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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27607" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Hey guys!<p> </p><p> Just back from the CZCW show; I thought I did a decent job with the opener. I’m annoyed I missed Remmy’s feet on the ropes though. How was it for those of you in the crowd?</p><p> </p><p> Just thought I’d see if anyone out there is looking for some new wrestlers in their promotions.</p><p> </p><p> My flatmates are very talented performers but they never seem to be given the chance by bookers who only want to sign talent that they can immediately rely on to mesh with their roster with no practice or have already got name value in their regions.</p><p> </p><p> You’ve probably heard of them. They have all appeared on television here in America or south of the border in Mexico. They are <a href="http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/aceswild/ElLadrn.jpg" rel="external nofollow">El Ladrón</a>, <a href="http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/aceswild/GoldenDelicious.jpg" rel="external nofollow">Golden Delicious</a>, <a href="http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/aceswild/ShadesMcGinty.jpg" rel="external nofollow">Shades McGinty</a> and <a href="http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/flatvanawful/aceswild/ThomasMorgan.jpg" rel="external nofollow">Thomas Morgan</a>. See; I knew you’d have heard of them. If you haven’t; click on their name as I’ve set-up links to some of their best work on YouTube.</p><p> </p><p> And if you are interested in booking any of them, drop me an email and I’ll pass it on: <span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">codymiami@gmail.com</span></span></p><p> </p><p> Cheers</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> “Take it down! Take it down right now!”</p><p> </p><p> Having arrived back less than two hours earlier after driving all night, I didn’t react entirely well to Mel, my flatmate bursting into the bedroom and ripping the curtains apart. As the sunshine burst into the room, my retinas immediately felt like they had burnt beyond any kind of repair.</p><p> </p><p> “What?”</p><p> </p><p> “Your bastarding blog post that has been plastering around tons of ****ing wrestling forums! Take it down! Get it back! NOW!”</p><p> </p><p> “What? Why?”</p><p> </p><p> “’My flatmates are very talented performers but they never seem to be given the chance by bookers’... ‘click on their name as I’ve set-up links to some of their best work’... What the **** is this?”</p><p> </p><p> “What? It’s just something I thought would help...”</p><p> </p><p> “Help? HELP? HELP?! How the **** does making us looking entirely desperate for work help?”</p><p> </p><p> I shrugged. I was still wiping sleep out of my eyes and all I wanted to do was go back to sleep. “I don’t know. It just seems like you’ve all been forgotten about. I thought it would be good to get your names back out there. Show people how good you are. And maybe it would attract someone’s attention. I’m getting like ten new fans everyday on Facebook. Someone will surely be interested.”</p><p> </p><p> “I don’t give a flying ****. Get it down. Delete it. Hide it. Do whatever the **** you have to but make sure it’s gone. NOW!”</p><p> </p><p> She threw the laptop at my face but luckily I was able to catch it. Mel then stood over me and made sure I did as I was asked.</p><p> </p><p> * * * * *</p><p> </p><p> “You’re such a ****ing idiot!”</p><p> </p><p> While I didn’t like being called a ‘****ing idiot,’ I was at least pleased to see Hank “Shades McGinty” Mudd laughing as I told him what I had done to try and help them out.</p><p> </p><p> “I bet Mel hit the roof!”</p><p> </p><p> He was spot on. “She was all red and fuming. I haven’t seen her like that since the whole thing with Thomas and you know... the stripper.”</p><p> </p><p> “Oh wow. I would have loved to have seen that again.”</p><p> </p><p> “Seriously; no. It was not pleasant. Mel is more than capable of beating me up... It almost makes me feel a little sorry for Tom. He got it pretty rough from Mel for what he did.”</p><p> </p><p> “First of all; there isn’t a living being that isn’t capable of beating you up. That’s why you’re a referee. And second of all; Thomas was caught balls deep in a stripper. He deserved anything and everything that happened to him.”</p><p> </p><p> “I suppose. Still I feared for my life.”</p><p> </p><p> “You deserved to. What made you think that a post on your Facebook wall was a good idea?”</p><p> </p><p> “I don’t really know. It’s just... You guys are all good. I’m just the only one that is getting work and that shouldn’t be right. And after I walked in this morning to see you all looking so sorry for yourselves; I felt like I had to do something.”</p><p> </p><p> “So Facebook was the something?”</p><p> </p><p> I nodded. “People are using Facebook to promote singers and new television shows... I don’t know why you guys can’t use it to get some shows.”</p><p> </p><p> “Look... and I think I speak for the others when I say this... We’re fine. We’re just going through a rough patch in terms of getting work but don’t think for one second that we need you helping us. And when you do, it just makes us feel ridiculous. Ok?”</p><p> </p><p> “Okay.”</p><p> </p><p> “Now promise you’ll leave us to get our own bookings...”</p><p> </p><p> “..."</p>
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“Are you ok?”


Eugene Williams pulled me out of a daydream as I sat in the changing rooms. The former TCW referee had become something of a mentor for me since I’d decided against becoming a wrestler and turned my hand to being an official. He’d helped me a lot and continued to help me whenever I found time to drop into his small wrestling school in Ohio. He used his experience to help trained wrestlers on how to pace their matches and basically communicate during a contest which had helped me and the other guys immensely.


“Yeah. I’m fine.”


“Are you sure? You’ve looked pretty distracted all afternoon.”


I told him the story of my Facebook wall post and Mel’s reaction. Needless to say, he enjoyed a good chuckle at my expense.


“I just can’t get what Hank was saying out of my head. I’m sure there has to be something I can do to help them,” I added hoping Eugene had some ideas.


“I don’t think that’s what the guys want.”


“If it leads to them getting some work, it’ll be what they want. Trust me.”


“Cody. Stay out of it. The guys will get work soon enough; and when they do, it’ll be because of them and not you. They aren’t charity cases.” While I saw Eugene as my mentor, I had no problem ignoring any advice that he gave me even a small part of me knew he was right.


“I’m not treating them like charity cases. I just know that with my contacts around the country I’ve got to be able to come up with somewhere for them to work.”


* * * * *


A few days later, things with my flatmates were still playing on my mind as I arrived for a FREEDOM Championship Wrestling show. The Facebook post, while only online for a few hours, hadn’t resulted in any legitimate requests. There were a few kids that wanted the guys to work their backyard feds and one really creepy guy looking for Mel’s phone number but nothing that I could have passed on; and nothing else had happened for the guys.


Sanchez had got a call from CZCW owner Cliff Anderson but it wasn’t to book him. Cliff had lost my cell number and just wanted to make sure I was okay to appear at a show the Coastal Resort training school was putting on.


As I arrived in Puerto Rico, I set about preparing for the match I was refereeing but as I talked with The Latino Kings; a thought suddenly entered my mind. “Guys... Would you be interested in coming up to Ohio to work a show?”


“For who?”




“You’re running a promotion?”


“... maybe...”

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“Doesn’t it all sound a little desperate?”


Tom wasn’t convinced when I arrived back from the FCW. After the idea sparked into my head I spent a lot of time talking to Shawn Gonzalez after the show. I told him I was interested in running a few shows and while he refused his own involvement, he did pass on a number of tips he would have liked someone to have told him before he started taking the reins of FREEDOM.


After that discussion, I’d made up my mind. I was going to run some shows in Ohio and book my flatmates in amongst some guys I knew from the promotions I worked for. When I arrived back from Puerto Rico, I went straight round to Eugene’s flat and convinced him to help me. He even called the Jewish Center that he ran his wrestling school in and booked some hall time. No going back; except I didn’t except the guys to not go for it.


“What? Why?”


“First you post a plea on your Facebook wall and now you’re going to run a show that just happens to book all four of us.”


“It’s a show being run just around the corner. How would anyone expect to run that without some quality local talent?”


“I’m not a charity case Cody.”


“I never said you guys were. You’ll get paid. Whatever your normal terms are; you’ll be treated in exactly the same way as everyone else.”


A tense silence filled the air only for Hank to throw me a bone. “I’m in.”


“Thank you.”


“Mel... Sanchez?”


Sanchez shrugged. “Why not.”


After looking at Sanchez and then Hank, Mel nodded. “Fine. But I’m expecting my usual appearance fee... and travel expenses.”


“Travel expenses to the Jewish Center? We can see it from the back bedroom!”




“I’m in,” interrupted Thomas, “as long as there is place for Emma to come in as well.”


Mel groaned.


“Sure. I’m sure we can work something out for her.”


* * * * *


After a few days and quite a few emails that weren’t responded to and an executive decision to call ourselves Aces Wild Wrestling; I managed to put together something of a starting roster to plan with:


Amo Del Gato, 27, Lightweight, Luchador: While I was talking to Shawn at the FREEDOM show, ‘The Cat Master’ quickly informed me that he wanted to work in front of some mainstream American crowds so it only seemed fair to sign him up. His Cartoon Book Hero gimmick has really caught on in FCW and with his fine athletic skills; it should go down well with the Ohio crowd.


El Ladrón, 21, Middleweight, Regular Wrestler: While not a flashing Mexican luchador, El Ladrón is a pretty talented youngster. Rather than staying in his native Mexico, he moved in with us about two years ago and with us, he’ll continue to work his ‘Thief’ gimmick though his English still isn’t strong enough yet for him to speak to an audience.


Golden Delicious, 29, Lightweight, Cruiserweight: Australian by birth, Melanie Flyman is a really talented female wrestler. She worked for AAA from 2004 to 2007 and the Bitch gimmick she mastered there has treated her well since she was released from her midcard rut.


Hector Gallindo, 24, Lightweight, Cruiserweight: One third of The Latino Kings; Hector is the crazy high flier of the group. Known for the fact pace that he brings to matches, Hector and his usual tag team partner Rudy Velasquez are well known for their violent Gangsta personas.


Jackpot Jordan, 23, Lightweight, Regular Wrestler: A hot prospect when he left the Coastal Resort training school, “High Roller” Jackpot Jordan is pretty talented at playing the Rich Snob alongside his tag team partner...


Jake Idol, 24, Middleweight, Regular Wrestler: The other half of Rich and Famous, “Hollywood” Jake Idol is the ****y Youth half of the former CZCW Tag Team Champions. Since tagging up first in 2007, the duo have been steadily working their way up the tag ranks supported by their loyal manager, Debbie Nair.


Jesus Chavez, 24, Heavyweight, Brawler: The biggest of The Latino Kings, Chavez is the muscle of the group and generally takes more of a ringside role while Gallindo and Velasquez tear it up in the ring. He is decent in his own right and while portraying his Street Thug gimmick, he remains a constant threat in the FCW singles ranks.


Henning Rayne, 24, Middleweight, Regular Wrestler: Best known as Greg Rayne from SWF, the talented youngster is arguably our best known wrestler. His Old School Face gimmick will hopefully make him our big fan favourite from the off and we can capitalise on his name value.


Rudy Velasquez, 24, Lightweight, Regular Wrestler: The final third of the Latino Kings, Rudy is probably the best worker of three, mixing speed and good technique with a natural understanding of ring psychology. His gritty Gangsta gimmick looks dangerously close to reality.


Shades McGinty, 35, Lightweight, Entertainer: Man of a million names, Hank Mudd has worked as The Mystery Machine, Oscar Ozymandias and Hollywood Hank amongst others. He is best known as Lex Appeal from USPW and it will be the Suave gimmick he used there that he’ll work with here.


Stephanie Hazel, 32, Small, Regular Wrestler: One of the most travelled female wrestlers around, Steph is probably best known as Principessa though she’ll be using her Happy-Go-Lucky Stephanie Hazel persona in Ohio. Recently, she’s just left NOTBPW after her long-standing rivalry with Victoria Stone ended with Stone’s retirement.


Thomas Morgan, 35, Lightweight, Technician: Why “Trademark” Thomas Morgan isn’t working right now really confuses me. The guy has everything needed to be a star, even a really creepy Lounge Lizard gimmick that is completely unique. It could be his blackballed girlfriend, Emma Bitch who’ll be using the much more family friendly Emma Payback name as she manages her man. She hasn’t worked since a failed drugs test ended her run with NOTBPW but hopefully she has put that all behind her.


To add to that, I recruited Davis Ditterich and Phonse Lockett to do our DVD commentary. They have both worked on a number of local shows and I’ve always been impressed by their work together so it seemed fair to bring them in as a team, while Eugene Williams and I will share the reffing duties. To help with the backstage running, I contacted Curt O’Malley to help out and he was more than happy to fill the road agent role.


And with all of that clear in my mind, I sat down with my flatmates and we eventually agreed on an opening card; that featured a pretty simple eight person title tournament that will culminate with the crowning of our first Champion on the second Aces Wild Wrestling show.



Come check out the newest sensation in American wrestling as ACES WILD WRESTLING kicks off with the TOP TRUMPS TOURNAMENT! Live at the East Broad Street Jewish Center on Wednesday, Week 3, February 2010, it’s just $3 for an incredible ninety minutes of high-octane wrestling; featuring some of American wrestling’s top stars!




THE LATINO KINGS (Hector Gallindo & Rudy Velasquez) versus RICH AND FAMOUS (Jackpot Jordan & Jake Idol) w/DEBBIE NAIR

















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Wednesday, Week 3, February 2010

East Broad Street Jewish Center, Mansfield, Ohio


Luckily, we prepared the room for a big crowd and thanks to the clash of The Latino Kings and Rich and Famous in the main event, the volunteers from Eugene’s wrestling school confirmed that 216 tickets were sold by the time we settled everyone down for the start of the show.


Aware that I had to referee two matches, I’d made a couple of calls during the week to go over what would happen. I wanted to be able to stay in the Gorilla position while I wasn’t needed in the ring, so that I could just keep a general eye on everything that went down... Just in case...






Opening up with the vastly experienced Stephanie Hazel seemed like arguably the best way to the start the show. Put a well-known face out there to greet the fans and also make sure she puts on a solid opener against El Ladrón, who looked in a mood to cause an upset right out of the gate.


Dropping Hazel with a brutal lariat, El Ladrón used his size advantage to ground the former NOTBPW star after she had enjoyed a bright opening. Mixing some awkward rest holds that were hard for Stephanie to get out of with an array of quick power moves, the Mexican seemed to have the game to put ‘Principessa’ away until she ducked under his swinging right arm and then rebounded off the ropes with a flying forearm. That took the wind out of El Ladrón’s sails and when they both stood; Hazel nailed the Mexican with her Hazel Kick (Shining Wizard)! That got the three!




The music of Thomas Morgan hit and he headed down to the ring with his girlfriend and new manager, Emma Payback. ‘The Bitch’ as she will forever be christened by Melanie Flyman, caused quite a stir as a few of the fans were quick to remember her from her pretty successful NOTBPW run. Morgan left Payback to take a microphone while he did his best to sleaze on the only two females in the audience.


EMMA PAYBACK: “Ladies and gentlemen... You can now all wake up after that snooze-fest... You are about to witness the first Aces Wild Wrestling Champion taking his first towards victory. You are about to watch a man, destined for the very top of the wrestling world, in action... right here in ****ty Mansfield, Ohio. I guess we’ve got to start somewhere. Anyway... Greg Rayne or Henning Rayne or whatever... He doesn’t stand a chance against Aces Wild’s only triple threat. He’s got the wrestling ability... He’s got the looks... And he’s got a massive -well; he’s got me and he needs to be doing something to keep me around... Weighing in at a chiselled 200 lbs... I am pleased to introduce... The greatest lover I have ever known... ‘Trademark’ Thomas Morgan!”


While we hadn’t discussed the remarks about his sexual prowess, it seemed to do the job and sent the fans over the edge. It also seemed to explain why Mel had stayed with him for so long. They lavished Morgan with boos as he tried to look seductive climbing through the ropes, winking at the aforementioned female fans in the process before turning to the entranceway and the entrance of his opponent. E-






As Henning Rayne dashed to the ring, he seemed to get a much better than expected reaction. I can only assume it was in part for his run with SWF and in part because Thomas Morgan is excellent in the sack. And it was Rayne that started the quicker with a snap suplex that was followed by a dropkick across Morgan’s back. Of course, he was put off by Emma Payback who quickly set about distracting me as I tried to officiate.


Everything I had got her to climb off the ring apron, I seemed to turn around and find Rayne double over in pain. I knew Morgan was low-blowing him but there was no way I could prove it so I just had to go with it. Thankfully Payback got too excitable for her own good and she ignored the final warning that I gave her; and I was able to eject from ringside just as Morgan was lining up his Trademark DDT. Put off by Emma retreating backstage, Henning Rayne was able to shove Morgan against the ropes and after a desperate flurry from Morgan; he looked to have rescued the situation. He set-up the Trademark DDT once again but Rayne forced Morgan off his feet and onto his shoulder. Tucking in Thomas’ head, Rayne dropped him with the Rayne Storm (Back to belly Piledriver) to advance to the tournament semi-finals!









Seemingly aware of Amo Del Gato’s speed, Golden Delicious refused to exchange the Mexican initially. Instead of tying up with ‘The Cat Master,’ she simply slide under the bottom rope and took some time to insult the Ohio crowd before Del Gato followed her out with an outrageous Plancha right from the ring canvas straight over the top rope, sparking the crowd to life. The FCW star quickly pulled Delicious to her feet and rolled her back into the ring where his high flying offence continued with electrifying speed; though Golden D was able to stop him from dominating completely by breaking up his attack periodically.


He eventually took Delicious down to the mat with a very extravagant arm drag but was soon on the back foot to Golden D after she rolled through a rest hold and slapped one of her own on Del Gato. The Mexican did force his way to his feet while still in the hold, but Delicious quickly regained the control by swinging it quickly into a Neckbreaker. Sensing victory, Golden Delicious leapt to the top rope and dove with the Sweet Taste of Success (Somersault Led Drop)! NO! Del Gato got his knees up, though he didn’t have the energy to capitalise straight away. Del Gato took his time climbing to his feet but as he was climbing the ropes, a big man sprinted out of the backstage area.




Just as Del Gato had reached the top rope, the unknown man shoved him off the top rope while Eugene Williams was on his knees checking on Golden Delicious. Suddenly, Golden D leapt to her feet and sprang right to the top rope. Amo Del Gato looked to be out cold after landing awkwardly. Sweet Taste of Success!


After the fall had been counted, the newcomer climbed into the ring and held Golden Delicious’ arm high above her head.


GOLDEN DELICIOUS (Sweet Taste of Success > Pin) AMO DEL GATO : D







The final tournament quarter final took a little while to get going as Jesus Chavez started out by endearing himself to the fans with a few high-fives on the way to the ring. He was on the receiving end of a couple of eye rakes from McGinty to kick off the action and it was the former USPW star that took early control with a pretty methodical offence that stifled the bigger man. Chavez couldn’t get going for McGinty’s confident rule bending that only caused to get him angrier and angrier at me.


I tried to stick to the letter of the law with Shades but he wasn’t really doing anything worthy of a disqualification though, I did start to warn him that his small infractions were piling up. But by that stage, the Latino King had started to land some of his dangerous punches. A sweet right hand sent Shades spiralling into the corner but McGinty recovered with a desperate elbow to the jaw! Chavez stumbled back across the ring and as he turned around, he fell straight into the Shades Snapper (Full nelson facebreaker)! The three count was routine!






THE LATINO KINGS (Hector Gallindo & Rudy Velasquez) versus RICH AND FAMOUS (Jackpot Jordan & Jake Idol) w/DEBBIE NAIR





As soon as the music for the main event started, the excitement of the crowd rose beyond any level reached at any other point in the night. It became evidently clear that they had all arrived to see the FCW Champions take on the hottest team in CZCW. Hector and Rudy fed off the good work done by their muscle and lapped up the applause of the crowd while Debbie Nair lead her boys into battle without any of the trio even acknowledging the crowd around them. Jordan and Idol looked like they were totally above the Ohio crowd and instead focused on The Latino Kings rather than playing to the crowd. Of course, that went out the window as they grabbed the early advantage on the contest by jumping Gallindo before the bell.


Showcasing every part of their skills, the Rich and Famous tandem isolated Gallindo early on and made sure that the crowd knew they were in control by taunting those watching before a desperate tag to Velasquez unleashed him into the match. Forcing Jake Idol away from the Rich and Famous corner, The Latino Kings got a chance to isolate the ****y star and looked to even things up with Rudy doing most of the leg work while Hector did his best to recover from the early Rich and Famous barrage.


Their domination came to an unprecedented end though, as Debbie Nair clambered onto the ring apron and caught Eugene’s attention. He went straight to the ropes and that allowed Jackpot Jordan to get illegally involved in the match. That said, things were quickly even again when Jesus Chavez roared out of the backstage area with his intention focused solely on Debbie. The big powerhouse chased Nair around the ring once and after catching up with her, Chavez threw her over his shoulder and carried her towards the backstage area; but just as Jesus had disappeared backstage with Debbie over his shoulder, two flashes of blonde hopped the guardrail and slide into the ring clutching hockey sticks!




Well-known 4C tandem The Gilbert Brothers made sure the crowd knew they were there before completely ignoring Eugene Williams’ threats and cracking one member of each team with their weapons of choice. Williams quickly threw out the match but the beating continued until The Gilbert Brothers decided to climb the ropes and bring the first show to an end with them as the only team that could stand.


RICH AND FAMOUS drew with THE LATINO KINGS due to the interference of THE GILBERT BROTHERS : D-



Show Rating : D-

Attendance : 216

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There were a few grumblings in the locker room as the crowd filed out of the Jewish Center. A screwy non-finish was, in immediate hindsight, the wrong way to go and as I strolled back to face the entire roster I immediately held up my hands up and admitted as such.


But unfortunately I’m a sucker for free labour and when I had got a call from Jesse Gilbert on Sunday telling me that they would be in the area; I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to get them involved.


But even more unfortunately, rather than sending the crowd home happy that the team they were supporting had won, or sending them home keen to come back next month and see The Latino Kings get manner of revenge; I’d instead left them pissed off with two Canadians who managed to ruin all the fun and remind everyone that the Blue Jackets suck.


On the brighter side of things, everyone seemed pretty pleased with the roles they had played in the show; even if the ending hadn’t quite left the right kind of mood in the room.


“I guess our plans of ruining the tournament final have been scrapped after that,” smiled Jesse Gilbert. Still a little sweaty from their run-in, he seemed to be taking it pretty well.


“Yeah; I’m afraid so. I think it’s for the best if we are to make it to a third show.”


Jesse laughed. “Don’t worry about Code. It’s first show in charge. You’re supposed to make mistakes.”


“Maybe... I just thought it would be a good way to end the show.”


“Hey; so did we. Otherwise we wouldn’t have gone for it. Chin up; it’ll get easier. Just make sure you crown a Champion next month...”


“I’ll try...”


“CODY!” As I waved goodbye to The Gilbert Brothers who looked keen to get on the road home, I heard my name being screeched from across the room. I didn’t need to turn around to know who it was and I could hear her heels thumping on the floor which meant it wouldn’t be long before she was poking me on the shoulder.




“Emma. How can I help?”


“Now that the first show is over and done with; I would like to discuss your plans for me and my character.”


“My plans?”


“Yes. Thomas told me not to bring up before the show as you were all nervous and you don’t respond well to criticism when you are stressed; but I didn’t like anything you put together for Thomas and I.”




“I mean, come on... I used to be a highlight for North of the Border. I was the Champion at one point. I’m fairly sure the paying crowd are desperate to see me in the ring and not just clambering onto the ring apron for Thomas. Don’t you?”




“And that promo outline you gave me. Holy crap that was awful. Thank god I was able to save it with my own natural charisma and ability to engage an audience. People would have actually died out there if I’d gone the way you wanted me to. And widespread death because of boredom is not a good start for a new company.”


“I don’t take criticism well?”


“No. And you don’t book very well either! Having Tommy lose in the first round of a title tournament? That’s not very wise. Especially to a boring guy like Rayne Man or whatever he is called. The guy couldn’t cut it in SWF; I could have told that from the moment he debuted. But me, I’m a star. And I can see stars. And Thomas is a star. We’re the stars of this two-bit ‘company’ you’ve got here and the sooner you realise that; the better.”




“Anyway; I’m off for a weekend away. I’ve got a few ideas on which of these cretins I could do something and I’ve drawn up a list of some real performers that I’d suggest you bring in that I know I can work with. Should I read it out now and hope you remember or send you an email along with a few more ideas?”




“Email; it is. Oh; and I’ll be sending through my correct contract details as well. I’ve just glanced at the cheque that you wrote for me and it seems... a little light. Don’t you? It’s not the kind of a fee a star should expect. I’ll assume it was a first show mistake.”


With that, Emma spun on her heel and was off.


“What... just... happened?”


“Cody; I told ya,” Mel swooped into view having seemingly heard that all from a safe distance. She patted me on the shoulder. “She’s the proper kind of bitch.”


This’ll make next month fun...



Just one month on from our successful debut show and ACES WILD WRESTLING is already RAISING THE STAKES! Either Henning Rayne, Stephanie Hazel, Golden Delicious or Shade McGinty will walk away as the first Ace Wild Wrestling Champion! Live at the East Broad Street Jewish Center on Wednesday, Week 3, March 2010, it’s just $3 for an incredible ninety minutes of high-octane wrestling; featuring some of American wrestling’s top stars!


























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Wednesday, Week 3, February 2010

East Broad Street Jewish Center, Mansfield, Ohio


In the build-up to our second show, I had convinced myself everyone would abandon us because of the non-finish last month. Thankfully, they didn’t and we just as full as we had been for the first month; good times.


And just to make sure I didn’t make any other blatant mistakes, I set-up a booking committee in our flat. Mel, Hank, Thomas and Sanchez took part in a blind vote to help me decide the first Champion so that I could be able to blame them in case it went down as badly as last month’s main event...





Keen to put the disappointment of his last month behind him; Thomas Morgan made sure he started his match with the debuting Island Boy Apollo in the best fashion by jumping the youngster as he was stepping through the ropes. The Puerto Rican’s distinctive power and paint look caused him to get a decent reaction from the crowd and that was only increased as Morgan used his underhand start to great effect. Apollo did threaten an unlikely comeback with an opportune cross-body; but that was sort lived due to Emma Payback grabbing his foot as he tried to pick up pace off the ropes. He argued with Payback momentarily and then turned right into Thomas’ Trademark DDT! Three count for Morgan!








Another man keen to bounce back from a first show defeat was El Ladrón but ‘The Thief’ was gentlemanly enough to let Amo Del Gato’s apparent tag team partner, Tigre Salvaje Jr. into the ring before he got physical. The two masked stars stood face-to-face as the bell rang, before a swelling of crowd noise kicked them into action.


El Ladrón slapped Tigre and forced the debutant to stumble towards the ropes. El Ladrón followed it up with a big lariat and then drove a knee into Tigre’s back as he tried to sit up. Picking Salvaje up, El Ladrón whipped him into the ropes and dropped him with a powerslam. ‘The Thief’ tried to ground Tigre with a sleeper hold that was twisted into an armbar as Amo Del Gato pounded on the ring apron, trying to rally the fans behind the FCW regular. While looking like he was initially fading, Salvaje soon managed to fight his way to his feet, whipping El Ladrón into the ropes and then catching him with a dropkick! Tigre signals to the crowd as he pulls El Ladrón to his feet. Salvaje Suplex (Leg hook belly to back suplex)! El Ladrón’s head bounce off the canvas! He’s not getting up from that! Salvaje scores a confident debut victory.


TIGRE SALVAJE JR. (Salvaje Suplex > Pin) EL LADRÓN : E







With the two pretty decent openers out of the way, the show got down to business with AWW’s first all-female clash in the tournament semi-final. I made sure that Golden D’s muscle from last month, ‘Marvellous’ Marv Statler was included as part of the introductions so that the crowd got an idea of who he is. Considering the way that they had worked together to get into the final four, it felt pretty good to hear them being booed quite loudly. Steph was easily the fan favourite as the match kicked off with a good old catfight.


Hair was pulled in all kinds of direction by both women as they rolled around on the canvas before Golden Delicious started to bounce Hazel’s head off the ring mat several times. Pulling Stephanie up by her hair and whipping her across the ring, Golden D dropped Hazel with a Spinebuster and then again, bounced her heard off the mat. Getting a little desperate, Hazel scratches Delicious’ face and is able to crawl to a safe corner. Golden D is lamenting to Eugene Williams about Hazel’s nails when Marv Statler reaches across the ropes, grabs Hazel and then guillotines her over the top rope. Stephanie stumbles back into the centre of the ring... Melbourne Surprise (Double Arm DDT)! Golden Delicious springs to the top rope... Sweet Taste of Success! Golden D will be one half of the first Aces Wild Wrestling Championship match!


GOLDEN DELICIOUS (Sweet Taste of Success > Pin) STEPHANIE HAZEL : D-







With Golden Delicious and her muscle waiting in the main event, there was a strange tension in the air as Shades and Henning headed for the ring. While it seemed like the crowd hadn’t made their mind up on McGinty despite his ****y attitude, Henning Rayne’s likeable charisma and friendly demeanour meant that he was the big fan favourite as the match got underway. And that was further increased when blatantly poked Rayne in the eye; and then tackled him to the mat.


Pounding on Rayne on the mat and in the corner, McGinty looked happy to punch his way to victory before he missed a highlight Backfist and was taken down by a dropkick off the ropes. Eager to regain the advantage, McGinty rushed Rayne as soon as he got up. Monkey toss by Rayne! He pulled Shades up and whipped him into the ropes! Rayne Storm! That scores the three count! Rayne will take on Golden Delicious for the title!








Thankfully the crowd didn’t seem to give Jesse too much of a backlash as he made his entrance for his Aces Wild debut. He was jeered but I’m fairly sure he was being jeered for all the right reasons and not for ruining last month’s main event. While not known for their singles abilities, the triple threat match threw two high flyers into the mix with a very reasonably talented mat wrestler in Jordan. Much like every triple threat match before it; the early control almost every second as the ‘spare man’ pounced while their opponent was concentrated on another.


Gallindo planted Jordan with a cross-body off the ropes only for Gilbert to dropkick him in the face. Jordan then hit Jesse with a release German suplex before Jackpot was sent crashing through the ropes by a front dropkick by Gallindo. The Latino King followed it up with a springboard Moonsault off the ropes for a near fall. Hector pulled Jesse up by his hair and dropped with him a snapmare right in position... Hector signalled to the crowd and went for the top rope! Shooting Star Press! The three count should be academic!


NO! Jackpot Jordan breaks up the fall! Gallindo is pulled to his feet! Cash In (Inverted stomp facebreaker)! Jesse can’t get to the fall in time. Jordan picks up the win!








Before his clash with Hector Gallindo’s tag team partner, Jake Idol dashed to the ring to celebrate with his Rich and Famous partner Jackpot Jordan. The pair gloated with anyone and everyone that would listen while Hector Gallindo and Jesse Gilbert retreated backstage. Once they were gone, Jordan decided against remaining at ringside seemingly confident that his partner would repeat his success and pin a Latino King and that paved the way for Rudy Velasquez to enter.


With similar styles, it didn’t take long for the prelude to the main event to really “get going” with Velasquez dropping Idol with a release back suplex. He followed it up with a sleeper hold; and then used the hold to stand ‘Hollywood’ up and then dropping him with a Neckbreaker. Rudy pulled Jake up and sent him into the ropes. Street Cutter (Ace Crusher)! But there is no referee to count the fall! Debbie Nair is on the ring apron and is remonstrating with Eugene Williams. Velasquez gets off Idol and joins in. Jake Idol has time to recover! He spins Velasquez around! Glitz and Glamour (Royal Butterfly)! Debbie Nair’s distraction won the match for ‘Hollywood’ Jake Idol!


JAKE IDOL (Glitz and Glamour > Pin) RUDY VELASQUEZ : D








Finally we arrive at what we’ve been building towards for the first two shows. Henning is the clear fan favourite as he makes his way to the ring, while Golden Delicious and ‘Marvellous’ Marv get more than an unpleasant welcome as they strolled to the ring. The fans definitely know who they want to win; excellent.


While Henning tries to conserve energy early on, he is soon sent tumbling outside the ring. I’m fairly sure that Marv Statler held down the top rope to cause the fall but my vantage point meant I didn’t see it completely. Thankfully, Marv didn’t stop there and after grabbing Rayne by the heel moments later I was pretty swift about ejecting him from ringside.


That evened matters up but as Rayne enjoyed watching Statler retreating backstage; he was pummelled into the corner by a spear from Golden Delicious who followed it up with a turnbuckle bulldog. Sensing victory, she leapt to the top rope and leapt off with Sweet Taste of Success! NO! Rayne rolled out of the way. Both tournament finalists took their time standing. Rayne whipped Golden D into the ropes and caught her with a Fallaway slam. Henning pulled Delicious to her feet and set-up the Rayne Storm but she stopped Rayne with an elbow. Melbourne Surprise! However, Golden D didn’t have the energy to spring to the top rope. By the time she was on the top rope, Henning was already standing.


Henning sprang off the bottom rope with a roundhouse kick that caught Golden D full in the face! Golden Delicious was a sitting duck on the top rope! Rayne put Golden Delicious over his shoulder! Rayne Storm off the second rope! Henning Rayne is the first Aces Wild Wrestling Champion!


HENNING RAYNE (Rayne Storm off the second rope > Pin) GOLDEN DELICIOUS : D-





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Feeling much more pleased with myself after that ending, I walked backstage to find everyone looking rather excitable. There was a nervous excitement in the air that I usually felt at the start of the show; not at the end. But all was explained when Greg Henn (-ing Rayne) wandered up to me with a beer in one hand and our pretty shoddy excuse for a title belt resting in the other. “Can we assume it was you that invited them?”


“Invited who?” I looked over both shoulders as though expecting to see a group of people standing there.


“You know...”


I look bemused. “Who’s here?”


“Cornell and Bryant.”


“Shut up.” There is no chance that is true.




“Are you sure?” Maybe two guys have shown up dressed as Tommy and Joel.




“It’s definitely them?”




“How do we know?”


“Eugene peered through the curtains and swears it’s them.”


“Eugene didn’t invite them?”


“No. He assumed you had.”


“Nope; not me. Who are they watching?”


“No-one really knows. Tom has been watching them since he finished the opener. He didn’t think they watched any match differently than the others.”


I was completely taken aback. After running just one show, we had caught the attention of the greatest wrestler ever to grace North America. After one event that ended in a horrible non-finish, the man running the second biggest promotion in the world and his head booker had shown up to watch our show in person. No DVDs or videos. He hadn’t sent one of the writers or road agents. He was here himself; in person. The five-time TCW World Champion and 2005 Wrestler of the Year had just sat through a show put together by me. If I’d known that was going to happen, I’d have put more effort into my pre-match talks than just “do your own thing, make it look relatively open and they win.”


Just then the curtain pulled back and Joel Bryant stepped through. He was quickly followed by Tommy Cornell and the room fell totally silent. Everyone stopped what they were saying mid-sentence to just... stare. Some of the guys that had finished later in the show hadn’t been told and they looked like they were staring straight at a ghost.


“Hey...” waved Joel. I guess walking into a room where you don’t know anyone can be daunting even for the man running the Total Championship Wrestling book. “Sorry that we’ve just barged back here. Just wanted to let you guys know that we really enjoyed the show. Really good stuff.”


In tandem, Eugene and I stepped forward to greet the guests. “Don’t worry about it guys. We’re just glad you enjoyed,” smiled Eugene as he hugged his former employers. “I hope it was up to your fine standards.”


As Eugene made small talk, I ushered Joel and Tommy towards a small office near the back of our ‘backstage’ area. The polite conversation between Joel and Eugene was the only noise heard in the room. Everyone else was simply transfixed with Cornell. Without saying anything at all, he had the attention of the whole room. Though once we were in the office, the mood changed and Tommy spoke for the first time.


“Sorry to barge in like this Eugene but we’re here to see you. We’ve negotiated a new contract to bring back Saturday Night Showcase and we’re expanding so that we have regional teams dotted around the country. And we want you and Curt to be part of one of those teams.”


“Yeah,” interrupted Joel. “Basically, we’re over this side of the country you’ll be involved which cuts down on the travelling you have to do.”


“You came all this way for that?”


“We’re in Cleveland tomorrow night; plus it’s a lot harder for a man that we shouldn’t have let go in the first place to hang up on a personal meeting.”


From there I zoned out quite a bit. Basically as a way to expand the roster to suit two TV shows while keeping costs down, only the really senior backstage guys would travel everywhere. Everyone else would simply work in a regional capacity though Eugene’s region sounded like it would involve all of Canada and the East Coast. It would have probably been easier for them to tell him where he wouldn’t be working.


But then my thoughts turned towards the guys that I knew were standing with their ears pinned against the door. They would be devastated. I could see it in Henning’s eyes when he approached me after the show that a big part of him assumed that they were here for him. And they are a few others that feel they are on the cusp of a call from the “big guns.”


They weren’t. They wanted Eugene Williams and our road agent, Curt O’Malley.


It felt like a bit of a let-down really. Putting “original home of new TCW road agent Curt O’Malley and recently returned referee Eugene Williams” on the next poster didn’t quite have the same ring to it as “original home of new TCW superstar, Blah McBlahBlah.”


On the plus side, I’d make sure everyone knew that Tommy Cornell had shown up to our second show; my second show.

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As the conversation sounded like it was heading towards personal terms I excused myself from the room. Tommy and Joel were a mood to get things tied up and sorted before they travelled to Cleveland for the house show the following day.


Stepping out of the office, I broke the news to the talent. They had all huddled around the door but none of them had any idea that it was Eugene and Curt that TCW were after. A few disappeared faces appeared when I told them what was happening but the majority of the roster just looked excited that they had performed for Tommy Cornell.


The negotiations of the contracts didn’t exactly take long and once they were done, Tommy and Joel hung around to chat with everyone. They signed photos and t-shirts and I made sure to send them away with a handful of the Aces Wild Wrestling merchandise that we had put together. Nothing exciting; just some t-shirts and a few baseball caps in the hope that Tommy might accidentally be seen in public wearing one and give us some outstanding publicity.


Joel did offer some suggestions on how I could get the best use out of some of the roster, clearly signalling that he watched a lot of the show. They were things that I really could work but having spent the first two shows just telling everyone to ‘do their own thing,’ I assumed it might be a while before I felt confident enough to offer notes to some of the guys.


Later in the night, Curt handed me his resignation; clearly having scribbled it down on the closest piece of paper he could find. I can’t say it was a surprise to me that he was leaving. He had done us a massive favour by coming in but I never expected that after two shows he would have built up the loyalty to juggle us with TCW. Thankfully Eugene had made sure to find a way that he could complete his obligations with both of us. It made less of a blow though knowing that I could referee with or without Eugene, I started to wish it were Curt that had stayed and Eugene that had left.


I had to replace him with someone that I felt confident in running the backstage area while Eugene and I shared the reffing duties during the show. Curt had been doing it for over fifteen years so it was never going to be easy to find someone with the same skills as him and as the third show drew closer I started to panic. While working shows for FCW, CZCW and BSC, I was asking anyone and everyone if they wanted to come in and help us. No-one wanted to travel but then I got a tip-off about a former wrestler who was now working in Michigan as a personal trainer from Dylan Slide at CZCW. And upon looking at her website, I soon learned that she minored in Leisure and People Management at college. She’d be perfect to keep the backstage area organised and make sure no-one missed their queues.


I just had to convince her to join us.




“Hi. Is that Reece Paige?”


“...who is this?”


“My name is Cody Miami. I’m calling from a wrestling promotion called Aces Wild Wrestling.”


“I left the wrestling business years ago.”


“I was given your number by Dylan Slide. He said you might be able to help me out.”


“I’m sorry. I don’t wrestle anymore. My ankle can’t take it.”


“I know all that. Don’t worry. I’m not asking you to compete. We just need someone with some experience of the wrestling industry to help out running backstage.”


“What would I be doing?”


“Well Dylan said that you and he ran the backstage area at a couple of local promotions about ten years ago?”


“How do you Dylan?”


“I work as a referee for CZCW as well as helping to run Aces Wild Wrestling.”


“Why haven’t I heard of you before?”


“We have only ran two shows so far. Tommy Cornell was at our last show.”


“Doesn’t he own TCW?”


“Yeah; but he came to our show to steal the last guy that ran our backstage. He’s signed a deal with them.”


“I won’t be as good as him then.”


“Good. That means I won’t have to worry about losing you to Tommy Cornell as well.”


I heard her chuckle slightly.


I decided to give her a way out. “How about you come down for one show? We aren’t far away and we’ll cover your gas money as well. If it’s not for you, I’ll get someone else.”


It sounded it did the trick.


“Ok. Email me across the details. But I’m warning you now. I will be awful.”


I doubted that very much.



When gambling, we here at ACES WILD WRESTLING try to avoid relying ON THE RIVER! On our third show, Shade McGinty will not be to leave his destiny to chance as he does battle with the new AWW Champion Henning Rayne along with the first show rematch between The Latino Kings taking on Rich and Famous! Live at the East Broad Street Jewish Center on Wednesday, Week 3, April 2010, it’s just $3 for an incredible ninety minutes of high-octane wrestling; featuring some of American wrestling’s top stars!






THE LATINO KINGS (Hector Gallindo & Rudy Velasquez) versus RICH AND FAMOUS (Jackpot Jordan & Jake Idol) w/DEBBIE NAIR














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OOC : I had booked ahead in my TEW but after booking myself into a messy corner where I wasn’t able to react to how I felt the story was going because of being so far ahead, I’ve rebooked the story so far. Luckily, TCW are pretty predictable and took Curt O’Malley off me again. I’ve also dropped my popularity quite a lot so my attendances are slightly more challenging.


- - - -



Wednesday, Week 3, April 2010

East Broad Street Jewish Center, Mansfield, Ohio


While we had got eighty people to the show last month, there was a big part of me that didn’t want to start dreaming straight away. And as such, I made sure that when the chairs were being set-up we didn’t plan for anything more than that.


That said, I was a little gutted when it looked like we were down twenty or so on the total attendance as the show kicked off.





Either man has recorded a victory in Aces Wild Wrestling so far, so it was pretty obvious that they would try to get off to the best possible start. Despite matching Chavez in terms of height, the sheer muscles mass possessed by The Latino King meant that El Ladrón would never be able to challenge Chavez in the power stakes. A quick, hurried start saw him leap at Jesus with a flying cross-body only for Chavez to catch him in mid-air. Chavez thumped El Ladrón onto the mat with a powerslam. He then pulled him to his feet and shoved him into the corner. He slugged him in the midsection with five rapid-fire powerful punches before pulling him into the centre of the ring. 187 Neckbreaker (Fireman's carry Neckbreaker)! The devastating blow on the Mexican’s neck is enough to complete a routine victory for Chavez.


JESUS CHAVEZ (187 Neckbreaker > Pin) EL LADRÓN : E-


Following the slightly one-sided opener, the music of ‘Trademark’ Thomas Morgan hit and the sleaze-ball was lead out to the ring by Emma Payback. Much like the first show, Morgan made sure to hit on any females in the crowd while Emma stepped into the ring and picked up a microphone.


EMMA PAYBACK: “Henning Rayne... what you are about to watch is purely for your benefit... Pay attention to what ‘The Trademark’ Thomas Morgan does to this poorly chosen opponent... Be ready to be amazed by the range of skills and abilities that he showcases when picking apart this man, because Thomas Morgan... A man so incredibly talented that previous beaten rivals have spread rumours he is the product of a government experiment... Pay attention to what Thomas Morgan because he will be the man that takes the Aces Wild Wrestling Championship away from you! You may beat us before... You got lucky! We were already looking towards the semi-finals of the tournament and didn’t give you the attention you deserved. That was Thomas’ mistake. But mistakes like that only happen once... We’re coming for that Championship belt, Thomas. Have it ready!”


Thomas ‘pulled’ himself away from his adoring female fans but not before disrobing in front of them. Flexing his muscles, ‘Trademark’ left the girls wanting more as he climbed into the ring for his match. E+





Better known around wrestling circles as ‘Regular Joe,’ Joseph Benning have spent most of his career making ****y heels look good. Under the moniker of Joey Resilient has taken that ‘never say die’ to the next level by always climbing to his feet despite what the bad guys throw at him. And time and time again, Joey got to his feet when really Thomas Morgan had assumed he had done enough to round out. After a string of hard right hands and knees to the jaw that didn’t quite finish the job, Resilient was dropped with the Trademark DDT. It got the job done.





AMO DEL GATO and TIGRE SALVAJE JR. versus THE GILBERT BROTHERS (Jesse Gilbert & Joe Gilbert)



While The Gilbert Brothers made a big splash in Aces Wild Wrestling on the first show by forcing the main event to end in a confusing draw, Jesse Gilbert was unable to continue that momentum in a triple threat with Hector Gallindo and Jackpot Jordan last month. Against the FCW pairing of Amo Del Gato and Tigre Salvaje Jr, they have to regain some of that momentum by notching up a tag team victory. In ‘The Cat Master’ and the ‘Savage Tiger,’ they face two hotly tipped Mexican stars that actually made the better start to the match despite having not teamed together quite as much as the Canuck brothers.


Amo Del Gato levelled Joe Gilbert with an Enzuigiri before tagging in Tigre Salvaje! Salvaje pushed Joe into their corner and after two elbows to the jaw, flipped him into a seated position with a snapmare! The Mexican quickly dashed into the ropes and then rebounded at Joe with a kick across the chest! Amo Del Gato, tagged back in by Tigre Salvaje Jr, pulled Joe to his feet and sent into the ropes! Dropkick by Del Gato! NO! Joe caught hold of the ropes and didn’t run any further. Del Gato face planted the canvas and his neck was then snapped back by a desperate diving forearm from Joe Gilbert. Both legal men were lying next to each other. Tigre Salvaje Jr. started to get the crowd’s support behind Amo Del Gato as he crept towards his corner. But as Amo Del Gato reached out to Salvaje, he was pulled from the ring apron by El Ladrón! ‘The Thief’ pulled Salvaje off the apron by his feet and his head bounced off the hard canvas! Joe Gilbert reached out to his brother and tagged Jesse in! With no-one on the apron to help ADG, he was quickly planted with the Slap Shot and rolled up for the three count! The Gilbert Brothers celebrated in the ring while El Ladrón tried to kick a hole in Tigre Salvaje Jr.


THE GILBERT BROTHERS (Jesse Gilbert [W] & Joe Gilbert) (Slap Shot > Pin) AMO DEL GATO [L] and TIGRE SALVAJE JR : E+






In other promotions, ‘Marvellous’ Marv Statler is likely to back himself to be able to ‘front up’ against even the biggest of opponents but in Aces Wild Wrestling he is, along with Jesus Chavez, in the strongest two performers on the roster. As such, it didn’t take long for him to start physically dominating Stephanie Hazel as she tried to exact revenge upon him for costing her the chance to compete for the Aces Wild Wrestling Champion.


Hazel started in quick fashion and had Marv reeling on the ropes after an early burst that ended with a slick roundhouse kick before a massive lariat from Statler immediately turned the tables. There was an audible ‘ooh’ from the crowd as Stephanie’s head was forced backwards into an unnatural angle. From there, Statler threw Hazel around like a ragdoll to the huge delight of Golden Delicious who cheered him on. She was dropped with a powerslam, a big Spinebuster and then held up in the corner by a barrage of exposed elbows that left her unable to stand. However just as Marv was lining up his Backdrop Backbreaker, the bell rang. Eugene Williams disqualified Marv Statler for excessive force. A decision that left quite a lot of the crowd bemused though Marv quickly put it to the back of his mind by planting Hazel with the Backdrop Backbreaker anyway; leaving her in no position to power her own way backstage.


STEPHANIE HAZEL (Excessive Force > Disqualification) MARV STATLER : E


The music of Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol filled the air once Stephanie Hazel had been helped backstage by Eugene Williams. We couldn’t afford to get a bunch of random no-hopers to pretend to be the EMT so Eugene did the job instead and cleared the way for Debbie Nair to make a big deal of her boys. Picking up a microphone, Debbie stood with Jordan on one side and Jake standing on her right.


DEBBIE NAIR: “Either side of me stands each half of the hottest tag team in American wrestling... While already Rich and Famous, Jake Idol... and Jackpot Jordan... are set to become even richer and even more famous... So lap it up while you can... Enjoy watching two future World Champions while you still can... We soon won’t be appearing in halls like this filthy, cheap excuse for a wrestling arena... We won’t need to because we’ll be appearing for actual decent promotions like SWF or TCW... Not like this ‘Aces Wild Wrestling’ pile of ****... Enjoy it while it lasts because soon you’ll have to pay the same as a month’s rent to see stars this good!”


While I like Debbie’s promo and it seemed to score Idol and Jordan some extra jeers, I didn’t think it made a whole lot of sense since they’ve already confirmed they are coming back next month. E+


THE LATINO KINGS (Hector Gallindo & Rudy Velasquez) versus RICH AND FAMOUS (Jackpot Jordan & Jake Idol) w/DEBBIE NAIR



Having pinned separate halves of The Latino Kings in singles contests last month, Rich and Famous looked pretty confident as Hector Gallindo and Rudy Velasquez bounced towards the ring. The defeated gangsters quickly turned serious though as soon as they stepped through the ropes; and they didn’t even need to have a brief conversation before the bell rang indicating the preparation that had clearly been done before the contest started.


And it was The Latino Kings that started the stronger until Debbie grabbed at Hector’s ankle and ruined his momentum. He was clubbed in the face by Jake Idol and dropped with a DDT. Idol tagged in Jackpot Jordan who elbowed Gallindo across the neck and then drove his right knee into his back. A quick tag to Idol allowed Rich and Famous to drop Gallindo with a double DDT but Hector did leap clear of their second attempted attack and instead took down both men with a double clothesline. He quickly tagged out to Velasquez who rushed straight at Jake Idol who had tried to slide out of the ring. Idol was dumped onto his back with a baseball slide, though Velasquez couldn’t capitalise on the position as Debbie Nair shoved Rudy in the back. Almost immediately, she started to flea around the ring and when Rudy took chase he was levelled by Jackpot Jordan who had ducked around a blind corner. Jordan rolled Rudy into the ring, and once Jake Idol had recovered he hit Velasquez the Glitz and Glamour (Royal Butterfly) for the second consecutive month to complete a Rich and Famous whitewash over The Latino Kings!


RICH AND FAMOUS (Jackpot Jordan & Jake Idol [W]) (Glitz and Glamour > Pin) THE LATINO KINGS (Hector Gallindo & Rudy Velasquez[L]) : D-







With the title belt high above his head, it was no surprise to anyone that Henning Rayne once again got our biggest reaction of the night. The wholesome star made sure to do a lap of the ring high-fiving the crowd before rolling into the ring for his first title match against the man he defeated in the semi-final of the Top Trumps tournament. Shades McGinty started towards the ring but as he reached ringside he demanded a microphone while Henning stood watching him in the ring.


SHADES MCGINTY: “I’m so confident of beating you tonight in record time... I’m not going to bother taking my bad-ass shades off while I do it.”


And he didn’t. McGinty climbed into the ring and took off his jacket but refused to hand over his shades and instead met Rayne in the centre with them still on. Of course, the Champion didn’t take kindly to his actions and quickly reeled back and slapped the glasses off Shades’ off to reveal... a second pair of shades!


From there, the match started to go in a similar way to their semi-final clash with McGinty forcing the action onto the ring canvas. Exercising his rather patient wrestling abilities to tie the Champion in a collection of headlocks and rest holds, McGinty looked happy to wear down the former SWF midcard star. Shades then tackled Rayne into the corner and set-up his highlight Backfist only for Rayne to duck it for a second consecutive month. Rayne spun clear... only for Shades to bound after him! Dropkick by Rayne! Henning took his time standing and that allowed Shades to charge him first! Shades Snapper (Full nelson facebreaker)! Rayne somehow got his foot onto the bottom rope to stop the three count. McGinty pulled Rayne up and whipped him into the rope! DDT by Rayne! Both men stayed down. They got to the feet at the same time. Shades charged Rayne wildly. Henning ducked the lariat and positioned Shades on his shoulder. Rayne Storm (Back to belly Piledriver)! Rayne retains!







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