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As far as angles are concerned, you might want to look through all the various mods (real world, C-Verse, and fantasy). Some modmakers reuse angles from the default data or an older mod, but some modmakers include their own custom angles. I know I have about 40 of my own custom angles in mine (but I'm not uploading them independent of the mod, sorry) with more that won't make the mod (it's a women's mod. No use including the angles I use when running male dominated promotions). Not just from 2010 either. I've taken several angles from 'Wrestling in a Recession' from 08 and updated them for 2010 and customized them to fit my purposes.


It's a lot to sift through, I'll admit. But what I do more often than not is create a custom database (I name it 'Holding') and then download all the various mods and then import the angles from the mod to Holding and then go through them individually by category and pick out the ones I like. Correct some spelling, add 'Auto Name' (many of them won't have this entered), change roles and descriptions to suit my preferences and name the angles what I want. Takes about an hour to delete all the stuff I know I won't want and perhaps another 1 or 2 to do the customizing on the remaining angles. At most, I might get 10 angles from one mod, but that changes based on what I'm actually looking for.

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^ I know I'm asking the wrong person here, but is there a specific reason for the game having such bland storylines and angles? Does Mr. Ryland just want us to create them ourselves?


From how I see it, since the game is primarily a sandbox game, the "blandness" is more of an open-endedness.


The good thing is that if you want more specific storylines and angles, you can just create them. And a lot of the realworld mods have a lot of specific storylines you can import.

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