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World Wrestling Federation 1989

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Honky Tonk Man vs Koko B Ware


Honky dominates the match, he works over Koko B Ware’s neck, and Honky picks up the win with the Shake Rattle and Roll.


Winner: Honky Tonk Man






(Mean Gene Okerlund is in the locker room with the Young Stallions)


Mean Gene: Hello everybody, Mean Gene Okerlund here in the locker room with one of the up and coming tag teams here in the WWF Jim Powers and Paul Roma there are the Young Stallions and they are heading to Saturday Nights Main Event to face the Fabulous Rougeau Brothers and I’ve got to ask you guys


(Bobby “The Brain” Heenan storms into the locker room)


The Brain: Wait a minute, wait a minute; I’ve got something to say,


Mean Gene: What do you want Bobby?


The Brain: I’m here with an offer, an offer for the young stallions,


Mean Gene: What offer? What are you talking about?


The Brain: Well if you shut up for a minute and listen, I’m here to offer you two men a chance of greatness, next week on Prime time, I’m offering you two a shot at the WWF Tag Team Championship, The Stallions vs The Brain Busters if you two guys can beat The Busters, think of it Stallions, The Young Stallions, new WWF Tag Team Champions. Just think about it


Mean Gene: What do you say Paul Roma?


Roma: We accept, we’ll see the Brain Busters in the ring and the WWF tag team championship belts will be ours


The Brain: Good Luck and I wish you the best of luck


(The Brain shakes hands with Roma and Powers and walks out of the locker room with a huge smile on his face)


The Brain: They don’t stand a chance






Mr Perfect vs Dean Simon


A great short match, Simon kept up with Mr Perfect for the whole match but Perfect picked up the win with the Perfect Plex.


Winner: Mr Perfect





(Bobby “The Brain” Heenan is in the backstage area on his own.)


Heenan: Well it seems that idiot President Jack Tunney has not cleaned his ears and now has given the Ultimate Loser the choice of facing Ravishing Rick Rude; you don’t have a choice Warrior, you will face Ravishing Rick Rude, you will face the Heenan Family at the Survivor Series and at Saturday Nights Main Event Ravishing Rick Rude will be the Intercontinental Champion and there is a giant reason why you’re going to lose the IC championship.






Haku vs Hacksaw Jim Duggan


Duggan has the crowd behind him but Haku starts off slow and gets caught with a back drop and clotheslines. Duggan misses a charge in the corner which allows Haku to take control, Haku slows the match down with a nerve hold, Duggan fights his way out but walks into a knee lift.


Winner: Haku


(Duggan chases Heenan around the ringside area and picks up the 2 x 4, Heenan rolls into the ring and Duggan chases and grabs Heenan in the corner. Haku comes from behind and kicks Duggan in the back of the head which knocks Duggan down to the canvas. The show goes off the air with Haku and Heenan standing tall in the ring over the fallen body of Hacksaw Jim Duggan)


Feedback from the show:


Show Rating: 72

Highest Rated Segment: Heenan Interview

Lowest Rated Segment: Young Stallions Interview

TV Rating on USA Network: 0.43

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The Honky Tonk Man has been very vocal about the direction of his character and also his lack of television time, Honky feels that he should be in the top of the card and that the WWF may not be the place where he wants to be unless the situation changes soon.


The Honky Tonk Man has demanded a meeting with WWF Management and creative team to find out what direction his character is going and when he is going to be involved in the bigger storylines in the WWF.


Several sources have claimed that Honky wants to main event Wrestlemania 6and also be the longest reigning WWF Champion of all time as well as the IC Champion

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The Honky Tonk Man has been very vocal about the direction of his character and also his lack of television time, Honky feels that he should be in the top of the card and that the WWF may not be the place where he wants to be unless the situation changes soon.


The Honky Tonk Man has demanded a meeting with WWF Management and creative team to find out what direction his character is going and when he is going to be involved in the bigger storylines in the WWF.


Several sources have claimed that Honky wants to main event Wrestlemania 6and also be the longest reigning WWF Champion of all time as well as the IC Champion


Honky is pushing his luck in my opinion. He is certainly not the King.

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WWF Owner Vince McMahon has recently been spotted travelling on business to Japan, a number of rumours have surfaced over the last few days over this trip as McMahon has been quoted to say that the trip is a holiday but others in the WWF are saying that it is a “private business trip”


Several sources have said "Vince wants to raise the profile of the WWF and wants world wide domination of the wrestling industry."


Others state that "Vince McMahon loves Japan and loves the culture and is taking some time out from WWF shows"


More on this story when it becomes avaliable

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There are a number of rumors flying about in the WWF at the moment but one fo the biggest is that Virgil wants to become a full time superstar.


Virgil has had a meeting with the WWF creative team and requested to WWF management that his role in the WWF be changed. He wants to step away from Ted Dibiase and wants to break out on his own and become a star on his own.


WWF officials have sent Virgil to a training school to learn the basics and polish up his wrestling knowledge

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After his meeting with the creative team, The Honky Tonk Man has formally requested in writing for his release from the World Wrestling Federation, The World Wrestling Federation have declined this request.


It is also rumoured that as part of his release The Honky Tonk Man asked to be paid for the duration for his contract which is believed to be another 2 years in length. The total sum is rumored to be in the region of $450,000.

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This week on Prime Time we’ll have a special interview with the Ultimate Warrior and he will respond to the challenge of Bobby “The Brain” Heenan. Will the Warrior accept the challenge of “The Brain” and face Ravishing Rick Rude at Saturday Night’s Main Event or will Warrior back out of the challenge and refuse to face Rude?


Also this week the Main Event of Saturday Night Main Event will be face to face in the middle of the ring, as the WWF Champion Hulk Hogan and “The Human Wrecking Machine” Zeus will go conduct a special interview. President Jack Tunney will also be there in person to ensure that there is no violence when these two men go face to face.


After last week on Challenge, The WWF Tag Team Championship will be on the line this week as the Brain Busters will once again defend the tag team championship as The Champions The Brain Busters will defend the titles against the Young Stallions. Can The Stallions pull of the biggest win of their careers? Or will the Busters once again retain the titles?


Mr Perfect will be putting up his perfect record on Prime Team as he goes one on one with “The Mighty” Hercules. Will Perfect keep his perfect record or will Hercules break the record?




WWF Tag Team Championship

The Brain Busters (Champions) vs The Young Stallions


The Rockers vs The Twin Towers


Mr Perfect vs “The Mighty” Hercules


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Pre Show Results:


The Bushwhackers def Barry Horowitz and the Brooklyn Brawler






(A camera appears in the backstage area in an empty corridor, the camera focuses on the locker room of “The Model” Rick Martel, all of a sudden the door opens and Tito Santana walks out of the locker room and walks down the corridor and out of the range of the camera. The camera goes into “The Model” Rick Martel’s locker room but finds the locker room completely empty apart from Strike Force T shirt left on a table as the camera fades out)






Mr Perfect w/ The Genius vs “The Mighty” Hercules


Hercules starts the match with Perfect flying around the arena after being thrown around the ring and over the top rope. Hercules goes for the full nelson on a few occasions but Perfect always goes to the ropes to get the move broken


Winner: Mr Perfect






(Koko B Ware is walking down to ringside and is in the ring ready to face Dwayne Gill, as Koko prepares to get ready for the match, Andre the Giant and Ravishing Rick Rude with Bobby “The Brain” Heenan walk down to the ring, Andre steps over the top rope, Dwayne Gill attacks the Giant with left and rights to no effect but Andre doesn’t feel a thing and with one right hand floors Gill. Rick Rude stands in the corner and watches the two men attack Andre Koko dropkicks Andre again to no effect. Andre grabs Koko and puts him in the corner and head butts him in the chest and shoulder tackles on the corner. Andre grabs Koko and butterfly suplexes him and then sits on Koko’s chest twice. The Brain screams for him to go for Gill, Gill slowly gets up and sees the Giant coming towards him and runs out of the arena. The Giant has a smile on his face and goes back to Koko B Ware and locks him in a huge bear hug, WWF Officials and medical staff run to the ring and try to remove Andre from the ring)


Bobby: This is what’s going to happen to you Ultimate Warrior, you can’t beat this man and you can’t beat Ravishing Rick Rude.


(Rick Rude grabs a microphone)


Ravishing Rick: What I’d like to have right now…….is for all you fat, out of shape, New York City, Sweat hogs, keep the nose down while I take my robe off and show all the ladies the next WWF Intercontinental Champion….hit the music


(Rude’s music hits and Rude the takes off his Robe to the boos of the capacity crowd, meanwhile Rowdy Roddy Piper runs down to the ring and Rude and Piper brawl all over the ringside area)






The Rockers vs The Twin Towers w/Slick


This is a rematch from Wrestlemania 5 and the Rockers use their speed and dominate the match with dropkicks and their quickness, The Twin Towers cannot keep up with the Rockers. Slick is at ringside and constantly trying to interfere until Demolition come to the ring and chase Slick out of the arena.


The Towers pick up the win after a Bossman Slam on Jannetty and a huge splash by Akeem keeps Marty down for the three count much to the delight of the Brainbusters who are watching from a monitor in the locker room.


Winners: The Twin Towers






(The Honky Tonk Man is in the interview area and is singing and dancing, Hacksaw Jim Duggan appears on screen with his 2 x 4 and chases the Honky Tonk Man off screen and around the backstage area whilst Jimmy Hart is screaming for Honky to run)






(The camera cuts to the WWF Studios where Lord Alfred Hayes is sitting on a desk)


Lord Alfred Hayes: Hello everyone and welcome to WWF Update, I’m Lord Alfred Hayes, many people are talking about the comments from Bobby Heenan made last week on WWF television, many people are saying that Heenan is right and that the Ultimate Warrior is afraid of Ravishing Rick Rude, also WWF fans are saying that if Warrior does accept the challenge then Ravishing Rick Rude will be the next intercontinental champion. WWF Cameras caught up with the Ultimate Warrior and here is what he had to say




The Ultimate Warrior: For everybody who’s seen the Ultimate Warrior……step into the ring in front of all the little warriors and face Ravishing Rick Rude this Saturday night…..the stars that shine above in the streets of parts unknown have guided The Ultimate Warrior to face Ravishing Rick Rude and at Saturday Night Main Event…..The Ultimate Warrior will have the Ultimate Victory


(Warrior pounds his chest as we go back to Lord Alfred Hayes back into the studio)


Lord Alfred Hayes: With those comments WWF President Jack Tunney has confirmed that the match has been signed for Saturday Nights Main Event, WWF Intercontinental Champion The Ultimate Warrior will face the former Intercontinental Champion Ravishing Rick Rude for the Intercontinental Championship. Also confirmed for Saturday Nights Main event will be the Brainbusters facing the Rockers in a tag team match also after what we have seen tonight Jack Tunney has announced that Tito Santana will go one on one with “The Model” Rick Martel, and the main event The WWF Championship is on the line as Champion Hulk Hogan goes one on one with a man that has never competed in singles competition in the WWF and a man who many people say is going to be the next WWF Champion “The Human Wrecking Machine” Zeus, also we are told that there will be a special Brother Love show and his guest is going to be the man who was a guest at Summerslam 1988 Hacksaw Jim Duggan. All this and more will take place this Saturday on Saturday Nights Main Event, join us and see all the happenings, for now I’m Lord Alfred Hayes and we are heading back to the arena for a WWF Tag Team Championship Match.








WWF Tag Team Championship

The Brain Busters (Champions) w/ Bobby “The Brain” Heenan vs The Young Stallions w/ The Rockers


The Brainbusters are very confident coming into this match and completely under estimate the Young Stallions. The Stallions strategy seems to be a quick pin fall from out of nowhere, Bobby Heenan is on the outside of the ring taunting the fans by claiming this is going to be easy for the Brain Busters. The Tide turns after Arn Anderson scoops up Roma with a huge spine buster and The Brainbusters pick up the win with a Spike Piledriver on Paul Roma much to the delight of Bobby “The Brain” Heenan.


Winners and Still WWF Tag Team Champions: The Brain Busters


(As soon as the bell rings The Rockers climbs the top rope and drop kick both Busters out of the ring, The Rockers pick up the tag team titles and hold them high above the heads. The Busters come back into the ring to reclaim the gold but are met by The Rockers both teams trade right and lefts, The Rockers drop the Tag Team titles, as soon as the gold hits the canvas, The Brain is in the ring and scoops up the gold and runs straight out of the ring and out of the arena leaving the Busters and The Rockers in the ring brawling, The Rockers clear the ring with a pair of dropkicks, The Busters retreat back to the locker room and leave the Rockers in the ring)






(President Jack Tunney is standing in the middle of the ring with Mean Gene Okerlund)


Mean Gene: Ladies and Gentleman, we are in the ring with the esteemed president of the WWF Jack Tunney tonight for the formal announcement of the main event for Saturday Night’s Main Event which is going to be held this Saturday Night. As you can see the President is already here so I want to take this time to introduce the challenger for the World Wrestling Federation Championship accompanied by “The Macho King” Randy Savage and Sensational Queen Sherri please welcome standing at 6ft 7 inches tall and weighing 350lbs and will for the first time step into the ring one on one. Please welcome “The Human Wrecking Machine” Zeus.


(Zeus walks down to the ring with Macho King, Sensational Sherri, Mr Fuji and The Powers of Pain)


Mean Gene: This was supposed to be a one on one confrontation between Champion Hulk Hogan and Zeus, why are the Kings Court here Macho King?


Macho King: The Kings Court can go anywhere that they like, and no one can stop us, look at this team, four of the greatest athletes in the WWF and tonight is the night that the whole world will see the final member of the Kings Court.


Mean Gene: He’s here?


Macho King: He’s here tonight and the whole world knows who he is, Jack Tunney knows who he is


(Tunney nods in agreement)


Mean Gene: Who is it Macho King? Why the big secret? What are you hiding?


(Jack Tunney takes the microphone)


Tunney: I have agreed with the Macho King and Zeus that we will announce the fifth member of the Kings Court tonight but we will do it when the Champion is in the ring. And I have fulfilled all the promises that I made to the Kings Court.


Mean Gene: What promises? What is going on here?


(“Real American” plays all around the arena as the “Hogan” chants echo around the arena, Hulk Hogan and Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake walk down the aisle and get into the ring and are immediately surrounded by the Kings Court. Zeus is staring a hole through Hulk Hogan and Hogan has not taken his eyes from Zeus)


Mean Gene: Hulk Hogan is here Macho King, what have you got to say to Hulk Hogan now?


(The Macho King Randy Savage takes the microphone from Mean Gene, Hogan and Zeus go nose to nose whilst the Powers of Pain watch Beefcake)


Macho King: For the last few months you have been running from “The Human Wrecking Machine”, I see the fear in Hulk Hogan’s eyes and at Saturday Nights Main Event there will be a new WWF Champion and his name is Zeus and its all bought and paid for Hogan.


(Money, Money, Money plays over the speakers as “The Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiase walks out to the arena and into the ring and steps into the ring and takes the microphone)


Ted Dibiase: That’s right; all bought and paid for by “The Million Dollar Man” The fifth member of the Kings Court, and at Saturday Nights Main Event I have purchased a managers license for the Kings Court, so remember this Hogan at Saturday Nights Main Event, you’re going to be on your own and all the Kings Court will surround the ring, look at them Hogan, The most destructive team in the WWF The Powers of Pain, the mastermind Mr Fuji, The Beautiful Sensational Queen Sherri, The Macho King Randy Savage and the Million Dollar Man all watching “The Human Wrecking Machine” destroy Hulkamania and Hulk Hogan, who have you got Hogan? Beefcake? What good is a barber Hogan?


(Ted Dibiase stands between Zeus and Hogan to separate them and stands in front of Hogan)


Dibiase: You see Hogan, with the class of the Kings Court and the wrestling talent of this team. You won’t be the WWF Champion at Survivor Series after Zeus destroys you this Saturday Night. And the Kings Court will be at ringside to watch your destruction! And no body is going to help you Hogan, no body in your corner Hogan, and Jack Tunney has been bought and paid for Hogan so Tunney can’t protect you


(Dibiase puts a handful of cash into Jack Tunney’s pocket; Tunney walks out of the ring with the money in his pocket)


Dibiase: Everyone has a price Hogan, even you, even all these idiots in the crowd have their price, and everyone on the Kings Court had their price but what price do you have Hogan? At Survivor Series the whole world will find out the price of Hulkamania.


(The King’s Court surrounds Hogan and Beefcake, The Powers of Pain attack Hogan and Beefcake, The King’s Court all attack, Hogan is tied up in the ropes, and Savage slaps Hogan across the face. The Powers of Pain are dominating Beefcake. Mr Fuji smashes a cane across Beefcakes back putting down to the canvas and out cold; Dibiase still has a microphone in his hand)


Dibiase: Look at him; On Saturday this is going to be you Hogan! Beaten, helpless, no one to help you Hogan, where are your Hulkamaniacs? Who’s going to help you Hogan? No one! No one wants to face this team, no one wants to face Zeus, look into the eyes of Zeus and see the next WWF Champion!


(The Powers of Pain are holding back Zeus from attacking Hogan, all of a sudden the music of The Hart Foundation run down to the ring with chairs and clear the ring of the Kings Court, Zeus says in the ring, Bret Hart swings the chair and nails Zeus with no effect, The Anvil runs in and tries to tackle Zeus but gets knocked down with a huge boot to the face, The Hart Foundation double team Zeus with right hands but get thrown away by Zeus. Dibiase comes from behind and hooks Bret Hart, Savage goes for a right hand on Hart but Bret ducks and Savage nails Dibiase by mistake, Bret lifts Savage up for atomic drop and clotheslines Savage. The Anvil unties Hogan and throws chairs into the ring to Bret and Hogan, Hogan and The Hart foundation clear the ring as Zeus also backs out of the ring, Hogan rips off the shirts of the Hart Foundations shirts to reveal Hulkamaniacs shirts underneath to the delight of the crowd as the show goes off the air with The Hulkamaniacs standing tall in the ring)




Feedback from the show:


Show Rating: 65

Highest Rated Segment: Hart Foundation joining the Hulkamaniacs

Lowest Rated Segment: Mr Perfect vs Hercules

TV Rating on USA Network: 6.64


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This week on Challenge sees another 30 minutes of non stop WWF action as this week’s main event will see former WWF Tag Team Champions Demoltion take on the two biggest members of the Kings Court, The Warlord and The Barbarian, The Powers of Pain.


Also on challenge we will see the latest Million Dollar Challenge as Ted Dibiase puts on the line a Million Dollars of his own money against any man that can pin his shoulders to the mat or make him submit. This week’s challenger is going to be the former Intercontinental Champion Tito Santana, can Santana win the million dollars or will Dibiase keep his money?




Demolition vs The Powers of Pain

“Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiase vs Tito Santana

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Pre Match Results:


The Honky Tonk Man wins a 10 man battle royal






(Slick is backstage is talking to “The Model” Rick Martel)


Slick: Are you sure about this?


The Model: Think about it……a million dollars


Slick: is there something I should know Rick?


The Model: A Million Dollars cash, you help tonight and you get $500,000 in your hands in less than an hour’s time


Slick: $500,000? I thought you said a million?


The Model: $500,000 each Slick, a million dollars….think it over


(The Model walks away into his locker room leaving Slick on his own in the backstage area)






Demolition vs The Powers of Pain w/Mr Fuji


A very basic tag team match, both teams work over each other with double teaming, the tide turns many times but The Powers of Pain pick up a win over the former champions thanks to a shot from Mr Fuji with the cane as the cane is smashed over Ax’s head knocking him out cold.


Winners: The Powers of Pain






(The Hulkamaniacs are in the interview area)


Hulk Hogan: You know something Hulkamaniacs, all my little Hulksters were worried when the Kings Court got in our faces but thanks to the Hart Foundation, we have our backs covered.


(The Hart Foundation laughs)


Bret Hart: The Powers of Pain thought it would be funny to attack anyone and everybody but the Hart Foundation are in the Survivor Series and have the back of Hulk Hogan


The Anvil: Powers of Pain, Macho King, Dibiase, Zeus (Anvil laughs ands pulls on his beard) I hope your ready for the Hart Attack that you’re about to receive and Kings Court at the Survivor Series we’ll be selling pacemakers by the truckloads (Anvil once again laughs)


Hogan: That’s right Anvil, but first its this Saturday and SNME, Zeus, you and me go face to face one on one and Kings Court, we’re going to have a very special surprise for you this Saturday night, so Zeus and the Kings Court what are you going to do when the Hulkamaniacs and Hulkamania run wild on you!!!







(A video recapping the entire Hulkamaniacs and Kings Court feud is played showing all the members of the Survivor Series teams and also a video hyping the main matches of SNME)






Million Dollar Challenge

“The Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiase vs Tito Santana


Dibiase enters the ring with the briefcase and sits it in the corner, halfway through the match Slick walks down to the arena and stands in a neutral corner. Slick grabs Dibiases foot as Dibiase bounces against the ropes, Dibiase looks shocked at Slick, Dibiase turns around and walks into a flying forearm. Dibiase is down and looks to be out cold, Santana covers Dibiase but Slick puts Dibiases foot onto the rope which breaks up the pin fall. Santana gets up and screams at Slick “I thought we had a deal” Dibiase comes up from behind and locks in the Million Dollar Dream for the submission victory.


Winner: “The Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiase


(The show goes off the air with Slick helping Tito Santana to the backstage area whilst Rick Martel is watching from his locker room, the camera focuses on a poster in the locker room with a picture of Martel and Santana posing together as “Strike Force”)




Feedback from the show:


Show Rating: 70

Highest Rated Segment: Hulkamaniacs Interview

Lowest Rated Segment: Powers of Pain vs Demolition

TV Rating on USA Network: 0.43


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There is trouble in the WWF Locker room as Bad News Brown is thought to be trying to play a political game by telling WWF executives that certain WWF superstars are not as talented as he is and that he should be in their spot.


Several WWF superstars are said to be gunning for him and looking to pick fault with Bad News next time he steps into the ring, Bad News has not been on WWF TV for a while due to injury.


More news to follow

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In an update about the Honky Tonk Man, it has been revealed by the Honky Tonk Man that he has given the WWF until after the Survivor Series for his situation to be improved.


It has also been rumoured that Honky Tonk has been to see a legal team about being released from his contract, WWF management are said to be looking and monitoring the situation and hope both sides can come to a mutual agreement.


WWF management were quoted as saying “The Honky Tonk Man is a valued WWF superstar and we will continue to work together in the future.”

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Saturday Night’s Main Event is finally upon us and all the World Wrestling Federation Fans have been waiting for the main event, the WWF Championship is on the line as WWF Champion Hulk Hogan defends the title against “The Human Wrecking Machine” Zeus. Don’t forget that in the corner of Zeus will be the entire King’s Court, so Zeus will have 6 people in his corner and the WWF Champion has no one thanks to President Jack Tunney. Will Hogan be able to hold onto his WWF Championship or will he lose it to a man who has never competed in singles competition here in the WWF?


In a rematch from Summerslam, the Intercontinental Championship is on the line as Champion The Ultimate Warrior faces the man who he took the title from “Ravishing” Rick Rude who will have Bobby “The Brain” Heenan in his corner, over the last few weeks The Heenan Family set the challenge but now can they take the gold from the Warrior?


It’s a big night for “The Brain” as his tag team championships are also on the line as the Brainbusters face “The Tag Team Specialists” The Rockers in a match set up by “The Brain” a few weeks ago, many people are wondering what Bobby’s up to as he is risking losing the gold at SNME, will Bobby’s plan backfire? Or will Bobby show everyone why he is called “The Brain?”




WWF Championship

Hulk Hogan (Champion) vs Zeus w/ Sensational Sherri, “Macho King” Randy Savage, The Powers of Pain, Mr Fuji and “The Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiase.


WWF Intercontinental Championship

The Ultimate Warrior (Champion) vs Ravishing Rick Rude w/Bobby “The Brain” Heenan


WWF Tag Team Championship

The Brainbusters (Champions) w/Bobby “The Brain” Heenan vs The Rockers


Million Dollar Challenge

“The Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiase vs Rowdy Roddy Piper


The Young Stallions vs The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers w/ “Mouth of The South” Jimmy Hart


Mr Perfect w/ The Genius vs “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka


Tito Santana vs “The Model” Rick Martel w/ Slick

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Hulk Hogan (Champion) vs Zeus w/ Sensational Sherri, “Macho King” Randy Savage, The Powers of Pain, Mr Fuji and “The Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiase.


WWF Intercontinental Championship

The Ultimate Warrior (Champion) vs Ravishing Rick Rude w/Bobby “The Brain” Heenan


As much as I would love to see Rick Rude win here, I know it will not happen.


WWF Tag Team Championship

The Brainbusters (Champions) w/Bobby “The Brain” Heenan vs The Rockers


Well seeing how Arn Anderson was always one of my personal favorites and I hate Shaw Michaels this pick was easy.


Million Dollar Challenge

“The Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiase vs Rowdy Roddy Piper


The Young Stallions vs The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers w/ “Mouth of The South” Jimmy Hart


Mr Perfect w/ The Genius vs “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka


Tito Santana vs “The Model” Rick Martel w/ Slick

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WWF Championship

Hulk Hogan (Champion) vs Zeus w/ Sensational Sherri, “Macho King” Randy Savage, The Powers of Pain, Mr Fuji and “The Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiase.

I don´t have much idea about this particular era but what I have heart about Zeus was that he was terrible in ring so he isn´t getting the title.


WWF Intercontinental Championship

The Ultimate Warrior (Champion) vs Ravishing Rick Rude w/Bobby “The Brain” Heenan

I usually go with champ when I doubt and thats the case here


WWF Tag Team Championship

The Brainbusters (Champions) w/Bobby “The Brain” Heenan vs The Rockers

It´s hard for me not to go with Shawn knowing how bog he comes in WWE but I believe that Brainbusters will retain for now


Million Dollar Challenge

“The Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiase vs Rowdy Roddy Piper

I presume this challenge isn´t one shot thing and that Dibiase would have more of these in the future, in witch case he should win the first one


The Young Stallions vs The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers w/ “Mouth of The South” Jimmy Hart

Not much fate on Young Stallions


Mr Perfect w/ The Genius vs “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka

No idea here


Tito Santana vs “The Model” Rick Martel w/ Slick

Another guess here

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Live from the Boston Garden

Attendance: 27,597



Announce Team: Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse “The Body” Ventura


Pre Show Results:


Haku def Koko B Ware


Rating: 70




Gorilla: Hello everyone and welcome to Saturday Night’s Main Event, I’m Gorilla Monsoon alongside Jesse “The Body” Ventura.


The Body: And tonight’s the night Gorilla where history is made as we are going to crown two new champions.


Gorilla: Two new champions?


The Body: That’s right Gorilla, Ravishing Rick Rude is going to win back the Intercontinental Championship from the Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan is finally going to lose the World Wrestling Federation Championship to “The Human Wrecking Machine” Zeus.


Gorilla: You don’t think Hogan has a chance?


The Body: Not a chance Monsoon, that’s why I have this big Z on the side of my head Monsoon and also my Zeus belt, all the Hulkamaniacs will be buying these when Zeus beats Hogan tonight.


Gorilla: Give me a break Jesse, but right now let’s go to a special video packaging highlighting what’s been going on between “The Model” Rick Martel and Tito Santana.


Rating: 85






(A video package plays)


Narrator: Once a tag team


(Images and videos of Strike Force performing double team moves on different opponents)


Narrator: Former tag team champions


(Images of Strike Force winning the Tag Team Championship from the Hart Foundation)


Narrator: They were fighting champions, champions to be proud of until they lost the gold.


(Video of them losing the tag team championship at Wrestlemania 4 to Demolition)


Narrator: They went their separate ways but soon found them selves back together at Wrestlemania 5, and went all out to reclaim the gold once again


(Video of the Wrestlemania 5 tag team match with the Brainbusters)


Narrator: Their first match back as a team and disaster strikes


(Video of Tito accidently catching Martel with the flying forearm)


Narrator: One mistake was all it took for “The Model” to reveal his true colours


(Video of “The Model” in the ring and various promos he has made since becoming “The Model”)


Narrator: A new attitude and a new manager


(Videos of Martel’s association with Slick are played)


Narrator: But then…..


(Video of the recent actions of Martel and Santana playing games with each other)


Narrator: The mind games began


(Video of Slick helping Santana against Dibiase)


Narrator: Is this a game……


(The video finishes with an image of Strike Force as champions with the words written on the screen “or will there be a reunion and Strike Force team up once more”)


Rating: 75






Tito Santana vs “The Model” Rick Martel w/Slick


Both men walk to the ring and both men have Strike Force T-Shirts, Slick also has a Strike Force T-Shirt on. Both men take off their shirts and shakes hands to start the match, Slick also shakes hands with Tito, Martel and Santana lock up and Martel arm drags Santana, Santana gets up and claps Martel. Martel showboats to the crowd, they lock up once more and this time Santana arm drags Martel. Martel applauds Tito’s arm drag and gets back up.


Slick jumps up on the apron and whispers in Martel’s ear, Tito tries to catch Martel off guard with a flying forearm but Martel ducks and Santana comes crashing down onto the canvas, Slick is a happy man on the outside of the ring. Martel works over Tito’s back, Martel suplexes and drops knees on the back of his opponent. Martel whips Tito into the ropes and back drops Tito high in the air and covers for a near fall. Martel signals for the Boston Crab but Tito manages to counter before it can be applied.


Martel then whips Tito into the ropes again and drops his head but is met with a foot and a clothesline, Tito quickly tries to go for the figure four but Martel breaks out of it by pulling the hair, Slick is up on the apron distracting the referee. Santana drop kicks “The Doctor of Style” and Slick falls off the apron, Martel tries to attack from behind but Santana sees him and turns around and meets him with a right hand, Martel swings a right hand Santana ducks and atomic drops Martel. Santana dropkicks Martel, Martel gets to his feet and this time Tito nails with the flying forearm and covers but Slick puts Martel’s foot on the bottom rope breaking up the pin fall.


Tito gets up and screams at Slick “what the hell are you doing? I thought we had a deal” Martel comes from behind and back suplexes Santana and quickly locks in the Boston Crab, Santana refuses to quit and edges closer to the ropes, Santana reaches out and tries to grab the ropes but cannot make that final stretch to get to the ropes, Slick pushes the bottom rope to Santana; Santana manages to grab the rope and the referee forces Martel to break the hold. Tito slowly gets up, Martel picks up Santana and goes to slam Santana but Santana manages to reverse it into an inside cradle for a near fall. Santana whips Martel in the corner and Santana charges in but Martel moves out of the way and rolls up Tito and grabs the top rope for the pin fall victory.


Winner: “The Model” Rick Martel


After the match Martel and Santana shake hands, Tito walks backstage as Martel and Slick celebrate their victory in the middle of the ring


Rating: 77






(Mean Gene Okerlund is in the backstage area with Mr Perfect and The Genius)


Mean Gene: Mean Gene Okerlund here, backstage at Saturday Night’s Main Event ready for the up and coming match up between “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka and this man, the only man in the World Wrestling Federation who holds a perfect record along with his manager the Genius, he is the one and only Mr Perfect, Mr Perfect there has been talk that you didn’t want to face the Superfly and that you are afraid of Jimmy Snuka, is that true Mr Perfect?


Mr Perfect: Mr Perfect is afraid of no one in the WWF, I’ve heard what everybody has to say, every body says that I’m afraid of a savage, I’m afraid of no one, Mr Perfect fears no one, it should be you Superfly that fears me, when we step into the ring I will show you and every body in the WWF who I am and I say what I say I am and I say that I’m absolutely perfect….remember this Snuka, no body beats Mr Perfect…nobody.


(Mr Perfect and The Genius head to the ring)


Rating: 56





Mr Perfect w/The Genius vs “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka


Perfect starts the match immediately attacking Snuka as soon as he gets into the ring, Perfect pounds away on Snuka and whips him into the ropes but Snuka reverses and leap frogs Perfect and goes to chop Perfect but Perfect puts on the breaks and rolls out of the ring and onto the arena floor to regroup.


The Genius has a plan written on his scroll, the camera quickly gets a shot of it, it reads “To beat Snuka, Mr Perfect has to think like a savage, act like a savage, then be a savage, and if all else fails just be Perfect.” Mr Perfect goes back into the ring backs Snuka into the corner and chops Snuka across the chest, Perfect whips Snuka into the corner and follows in with another chop. Perfect goes for a third time for a whip but Snuka reverses it and whips Perfect into the corner and follows through with a beautiful reverse knife edge on the chest of Perfect.


Snuka head butts Perfect down to the mat, Snuka goes to the second rope and head butts Perfect and covers for a near fall. Snuka is in complete control and slams Perfect in the centre of the ring and heads upstairs to the top rope, Snuka signals for the Superfly Splash but the Genius pushes Superfly off the top rope behind the referees back, Perfect and Snuka get up the same time but Perfect quickly hooks Snuka in the Perfect Pex for the three count.


Winner: Mr Perfect


(Mr Perfect celebrates with the Genius; Snuka gets up and double noggin knockers the two men together which sends Perfect out of the ring and the Genius down to the mat. Snuka picks up The Genius and backbreakers him; Snuka goes to the top rope and dives off with the Superfly on a helpless Genius to the delight of the crowd. Mr Perfect rolls into the ring and pulls the flattened Genius out the ring and celebrates his win dragging the Genius to the backstage area)


Rating: 69






(The camera cuts to the set of the Brother Love Show; Brother Love makes an appearance on the set)


Brother Love: I…..Love….youuuuuu, and welcome to the Brother Love Show, I told the WWF executives that they could not last without Brother Love…..my guest this week is a man who shows love….a man who loves all of you……a man who loves the red…..the white….and the blue, my guest is a man who loves carrying a 2 x 4….my guest is none other than Brother Hacksaw Jim Duggan.


(Hacksaw walks into the set with his flag and 2 x 4)


Brother Love: Now Brother Hacksaw….welcome to the Brother Love shows, now as my special guest, I have a few questions for you.


(Duggan walks around the ring as the crowd chant “USA”)


Brother Love: I have to ask is this; you threatened The Honky Tonk Man last week. What did The Honky Tonk Man do to you? Why did you run after the Honky Tonk Man? Answer me that?


(Brother Love starts to poke Duggan on the chest)


Brother Love: Why? Answer me Brother Hacksaw?


(Brother Love pulls the microphone away before Duggan can answer)


Brother Love: I’ll tell you, you’re afraid of the Honky Tonk Man, you’re afraid of the genius of Jimmy Hart and the men that he manages but why Brother Hacksaw?


(Brother Loves puts the mic in front of Hacksaw’s face to answer but pulls it away once more before Duggan can answer)


Brother Love: I can answer that for you Brother Hacksaw, you’re jealous of the Honky Tonk Man because he can sing, he can dance and he’s the best Intercontinental Champion of all time…a title that you have never held Brother Hacksaw


(Brother Love once again pokes Duggan in the chest but this time Duggan grabs Brother Love, Brother Love tries to flee the ring but cant break Duggans grip, The Honky Tonk Man’s music plays as Honky Tonk walks out to the ring with Jimmy “Mouth of the South” Hart, Dino Bravo, Greg “The Hammer” Valetine and The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers. All of Jimmy Hart’s men walk into the ring and circle Duggan)


Brother Love: Welcome Brother Hart, Brother Honky Tonk, Brother Dino, Brother Rougeaus and Brother Valentine. Now as you have heard that Brother Duggan here is refusing to answer my questions


Honky Tonk: I’ve listened to you Brother Love and seen that Duggan the coward won’t tell you why he chased an innocent man, so I’ve come out here in front of all my fans to ask Hacksaw Jim Duggan what his problem is with the Honky Tonk Man.


Jimmy Hart: I tell you what his problem is, he needs a manager Brother Love, he needs guidance, he wants to be on the same side as the Honky Tonk Man and Jimmy Hart, so I’ve come out here tonight to ask Hacksaw Jim Duggan to join us and join my team of winners.


Brother Love: Brother Hacksaw can forget his love of the USA and have the support of the “Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart and all his competitors, you’ll never be alone again Hacksaw, look at all these fans out here cheering for the Honky Tonk Man.


(The fans in the arena are booing)


Brother Love: Are you going to accept his offer Hacksaw?


(Hacksaw takes the microphone and is about to speak when Jimmy Hart jumps on Hacksaw and hugs him and looks delighted)


Brother Love: There you have it ladies and gentleman, the newest member of Jimmy Hart’s team Hacksaw Jim Duggan.


(Hacksaw holds Jimmy Hart and drops him down to the mat and Greg Valentine charges Duggan but runs into a big clothesline from Duggan, Duggan back drops Dino Bravo, as Duggan turns around he is met by the guitar of the Honky Tonk Man coming down on the head of Hacksaw. The guitar is smashed to pieces and The Honky Tonk Man and all his team are celebrating in the ring as the Honky Tonk Man begins to sing in the arena)


Rating: 60






(The camera cuts to the backstage area but we can still hear The Honky Tonk Man in the ring singing, the camera catches “The Mighty Hercules running from the locker room area, the camera follows Hercules and he runs down to the ring with his chain and clears the ring with his chain, Honky and his partners leave the arena while Hercules keeps swinging his chain)


Rating: 66




(As Hacksaw is helped from the arena, a video is played of fans cheering and also a number of banners and streamers flying around the air. The Video also contains hundreds of fireworks and explosions, the video fades in different colours)


Narrator: Every man has two sides

Some say that every man has two faces

Some even have two personalities

But now the WWF has a new face, a new sensation, a new personality and a new superstar,

Two superstars, two names but only one man


(The video fades out in black and white with the words “Coming Soon to the World Wrestling Federation”)


Rating: 60






(The camera cuts to the backstage area and we are in the interview centre for Saturday Night’s Main Event, Gene Okerlund is standing in the interview area with “The Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiase)


Mean Gene: Mean Gene Okerlund standing by and we are all concerned for the condition of Hacksaw Jim Duggan but with me right now “The Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiase, now Mr Dibiase you have a big match tonight, it’s all on the line for you this evening as you put a million dollars on the line against Rowdy Roddy Piper.


Ted Dibiase: Concerned for Duggan? I’ve got no concern for a moron and an idiot, its about time somebody knocked some sense into him but you’re right tonight I’m facing a man in a dress for a million dollars, a million of my dollars little man, a million of my dollars, this means more to me than anything and anyone in the WWF.


Mean Gene: I’ve gotta ask you Ted Dibiase, what has happened to Virgil? Where is Virgil tonight?


Ted Dibiase: My bodyguard is here little man but my bodyguard is doing the work of “The Million Dollar Man” and my body guard is training to my standards and the million dollar standards of me, but that’s not why I’m out here, I’m out here to show all these little people out there in the audience of what I did to Jake “The Snake” Roberts, everybody seen the footage, the footage of Jake Roberts being put out of wrestling and Rowdy Roddy Piper, tonight it’s your turn so you can lie in the hospital bed next to Roberts


(Dibiase laughs and leaves the Interview area)


Rating: 88






Million Dollar Challenge

“The Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiase vs Rowdy Roddy Piper


The match starts with a lot of rights and lefts from Piper knocking Dibiase down to the mat, Dibiase charges in and gets caught with another huge right hand, Dibiase regroups on the arena floor. Dibiase gets back in and is immediately atomic dropped back to the outside of the ring but this time Piper follows him to the floor and clotheslines Dibiase on the floor, Piper throws Dibiase in the ring but Dibiase catches Piper with a boot as he is sliding back into the ring to gain control, Dibiase drops knees into Pipers back and locks in a sleeper hold. Piper manages to get out of a sleeper but both men catch each other with a double clothesline both men are down and slowly getting to their feet.


Dibiase grabs Pipers tights and pulls him so he goes out of the ring, Dibiase then distracts the referee, Piper is groggy on the floor, Ravishing Rick Rude appears out of nowhere whilst Piper is on the arena floor and runs Piper into the steel ring post, Rude then grabs Piper and applies the Rude Awakening on Rowdy; Piper is down on the floor as the referee counts to 10 giving Dibiase the victory by count out.


Winner by count out: “The Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiase


(Ravishing Rick Rude walks back to the ringside area with Bobby “The Brain” Heenan with huge smile on their faces; Rude has a picture of Piper on his trunks and stands in the middle of the aisle watching Piper get up to his feet and follows them backstage)


Rating: 90






Gorilla: And now a quick history lesson about this upcoming tag team championship match


(Images play of the confrontations between The Brainbusters and the Rockers)


Narrator: The challengers are tag team specialists


(Various images of The Rockers performing double team moves on different opponents)


Narrator:The Champions


(Images of the champions defending their tag team titles)


Narrator:The Championship that every body wants


(Images of the tag team championship belts)


Narrator: Is one manager’s mouth going to cost his team the gold?


(Video of the Brains challenge to the Rockers)


Narrator: Tag Team Champions or Tag Team Specialists?


(The Video ends with an image of both teams face to face)


Rating: 66







WWF Tag Team Championship

The Brainbusters vs The Rockers


The Rockers start the match as quickly as possible with double dropkicks and clotheslines, The Rockers quickly double team Arn Anderson with arm wringers and chops, The Busters quickly turn the tide with a blind tag as Arn drop toe holds Shawn Michaels down to the canvas and Tully elbows Michaels on the back of his head and quickly covers for a near fall.


Tully wears down Shawn with a chin lock; Tully then pulls up Shawn and back drops him about 9 feet in the air, and covers for a near fall. Tully tags in Arn and whips Shawn against the ropes and drops down Shawn jumps over Tully and right into the arms of Arn Anderson who is waiting with a huge spinebuster Arn covers Shawn but the pin is broken up by Marty Jannetty.


Jannetty saves Michaels from being pinned, as the referee gets Marty out of the ring, Tully sets up Michaels for the pile driver but Shawn back drops Tully to reverse the pile driver attempt, Shawn crawls for the tag but Arn knocks Jannetty off the apron and pulls Shawn back into his corner. Arn gets tagged in and quickly whips Shawn back into the corner and follows but runs into a big boot, Shawn collapses down onto the canvas and once again goes for the tag but Arn has his ankle, Tully comes in and is stopped by the referee, meanwhile Shawn finally gets the tag but the referee doesn’t see it and ushers Marty out of the ring, the Busters double team Shawn and go for a double back drop but Shawn rolls over the top and dropkicks both men down and finally gets the tag to Marty who comes in like a house on fire and unloads on the Busters with right hands.


All 4 men are now in the ring and its chaos in there, there referee has lost control. Anderson comes from behind and hooks Shawn but Shawn moves out of the way of a clothesline from Tully which causes Tully to clothesline Arn. Arn gets dropkicked out of the ring by Shawn, Shawn slams Tully down to the mat and goes to the top rope as does Marty, both men come off the top rope with a fist drop and Marty goes for the cover, the referee tries to usher Shawn out of the ring, as the referee has his back turned Arn slides into the ring and goes to the middle rope and comes off the middle rope with a double axe handle on the back of Marty’s head, Arn then turns over Marty and pushes Tully out of the ring and covers Jannetty for the three count.


Winners and still WWF Tag Team Champions: The Brainbusters


Rating: 91






(The camera cuts to President Jack Tunney’s office, where Jack Tunney is sitting down at his desk with a file of papers open on his desk)


Jack Tunney: As you know there have been many developments here in the World Wrestling Federation, a lot which the fans of the WWF do not know about as they have not been screened on WWF television. The reason why I am here tonight at Saturday Night’s Main Event is to monitor all the happenings here tonight and to make sure that nothing happens during the main event. Also earlier today I have been in discussions with Slick over the conduct of the Twin Towers last night at a show in Toronto Canada, for those of you who missed it, here is what happened?




(Slick is with his Twin Towers in the middle of the ring)


Slick: Now all you people here have come tonight to see my Twin Towers but tonight we have something to say to Demolition; we want Demolition to come to the ring and face the Twin Towers now! Or are you two scared of the Twin Towers


(Demolition’s music plays and they walk out to the arena)


Slick: So you have some guts after all, we want you out here to prove to you who the greatest tag team in the WWF is, everyone is saying that because you held the titles the longest you guys are the best but we are here tonight to show you who are the best.


Boss Man: Take off your masks boys; I want to see the fear in your eyes when you look at the Twin Towers


(Demolition takes off their masks and attacks the Twin Towers, The Boss Man pulls out his nightstick and strikes Ax in the stomach and strikes it over his head. Ax goes down to the mat, Akeem holds Smash and The Boss Man strikes Smash in the chest, Akeem ties up Smash into the ropes and The Boss Man handcuffs Ax to the ring ropes, The Boss Man strikes Ax again in the ribs with the nightstick, Boss Man strikes Ax twice in the ribs again, Ax sinks down and keeps trying to get up but can’t)


Slick: Look at your partner boy, look at him boy,


(Smash is screaming to stop; Akeem slaps Smash across the face and The Boss Man strikes Smash with the nightstick across the head which puts Smash out cold, The Twin Towers and Slick leave the arena with Demolition tied to the ropes and out cold as WWF Officials and Medical Team rush to the ring to help Demolition)


Rating: 69


Jack Tunney: As a result of this attack, I have fined Slick, The Big Boss Man and Akeem $10,000 each for their involvement and also have stipulated that these 4 men will be on opposite teams at the Survivor Series. Demolition and the Twin Towers will meet at the Survivor Series in a Survivor Series match up with 3 other men on their team, both teams have been informed of my decision and have agreed to this, also this week I have been approached by the Hart Foundation who want a match with the Powers of Pain, this match has been signed for the Octobers edition of Saturday Night’s Main Event. This tag team match has also been requested to be a no disqualification match but this request has not been confirmed but I will make my decision about this in future weeks, I hope you enjoy the rest of Saturday Night’s Main Event and wish everyone the best of luck


Rating: 77






The Young Stallions vs The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers w/”Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart


The Young Stallions dominate the opening few minutes of the match but halfway through the match the Rougeaus pick up the pace and Jacques nails Roma with a beautiful back elbow. Raymond comes in and kicks the Roma down to the mat and scores a near fall. Raymond tags Jacque back in who flips in and dropkicks Roma for another near fall.


The tide turns once again when Raymond rams Romas head into the turnbuckle but after the second time Roma blocks it and comes off with a beautiful springboard elbow which gets a two count but the Rougeaus pick up the win with the Rougeau Bomb after Jimmy Hart nails Powers on the outside with the megaphone.


Winners: The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers


Rating: 55






(Lord Alfred Hayes is with the Ultimate Warrior)


Lord Alfred Hayes: I’m here with the Ultimate Warrior, who is going to face Ravishing Rick Rude


(The Warrior snatches the mic from Alfred and pounds his chest)


Warrior: The time is here, the time for all my little warriors to face Ravishing Rick Rude and look at the power of the Ultimate Warrior, the spaceships in the sky that give the strength to me and all my little warriors but after we beat Rude we look into the eyes of a weasel and start weasel hunting for the Ultimate Warriors….


(Ravishing Rick Rude’s music is heard in the background so the Warrior runs off the set)


Rating: 86







WWF Intercontinental Championship

The Ultimate Warrior (Champion) vs Ravishing Rick Rude w/ Bobby “The Brain” Heenan


Rude takes off his robe in the usual way and his an image of Rowdy Roddy Piper on the back and The Ultimate Warrior on the front, The Warrior runs down to the ring and Rude attacks The Warrior straight away but get the Warrior counters and clotheslines Rude down to the match three times, Rude gets slammed down hard to the mat, The Warrior goes to finish this one off early with a big splash but Rude gets his knees up and turns the tide of the match.


Rude suplexes the Warrior for a near fall, rude slams the Warrior and goes to the top rope and nails a fist in the chest and gets a near fall. Rude wears down the Warrior with a reverse chin lock Rowdy Roddy Piper walks down to the ringside area but this time is being held back by a large number of WWF officials, Rude leaves the ring and goes for Piper but is held back by Bobby “The Brain” Heenan. Rude goes back into the ring and picks up the Warrior and holds Warrior up for a big piledriver and covers for a near fall. Rude then picks up the Warrior again for another piledriver and hits it perfectly; Rude goes for the cover and pulls the Warrior up on the count of two.


“What are you doing?” shouts “The Brain” Rude then pulls Warrior to his feet and goes for a Rude Awakening and nails it but does not cover, Piper is getting closer to the ring and is now at ringside, Rude pulls the Warrior up once again and goes for another Rude Awakening “This is for you Piper” shouts Rude, Rude once again connects and gets to his feet and shakes his hips for Piper, Rude covers the laid out Warrior but some how the Warrior gets a shoulder up and is in shock that he has kicked out of two Rude Awakenings.


Rude is on his feet and lifts up the Warrior, Rude then locks up Roddy Piper’s finisher “The Sleeper”, Rowdy is furious at ringside but the referees are managing to hold Piper, out of nowhere “The Million Dollar Man” hits Piper from behind with the briefcase. The referees turn their attention to Dibiase who is then escorted out of the arena. Rude still has the sleeper on the Warrior, Piper slowly gets up and has the briefcase, the referee is lifting the Warriors arms and it drops twice as the referee lifts the Warriors arm once again Piper comes into the ring and from behind strikes the referee with the case knocking him out cold. The Warrior slowly fights his way up and breaks out of the sleeper hold, The Warrior manages to get out of the sleeper and clotheslines Rude over the top rope as the referees run back to the ring and try to remove Piper from the ring, one of the referees runs to the timekeeper and ring announcer.


The Fink: Due to the outside interference of Rowdy Roddy Piper, the winner of the match as a result of a disqualification “Ravishing” Rick Rude.


Winner by DQ: Ravishing Rick Rude but still Intercontinental Champion: The Ultimate Warrior


Rating: 78


The Body: NOOOO, Piper has cost Rude the title, Rude had this match won, admit it Monsoon, Rude has the Warrior beat, he had him beat,


Gorilla: I can’t deny it Jesse; Piper has saved the Warriors title, what a minute, what’s this? Who’s “The Brain” waving to?






(Andre the Giant walks down the aisle and gets into the ring and comes from behind and wraps his hands around the Warriors neck and chokes. Warrior slowly sinks and Warrior becomes lifeless, WWF officials run to the ring to try and get the Giant off the Warrior but have no success. The Giant finally releases the choke at the request of the Brain, once the Giant has released the choke, the Giant drops down and sits on the chest of The Ultimate Warrior and stays seated for a few moments before getting back up and then dropping down on the chest of the Warrior once again. Andre the Giant leaves the ring with Bobby "The Brain" Heenan)


Rating: 83






(Mean Gene Okerlund is behind the curtain waiting for Andre the Giant, Bobby “The Brain Heenan and Ravishing Rick Rude)


Mean Gene: I’m waiting behjing the curtain for Ravishing Rick Rude, Andre the Giant and Bobby “The Brain” Heenan for them to explain exactly what is going on and what has Andre The Giant got to do with this


(Bobby, Rude and Andre walk back through the curtain)


Mean Gene: Bobby….Bobby, what is this about? What are you doing?


(Bobby talks and keeps walking; Andre is watching Mean Gene all the time which is making Gene jumpy)


Bobby: I’ll tell you what that is, that is a miscarriage of justice, Rude had the Warrior beat, The Warrior was out cold, I can’t believe this...Pipers done this again….he cost him the title again.


Mean Gene: What about…..


Bobby: I’ll tell you what’s next, for you Piper you’re gonna have to deal with Ravishing Rick Rude, and Rude’s gonna put you out of wrestling for good, but for you Warrior…I’ve got this…


(Bobby points to the Giant)


Bobby: This Giant of a man and Piper can’t cheat the Giant, you’re looking at the next Intercontinental Champion and that’s all I’ve got to say


(Bobby, Rude and The Giant go into the Heenan Family locker room)


Mean Gene: And now we’re going to head to Lord Alfred Hayes who’s standing by with the World Wrestling Federation Champion Hulk Hogan


Rating: 90






(Lord Alfred Hayes is backstage with the WWF Champion)


Lord Alfred: I’m standing by the WWF Champion Hulk Hogan and I have to ask you but is tonight the biggest challenge that you have ever faced in the WWF?


Hulk Hogan: Is this monster the biggest challenge I’ve ever faced, look at the man Lord Alfred Hayes, Zeus is a monster but I’ve faced the monsters and won but this different Lord Alfred, Zeus is not alone, I have the Kings Court to deal with but I have a special battle plan tonight Lord Alfred with all my Hulkamaniacs behind me, I’ll chop down the big man Zeus, so whatcha gonna do Kings Court when the Hulkamaniacs run wild on you!!!


(Hogan heads to the ring)


Rating: 85







WWF Championship

Hulk Hogan (Champion) vs Zeus w/The Macho Man King Randy Savage, Sensational Queen Sherri, Mr Fuji, The Powers of Pain and “The Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiase


The Kings Court walk down to the arena as a team, Zeus is the last in the long line of faces walking to the arena, and the fans have already started chanting “Hogan” The Kings Court are all in the ring and are waiting for the appearance of the WWF Champion Hulk Hogan.


“Real American” plays all around the arena and the crowd goes crazy, Hogan walks down the aisle alone but stops half way down the aisle and points back to the entrance way and out come the remainder of the Hulkamaniacs as Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake and The Hart Foundation walk down the aisle behind the WWF Champion. The Hulkamaniacs stay on the outside of the ring; The Kings Court are in one corner and The Hulkamaniacs in another. Hogan gets into the ring and pulls off his shirt and hands over the WWF Championship to referee Dave Hebner.


WWF Championship

Hulk Hogan (Champion) w/ the Hart Foundation and Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake vs Zeus w/ Sensational Sherri, Macho King Randy Savage, The Powers of Pain and The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase.


Hogan and Zeus circle the ring and then go face to face in the centre of the ring, Zeus pushes Hogan and Hogan goes down and gets back up with a big right which has no effect on Zeus. Another right hand from Hogan, still no effect, Zeus chops Hogan and Hogan goes down to the canvas. Zeus stalks Hogan, Hogan regroups and slides out of the ring and discusses strategy with the Hulkamaniacs.


Hogan gets back into the ring and charges Zeus but goes straight back down as it was like running into a brick wall. Zeus once again stalks Hogan and Hogan once again regroups on the outside of the ring.


Hogan goes back into the ring once again and rakes the eyes of Zeus and clotheslines “The Human Wrecking Machine” which has no effect, Hogan once again clotheslines Zeus with no effect, Hogan picks up Zeus and slams him but Zeus gets straight back up much to the shock of Hogan, Hogan once again goes to the eyes in an act of desperation and clotheslines Zeus which causes Zeus to stumble backwards by a step.


“The Macho King” climbs onto the apron to distract Hogan but is met by a right hand from the champion which sends Savage back down onto the arena floor. Hogan then punches Dibiase who is also on the apron, Hogan celebrates with the fans but turns around and walks into the arms of Zeus who picks Hogan up by the neck and holds him high in the air for everybody to see and slams him down to the canvas.


Hogan is down on the canvas; Zeus stalks Hogan who tries to slide out of the ring but slides into the awaiting Kings Court who all unload with right hands. The Macho King slams Hogan on the ringside floor. The Hulkamaniacs quickly get over to help Hogan back into the ring but Zeus is waiting for Hogan and stamps on Hulk Hogan’s hands and back. Zeus pulls up the champion and slams him down to the canvas and covers for a near fall. Zeus pounds away on Hogan’s back with a number of strikes.


Zeus picks up Hogan and locks in a devastating bear hug, Hogan refuses to quit, his arm drops twice but he manages to hold it up at the third attempt. Hogan goes back to the eyes to break the bear hug, Hogan chops Zeus and backs him into a corner and tries to irish whip Zeus but Zeus doesn’t move anywhere and reverses the whip and sends Hogan into the corner hard.


Zeus throws the champion into the ropes and takes out the referee, the referee ends up going through the ropes and onto the arena floor. The Kings Court rush into the ring but are met by the Hulkamaniacs and a huge brawl starts all over the ringside area. Zeus hooks Hogan in a full nelson, Beefcake comes into the ring with a chair and hits the Barbarian with it and then strikes across the back with the chair which has literally no effect on Zeus.


Zeus still has Hogan hooked in the full nelson and Sherri comes in and takes her shoe off and accidently nails Zeus with her shoe after Hogan manages to break free from the Full Nelson. Dibiase slides into the ring with his suitcase but runs into a Hogan big boot, Hogan picks up the suitcase and smashes it over Zeus’s skull. Hogan sees the Million Dollar Belt and strikes Zeus with it and Zeus is stumbling all over the ring finding it hard to stay on his feet.


The Body: That should be a disqualification! Hogan’s using a suitcase and The Million Dollar belt


Gorilla: The referee’s down Jesse


Hogan slams the groggy Zeus and for the first time all match Zeus stays down on the canvas, Hogan comes off the ropes and drops the big leg drop and the referee slowly crawls over to register the pinfall victory for the WWF Champion.


Winner and still WWF Champion: Hulk Hogan


Monsoon: Hogan did it! The Champion retained his title


The Body: It took a shoe, a suitcase full of cash and The Million Dollar Belt to get it done Monsoon, Zeus was robbed, Zeus dominated this match, Zeus should be champion not that chump Hogan!!


Rating: 84


(Everyone quickly gets into the ring and starts to brawl in the ring; the one man advantage takes over as the Kings Court over power the Hulkamaniacs. Zeus is choking Hogan on the canvas, The Barbarian and the Warlord have tied the Anvil in the ropes and are double teaming the Hitman, and Beefcake is locked in the Million Dollar Dream thanks to Ted Dibiase. The Macho King is standing in the ring watching all this chaos as Sherri is screaming on the outside to the fans “look at your champion now” “look at the Hulkamaniacs.”


The arena completely blacks out and the aisle way has fire shooting out of it, standing on the top rope is familiar looking man, the crowd cheers and the action in the ring stops)


Gorilla: It’s Steamboat, Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat has returned to the WWF.


The Body: What’s he doing here Monsoon? Steamboat has nothing to do with this.


(Steamboat dives off the top rope with a chop to the top of Zeus’s head which causes Zeus to stumble backwards. Dibiase charges Steamboat and gets back dropped over the top rope and to the floor, Steamboat then chops the Warlord as The Barbarian hooks the Dragon from behind as the Warlord goes to boot the Dragon but Steamboat moves and the Warlord nails the Barbarian with the boot which sends the Barbarian out of the ring. The Warlord, Steamboat goes to the top rope and comes off with a huge chop which sends the Warlord down to the mat. Steamboat unties The Anvil and remaining Hulkamaniacs fight back. Savage is in shock in the middle of the ring, Steamboat points to the Macho King, Savage bails out of the ring with Sherri as quickly as possible. The show goes off the air with all the Hulkamaniacs standing tall and Hulk Hogan still the WWF Champion)


Rating: 86




Feedback from the show:


Show Rating: 76

Highest Rated Segment: Brainbusters vs The Rockers

Lowest Rated Segment: Fabulous Rougeau Brothers vs The Young Stallions

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This was your best show by far and away! I really like the Tito Santana/Rick Martel montage at the start of the show. The Brother Love segment was great as well! Keep up the great work!


Thank you :) i'm hoping that the more shows I do, the better the stories and diary will become but i've got a long way to go

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