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I think you'd be doing other developers a disservice by comparing them to Adam. He's not the typical independent developer (not by a long shot). There aren't too many indie developers who can boast three successful franchises, all of which are fully supported, updated, and continually developed. Most independents would be happy with ONE.


AKA - Adam's the man. But anyone with a pulse already knows that. :cool:

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The only benefit I could see it that, given the project is new in nature, you as a developer would miss out on a lot of community ideas. A new type of game can make use (for better or worse) of the community. After all, we are the once that are supposed to play it. The input can of course also lead to ideas of your own. Etc.


But obviously it's better to announce a new TEW or WMMA just months before the release, for the reason mentioned before.


But a new game like 'MMA Spirit' (or something like it :p) can be announced perhaps 4 months in advance, since no one's excitement will be burned out before that time.

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I was employed by a games company in late 2006 to manage a customer support team for their new MMORPG that was due out in March of 2007. By the time I'd left that company to live the dream full time early last year, the game still wasn't out. It had been re-written and re-named twice, and I believe it's been mostly scrapped and done over again since I left. It's still nowhere near ready from what I hear from friends who still work there.


Point being, even big games studios that employ hundreds of people can face massive delays as ideas grow organically in the development process and some things just don't work out as planned. In my experience, giving out release dates early in the dev. process for games puts undue pressure on the developers, as well as irritating the less patient/rational amongst us.


The company I worked for had never even officially announced the game in question, however we'd get hundreds of messages per month (sometimes per week) demanding to know why we weren't finished with the rumoured project that didn't officially (or actually, to tell the truth!) exist. :p


Wild guess: BLIZZARD

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Publisher. That's the word you're looking for ('umbrella name'). Adam, Brian, and yes even Arlie, are developers while Grey Dog is the publisher. I think you'd be doing other developers a disservice by comparing them to Adam. He's not the typical independent developer (not by a long shot). There aren't too many indie developers who can boast three successful franchises, all of which are fully supported, updated, and continually developed. Most independents would be happy with ONE.


And having separate office space isn't an indicator of professionalism or legitimacy. There are many doctors who operate out of their homes (private residences) while there are many telemarketing scam companies who have separate office space. So even if Grey Dog was run out of Arlie's garage, as long as they perform their duties as publisher, it doesn't really matter.


If you add EWR to the TEW line thats what? At least 15 years working on wrestling related products.

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I have the luxery of being able to take my time with the football line. I prefer to juggle running GDS, my main job and developing the football games - with the priorities in that order.


When I get to a point to where I need more feedback or have something to announce, this place will be the first to know. :) But, until that point, I don't see the need to get people riled up when the game still has some time to go (ie, the process I took a few years back with the project).

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That's all that Arlie needed to say to keep everyone happy:) & to keep the hounds at bay:D Now that we know what is going on, I think we can just leave the man alone to his work! Sorry Arlie if I sounded a bit harsh before!

I just thought you needed to give some kind of an update & you did. Good luck with the game & hope all is well with your regular job & life.

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