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Siamese eating habits?


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My cat decides to get on to the lap top when I am trying to play. It is the funniest thing in the world to see.




She likes to post on GDS too apparently. :D




That's my laptop!



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Wait a tic...Kylie, how the heck did you turn the computer on?! :p All kidding aside, this is the first I've heard of a situation like that, HS. Maybe it's the menthol? Regardless, it's definitely something that you need to look into.


She didn't. I did and she pushed me out of the way. :(


Then she will just sit there and stare at me. Man talk about a strange cat. :D

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Apparently its common enough for the to post something like this on petplace.




i did a search and she had been playing with cigarette butts over the last few weeks. Maybe she's addicted to the nicotine?


But then again she ate the leaves off of a poinsettia and they're supposed to be poisonous/lethal to a cat.

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Psycho kitty strikes again.


While my wife was in the shower the cat decided to attack her pack of cigarettes successfully eating one cancer stick and mortaling wounding another.


The rest remained safe in the pack although shook up from the fall to the kitchen floor.



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My cat decides to get on to the lap top when I am trying to play. It is the funniest thing in the world to see.




She likes to post on GDS too apparently. :D


Send your cat to play mafia games immediately.


I can see it now... an actual Doncat. :eek:

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My cat eats worse things than that. Poor girl, always licking up my pot.


she ate everything but the filter. paper too. i seriously think that when she was playing with cigarette butts she became addicted to nicotine. she would carry the cigarette butts around and the butts have nicotine that get caught in there when people draw on them. So that's my conclusion till i hear something more viable and she was high as a kite after she "got her fix" LOL


she eats any plants even poisonous ones.


she likes to open presents. (had a time with her at christmas) LOL

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Day 3: I honestly believe after this morning she is addicted to nicotine. She shredded an empty cigarette pack and has been absolutely nuts all morning.


She's always been a little loopy but this is almost like someone freaking out because they can't get their fix.

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Day 3: I honestly believe after this morning she is addicted to nicotine. She shredded an empty cigarette pack and has been absolutely nuts all morning.


She's always been a little loopy but this is almost like someone freaking out because they can't get their fix.


You really should think about taking your cat to a vet. That is not good at all.

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My cat decides to get on to the lap top when I am trying to play. It is the funniest thing in the world to see.




She likes to post on GDS too apparently. :D


LOL... That's awesome. Except I think your cat is secretly trying to sabotage you, as it appears she's sifting through your Task Manager... "LOLWUT DOEZ THIS DO?!"

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