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<p>I have a major problem with my WWE game and it'S beacause all my wrestlers complain if i didnt book them on a ppv. And i always need to book 2 30 man battle royal.</p><p> </p><p>

Could I just make it a single brand PPV to avoid booking 28739763 wrestlers, and just set "brand off" during booking?</p><p> </p><p>

If I do this, and i set my PPV to be a "raw" ppv, will my ratings go lower of I have a smackdown match? Will I draw less people because it's a 1 brand PPV?</p>

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As far as I know, there is absolutely no penalty to branding any of your shows. Buyrates will still be based off your Popularity, and the heat of the matches you book (and the economy, etc.).


If you want to exploit things, brand everything to your ECW/NXT brand. You likely won't have very many people there that will complain about missing a PPV, and you can run one multi-man match in the dark to cover them. It's a cheap way to play, but gets around it without penalty, as far as I'm aware.



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