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WWE/WCW A New era!

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I have started one sometime back about 4 or 5 months ago but I was new so I decided to try again, I wont be using pictures cause I know it may look good but pictures take up space and have a hard time loading but please bare with me, I have already started this in my game but I have only ran one show so I will give you a quick run down of that show and then start from there.





*Vince McMahon and Stephanie McMahon are sitting around in Mr McMahon's office talking about things when he starts to speak*


Vince:You know Princess I am getting older and I have been thinking alot lately about what to do.


Stephanie:What are you talking about daddy?


Vince:Well you know your mom is running for the senete now and your Brother Shane has left the business so I think its time for me to retire.


Stephanie: Daddy you cant!!


Vince:Sorry baby girl but it is time, but hey I would like to leave the business to you, I want you to run it as good as you can, and if you need me I will be just one phone call away, but starting right now yourin charge, baby go out Monday and give them one hell of a show!



I am using the MCD real life Mod so I give credit to him for the Mod, this Mod starts in April so April 5th is the first Raw....More to come.

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Well,let's see how the show will be. Are you using HBK or did you left him in post WM retirement?


I am going to bring him back more then likely on WCW brand just cause the WCW Brand needs more main eventers I am also bringing Booker T back for the WCW Brand, sorry got busy will write some more up tonight or tomorrow.

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Florence,SC-Florence Civic Center



*Raw kicks off live from Florence with a great fireworks display as we pan to ringside to see Jerry "The King" Lawler and back with the WWE Raw Good Ole JR.


JR:Welcome everyone to Florence SC,Welcome to WWE Raw! I am Good ole JR along side Jerry "The King" Lawler


JL:Wow its good to have you back JR I sure have missed you, your a whole lot better that that stupid geek Cole!


JR:It is great to be back King, Stephanie called me this weekend and asked me to come back and be an announce on WWE and I accepted! She told me she a big announcement I just wounder what it is?


*Just then Stephanie's music hit and she walks to ringside climbes in the ring and grabs a mic*


JR;Speaking of the billion dollar princess King here she is! Lets see what she has to say.


Stephanie:Ok everyone I am here tonight cause I have a mjor major announcement, Over the weekend I had a meeting with my dad and the higher ups in the WWE, And it seems like my dad has decided to leave the business and retire!


*The crowd cheers at the fact they wont get to see Vince anymore*


Stephanie:Thats right, so what does that mean? He left the WWE to me! And there are gonna be major changes starting TONIGHT!


JL:Oh no JR I hope I dont get fired.


Stephanie:It is simple the Raw and Smackdown brand are nomore, This is what happened I now split off the Smackdown brand into a seprate company, But its not Smackdown anymore, My father should have done this back in 2001 he was hellbent in putting this company out of business because he is so damn selfish, but yeah thats right I am bringing back WCW!


JR:What are you kidding me? Did I hear what she said?


JL:Yes JR she is bringing back WCW, What a shocker!


Stephanie:I am not finish, since I am bringing back WCW and it will be on Friday Nights on Syfy live called but what else Nitro, I have transfered all Smackdown wrestlers to WCW contracts, But since I will now be busy running WCW I have sold the WWE, and I have dol it to a man that I know my father would be proud to have ladies and gentleman please welcome the new owner of WWE staring right now,The Hitman Bret Hart!


*Bret Hart steps out to a loud pop he and Stephanie meets half way down the ramp and shakes hands as he continue making his way down the ramp clibs in the ring and grabs a mic*


JR:I just cant believe this I cant believe it King, Bret Hart is our new boss.


Bret Hart:Well I guess Vince McMahon is rolling over in his grave....Wait Vince isn't dead sorry, Stephanie called me Saturday and told me her idea and for me to make an offer to buy the WWE, I thought she was crazy, she wasn't so here we are....First of all we have a new title the WWE Television Title, The tournament starts tonight and the finals will be at Extreme Rules, I have alot of stuff planned for the WWE I just cant wait!


*Bastista's music hits and he starts down the ramp and climbes into the ring*


Batista:Oh Great we have a new owner now maybe you will give me my damn title shot at WWE Extreme Rules, I am tired of this BS I deserve the title more then Cena I deserve more then anything!


Bret Hart:Bastista dont you dare come out here and...


*John Cena music hits he comes out, gets in the ring and goes toe to toe with Bastista which starts a shoving match and Brawl causing refs and road agents to come out to break it up.


Bret Hart:You want a match Bastista you got it at Extreme Rules and it will be 2 out of 3 falls! Also tonight you better get ready cause I am making a Tag match, You Bastista and a partner you choose vs John Cena and a Partner he chooses, so get ready guys!



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Matches announces for tonight's Raw:


First round of the WWE Television Championship Tournament


Ted Diabise vs Cody Rhodes


David Hart Smith vs Kofi Kingston


Sheamus vs Tyson Kidd


Christian vs William Regal


Also Tonight:


Randy Orton vs The Miz (In a non-title match)


Gail Kim vs Katie Lea


Batista & ??? vs John Cena & ???


Raw results will either be up later tonight or tomorrow.

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Ted Diabise vs Cody Rhodes

Between the two we havent seen much of in singles matches without the other running in to cause a DQ or victory so ill just go Ted on this one.


David Hart Smith vs Kofi Kingston

Kingston is a better singles wrestler then DHS. Or maybe not, I don't think he has had a singles match in a long time.


Sheamus vs Tyson Kidd

Sheamus for the same reasons as DHS loss.


Christian vs William Regal

Christian because we don't have much on storylines makes it hard to decide on who will win some matches. That should no longer be a problem after this show though.


Randy Orton vs The Miz

Orton is just a better and more established wrestler then the Miz, that reminds me is it still the Unified Tag Titles?


Gail Kim vs Katie Lea

Give this one to the Heel in the match.


Batista & ??? vs John Cena & ???

Batista will either win or Cena will win on a DQ.

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Sorry for the quick results, I already did the first card when I decided to do a Diary.



Announcer:Jim Ross & Jerry"the King" Lawler

Backstage announcer:Josh Matthews

TV Network:USA Network


Match 1:Ted Diabise defeated Cody Rhodes with the Million Dollar Dream


After Match:

After the match Ted Diabise kept on attacking Cody Rhodes as refs came to try to break it up, Ted Diabise kept saying he is the real Million Dollar Man As Ted Diabise Sr came out he got in his sons face, Ted Diabise then pushed his dad down and left the ring.




Backstage segment:


Bret Hart is in his office he says after what he just saw at Extreme Rules it will be Father vs Son as Ted Diabise Jr will take on Ted Diabise Sr with the Million Dollar belt on the line.


Match 2:David Hart Smith defeated Kofi Kingston with the running Power Slam when Tyson Kidd attacked Kofi when the Ref's back was turned




Backstage Segment:


David Heart Smith & Tyson Kidd are arguring backstage, DHS tells Tyson he doesnt need his damn help.


Match 3:Randy Orton defeated The Miz in a non-title match with RKO.




Backstage Segment:


Randy Orton bust into Bret Hart's office he said he has provem himself to be a snake a Ledgend Killer and he wants a title shot at the May PPV Over the Limits, Bret Hart says at Extreme Rules it will be Randy Orton vs Big Show in a number 1 contenders match.


Match 4: Shamus defeated Tyson Kidd, when David Heart Smith tried to interfer but Shamus reversed it and he hit Tyson Kidd instead.


After Match:


After the match DHS and Tyson Kidd gets into a shoving match and they argure Bret Hart comes in and tells them this is not the way.


Backstage Segment:


Backstage,Josh Matthews interview John Cena he says that tonight his partner is ready and tonight he giving Batista and whoever else steps into his way an attitude adjustment!


Match 5:Christian defeated William Regal with the Unprettier




Josh Matthews interview Batisa he says coming up in a few he dont give a damn who Cena has as a partner cause he is not gonna save his life.


Pre Match:


Bastista is up first and his partner is David Otunga and John Cena comes out and his partner is EDGE!!




Match 6:John Cena and Edge defeated Batista and David Otunga when Cena got Otunga in the Attitude adjustment.


End of show

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Matches announces for WWE Extreme Rules:


2 out of 3 falls for the WWE Championship:


©John Cena vs Batista


Father vs Son for the Million Dollar belt:


Ted Diabise Jr vs Ted Diabise Sr


Number 1 contender match for the WWE Championship:


Randy Orton vs The Big Show


Finals of the WWE TV Title tournament:


??? vs ???

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Matches announces for WWE Extreme Rules:


2 out of 3 falls for the WWE Championship:


©John Cena vs Batista - None, please. :eek:


Father vs Son for the Million Dollar belt:


Ted Diabise Jr vs Ted Diabise Sr


Number 1 contender match for the WWE Championship:


Randy Orton vs The Big Show


Finals of the WWE TV Title tournament:


??? vs ???



Good show so far. Just an advice, don't use the oink colour for bret, as it is hard to read the text writen in pink. Other than that, looks good. Let's see what strorylines will come after the PPV and hope the show posts are not too long. They are not bad right now, you just need to work the storylines out. Keep it up.

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