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Texas Wrestling Returns

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OOC: Building on my ill-fated Return to the Golden Era idea, I decided that what I really wanted was to do a diary about the wrestling I really love, the 80's wrestling I grew up with.


TWL is basically a copy of NYCW's product, but set in the Mid-South. I will start out as a regional company and my goal is not to necessarily grow beyond that.


The goal is for me to have fun, and just maybe some of you will enjoy it too.

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The Good Guys



The All-Americans

Captain USA & Whistler



Cousin Ezra



E.Z. Ryder & Leo Davis



Cameron Vessey



"The Soul Man" Elijah Black



Animal Harker w/Duke Hazzard



Native Blood

Running Wolf & Soaring Eagle

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The Bad Guys



Black Hat Bailey



The Bandit



Dazzling Dave Diamond w/ Miss Jemma



The Dallas Wrecking Crew

The Punisher & Rick Sanders



The Sheiks

Sheik Pimpdadya & Sheik Richards w/ Sheik Mustafa



The Medics

Medic #1 & Medic #2



Crash Lewis

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The Staff




Gable Brands (that's me)




Rock Downpour



Kenny O'Quinn



Miles Wakefield


Road Agents


The Stomper



Duncan Kendall



Corporal Doom

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Texas Wrestling Returns

January 2010



TWL Revolution


4-Way Dance

for the vacant

TWL Championship



Captain USA vs. Whistler vs. Black Hat Bailey vs. The Bandit


Defending their titles for the 1st time in nearly 15 years

E.Z. Ryder & Leo Davis vs. The Sheiks

for the

TWL Tag Team Titles



Other Matches:


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Cameron Vessey

Cousin Ezra & Elijah Harris vs. The Medics

Native Blood vs. The Dallas Wrecking Crew

Animal Harker vs. Crash Lewis

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Captain USA vs. Whistler vs. Black Hat Bailey vs. The Bandit

I can't really tell who it is under the Bandit mask, but all three other possiblities for champion are most likely months away from retirement. To prevent any last-minute booking changes, I think you'll go with The Bandit


E.Z. Ryder & Leo Davis vs. The Sheiks

Champs retain, but the Sheiks lose in a way that will keep them contenders for the titles in the future


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Cameron Vessey

Triple D fits the promotion much better

Cousin Ezra & Elijah Harris vs. The Medics

As much as I love the medics, they seem to be your job squad


Native Blood vs. The Dallas Wrecking Crew

And while the Medics are your jobbers, Native Blood will probably be jobbers as well until they lose their greenness. They may pick up some early wins, but not against Rick Sanders and the Idaho Punisher


Animal Harker vs. Crash Lewis

Harker may not be great but he has a lot more upside here

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the Bandit is an alt for Randall Hopkirk.



Captain USA vs. Whistler vs. Black Hat Bailey vs. The Bandit

bandit is safest choice


Defending their titles for the 1st time in nearly 15 years

E.Z. Ryder & Leo Davis vs. The Sheiks

for the

TWL Tag Team Titles

former partners on opposite sides, but slightly more talent with the Shieks



Other Matches:


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Cameron Vessey


Cousin Ezra & Elijah Harris vs. The Medics


Native Blood vs. The Dallas Wrecking Crew

Animal Harker vs. Crash Lewis

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Captain USA vs. Whistler vs. Black Hat Bailey vs. The Bandit

Battle of true veterans here, have to go with The Bandit though


Defending their titles for the 1st time in nearly 15 years

E.Z. Ryder & Leo Davis vs. The Sheiks

The Shieks seem better as a long term bet


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Cameron Vessey

Love me some Triple D, but Vessey much better


Cousin Ezra & Elijah Harris vs. The Medics

Again, stronger choice right now IMO


Native Blood vs. The Dallas Wrecking Crew


Animal Harker vs. Crash Lewis

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Nice to see a TWL diary.


Captain USA vs. Whistler vs. Black Hat Bailey vs. The Bandit

E.Z. Ryder & Leo Davis vs. The Sheiks

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Cameron Vessey

Cousin Ezra & Elijah Harris vs. The Medics

Native Blood vs. The Dallas Wrecking Crew

Animal Harker vs. Crash Lewis

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Captain USA vs. Whistler vs. Black Hat Bailey vs. The Bandit


E.Z. Ryder & Leo Davis vs. The Sheiks


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Cameron Vessey


Cousin Ezra & Elijah Harris vs. The Medics


Native Blood vs. The Dallas Wrecking Crew


Animal Harker vs. Crash Lewis

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Duke Hazzard makes his way to the ring

Duke: I want to introduce to you, the man I plan to take to the top of TWL, the fiercest competitor Texas has ever known, ANIMAL HARKER!



Animal Harker comes out from the back, smiling and waving to the crowd. Stopping to shake every ones hands on his way to the ring. He even pets one kids hair.


Duke: Don't let his demeanor fool you folks, they don't call him the animal cause he knits sweaters on the weekends.


Animal continues to the ring. Duke waves him in and Animal stands wide eyed and smiling waving at the crowd. E


Crash Lewis makes his way to the ring next yelling at the crowd


Match 1


Animal Harker vs. Crash Lewis


Animal waves at Crash as he enters the ring. As the bell rings Animal tries to shake his hand. But instead Crash slaps Animal. With a smile still on his face he doesn't even flinch. Animal again offers a handshake and again Crash slaps him. This time he stops smiling and doesn't offer him his hand. Crash gets up in his face taunting him and taunting the crowd. He slaps Animal a third time and this time Animal goes nuts unleashing a flurry of punches on him. He beats Crash from pillar to post. He finishes him off with the Stump Piledriver. Duke then yells at him to cover him which he does for the victory. After the bell he stands up and waves at the people again as they cheer. F+




Rock: Joining me in the ring now are the men who will be challenging for the TWL Tag Team Titles, Sheik Mustafa and his turncoat Sheiks, Richards and Pi---.




While Richards carries the Iranian flag Pimpdadya interrupts


Pimpdadya: That's Sheik Pimpdadya. And who are you calling a turncoat?


Rock: Well I hardly think you are really...


Pimpdadya: Are you judging a sheik by the color of his skin?


Mustafa:شما امريكايي احمقانه بسته است. اين دو نفر كه سوگند وفاداري خود را به ملت بزرگوار ایران ثابت امشب كه بزرگترين گرگم بهوابرچسب تيم در ليگ برتر كشتي در ايالت تگزاس آمريکا.


Pimpdadya: Let me translate that for you, you monolinguistic morons.


Rock: Oh don't even try to tell me you understood a word of that.


Pimpdadya: Well for starters he told you to shut your pie hole. Listen this isn't about religion, this isn't even about nationality, though we are three very proud Iranians. This is about having one of the greatest minds in professional wrestling, a man who himself held the TWL championship 3 times, in our corner to take our careers to heights we have never seen before. And it starts tonight when we end the 15 year Tag Team Title reign of E.Z. Ryder and Leo Davis. E+


Match 2


The Dallas Wrecking Crew vs. Native Blood


These two teams came to fight and they waste no time. Native Blood takes the early advantage using quick tags and Eagle's speed to their advantage. The Wrecking crew comes back and manages to isolate Eagle. They work his legs hard hoping to put a dent in his obvious strengths. Finally Eagle hits Wolf for the hot tag and he comes in and clears house. In the ensuing chaos the referee loses track of legal men, Punisher takes Wolf to the outside driving him into the guardrail. Meanwhile in the ring Sanders catches Eagle and puts him in the Figure-4 leglock, to which he submits. E+


In the Ring


Elijah Black & Cousin Ezra


Elijah: Tonight Cousin Ezra and myself make our long awaited return to TWL. And we get the chance to face off with a couple of youngsters that call themselves the Medics. I can't say that I know a lot about them, but I hear they are great athletes. Only one problem for them, they have two face two of the biggest (looking at Ezra) and the best. E+


Match 3


Elijah Black & Cousin Ezra vs The Medics


The Medics push two gurneys to the ring, one slightly over-sized, taunting the crowd and Elijah and Ezra all the way down the aisle. Once the match begins its clear the Medics are the smoother of the teams. Using quick tags, and quite a few no tags do the their similarity and the ref not being able to tell the difference to get the advantage and isolate Black. But, Elijah fights back and tags in the big man. He goes to work on his much smaller opponents. With the ref distracted, the go for the quick switch again, but Ezra catches Medic 2 by the back of his mask and slams him. He then hits the Southern Legdrop for the victory while Elijah holds Medic 1. Post Match the medics grab chairs and attack sending Ezra out to the floor. They then brutalize Elijah and finish off by giving him a double suplex out of the ring onto the gurney.E




Rock: Joining me now are two of the men who will be challenging for the TWL Championship, Captain USA and Whistler.



Captain USA: You know whistler, its hard to believe that as long as we have been in this business, and as long as we have known each other, tonight will be the first time we have ever been in the ring together. And I know that as much as I want to win this prestigious title for the 3rd time you are probably just as hungry to win it for the 1st time.


Whistler: You better believe it. And once that bell rings it will be every man for himself. Good luck tonight. They shake hands.



Black Hat Bailey and The Bandit come from the back and confront them. They exchange words and are about to brawl but are separated by the agents.D


Match 4


TWL Tag Team Titles


E.Z. Ryder & Leo Davis vs. The Sheiks


EZ starts out and dominates early on. He tags in Leo who also takes it to the sheiks. But, the sheiks come back when Leo and EZ have a miscommunication and Leo takes a tumble to the outside. This allows the Sheiks, particularly Richards to dominate EZ, while Pimpdadya does the taunting. Finally Ryder makes the hot tag to Leo who attempts to clear house, but Pimpdadya distracts the ref and EZ, allowing Mustafa to hit Davis with the Iranian flag. Richards pins him for the victory. Ryder clears house breaking up the celebration. But, when he goes to assist Davis, Davis shoves him and leaves. E


In the Ring


Dazzling Dave Diamond w/ Miss Jemma


Triple D comes out to the ring in a sequined robe and head band. Miss Jemma holds the ring ropes for him. He grabs a mic.


DDD: Tonight I am facing the son of a former TWL great. Its too bad his daddy isn't here to see this. Because this Texas great is going to give him a nice brutal introduction to the world of professional wrestling. So I want all you fat, out of shape, steers to sit back and enjoy the show.E+


Triple D then has Miss Jemma take off his robe and he fakes throwing his headband into the crowd before handing it to her


Match 5


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Cameron Vessey


Vessey, clearly not happy with his speech, goes right after DDD. The two battle it out in a pretty even matchup as the youngster matches blow for blow with the flamboyant veteran. Unfortunately for Vessey he makes a rookie mistake, which allows DDD to hit him with the Dazzle Driver and pin him for the victory. DDD celebrates on his way to the back while Vessey clearly frustrated pounds the mat in the ring.D-


Main Event


TWL Championship


Captain USA vs. Whistler vs. Black Hat Bailey vs. The Bandit


All 4 men barely wait for the bell to go at it. The quickly split up with Captain USA and Bailey fighting in the ring and Bandit and Whistler on the outside. The four men brawl all around the ring and around ringside. At one point Whistler and USA clear Bandit and Bailey from the ring, they then turn to each other and exchange some punches much to the delight of the crowd before turning their attention back to Bailey and Bandit. Finally Captain USA hits the Hail to the Chief on The Bandit, but Bailey breaks up the pin. Bailey then nails Captain USA with the Bailey Breaker. But before he can do anything Whistler runs in and hits Bailey with the rebel yell. He covers him but it is broken up by The Bandit. He hits Whistler with a lariat. Bailey recovers and goes after Bandit. Captain USA comes back and attacks both of them. Unfortunately for him he gets tossed from the ring onto the barricade. Bailey once again hits the Bailey Breaker on Whistler, but Bandit Lariats him from the ring. He covers Whistler, but the delay allowed him to recover and he kicks out at 2. Bandit goes to Lariat him, but Whistler reverses it, however Bandit reverses that and catches him with a devastating Lariat. He covers him and gets the victory.D-


Overall Rating: E+


Show notes:

The show was brought down by angles being worse than matches

Running Wolf and Soaring Eagle showed excellent chemistry teaming together.

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Funny thing I have Running Wolf and Roger as a tag team in my personal game as well. I call them the Young Braves and Roger's name is Running Bear.


Yeah I pretty much sign them at some point in every game. I like your name choice as well. I was playing off him being a cruiserweight when I chose Soaring Eagle.

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I don't really see why everybody always gives Monteiro a Native American name. The way I had it with one of my own games was that Running Wolf would have him under his wing as an apprentice, and, when performing a top-secret ritual to give him his name and make him a man in the tribe, there would be some random wrestler/tag team who accidentally interrupted it and created a match between the two :p


Nice first show, looking forward to seeing more. And eagerly awaiting Jesse Christian's return to the ring

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I figure I should take some time to give a background on what I am doing. I didn't really do a backstory because I really just wanted to get into the action. And, anything I would've done would have been too contrived. So I chose to make it short and sweet. But more or less my character is rich and wanted to bring back TWL. But the story this diary will tell is not about me, its about the action in and around the ring.


The reason my other diary ideas kept stumbling was that they all revolved around the same core of MAW, FCW and the Keith kids. I wanted to do something completely different. So I researched profiles and brought in as many TWL guys as I could. I then rounded out the roster with other guys with Texas connections as well as a couple former SCCW talents. The only exceptions are Vessey, whose dad worked for TWL and Running Wolf and Monteiro who represent the new versions of Chief Two Eagles. Basically I put together the roster I felt someone really doing this would put together. And yes my roster has a lot of older guys, but that's what I wanted as my starting point to build on.


Also a note on the Sheiks. Obviously I like them because I put the belts on them. I went back and forth on what to do with them at one point I considered giving Coyote Dynamite a different biker name, and teaming him with EZ Ryder under a new tag name. I also considered using the Assassins name. However, for some reason I have always gotten a kick out of the old AWA sheiks of Ken Patera and Jerry Blackwell, and so I wanted a team like that. I considered bringing in Pete the Hillbilly and a couple others for the role, before finally settling on Ernie Turner and Coyote Dynamite.

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I for one am glad that you did not do a backstory. I find myself only scanning backstories on here. And if your diary is not driven on backstory why include it.


I really like what you have done so far and it does have an old style feel to it. I have to ask, where did you get that Arabic text from, that is awsome!

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I for one am glad that you did not do a backstory. I find myself only scanning backstories on here. And if your diary is not driven on backstory why include it.


I really like what you have done so far and it does have an old style feel to it. I have to ask, where did you get that Arabic text from, that is awsome!




I just typed in a basic "Shutup stupid american, we will win" promo and translated it into Persian

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Coming in February 2010


TWL Stampede


Main Event

for the

TWL Championship



Captain USA vs. The Bandit©


The Bandit will make his first defense against Captain USA who was in the 4-Way last month, but didn't take the pinfall.

Black Hat Bailey vs. Whistler


The two top competitors will look for the first victory in TWL and likely set themselves up as a top challenger for the TWL Championship.

TWL Tag Team Titles



Cousin Ezra & E.Z. Ryder vs. The Sheiks ©


Ezra & Black were granted a title match based on their victory last month, however Black sustained an injury due to the post match attack by the medics. So Ezra has chosen the former champion E.Z. Ryder to be his partner for this match.


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Cameron Vessey


Frustrated at blowing what he thought was a sure win, Vessey has asked for a re-match and Diamond was only too happy to oblige.

Dallas Wrecking Crew vs. Mad Dog Mortimer & The Red Dog


The Wrecking Crew look to give the newcomers a nice Texas welcome to TWL.


Animal Harker vs. Medic #2 w/Medic #1


The wildman looks to notch another victory while the Medics look to send another victim to the hospital.

Native Blood vs. Crash Lewis & Leo Davis


Having walked out on his old tag team partner, Leo Davis has joined forces with someone he claims better fits his style. They will take on the young Native American duo who are looking for their first victory.


Quick Form


Captain USA vs. The Bandit© for the TWL Championship

Black Hat Bailey vs. Whistler

Cousin Ezra & E.Z. Ryder vs. The Sheiks © for the TWL Tag Team Titles

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Cameron Vessey

Dallas Wrecking Crew vs. Mad Dog Mortimer & The Red Dog

Animal Harker vs. Medic #2 w/Medic #1

Native Blood vs. Crash Lewis & Leo Davis

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Captain USA vs. The Bandit© for the TWL Championship

Black Hat Bailey vs. Whistler

Cousin Ezra & E.Z. Ryder vs. The Sheiks © for the TWL Tag Team Titles

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Cameron Vessey

Dallas Wrecking Crew vs. Mad Dog Mortimer & The Red Dog

Animal Harker vs. Medic #2 w/Medic #1

Native Blood vs. Crash Lewis & Leo Davis

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Captain USA vs. The Bandit© for the TWL Championship

bandit is your best main event worker right now


Black Hat Bailey vs. Whistler

Bailey usually retires quickly, and he cant go more than 10 min


Cousin Ezra & E.Z. Ryder vs. The Sheiks © for the TWL Tag Team Titles

they just won the belts


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Cameron Vessey

I can see Vessey winning this, but triple D is the hometown product


Dallas Wrecking Crew vs. Mad Dog Mortimer & The Red Dog



Animal Harker vs. Medic #2 w/Medic #1

harker is a long way from being useful


Native Blood vs. Crash Lewis & Leo Davis


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