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Is there a way to set every wrestler as a free agent and start a draft?

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I don't know for sure that this will work, as I've never tried it, but I think you MIGHT be able to just create a new folder and copy all the files but contracts over to it. That might work. OR you could just make a complete copy of the original folder, and go in and delete all the contracts manually.


That might be safer, since I have no idea what possible side effects the copy-paste thing might have, (data corruption and all).


There may be a cheat code out there somewhere, but if there is I haven't found it yet.


At any rate, I hope there was something helpful in here.



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I just tested this and it seems to work 100%


1. Create a new blank database

2. Exit the game

3. Copy all files from the database you want to wipe the contracts for excluding the files pertaining to contracts of course

4. paste them into your new database

5. run the game, it will tell you there are a bunch of fixed errors but will let you continue

6. play


The only downside was it got rid of all the owners and bookers for every promotion. That should make an interesting game. I might sim this database just to see what happens lol




*** UPDATE ***


After simming for a full month it seems like everything will work just fine... Joey Styles owns WWE...

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This was a fascinating exercise. I did it witht he default database, and found that when starting with no owners, Richard Eisen always seems to take control of BSC:D. Also noticed that while SWF and CGC appoint owners immediately, TCW and NOTBPW take their time, so that by the end of the month, SWF and CGC have all the talent when TCW and NOTBPW are only starting, and are left with nothing realy to work with (TCW was owned by Fumihiro Ota and SWF was owned by Victoria Stone).


When I left just the existing owners in place (with the exception of Victoria in charge of NOTBPW) some people go back to where they alreay were, such as Wolf in TCW, the Stones and Steve DeColt in NOTBPW (except Dan sr who instead of retiring, takes the book in USPW) etc. Some wierdness ensues like Jerry Eisen booking CGC and Sam Keith back booking SWF.


A realy fun thing to do. Planning to do a real world version soon.


Edit: Of course Big Smack Scott is not only back in SWF, but seems to also be in the midst of a Jesus push.

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I copied the database (we'll call the original "default" and the copy "default2"). Then I deleted all the feds from default2 and imported them in again from default. This eliminates all worker contracts.


This may have been the same thing the previous poster described but I wasn't sure. If so consider this another vote for this method. and yes, the downside is that the feds have no bookers, owners, events & TV shows.


If you want to keep the events & tv shows, delete and recopy the workers instead of the feds. It'll take longer because of the sheer number of worker files (mass delete is great for this but the CPU processing time is still long). Of course it'll take awhile to sign enough workers to run a TV show (at least about a week) so you may want to get a show in game (if your fed is big enough). I think tag teams will be eliminated via this method as well (as opposed to only fed specific teams). So I personally wouldn't do it.

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I copied the database (we'll call the original "default" and the copy "default2"). Then I deleted all the feds from default2 and imported them in again from default. This eliminates all worker contracts.


This may have been the same thing the previous poster described but I wasn't sure. If so consider this another vote for this method. and yes, the downside is that the feds have no bookers, owners, events & TV shows.


If you want to keep the events & tv shows, delete and recopy the workers instead of the feds. It'll take longer because of the sheer number of worker files (mass delete is great for this but the CPU processing time is still long). Of course it'll take awhile to sign enough workers to run a TV show (at least about a week) so you may want to get a show in game (if your fed is big enough). I think tag teams will be eliminated via this method as well (as opposed to only fed specific teams). So I personally wouldn't do it.


The easiest way is definately to just leave the contracts.tw0 file blank. This leaves the promotions and shows intact. Tags are eliminated, but it does lead to some realy wackey new combos.

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