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Champions of the Galaxy

Purple Cowboy

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Did anyone used to play (or still play) this game? I just found an old shoebox over the weekend in the attic with a bunch of cards in it from the beginning through Sudden Death. So I searched and it looks like they have an online version of the game now (still rolling against cards), except the roster sets are expensive if you're going to catch up on everything at this point. Anyone doing that at all? Worth the money?
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I own every set ever made. :o


I love the game..don't really like the online version because I always liked writing the stories out more so than rollin the dice...


Don't play much now..more of a collector.


I keep intending to do a mod for TEW but I'm still having trouble in the planning stages. (cant seem to wrap my head around how to set it up)

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Nice! Haven't dusted them off yet, but brought a couple of the booklets to work today to get caught back up on the history! :)


A mod would be really cool, but yeah I guess working out all of the individual worker stats would be pretty tough.


The online thing looks cool though, I wouldn't mind seeing some color versions of the classic cards. But like I said, expensive to catch all the way up at once. I also don't get some of the pricing, for instance, if I read it right to buy the classic game online version seems to be only $15 but to buy an Invasion intro pack or something it is $60. Maybe I'm missing something there but seems a little off. A nice blast from the past though this weekend. I might try the original game online but doubt I'll go very far into other roster sets.

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Ah ... the game. I loved this game. I will love even more when Mr. Hilton finishes his mod and I can incorporate my old obsession with my new one. :p


I have all the booklets and cards except the last one or two. I have bought and lost all the sets like twice and then rebought them all up to New Beginnings a couple years ago. If you are thinking about getting back into the game then I would buy New Beginnings and start from there. It is intended to be a new "starting point" anyway due to the massive amount of info needed to be purchased if ya want to stay "within storyline".


I have never played the online version nor have I ever had the wish to. It is and was and always will be to me a dice and card and imagination game. (Although the work for the online cards look awesome all colored and cool)


I will always suggest this game to those who love running a good wrestling promotion. As much as I love TEW, and I do... COTG is the original game for me. If you have the time and $$$ Cowboy then I hope ya buy and have a blast!

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Guest cmdrsam
I only had one set a long time ago. I had a blast with it. And oddly enough one charactor kind of stuck with me. Hence my ID name.
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You had ONE set but you remembered Commander Sam???




Sam ends up being a really fun and interesting character as he went from sort of a one-note 'patriotic American' type to 'shoot first, ask questions later' vigilante to xenophobic warmonger.


I don't know if I'll ever get a mod off the ground, if only because TEW needs quite a few workers to make a db viable and - even at it's largest - COTG only had maybe 80 or so characters to work with.

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You had ONE set but you remembered Commander Sam???


I don't know if I'll ever get a mod off the ground, if only because TEW needs quite a few workers to make a db viable and - even at it's largest - COTG only had maybe 80 or so characters to work with.


Oh no doubt the effort would be enormous but I think with thought and complete forgetting the GWF timeline, it would be doable. You would just have to use a planet as a starting base for a federation and there would probably be only one "region". Give you an example... did you ever have the Jack Hood card? The one ya had to buy that one "prequel" comic book and the card came with it? Well that takes place on Titan and they had a little "independent" fed there before Omega and Morpheus formed the GWF back in the Outlaw days. So like I would start with POW (Regional), , GWF (Cult), TITAN (Small), AETHRA (Small) in North America or "our galaxy". Lets say GWF starts with the original 12 or whatever it was in 2087 I think if memory serves. Well the guys who came before that who were there during the POW days I would imagine would still be there. Guys like Dorado Sundown, Jack Hood, Mimic, Big Superstar, Vice, etc. There was a good bit of guys in the Classics editions. Then the guys who start in the GWF would be there obviously, but then like guys who come a couple years after. Guys like the other Gladiators or W.A.R. I would incorporate into the "Smaller-Regional" feds you create. Then pick a year ya want to end with and then those guys come later into the game as new workers. Plus I would have CPC come in as a Cult sized Company and ya can even bring in aCe come in as like "invade" somehow I don't know how that would work but there are a ton of dudes who just were in aCe and CPC too bring up the worker count. Just brain storming... lol But... it would be cool.

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You had ONE set but you remembered Commander Sam???


I don't know if I'll ever get a mod off the ground, if only because TEW needs quite a few workers to make a db viable and - even at it's largest - COTG only had maybe 80 or so characters to work with.


Oh no doubt the effort would be enormous but I think with thought and complete forgetting the GWF timeline, it would be doable. You would just have to use a planet as a starting base for a federation and there would probably be only one "region". Give you an example... did you ever have the Jack Hood card? The one ya had to buy that one "prequel" comic book and the card came with it? Well that takes place on Titan and they had a little "independent" fed there before Omega and Morpheus formed the GWF back in the Outlaw days. So like I would start with POW (Regional), , GWF (Cult), TITAN (Small), AETHRA (Small) in North America or "our galaxy". Lets say GWF starts with the original 12 or whatever it was in 2087 I think if memory serves. Well the guys who came before that who were there during the POW days I would imagine would still be there. Guys like Dorado Sundown, Jack Hood, Mimic, Big Superstar, Vice, etc. There was a good bit of guys in the Classics editions. Then the guys who start in the GWF would be there obviously, but then like guys who come a couple years after. Guys like the other Gladiators or W.A.R. I would incorporate into the "Smaller-Regional" feds you create. Just cause they hadn't "made it" to the GWF yet I bet they were fighting somewhere. Then pick a year ya want to end with and then those guys come later into the game as new workers. Plus I would have CPC come in as a Cult sized Company and ya can even bring in aCe come in as like "invade" somehow I don't know how that would work but there are a ton of dudes who just were in aCe and CPC too bring up the worker count. Just brain storming... lol But... it would be cool.

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Oh no doubt the effort would be enormous but I think with thought and complete forgetting the GWF timeline, it would be doable. You would just have to use a planet as a starting base for a federation and there would probably be only one "region". Give you an example... did you ever have the Jack Hood card? The one ya had to buy that one "prequel" comic book and the card came with it? Well that takes place on Titan and they had a little "independent" fed there before Omega and Morpheus formed the GWF back in the Outlaw days. So like I would start with POW (Regional), , GWF (Cult), TITAN (Small), AETHRA (Small) in North America or "our galaxy". Lets say GWF starts with the original 12 or whatever it was in 2087 I think if memory serves. Well the guys who came before that who were there during the POW days I would imagine would still be there. Guys like Dorado Sundown, Jack Hood, Mimic, Big Superstar, Vice, etc. There was a good bit of guys in the Classics editions. Then the guys who start in the GWF would be there obviously, but then like guys who come a couple years after. Guys like the other Gladiators or W.A.R. I would incorporate into the "Smaller-Regional" feds you create. Then pick a year ya want to end with and then those guys come later into the game as new workers. Plus I would have CPC come in as a Cult sized Company and ya can even bring in aCe come in as like "invade" somehow I don't know how that would work but there are a ton of dudes who just were in aCe and CPC too bring up the worker count. Just brain storming... lol But... it would be cool.



I no..I've done the math and I know enough of the mythos to do a decent job coming up with quite a few workers. ( i owned and helped write portions of the COTG files)


I think I'd start near the end of War Games when Chaos and Alpha Force were still new but Thantos and Star Warrior were still in their primes.


Hmmmm..lotsa stuff here to work with once That 70s Mod is wrapped up.

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Gawd i rem that game. Omg thanks now im having flash backs to my youth days.I found a few others to, have any of you played these.






There were a few other pro wrestling table top games in the late 70s and 80s i know Avalon Hill made a couple also. But Champions is a classic.

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Guest cmdrsam
For some reason I think it was the mid 90's WWF had a roleplay wrestling game out. One book, about 250 pages thick. We would get togethor and role play on saturdays. It was a fun game. But it didnt last long for some reason.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="cmdrsam" data-cite="cmdrsam" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27699" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>For some reason I think it was the mid 90's WWF had a roleplay wrestling game out. One book, about 250 pages thick. We would get togethor and role play on saturdays. It was a fun game. But it didnt last long for some reason.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Love the new avatar.<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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Guest cmdrsam
Love the new avatar.:D


LOL, thanx. Since I busted myself out figured I better go track me down a pic.

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<p>I whipped together a decent one for TEW 07- just the GWF, starting in 2087 and I think the first 2 Invasion sets were included for future workers, along with a couple big names I wanted to see in there... I think 2087's the most logical starting point and the roster is at a comfortable size for a Cult size promotion.</p><p> </p><p>

With the new narratives like "Worker fulfills potential" & "Popularity boost", card upgrades could be handled better than was previously possible. Set Pulsar to jobber level if you started in 2087, then give him those narratives in 2090 and the Pulsar Prime alter ego and he's gold. One other recommendation from screwing around with it is to set the big names like Alpha Force and Chaos' popularity high from the get-go so they don't spend 5 years working their way up the card.</p><p> </p><p>

Edit- I mean the big name future workers. The GWF had a lot of characters walk into the main event so that would be the best way to have it resemble the way the promotion worked.</p>

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