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Awesome Max Wrestling 97' How long will it last?

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RJ Stones vs Roman Heidenseik

Personal preference


Pete the Hillbilly vs Little Bill Lebowski

Pete gets some overness by squashing Little Bill


Super Ninja vs The Tower of London

Ninjas always win


Jack Griffith + The Nuz vs 'Arizona Assassin' Genghis Rahn + ???

Normally I would go with Nuz and Griffith here since I´m not a big fan of Rahn but mystery man is always a good option and there seemed to be some troubles between Nuz and Griffith.

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AMW: Awesome to the Max TV!


Sunday, Week 3, July 2000 (Taped Friday).

The Junkyard. Minnesota.

Att, 1,000.


Roman Heidenseik and RJ Stones are arguing backstage,




Roman Heidenseik ".. What does it feel like to be losing every week hey RJ!? .. Whats it feel like to have some jumped up kid order you around? Just who does your 'boss' Tommy Cornell think he is? Anyone would think the whole universe was named after him the way he goes around ..."


RJ Stones "How dare you talk about Tommy like that .. He beat your 'boss' Samson Granger didn't he!?"


The two men look like they are about to throw punches when ...




.. In steps Emily McQueen "Hold up, stop. You two want to fight? Then you can do it in the ring you two are going to be entered into the AMW TV Title Tournament and your match is .. Next!"


RJ Stones is developing better performance skills.


Match 1.

RJ Stones vs Roman Heidenseik



In a match that had an average crowd reaction but featured terrible wrestling, Roman Heidenseik beat RJ Stones.


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Match 2.

Pete the Hillbilly vs Little Bill Lebowski



In an extremely short match, Pete the Hillbilly continues to look way more aggresive and viscious than usual and he completely destroys Little Bill winning in 4:12.


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Out to the ring comes Jack Griffith and for the first time in soo long he is alone ..




Jack Griffith "Abandoned, failed, alone, down, low, depression ... My name is Jack Griffith the Rapture is soo close but i have failed to save us ..."


Out comes The Nuz as Jack Griffith slumps into the corner of the ring,




The Nuz "How dare you .. You promise salvation, you tell us you can save us from our demons and one little obstacle and what!? Your bailling on us? .. Answer me damn it!?"


Jack Griffith slowly gets to his feet "Yes i thought i could save you but .. The Rapture is almost here so close i can taste it in my mind .. They are coming .. The Angels will be here tonight!"


Jack Griffith goes to walk out the ring but The Nuz grabs his arm stopping him,


The Nuz "So they are coming, so what!? If we stand together all 8 of us could we stop them? .. Could we?"


Jack Griffith "Maybe .. But all 8 of us are not even here .. Colossus - Not here tonight, Guide - MIA, Pecs - says he done, Lady Melissa - around somewhere, Landslide and Grue Slugg - Havent seen em' .."


The Nuz "So its me and you maybe we can persuade Pecs ... What if we recruite others?"


They get no further in their discussion because out onto the stage area walks 'The Arizona Assassin' Genghis Rahn,




Genghis Rahn "Oh no the world is ending whatever will we do!? ... Horsehockey, believe the mad cults and dillusional morons and the world is always ending .. But we're still here and i dont know about these fans but i am sick of listening to you two idiots talk nonsense .. How about instead of fighting imaginary angels how about you two face me and my friend? .. Oh how rude of me i haven't introduced my friend to you .. Come on out 'Icon of Insanity' ..."




Out comes Henry Lee "I'm sure i need no introduction, i'm the crazy b*stard who throws himself off scaffold, who fights with barbedwire ropes, exploding cages .. I'm the crazy b*stard who wants a shot at that AMW World Heavyweight Championship .. But for my first night here in AMW i'll settle for teaming with my old friend Genghis Rahn and taking on you two crazy b*stards!"


The Nuz "You know what screw it, you two want a war? Lets do it .. Right now!"


With that The Nuz invites Henry Lee and Genghis Rahn into the ring to fight them but stewards and road agents arrive on the scene to keep the 4 men seperated but it looks like we have our main event.


The Nuz is learning to show more charisma. The Nuz is developing better performance skills. Genghis Rahn is learning to show more charisma. Henry Lee is developing better performance skills.


Match 3.

Super Ninja vs The Tower of London



In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, The Tower of London beat Super Ninja in 7:09 after hitting the Towerbomb.


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. The Tower Of London is improving in Technical skills.


Main Event.

Jack Griffith + The Nuz vs 'The Icon of Insanity' Henry Lee + 'The Arizona Assassin' Genghis Rahn



In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jack Griffith and The Nuz won by DQ after Pecs ran in and attacked Jack Griffith right infront of the referee shortly after Henry Lee and The Nuz had battled up on the ramp and both ended up crashing off the stage and onto equipment and crates below in a real 'holy sh!t' moment.




Henry Lee seemed off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Henry Lee is improving in Performance skills.


The rain sound starts to pour out of the soundsystem and the Trenton-Tron lights up and the figure in the white appears to have wings and is floating down to earth .. The lights go out lightening apparently hits the ring and when the lights come back on a man in a red robe is stood in the ring and ..




... he has Jack Griffith in a DDT position stalling for a second or two with everyone in the ring seemingly shocked then he hits the DDT the lights go back out and when they come back on he is nowhere to be seen again and Pecs and Genghis Rahn look around confused as The Nuz and Henry Lee slowly make their way back to the ring .. And when they get back in the ring Henry Lee asking Rahn what the hell is going on and The Nuz checking on Griffith and the rain drops start up again with what appears to be blood dropping from the ceiling right above the ring and the 5 men are getting covered in the red liquid and a beam of white light lights up the curtain at the entranceway and out comes ..




... And he charges the ring attacking all that move taking out Pecs, The Nuz, Genghis Rahn and Henry Lee as the show comes to a close.


Pecs was very underwhelming. The performance of Reaper was good.




AMW Awesome to the Max TV!
RJ/Roman argue Emily books match  D-
Heidenseik beat RJ Stones         E
Pete Hillbilly beats Little Bill  E
Griffith + Nuz to face Rahn + Lee D
The Tower beat Super Ninja        D-
Nuz and Griffith win via DQ ...   D-
The Rapture is ... Vengeance!? .. D
Overall Rating:                   D-




BHK1978, - 46/67

Zergon, - 41/61

michgcs, - 40/67

Boltinho, - 10/19

LordJaguar, - 3/4

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Stephen Green better known in Awesome Max Wrestling as Bushman Stephen has hit the big time, well signed for SWF atleast he has just reported to New England Wrestling for further training/learning to work the SWF style before he can move on to the main roster. Regular fans of AMW must be starting to think that AMW is a secondary training ground for SWF with alot of their talent moving on to the promotion. One worry AMW fans may have is Nuzzle Bunny or The Nuz as he is now known he has been working for NEW as well as AMW for quite some time now with his dream of being called up to the SWF getting closer after each good performance he puts on.




AMW: Awesome to the Max TV!


Carol Singer, Speedy Marie + Patricia Freebush vs 'Nurse' Ashley Murphy, Miss Mexico + Geena the Warrior Princess

Bushman Mitchell vs 'Icon of Insanity' Henry Lee

The Amazing Winkie + 'Rockstar' Troy Tornado vs Panda Mask + The Silver Warrior

Jack Griffith vs 'Arizona Assassin' Genghis Rahn

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Carol Singer, Speedy Marie + Patricia Freebush vs 'Nurse' Ashley Murphy, Miss Mexico + Geena the Warrior Princess

Bushman Mitchell vs 'Icon of Insanity' Henry Lee

The Amazing Winkie + 'Rockstar' Troy Tornado vs Panda Mask + The Silver Warrior

Jack Griffith vs 'Arizona Assassin' Genghis Rahn

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Nice to see Darkness Warrior and Vengeance and it will be interesting to see what they can do here.


Carol Singer, Speedy Marie + Patricia Freebush vs 'Nurse' Ashley Murphy, Miss Mexico + Geena the Warrior Princess

Coin flip


Bushman Mitchell vs 'Icon of Insanity' Henry Lee


The Amazing Winkie + 'Rockstar' Troy Tornado vs Panda Mask + The Silver Warrior

Winkie and Tornado are simply bigger names


Jack Griffith vs 'Arizona Assassin' Genghis Rahn

I´m not a huge fan of Rahn so lets give Jack this one.

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That was a hell of an ending to your main event. I really enjoyed that!


Carol Singer, Speedy Marie + Patricia Freebush vs 'Nurse' Ashley Murphy, Miss Mexico + Geena the Warrior Princess


Bushman Mitchell vs 'Icon of Insanity' Henry Lee


The Amazing Winkie + 'Rockstar' Troy Tornado vs Panda Mask + The Silver Warrior


Jack Griffith vs 'Arizona Assassin' Genghis Rahn

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... Thats how you get on the good side of the entire locker room right off the bat, Newcomer Genghis Rahn brough enough free alcohol to float a battleship with him to the TV tapings ...

AMW: Awesome to the Max TV!


Sunday, Week 4, July 2000 (Taped Friday).

Austin Sports Center. Austin, Texas.

Att, 1,923.


Opening match.

Carol Singer, Speedy Marie + Patricia Freebush vs 'Nurse' Ashley Murphy, Miss Mexico + Geena the Warrior Princess





Carol Singer, Speedy Marie + Patricia Freebush win after Freebush pinned Miss Mexico thanks to the massive assist of the arriving Katayama who completely destroys Ashley Murphy and Geena the Warrior Princess in what seems to be a completely random attack going for the two nearest competitors.




Speedy Marie was really off her game tonight. Pettle did some good work at ringside. Speedy Marie and Pettle are a good pairing, they play off each other well. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Out to the ring comes Genghis Rahn and Henry Lee,




Henry Lee "Last weeks we underrestimated this whole Rapture crap .. The so called Angels were two tough b*stards who need to find out what a good old fashioned a$$ whooping is .. They need to face us .. So come on out we're challenging you 'The Icon of Insanity' and the 'Arizona Assassin' want you two 'Angels' in the main event!"


Henry Lee was very underwhelming.


Emily McQueen, Ethan Thompson and Floyd Goldworthy the Mid South Athletics Commission make their way out onto the ramp,




Floyd Goldworthy "You two want to fight tonight!? Well i cant give you these so called Angels but what i can do is put you both in singles action .. Henry Lee you can face Bushman Mitchell and Genghis Rahn you will face Jack Griffith in the main event"


Emily McQueen "Well on to item number two, the two men who without permission entered a AMW ring and attacked 5 AMW wrestlers .. This is a criminal offence and under best interest of fairness rather than us have to go to the police we would like you two to come out and apologize before this show ends .."


Ethan Thompson "Either that or i'm sure some of the boys wouldn't mind getting their hands on ya' ..."


Match 2.

'The Icon of Insanity' Henry Lee vs Bushman Mitchell



Henry Lee beat Bushman Mitchell in 5:03.


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Henry Lee is improving in Performance skills.


Match 3.

The Amazing Winkie + Troy Tornado vs Panda Mask + The Silver Warrior



In a match that had an average crowd reaction but featured terrible wrestling, The Amazing Winkie + Troy Tornado continued their impressive run picking up the victory in 7:47 when Winkie pinned Silver Warrior.


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Main Event.

Jack Griffith vs 'Arizona Assassin' Genghis Rahn



In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Genghis Rahn picked up the win in 8:49 after hitting the Rahn for the Hills.


The colour commentary gave the match a boost.


The Mid South Athletics Commission once again make their way out to the ring,





Floyd Goldworthy "So .. We're waiting .. Where the hell are you!? .."


Ethan Thompson ".. Come here i know how to deal with folks like these guys .. So too chicken are ya!?"


The raindrops sound starts up with the church organ music and out comes the two 'Angels' and they enter the ring ...




Floyd Goldworthy "Good so your here to apologize!?"


With that Floyd Goldworthy hands the man in the red robes the mic he looks at it before hitting Floyd in the head with it knocking the Athletics Commission member down .. And an attack is on Ethan Thompson steps in front of Emily McQueen pushing her to leave the ring and in doing so he recieves the full attention of the two big men who destroy the former 'Boss Hoss' finishing him off with a spike piledriver before proceeding to destroy the ring area they tear the mats up off the floor pull the ring apron down and then go after the Trenton-Trons smashing both of them as the show comes to a close ...




AMW Awesome to the Max TV!
Freebush, Singer and Marie win!!  E-
Lee + Genghis Rahn want 'Angels'  C-
Athletics Commission want apology D-
Henry Lee beat Bushman Mitchell   E
Winkie + Troy beat Panda + Silver D-
Genghis Rahn beat Jack Griffith   D
Angels destroy Commission ..      D+
Overall Rating:                   D




BHK1978, - 49/71

Zergon, - 43/65

michgcs, - 42/71

Boltinho, - 10/19

LordJaguar, - 3/4

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AMW Awesome to the Max TV!


TV Title Tournament Q-Final match.

CJ Giedroyc vs 'Icon of Insanity' Henry Lee

Pete the Hillbilly vs The Silver Warrior

TV Title Tournament Q-Final match.

'Rockstar' Troy Tornado vs Samson 'Dark Demon' Granger


The Nuz vs Genghis Rahn

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TV Title Tournament Q-Final match.

CJ Giedroyc vs 'Icon of Insanity' Henry Lee


Pete the Hillbilly vs The Silver Warrior


TV Title Tournament Q-Final match.

'Rockstar' Troy Tornado vs Samson 'Dark Demon' Granger



The Nuz vs Genghis Rahn

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TV Title Tournament Q-Final match.

CJ Giedroyc vs 'Icon of Insanity' Henry Lee

Pete the Hillbilly vs The Silver Warrior

TV Title Tournament Q-Final match.

'Rockstar' Troy Tornado vs Samson 'Dark Demon' Granger


The Nuz vs Genghis Rahn

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TV Title Tournament Q-Final match.

CJ Giedroyc vs 'Icon of Insanity' Henry Lee

Lee is doing more right now


Pete the Hillbilly vs The Silver Warrior

I doubt that Silver Warrior has much overness in USA so he is likely here to job.


TV Title Tournament Q-Final match.

'Rockstar' Troy Tornado vs Samson 'Dark Demon' Granger

Seems like a good spot to put the younger guy over though I wouldn´t be surprised if there is an interferense in this one.



The Nuz vs Genghis Rahn

Non-title usually doesn´t mean good for the champ so I give this one to Rahn.

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TV Title Tournament Q-Final match.

CJ Giedroyc vs 'Icon of Insanity' Henry Lee


Pete the Hillbilly vs The Silver Warrior


TV Title Tournament Q-Final match.

'Rockstar' Troy Tornado vs Samson 'Dark Demon' Granger



The Nuz vs Genghis Rahn


Might as well go with the crowd because I would have picked this way anyway.

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... Krusher Karloff gave the locker room a lift as he unveiled a series of spot-on impressions of some of his colleagues ...

AMW: Awesome to the Max TV!


Sunday, Week 1, August 2000 (Taped Friday).

The Junkyard. Minnesota.

Att, 1,000.


The show opens and we only have one Trenton-Tron after the destruction of 2 trons last week and out to the ring comes Emiliy McQueen.




Emily McQueen "First of all let me say that my colleague Floyd Goldworthy and Ethan Thompson .. Are on the shelf .. Floyd Goldworthy has suffered 3 broken ribs at the hands of these 'Rapture' guys and Ethan Thompson ... 'Boss Hoss' a legend in this sport as suffered severe concussion the man may never be the same again ... You b*stards .. I'm calling you two guys out again tonight in this ring i want you two b*stards to fight .. Fight two of our top guys if you think your tough two Wrestlers, not a retired Wrestler and an agent then we'll see how tough you really are ..."


Emily McQueen throws her mic to the ground and heads off back up the ramp and to the back.


Match 1 - TV Title Tournament.

CJ Giedroyc vs 'Icon of Insanity' Henry Lee



In an extremely poor match, Henry Lee beat CJ Giedroyc in 7:50 after hitting the Asylum Buster.


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Henry Lee is improving in Performance skills.


Match 2.

Pete the Hillbilly vs The Silver Warrior



Pete the Hillbilly dominated and beat The Silver Warrior in 3:57.


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. The Silver Warrior is improving in Performance skills.


Pete the Hillbilly looks to the curtain for inspiration as he has done alot recently and he lays a further beatdown on the Silver Warrior until there is some sort of commotion through the crowd and out comes ...





.. Coyote Dynamite and he charges into the ring making the save of Silver Warrior and brawling around the ring area with Pete the Hillbilly until we get another shock the curtain is threw back and it seems Pete's mystery advisor is revealed ...




... Its his cousin, Cousin Ezra he makes the save and Coyote Dynamite heads back off through the crowd leaving two angry Hillbillys in his wake.


Match 3 - TV Title Tournament.

'Rockstar' Troy Tornado vs Samson 'Dark Demon' Granger



In a match that had an average crowd reaction but featured terrible wrestling, Troy Tornado beat the Dark Demon in 7:05 after hitting the Star Maker.


Samson Granger is starting to become a little stale in his current role. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Samson Granger is improving in Technical skills.


Backstage Emily McQueen spots what shes looking for but all we see from our view is her back she heads over .. Somewhere,




Emily McQueen "Guys look your lacking direction now right!? He's gone i heard he told you all that .. I really don't think hes coming back and you both know whatever his 'plan' was it failed .."


The camera pans around and shes talking to Pecs and Guide.




Emily McQueen "So what do you say, do you guys want to be the ones to greet these 'Angels' tonight?"


Pecs "Do we want to greet em!? Look 'The Saved' is .. Done, with Jack Griffith gone its a cival war he warned us about these guys coming .. I guess he was delusional .. i guess we knew that but .. We'd all lost something you know!? We all needed this .. This brotherhood ..."


Emily McQueen "Tell it to your therapist. Look i'm sorry guys i really am .. But i need to know will you guys face them!?"


Pecs "We'll do it .. Under one condition at Summersmash we want to defend our titles against ... Grue Slugg and Landslide, we want to seperate ourselfs from them .. let us end this once and for all?"


Emily McQueen "Its on!"


Guide "Wait .. Lets make it a Boot Camp match ... For old times sake!"


Pecs "You know what Guide that could be the closure you need .."


Guide "I think so .. And maybe you need a new .. You know!? A new 'partner' .."


Pecs really needs a change to his character desperately. This segment brought the crowd's mood down. Pecs is learning to show more charisma. Pecs is developing better performance skills.


Main Event - Non-Title.

The Nuz vs Genghis Rahn



In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Genghis Rahn picked up the win to earn another chance to face The Nuz for the title thanks to an assist from an angry Lady Melissa who slapped The Nuz right into a Rahn to the Hills.




The Nuz was really off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Lady Melissa's turn was a complete Success.





And out come Pecs and Guide and they look ready to fight but the lights go out for a second or two and when they come back on of course ..




... The two big 'Angels of the Rapture' are stood behind them on the ramp and they knock the tag champs down and lay in the boots they set Pecs up first for a Spike Piledriver on the ramp but ..


... Genghis Rahn had charged up from the ring and saved Pecs he signals down for The Nuz to lend a hand but he just sits in the ring holding onto his title belt and eventually as the show comes to a close Genghis Rahn is beaten down by the Angels!


Pecs underperformed. Pecs' turn was a complete Success. Guides turn was a complete Success.




AMW Awesome to the Max TV!
McQueen opens up show ...         D+
Henry Lee beat CJ .. Losses go on E
Hillbilly beat Silver Warrior     E-
Coyote saves Silver, Ezra attacks C-
Troy Tornado beats Dark Demon     E+
Pecs and Guide will face Angels!! D-
Genghis Rahn beat The Nuz         D-
Pecs+Guide down Rahn tries 2 save D
Overall Rating:                   D-




BHK1978, - 53/75

Zergon, - 47/69

michgcs, - 46/75

Boltinho, - 10/19

Mooyses, - 4/4 Welcome aboard Mooyses, plus 100% good stuff!

LordJaguar, - 3/4

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AMW: Summersmash!


AMW World Tag Team Titles,

Landslide + Grue Slugg vs Guide + Pecs

AMW King of Hardcore Title,

Colossus vs Samson 'Dark Demon' Granger

The Hillbillys (Cousin Ezra + Pete the Hillbilly) vs Coyote Dynamite + ???

AMW Femme Fatale Title,

Patricia Freebush vs Anne Stardust

Bloody Backs (RJ Stones + CJ Giedroyc) vs The Tower of London + 'Trademark' Thomas Morgan

Damian K. Natural vs T-Rex vs Teddy Powell vs Kayin 'Stranger than Fiction' Puro

Tommy Cornell vs 'Icon of Insanity' Henry Lee

AMW World Heavyweight Title,

The Nuz vs Genghis Rahn

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AMW World Tag Team Titles,

Landslide + Grue Slugg vs Guide + Pecs


AMW King of Hardcore Title,

Colossus vs Samson 'Dark Demon' Granger


The Hillbillys (Cousin Ezra + Pete the Hillbilly) vs Coyote Dynamite + ???


AMW Femme Fatale Title,

Patricia Freebush vs Anne Stardust


Bloody Backs (RJ Stones + CJ Giedroyc) vs The Tower of London + 'Trademark' Thomas Morgan


Damian K. Natural vs T-Rex vs Teddy Powell vs Kayin 'Stranger than Fiction' Puro

(Natural wins, I think, but Stranger than Fiction is my main man)


Tommy Cornell vs 'Icon of Insanity' Henry Lee

(So sad to see Henry Lee be fed to Cornell)


AMW World Heavyweight Title,

The Nuz vs Genghis Rahn

(As awesome as the Genghis Rahn name is, The Nuz has a cooler looking avatar)

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AMW World Tag Team Titles,

Landslide + Grue Slugg vs Guide + Pecs


AMW King of Hardcore Title,

Colossus vs Samson 'Dark Demon' Granger


The Hillbillys (Cousin Ezra + Pete the Hillbilly) vs Coyote Dynamite + ???


AMW Femme Fatale Title,

Patricia Freebush vs Anne Stardust


Bloody Backs (RJ Stones + CJ Giedroyc) vs The Tower of London + 'Trademark' Thomas Morgan


Damian K. Natural vs T-Rex vs Teddy Powell vs Kayin 'Stranger than Fiction' Puro


Tommy Cornell vs 'Icon of Insanity' Henry Lee


AMW World Heavyweight Title,

The Nuz vs Genghis Rahn


Thanks Jingo!

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AMW World Tag Team Titles,

Landslide + Grue Slugg vs Guide + Pecs

Landslide & Slugg? I think I pass


AMW King of Hardcore Title,

Colossus vs Samson 'Dark Demon' Granger

I think that Granger is still the bigger name here


The Hillbillys (Cousin Ezra + Pete the Hillbilly) vs Coyote Dynamite + ???

Might as well give the new team a win.


AMW Femme Fatale Title,

Patricia Freebush vs Anne Stardust

Pretty sure that Anne´s next loss will come from a feud not some random match.

Bloody Backs (RJ Stones + CJ Giedroyc) vs The Tower of London + 'Trademark' Thomas Morgan

Named team over random pairing.


Damian K. Natural vs T-Rex vs Teddy Powell vs Kayin 'Stranger than Fiction' Puro

I would like to go with Puro but right now Damian is the most important guy here.


Tommy Cornell vs 'Icon of Insanity' Henry Lee

Tommy is Tommy.


AMW World Heavyweight Title,

The Nuz vs Genghis Rahn

Why not? Pretty sure Nuz is losing his title soon so I might as well go with that even if I don´t really care about Rahn.

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AMW World Tag Team Titles,

Landslide + Grue Slugg vs Guide + Pecs


No self-respecting Mexican would have the name Grue Slugg.:D


AMW King of Hardcore Title,

Colossus vs Samson 'Dark Demon' Granger


The Hillbillys (Cousin Ezra + Pete the Hillbilly) vs Coyote Dynamite + ???


AMW Femme Fatale Title,

Patricia Freebush vs Anne Stardust


Bloody Backs (RJ Stones + CJ Giedroyc) vs The Tower of London + 'Trademark' Thomas Morgan


Damian K. Natural vs T-Rex vs Teddy Powell vs Kayin 'Stranger than Fiction' Puro


Tommy Cornell vs 'Icon of Insanity' Henry Lee


AMW World Heavyweight Title,

The Nuz vs Genghis Rahn


Well you said this diary is coming to an end so I think Nuz should go out on top.

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AMW: Summersmash!

Saturday, Week 1, August 2000.

Mediacom Ice Park. Springfield, Missouri.

Att, 1,865.


Opening match.

AMW World Tag Team Titles - Boot Camp Match.


Landslide + Grue Slugg vs Guide + Pecs



In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Guide and Pecs beat Landslide and Grue Slugg after Guide pinned Landslide.


Grue Slugg seemed off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Grue Slugg is improving in Performance skills.


Backstage we go and Emily McQueen is in the Mid South Athletics Commissions office ..




.. Coyote Dynamite slams the door against the wall and is followed into the room by ..




... Ernie Turner and he is painted up just like Coyote,


Ernie Turner "Well hello there missy the Slick Pimp Daddy is back in AMW .. Thats right folks the man who left AMW two years ago is back former World Heavyweight Champion Missy at your service .. And let me say your a damn fine filley to look at ..."


Coyote Dynamite taps Ernie Turner (Seemingly to get him to concentrate .. And not on flirting with Emily McQueen).


Ernie Turner ".. Ok i gets a phone call a couple of days ago from this tough b*stard and he said hey .. Ernie old buddy why don't you come on back to AMW grab a couple of brewski's paint up your face and kick some Hillbilly a$$ .. And well i'm up for it .. The AMW fans sound like they're up for it .. And my angry buddy Coyote is up for it, so all i need now is your sexy minx .. To give the ok!?"


Emily McQueen removes her glasses and stares at Ernie Turner for a second before shaking her head "Your flirting is way off fool i don't date guys with more makeup on than me .. But as for your match .. It's on!"


Coyote Dynamite and Ernie Turner leave the office looking happy and Ernie turns to Coyote "You didn't tell me she was a lesbian .. You should tell me these things dude"


Emily McQueen was very underwhelming.


Match 2.

AMW King of Hardcore Title.


Colossus vs Samson 'Dark Demon' Granger



In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Colossus beat the Dark Demon in 10:18 after hitting the Double Handed Choke Bomb.


The colour commentary gave the match a boost.


Emily McQueen is shown sat in her office once again, she leans forward slightly and staring into the camera,




"I announced a few weeks ago that we will be having a tournament for our newly created AMW TV Championship .. Roman Heidenseik, Troy Tornado and Henry Lee have already qualified for the semi final and with one place left up for grabs we will be having a 4 way dance with Damian K. Natural, Kayin 'Stranger than Fiction' Puro, T-Rex and Teddy Powell with the winner of the first fall going on to be the final man in the semi final .. Good luck guys!"


Match 3.

The Hillbillys (Pete the Hillbilly + Cousin Ezra) vs Coyote Dynamite + Ernie Turner



In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Coyote Dynamite and Ernie Turner picked up the victory after Ernie Turner pinned Pete the Hillbilly.


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Coyote Dynamite is improving in Rumble skills.


Match 4.

AMW Femme Fatale Title match,


Patricia Freebush vs Anne Stardust



In an extremely short match, Anne Stardust and Patricia Freebush drew after Katayama ran in and attacked both competitors.




Patricia Freebush was really off her game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Anne Stardust is improving in Technical skills.





Katayama hits the Katayama bomb on Patricia Freebush before turning her attention to Anne Stardust who she also managed to set up for the Katayama Bomb until some unfamillier music hits and she is distracted by ...




.. Joanne Rodriguez and along with Anne Stardust the duo sent Katayama crashing over the top rope and she angrilly lands sat on the mat with the newcomer Joanne and Femme Fatale Champion Anne Stardust celebrating toppling Katayama with the AMW fans.


Suzue Katayama performed poorly in this segment. Joanne Rodriguez is developing better performance skills. Suzue Katayama is improving at acting. Suzue Katayama is learning to show more charisma. Suzue Katayama is developing better performance skills.


Match 5.

Bloody Backs (RJ Stones + CJ Giedroyc) vs Thomas Morgan + Tower of London



In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, The Tower and Thomas Morgan got the big W after Tower hit a Towerbomb on RJ Stones and pinned him for a 3 count.


BJ O'Neill did some good work at ringside. The Tower Of London and Thomas Morgan showed excellent chemistry teaming together. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. RJ Stones is improving in Rumble skills. The Tower Of London is improving in Technical skills. Thomas Morgan is improving in Rumble skills.




Backstage we go and Damian K. Natural is stood on hype duty "Welcome to AMW is Natural .. tonight i take one step closer to becoming the biggest star on Awesome to the Max TV by becoming the AMW TV Champion .. All i have to do is make my way through T-Roid a man so gassed he has muscles on his muscles .. And a tiny penis, Toady Power the little emo boy .. Don't cry too hard kick when i kick your a$$ and of course Kayin Stranger boy Puro a man who doesn't even know what country he is in .. Just look around you your surrounded by inbreeds your must be in the deep south ... Well the natives sound a little upset .. After heading on into the semi finals of the AMW TV Title tournament next week on Awesome to the Max TV i will defeat Steve DeColt in the final match of our series .. And i will prove without a shadow of a doubt that i am the best Technical Wrestler in the world today .. And that is the Natural order of things!"




Backstage Emily McQueen is sat in her office once again "Tonight we will see the rematch of Genghis Rahn versus The Nuz and it will be for the AMW World Heavyweight Championship .. And it will be a No DQ Arizona Street Fight .. And if any of those so called 'Angels' of the Rapture show up security are under strict instructions to arrest them on sight .. They will not get in the arena anymore!"


Emily McQueen performed poorly in this segment.


Match 6.

AMW TV Title Tournament match.

T-Rex vs Damian K. Natural vs Teddy Powell vs Kayin 'Stranger than Fiction' Puro





In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Kayin Puro picked up the victory to advance to the semi finals after Steve DeColt came out to commentary which distracted Natural enough to prevent him from entering the ring whilst Kayin pinned T-Rex in 15:08.




T-Rex was visibly tiring toward the end. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Kayin Puro is improving in Rumble skills.


Backstage Tommy Cornell catches up with CJ Giedroyc and RJ Stones with both men looking real down in the dumps,





Tommy Cornell "What the hell is wrong with you two!? I give you a chance to prove yourselfs, to show that you are not complete losers and what do you do!? .. You lose again .. To a Canadian and a fat ****ney .. You two are failures you don't deserve to call yourselves Bloody Backs .. Infact i've had enough one of you won't ... Next week on Awesome to the Max TV you two will face off against ... Each other .. No i'm off to show you how to win a match"


RJ Stones really needs a change to his character desperately. This segment brought the crowd's mood down. RJ Stones is developing better performance skills.


Match 7.

Tommy Cornell vs 'Icon of Insanity' Henry Lee



In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Tommy Cornell beat Henry Lee in 13:13.


Henry Lee was really off his game tonight. Henry Lee was visibly tiring toward the end.


Main Event.

AMW World Heavyweight Title match.


The Nuz vs 'Arizona Assassin' Genghis Rahn



In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, The Nuz beat Genghis Rahn retaining his AMW World Heavyweight Title for the 17th time in the process pinning Rahn in 17:58 even after he had been sent crashing through a pair of tables from the top of a ladder.





AMW: Summersmash!
Guide + Pecs bt Grue + Landslide  D-
Ernie Turner is back in AMW ..    D+
Colossus beat Samson Granger      D
Emily McQueen make announcements  D-
Coyote + Turner bt the Hillbillys D-
Freebush and Stardust drew!!!     D-
Rodriguez makes debut saves Anne  D
Tower + Morgan beat Bloody Backs  D
Natural on hype duty ...          C
McQueen announces main event!!!   C-
Kayin Puro advances to semi's ..  D
T.C gets even angrier w/ RJ + CJ! D-
Tommy Cornell beat Henry Lee      D+
The Nuz beat Genghis Rahn         C-
Overall Rating:                   D+




BHK1978, - 56/83

michgcs, - 52/83

Zergon, - 49/77

Boltinho, - 10/19

Mooyses, - 8/12

LordJaguar, - 3/4

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Dark Match,

Krusher Karloff vs Panda Mask

Krusher is more important.


Tommy Cornell vs The Tower of London

Never bet against Cornell


Best of 7 Series Final.

Damian K. Natural vs Steve DeColt

Hard one but I still believe in Steve.

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