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French tutorial for TEW 2010

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Nice work but I'm beginning to seriously question french education because no matter what game, it's always the french (no offence intented here) that are seeking for tutorials/help in their own language. I think it's faschinating. You just don't see it happening with other countries.. Perhaps Italians are a bit same but they're the only two I constantly see asking help/tutorial/whatnot in their own language on forums.


I mean, it can't be the education's fault can it? If I understand it correctly french have a very high 'nationalism' -kinda respect towards their own language and I've heard the phrase "when in France, we speak french" used a lot. So.. ? What gives? :) Again not trying to be hostile but I just want to know how the thing is..


And, by the way... how many american people can speak french ?:rolleyes:


The Finnish guy got the Americans an eye roll.


Made me lol :p

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There's a poll conducted about every two years in the USA on general knowledge. You'd be surprise how many Americans can't even say where are Canada and Mexico. At least that's how it's reported here ;)


Less you know about other countries less you will protest when your government decides to bomb them, that's my theory :p


FTR - I love Americans :)

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