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World Wrestling Federation 1989

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Disclaimer: This is my first attempt at doing this, so there maybe a few mistakes in this dairy.


Also a big thank you to gazwefc83 for allowing me to use his pictures and database.


Positive and negative feedback is always encouraged as it will improve the quality of the writing.


This diary starts directly after the Summerslam PPV goes off the air and I hope you enjoy reading it as much I am writing it.





SummerSlam 1989

August 28, 1989 in East Rutherford, NJ

Meadowlands Arena drawing 20,000 ($350,000)

Shown live on PPV (4.8)


Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard beat The Hart Foundation (16:23) when Blanchard pinned Hart.


Dusty Rhodes pinned Honkytonk Man (9:36).


Mr. Perfect pinned Red Rooster (3:21).


Rick Martel, Jacques & Raymond Rougeau beat The Rockers & Tito Santana (14:58) when Martel pinned Jannetty.


Ultimate Warrior pinned Rick Rude (16:02) to win the WWF I-C Title.


Demolition Axe & Smash & Jim Duggan beat Andre the Giant, Akeem, & Big Boss Man (7:23) when Smash pinned Akeem.


Hercules beat Greg Valentine (3:08) via DQ.


Ted DiBiase beat Jimmy Snuka (6:27) via countout.


Hulk Hogan & Brutus Beefcake beat Randy Savage & Zeus (15:04) when Hogan pinned Zeus.

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(After Summerslam has gone off the air, all the superstars are backstage in a locker room, all the WWF Employees have been called into the locker room for a meeting. All the superstars have been told is that they will here about the state of the WWF and also what the future holds for all WWF employees. Vince McMahon walks into the locker room and stands in front of the WWF Superstars and backstage talent)




Vince McMahon: Congratulations for everyone tonight, it was a very good show but as you know ladies and gentleman the wrestling business is going downhill and that some fans are turning their back on the WWF. I don’t need to remind you that less fans means less money for you, so as you know there are a lot of rumours going on at the moment here in the WWF. So today ladies and gentleman you will hear nothing but the truth from Vince McMahon.


(Vince McMahon walks around the room whilst talking)


Vince McMahon: First of all we will look at the schedule of the WWF; currently we have no house shows on the schedule on a weekly basis, so we are organising house shows all across the world. They will start off here in America and gradually spread across the world, the more shows we do the money that you as WWF Superstars will make, you’ll get the big dollars in your pockets. There will be TV Shows that we will be putting on each week; these are Prime Time Wrestling and Wrestling Challenge.




Airs: Monday, Prime Time on the USA Network

Commentators: Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse “The Body” Ventura




Airs: Tuesday, Afternoon on the USA Network

Commentators: Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse “The Body” Ventura


Vince McMahon: We are also increasing the number of events on the calendar for the year, we are going to hold 5 Pay per Views per year:

















Vince McMahon: Plus we will hold one big show for the other months in the calendar, there will be a Saturday Night Main Event for February, May, July, September, October and December.




Vince McMahon: Plus we will be doing some work in the UK and Europe; we will hold two huge tapings in Europe a year, one in April and the other in September.




Vince McMahon: We will be using house shows to test superstars against one and other to discover which superstars have good and also poor chemistry against each other; this will then improve the match quality and also improve our PPV’s as well. We have nothing booked in advance at the moment for any events in the future; we are going to change the direction of the World Wrestling Federation as you can see by the document which is being given to you.


(Every WWF Employee is passed a file with a number of documents in it under a number of different subjects)






Style Name: Sports Entertainment


Match Ratio (Event): 70%

Match Ratio (TV): 70%


Expected Match Lengths for Events:


Minor Matches: 10 Minutes

Medium Matches: 15 Minutes

Major Matches: 20 Minutes


Expected Match Lengths for TV:


Minor Matches: 5 Minutes

Medium Matches: 12 Minutes

Major Matches: 18 Minutes


Match Intensity: 20%

Match Danger: 30%

Face/Heel Divide: Strong

Women’s Wrestling: None

T&A Levels: Low


Product Appeal Definition:


Traditional: Key Feature

Mainstream: Key Feature

Comedy: None

Cult: None

Risqué: None

Modern: Low

Realism: Low

Hyper Realism: None

Hardcore: Low

Lucha Libre: None

Pure: None

Daredevil: Low


Vince McMahon: As you can see from the definition there are a few changes in the format of our shows, we are going to try and move the focus to the ring as well a bit more, we are still going to have the backstage segments and interviews but I think the fans want to see the best action in the ring, If you look at the next item which is our relationships with other promotions.


Promotion Pacts:


The WWF currently has a working agreement with Calgary Stampede Wrestling, New Japan Pro Wrestling and also World Wrestling Council, We are currently under hostile terms with Jim Crockett Promotions.


Vince McMahon: This will change in the next few weeks as I want the WWF to be independent from any organisation as I do not think that our relationships with other promotions are working well. So in the next few weeks we will be moving away from them and then letting them stand on their own two feet without our help. The most important thing to everyone in this room is money, so now we will discuss the financial situation of the WWF, if you look at your documents in front of you in the finance section you’ll see the current details of what are charging fans and also the financial situation in the WWF plus any costs that we have per month.




Current Cash: $5,000,000 (5 Million Dollars)


Ticket Prices: Range from $2 to $45


Production: $3,520,000 per month


Merchandising: $500,000 per month


Marketing: $750,000 per month


Administration and Finance: $750,000 per month


Legal Department: $500,000


Total Spend Per Month: $6,020,000


Vince McMahon: So you can see from the amount of money that we spend per month and our current bank balance is that we are spending more money than we have in our bank balance, so I am counting on you guys to rake in the dollars to keep the WWF afloat so we do not fall into any debt, and of course the only thing that I can say to you guys is that you may be worried for your jobs but as this meeting is all about the truth then I am afraid to tell everyone in this room now that nobodies job is safe, I don’t care if your name is Hulk Hogan, The Brooklyn Brawler or Ultimate Warrior I can be sure in saying this is that no one is bigger than the business. Another factor which is also being constantly fed back to me is the unhappiness in the locker room with the backstage rules.




The current rules are:


No drugs are allowed backstage

Smoking is not allowed backstage

The Promotion will provide the catering


The new rules are:


No drugs are allowed backstage

No Alcohol is allowed backstage

Smoking is not allowed backstage

All workers must arrive at least 3 hours before the show starts

The Promotion will provide the catering

The Promotion will organise transport to and from the venue

The Promotion will organise accommodation for non-local workers


Vince McMahon: Again the WWF is covering more expenses to keep our workers happy but as you can see I want everyone here at least 3 hours before the show starts so that everyone is aware of what they are doing for the fans and the show, as you can see drugs will not be tolerated at all, in fact the WWF is under heavy pressure from the media to introduce a drugs test after each show but for now I will not introduce a policy for every show but we will be doing random drugs tests on shows, the likely hood is that it will be after PPV’s, so you have been warned and because we have the media snooping around backstage tonight at Summerslam, there is a drug test for everybody tonight and that includes me but I’m warning everyone in this room that if you fail the test once too often or if it comes out in the media that you have failed the drug test then your contract will be terminated on the spot. I thank you for your time gentleman and hope you sleep well because in the morning the WWF is getting bigger and better.……before you leave don’t forget the test and I’ll have the results for you in the morning as technology is getting bigger and better, this means that we’ll be able to identify who’s job is on the line and who’s cleaner than I thought, I get the feeling that a few of us will be having a talk tomorrow before Prime Time, goodnight gentleman.


(Several superstars look worried at the thought of the upcoming drug test, Vince McMahon leaves the room as several superstars talk amongst themselves and prepare for a drug test)

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(Vince McMahon is sitting at a desk in his office, is looking at the roster of the WWF, he is deciding who to release and who to keep employed in the WWF)





Status: Heel

Push: Midcarder

Gimmick: Man Mountain



Andre the Giant


Status: Heel

Push: Main Eventer

Gimmick: Evil Giant



Arn Anderson


Status: Heel

Push: Midcarder

Gimmick: Enforcer





Status: Face

Push: Upper Midcardeer

Gimmick: Power and Paint



Bad News Brown


Status: Heel

Push: Opener

Gimmick: Bad Ass



Barry Horowitz


Status: Face

Push: Enhancement Talent

Gimmick: Old School Face



Big Bossman


Status: Heel

Push: Midcarder

Gimmick: Law Enforcer



Bret “Hitman” Hart


Status: Face

Push: Midcarder

Gimmick: Super Face



Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake


Status: Face

Push: Midcarder

Gimmick: Fun Babyface



Bushwhacker Butch


Status: Face

Push: Lower Midcarder

Gimmick: Face Maniac



Bushwhacker Luke


Status: Face

Push: Lower Midcarder

Gimmick: Face Maniac



Dino Bravo


Status: Heel

Push: Midcarder

Gimmick: Brute Strong Man



Dusty Rhodes


Status: Face

Push: Upper Midcarder

Gimmick: American Dream



Greg "The Hammer" Valentine


Status: Heel

Push: Midcarder

Gimmick: Machine



Hacksaw Jim Duggan


Status: Face

Push: Midcarder

Gimmick: Patriot





Status: Heel

Push: Midcarder

Gimmick: Savage



Honky Tonk Man


Status: Heel

Push: Upper Midcarder

Gimmick: Elvis Impersonator



Hulk Hogan


Status: Face

Push: Main Eventer

Gimmick: Hulkamanic



Jacques Rougeau


Status: Heel

Push: Midcarder

Gimmick: Teen Idol



Jake “The Snake” Roberts (Injured)


Status: Face

Push: Upper Midcarder

Gimmick: Loner



Jim Powers


Status: Face

Push: Opener

Gimmick: Old School Face



Jim “The Anvil” Niedhart


Status: Face

Push: Upper Midcarder

Gimmick: Bad Ass



Koko B Ware


Status: Face

Push: Lower Midcarder

Gimmick: Fun Babyface



“Macho King” Randy Savage


Status: Heel

Push: Main Eventer

Gimmick: Macho Madness



Marty Jannetty


Status: Face

Push: Midcarder

Gimmick: Teen Idol



“Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase


Status: Heel

Push: Upper Midcarder

Gimmick: Evil Money Bags



Mr Perfect


Status: Heel

Push: Midcarder

Gimmick: Perfection



Paul Roma


Status: Face

Push: Opener

Gimmick: Bluechipper



Raymond Rougeau


Status: Heel

Push: Opener

Gimmick: Teen Idol



Rick “The Model” Martel


Status: Heel

Push: Upper Midcarder

Gimmick: Old School Heel



“Ravishing” Rick Rude


Status: Heel

Push: Upper Midcarder

Gimmick: Ravishing



“Rowdy” Roddy Piper


Status: Face

Push: Upper Midcarder

Gimmick: The Hot Rod



“Rugged” Ronnie Garvin


Status: Face

Push: Midcarder

Gimmick: Mans with hands of stone



Shawn Michaels


Status: Face

Push: Midcarder

Gimmick: Teen Idol





Status: Face

Push: Upper Midcarder

Gimmick: Power and Paint



“Superfly” Jimmy Snuka


Status: Face

Push: Upper Midcarder

Gimmick: Show Stealer



The Barbarian


Status: Heel

Push: Midcarder

Gimmick: Power and Paint



The Brooklyn Brawler


Status: Heel

Push: Opener

Gimmick: Old School Heel



“The Mighty” Hercules


Status: Face

Push: Midcarder

Gimmick: Strong Man



The Red Rooster


Status: Face

Push: Lower Midcarder

Gimmick: Old School Face



The Ultimate Warrior


Status: Face

Push: Main Eventer

Gimmick: Power and Paint



The Warlord


Status: Heel

Push: Midcarder

Gimmick: Power and Paint



Tito Santana


Status: Face

Push: Upper Midcarder

Gimmick: Old School Face



Tully Blanchard


Status: Heel

Push: Upper Midcarder

Gimmick: Old School Heel





Status: Heel

Push: Occasional Wrestler

Gimmick: Maniac





Bobby “The Brain” Heenan



Brother Love



“Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart



Miss Elizabeth



Mr Fuji



Sensational Sherri






The Genius








Gorilla Monsoon



Jesse “The Body” Ventura



Tony Schiavone



Vince McMahon



Sean Mooney



Mike McGurik



Mean Gene Okerlund



Howard Finkel






WWF Champion – Hulk Hogan




WWF Intercontinental Champion – The Ultimate Warrior




WWF Tag Team Champions – The Brainbusters

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The Results


(We are behind closed doors and can only hear Vince McMahon screaming and shouting about the dangers of drugs to the business and how it must never get out about them being drug users, and to get out of his office and next time they are caught it will be 25% off their wages and he doesn’t care where it goes but it wont go to them, the door opens and we can see a number of people storming out of the room without listening to McMahon.


These are the Ultimate Warrior, The Warlord, Rick Rude, Brutus Beefcake, Marty Jannetty and Hercules, The Warrior is the last to leave and slams the door and walks out of the arena)

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(We are in Vince McMahon’s office later in the day after his meeting with several superstars; he is on the telephone to an executive from the USA network)


Vince McMahon: You’re happy with the suggestions?


(The executive replies but we cannot hear what is being said)


Vince McMahon: We’ll have the commentators at ringside to give the show a more important feel and also cut out the discussion at the table with some WWF personalities.


(More is being said by the executive on the phone which we cannot make out or hear)


Vince McMahon: Yes we’ll tape it for you in the afternoon and you’ll have it by the time it needs to air, and as far as the live theme goes, the changes we’ve outlined have been put in place, things will get bigger and better I guarantee it


(The camera fades out as McMahon closes the door)

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Tonight on Prime Time will see a new format promised by the WWF as we will get the show direct from the arena and not have breaks to be sent back to a studio for analysis.


The Main Event on Prime Time is going to feature the former Intercontinental Champion Ravishing Rick Rude square off against The Might Hercules, can Rick Rude recover from his loss to the Ultimate Warrior and the IC title or will Hercules add to the misery of the Heenan Family?


Also on Prime Time we will see tag team action as The Twin Towers will face the Young Stallions in tag team action, also in tag team action we will see the former WWF Tag Team Champions Demolition wrestle.


After his win over the Red Rooster at Summerslam, Mr Perfect will be in action to continue his perfect record.


Plus a special report will announce the two team captains for the Survivor Series, we will find out who President Jack Tunney has named as the Team Captains for the Main Event at the Survivor Series


Join us on the USA Network for more WWF action and see the fall out from Summerslam and the long road to the Survivor Series begins.




Rick Rude vs Hercules

The Twin Towers vs Young Stallions

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Pre Show Results:


The Hart Foundation def Honky Tonk Man and Greg “The Hammer” Valentine

Haku def The Red Rooster




Gorilla Monsoon: Hello everyone and welcome to Prime Time Wrestling, I’m Gorilla Monsoon alongside Jesse “The Body” Ventura, and what a night at Summerslam 1989, the biggest news is that we have crowned a new WWF Intercontinental Champion and his name is the Ultimate Warrior.


The Body: It was a travesty Monsoon, Rowdy Roddy Piper caused the loss, he had no business at ringside, and Rowdy Piper cost Ravishing Rick Rude the Intercontinental Championship and tonight Hercules is going to pay the price tonight because Bobby “The Brain” has promised me that Rick Rude is going to be better than ever.


Gorilla Monsoon: If he wants to beat the Warrior Jesse, he is going to have to be. The tag team division is getting better and better, we’ll see two of the top tag teams in the WWF as the Twin Towers and Demolition will be here on Prime Time.


The Body: And the man with the perfect record is here Monsoon, Mr Perfect, Mr Perfect is one of the best athletes in the WWF, and Mr Perfect is unstoppable and I don’t think Koko B Ware is going to be able to stop him either.


Monsoon: The Birdman is on his way and what a match it’s going to be, lets head to the ring for WWF action.




Mr Perfect vs Koko B Ware


Mr Perfect controls the whole match; Koko gets some brief offence with a few dropkicks but Perfect nails Koko with a Perfect standing dropkick and also a neck snap. Koko is in a lot of trouble, halfway during the contest, The Genius walks down to the ring and cheers on Mr Perfect. Perfect picks up the victory with the Perfect Plex to continue with his perfect record.


Winner: Mr Perfect






(Mean Gene Okerlund is in the backstage interview area)


Mean Gene: Hello everyone, I’m Mean Gene Okerlund backstage here on Prime Time and tonight we’re going to look at what we have just seen as we heard from Mr Perfect last night is that his next target is Bret “Hitman” Hart but we have word that someone else is looking to end the Perfect Record


(Mr Perfect walks into the backstage area)


Mean Gene: Come on in Mr Perfect, we’ve got to talk about last night and you’re challenge to Bret Hart, you said last night that Bret Hart couldn’t match up with Mr Perfect but Mr Perfect someone listened to your comments and has challenged you..


Mr Perfect: Who? Who wants to face Mr Perfect?


Mean Gene: We have compiled a small video of the man in question


(A video plays of Superfly Jimmy Snuka)


Mr Perfect: A savage? Snuka? Snuka wants to face Mr Perfect


Mean Gene: One of the most savage men in the WWF, Superfly Jimmy Snuka wants to face Mr Perfect…


(Mr Perfect continues watching the video, the video shows Snuka splashing Don Muraco from the top of the Steel Cage, Perfect storms off the set and off screen before Mean Gene can ask any more questions)


Mean Gene: A worried Mr Perfect, will he face Superfly Snuka? Only time will tell folks, and now over to Sean Moody.






(Sean Mooney is backstage in the locker room area)


Sean: Thank you Gene, I’m here in the locker room of the WWF Tag Team Champions The Brain Busters but without manager Bobby “The Brain”. Brainbusters I have to ask, after your victory over the Hart Foundation at Summerslam, what’s next for the Brain Busters?


Arn Anderson: The Brain Busters are on top of the mountain and we’re going to stay there for an awfully long time, we’ve beaten everybody in the WWF, Hart Foundation, Demolition, Young Stallions and every other team that we’ve faced.


Sean: I must also ask about your attack on The Rockers earlier today, for those of you that don’t know what I’m referring to, earlier today the Rockers were conducting an interview for the WWF magazine when Bobby Heenan appeared out of nowhere and offered the Rockers a tag team championship match to which the Rockers accepted but then you two attacked the Rockers


Tully Blanchard: It just goes to show that the WWF tag team champions can do anything we want, we have the money, we have talent, and we have the brains and we have the belts


Sean: So when do the Rockers get their tag team title match?


(The Busters do not answer the question and leave their locker room)


Sean: Thank you Brain Busters






The Twin Towers w/ Slick vs The Young Stallions


The Stallions start this one trying to use all their speed but cannot seem to put down the massive Akeem, The Towers use their size advantage and ground Paul Roma, Bossman quickly pins Roma with the Bossman Slam and pick up the victory


Winners: The Twin Towers


(Bossman handcuffs Roma to the ring ropes and pounds way with brutal right hands and blows across Romas back. Akeem is stomping on Jim Powers; Dusty Rhodes runs to the ring with the Big Bossmans nightstick and chases the Bossman out of the ring. Akeem attacks Rhodes from behind, Slick handcuffs Rhodes to the ropes and the Bossman picks up his nightstick and strikes Rhodes in the ribs on numerous occasions with the nightstick. Rhodes is screaming in pain while Slick slaps Rhodes across the face, The Bossman continues striking Roma, Powers and Rhodes with the nightstick. WWF Officials once again run to ringside to break this up but Akeem throws them all out of the ring and allows the beating to continue until Ax and Smash run to the ring and trade blows with the Towers, Ax and Smash manage to force the Towers out of the ring with double clotheslines, The Towers leave the ringside area with Slick, the Bossman has his nightstick back and a huge smile on his face)






(Lord Alfred Hayes is sitting at a desk for WWF Report)


Hayes: Hello everyone and welcome to WWF Report, I’m Lord Alfred Hayes and what a time it is in the World Wrestling Federation, the WWF is getting bigger and better, after such a huge Summerslam we are now on the road for the Survivor Series and the rumours are running wild in the WWF as names and potential teams are being made for the Survivor Series but now we go to President Jack Tunney who will announce the name of the team captains for the Survivor Series Main Event.


(We cut to President Jack Tunney sitting in his office)




Jack Tunney: After careful consideration of the actions at Summerslam, I have decided to name the first two team captains for the Survivor Series in a match against each other. The first team will be called the King’s Court which will be captained by The Macho King Randy Savage and also decided that the first member of The Macho King’s team will be the Human Wrecking Machine Zeus and they will be facing a team called the Hulkamaniacs which of course will be captained by the WWF Champion Hulk Hogan.


(We fade back to the arena where Demolitions music is playing around the arena)






Demolition vs The Brooklyn Brawler and Barry Horowitz


A squash match with Demolition dominating from start to finish, the Brawler doesn’t even get the tag into the ring; Ax covers Horowitz for the 3 count after the Demolition Decapitation.


Winners: Demolition






(Mean Gene is backstage with The Million Dollar Man and Virgil)


Mean Gene: Ted Dibiase, an impressive victory at Summerslam over Jimmy Snuka but I can’t help but notice that you have bought a snake, which your bodyguard Virgil is carrying.


Ted Dibiase: That’s right little man, I have bought a snake, I do not fear snake, Jake the Snake Roberts has scared everyone because of his snake, and with my money I have bought the biggest snake I could find to take away the fear of Snakes. Jake the Snake Robert’s career is over and I bought this snake as a memory for all the nickel and dimmers out there, this is a tribute to me and for all you morons out there to remember that I am the man who put Jake Roberts out of professional wrestling.


(Dibiase laughs as we head back to the arena for the main event)






Ravishing Rick Rude w/ Bobby “The Brain” Heenan vs The Mighty Hercules


The match starts with Hercules chasing Bobby Heenan, as Heenan keeps calling Hercules “a slave” Rude attacks Hercules from behind as he chases Heenan around the ringside area. Rude dominates the match and is more aggressive than ever. Hercules gets very little offense in the match, Rude works on Hercules neck and one point taunts the Ultimate Warrior by shaking the ropes. Ravishing wins the match with the Rude Awakening.


Winner: Ravishing Rick Rude


(After the match Hercules is down and Rude continues to pound away on Hercules, The Ultimate Warrior runs to the ring and attacks Ravishing Rick Rude, Rude gets backdropped and clotheslined over the top rope, whilst Warrior is pumping up taking in the crowds cheers Andre the Giant comes from behind and chokes out the Ultimate Warrior, Rude attacks Warrior whilst Andre is choking down the Warrior, the crowd cheers again as Piper runs down to try and save the Warrior, Piper attacks Rude and has Rude in a sleeper until Andre saves Rude and attacks Piper, Andre chokes Piper down and Rude attacks Piper whilst Piper is helpless, The Warrior is still down on the canvas and Piper is fading fast, Andre finally releases the choke after WWF officials run down to the ring, Rude and Andre the Giant stand over the Ultimate Warrior and Piper who face down on the canvas as the show goes off the air)




Post Match Results


The Powers of Pain def The Bushwhackers

The Fabulous Rougeaus def Superfly Jimmy Snuka and Tito Santana




Feedback from the show:


Show Rating: 69

Highest Rated Segment: Rude and Giant beatdown on Piper and Warrior

Lowest Rated Segment: Superfly Jimmy Snuka Video

TV Rating on USA Network: 7.05

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The World Wrestling Federation has released for the following talent:



Brother Love



Tony Schiavone



The Fabulous Moolah



Chief Jay Strongbow



Sean Mooney



More releases are expected to be announced over the coming weeks


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This week on Wrestling Challenge will feature 30 minutes of non stop WWF action, the main event on challenge is going to feature the Model Rick Martel squaring off against Hacksaw Jim Duggan, will Duggan defeat the Model or will Martel and Manager Slick be able to pull off an impressive victory


Also on challenge we will have a special interview with WWF Champion as he will name his first partner for the Survivor Series in the match against Zeus and The Macho King. Who is Hogan going to choose to team with for the Survivor Series?


Also the Hart Foundation will be in tag team action as they face Rougeau Brothers in what should be a great tag team match, can the Foundation regain some momentum after their loss to the Brain Busters at Summerslam or will the Rougeaus continue on their winning streak after thie big win over the Rockers and Tito Santana at Summerslam?




Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs The Model Rick Martel

The Hart Foundation vs The Rougeaus

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Pre Show Results:


Mr Perfect def The Red Rooster

Macho King w/ Zeus def Hercules




Monsoon: Hello everyone and welcome to Challenge, I’m Gorilla Monsoon alongside Jesse the Body Ventura and we’re in for 30 minutes of non stop WWF action, today we’ll see the Hart Foundation face the Rougeaus and Hacksaw Jim Duggan battle The Model Rick Martel


The Body: It’s going to be fast and furious night and I cant wait for the tag team match and to see who the Champ Hogan picks to face Zeus and the Macho King at the Survivor Series,






The Hart Foundation vs The Fabulous Rougeaus


A very fast paced even tag team match, both teams match each other move for move, the finish comes when Ray makes the mistake of dropping his head and Bret small packages Ray for the 3 count of nowhere to pick up the victory for the Foundation


Winners: The Hart Foundation






(Lord Alfred Hayes is in the WWF report area)


Hayes: As you know the Survivor Series is less than 8 weeks away and already shaping up to be a huge night as we already know the main event it will be the Kings Court facing the Hulkamanics in a Survivor Series match up. We also know that each team at the Survivor Series will be comprised of 5 men and so far we have no completed teams but we do know that The Kings Court will have The Macho King and Zeus on one side and on the other side is the WWF Champion Hulk Hogan, and now we are going to find out who Hulk Hogan has picked to be his first team mate at the Survivor Series?


(We cut to Hulk Hogan standing in an interview area on his own)




Hulk Hogan: You know something Hulkamaniacs, I’ve been asked by all of my little Hulksters am I afraid of “The Human Wrecking Machine”, is the Hulkster afraid of the Macho King? Can Hulk Hogan chop down the giant Zeus? Where ever the Hulkster goes all I hear about is Zeus, can Hulk Hogan beat Zeus, Is Hulk Hogan afraid of Zeus? The 24 inch pythons fear no one and will stand on top of the mountain with the WWF Title . Hulk Hogan will look into Zeus’s eyes at the Survivor Series and slam the big monster and beat him 1-2-3 in the middle of the ring, with all my little Hulksters we’ll destroy the Kings Court, and I’ve got a man who stood by my side at Summerslam and will stand by my side at the Survivor Series, all the little Hulksters took this man into their hearts and at the Survivor Series Hulk Hogan will once again stand side by side with one of the biggest Hulkamaniacs…Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake


(Beefcake walks on screen with a Hulk Hogan T-Shirt on)


Hogan and Beefcake: Kings Court, what are you going to do when the Barber and The Hulkster run wild on you?


(After the promo finishes the camera fades out and back to Lord Alfred Hayes)


Hayes: Hulk Hogan and Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake are the first two men in the Hulkamaniacs, who else is going to join them and what other matches are going to be made for the Survivor Series, we’ll find out over the next few weeks, join us here on WWF Report and keep up to date with the latest news in the WWF, until next time I’m Lord Alfred Hayes.






(A camera appears in the backstage area, on screen we can see Andre the Giant once again choking The Ultimate Warrior)


Heenan: Choke Him, Choke Him Andre, Get Rude his title back, Rude is the champion not you Warrior, you stole Rudes belt Warrior and he’s going to get it back. Roddy Piper isn’t here to help you.


(Andre and Heenan leave the locker room as Warrior is down in the locker room with the IC title lying on the ground)






Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs “The Model” Rick Martel w/Slick


Duggan dominates the opening of the match with clotheslines and back drops; Martel slows the pace down with DDT. Martel works over Duggans back, halfway through the contest, Tito Santana walks down the ringside area and stands in Martels corner cheering for the Model, much to the confusing of Slick and The Model, this distraction allows Duggan to regain control of the match, Duggan goes for his three point clothesline but Santana trips Duggan while Slick is distracting the referee, Duggan turns to face Santana, Martel comes from behind and rolls Duggan up for the three count


Winner: “The Model” Rick Martel


(After the match Tito Santana walks backstage with a smile on his face and is applauding Martels victory, the show goes off the air with Martel and Slick in the ring confused about Tito’s actions)




Post Show Matches:


The Brain Busters def The Bushwhackers

Demoltion and The Powers of Pain went to a double DQ




Feedback from the show:


Show Rating: 52

Highest Rated Segment: Andre chokes the Warrior

Lowest Rated Segment: Demolition/Power of Pain Double DQ

TV Rating on USA Network: 0.38

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/primetimewrestling.jpg</span><p> </p><p>

This week on Prime Time we’ll see the WWF Intercontinental Champion The Ultimate Warrior in action as he will defend the championship against a member of Bobby Heenan’s family the extremely dangerous Haku. Will The Warrior be recovered in time to keep the title and beat Haku or will the IC Championship be on its way back to the Heenan Family? </p><p> </p><p>

The WWF Champion Hulk Hogan will be in tag team action as he teams with partner at the Survivor Series as Hogan teams with Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake to face the Powers of Pain with the devious Mr Fuji. Can Hogan and Beefcake beat the experience team of the Powers of Pain or will Mr Fuji have a plan to beat Hogan and Beefcake? </p><p> </p><p>

Also in action this week we will have Andre the Giant and Rowdy Roddy Piper in action</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Matches: </span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

WWF Intercontinental Championship</p><p>

The Ultimate Warrior (Champion) vs Haku w/ Bobby “The Brain” Heenan</p><p>

Hulk Hogan and Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake vs The Powers of Pain w/ Mr Fuji</p><p> </p><p>

Plus Andre the Giant and Rowdy Roddy Piper in action. </p><p> </p><p>


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<p>Nice start, I´m not particularly familiar with WWF from this time but heres my predictions anyway:).</p><p> </p><p>

WWF Intercontinental Championship</p><p>

<strong>The Ultimate Warrior (Champion)</strong> vs Haku w/ Bobby “The Brain” Heenan</p><p>

<strong>Hulk Hogan and Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake </strong>vs The Powers of Pain w/ Mr Fuji</p>

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<p>WWF Intercontinental Championship</p><p>

<strong>The Ultimate Warrior (Champion)</strong> vs Haku w/ Bobby “The Brain” Heenan</p><p>

<strong>Hulk Hogan and Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake</strong> vs The Powers of Pain w/ Mr Fuji</p>

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Pre Match Results


Million Dollar Man def Superfly

Tito Santana def Dino Bravo



http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/AndretheGiant.jpg vs http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/JimPowers.jpg


Andre the Giant w/ Bobby “The Brain” Heenan vs Jim Powers


Powers attacks as Andre walks into the ring, Andrew throws Powers away with one hand. A big right hand from Andre puts Powers down, Andre steps on Powers chest and walks straight across his chest and then sits down on Powers chest. Andre then drops a big elbow on Powers; Andre gets back up and once again sits on Powers chest for the easy three count much to the delight of Bobby Heenan


Winner: Andre the Giant


Bobby Heenan (Into the camera): We’re coming for you Ultimate Warrior






(Mean Gene is backstage with Jimmy Hart and Greg “The Hammer” Valentine)


Mean Gene: I’m here with the Mouth of the South Jimmy Hart and Greg “The Hammer” Valentine, and after Summerslam I understand you have some words for “Rugged” Ronnie Garvin


Jimmy Hart: Ronnie Garvin, after the stunt you pulled at Summerslam, I went to Jack Tunney’s office and begged to have you reinstated, “The Hammer” wants Garvin in the ring


Mean Gene: Reinstated? You want Garvin?


Valentine: (Snatches the mic) I want Garvin in the ring, so Rugged Ronnie can feel the hammer drop on his chest and put him out of professional wrestling for life. The WWF is not big enough for the two of us and when I get Garvin in the ring, it will be the last time you will see Ronnie Garvin without being in a wheelchair


Mean Gene: This is a shocker; Valentine wants Garvin reinstated so he can put him out of wrestling, and will Jack Tunney reinstate Garvin for Valentine? Only time will tell.




http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/RoddyPiper.jpg vs http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/TheBrooklynBrawler.jpg


Rowdy Roddy Piper vs The Brooklyn Brawler


Piper starts out like a madman with lefts and rights; Piper knee lifts the Brawler and then puts him to sleep with a sleeper to pick up the victory.


Winner: Rowdy Roddy Piper


(Bobby Heenan is walking in the aisle way and taunting Piper, Piper chases Heenan up the aisle way, Piper catches Heenan and drags him back to the locker room area. Heenan is begging for Piper to leave him go, out of nowhere Ravishing Rick Rude attacks Piper. Piper and Rude brawl backstage with neither man gaining an advantage, officials try and separate the two men from destroying each other)






(Ax and Smash are walking backstage; Slick appears on screen and stands up to Ax and Smash)


Slick: You boys can’t beat my Twin Towers…..you consider your self luck to still be in the WWF, when my twin towers get you boys in the ring, you’ll never be able to compete again or get the tag team titles.


(The Bossman and Akeem stand behind Slick and continue to stare down Ax and Smash, neither team will move or back down, The Towers walk past and watch Demolitions every move)




http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/HulkHogan.jpghttp://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/BrutusBeefcake.jpg vs http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/TheWarlord.jpghttp://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/TheBarbarian.jpg


WWF Champion Hulk Hogan and Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake vs The Powers of Pain w/ Mr Fuji


Hogan and Beefcake start the match in control with quick tags and some good team work for a team that has not tagged together often, Hogan and Beefcake keep the pace in their favour until halfway through the match Randy Savage and Zeus come down to ringside with Sensational Queen Sherri, The Warlord holds Beefcakes neck on the ring ropes, Savage and Zeus are pounding away on Hogan on the outside of the ring as Mr Fuji distracts the referee. Sherri has the sceptre in her hand smashes it over Beefcakes skull, The Barbarian then pins Beefcake for the easy win.


Winners: The Powers of Pain


(Savage, Zeus, Mr Fuji, The Warlord, The Barbarian and Sherri stomp on Hogan and Beefcake, Zeus concentrates solely on Hogan anybody who comes near Hogan, Zeus pushes them away, Randy Savage grabs a microphone)


Randy Savage: The Macho King is assembling a team for the Survivor Series and you are looking at the Kings Court, “The Human Wrecking Machine” Zeus, The Powers of Pain and The Macho King Randy Savage and Hogan you have no one and there’s nothing you can do to stop Zeus, Zeus is controlled by the Macho King, when you and Zeus go one on one Zeus will be the WWF Champion…..ooooohhh yeahhh.


(The King’s Court leaves Hogan and Beefcake in the ring as a number of WWF officials try to help Hogan and Beefcake backstage)






(Mean Gene Okerlund is in the Heenan Family’s locker room)


Mene Gene: Bobby Heenan, what is this all about? What does the Heenan family have against the Ultimate Warrior?


Bobby Heenan: Did you watch Summerslam? Did you see this great champion lose his belt because of Roddy Piper? Did you see Ravishing Rick Rude defend his title and the Ultimate Warrior cheat to win the belt, it was 2 against 1, so Warrior we are going to play by your rules, every where you go Warrior, this man will be.


(Heenan points to Andre)


Heenan: 7ft 5, 520 pounds, The 8th Wonder of the World, are you afraid? Scared? Alone? Listen Warrior when I say this, the Intercontinental Championship belt is coming back to the Heenan Family


Mean Gene: Who is going to get the belt Bobby?


Heenan: It could be Haku tonight, Andre Tomorrow? Rick Rude the next day, Arn Anderson the day after, Tully Blanchard next week? It doesn’t matter who, all that matters is that the IC title is coming home to the Heenan Family.


Mean Gene: What about the Ultimate Warrior?


Heenan: What about the Warrior? I’ve got the Ultimate Family and with Survivor Series in a few months time, I’m going to challenge the Ultimate Warrior to a 5 on 5 Survivor Series Showdown, My Family against you and any moron that you can get to team up with you at the Survivor Series. Look at my family Warrior, you’ve got the Ultimate Body in Ravishing Rick Rude, you’ve got the Ultimate Tag Team in the Brain Busters and you’ve got the Ultimate Giant standing right here Warrior, look at these men Warrior and you’ll see at the Survivor Series we’ll be the Ultimate Team and The Ultimate Family


Mean Gene: The Heenan family challenging the Ultimate Warrior for the Survivor Series in a 5 on 5 elimination match, what else is going when Haku faces the Ultimate Warrior for the Intercontinental Championship?




http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/UltimateWarrior.jpg vs http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/Haku.jpg


WWF Intercontinental Championship

The Ultimate Warrior (Champion) vs Haku w/ Bobby “The Brain” Heenan and Andre the Giant


Haku is accompanied to ringside by Andre the Giant, The Warrior runs to the ring and is immediately attacked by Andre in the aisle way before the match even starts. Andre throws The Warrior in the ring as the bell rings. Haku immediately picks up the Warrior and piledrives him for a near fall. Haku works on the Warriors neck. A number of times through the match Haku applies a chin lock on the Warrior to wear him down. Haku throws the Warrior into the ropes and goes for a clothesline but the Warrior ducks and hits a flying tackle from out of nowhere and then runs against the tope and big splashes Haku for the victory.


Winner and Still Intercontinental Champion: The Ultimate Warrior


(After the pinfall Andre gets into the ring and attacks the Warrior again, Warrior is exhausted and Andre whips Warrior into the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Warrior ducks and comes back off the ropes with a clothesline of his own which has no effect on the Giant at all. Warrior comes back off the ropes again with another clothesline which again has no effect; The Brain is looking worried on the outside of the ring, Warrior comes off with a third clothesline which this time causes Andre to take a step backwards, Warrior comes off the ropes for the fourth time and picks up some more speed off the ropes and catches Andre with another clothesline which knocks Andre into the ropes to the delight of the fans. Heenan screams for Andre to get out of there, Andre quickly leaves the ring as the show goes off the air with the Warrior swinging the IC Championship high in the air)




Post Show Results:


The Rougeaus and Rick Martel def The Bushwhackers and Koko B Ware




Feedback from the show:


Show Rating: 71

Highest Rated Segment: Heenan Family Challenge

Lowest Rated Segment: 6 Man Tag

TV Rating on USA Network: 7.03

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This week on Challenge features another 30 minutes of non stop action, the main event for this week will feature a huge 10 man tag team match as The Young Stallions will team up with Demolition and Tito Santana to face the team of The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers, The Twin Towers and The Model Rick Martel.


Also after what happened last week the WWF understands that Hacksaw Jim Duggan has been looking for Tito Santana for an explanation of his actions last week in costing Duggan the win over The Model. Hacksaw Jim Duggan is scheduled to be at the arena for Challenge.


Also the newest members of the Kings Court will be in action as the Powers of Pain will square off in tag team action against The Rockers. Can the Powers of Pain defeat the Rockers or will the Rockers stake their claim as the number one contenders for the Tag Team Championship?


Also after Prime Time, we will find out who will represent The Heenan Family at the Survivor Series and President Jack Tunney will be here to announce the Main Event for Saturday Night’s Main Event.




10 Man Tag Team Match


The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers, The Twin Towers and The Model Rick Martel vs The Young Stallions, Demolition and Tito Santana.


The Rockers vs The Powers of Pain

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  • 3 weeks later...



http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/ShawnMichaels.jpghttp://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/MartyJannetty.jpg vs http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/TheWarlord.jpghttp://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/TheBarbarian.jpg w/ http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/MrFuji.jpg


The Rockers vs The Powers of Pain w/ Mr Fuji


The Rockers starts the match using their speed and dropkicks the Powers of Pain out of the ring. The tide of the match changes when Fuji uses the cane and strikes Michaels across the back when Michaels runs against the ropes. The Powers of Pain pick up the clean victory when Warlord clotheslines Michaels from the top rope and The Barbarian throws Jannetty over the top rope to stop him interfering.


Winners: The Powers of Pain


(After the match is over The Powers of Pain continue to work over the The Rockers, The Brainbusters also appear out of nowhere and it becomes 4 on 2 until The Hart Foundation run to the ring and chase off the The Powers of Pain and the Brainbusters)






Mean Gene: I’m standing by with the only man in the WWF with the Perfect Record, Mr Perfect


Mr Perfect: That’s exactly right, the only man in the WWF with the Perfect Record, and the only man who is perfect. Now every body is asking what team is Mr Perfect going to be on in the Survivor Series and there is only one team that I can be on and that is the Perfect Team


Mean Gene: Now there is speculation that Mr Perfect is afraid of Jimmy Snuka


Mr Perfect: Mr Perfect is not afraid of anybody, Mr Perfect fears no one and Superfly Jimmy Snuka, I have the Perfect way of beating a savage, because no body beats Mr Perfect….nobody


(Perfect walks off the set)


Mean Gene: Thank you Mr Perfect but now its time to go to President Jack Tunney’s Office for an announcement about Saturday Night Main Event






(Jack Tunney is sitting in his office waiting to address the WWF fans)


Jack Tunney: There a number of things going on in the WWF. So I have decided that at the next Saturday Night’s Main Event, the WWF Champion Hulk Hogan will square off one on one with the number 1 contender for the WWF Championship “The Human Wrecking Machine” Zeus and this will be for the WWF Championship. As Sensational Sherri has a valid managers licence that it has been sanctioned by the WWF that she will be in the corner of Zeus at Saturday Night’s Main Event.


(We cut back to the arena to Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura)


The Body: Hogan and Zeus, we are going to have a new champion at Saturday Night’s Main Event


Monsoon: I have to agree Jesse, no one has been able to stop Zeus one on one.


The Body: Zeus is going to be the next champion; I can’t wait for Hogan to be destroyed by Zeus


Monsoon: Right now standing by is Bobby “The Brain” Heenan with an announcement about the Survivor Series





(Bobby Heenan is in a separate interview studio with the entire Heenan Family)


Heenan: Since I made the challenge last week everyone wants to know who the is going to represent the Heenan Family well humanoids the answer is simple, the Heenan Family will be represent by the best wrestlers in the WWF, just look at who I have. I have one of the most dangerous men in not just the WWF but the World, look at this man 280 pounds of brutal savageness, the man called Haku. Also in my family we have the best team in the WWF, the WWF Tag Team Champions The Brain Busters, think about it Warrior, this is a tag team competition and I’ve got the best tag team in the world, the WWF Tag Team Champions. Remember this is a team competition Warrior, a team competition and I have the best team in the WWF. You see this man Warrior, the man you stole the IC Championship from at Summerslam, you see this face Warrior, at Survivor Series you have to look into his eyes once more and realise you cant beat this man. Ravishing Rick Rude, the best Intercontinental Champion of all time, he faced and beat everybody including you Warrior at Wrestlemania 5. The Captain of the Heenan Family stands 7ft 5inches tall, 520lbs, a true giant, the Ultimate Giant. Andre the Giant, this man fears no one and fears nothing; can you say the same Warrior? Do you fear nothing? What do you fear Warrior? Look into the eyes of the family, look at my family Warrior, we have 5, who do you have Warrior?


(The camera fades back into the arena in time for the Main Event)










The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers, The Twin Towers and The Model Rick Martel vs The Young Stallions, Demolition and Tito Santana.


This is a fast and furious match with all 10 men getting involved in the match, notable highlights in the match include Tito Santana refusing to tag into the ring when Rick Martel is in the ring, Demolition and the Twin Towers are battling all the way to the backstage area halfway during the match leaving it 3 on 3 in the ring. Hacksaw Jim Duggan is in the aisle way watching the match, Martel slaps Tito when he is in the ring to which Tito just smiles, and Santana tags out to Paul Roma who out of nowhere rolls Raymond for the victory.


Winners: The Young Stallions, Demolition and Tito Santana.


(After the match Hacksaw Jim Duggan is still in aisle way, Santana walks up the aisle after celebrating the win, Duggan stands in front of Santana; Santana blanks Duggan and walks straight past him into the locker room area as the show goes off the air with the Stallions in the ring celebrating and Hacksaw Duggan in the aisle way looking confused)




Post Match Results:


Bret Hart def Dino Bravo




Feedback from the show:


Show Rating: 55

Highest Rated Segment: Heenan Family Segment

Lowest Rated Segment: Bret Hart vs Dino Bravo

TV Rating on USA Network: 0.42


Other notes:


Miss Elizabeth and Sensational Sherri are bonding backstage over a love of pigeons.

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The WWF is pleased to announce a number of returning faces to the WWF in a backstage role working with the superstars of the WWF


Road Agents:


Captain Lou Albano


Blackjack Mulligan


Jack Lanza


Sir Oliver Humpidink


Les Thatcher

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This week on Prime Time will see a huge tag team match as the Hart Foundation will square off with the Twin Towers, can the Hart Foundation be capable of pulling off a huge win over the Towers or will the Towers defeat one of the best tag teams in the WWF?


For the last 2 weeks Tito Santana has been acting strangely around the Model Rick Martel will be in action this week as he goes one on one with the Hammer Greg Valentine, will Ronnie Garvin turn up to answer Valentines statement or will the Model get involved?


Also in action this week will be the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase and the Macho King Randy Savage.




Tito Santana vs Greg “The Hammer” Valentine

The Hart Foundation vs The Twin Towers


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  • 2 weeks later...
<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/primetimewrestling.jpg</span><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Pre Match Results: </span></strong><p> </p><p> Haku def The Red Rooster</p></div></blockquote></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> -----------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/MachoKing.jpg</span>vs<span>http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/BarryHorowitz.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Macho King Randy Savage w/ Sensational Sherri and Zeus vs Barry Horowitz</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> Savage dominates from the start of the match; this is a true squash match as Horowitz gets in no offence at all. Savage picks up the easy win with the Elbow from the top rope. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Winner:</strong> Macho King Randy Savage</p><p> </p><p> <strong>(Savage goes back up to the top rope and drops another elbow on Horowitz, Zeus picks up Horowitz and throws him across the ring. Savage then picks up Horowitz and Zeus lifts Horowitz in the air by his throat. The crowd are chanting for Hogan, Hogan runs down to the ring and clotheslines Savage out of the ring and stands face to face with Zeus as referees run to the ring to separate the two men) </strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Monsoon: </strong>What’s going to happen at Saturday Night’s Main Event?</p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Body:</strong> Zeus will be the new champion that’s what’s going to happen Gorilla</p><p> </p><p> <strong>(Savage finally convinces Zeus to leave the ring, the fans boo as Savage, Sherri and Zeus leaves the ringside area)</strong></p><p> </p><p> -----------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/MillionDollarMan.jpg</span><span>http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/Virgil.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>(The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase’s music is heard throughout the arena and he walks out to the arena and Virgil is carrying a suitcase full of money and picks up a microphone.) </strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dibiase:</strong> Open the case Virgil</p><p> </p><p> <strong>(Virgil opens the case)</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dibiase:</strong> Can all of you morons see what this is? A Million Dollars, a Million Dollars for any man can beat “The Million Dollar Man”, I am the finest wrestling talent in the world and nobody can beat “The Million Dollar Man”. My Bodyguard will hold the case for any man who wants to challenge me, any man who thinks they can match my technical skills</p><p> </p><p> <strong>(Former WWF Champion Bob Backlund walks down the aisle to no music and stands in the ring in front of Dibiase) </strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dibiase:</strong> You? You think you can beat me? How old are you now? 50? 60? You can’t walk never mind wrestle, I want some real competition </p><p> </p><p> <strong>(Backlund strikes Dibiase with a right hand from out of nowhere as a referee runs to the ring) </strong></p><p> </p><p> -----------------------------------------</p><p> <span>http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/MillionDollarMan.jpg</span><span>http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/Virgil.jpg</span>vs<span>http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/bobbacklund2.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Million Dollar Challenge</strong></p><p><strong> “The Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiase vs Bob Backlund</strong></p><p> </p><p> Backlund starts the match quickly with a number of pin fall combinations and roll ups but cannot pin Dibiase, Virgil trips Backlund which allows Dibiase to work over Backlund, Dibiase goes to the second rope for a double axe handle but is caught with a right by Backlund, Virgil is on the apron distracting Backlund, Dibiase comes from behind and locks in the Million Dollar Dream for the submission victory.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Winner:</strong> “The Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiase</p><p> </p><p> Dibiase puts a $100 bill in the mouth of Backlund whilst he is lying on the canvas </p><p> -----------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/Zeus.jpg</span><span>http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/RedRooster.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>(The cameras are backstage in an empty corridor, a huge crash is heard and the Red Rooster is thrown through a door in the backstage area. Zeus stalks the Rooster who is lying on the ground trying to crawl away) </strong></p><p> </p><p> -----------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/TitoSantana.jpg</span><span>http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/GregValentine.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tito Santana vs Greg “The Hammer” Valentine w/ Jimmy Hart</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> This is a hard hitting match but a slow match with Valentine in control with his methodical pace, Valentine wears down Santana, whilst Valentine has Santana in a chin lock “The Model” Rick Martel walks down the aisle way and talks to Jimmy Hart. Valentine slams Tito and goes to the second rope and comes off with an elbow. Valentine drops another big elbow and covers Santana, Martel puts Santanas foot on the bottom rope to stop the pinfall, Valentine gets up and screams at Martel at ringside, Santana gets to his feet and comes off the ropes with a flying forearm for the pinfall victory</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Winner:</strong> Tito Santana</p><p> </p><p> Rick Martel walks backstage with a smile on his face having helped Santana pick up the victory, whilst Jimmy Hart and Greg Valentine look on in shock at Martels actions.</p><p> </p><p> -----------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/LordAlfredHayes.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>(We cut to the WWF Studios where Lord Alfred Hayes is sitting on a desk in front of lots of monitors full of WWF action) </strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Lord Alfred Hayes:</strong> Hello everyone and welcome to WWF update, I’m Lord Alfred Hayes, now for the last few weeks the tag team division has been one of the hottest divisions in the WWF but we have some huge news and that a big tag team match has been signed for Saturday Nights Main Event as The WWF Tag Team Champions The Brain Busters will face the team of Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty in a big tag team match. We caught up with the Heenan Family and they had this to say </p><p> </p><p> <strong>(We cut to pre recorded comments from the Heenan Family)</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Brain:</strong> Well humanoids or Rockers, its been made official, the best tag team in the WWF are facing you two punks at Saturday Night Main Event, I hope you two punks are ready for the beating of your young lives, remember my challenge Rockers, can you beat The Busters? No you cant and at SNME the world will see who the best tag team is!!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>(We cut back to Lord Alfred Hayes)</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Lord Alfred Hayes:</strong> The Brain also shocked everybody when he made this statement to the Ultimate Warrior</p><p> </p><p> <strong>(We cut back to the Heenan Family) </strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Brain:</strong> I’ll make this easy to understand for you Ultimate Warrior, The Intercontinental Championship, The Rematch, and Saturday Night Main Event. You and Ravishing Rick Rude face to face? </p><p> </p><p> <strong>(We cut back to Lord Alfed Hayes) </strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Lord Alfred Hayes:</strong> President Jack Tunney has made the decision which has angered “The Brain”, he has given The Ultimate Warrior 7 days to respond to the challenge, and Tunney has said that if the Warrior refuses then he will still keep his title as he has defended his title within the last 30 days, and now to a special video for Saturday Nights Main Event.</p><p> </p><p> -----------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/PaulRoma.jpg</span><span>http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/JimPowers.jpg</span><span>http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/JacquesRougeau.jpg</span><span>http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/RaymondRougeau.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>(We see a video hyping a match that will take place as Saturday Nights Main Evant as The Young Stallions will face the Rougeau Brothers) </strong></p><p> </p><p> -----------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/Akeem.jpg</span><span>http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/BigBossman.jpg</span>vs<span>http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/BretHart.jpg</span><span>http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh245/nick21985/TheAnvil.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Twin Towers vs The Hart Foundation</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> A basic tag team match with speed of “The Hitman” and the power of “The Twin Towers”, The Foundation pick up the win with a small package by Bret Hart on the Bossman. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Winners:</strong> The Hart Foundation</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Post Match Results: </span></strong><p> </p><p> Honky Tonk Man def Hercules</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> -----------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Feedback from the show: </strong><p> </p><p> <strong>Show Rating:</strong> 63</p><p> <strong>Highest Rated Segment:</strong> Heenan Interview</p><p> <strong>Lowest Rated Segment:</strong> Young Stallions and The Rougeaus</p><p> <strong>TV Rating on USA Network: </strong>6.81</p></div></blockquote>
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This week on Challenge sees another 30 minutes of non stop WWF action as this week’s main event sees another hard hitting match as Haku will face Hacksaw Jim Duggan, will Hacksaw pick up the win or will Haku beat the man from Glen Falls New York?


Also this week we will see The Honky Tonk Man battle the Birdman Koko B Ware, can Koko claim a victory? or will Koko be added to Honky’s list of hits?




Haku vs Hacksaw Jim Duggan

Honky Tonk Man vs Koko B Ware

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