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Siamese eating habits?


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LOL... That's awesome. Except I think your cat is secretly trying to sabotage you, as it appears she's sifting through your Task Manager... "LOLWUT DOEZ THIS DO?!"


Yes she is a weird cat. I was listening to music the other day and she gets up there and somehow closed the browser window. I guess she didn't like the Black Eyed Peas. :D

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I think you should get your cat a set of headphones for when you decide to play the Black Eyed Peas, maybe it would fix the solution. At least she loves you... If I was your cat and heard you listening to Black Eyed Peas I'd go from ashamed/embarassed, to angry, to peeing all over all your personal belongings, and then... when you were sleeping... I'd stealth attack you repeatedly until you deleted all the muzak from your computer/ipod/othertrendhere. :p But that's just the... cat in me?
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I think you should get your cat a set of headphones for when you decide to play the Black Eyed Peas, maybe it would fix the solution. At least she loves you... If I was your cat and heard you listening to Black Eyed Peas I'd go from ashamed/embarassed, to angry, to peeing all over all your personal belongings, and then... when you were sleeping... I'd stealth attack you repeatedly until you deleted all the muzak from your computer/ipod/othertrendhere. :p But that's just the... cat in me?


And I said, Amen brother RingofHonourGuard.

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There's one thing i have to say, that only one person has said so far... YOU HAVE TO TAKE THAT CAT TO THE VET NOW!


To give a more benign example, chocolate kills cats if the cats eat chocolate. Yet, chocolate is less dangerous for us than cigarettes are.


Guess what that means? YOU HAVE TO TAKE THAT CAT TO THE VET NOW!

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There's one thing i have to say, that only one person has said so far... YOU HAVE TO TAKE THAT CAT TO THE VET NOW!


To give a more benign example, chocolate kills cats if the cats eat chocolate. Yet, chocolate is less dangerous for us than cigarettes are.


Guess what that means? YOU HAVE TO TAKE THAT CAT TO THE VET NOW!


i'll note again here: she has ate poisonous plants. LOL and did so without getting sick in any way.


And we don't have vets open on weekends so no choice but to wait till tonorrow. Thought about calling a poison control center but i don't think they deal with pets at least not the ones here.

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i'll note again here: she has ate poisonous plants. LOL and did so without getting sick in any way.


And we don't have vets open on weekends so no choice but to wait till tonorrow. Thought about calling a poison control center but i don't think they deal with pets at least not the ones here.


Poison Control would most likely have just told you to shove a hose in the cat's mouth and wash it out. Think about that mental image for a while. I kid, PETA, I kid.

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