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Your match ratings for USPW are always going to be fairly low compared to your angles.


Get Sam Strong involved as much as possible - milk the hell out of that overness, with him appearing in numerous angles with guys you want to push. Boost overness of your main eventers/midcarders by having them in squashes - you can run a card of pretty much all squashes apart from the main and maybe semi-main.


Menace angles are your friend with anyone with A menace or above. :)


If you spend a few months boosting selected guys overness through angles, that should REALLY help your match ratings in the long run since you're popularity based.

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I'm now in 2014, Global, most influential promotion in the world and here's how I did it: in the first few weeks you'll lose pop because your guys simply are not over enough yet. I created an angle, called it "Hype for promotion", put 8 guys in, only one of them rated on overness and that was Sam Strong. Pretty soon, all my main guys were insanely over. Strong has now been retired for a couple of years but I always 5-6 guys in the 90ties and my main champion is always 100 across the US so I do the angle with him and whoever I think could use a bit of overness. I love USPW because of this. I can't get into performance-based products anymore ;)
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Explain the Hype for Promotion clause, cause I'd like to use that route. What angle was it, was it on a show or....and you use 8 men correct?


I just created an angle with 8 people onscreen, had one (Sam Strong in this case) rated on overness, the others not rated (they will still gain overness though) and tada - instant 90+ angles and people will become super over.


You have to create your own angle but that is very quick and has worked wonders for me.

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For me the promotion is about 6 guys to start with.


Enygma, James Justice, Chris Caufield on the face side. Tyson Baine, T-Rex, and Bruce the Giant. These six guys are the feature of every show. I have them wrestle in 6 minute dominating victories (will get them to 100 popularity and actually help the jobbers). As you lose these guys (you will until you hit national) Bring in others who have charisma and star quality. Look for guys with menace or are good talkers. Don't forget about the women the 4 you start with can be good.


Also notice if your getting penalties for bad gimmicks. You may have to work thinigs around but if a guy is a good worker in a bad gimmick he will not get the ratings he should.


For angles the face off but no contact and monster unleashed and the various interviews are staples on my shows.

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