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MPWF - Welcome to Mexico!

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Mexico, January 2010


An awkward looking man walks into a bar while he's smoking a cigarette. He looks around, there's some of the toughest and dirtiest looking locals sitting around, drinking and playing cards. After one last big puff he tosses the cancerstick onto the ground and steps on it. He walks up to the bartender and sits on a stool.



Whadda you want?


Awkward Man



The Bartender pours his cheapest beer in a old and dirty mug. He takes a gulp and seems to have enjoyed it.


Awkward Man

That's one great tasting beer! I'd say it's probably the best beer I've ever had...


Annoyed and obviously tired after a long days work, the Bartender tries to avoid conversation.



*sigh* Can I help you wit anything else?


Awkward Man

Actually, I'm just happy to be alive right now. I was up a few towns away at the Mexico Premier Wrestling Federation show, they serve beer there too but not as good as this one. Anyways, before the show, while I was trying find the pisser, I stumbled across the backstage area. Now let me tell you something, there's some real under-the-table type of things goin' on there, nothing obvious but nothing discrete either.



Buddy, are you gonna drink or-


Awkward Man

So I was takin' a piss *burp* and in walks the BIGGEST MEXICAN I HAVE EVER SEEN! BIG AS ****! I didn't know what to think of him. He was dark too and I don't mean dark skinned. He was different. It was as if he was always walking in a shadow. Every step he took towards the light, just as you thought his face would be revealed, it wasn't. It was like the lights dimmed.


Local Drunk

Está ebrio! (he's drunk)


The bar bursts out in laughter. The awkward man, not knowing what the local said about him dismisses the comment and continues with his story.


Awkward Man

So this guy walks up beside me and pulled down his pants, down to his ankles and started to take a piss. It was the loudest piss I've ever heard.



He took a loud piss?


Awkward Man

I wasn't interested in his piss. I was more interested in what he was carrying when he walked in, some kinda suitcase, it looked real heavy. He sat it down on top of the piss-can as if it was taking a dump. Then all of a sudden the bastard spoke. He asked me, "Who are you?"...



"Who are you?"? That's it?!


Awkward Man

It's not what he asked it's what he did next. He kicked me across the chin without missing a piss then he jumped back up onto his feet and pulled out a gun from his suitcase. He started to beat me down like I owed him money then he pressed his gun up against my chin and asked me once again, "who are you?"



Whadda you tell him?


Awkward Man

I couldn't say a word, I was too drunk and scared. All I could do was lay there and look up at him, speechless.



You saw his face?


Awkward Man

Nah, I saw his eyes. Eventually, he let me go and dragged me back to my seat.



And then what happened?


Awkward Man

I saw one heck of a LUCHA LIBRE SHOW! It was the greatest Wrestling show I've ever saw. It could've been the fact that I was drunk but **** it was amazing!





Awkward Man

Anyways, I gotta get going. Thanks for the beer.


He throws $20 on the table and quickly leaves the bar. The Bartender scratches his head, not sure what just happened.



Man, that guy must be loco, huh? Hahahaha...


The Bartender looks down to grab his money and when he looks back up his bar is empty except for one man.



Where did everyone go?


Local Drunk

Everyone left to go watch the Mexico Premier Wrestling Federation Show.



So why did you stay?


Local Drunk

I was waiting for everyone to leave so that I can rob you...


The local pulls out a gun and points it at the Bartender.


Local Drunk

Now give me all of your money, holms...



Man, whatta day...


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Mexico, January 2010


A kid is sitting on the sidewalk, practicing on his guitar. A shadow falls over him, the kid looks up, there's a tall and dark Mexican man standing over him smoking a cigar. The dark man sits next to the kid, puffing on his cigar.


Mysterious Man

You have to loosen up your fingers. Like this...


The stranger grabs the kid's guitar and starts playing a quick and beautiful piece.





Mysterious Man




Where did you learn to play like that?


After taking a deep breath, the dark and mysterious man returns the guitar and puts out his cigar.


Mysterious Man

It all started when I was 18 years old, just starting my career as a Luchadore. I wrestled as El Mariachi. Every time I competed, I played my guitar all the way to the ring. The fans loved it! I traveled from city-to-city for years, wrestling every towns toughest luchadore. One day, Jorge Ibanez, the owner of South of the Border Pro Wrestling, offered me a chance to compete for his company...



You wrestled for South of the Border Pro Wrestling?


El Mariachi

Si. I wrestled and beat everyone he threw at me and quickly became a fan favorite. I was becoming so popular that Jorge Ibanez wanted me to sign an exclusive contract, giving up my freedom to travel and the rights to the "El Mariachi" persona. I couldn't do it. I was too much of a free spirit to give up my soul.



Did you get fired?


El Mariachi

No. Much worse. One night, after I won my match, El Demonio, the meanest and dirtiest luchadore of all time, attacked me from behind. Demonio and his lackeys beat my ass down. Then when I could barely stand on my own two feet, El Demonio broke my neck with the Piledriver...



*GASP* The PILEDRIVER?!?! But that move is illegal!!


El Mariachi

Si. He didn't care. El Demonio doesn't care about anybody but himself. After that night, my career was over, I never wrestled again. I became a real life Mariachi, playing guitar for tourist. Times were tough. Luckily, while I was playing guitar at a local restaurant, Domino, the owner of Mexico Premier Wrestling Federation, recognized me. He told me that he thought I was very talented and offered me a job as one of the Match Makers. Ever since then, I swore on my life that I would take Jorge Ibanez and South of the Border Pro Wrestling DOWN!



But what about OLLIE?


El Mariachi

Sure. Them too.





El Mariachi

Go practice what I showed you then the next time I see you, I'll teach you how to play a REAL song.



Okay. Thank you senor.


The kid runs off playing even worse than he was earlier. Mariachi's cell phone rings.


El Mariachi




Hola, Mariachi, it's Domino. Come to my place by 9pm for some toast.


El Mariachi

No problemo.





El Mariachi

Some toast, eyy? Domino never offers me toast unless he needs something from me. I wonder what's going on...


To be continued...

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Mexico, January 2010 - 9pm


El Mariachi arrives at Domino's house. He knocks on his door which is immediately answered.



Hola! Mariachi, come in.


El Mariachi



Mariachi walks into the kitchen where there's 2 plates of toast and Cervezas on the table.



Please, have a seat. There's some toast and drinks for us.


El Mariachi

Gracias. I've been looking forward to your toast all day.



Bueno. We have a lot to talk about.


El Mariachi takes a bite out of his toast, covering himself in crumbs.


El Mariachi

*While Chewing* Si?



You have been the assistant match maker for awhile now...


El Mariachi

Did I do anything wrong?



No. No. Our Head Booker died last night in a very tragic accident.


El Mariachi

What happened?



His wife killed him.


El Mariachi




Si. Anyways, we need somebody to fill-in his place as the Head Booker and I think you're the man for the job.


El Mariachi

Ay dios mio! Gracias! Domino, you won't be disappointed. I promise you.



Si. Si. Our first show of the year is February 6th, you start then. I'll send you all the information you'll need to put together the show. I hired El Porkito as your assistant Match Maker, if you need any help ask him.


El Mariachi

El Porkito?



Si. Don't worry about it. You'll figure everything out soon enough. Now if you don't mind, I have a very busy morning.


El Mariachi

Of course. Gracias, Domino.


Domino literally shoves Mariachi out of his house. The new MPWF Head Booker pulls out a cigar and lights it, celebrating his new promotion. As he's making his way back to his car he notices a short and extremely wide man standing beside it. .


El Mariachi

Hola? Can I help you, amigo?


El Porkito

Are you Mariachi?


El Mariachi



El Porkito

My name is El Porkito, *snort* but you can call me Porkie. Congratulations on your new promotion.


El Mariachi

Gracias....ummm...Porkie. You are my new assistant, si?


El Porkito

Si senor. I'm here to assist you night and day, day and night, I'm on my hands and knees for you so that one day I can be a Head Booker just like you.


The wide fellow drops to his hands and knees and starts shinning Mariachi's shoes. The former Luchadore steps back and tries to bring Porkie back up onto his feet.


El Mariachi

Umm...haha...okay. No need for that Porkie. We are a team. All for 1 and 1 for all, si? We'll meet tomorrow morning and talk over a gameplan. Right now, all I want to do is go home and get some sleep.


El Porkito

Si. No problemo. I'll drive you home and tuck you in...


El Mariachi

No. That won't be...


Porkito drags Mariachi into the passenger's seat. He continues talking while he jumps into the driver's seat, the freaked-out Mariachi tries to exit his car but is unable to get the safety lock open.


El Porkito

...I can even make you a warm glass of hot coco to help you fall asleep. Bueno! This is going to be great!! *snort*


Porkito drives off like a madman, swerving all over the place and nearly hitting a house.


El Mariachi

This is going to be a very LONG night....ay yi yi....


to be continued...

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Mexico, Chilaquiles Restaurante, the next morning


El Mariachi is sitting at his table eating his breakfast and smoking a cigar when El Porkito joins him.


El Porkito

Hola senor! Did you sleep well?


El Mariachi

Arggh...si. I slept extremely well after you tucked me in, sang me a lullaby, forced me to drink hot coco and read "Little Red Riding Hood" 6 times in a row.


El Porkito

It was the 6th time that did it, eyy? *snort*


El Mariachi

Arrgghh...I guess so. Did you get the information package from Domino?


El Porkito

Si. I picked it up this morning.


Porkie pulls out a thick and heavy booklet from underneath the table and drops it infront of Mariachi, almost knocking over his breakfast.


El Mariachi

Ay yi yi. This looks more like a dictionary than a package...


Mariachi flips open the booklet...




<img src="



Mexico Premier Wrestling Federation were the first promotion to emerge and challenge OLLIE for the status of lucha libre's biggest company. In a famous moment in Mexican wrestling history, they were formed after four of OLLIE's biggest stars of the time - El Barbaro, Mephisto, El Fantasma and El Águila Americana - walked out after a contract dispute, and their star power allowed the company to survive and eventually thrive against their more powerful rivals.


Owner: Domino

Size: Regional

Style: Family Friendly Lucha Libre

Location: Northern Mexico

Ranking: 14th




<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/ngelDeMxico.jpg">

Angel De Mexico

Ángel De México made his debut in 2003, and was initially seen as being just another one of the competent but unspectacular rookie luchadores that had begun appearing around that time. A stint in OLLIE did nothing to change that notion, as while he tried hard and made few mistakes, he showed nothing to elevate himself above the pack. In the summer of 2006 he moved on to MPWF, and his career has taken off - showing a new fire, and vastly improved skills, he is rising up the ranks fast.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/Atlantis.jpg">

Atlantis Jr.

Atlantis Jr is the son of the original Atlantis, and is a fairly talented luchador who has had a turbulent career so far. He debuted for SOTBPW back in 1999, and five years later reached the peak of his career by winning the SOTBPW title. Unfortunately for him, a disasterous title reign coupled with a short-sighted and poorly received heel turn killed his momentum entirely. He has since moved to MPWF via the 2005 draft, and is now trying to rebuild his once glittering career.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/CiqueJr.jpg">

Cique Jr.

Cique Jr, the nephew of the original, is the Mr. Consistency of lucha libre. He's never had the charisma of Axxis Jr, the looks of Champagne Lover, the costume of Eléctrico, the flashiness of Marcos Flores, or the silky skills of Soul Taker, but what he has brought to the party is supreme professionalism, selflessness, and a work ethic that can't be bettered. As a result, Cique may have never won a world title, but he has had a long and satisfying career and the respect of all his peers.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/Elctrico.jpg">


Eléctrico (occasionally incorrectly written as Electo) is a very popular luchador, a long-time member of the MPWF roster. His awesome electric-themed mask and costume make him probably the most instantly recognisable wrestler in the country, to the extent that any article on lucha libre wrestling outside of Mexico invariably features a picture of him. He has managed to translate his popularity into success over the years, most notably holding MPWF's world championship on three occasions.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/HeavyMetalAnarchy.jpg">

Heavy Metal Anarchy

Heavy Metal Anarchy (Antonio Nieto) is a young luchador competitor. His fan-favourite character, that of a head-banging metal fan complete with leather entrance attire and loud theme music, is starting to get him noticed in MPWF, where he has been working for the past few years. He is slowly developing into a competent worker. In late 2006 he began teaming regularly with fellow rookie Guillermo Marcos, and their battles with the Cano brothers have resulted in HMA's best matches to date.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/Relampago.jpg">

Hijo Del Relampago

Hijo Del Relámpago is a young rising star from the world of lucha libre. He is the grandson of the original Relámpago, a wrestler who was active in the 1960s and 1970s with OLLIE and then MPWF, but who never achieved a great deal in terms of success (although he was highly respected by his peers for his selfless work). Hijo Del Relámpago seems to have talent to burn, and is so highly thought of that he was hired by MPWF in November 2006, at only 19 years of age.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/LuchadorOriginal.jpg">

Luchador Original

Luchador Original (often misquoted as Luchadore Originalic) is a veteran of Mexican wrestling, who in November 2006 completed his second full decade of competitive professional wrestling. He is something of a "nearly man" in the world of lucha libre; even at the height of his powers, there was always some other worker who was a little more over, with a little more momentum, who would get to the world title before him. With age slowing him down, he looks likely to never win a world title now.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/LunaClara.jpg">

Luna Clara

Luna Clara is a young luchador who teams with his twin brother Luna Oscura as The Luna Twins. Neither are particularly great at the moment, but with experience they may develop into competent workers. At the moment, their main selling point is that they have an instinctive understanding of what each other is thinking, and that means they can perform some very fluid free-flowing tag team moves in almost perfect synchronisation.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/LunaOscura.jpg">

Luna Oscura

Luna Oscura is a young luchador who teams with his twin brother Luna Clara as The Luna Twins. Neither are particularly great at the moment, but with experience they may develop into competent workers. At the moment, their main selling point is that they have an instinctive understanding of what each other is thinking, and that means they can perform some very fluid free-flowing tag team moves in almost perfect synchronisation.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/MarioHeroic.jpg">

Mario Heroic

"The Enigmatic One" Mario Heroic is a flashy high flier who has a weird charisma to him, one which has gotten him a cult following wherever he has gone. He is particularly noted for his elaborate entrances, which occasionally last longer than his matches. Over the years he has wrestled all around the world, and is probably most famous for his stints in CGC and CZCW (where he held the Coastal Zone Championship in 2003). Most recently he has been working in Mexico, and was one of the headliners who helped SOTBPW become the dominant force in the country. However, in 2008, apparently annoyed that he was getting less and less big matches, he decided to quit the promotion and join MPWF instead.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/MayanIdol.jpg">

Mayan Idol

Mayan Idol is a very powerful luchador from Tampico, who is fast becoming one of the most popular wrestlers in Mexico, not least thanks to his outrageously cool mask. Weighing in at 248lbs, he is much larger than most of his enemies, and that is reflected in his ring style - some of his trademark moves include powerbomb variations and chest-crushing sentons. That said, he is deceptively quick for his size, and does have quite a few good high risk moves at his disposal.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/SpanishSuperfly.jpg">

Spanish Superfly

Spanish Superfly is a very popular luchador, whose noble character has really struck a chord with the Mexican audience. A big, muscular, athletic competitor, he has the natural look of a champion, and has lived up to that image by becoming a three-time MPWF champion over the years. However, despite those successes, his career has been in something of a rut since the 2005 draft, and he has fallen out of the regular main event spot that he was once almost guaranteed to have.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/Sunburst.jpg">


Sunburst is a rookie luchador who debuted at the tail end of 2009. Not much is known about him at this stage of his career, but first impressions are that he is a good natural athlete who is not afraid to take risks.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/SurfeadorCaliforniano.jpg">

Surfeador Californiano

Surfeador Californiano is Emilio Fuentes, a good looking youngster who genuinely does have a passion for surfing, and used to live in California. He is a great prospect for the future.




<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/AsesinoDeLaEspada.jpg">

Asesino De La Espada

Asesino De La Espada is one half of Los Asesinos, a tag team of powerfully built brawlers who like to smash their way through opponents, his partner being Asesino Del Hacha. The two masked fighters first appeared in OLLIE in 2007, having previously only worked on low-level independent shows around Mexico, but lasted only until late 2008 before being released.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/AsesinoDelHacha.jpg">

Asesino Del Hacha

Asesino Del Hacha is one half of Los Asesinos alongside Asesino De La Espada, a tag team built on straight-ahead brawling and smash-mouth tactics. The duo got a break in 2007 when they were hired by OLLIE, having spent the previous few years grinding out a reputation on the independent circuit, but they lasted just over a year before being released.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/ChessManiac.jpg">

Chess Maniac

Chess Maniac is a technically-minded luchador worker who first came to prominence in mid 2007 when he started working for MPWF on a regular basis. Nobody really knows much about the worker behind the mask before that point, as Chess Maniac was an entirely new creation given to him by the MPWF management team. His gimmick is that of a "thinking man's wrestler", who likes to slowly take wrestlers apart. There were rumours that when the character was first created he was to have bishops drawn on his costume and therefore would only be able to run from turnbuckle to turnbuckle, never side to side on the ropes, but sadly that never came to pass.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/DanielCano.jpg">

Daniel Cano

"The Silver Warrior" Daniel Cano is a luchador from Mexico City, who is dependable but not really spectacular in any way. He is very recognisable because of his dyed white hair and silver costume. Originally he was a masked singles wrestler, but after the massive national 2005 draft in lucha libre he ended up becoming primarily a tag team wrestler, teaming with his younger brother Javier Cano in MPWF. It was at this point that he also dropped the mask entirely.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/ElBandido.jpg">

El Bandido

El Bandido is one of the most famous wrestlers in modern Mexican history. One of the best in-ring all-rounders in the sport, his golden period in terms of success was between 1999 and 2005, when he was the SOTBPW champion on four separate occasions. Although age and injuries are beginning to take their toll, he is still a fine competitor, and proved that by winning the MPWF title in 2006. A true lucha libre legend, he wields enormous influence in the sport.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/ElJefeMilitar.jpg">

El Jefe Militar

El Jefe Militar is an athletic young wrestler who works in Mexico. Standing 6'3 and weighing 280lbs, he is a fabulous natural athlete and his physical abilities form the basis of a lot of his moves, whether they be press slams that showcase his power or flying splashes that display his fantastic vertical leap. If he can develop his technique and psychology to a similar level, he will be a very big star.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/ElPavoReal.jpg"

El Pavo Real

El Pavo Real is a luchador from the north of Mexico. Breaking into the sport in 2001, he originally wrestled under the name Pylea; while he developed into a solid worker over time, the only thing that really separated him from the pack was his memorable purple pea****-design mask. As Pylea he made appearances for all the major promotions, but usually only for short stints that saw him mainly work in an opening match capacity. In July 2009, after sitting out the previous six months with a minor shoulder injury, he returned under a new mask, an even more spectacular green pea**** design, and also with a new ring name, El Pavo Real. He now looks to establish himself as a major player for the first time.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/ElRey.jpg">

El Rey

El Rey, "The King", is a stocky powerhouse who made his first few appearances in lucha libre in the summer of 2007. A brawler, he most at home when engaged in a full-on fist fight, and is particularly adept at using weapons. Clearly still quite green, his skills are nowhere near fully developed yet. That said, with a good character already established and some natural ability, he does look like a good prospect.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/ElToroDeOro.jpg">

El Toro De Oro Jr.

El Toro De Oro Jr is a second generation luchador, the youngest son of the original "Golden Bull". Like his father, Jr is bigger than the average luchador, and bases his attacks on raw power and size, while still retaining enough speed to not be totally outclassed by his lighter opponents. He is particularly noted for his use of the Gore, a running tackle preceded by the mannerisms of a bull; it is the base of several of his best spots, and is done into the turnbuckles for his finisher. He was signed by MPWF when he turned pro in December 2009.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/GenioVerde.jpg">

Genio Verde

Genio Verde, "The Green Genius", is a top heel in the world of lucha libre, a bad guy straight from the pages of a comic book. He debuted in 2005 shortly before the nationwide draft, and his evil genius character and cool costume soon got him noticed, as did his big feud with main rival Spanish Superfly. Prior to coming to Mexico, he was known as The Magnificent Mark, and was a struggling independent worker who had found little in the way of fame or success.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/HijoDelMephisto.jpg">

Hijo Del Mephisto

Hijo Del Mephisto is the self-proclaimed "second coming" of the legendary lucha libre character Mephisto. The high flier in the demonic mask is actually the nephew of the original Mephisto (the son of his younger brother, who never became a wrestler), and shares a lot of the same traits - while he is not a great worker, he has great charisma and a natural ability to suck the audience into his act, and so looks set to have a long and lucrative career in Mexico. In 2008 he got his first big opportunity, working for MPWF - the very promotion his uncle helped create many years previously.


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Hombre De La Energia

Hombre De la Energía (Don Meade) is an American-born wrestler who works exclusively in Mexico, where he lives. "Power Man" is only slightly bigger than the average Mexican luchador, weighing in at 240lbs, but has such muscularity that he can easily throw around anybody he faces with apparent ease. This, coupled with his sneering, arrogant personality, make him a natural heel. He joined MPWF in mid-2006, and is quickly making his Lariat finisher the most feared move in the promotion.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/JavierCano.jpg">

Javier Cano

Javier Cano is a rookie luchador, who is the younger brother of another Mexican wrestler, "The Silver Warrior" Daniel Cano. He first came to people's attention during the lucha libre nationwide draft in 2005, when he ended up with his brother in MPWF - adopting similar costumes, the two siblings entered into the tag team ranks together, with Javier donning a gothic black look. At this early stage in his career he is a very spotty, incomplete worker, but he is showing signs of improvement.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/LaEstrella.jpg">

La Estrella

La Estrella is a luchador who is being tipped to achieve great things. While he is still developing his technique, the quality of his high flying skills is not in question. A natural athlete, he flies around the ring with a lot of grace, and has some incredibly flashy high-risk dives in his arsenal. He plays the heelish character of a wrestler who has let fame go to his head and believes he is a mega-star, which has gotten him the nickname "The Hollywood Luchador".


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/LatinLion.jpg">

Latin Lion Jr.

Latin Lion Jr is a young luchadore who has an extensive gymnastic background. Unfortunately he relies too heavily on it, and he is often criticized for spending too long on fancy flips and not doing any actual wrestling.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/Magnifico.jpg">


Magnifico is a famous luchador, and one of the most successful modern-day Mexican wrestlers in terms of championship victories. Closely associated with MPWF, where he has spent his entire career, he has been world champion of the promotion on five separate occasions between 1999 and 2004. However, a common criticism of that record is that it was during a very weak period for MPWF, with few true stars around. Recent years have seen his popularity wane somewhat.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/ReaperDante.jpg">

Reaper Dante

Reaper Dante is a young Japanese high flier. Originally using his real name, Kinnosuke Sanda, on the independent circuit, he soon realised that opportunities in Japan were limited. He decided to follow in the footsteps of many super junior wrestlers of the past, and head to Mexico to improve his skills. He used kabuki paint to create a "killer clown" character, and started teaming up with fellow Japanese youngster Reaper Cicero to make the Circus Of Death tag team in SOTBPW. They lasted until 2008 with the promotion, when they were released to make way for new talent.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/SnapDragon_alt1.jpg">

Snap Dragon

The masked high flier Snap Dragon is a very highly rated competitor, most closely associated with CZCW. It was late 2004, having made a good name for himself on the independent circuit over the previous three years, that he joined the CZCW roster, and he has never looked back.


A mainstay of the promotion, he was the first man to ever achieve the triple crown of Coastal Zone titles, and he even did it in "reverse" order! His 2006 cage match with Fox Mask is regarded as the best CZCW match ever. Dragon started branching out a little more in 2007, making regular appearances south of the border for lucha libre promotion MPWF where he has become very popular.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/SoulTaker.jpg">

Soul Taker

Soul Taker is a superb luchador, and one of the most incredibly over heels in Mexico, where his lengthy and awe-inspiring graveyard-themed entrance is something that everyone looks forward to. Prior to the 2005 draft he was just reaching his peak with OLLIE, capturing the company's Universal title. A switch to MPWF did nothing to halt his progress, and in the following year and a half he captured the MPWF title on two separate occasions. He is rightly considered to be one of MPWF's crown jewels.


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/UltraAtlantis.jpg">

Ultra Atlantis

Ultra Atlantis is a character who is meant to be the "next generation" version of the popular luchador Atlantis Jr. The reference is pretty obvious; while Junior is a traditional luchador, being small and quick, Ultra Atlantis is a big 290lb powerhouse, with the physique of a body builder. There is no actual relationship between the wrestlers playing the two characters, the only similarity other than the name is the fact that they wear the exact same design of mask. Ultra Atlantis signed for MPWF in 2009, joining his namesake on the roster.


Tag Teams




<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/LunaClara.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/LunaOscura.jpg">

The Luna Twins


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/SurfeadorCaliforniano.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/Sunburst.jpg">

Sun & Surf


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/ngelDeMxico.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/LuchadorOriginal.jpg">

Los Guerrilleros




<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/JavierCano.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/DanielCano.jpg">

Los Hermanos De Cano


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/AsesinoDeLaEspada.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/AsesinoDelHacha.jpg">

Los Asesinos


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/LatinLion.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/LaEstrella.jpg">

Hollywood Luchadores


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/GenioVerde.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/HombreDelaEnerga.jpg">

Varones Americanos






<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/MayanIdol.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/Elctrico.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/MarioHeroic.jpg">

Los Héroes




<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/JavierCano.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/DanielCano.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/HijoDelMephisto.jpg">

Second Coming


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/Magnifico.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/ElBandido.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/SoulTaker.jpg">

EVIL Alliance






<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/Domino.jpg">



Announcers & Color Commentators


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/CarlosMoreno_alt1.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/TeadoroNieto.jpg">

Carlos Moreno & Teadoro Nieto




<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/SebastianCabrera.jpg">

Sebastian Cabrera


Assistant Match Maker


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/elporkito.jpg">

El Porkito


Head Booker


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/elMariachi.jpg">

El Mariachi




<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/MPWF_World.jpg">

<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/MayanIdol.jpg">

Campeón de Herencia de Mundo MPWF - Mayan Idol


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/MPWF_Lucha.jpg">

<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/Relampago.jpg">

Campeón de Lucha MPWF - Hijo Del Relampago


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/MPWF_Parejas.jpg">

<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/ngelDeMxico.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/LuchadorOriginal.jpg">

Campeónes de Parejas MPWF - Los Guerrilleros


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/MPWF_Trios.jpg">

<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/JavierCano.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/DanielCano.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/HijoDelMephisto.jpg">

Campeónes de Tríos MPWF - Second Coming




Exhibition Trios & Tag Matches

-Unless otherwise stated, every match is fought under 2 out of 3 Falls.

-Matches will be fought under a 30 minute Time Limit.

-If the match goes the full distance, ringside Judges will determine the winners by Fouls and successful Offensive & Defensive moves.

-Tags are not necessary. Once a legal competitor's feet touches the ground it is considered a Tag.


Championship Trios & Tag Matches

-Unless otherwise stated, every match is fought under 2 out of 3 Falls.

-Matches will be fought under NO TIME LIMIT.

-If a competitor is Fouled more than 3 times then he will be disqualified. Titles CAN CHANGE HANDS ON DISQUALIFICATION.

-Tags are not necessary. Once a legal competitor's feet touches the ground it is considered a Tag.


Exhibition Singles Matches

-Unless otherwise stated, every match is fought under 2 out of 3 Falls.

-Matches will be fought under 30 minute Time Limit.

-If the match goes the full distance, ringside Judges will determine the winners by Fouls and successful Offensive & Defensive moves.

-If a competitor is thrown-out or exits the ring, he has untill the count of 20 to re-enter or he will be Counted Out.


Championship Singles Matches

-Unless otherwise stated, every match is fought under 2 out of 3 Falls.

-Matches will be fought under NO Time Limit.

--If a competitor is Fouled more than 3 times then he will be disqualified. Titles CAN CHANGE HANDS ON DISQUALIFICATION OR COUNT OUTS.

-If a competitor is thrown-out or exits the ring, he has untill the count of 20 to re-enter or he will be Counted Out.



-Fouls can be rewarded for the following illegal behavior:

  • Stalling
  • Eye Gouging
  • Choking
  • Attempted Removal of opponents Mask
  • Failure to respond to the Referee's 5 Count
  • Outside Interference


-After receiving more than 3 fouls, the referee has the right to disqualify the competitor.




-The following illegal behavior will lead to an automatic disqualification:

  • Striking an Official
  • Hit to opponents Groin
  • Using the Piledriver
  • Using any objects as a Weapon





February - MPWF Danza Del Guerrero Del Fantasma

March - MPWF Venganza

April - MPWF Dolor

May - MPWF Cinco de Mayo

June - MPWF Lucha Carnival

July - MPWF Festival de Campeones

September - MPWF El Día Nacional De Lucha

October - MPWF Día de los Muertos

December - MPWF Feliz Navidad



El Porkito

Whew! That was a lot to read, huh?


El Mariachi

Ay yi yi. There's so much to go over, Porkie. I have no idea what to do for our first show.


Suddenly, a limo pulls up at the front of the restaurant. The owner of South of the Border Pro Wrestling, Jorge Ibanez walks in. He spots El Mariachi and his assistant, Porkie, and walks over to their table.


Jorge Ibanez

Well, well, well, why it isn't the cripple "El Mariachi" and his vertically challenged friend.


El Porkito

*snort* Why don't you come down here and I'll show you who's vertically challenged, you old fu--


El Mariachi

That's enough, Porkie! Jorge, what brings you here? There's plenty of other high class restaurants that would be more than willing to take your money.


Jorge Ibanez

Si but how could I pass up the chance to congratulate you on your new promotion as Head Booker. I just wanted to take one last look at you before I destroy Mexican Premier Wrestling Federation and put you back in the unemployment line!


El Mariachi

We'll see about that, chico.


Jorge Ibanez

Hahaha...have fun while it lasts Mariachi because believe me, it won't last...hahaha


Jorge Ibanez walks out of the restaurant, breaking a glass on his way out. Porkie's face turned a shade of red, obviously pissed off at what happened.


El Porkito

That ******* thinks he can come in here and disrespect us?! The nerve!!


El Mariachi

Porkie, calm down. Call Domino and tell him that I got his first show of 2010 done.


El Porkito

Huh? Are you sure?


El Mariachi

Si. SOTBPW is going DOWN.....


to be continued...

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Danza Del Guerrero Del Fantasma

February, Week 1, 2010

live at the Parque la Junta


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/SurfeadorCaliforniano.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/Sunburst.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/SpanishSuperfly.jpg">

<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/vs12.jpg">

<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/LatinLion.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/LaEstrella.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/ElPavoReal.jpg">

Super Sun & Surf (Surfeador Californiano, Sunburt & Spanish Superfly)


Hollywood Luchadores (La Estrella & "One Take" Latin Lion Jr.) & El Pavo Real


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/ngelDeMxico.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/LuchadorOriginal.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/vs12.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/AsesinoDeLaEspada.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/AsesinoDelHacha.jpg">

Los Guerrilleros(Angel De Mexico & Luchadore Original)


Los Asesinos (Asesino De La Espada & Asesino Del Hacha)


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/LunaClara.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/LunaOscura.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/vs12.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/GenioVerde.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/HombreDelaEnerga.jpg">

The Luna Twins(Luna Clara & Luna Oscura)


Varones Americanos(Genio Verde & Hombre De La Energia)


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/Relampago.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/vs12.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/SnapDragon_alt1.jpg">

Hijo Del Relampago vs Snap Dragon


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/MPWF_Trios.jpg">

<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/HijoDelMephisto.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/JavierCano.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/DanielCano.jpg">

<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/vs12.jpg">

<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/Atlantis.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/CiqueJr.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/HeavyMetalAnarchy.jpg">

Campeones De Trios

The Second Coming(Hijo Del Mephisto, Javier Cano & Daniel Cano)©


Atlantis Jr., Cique Jr & Heavy Metal Anarchy


<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/Magnifico.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/ElBandido.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/SoulTaker.jpg">

<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/vs12.jpg">

<img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/MayanIdol.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/Elctrico.jpg"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac168/luchagd/wrestlers/MarioHeroic.jpg">

EVIL Alliance(Magnifico, El Bandido & Soul Taker)


Los Héroes(Mayan Idol, Eletrico & Mario Heroic)



-Super Sun & Surf vs Hollywood Luchadores & El Pavo Real

-Los Guerrilleros vs Los Asesinos

-The Luna Twins vs Varones Americanos

-Hijo Del Relampago vs Snap Dragon

-The Second Coming© vs Atlantis Jr., Cique Jr & Heavy Metal Anarchy

-Los Heroes vs EVIL Alliance



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Some interesting rules proposed there...I wonder how'll they affect booking decisions. I mean, if a match really goes to draw, will you really have the winner declared via Judge's decision?


Yeah, in Non-Title matches, if the match goes the distance than it'll go to a Judge's decision.


I'm hoping it will build suspense and drama since nobody would want to let the judges determine the winner, especially in Contendership matches.

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