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VWA: A Mountain To Climb

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Sebastian Koller vs Randy Haute

VWA European Title Match


Haiti Voodude vs Walker van Cleer


Cub Balowicz vs Griffin vs Landon Mallory

Triple Threat Match


Night Spyder vs Jasper January


Nigel Svensson vs Jason Dempsey


I am a fan of Nigel and I always why he in the first month all of the time.

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Nice start, you got another reader on me.


Sebastian Koller vs Randy Haute

VWA European Title Match

Koller isn´t dropping the titel yet


Haiti Voodude vs Walker van Cleer

Could go either way but with face champion it´s usually safe to pick heels winning these big matches


Cub Balowicz vs Griffin vs Landon Mallory

Triple Threat Match

Pretty much a guess here but Mallory seems to be the one who is worth pushing.


Night Spyder vs Jasper January

Janyary seems more talented


Nigel Svensson vs Jason Dempsey

Svensson is always worth pushing

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Sebastian Koller vs Randy Haute

VWA European Title Match

Koller can't drop it right away


Haiti Voodude vs Walker van Cleer

Two losses right off the bat would be no bueno for your second best face


Cub Balowicz vs Griffin vs Landon Mallory

Triple Threat Match

Both men won their matches, so the most skilled worker yet to win picks it up here


Night Spyder vs Jasper January

January's higher on the totem pole


Nigel Svensson vs Jason Dempsey

Nigel can potentially pass up the lowest guy in VWA with a win here

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Sebastian Koller vs Randy Haute

VWA European Title Match


Haiti Voodude vs Walker van Cleer


Cub Balowicz vs Griffin vs Landon Mallory

Triple Threat Match


Night Spyder vs Jasper January


Nigel Svensson vs Jason Dempsey

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Victory Wrestling Association presents...

VWA Mayhem


Friday, Week 2, February 2010

Bremen Hall (Central Europe)

Attendance: 80 people




The Victory Wrestling theme music plays as a short opening video montage plays on the projection screen set up next to the stage. It highlights the biggest events in the short history of the company, most notably Haute’s title win on the first ever show, Wild Child and Matthew Mack’s crazed antics and the most recent notable event, Sebastian Koller’s title victory. Following the review of the company history, another short video plays recapping the events of last month’s show, focussing primarily on Wild Child’s crazed antics, Sebastian Koller, the debut of Haiti Voodude and the brutal post-match attack by Randy Haute.



Dick Kerley and Charlie Grimsson


Dick Kerley: Welcome once again wrestling fans to VWA Mayhem! I’m here as always sitting ringside with my broadcast partner, Charlie Grimsson.

Charlie Grimsson: Thanks Dick. As always, welcome to another night of action! We’re told two new wrestlers will be debuting as well as Sebastian Koller making his first title defence.

Dick Kerley: That’s right Charlie, all that and a helluva lot more coming up tonight. But first off, I’ve been told the boss has a big announcement to make...



Albert Thorp

On Stage


The crowd erupt into a pretty significant applause as the owner; Albert Thorp steps out onto the makeshift stage set up in the small boxing hall that VWA call home. He is wearing a very classy looking suit and carries a microphone in hand. As soon as the crowd quietens down, he speaks.


Albert Thorp: By now, you should all know who I am. I am the man that runs the shop; I am the owner of the Victory Wrestling Association. And that means I call the shots. As of tonight, not only do I own this company and make all the business deals but I shall be appearing every time we hold a show.


The volume in the building increases as the crowd erupts into a loud cheer and starts making bowing gestures towards the slightly bemused Swiss multi-millionaire.


Albert Thorp: As of tonight, I am the new commissioner!


Once again, this statement is met with loud cheers and once again Thorp seems a little uncomfortable and bemused at the level of respect being shown by the small crowd in attendance.


Albert Thorp: What I say goes... And you can bet your bottom dollar on that!


And with that, he heads out as the crowd erupts into a sea of murmuring and discussion about the statement of intent from the new commissioner.


Grade: E


Charlie Grimsson: Wow! The boss is the new commissioner!

Dick Kerley: That was unexpected! What will this mean for the boys out the back?

Charlie Grimsson: How are they gonna take this? Only time will tell I guess Dick.

Dick Kerley: On with the show though, first up tonight we’ve got Night Spyder taking on ‘Double J’ Jasper January.



Night Spyder vs Jasper January


The very heavily-tattooed Night Spyder is out first, skulking angrily down to the ring, which isn’t met too pleasantly by the crowd, who react by jeering at him. This is short lived however as his opponent, ‘Double J’ Jasper January soon sprints out and receives a much more positive reaction.


The crowd’s intensity lessens somewhat once the action gets underway, with the pairing matched very evenly and going move for move in the early going. Night Spyder seeks to gain the upper hand though as he is first to ascend to the pair’s favoured spot atop the turnbuckle, but is taken down with a superplex that turns the match’s momentum. From here it is almost all offence from January, though there is a short fight back before the final flurry of moves that leads to the concluding result. January eventually steals this one, snatching a pinfall after downing Night Spyder with a Leap Year.


Jasper January wins at 5:50 via pinfall

Grade: E-


Dick Kerley: Not all together that decisive there. Jasper January edging out Night Spyder but it wasn’t always clear that’d be the result.

Charlie Grimsson: No, we had a good fight there. Kudos to Night Spyder, he may be a bit of a freak but he held a solid match!

Dick Kerley: On with the show now though, as the young Spaniard looks to back up his win last week with another.

Charlie Grimsson: Wait ‘till you see who he’s facing though!

Dick Kerley: That’s right Charlie, the powers that be have grabbed a star in the making here.



Xavi vs Rolling Johnny Stones


The young Spaniard, Xavi is first to head down to the ring and once again the fans make their hatred known for him. For some reason, he is especially hated in these parts. Following his entrance, the crowd is silent, knowing that he has an unannounced opponent. They aren’t disappointed as Rolling Johnny Stones races out onto the stage to a huge cheer! The applause doesn’t stop as he heads down to the ring and upon stepping into the ring; the crowd has broken into chants of his name. Xavi shrugs, looking rather un-phased by the wild level of support for his opponent.


Rolling Johnny Stones appears to be riding on the tail of the adrenaline rush the crowd’s reception has placed him on, dominating early on with speedy attacks on all parts of Xavi’s body. Stones doesn’t just hone in on one area instead working the arms, then legs, then torso. Xavi appears to have no comeback as the rapidness of the attacks have caught him completely off-guard. In a rather decisive result, Rolling Johhny Stones hits Xavi with his trademark ??? finisher and seals the victory with the three-count. He celebrates the victory by exiting through the crowd, a move clearly appreciated by them based on their response.


Rolling Johnny Stones wins at 6:53 via pinfall

Grade: E


Dick Kerley: The wind was certainly knocked from Xavi’s sails there, Charlie.

Charlie Grimsson: It certainly was, Dick. Xavi needs to work on reacting to the pressure if he wants to be considered here.

Dick Kerley: Yeah, he seemed rather green there, caught completely off-guard by the challenger.

Charlie Grimsson: After such a good result last week, he’s back to square one.

Dick Kerley: Rolling Johnny Stones marks his arrival with a solid win. Up next, Nigel Svensson will be looking to take his first win in VWA.

Charlie Grimsson: Jason Dempsey will certainly be no walkover though, with him looking to open his account for 2010 on a winning note.



Nigel Svensson vs Jason Dempsey


Following both men’s entrances which did little to get the crowd going, this match gets underway. Jason Dempsey shows his credentials in the early going, managing to avoid going to the mat with the stronger grappler, keeping his opponent in a slightly less dangerous upright position. However, he is visibly running out of steam as Svensson doesn’t seem to show any sign of weakening despite numerous blows from Dempsey. In the end it’s all too much and Svensson takes complete control, tackling Jason roughly to the mat, before locking in an ankle hold of sorts. It’s not quite the end as Dempsey gets the rope break but walks right into a series of three German suplexes and then an ... as Svensson secures himself victory by submission.


Nigel Svensson wins at 5:50 via submission

Grade: E-


Dick Kerley: Svensson picks up his first VWA win with a strong showing. He proved he is no walkover there.

Charlie Grimsson: No, definitely not a walkover on the basis of that. Jason Dempsey opens his 2010 account with a loss.

Dick Kerley: We’re not even at the halfway point and we’ve already seen a great night of action.

Charlie Grimsson: That’s right Dick and looking at what’s coming up we haven’t seen nothing yet!

Dick Kerley: Right now though, we’re gonna join our VWA champion backstage.



Sebastian Koller



Backstage, Sebastian Koller stands on the interview set clutching tightly, over his shoulder, his VWA European title belt. He is handed a microphone but doesn’t speak immediately, pausing to soak up the ovation that is echoing from the main arena.


Sebastian Koller: Thank you. Thank you. Your true champion, your people’s champion, your man is here!


Another great reaction from the fans in the arena. Once again, Koller waits for hush to descend upon them before talking.


Sebastian Koller: Your true champion, unlike that fraudster Randy Haute... He may have been given his rematch but he’s only gotten it because he’s a pushy little ass that thinks power is everything. He may think that attacking me is the way to get at the belt, but let me make it clear now; attacking me will only psyche me up more.


Koller is interrupted by cheers at this seeming threat to Randy Haute. They definitely don’t like the challenger in the upcoming match!


Sebastian Koller: Haute, you’ve picked the wrong man. I beat you in ten minutes flat last time out, this time it’ll be half that. Your attack means I have my target firmly set on you and I am not gonna be distracted from dismantling you once more. Watch out Haute ‘cause the building will rock when I get things rollin’!


Closing off with his trademark catchphrase, Koller hands the microphone back to a backstage worker and strolls away clearly focused on his upcoming match.


Grade: D-


Dick Kerley: Koller lays it out to Haute. That was all very clear to me.

Charlie Grimsson: We have one very focused champion right there. Haute will have his work cut out tonight.

Dick Kerley: Walker van Cleer up against Haiti Voodude next and surely just like Koller, focus is the key for these two.

Charlie Grimsson: That’s a very good point, Dick. Both men are coming off the back of defeats last month and need to re-focus.



Haiti Voodude vs Walker van Cleer


The crowd are riled up before anyone even appears for this bout, obviously hyped by the fact both competitors are easily main event calibre. The fan favourite, Walker van Cleer is first out to a decent reception from the fans. He slaps hands with several on his way to the ring and then much to their excitement stands atop the turnbuckle to pose for them. He is however interrupted as the lights dim and the music kicks in. Haiti Voodude’s entrance is different from last time around; this time he waves what appears to be some sort of scented stick around. The crowd don’t take nicely to this at all, hurling abuse at the Jamaican. He puts it out before rolling under the ropes and facing off against the young Dutchman.


For the most part, the pair is rather mismatched in the ring. Haiti Voodude attempts to take his opponent out with big forearm blows and a lot of power moves whilst van Cleer would prefer to grapple and take Voodude to the mat, which he succeeds in doing three times in the early going. However, his hesitation upon climbing the turnbuckle to hit a splash costs him as he is power slammed down to the canvas. This is the first turning point in a evenly matched contest. The next one comes when Voodude attempts to take a page out of his opponent’s book and use a grappling hold. The Dutchman despite being locked into a hammerlock uses his leg strength to push off the ropes and topple Voodude for a near fall. This appears to be it for Haiti as he is on the back foot for a long spell, eventually leading to him to roll out of the ring and grab the large scented stick he was waving. He rolls back into the ring and despite the protests of referee, Fitz Nankervish, he hits van Cleer square between the eyes, sending him crashing to the canvas. The referee calls for the bell and awards the fallen Dutchman a disqualification victory. Voodude quickly leaves, showing no remorse for what he just did.


Walker van Cleer wins at 13:02 via disqualification

Grade: E+


Dick Kerley: What a contest! Haiti Voodude though resorting to a very underhanded tactic at the end.

Charlie Grimsson: I don’t think that’s the last of this. Walker van Cleer will certainly want to avenge that.

Dick Kerley: I’m sure he will. I wonder what the new commissioner is thinking about this.

Charlie Grimsson: Moving right along though Dick, we are gonna head backstage and catch up with VWA’s newest arrival!



Gianfranco Morelli



A completely new face for the majority of VWA fans, the young Italian is dressed in clothes rather unbefitting of such a rough-as-guts crowd. Morelli is groomed and dressed to impress, clearly. He is handed a microphone.


Gianfranco Morelli: The saviour has arrived in VWA. I am here to cleanse your company of its oddities, here to help deal with your identity crisis. I look around backstage and I’m surrounded by freaks, slobs and god knows what else. I am the ‘King Of The Catwalk’, Gianfranco Morelli and I have arrived here with one goal. To turn that mis-match out back into a smart and sexy dream!


The crowd clearly aren’t having any of it. They are jeering and hurling all sorts of lewd abuse in the direction of the newcomer, who clearly doesn’t get what VWA fans are all about.


Grade: D-


Charlie Grimsson: Gianfranco Morelli, he has certainly arrived.

Dick Kerley: Just how long will he last though? That was pure hatred displayed by the crowd.

Charlie Grimsson: Only time will tell, Dick. On with the show now though and I’m told that we’re heading backstage once more.



Landon Mallory, Griffin and Beth Bilal



The young Springbok is now in the backstage interview area and is immediately handed a microphone. Mallory shifts his weight from side to side a little uneasily but eventually stops and stares at the camera, grinning.


Landon Mallory: One match, two big dudes. This one’s mine for the taking. They’re both gonna feel what it means to take the Springbok Ram!


Mallory doesn’t advance any further though, instead stopping and looking to his right. Standing slightly off the set watching intently is Griffin, accompanied by his manager Beth Bilal. Griffin walks out and without removing the microphone from Mallory’s hand speaks into it.


Griffin: We’ve got the same big guy that’s gonna be out to pummel us, Landon. Make a smart move and let’s go into this together. Us against him, the good guys taking on the bad one. Whatcha say?


Landon Mallory: I say you’re on, old-timer! But don’t expect me to go easy on you just because we’re working together on this.


Griffin’s weary face breaks into a sly smile, whilst Landon Mallory beams at the fact his match has been made slightly easier. The pair shakes hands and Mallory leaves, heading to the ring with Bilal and Griffin in tow.


Grade: E+


Dick Kerley: Now I know the boss doesn’t allow alliances, but is that really an alliance or just a tactical move from Griffin there?

Charlie Grimsson: Seems like a simple case of good against evil to me. You always gotta have the good guys on the same page!

Dick Kerley: I guess we’ll soon find out, because that triple threat match is up next.



Cub Balowicz vs Griffin vs Landon Mallory

Triple Threat Match


Following his interview, the brash young South African, Landon Mallory is first out to a reasonably good reception from the crowd. Griffin is next out and the fact he is accompanied by Beth Bilal means he garners a hugely positive response from those in attendance. The final man to head down to the ring is the big Polish brawler, Cub Balowicz who is still taping up his hands as he walks out to the ring. The crowd greet him rather unpleasantly, clearly not too impressed.


Mallory does the smart thing off the bell and lets Griffin and Balowicz lock up, meaning he can stand back and observe. This doesn’t last long though as Cub takes the upper hand and drops Griffin to the canvas with an uppercut before doing the same with Mallory. The Pole does the exact same thing three more times as both Mallory and Griffin slowly get back to their feet. The first signs of their alliance come when they team up to take their opponent down with a double clothesline. The momentum shifts and it’s all power to Mallory in the middle going, attacking Balowicz with vicious intent and seemingly being little softer on Griffin. A solid fight back occurs though and it’s not long before Griffin takes control, though he solely focuses on the Springbok for a little too long and gets his comeuppance. Balowicz takes the advantage, pummelling at Griffin’s ribs before dropping a very hard elbow to the sternum of Mallory and scoring the pinfall with Griffin out of the ring clutching at his battered ribs.


Cub Balowicz wins at 11:09 via pinfall

Grade: E+


Dick Kerley: Clearly Griffin and Mallory’s statement of intent did little to strike fear into Cub.

Charlie Grimsson: Balowicz taking a commanding win. Will Griffin and Mallory be happy about this? I highly doubt it!

Dick Kerley: I think its obvious alliances don’t work based on that performance!

Charlie Grimsson: Well, we’re only minutes away from Sebastian Koller’s first title defence now.

Dick Kerley: I can feel the heat rising out here. These fans are pumped for this!

Charlie Grimsson: First up though Dick; let’s recap how this all came about.



Sebastian Koller and Randy Haute



The small projection screen starts rolling a video package. It opens with Randy Haute’s title victory on the promotion’s first show; he clutches the belt tight to his chest as he lies in the ring drained from a very physical encounter. Sebastian Koller’s rapid rise to the top of the company is now shown, a parallel to Haute’s time at the top which is a series of win after win after win. Finally, it gets to their first encounter, Koller’s shock ten minute dismantling of Haute. Koller is now the one clutching tightly to the belt as he celebrates amongst the crowd. That is until last month, when he is shown celebrating a hard-earned victory over Haiti Voodude. The serenity of the win is broken though as Randy Haute races down the ramp and viciously lays a beating on the champion. The package ends by reiterating that only one man can come out of this as champion.


Grade: E


Dick Kerley: That really sets the scene of what this encounter means to Haute.

Charlie Grimsson: The former champion desperately wants that belt back.

Dick Kerley: Koller isn’t about to go down without a fight though.



Sebastian Koller vs Randy Haute

VWA European Title Match


Randy Haute walks out, strutting though looking intently focused. He is met by a wall of pent-up anger, frustration and hatred by the VWA audience but manages to ignore it for the most part. He does slap a Koller poster from one person’s hands, which only increases the volume and intensity of their jeering. From one extreme to another, the fans go crazy as the VWA European champion, Sebastian Koller emerges from the back, high-fiving every possible person on the way down to the ring. He rolls into the ring and stops momentarily to slap his belt much to the excitement of the fans and annoyance of Haute.


The bell rings and Koller removes the belt, handing it to referee Fitz Nankervish. The two men now pause, each circling ready to pounce but choosing to stare each other down, hoping to gain a mental advantage. Haute is first to break, turning away momentarily and instantly being locked up as the pair grapple in the centre of the ring. Haute eventually powers out, but is almost straight away locked up once more by the pushy champion. Once more, he powers out and grins much to the crowd’s disgust. From here on out, all the action is tactical. Haute decides to focus on Koller’s legs attempting to ground the champion, and in the early going this tactic is successful. However, Haute’s ****y streak is his downfall as he takes a little too long to lock up a leg lock and is kicked into the ropes and hit with a beautiful northern lights suplex that almost is lights out for the challenger. From here on out, it is Koller’s for the taking as he pummels Haute with a flurry of fists, focusing in on the ribs of the challenger. His flurry of punches is followed up with a gut wrench, locking the challenger up in a world of pain. A short fight back ensues after a snide below the waist shot by Haute when the referee has his back turned, but short is the key word. It isn’t long before Koller sets up his Jam Session sequence, consisting of a hard hitting lariat followed by his Rock Drop spine buster and then capping it all off with his Hamburg Rock City finisher. That was all she wrote as he then drops to his knees and covers the challenger to seal his first successful title defence.


Sebastian Koller wins at 15:30 via pinfall

Grade: E+


Show Rating: E+

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It’s great to see such positive feedback so far. It’s definitely helping to keep me motivated - the European wrestling scene can be a bit frustrating at times!


Anyhow, without further ado here are the results of the latest round of the prediction contest. A huge well done to BHK1978 and QFresh, who managed to predict all the matches correctly in a rather less than predictable week!


=1. BHK1978: 5/5

=1. QFresh: 5/5

3. John Lions: 4/5

=4. TakerNGN74: 3/5

=4. Zergon: 3/5

=4. Jingo: 3/5


And with that in mind here is the overall leader board marked by percentages, with number of rounds predicted by each in the brackets.


1. BHK1978: 100% (2)

=2. QFresh: 89% (2)

=2. John Lions: 89% (2)

4. Jingo: 56% (2)

=5. Marcel Fromage: 33% (1)

=5. Clp605: 33% (1)

=5. BYU 14: 33% (1)

=5. Zergon: 33% (1)

=5. TakerNGN74: 33% (1)


As with last time, coming up next will be profiles of the new guys as well as the latest industry news and results.

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New Arrivals

Gianfranco Morelli http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v205/rdarnz/Flags/it.png

Known as the ‘King Of The Catwalk’, this fashion-obsessed Italian has done little to gain interest from the wrestling world. An uninspired tag team stint elsewhere was his only previous experience, but he certainly laid out what he has came here to do. He isn’t a slacker in the ring, instead being rather gifted in both grappling and aerial attacks and will certainly look to test himself against anyone that’s willing.


Rolling Johnny Stones http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v205/rdarnz/Flags/gb.png

A solid, consistent British wrestler, having skill across the board not only in brawls, grappling and in the air but also matching it with equally strong charisma and looks. He gained his nickname from his trademark sequence of several suplexes and the manner in which he’d roll between them. A perfect mixture of skills and entertainment value make Johnny a shoe-in to be a future consideration in the title picture.


Other European Shows


UEW Hot In The Shade

Friday, Week 1, February 2010

Pireas Sports Hall (Mediterranean)

Attendance: 248 people


Kalu Owusu defeated Greg Gauge

Beast Bantom defeated Gordon Love

Ali Bloxsome defeated Inky The Squid Boy

Michael Moodie defeated Geoff Borne to retain UEW Nations Title

Stig Svensson defeated Jamie Anderson

Joey Beauchamp defeated Sergei Kalashnov to retain UEW World Title


Show Rating: C



EWA Festival Of Violence


Monday, Week 2, February 2010

Bremen Hall (Central Europe)

Attendance: 300 people (SELL-OUT)


Super Falcon defeated Bas Hagen

Geena The Warrior Princess defeated Karen Bilous

White Knight defeated Hercules Johansson

Kalvin Addams defeated Poppa Punisher

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Elle and Byron

Double Dutch (Ruud van Anger and Frank De Pain) defeated The X Force (Christopher Lister and Jase Cole)

Byron defeated Bam Bam Johansson to retain EWA Universal Title


Show Rating: D

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Victory Wrestling Association

A Mountain To Climb


Two months have passed since I first got given the chance to book by my uncle. In those two months, I’d added four new faces to the Victory Wrestling Association family, added a meagre amount to the already bustling bank account. A very meagre couple of grand but profit none the less. My uncle was pretty happy with progress, but I had a few issues to press with him.


The first being tag teams and alliances. Sure, I’m happy not to have a tag division but tag matches could provide a really strong area of competition especially when you have numerous big names all wanting in on the card. Alliances too - what did my uncle mean by this because I’d like to align people. I guess it all falls on him to make the big decisions. Finally, he had something for me. Some goals that I had to achieve:


1. VWA must have risen to Regional size within the next 25 months.

2. VWA must not have dropped below Small size within the next 21 months.

3. You cannot hire anyone with less than D- in Resilience.

4. You cannot hire anyone with less than D- in Basics.

5. You cannot hire anyone that has had problems with the law.


That all seemed very fair to me - some simple rules but still no answer from my uncle about the tag team and alliances issue. Hopefully he’ll get back to me in time for the next show...

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VWA Mayhem Preview

Friday, Week 2, March 2010

Sebastian Koller backed up his recent title victory with his first successful defence last month, making it two from two for the current European champion. Also two for two this year is Polish hard man, Cub Balowicz who has managed to force himself into the title picture with his dominance thus far this year. Can Koller retain for successful defence number two or will Balowicz over-power him?


Last month, Haiti Voodude lost his match courtesy of him using his tribal stick as a weapon. Walker van Cleer was on the receiving end that time. Will his opponent this time around, newly arrived Rolling Johnny Stones feel the wrath of that tribal stick? Or will the newcomer be able to shock the Jamaican and take the upset win?


Randy Haute’s hasn’t had the greatest time in the past few months, from the loss of his belt in December, to defeat last month when he tried to regain it. One must wonder whether the slippery slope continues for Randy. This week he takes on the young South African, Landon Mallory who appears to have a point to prove after losing out in his three-way match last month. One also has to wonder whether the alliance he made with Griffin was a one night only deal.


Speaking of Griffin, the big Swede takes to the ring with Walker van Cleer and two wrestlers we haven’t seen thus far this year, Modern Day Warlord and Acheron. Warlord has some great momentum at the tail end of last year and surely will hope to keep it up, whilst the huge Romanian, Acheron will equally be looking to stake his claims to victory.


Finally, young Swede Nigel Svensson is in action against the coc*y young Spaniard Xavi whilst Matthew Macks returns to the ring, no doubt still nursing injuries from his brutal encounter with Wild Child. He’ll be taking on the newcomer who did little to gain favour with anyone on the roster last time out, Gianfranco Morelli. As always, a night of non-stop action is expected so don’t miss out on some more mayhem brought to you by the VWA!

Confirmed Card

Sebastian Koller vs Cub Balowicz

VWA European Title Match


Haiti Voodude vs Rolling Johnny Stones


Randy Haute vs Landon Mallory


Modern Day Warlord vs Walker van Cleer vs Griffin vs Acheron

Fatal Four Way Match


Nigel Svensson vs Xavi


Matthew Macks vs Gianfranco Morelli

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Sebastian Koller vs Cub Balowicz

VWA European Title Match


Haiti Voodude vs Rolling Johnny Stones


Randy Haute vs Landon Mallory


Modern Day Warlord vs Walker van Cleer vs Griffin vs Acheron

Fatal Four Way Match


Nigel Svensson vs Xavi


Matthew Macks vs Gianfranco Morelli

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Sebastian Koller vs Cub Balowicz

VWA European Title Match


Haiti Voodude vs Rolling Johnny Stones


Randy Haute vs Landon Mallory


Modern Day Warlord vs Walker van Cleer vs Griffin vs Acheron

Fatal Four Way Match


Nigel Svensson vs Xavi


Matthew Macks vs Gianfranco Morelli

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Sebastian Koller vs Cub Balowicz

VWA European Title Match

Koller isn´t dropping the title yet and certainly not to Balowicz


Haiti Voodude vs Rolling Johnny Stones

Normally I would go with Johnny here but I think that Voodude needs the win more after two losses.


Randy Haute vs Landon Mallory

Haute gets a comewhat easy win here


Modern Day Warlord vs Walker van Cleer vs Griffin vs Acheron

Fatal Four Way Match

Not sure on this one but I figured that van Cleer would be safest bet here

Nigel Svensson vs Xavi

Svensson is always worth pushing


Matthew Macks vs Gianfranco Morelli

Morelli was decent in my ESE diary so I go with him over a guy who I don´t know much about.

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Sebastian Koller vs Cub Balowicz

VWA European Title Match


Haiti Voodude vs Rolling Johnny Stones


Randy Haute vs Landon Mallory


Modern Day Warlord vs Walker van Cleer vs Griffin vs Acheron

Fatal Four Way Match


Nigel Svensson vs Xavi

Matthew Macks vs Gianfranco Morelli

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Victory Wrestling Association presents...

VWA Mayhem


Friday, Week 2, March 2010

Bremen Hall (Central Europe)

Attendance: 167 people




The Victory Wrestling theme music plays as a short opening video montage plays on the projection screen set up next to the stage. It highlights the biggest events in the short history of the company, most notably Haute’s title win on the first ever show, Wild Child and Matthew Mack’s crazed antics and the most recent notable event, Sebastian Koller’s title victory. Following the review of the company history, another short video plays recapping the events of last month’s show, focusing primarily on the debuts of Rolling Johnny Stones and Gianfranco Morelli, Sebastian Koller’s successful title defence, and the interesting discussion between Landon Mallory and Griffin.



Dick Kerley and Charlie Grimsson


Dick Kerley: Evening all, we’re here for yet another chaotic night and here by my side is Charlie Grimsson.

Charlie Grimsson: Dick, that’s right. We have one helluva chaotic hour and a half coming up, ninety minutes of pure mayhem! Let’s get tonight rolling Dick, with our first match!



Matthew Macks vs Gianfranco Morelli


Morelli is out first and isn’t met pleasantly at all by the crowd. They seem not to have forgotten about the Italian’s rant last week and can’t help but remind him of this fact. Matthew Macks makes a triumphant return to the ring next following a month off nursing the injuries sustained in the no disqualifications match he had with Wild Child.


The match gets underway and Gianfranco Morelli easily has the upper hand in the early going, having slightly more speed and definitely a little more finesse to his movement than the Irish Daredevil. However, the more he gets into the match, the more the crowd gets on the Italian’s back and it starts distracting him, allowing Macks to come right back at him. Macks takes the advantage and drops Morelli to the mat, showboating as he climbs the turnbuckle, allowing Gianfranco time to roll out of the ring. Macks drops down and waits in the ring, but much to the disgust of all those in attendance, Morelli is walking up the ramp and literally walks out, leaving referee Fitz Nankervish little choice but to make a count-out and award the young Irish talent the victory via count-out.


Matthew Macks wins at 7:29 via count-out

Grade: E-


Dick Kerley: Matthew Macks taking a count-out victory?

Charlie Grimsson: Morelli let the crowd get under his skin there. What will this pretentious young Italian do next?

Dick Kerley: God knows, Charlie! Now though, it looks like the commissioner has something to say.



Albert Thorp and Walker van Cleer



Backstage, Albert Thorp is sitting in his office when Walker van Cleer comes bursting in. Thorp stands up, beckoning the Dutchman to take a seat and as the wrestler does, he does so himself.


Albert Thorp: Walker, what can I do for you?


The Dutchman looks up at the commissioner for a moment, seemingly a little uncertain at the willingness of his boss to give him something.


Walker van Cleer: Well, not to sound weak or anything boss but last week, I was hit with a stick by a man proclaiming to be some sort of voodoo witch doctor. I want you to put a stop to this sort of nonsense boss. I’m here to wrestle not to play party games with people that appear to have been dropped on their head.


Walker’s comments draw a reaction from the crowd, with laughter and sni*gering and a round of applause echoing from the arena. Thorp stops for a moment before responding to his worker’s issues, obviously wishing to show that he isn’t a man to react on impulse, but rather a thinker.


Albert Thorp: I’ll tell ya what, van Cleer. Tonight, Voodude takes on Rolling Johnny Stones - if he wins that match, I’m gonna put him back in the ring with you next time out. If he loses, he won’t be stepping into a ring with you again or causing you any hassle any time soon.


The less than positive outcome, but rather fair nonetheless draws a mixed reaction from the crowd whilst Walker looks somewhat bemused and disgruntled as he exits the commissioner’s office.


Grade: E


Dick Kerley: I’m not sure that’s what van Cleer was after.

Charlie Grimsson: The commissioner makes a fair decision there, that’s the way I see it.

Dick Kerley: We’ll soon find out what’ll happen - Voodude is in action next!



Haiti Voodude vs Rolling Johnny Stones


Rolling Johnny Stones heads down the ramp to the ring first, with the crowd remembering him but still not too sure what to make of him based on their reaction. Voodude, however, they know all about and boo, jeer and hiss at him as he walks down to the ring clutching his witch doctor stick. He drops it beside the ring before rolling under the bottom rope and stands face to face with his opponent.


Rolling Johnny Stones has much of the early momentum, starting out with a nasty looking lariat and brawling chaotically all over the ring and in a manner the referee struggles to control. After a while though, it is clear that Stones is starting to feel the heat and is tiring as he starts making errors expected of a rookie. He lets Voodude loose from a full nelson with his opponent still fully attentive and not yet feeling the pain that the hold is meant to provoke. Haiti Voodude seizes the moment, capitalising on the mistake and scores a flurry of hits followed by a pair of back body drops and finally a piledriver before dropping to the mat and rolling his opponent up for the three count.

Haiti Voodude wins at 8:36 via pinfall

Grade: D-


Dick Kerley: Voodude knocks the wind out of Johnny’s sails there.

Charlie Grimsson: And in doing so books himself a re-match with Walker van Cleer next month.

Dick Kerley: What an interesting match-up that’ll be too!

Charlie Grimsson: Xavi and Nigel Svensson up next - two of the hottest rookies currently wrestling with us.



Nigel Svensson vs Xavi


The two men enter, heading down the ramp to little reaction from the crowd but this is to be expected considering their youth. Svensson and Xavi both display their credentials, proving their skill both on the mat, in the air and in a brawling sense. The match itself is somewhat overbooked with all sorts going on throughout. The match takes to the outside of the ring, sees Xavi almost go through a table, sees the crowd getting a slice of the action too as the brawl ventures over the railings and eventually sees it all end in a more normal sense. Nigel Svensson takes the young Spaniard back to the ring and scores the submission victory with a brutal Hyper Extension Arm Lock, that appears to be his trademark.


Nigel Svensson wins at 6:10 via submission

Grade: E


Dick Kerley: Three matches and two wins for the Swede now.

Charlie Grimsson: Xavi shows his credentials though. The young Spaniard wasn’t about to roll over.

Dick Kerley: Three matches down and three still to go!

Charlie Grimsson: I doubt we’ve seen anything yet Dick, especially with the matches we have coming up!

Dick Kerley: That’s right Charlie. We have Koller taking on Balowicz, the fatal four way and of course the brash young Springbok, Mallory facing off against Haute!



Sebastian Koller



Backstage, Sebastian Koller stands on the interview set clutching tightly, over his shoulder, his VWA European title belt. He is handed a microphone but as with last month, he doesn’t speak immediately, pausing to soak up the ovation that is echoing from the main arena.


Sebastian Koller: Another night, another chance for your champion, another chance for your champion of the people to bask in a glorious title defence. Cub Balowicz, a big mean Polish man but that is all. He’s big and mean, it stops there, the man has no talent, and he isn’t loved by you! He may have three straight wins but I have four and at the end of the day the belt is around my waist. That’s the way it shall stay when I get this building rockin’ and things get rollin’ tonight!


Closing off with his trademark catchphrase, Koller hands the microphone back to a backstage worker and strolls away clearly focused on his upcoming match and very much soaking up the adulation as noted by his slight strut.


Grade: D-


Dick Kerley: Koller sure is confident tonight. I’d hate for Balowicz to catch him off-guard.

Charlie Grimsson: Yes, let’s hope his confidence isn’t clouding his judgement or focus.

Dick Kerley: If it is, his reign as champ is surely in jeopardy!

Charlie Grimsson: Absolutely, Dick. Speaking of champions, the former champ Randy Haute is up against a future champion, if I do say so, Landon Mallory next!



Randy Haute vs Landon Mallory


The young Springbok, Landon Mallory waltzes down to the ring first to a hero’s welcome from the fans in attendance. He poses once in the ring and then stands, rubbing his hands eager for the arrival of his opponent. Randy Haute then steps out, striding brashly to the ring whilst taping his wrists, his welcome is somewhat less heroic than Mallory’s to say the least.


From the start, Haute straight away goes for a roll-up much to the displeasure of the fans and he almost succeeds with catching his rookie opponent by surprise, managing a two count straight off the bat. Following that, Mallory fights back angrily toppling Haute on many occasions and each time attempting to out-wrestle him as opposed to working to his strength, the standing brawl. This alteration of his style is what costs Mallory dear as it allows Haute to struggle his way back into contention. He fights back aggressively, hammering away with elbows before sending Mallory down face first with a Russian leg sweep. Mallory is clutching at his face as Griffin races down to the ring and attempts to distract the referee but this only serves to assist Randy Haute as Mallory staggers to his feet and straight into a low blow. With Griffin somewhat at bay, the referee turns his attention back to the ring just in time to see Haute seal victory with a Belly To Back suplex that leads to a three count.


Randy Haute wins at 9:27 via pinfall

Grade: D-


Dick Kerley: Griffin just cost Mallory the match!

Charlie Grimsson: It didn’t seem to go to plan for Griffin there.

Dick Kerley: The young Springbok will be hugely disappointed with that result!

Charlie Grimsson: I guess that puts to rest any talk of those two being part of an alliance.



Haiti Voodude and Walker van Cleer



Walker van Cleer is walking through the backstage area, taping his wrists and looking mentally prepared for his upcoming fatal four way match. He is caught completely unaware as Haiti Voodude appears seemingly out of nowhere and proceeds to club him over the head with his voodoo tribal stick, sending him crashing to the concrete. Sending van Cleer to the ground isn’t enough though as Voodude continues to stomp, elbow drop and club him further with the stick until Walker van Cleer is left a bloodied mess. It is at this point that Haiti Voodude saunters away satisfied at gaining revenge for last month’s defeat. Walker meanwhile is attended by medics and other backstage personnel.


Grade: E-


Charlie Grimsson: Walker van Cleer is a mess, courtesy of Haiti Voodude and that damned stick of his!

Dick Kerley: And van Cleer is meant to be stepping into the ring later tonight.

Charlie Grimsson: Let’s hope the medics can do something there. Moving right along, Sebastian Koller makes title defence number two next!



Sebastian Koller vs Cub Balowicz

VWA European Title Match


Cub Balowicz stomps out onto the ramp and down to the ring, not once stopping to look around at the crowd despite their best efforts to distract him from his focus. They boo and jeer the big Polish brawler, but he is completely in the game tonight and won’t let anything distract him. He is soon followed by the VWA European champion, Sebastian Koller who for the second time tonight receives a heroic welcome as he saunters slowly to the ring, slapping hands and hugging fans as he walks down the ramp.


Balowicz is in complete control of the champion from the bell, grabbing him tightly in a headlock and proceeding to lay a pounding on the champion’s ribs and abdomen. Eventually giving up the hold, Koller is very off-balance and is caught out by a big lariat as the challenger really stakes an early claim for the gold. The punishment continues as the match wears on with Koller not once giving in, kicking out of every pin attempt and seemingly kicking out more aggressively every time. Balowicz for all his might and power doesn’t seem to have realised this and is caught a little off-guard for the first time in the encounter when Sebastian springs back to his feet and clotheslines him rather sloppily and hastily to the mat. From here, Sebastian locks in a nasty looking key lock but the bigger Pole powers out and rolls to the outside to regain his composure. This is the momentum shift Koller needed and upon his return to the ring, Balowicz is met by a beautiful dropkick and another as he climbs back to his feet. On the back of the fight back, it isn’t long before Koller sets up his Jam Session sequence, consisting of a hard hitting lariat followed by his Rock Drop spine buster and then capping it all off with his Hamburg Rock City finisher. He drops down and covers the giant Pole to seal his second successful title defence and a hard-fought one at that.


Sebastian Koller wins at 10:25 via pinfall

Grade: E+


Dick Kerley: Koller successfully makes defence number two!

Charlie Grimsson: Balowicz commanded the match for long spells though, Dick.

Dick Kerley: Yeah, it could’ve be a very different result if Balowicz could’ve maintained the pressure.

Charlie Grimsson: The champion proving himself once more. He refused to back down.



Albert Thorp



Albert Thorp, much like he was earlier is still sitting comfortably in a leather chair behind his vast mahogany desk. He looks directly at the camera as he speaks very briefly.


Albert Thorp: Tonight four men will battle it out in a fatal four way match. Our main event features the return to action of both Acheron and Modern Day Warlord, Griffin will also be in the line-up there and I have just received news that despite the vicious assault we witnessed earlier, Walker van Cleer will also compete. This match won’t be just your run-of-the-mill four way match, no; this match is to determine the new number one contender!


The crowd go wild at the announcement of van Cleer being cleared to wrestle and also at the stakes being raised in the upcoming contest.


Grade: F+


Dick Kerley: Walker van Cleer is somehow going to compete! Surely he won’t be 100% though after that assault earlier tonight?

Charlie Grimsson: That maybe but he has a chance like the other three men at number one contendership.

Dick Kerley: You’re right Charlie that alone is enough to get anyone psyched up and prepared to fight!



Modern Day Warlord vs Walker van Cleer vs Griffin vs Acheron

Fatal Four Way Match


Griffin is first out and is greeted by a very mixed reaction, his botched interference in Landon Mallory’s match very fresh in the fans minds. The huge Romanian, Acheron is next out and is met by torrid abuse from the crowd who clearly are less than pleased to see him returning to stink up the ring. Modern Day Warlord comes out to a less abusive reception, but a negative one nonetheless and is shortly followed by a limping Walker van Cleer, who sports a pair of bloodied bandages, one around his head and one around his ribs. The Dutchman receives great applause from the crowd who appear to admire his spirit and willingness to fight regardless of the injuries he has sustained at the hands of Haiti Voodude.


The match is very much an open affair, with all four men putting up great fights. They seem to all have done their homework on each other, though van Cleer appears to be the favoured target especially with the bandages appearing almost like bulls eyes to his opponents. To his credit, van Cleer still gives his opponents a technical master class taking them to the mat on numerous occasions during the bout. Griffin too shows superior mat skills to the two bigger men and also displays some athleticism using the ropes as a springboard on more than one occasion. The technical approach however isn’t paying off and the match disintegrates into an all-out brawl by the midway point. Acheron clotheslines Griffin over the top rope and then tosses van Cleer onto him with a military press but forgets about Modern Day Warlord who clocks him square in the face with a Big Foot and that’s it. Acheron may have done the hard work in tossing Griffin and van Cleer from the ring, but it is Modern Day Warlord that takes out the pinfall victory and the number one contendership.


Modern Day Warlord wins at 11:28 via pinfall

Grade: E+



Sebastian Koller and Modern Day Warlord

In Ring


Following the bell, the other three wrestlers clear out; Griffin assisting a limping Walker van Cleer to the back. Modern Day Warlord stands alone in the ring, soaking up the victory and soaking in the fact he is the new number one contender. It is at this point that Sebastian Koller’s music blares over the small arena’s PA system and the champion enters to a champion’s welcome from the crowd. He walks down to the ring, wearing his title belt with pride around his waist. Upon climbing into the ring, he simply stares at Modern Day Warlord, slapping the belt and shifting from side to side. Modern Day Warlord returns the stare and for a moment it seems the tension will come to a head and things will erupt but Koller knows better than that and eventually backs down, walking back to the top of the ramp where he taps his belt once more and motions that it’s not going anywhere.


Grade: E-


Show Rating: E

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Another strong showing - surely I can get a rise in popularity soon! Your readership is keeping my spirits high but I'd like to ask whether I could get some additional feedback from people? Are the shows too long or just right for you? What do you think of the various storylines developing? Anything else - is there any part of the diary you're finding particularly enjoyable or boring?


Anyhow, without further ado here are the results of the latest round of the prediction contest. A huge well done to BHK1978, Zergon and Jingo, who managed to predict four out of six of the results - clearly it was a somewhat less than predictable week!


=1. BHK1978: 4/6

=1. Zergon: 4/6

=1. Jingo: 4/6

4. John Lions: 3/6


And with that in mind here is the overall leader board marked by percentages, with number of rounds predicted by each in the brackets.


1. BHK1978: 87% (3)

2. John Lions: 73% (3)

3. Jingo: 60% (3)

4. QFresh: 53% (2)

5. Zergon: 47% (2)

=6. Marcel Fromage: 20% (1)

=6. Clp605: 20% (1)

=6. BYU 14: 20% (1)

=6. TakerNGN74: 20% (1)


As with last time, coming up next will be the latest industry news and results. No profiles this time out as there were no newcomers!

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Other European Shows


UEW Death To All

Wednesday, Week 1, March 2010

Pireas Sports Hall (Mediterranean)

Attendance: 246 people


Greg Gauge defeated Punisher Paul Hughes

Beast Bantom defeated Gordon Leve

Michael Moodie went to time limit draw with Inky The Squid Boy

Jamie Anderson defeated Geoff Borne

Ali Bloxsome defeated Sergei Kalashnov

Joey Beauchamp defeated Stig Svensson to retain UEW World Title


Show Rating: C



EWA Sudden Impact


Thursday, Week 2, March 2010

Bremen Hall (Central Europe)

Attendance: 300 people (SELL-OUT)


Bas Hagen defeated Super Falcon

Anna Ki defeated Miss Information

Poppa Punisher defeated Jimmi Addams

ANGLE: Brawl involving Anna Ki and Miss Information

The X Force (Christopher Lister and Jase Cole) defeated Hercules and Kalvin Addams to retain EWA Tag Team Titles

White Knight defeated Bam Bam Johansson

Byron defeated Ruud Van Anger to retain EWA Universal Title


Show Rating: D

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VWA Mayhem Preview

Friday, Week 2, April 2010

A third title defence for VWA European champion, Sebastian Koller as he takes on Modern Day Warlord. Warlord ended last year with a heap of momentum and appears to have lost none of it despite missing the first two shows of the year. Last month, he defeated three other men in a fatal four way to claim his spot as number one contender. Koller has to be wary tonight and not just of Warlord because everyone wants the elusive gold.


Last month, Walker van Cleer made his request clear to the commissioner, that he wanted a re-match with Haiti Voodude. He got that after Voodude won his match, but it won't be happening tonight. Walker is apparently laid up at home as a result of the vicious assault and gruelling fatal four way. So instead of a re-match, Voodude will be facing off against a rapidly rising star of the company, Landon Mallory.


Griffin too was a competitor in the fatal four way as was his opponent tonight, the huge Romanian Acheron. Griffin could go a long way to teach the big man some lessons about pure wrestling, but then again Griffin doesn't have the greatest track record as a mentor. The big question in this match is whether Landon Mallory will seek revenge after losing due to Griffin's distraction.


Randy Haute finally scored a win last month and will be looking to keep up the momentum as he takes on British newcomer, Rolling Johnny Stones who was on the losing end last time out. Haute still clearly has unfinished business with Sebastian Koller and is likely to do everything he can to place himself back into the title picture for another shot at the gold.


Speaking of doing anything you can, Gianfranco Morelli has since his arrival done anything he can to cause controversy and provoke hatred from the crowd. The Italian has yet to finish a match, debuted by ripping shreds out of the fans and last month walked out part way through a match. What will the Italian do this week against his opponent from last month, Matthew Macks.


Finally, the young Swede on a winning streak, Nigel Svensson takes on the tattooed freak known as Night Spyder. As always, a night of chaos, craziness and anything in between is expected so don’t miss out on some more mayhem brought to you by the VWA!


Confirmed Card

Sebastian Koller vs Modern Day Warlord

VWA European Title Match


Haiti Voodude vs Landon Mallory


Nigel Svensson vs Night Spyder


Griffin vs Acheron


Randy Haute vs Rolling Johnny Stones


Gianfranco Morelli vs Matthew Macks

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Sebastian Koller vs Modern Day Warlord

VWA European Title Match


Haiti Voodude vs Landon Mallory


Nigel Svensson vs Night Spyder


Griffin vs Acheron


Randy Haute vs Rolling Johnny Stones


Gianfranco Morelli vs Matthew Macks

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Sebastian Koller vs Modern Day Warlord

VWA European Title Match


Haiti Voodude vs Landon Mallory

Nigel Svensson vs Night Spyder


Griffin vs Acheron


Randy Haute vs Rolling Johnny Stones


Gianfranco Morelli vs Matthew Macks

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to drop by and let people know that this diary isn't dead.


I am currently travelling and don't have access to TEW, but I will be back in a week with the latest Mayhem write-up.


Sorry for the delay, life has a way of taking over!

Please keep reading...

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