battle the winner of Puerto Rican Power and Remmy Skye. Mean Machine and Frankie Perez will battle in a number 1 contenders match.

Speaking of next month we have two sets of teams who don’t know when to quit. We need to have a clear cut winner. So next month we will have two tag team cage matches. MAW tag team champions, Natural Storm will defend against Olympic Powers. And West Coast Mafia and the Real Americans will battle in the other cage match. I believe all disagreements should be settled in the ring for all to see.” I look forward to seeing you next month. Thank you again.”



Another one bites the dust C

Murderous Mikey is seen coming from the concession area with two hotdogs, when out of nowhere comes lord Geoffrey Windameer. “Move peon”

“Norrrfff” replies Mikey with his mouth full.

Cheyenne Silver, Ghidorah, and Missing Link come out from behind Windameer and begin another beatdown.


The cavalry C+

Karen Killer is seen coming onto the scene to be followed by Ricky Douglas and Steven Parker. They are carrying chairs. Windameer and crew quickly leave the scene but the damage is done. Mikey is down and out.


You want them? C

Rip Chord comes onto the scene. “you boys want them?”

You !*&% right we do, Rip.”

Well find yourself a partner and you can have them tonight. 3 on 3.”


Fan Interaction/Intermission C+

Not the best place for this, but it went pretty well. Gave some of our newer guys a chance to work on their skills.


And the partner is??? C

Windameer comes out with War Inc and Missing Link to await A* Alliance and their mystery partner. A* Alliance comes out and then to everyone’s shock out comes James Hernandez. Windameer goes bezerk and the battle is on.


A* Alliance and James Hernandez vs. War Inc. and Missing Link w/Windameer C

This was a slobberknocker. Hernandez took Missing Link out of the match in a wild brawl outside the ring, leaving War Inc to battle the reunited A* Alliance. Parker and Douglas seemed to not miss a beat teaming to take down the big brutes with quick attacks and tags. Outside Link had Hernandez and was pummeling him into the ring barrier. Jay Fair concentrated on the action inside the ring though. The monsters got a short advantage when Silver caught Douglas and begin to use his strength to punish the strait edged Douglas. The finish came as Ghidorah missed a tag to Parker. Parker set up on the top rope with a missile drop kick and Future Shock. Douglas somehow held off Silver, but Windameer climbed up to cause the DQ. Winners by DQ, A* Alliance and James Hernandez.


Celebration??? C

The match was over, but not the beating. Missing Link left Hernandez in a heap at ringside and climbed in to join Silver and Ghidorah is a major beatdown of A* Alliance. Security came out, but was quickly dispatched by Windameer’s goons. Finally Windameer left screaming all will fall who don’t know their place.”


Another attack C+

As we are getting help for A* Alliance and James Hernandez in the ring, we learn that Mikey has suffered a broken collar bone and severe concussion. We don’t know how long he will be out. Meanwhile we are taken to the back on the big screen. We see the Hurricanes laid out with Persephone, John Greed, Larry Wood, and the gods of Thunder standing over them. Persephone is shrieking incoherently.


Sgt. West vs. Insane Machine C

A bragging rights match before the big tag team cage match next month. West and Machine went move for move, showing why they are both two of our followed stars. Machine showcased some great moves, but West was too much as the former military man hit the cannon fodder for the win.


Mean Machine talks again C

You know, Perez, my guys took some cheep shots tonight, and I really believe you had something to do with it. Trying to take my mind off the prize. One thing about the Firm, we will survive. But I will not be swayed. We will overcome and win. I will take my title. I am a Machine, the Mean Machine and I will grind you up.”

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MAW the Clash III results conclusion


Number 1 contenders match:

Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Frankie Perez C-

This match was a war. Machine and Perez both went tooth and nail battling back and forth. Neither waited for the bell to begin their assaults. Both men wanted a shot at the MAW title, but it was deeper. Both men wanted to prove they were better than the other. Fair finally got them into the ring and called for the bell. Mean Machine took an early advantage, but lost it as P-Dawg reversed a side headlock into an armbar. Perez began beating on the older man with high impact offence. Machine went down, but kept getting back up. 20 minutes into the match both men were worn, but battling. Perez swung Machine into the turnbuckle and followed with a spear, but Machine moved and slammed Perez to the outside. Machine quickly followed Perez to the outside. They battled through the fans. Fair looked as if to call for the bell, but wisely decided to let the men battle on. 30 minutes and still no victor. Finally the 45 minute mark came and the time limit rang. Who will challenge for the MAW title next month?


MAW champion comes out C+

MAW champion Puerto Rican Power comes out with Jennifer Heat as Mean Machine and Perez are still battling. “Friends, these two men have battled. They may not be the best men, but they really fought tonight. I can respect that. My opponent tonight, I used to respect, but now he has turned his back on the fans. He once wore this belt with pride for you, but now, he goes for cheep tricks. Tonight with your help I will vanquish this man, Remmy Skye.”


MAW championship

Puerto Rican Power © w/Jennifer Heat vs. Remmy Skye C+

The former champ came out alone tonight. This was a fast paced match early as Skye took to the air to unbalance the big man. Heat led the fans in imploring the champ to come back. Around the 25 minute mark, Remmy missed his Skye Diver. Puerto Rican Power was able to hit his spin buster. Into the ropes, big boot. Skye staggers up, San Juan Rush. 1, 2, 3. Puerto Rican Power retains.


Celebration A

Post match, Jennifer Heat comes into the ring to celebrate with the MAW champion to the fans delight.


Next month show number 35, MAW Where It All Begins Again 3.


Overall show C+

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well this round was a dozy....


both of you go the PRP match Dragon you called Westybrook. I hadn't really looked at him alot till you said something earlier. He will be getting a better look now.


The Mean Machine-Frankie draw was to advance the storyline to WIABA. West is actually my third most over person right now. I love Insane, but West has consistantly given top quality matches. He just can't do a great promo.


The turn for A* Alliance went pretty good. Murderous Mikey has not given a great effort for us so he is gone. Parker and Douglas will work together to give Parker a vehicle to build himself back up. After RCI 09 there will be a serious trimming to a very bloated roster. Missing Link is working really well, but the real surprise is Cheyenne Silver of that stable. Ghidorah is really Marat Khokov, but Silver is growing in skills and pop more than he is.



DragonMack 2-3 (12-6)

Timber 1-4 (12-6)


All tied up going into the final show of the prediction cycle.


Dragonmack for winning last cycle got to choose the type of match for the main event of WIABA. Congrats to Dragon and thanks for ya'll's predictions, comments and support.

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MAW Where It All Begins Again 3 Preview


Rip Chord presents:


MAW Where It All Begins Again 3


Our big 35th show. Thank you fans for your support over the last two years. You've helped our small company, dedicated to showcase for you the best of the future stars of our sport, grow and grow. Now we will be coming from you from the Deleware Auditorium.


Last month saw Puerto Rican Power defend his title, but no clear cut number 1 contender. Rip Chord has declared a three way elimination match for the MAW title- Puerto Rican Power, Mean Machine, and Frankie Perez.


The West Coast Mafia and Real Americans have brutalized each other for the last 9 months. This month they will settle the score in a cage.


James Hernendez has stood up to Missing Link and lord Geoffery Windameer. Last month he and A* Alliance joined forces for a phyrric victory. Will he beat the huge Mongolian, this month? Will A* Alliance pull out a clean victory over War Inc?


MAW tag champions Natural Storm have a bone to pick with former champs, Olympic Powers. The Powers have possession of the belts, having stolen them. Natural Storm has agreed to battle in a cage with the Olympic Powers for the belts. Who will walk away champions?


Persephone's gods of Thunder failed to take out Jack Giedroyc and Eric Storm. Now Persephone has two more members of Deadly to challenge the Hurricanes in singles matches. Will Persephone have her revenge on Giedroyc, or will the Hurricanes storm over Persephone again?


the card:

MAW championship match: Elimination

Puerto Rican Power © w/Jennifer Heat vs. Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Frankie Perez


James Hernandez vs. Missing Link w/lord Geoffery Windameer


Special cage match

West Coast Mafia vs. the Real Americans


MAW tag team championship (cage match)

Natural Storm © w/Monique vs. Olympic Storm


A* Alliance w/Karen Killer vs. War Inc. w/lord Geoffery Windameer


Larry Wood w/Persephone vs. Jack Giedroyc


Eric Strong vs. John Greed w/Persephone


Tim Westybrook vs. Oscar Golden


Be there for our largest show to date. Where It All Begins Again 3 at Deleware Auditorium.

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MAW championship match: Elimination

Puerto Rican Power © w/Jennifer Heat vs. Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Frankie Perez

Frankie first then Mean. PRP isn't ready to drop the belt.


James Hernandez vs. Missing Link w/lord Geoffery Windameer

Could be a DQ but Hernandez wins.


Special cage match

West Coast Mafia vs. the Real Americans


MAW tag team championship (cage match)

Natural Storm © w/Monique vs. Olympic Storm

Should be a solid match, but the Naturals pull it out.


A* Alliance w/Karen Killer vs. War Inc. w/lord Geoffery Windameer

The Alliance aren't ready to get pay back, not yet.


Larry Wood w/Persephone vs. Jack Giedroyc

Larry is great but Jack is the better of the two.


Eric Strong vs. John Greed w/Persephone

I think Greed takes this but i'm a big mark for Eric.


Tim Westybrook vs. Oscar Golden

Tim is a future star for you, Oscar is a midcarder for life.

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MAW championship match: Elimination

Puerto Rican Power © w/Jennifer Heat vs. Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Frankie Perez

While PRP really doesn't impress me as champion or as the most talented in the ring, he is still probably the most over, and that counts.


James Hernandez vs. Missing Link w/lord Geoffery Windameer

Disappointed with the output of Windameer's stable so far.


Special cage match

West Coast Mafia vs. the Real Americans

better name


MAW tag team championship (cage match)

Natural Storm © w/Monique vs. Olympic Storm

Lot of love for Natural Storm on these boards ( although I have to see what they have done to earn it.)


A* Alliance w/Karen Killer vs. War Inc. w/lord Geoffery Windameer

Doesn't matter what year it is, Ricky Douglas just doesn't have what it takes


Larry Wood w/Persephone vs. Jack Giedroyc

Not yet the time for the 'Wrath'.


Eric Strong vs. John Greed w/Persephone

Strong is the heir apparent supposedly, so its time to show it.


Tim Westybrook vs. Oscar Golden

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MAW Where It All Begins Again 3 results part 1


Rip Chord presents

MAW Where It All Begins Again 3

October 24, 2008

Delaware Auditorium

Attendance: 1000




Masked Cougar d. lord Geoffrey Windameer E

Gods of Thunder w/Persephone d. Steven Lane/Clyde Wilson D

10 person battle royal won by Raven Nightfall E


Main show:


Welcome C

Rip Chord comes out to the capacity crowd. “Thank you. Welcome friends to our third annual Where It All Begins Again. Because of you we had to move from our home at Stanley Hall to Delaware Auditorium, and you still packed it out. All credit goes to you. Well last month we didn’t have a winner between Mean Machine and Frankie Perez. I’ve always believed in settling things in the ring. Tonight we will. Tonight it will be MAW champion Puerto Rican Power, Mean Machine, and Frankie Perez battling in an elimination match for the MAW championship. Enough gab, let’s get to the action you came for.”


Tim Westybrooke vs. Oscar Golden C-

Golden came out with something to prove to the largest crowd of MAW history, Westybrooke was unstoppable. Oscar’s offence was cut off as Westybrooke gained the pin at the 5 minute mark.


Hurricanes blowing through C+

Eric Strong and Jack Giedroyc come out to a nice ovation from the crowd. Eric takes the mic first, “Welcome MAW…Delaware…Jack and I come out to blow right through the spoilt brat and her goon squad. We took out the goons of blunder. Now I take out Greed and Jack here takes out Wooly bully himself. Greed you are good, but tonight you will be blown away.”

That’s right Eric, I get ole wooly and bully. A little sleazy tramp with some money tries to be with good ole me. I’m a little bit more picky Persephone. Tonight we will take out these two lovesick clowns and then what Persephone? Go screaming to daddy?”


Luck, Beauty, and the Beast? C

As the Hurricanes make their way to the ring area, out comes Persephone with John Greed and Larry Wood. “Tramp, Sleazy? Who are you talking to you foreign trash? I am a lady who thought you were a poor little helpless puppy. Try to show come compassion to the unfortunates and this is what you get. Well now, I found someone who was near the bottom. Someone who needed a little direction, and he is here now. Larry Wood and John Greed are Wild Luck and they will demolish you pitiful peons. Giedroyc your luck has run out.”


Erik Strong vs. John Greed w/Persephone C-

With Persephone shrieking at ringside, Greed went to work on Strong. Both men went move for move. This was definitely a great match. Greed and Strong both used arial tactics, but Strong showed a new ground game. Strong pulls out the pin at the 11 minute mark, much to the dismay of Persephone.


Jack Giedroyc vs. Larry Wood w/Persephone C-

Larry Wood went from gnawing on the ring post to action at the behest of Persephone. Giedroyc didn’t get a chance to celebrate with Strong, before the wild man smashed into the ring. Giedroyc did move some, but Larry Wood seemed a man possessed. Persephone was cackling with glee at ringside as Wood began to demolish the Brit. Strong tried to urge Giedroyc on, but Greed began to get some revenge at ringside. Wood finished off Giedroyc with the Sasquatch Slam to gain the pin at the 8 minute mark.


A slap of pain C+

After the match Persephone climbed into the ring laughing with glee. As Wood picked up the fallen Giedroyc, Persephone reared back and slapped poor Giedrocy. “That’s what you get for disrespecting a true lady, you punk peon.


So Close C-

Zeus Maxmillion and Nevada Nuclear are shown walking backstage with Natural Storm’s MAW tag team championship belts. As they turn the corner there is Eddie and DC. Eddie and DC surprise the Olympians, but Nevada and Zeus quickly recover and head for the hills.


You won the battle, but not the war C

Lord Geoffery Windameer comes out with his charges, Cheyenne Silver and Ghidorah. “Last month, A* Alliance you might have won the battle and the match, but everyone here knows we won that war and we will win this war. A* Alliance your new found life will be cut short as War is brought down on you.”


A* Alliance back together again C+

Steven Parker, Ricky Douglas, and Karen Killer come out to the podium. “Hey, hey the A team is back together. The dream is revived. Windbag…you made a mistake, that turns to our blessings and we will now show you how to fly. Ricky the Razor, Steven the Future…the A* Alliance is back together again.


A* Alliance w/Karen Killer vs. War Inc. w/lord Geoffery Windameer D

This was not the textbook match we wanted. Ghidorah and Cheyenne are still clumsy in the ring, but Silver is only 18. Douglas looked good, but bland. Parker and Douglas showed their well oiled teamwork, but the brutes were just too big. Ghidorah hits the Radiator on Douglas to pick up the pin at the 8 minute mark.


The Cage is assembled/Fan Interaction/Intermission B

Standard fare where our stars and newcomers interact with the crowd with pictures and arguments. Lots of growth by our younger guys here.


The champs are here C-

Natural Storm and Monique come out. Monique takes the mic, “Olympic Storm, we beat you to take the titles. Now you steal them. We never ran from you and we will take you out again. We will take our titles back.” The MAW champs climb into the cage for their match.


We just took what is ours C

Olympic Storm comes out for their match carrying the tag straps. Nevada takes the mic, “Monique, why don’t you dump those two losers and join the real team. We didn’t steal the belts. You are looking at a god, and the most destructive force known to man. We will be champs tonight, mark my words.”


MAW tag team championship (Cage match)

Natural Storm © w/ Monique vs. Olympic Storm D

Another brutal battle, not a masterpiece, but battle. DC and Eddie seemed to have the upper hand early, but Zeus and Nevada used some of their new tricks from Japan. The end came when DC tried to come off the top rope and missed Zeus. Nevada had meanwhile climbed to the top of the cage. Off he flew head first into the fallen DC. Mushroom cloud…1, 2, 3…..Olympic Storm are the new MAW tag team champions.


Olympic champs C-

Zeus put on his arrogant strut and helped up his partner. Nevada was still a little woozy, but they seemed to gloat at the jeers of the crowd.


Real Americans C

Sgt. Bubba Lee West and Jorge Washington come out, “Tonight America will be proud. Listen up you maggots, tonight we’ll show those snot nosed, no belt wearing punks from out west what true Americans will do. We get to get those hi flying freaks in a cage. We will send them through the drill, chew them up, and spit them out. Jorge and I are prime examples of Real Americans.”


West Coast response C-

Remmy Skye and Insane Machine come out next, “Tonight Insane we finally get to shut up that throwback troll and his hayseed hick tree. Tonight the West Coast Rolls. There’s a reason we compete for the MAW title month in and month out. Tonight my man Frankie will bring home the MAW gold and we will bury the loud mouth punks who think they run something. West Coast Rules.”


Special Cage Match

West Coast Mafia vs. Real Americans C

This battle has been brewing since RCI. The two teams wasted no time tearing into each other. Jorge and Skye started the action with Skye getting an early advantage. Washington made the tag and the methodical drill sergeant took control. Skye was able to tag Insane and the action picked up considerably. But the methodical approach of West paid off. Everytime Insane Machine tried one of his ‘insane’ moves, West would quickly go back to his wear down holds. Eventually he was able to ‘ground’ Insane Machine. Jorge Washington came in and began his brutal power offence. Skye was able to get the hot tag, but the end was near. Washington climbed uncharisticly to the top rope and spashed poor Skye. 1, 2, 3…..the Real Americans win defeating West Coast Mafia at the 18 minute mark.


Real American Celebration C

The fans didn’t really know who to pull for in this match, but they hated the West Coast Mafia more I guess. West and Washington soaked in the appreciation of the fans for the great match and win.

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MAW Where It All Begins Again 3 results part 2


James Hernandez hypes Missing Link C

James Hernandez comes out to the crowd. “Windameer, you come out every week like a big windbag. Threatening and bullying. Tonight it stops. Your big lug lost to me last time, but then you pulled the cheap shot. Tonight he will face me and fall again. Tonight with the help of the Wavers, I will bury the Missing Link forever.”


Missing Link imposing C+

Windameer and his brute, Missing Link come to the podium area as Hernandez goes into the ring, “Poor pathetic serf. You will never understand. You are not even worthy of wiping the dung of this swamp infested hick land. But you will serve your purpose, you will fall to the Missing Link.”


Missing Link w/lord Geoffery Windameer vs. James Hernandez C

This was another battle of speed verses power. Almost a carbon copy of the first encounter, but this time the Link seemed to be more erratic than normal. Windameer was demanding at ringside. He wanted a clean sweep tonight. Hernandez gave a good fight, but the Link proved too much gaining a pinfall at the 15 minute mark.


Windameer becomes a windbag. C+

After the match, Windameer became even more obnoxious. As the Hulking Link stood over the fallen Hernandez.


Frankie hypes main event C

Frankie Perez comes out, “Tonight I fight a big puff bag and an old man who doesn’t know when to quit. Remmy and Insane were cheated out of their match, but West Coast will not be shut out. Tonight I take home the MAW title.”


Mean Machine and Karen hype C

As Frankie makes his way to the ring, out comes Mean Machine and Karen Killer. “Old and washed up eh? Punk, I’ve forgotten more about this sport than you will ever know. You’re good, but old age and wisdom win every time. Tonight I will regain what is mine. This is my house, my yard.”


MAW champion speaks C+

MAW champion, Puerto Rican Power comes out with the lovely Jennifer Heat. “Welcome Mid Atlantic, to the Delaware Auditorium. Mid Atlantic has come a long way thanks to you. I’m here because of you. Tonight the Powermanics face a true test. Not one but two opponents. Will we prevail. I depend on you, loyal fans. With your help we will vanquish the two and retain the most coveted title in wrestling.”


MAW championship match (elimination)

Puerto Rican Power © w/ Jennifer Heat vs. Mean Machine w/ Karen Killer vs. Frankie Perez C+

This was a great match. The two villains teamed up on the champion at first keeping the big man down. But before too long the rivalry between Machine and Perez melted their teamwork into blows. As Perez seemed to have Machine beaten down, Puerto Rican Power came into the ring. Atomic Drop, back up into the ropes, San Juan Rush. 1, 2, 3…..Frankie Perez eliminated.

Machine is groggy, but Karen jumps up on ringside. Puerto Rican Power tries to get her down as a gentleman, she tries to kiss Power. Jennifer Heat is having none of that. Jennifer comes from behind Karen and yanks her off the apron. Karen and Jennifer go at it at ringside. Power goes out with Jay Fair to break up the ladies.

Machine meanwhile begins to stir. He sizes up the situation. He climbs out and nails the champion with a chair while Fair is between the ladies. Machine then begins a methodical beatdown on the champ. Punishment, Hold, Punishment Hold. Machine pulled out his moves.

Power seemed to be out, till the full house crowd began to chant PRP, PRP…..Power seemed to gain some momentum….Power grabbed Machine, Power Slam…..Atomic Drop…..Karen gets back up on the apron, but Machine is slammed into her. San Juan Rush…1, 2, 3….Puerto Rican Power retains.


Powerful Celebration B

Puerto Rican Power and Jennifer Heat celebrate with the crowd.


Never a happy ending B

As the champ celebrates, out come Windameer, Missing Link, Ghidorah, and Cheyenne Silver. The four on one beatdown is too much as our show ends with Wind Inc standing over the fallen MAW champion.


Over All show C

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Sorry I've been off the boards for awhile...lots of personal things to take care of...I'm back and finally got the WIABA 3 posted.....we have a winner........


Dragonmack 18-8 (6-2)

Timber 16-10 (4-4)



Congrats to Dragon for the second win in a row....Timber put up a good fight though. The new prediction contest will begin with MAW Fallout.

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MAW Fallout 3 The card


Rip Chord presents

MAW Fallout 3



MAW Where It All Begins Again 3 is in the books. MAW champion, Puerto Rican Power retained his title against two men last month, but then was attacked by the Missing Link. This month he will face the behemoth in what looks to be a monstrous battle.


The Real Americans put away the West Coast Mafia, but now Frankie Perez wants a piece of Sgt West. Who will come out on top in this one.

Persephone has found a new pairing of Wild Luck, John Greed and Larry Wood. Will they put the pesky Hurricanes away?

Also it coming time for the Rip Cord Invitational 09, fallout will showcase 4 qualifying matches.

And Rip Chord has a major announcement for this coming year.


Scheduled Card:

MAW championship

Puerto Rican Power © w/Jennifer Heat vs. Missing Link w/lord Geoffrey Windameer

Sgt. West vs. Frankie Perez

Wild Luck w/Persephone vs. Hurricanes

RCI qualifying matches:

Tim Westybrook vs. Del Muerto

Masked Cougar vs. DeCipher

Arthur T. Turtle vs. Reginald Morris

Steven Lane vs. Ghidorah w/lord Geoffrey Windameer


Be there for the MAW Fallout……

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MAW championship

Puerto Rican Power © w/Jennifer Heat vs. Missing Link w/lord Geoffrey Windameer

Sgt. West vs. Frankie Perez

Wild Luck w/Persephone vs. Hurricanes

RCI qualifying matches:

Tim Westybrook vs. Del Muerto

Masked Cougar vs. DeCipher

Arthur T. Turtle vs. Reginald Morris

Steven Lane vs. Ghidorah w/lord Geoffrey Windameer

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