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Need ideas. I am at Awesome Impact ppv and my main event is Bruce vs Eisen. But Eisen says he cant do the match because he'll get injured. So i guess thats a no-go. In my story Remo and Gilmore have been aligned with Eisen. Soooo I guess i should just replace Eisen with Gilmore? Oh and Rich Money is on a 1 month vacation to give the impression that Money is out injured. So any ideas?
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High injury seems a bit... high... for a ladder match. It's not like there are light tubes, or fire, or explosions, or scaffolding, or whatever other garbage kids like to kill themselves with. On its face, a ladder match is only marginally more dangerous than a regular match, as you're basically only adding a couple feet of height. Anything more than that would fall under the 'Crazy Bump' road agent note.


Just a thought....

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High injury seems a bit... high... for a ladder match. It's not like there are light tubes, or fire, or explosions, or scaffolding, or whatever other garbage kids like to kill themselves with. On its face, a ladder match is only marginally more dangerous than a regular match, as you're basically only adding a couple feet of height. Anything more than that would fall under the 'Crazy Bump' road agent note.


Just a thought....


I've cloned and altered a ton of matches to fix the injury and content levels while booking my shows. I see a ladder match on live TV being more 'watered down' and wouldn't include anything insane (AKA low-medium risk and injury)... it's only there for ratings. I think it's the big events you're running or PPVs that need that higher risk (if your product allows it) and sometimes the injury percentage needs to be up there for realism.

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