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SWF [Let me preface this by saying I suck]

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Peter Michaels found dead in his Apartment

Peter Michaels was found dead Monday morning, soon after SWF: Christmas Clash in his apartment, in Texas.

The reason of death is unconfirmed, but at the moment, the most plausible theory is some kind of cardiac arrest.

Paramedics tried to save Michaels, but he was unresponsive and it was far too late for such proceedings.

Peter Michael's cardiologist, Shawn Hickenberry, believes Peter Michael's died between 2AM to 8AM, and that the still unconfirmed cardiac arrest happened because of a possible stress due to his job at Supreme Wrestling Federation, a global Pro-Wrestling federation based in Nevada, he says that "the autopsy will clear all doubts"

Peter Michaels was a head booker on SWF, and as such, had to write all the storylines and to interact with the workers, it isn't unlikely to believe that such a hard job has affected him stress-wise.

Peter Michaels is survived by his wife Stephanie Michaels and his son George Michaels.

SWF's Owner, Richard Eisen, has yet to comment on the recent death of one of the greatest Pro-Wrestling announcers in the world.


SWF's new Head Booker: Joseph Douglas

Another great chronicle by: Mike Task (YoshimiNº1Fan on the official forums)

It seems that Richard Eisen is very slow when it comes to apologies for killing the best announcer and booker of the world, but very fast when it comes to assigning who gets to be the new booker, what a freaking [CENSORED]

And he's a dumb[CENSORED] too, SWF is not exactly the less popular federation around, it managed to get all the dumb kids and soccer moms to watch the product and [CENSORED] over Jack Bruce and Christian Faith, two of the most overrated wrestlers in the entire world, it managed to make a bunch of movies with its superstars and get a [CENSORED]load of money by selling ripoffs of British Cereals and putting Joe Sexy smiling on the box cover, and yet, they get a nobody to be their Head Booker

Seriously, I'm not making this up, they get a freaking NOBODY to be the FREAKING HEAD BOOKER

The man's name is Joseph Douglas, according to the dirtsheets, he has been doing chores and minor booking stuff for the past 8 years (He's 26, by the way, LMAO, EPIC FAIL), so now he's ready to be the head booker of the federation, WHAT THE [CENSORED]?

Seriously, I know that the mainstream product of SWF sucks, but at least they had great bookers like Sam Keith and Peter Michaels to make it average, how the heck are they supposed to entertain any smart wrestling fan with a NOBODY?

The best part is that the rumors are that the guy is already trying to contact John Maverick and thinking of firing Big Smack Scott






I'l repeat that, in case you didn't read it well...

He is trying to contact... JOHN MAVERICK...

And he's thikning of firing... BIG SMACK SCOTT


John Maverick, the man who managed to make CGC even more boring, with the most boring, obnoxious, ad-hominem and Deus Ex Machina title reign EVER, and that is now ruining NOTBPW.

And Big Smack Scott, one of the best workers of the entire SWF, sure, he's hated by the fans, but they love LOBSTER WARRIOR, so what the heck do they know?


I'l be doing more articles mocking this idiot, I might make this a weekly thing, cause I have the feeling will be feeling his presence around the next shows until Eric Eisen finally fires him.

Until then, peace out, and don't forget: Being a Smark... is being Smart...

Mike Task

Also, don't forget to check on with me on the forums, but I'm only on the Japanese Wrestling section, and I only discuss on great topics for connoisseurs such as myself



Card for Supreme TV of Week 1 of January

Jack Bruce VS Angry Gilmore

Steve Frehley VS Squeeky McClean

Joe Sexy VS Enforcer Roberts

Marat Khozlov VS Gregory Black

Vengeance VS Robbie Retro



-After the big controversy of Christmas Clash, Eric Eisen wishes to speak to the SWF crowd, what will he have to say to the disappointed and enraged crowd?

-Jack Giedrock and Valiant have successfully taken away the Tag Team Championships from Paul Huntingdon and Marc Dubois, what is next on their journey since they united themselves, back in November?

-Big Brandon James has yet to defend his championship since he won it from Lobster Warrior at last October, there are rumors that there is someone who wants to try to take that belt from the big cat, but who is brave/dumb enough to aim for such a thing?

-Our deepest sympathies go to Stephanie and George Michaels, a full press release regarding Peter Michaels death can be found here.



[OOC: As you probably noticed already, I don't have the imagination, writing capabilities or experience of James Casey, nor do I have the Booking abilities from KingofKings, regardless, feel free to join the ride and check how many shows there will be until Richard Eisen fires me]

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Richard Eisen will give Joseph Douglas orders to follow

Another great piece of news by: Mike Task (YoshimiNº1Fan on the official forums)

It seems that Richard Eisen isn't as dumb as I thought and decided to observe very closely Joseph's Douglas booking, good, might be not as [CENSORED], then again... it might be even [CENSORED], cause everyone knows how dumb that guy is.

However, we, at proudtobesmark.com managed to get a paper with ALL THE MAJOR GIVEN OBJECTIVES GIVEN TO JOSEPH DOUGLAS. You have to be a premium member to read them, so don't forget to turn a Premium Member here (Only 30 dollars per month or 80 Dollars per 3 Months).


Premium Content:

-In 27 months and 3 weeks, SWF will have to be MORE POPULAR on America

-Christian Faith must keep his good popularity (B-, if you like to follow our Smark Rankings)

-No one from a Federation Cult sized or above may enter SWF, unless they get fired.

-No one over 42 can join SWF

-No MMA Crossover can join SWF

-No Wrestler with below average Toughness (C-, if you like to follow our Smark Rankings) can be a Wrestler on SWF



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Well that was a shocking intro.


Quick note on the product, as we had this discussion in another SWF dynasty, The current SWF is more in line with attitude era WWE and less with the current HD era we're in now. I'm not sure how many soccer moms will be letting their kids watch your show... But I know a bunch of 20somethings who will.


Anyway, good luck to you!


- Sonfaro

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OOC: I wondered about that, and seeing the product, you are right, but let's take in account that this Japanese Smark is clearly exaggerating on SWF's casualness :p



By: Dave Melter


Opening Segment


The show starts with a hype video showing us what happened yesterday, in case you missed the PPV, the main event (and the only 1 VS 1 match of the night), Jack Bruce VS Rich Money, was interrupted by a returning Eric Eisen free from his knee injury, who then used the contract for a title shot he earned two years ago at “Welcome to the Jungle” after winning the Jungle Rumble, to defeat a tired and near exhaustion Jack Bruce.

It was a good video, as usual from the SWF Production Team, its pretty minor, so it doesn't matter in the overall score of this show, but it was still good. B+


Jack Bruce's challenge


As everyone knows, the second biggest advantage of the Jumble Rumble (the first being you decide to use the title shot whenever you want, no matter how many months or years it takes to use it) is that when you defeat a champion using that shot, the rematch clausule is ignored.

That, however, didn't stop Jack Bruce from appearing (to a huge pop) in New England, as usual, Jack Bruce gave us a great mic performance, and managed to convey his frustration and still throw out the usual rockstar performance without any problems, he basically announced how frustrated he was over losing and how sorry he is to every single fan of him, he then challenges Eric Eisen for a big match in 4 Weeks at “When Hell Froze Over”.

Then, appeared Eric Eisen, with probably the second biggest heel reaction he received since he first started wrestling (first being yesterday, of course), he gave us a pretty good mic performance too, basically mocking Jack Bruce and his fans in a pretty hilarious and heelish manner, and then rejecting the challenge, Jack Bruce got angry and tried to break his teeth, to which the crowd agreed with full support, Eric Eisen, however, managed to run away.

Great promo, seems like they'l indeed be doing a storyline out of this, I wonder if Rich Money will be evolved, the crowd got pretty pumped out after this promo, and to be honest, can't blame them, however, I have to say that I'm specially surprised about Eric Eisen's charisma, he's definately learning to show it more. A


Vengeance VS Robbie Retro

Good match, specially for a squash match, Vengeance dominated Robbie Retro for 13 minutes, and yet it was still very entertaining to watch it (or excrutiating, if you're a fan of The Disco Stud), from time to time, Robbie Retro would pull a good offense, only to be shoved aside with a big boot, and the crowd was constantly hoping for some chance, however, the fate of Robbie Retro was entirely decided when Vengeance used the Skull Krusher (Brainbuster DDT)



Winner: Vengeance

Good match, even though it was a squash, the announcing team definately helped here, with their hope or mock for Robbie Retro, the crowd liked this match a lot, Robbie Retro seems to be improving on showing his performance, I wonder if he's gonna be a Main Eventer on SWF someday. B


The Attack Continues


Vengeance continues attacking Robbie Retro even after the match is over, its even more awesome now, because you know it doesn't matter anymore, but Robbie Retro, with his amazing acting and Vengeance, with his amazing menace, managed to sell the crowd 4 minutes of him getting squashed once more.

It was then that Steve Frehley, from out of nowhere, with a decent pop, managed to drive Vengeance away with some punches.

Seems like Joseph Douglas (the new head booker, for those who haven't heard) is planning on making a storyline out of these two, wonder what'l happen. It was a great segment, though. B


Joe Sexy VS Enforcer Roberts

Good old Enforcer Roberts, still as amazing on his storytelling abilities as always, he might not charismatic or an excellent speaker, but no one tells a better story in the ring as him here in the SWF.

The match was good, with Enforcer Roberts working on Joe Sexy's back, probably for the R.T.C. (Bow and Arrow Lock) (he hasn't used that move in a while, has he?), Joe Sexy, meanwhile, was dishing punishment on Enforcer Robert's, for One Night Stand (Superkick followed by Running DDT).

After some minutes of pure technical and brawl-fest wresting, Joe Sexy finally managed to pull a One Night Stand on Enforcer Roberts for a quick pinfall.



Winner: Joe Sexy

Good match, the crowd was pretty pumped up watching this, Joe Sexy is clearly improving on his performance in the ring.


Joe Sexy challenges Brandon James


Joe Sexy, after defeating Enforcer Roberts, picks his mic and gives us the usual sexual innuendos and charismatic one liners that made him famous, he announces that he is challenging Brandon James for the SWF North American championship at “Hell Froze Over”, in 4 weeks.

Since Brandon James defeated Lobster Warrior, back in October, he was never challenged by anyone (as SWF has made painfully clear since then, with the commentators constantly mentioning that fact), Brandon James music played and out of nowhere he comes and hits the Big Cat Pounce (Spear), Emma Chase appears at the ring entrance and says that Brandon James accepts the challenge.

Seems like a storyline is starting out of here, good segment. B


Marat Khozlov VS Gregory Black


One minute, that's all it took for Marat Khozlov to defeat Gregory Black, and most of the time was spent with Gregory Black in fear trying to get close to the monster. The Russian Legend Powerbomb (Jacknife Powerbomb) is an incredible finisher, that's for sure.



Winner: Marat Khozlov

Average match, not surprising considering this is a squash match, kudos for the Announcing Team, who made this look even more brutal. C


Steve Frehley VS Squeeky McClean


Solid match, with Steve Frehley evenly matched with Squeeky McClean, Steve Frehley clearly showed power, while Squeeky McClean showed more technique, at a the ending of the match, Squeeky went for the Clean Out (Ankle Lock), and was thrown outside the ring by a pain and desesperation ridden Steve Frehley, out of nowhere, Vengeance appears with a steel chair and hits it right in Steve Frehley's head, which made Steve win by DQ


Winner: Steve Frehley

Good match, Steve Frehley is improving on his performance. B-


The Assault Continues


For the second time in the night, Vengeance deals punishment, this time it was a big punishment for Steve Frehley, the crowd was booing the heck out of him, it was awesome, after 5 minutes, the Paramedics, Referees and Security finally arrive and manage to save Steve Frehley from injury.

Good promo. B+


Christian Faith's interview


In what seemed to be another great emotional interview by Christian Faith over his previous drug issues and possible retirement, Marat Khozlov appears out of nowhere and big boots Christian Faith, then giving him a COMPLETELY AWESOME RUSSIAN LEGEND POWERBOMB THROUGH A TABLE (Christian Faith is still a god at selling, it seems), Marat Khozlov leaves while the commentators go silent with amazment (for great effect, I'm sick of “OH MY GOD”'s).

Amazing promo, seems like a feud between these two is coming. A


Jack Bruce VS Angry Gilmore

Best match of the night hands down, Jack Bruce and Angry Gilmore did everything: Chain Wrestling, High Flying moves and brawlfests that seem to come out of MMA and Japanese Wrestling, in no way was Angry Gilmore ever booked as good as Jack Bruce there, but he was booked as an angry wrestler who won't give up until he defeats Jack Bruce.

However, anger was the problem here, as Angry Gilmore, with complete rage (He was with his face red, last time I remember that was back at November 2005, when he lost the SWF North American Championship against Joe Sexy, in what was an epic match), tried to go for a Sky High Elbow (Diving Elbow Drop) but failed and got hit with the New York Minute (Running Knee), for a feel-good ending to this show.



Winner: Jack Bruce

Awesome match, the crowd was completely wild on this one, Jack Bruce and Angry Gilmore showed some improvement on the Rumble Skills, and Jack Bruce was performing better than usual. A




Judging from the reactions and critics on the web, I do believe this show has increased the popularity of SWF here in New England


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Fine Art unites two wrestlers

Another great piece of news by: Mike Task (YoshimiNº1Fan on the official forums)

According to my great sources, Barry Bowen (Runaway Train, one of the worst champions in SWF, and that's saying a lot, considering there's no decent champion there) has bonded backstage with Groucho Bling (A man who lost his great ways from the indies to be another generic idiot at SWF) due to their love for Fine Art (LMAO)

This might mean that Runaway Train will pass his secrets to be a world champion (blackmailling Richard Eisen or abusing his stupidity? I can't decide) to Groucho Blig (Well, better than Eric Eisen, that's for sure)


Supreme TV (January 2) Rates

Another great piece of news by: Mike Task (YoshimiNº1Fan on the official forums)

Yesterday, Supreme TV got a 6.46 Rating, I don't know why the heck they managed to withstand that much pain, I turned off at Marat Khozlov VS Gregory Black.


Joseph Douglas is trying to negotiate Mainstream Hernandez and Jacob Jett

Another great piece of news by: Mike Task (YoshimiNº1Fan on the official forums)

Joseph Douglas has now sent two contract offers to Mainstream Hernandez and Jacob Jett, this is undoubtedly related to SWF's plan to destroy every single decent talent from the American Indies, altough, to be honest, these two wrestlers fit the SWF Mold Perfectly: Charisma and lack of wrestling abilities, that's all you need to make it in the SWF, kids.


Card for Supreme TV of Week 2 of January

Eric Eisen VS Lobster Warrior

Steve Frehley and Robbie Retro VS Vengeance and Squeeky McClean

Brandon James VS Gregory Black

The Amazing Bumfholes (Randy Bumfhole and Zimmy Bumfhole) VS Death Row (Knuckles and Shady K) VS The Samoan Wildboyz (Akima Brave and Kid Toma) - Tag Team Championships Conterdership

Marat Khozlov VS Jungle Lord



-Jack Bruce has asked for a title shot, but it was denied by Eric Eisen, who will Eric Eisen face at "When Hell Froze Over", and what's going on with the man who could have won the championship at Christmas Clash, Rich Money?

-Christian Faith was attacked by Marat Khozlov, the dominating monster who quickly finished Gregory Black in 1 minute last week, why did Marat attack him? And how will Christian Faith survive if he ever attacks again?

-Joe Sexy got a Big Cat Pounce last week after challening Brandon James, their match is now official, in 3 weeks, they will be facing each other, will Brandon James remain the tiger, or will Joe Sexy finish him like a p.ussy?

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Liked the first show write up, liked the back story, decided I'm going to continue to read it.


Eric Eisen VS Lobster Warrior

Steve Frehley and Robbie Retro VS Vengeance and Squeeky McClean

Brandon James VS Gregory Black

The Amazing Bumfholes (Randy Bumfhole and Zimmy Bumfhole) VS Death Row (Knuckles and Shady K) VS The Samoan Wildboyz (Akima Brave and Kid Toma) - Tag Team Championships Conterdership

Marat Khozlov VS Jungle Lord

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Eric Eisen VS Lobster Warrior

Eisen is king of SWF. Lobby is just a good worker basically.


Steve Frehley and Robbie Retro VS Vengeance and Squeeky McClean

This one could go either way. I actually like Vengeance a lot but don't see his team winning here.


Brandon James VS Gregory Black

Brandon James is one of the best characters in the game. I just see him winning this match.


The Amazing Bumfholes (Randy Bumfhole and Zimmy Bumfhole) VS Death Row (Knuckles and Shady K) VS The Samoan Wildboyz (Akima Brave and Kid Toma) - Tag Team Championships Conterdership

The Samoan Wildboyz are a good team. They have talent and character.


Marat Khozlov VS Jungle Lord

Khozlov is a beast in the SWF product! He will get a big push I think.

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Eric Eisen VS Lobster Warrior



Steve Frehley and Robbie Retro VS Vengeance and Squeeky McClean



Brandon James VS Gregory Black



The Amazing Bumfholes (Randy Bumfhole and Zimmy Bumfhole) VS Death Row (Knuckles and Shady K) VS The Samoan Wildboyz (Akima Brave and Kid Toma) - Tag Team Championships Conterdership



Marat Khozlov VS Jungle Lord

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Eric Eisen VS Lobster Warrior

Eisen is king of SWF. Lobby is just a good worker basically.


Steve Frehley and Robbie Retro VS Vengeance and Squeeky McClean

This one could go either way. I actually like Vengeance a lot but don't see his team winning here.


Brandon James VS Gregory Black

Brandon James is one of the best characters in the game. I just see him winning this match.


The Amazing Bumfholes (Randy Bumfhole and Zimmy Bumfhole) VS Death Row (Knuckles and Shady K) VS The Samoan Wildboyz (Akima Brave and Kid Toma) - Tag Team Championships Conterdership

The Samoan Wildboyz are a good team. They have talent and character.


Marat Khozlov VS Jungle Lord

Khozlov is a beast in the SWF product! He will get a big push I think.

I approve

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<p><em>OOC: Thanks for your predictions, guys, glad you'l be following my descent into Cult</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27702" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Supreme TV (January 2) UK Rates</strong></p><p><strong> Another great piece of news by: Mike Task (YoshimiNº1Fan on the official forums)</strong></p><p> SWF got a 0.17 rating on its airing on UK Broadcasting Secondary, last thursday, it seems that the UK Fans are far smarter and better than the American fans.</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:right;"><a href="http://www.proudtobesmark.com/news/NonJapaneseFederations/10319" rel="external nofollow">http://www.proudtobesmark.com/news/NonJapaneseFederations/10319</a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27702" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Jacob Jett rejects Negotiations, Mainstream Hernandez is now part of SWF</strong></p><p><strong> Another great Cronicle by: Mike Task (YoshimiNº1Fan on the official forums)</strong></p><p> As you know already, SWF was trying to negotiate with Jacob Jett and Mainstream Hernandez, two of the most charismatic wrestlers in the wrestlings, but without much substance (but nowadays, that's what SWF is looking for, isn't it?), Jacob Jett, considering the SWF product "too risky" (Ahahah, what?), didn't even bother to negotiate with SWF, instead, he went on to GCC, I'm sure he will have great success getting defeated and treated like a dog by the DeColts inside and outside of the ring (but well, at least its better than jobbing to Marat Khozlov).</p><p> Mainstream Hernandez, meanwhile, has just signed the contract with SWF, he was a great guy while he was in MAW, and he was average when he was with the Puerto Ricans, but now, he has two futures: Failure or Loss of Skill, I hope he just goes out of SWF and goes back to MAW or to the Japanese Scene.</p><p> Joseph Douglas did his first Head Booking in the last show, it was a very laughable effort, but it could have been worst.</p><p> </p><p> You know what time it is:</p><p> <strong>SMARK REVIEW</strong></p><p> <strong>The Good:</strong></p><p> -Angry Gillmore being put as a decent competition to Jack Bruce, even though he clearly wasn't considered a possible threat.</p><p> -Vengeance dominating Robbie Retro, ahah</p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Bad:</strong></p><p> -A boring storyline between Jack Bruce, Rich Money and Eric Eisen starting</p><p> -Joe Sexy defeating Enforcer Roberts (why weren't you born Japanese, Enforcer Roberts?)</p><p> -Steve Frehley being put over as capable of defeating Squeeky McClean </p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Ugly:</strong></p><p> -Marat Khozlov dominating Gregory Black in 1 minute</p><p> -Marat Khozlov in a feud with Christian Faith</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:right;"><p>I'l be back in a week, until then, peace out, and don't forget: Being a Smark... is being Smart...</p><p> Mike Task</p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;"><em>Also, don't forget to check on with me on the forums, but I'm only on the Japanese Wrestling section, and I only discuss on great topics for connoisseurs such as myself</em></span></p><p> <a href="http://www.proudtobesmark.com/MikeTask/19209" rel="external nofollow">http://www.proudtobesmark.com/MikeTask/19209</a></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote></div></blockquote>
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OOC: Alright, will be doing this weekly every saturday/sunday, not to overburn the few readers I have



By: Dave Melter


Opening Segment



The show starts with the usual "Previously on SWF" thing, pretty much every storyline is here, Jack Bruce challening Eric Eisen and getting rejected, Vengeance attacking Steve Frehley due to his interference on his assault on Robbie Retro, Christian Faith getting power bombed in the most awesome manner ever through a table, etc, etc.

The production team is as good as ever, A, although this is a minor segment, so it doesn't count on the overall score



Rich Money challenges Eric Eisen



First thing we hear when the video is over? Cash Register sounds... You know what's coming next...

As usual, a mixture of huge pops and hisses greats Rich Money, who enters with his expensive suit with dollar bills falling from the pockets.

Rich Money enters the ring, quickly gets a microphone, and similar to Jack Bruce, impresses the crowd with good mic-work, complaining about Eric Eisen's interference in his match (Its worth noting Jack Bruce was at advantage before the interference), he exaggerates in a comic fashion it by saying he lost his last chance and that he won't be a champion anymore, but then he reminds himself that he is rich and that he can have as many chances as possible, he insults Eric Eisen and challenges him to face him at "When Hell froze Over", going as far as giving him 10 000 dollars if he accepts the challenge.

Eric Eisen, in a big deja vu, comes to the ring, mocks Rich Money and his fans, mocks his suit, mocks his arrogance, says he's far richer, Rich Money answers by saying that he had to work for the money while Eric Eisen only had to ask his father, Eric Eisen gets slightly angry and then says Rich Money will never get his chance at the championship.

In another Deja Vu fashion, Rich Money tries to break Eric Eisen in two, but Eric Eisen manages to run away.

Solid segment continuing what seems to be a possible storyline between these three wrestlers, the crowd loved the segment, which isn't surprising considering we're talking about Rich Money here, Eric Eisen is improving his charisma, probably by being in the ring with the two greats, A.


The Amazing Bumfholes VS Death Row VS Samoan Wildboyz



In a great elimination tornado triple thread tag team match, the Amazing Bumfholes pretty much took control of the ring, Death Row and the Samoan Wildboyz were trying to finish them, but the Bumfholes would just use their agility and high flying abilities to send them out of the ring per turns, after some minutes, the Death Row and the Samoan Wildboyz got together and attacked 4 on 2, to finally put the Bumfholes on the ground.

This alliance didn't last long, however, as Death Row quickly turned on the Wildboyz, and after a good battle, managed to put them on the ground.

It was then, however, that Randy Bumfhole throwed Knuckles out of the ring and applied a DDT on Shady K

Soon after, the Bumfhole combination [bumfhole Buster (Five Star Frogsplash) followed by the Bumfhole in One (Shooting Star Press)] took Shady K off for the victory

However, just after the pin on Shady K (that caused the elimination of Death Row), Kid Toma quickly rolled up Zimmy Bumfhole just after he executed the pinfall for the flash pinfall victory.



Winner: The Samoan Wildboyz (Kid Toma and Akima Brave)

Below average match, Knuckles was having difficulties moving around the ring due to being tired, and if it wasn't for the commentators, I would give this match less. It is obvious, however, that these three tag teams are improving their skills at a quick pace. C-


Emma Chase and Brandon James on Joe Sexy



An interview where Emma Chase talks about Joe Sexy, warning him that it would be far easier to try to be a World Champion, than to mess with the big cat, I always liked how they make Emma Chase very professional looking instead of looking like a slut, Brandon James is in the background looking like the monster he is.

Good promo, it serves its purpose, to hype us the only match announced at the moment for "When Hell Froze Over". B-


Marat Khozlov VS Jungle Lord



41 seconds, that's the time it took for Jungle Lord to run wild on Marat Khozlov with 10 punches and 4 kicks and until getting Moscow Lariated into oblivion


Winner: Marat Khozlov

The match suffered for Marat Khozlov and Jungle Lord's lack of selling, but I guess that's the point, the commentator team was great on Marat Khozlov's domination. C


Christian Faith on Marat Khozlov



Christian Faith is on the titantron, talking to Marat Khozlov through the screen from the hospital, he's furious and mad, and that he's suffering like a mad man due to his back injuries, he says that Marat Khozlov will pay for what he did, the crowd chants "Faith is gonna kill you" to Marat Khozlov, I don't think he understood it, but the mocking tone made him look at the closest man in the crowd with a threatening look, the crowd quieted a bit after that.

Good promo proceeding with the storyline, B+.


Brandon James VS Gregory Black


Gregory Black went pretty well, specially considering he came back from a match with Marat Khozlov.

He gave a pretty quick offense against a pretty solid, technical and brutal offense from Brandon James.

After 10 minutes of brawling, Gregory Black managed to drop Brandon James on the ground long enough to get to the top corner, it was then that everyone went wild with the Fade to Black (Senton Bomb)

Even then, Brandon James managed to quick out before the three (the crowd got pretty surprised with that, I found it predictable, to be honest)

Gregory Black got to the turnbuckle again for another Fade to Black, this time, however, Brandon James got up and threw him from the corner to the ground.

Gregory Black quickly got up from the impact, but only to get Big Cat Pounced (Speared) and knocked out for the pinfall



Winner: Brandon James

Good match, made Brandon James look far more powerful than Gregory Black, while also showing that Gregory Black wasn't a loser for getting beaten by Marat Khozlov in one minute, smart booking there.

The commentators helped on this one (Priceless reaction to the Big Cat Pounce, almost as good as the Japanese Commentators reaction to the Yoshimi Lock or the Lariats... Almost...) and Brandon James is improving on his Performance and Technique. C+


Joe Sexy on Bra... Emma Chase



Another hilarious promo by Joe Sexy, full of sexual innuendos, remember when I said that Emma Chase was made looking professional instead of slutty? Forget what I said.

Joe Sexy appears on the screen while Brandon James is celebrating, and not only says he's gonna defeat Brandon James, but also shows some pretty revealing photos from Emma Chase in the beach (my god, that Bikini was so freaking small).

Emma Chase runs away all embarrassed, to the enjoyment of the crowd.

Meanwhile, Brandon James is angry and beastly and has that "You're ######" face, bye bye, Joe Sexy.

Good promo, served its purpose, continuing the storyline, I wonder what's Angry Gilmore's reaction on this promo, he's probably angry.


Steve Frehley and Robbie Retro VS Vengeance and Squeeky McClean



The match started immediately when Vengeance attacked Robbie Retro and almost destroyed him with constant punches, elbow drops, knee drops and rest holds.

Vengeance and Squeeky McClean started tagging from time to time, for more and more punishment on the poor Disco Dancer who was beaten up way too much.

After some minutes, Vengeance Irish Whipped Robbie Retro on Steve Frehley's corner and made the bring it gesture with a sadistic face, Steve Frehley accepted the challenge and for the next few minutes, a pure brawl between the two started.

After some more minutes, Steve Frehley started going chain-wrestling style, which definitely helped on making the evil vigilante stay down more time.

It was then that Steve Frehley tagged with a Robbie Retro, who actually managed to deal some punishment on Vengeance.

This punishment, however, didn't last long when Vengeance big booted the Disco Stud.

Vengeance took this chance to tag Squeeky McClean, as he was tired after all the brawling and punishment he took.

Squeeky McClean continued pretty well from then on, going chain wrestling and brawl style, but never letting Robbie Retro tag, sometimes even mocking him by pretending he was gonna let him.

That ****y attitude did cost Squeeky McClean when Retro applied a Disco Ball (Springboard Corkscrew Dive) on Squeeky and then rolled to tag Steve Frehley.

Steve Frehley quickly got to the top of the turnbuckle and jumped for the Frehley Comet (Top Rope Legdrop) and for the win.



Winners: Steve Frehley and Robbie Retro

Average match, Robbie Retro is improving on his performance skills, I liked how the Commentators did this match, not exaggerating but also not looking too bored. The storyline progressed decently, without having a clear winner between Steve Frehley and Vengeance, I'm sure they will fight on "When Hell Froze Over", C+.


Vengeance Attacks


Oh, I almost forgot, it was VENGEANCE who got defeated here.

Steve Frehley and Robbie Retro are tired but happy over their victory, and that's where Vengeance appears out of nowhere and assaults both of them with a chair, in another pretty brutal and Vengeance-like promo.

Good promo, Vengeance is always good at assaulting and selling himself as the big monster who you don't want to mess with, thumbs up.

The storyline proceeds. A


Lobster Warrior VS Eric Eisen


Good match between these two athletes, not as good as last week, but certainly not bad.

The match started with Eric Eisen arrogantly taking Lobster Warrior's offence, even going as far as to show face and challenge Lobster Warrior to punch him. Lobster Warrior, of course, gave a punch on Eric Eisen's face that almost made him fly.

From there on, Eric Eisen got a little less arrogant and started working on Lobster Warrior's head for The Supremacy (Package Piledriver), meanwhile, Lobster Warrior, with his usual weird and original offense, tried to get away from Eric Eisen's attacks while giving quick covers after good moves.

After a while, Eric Eisen got pissed and got away from the ring, Lobster Warrior followed him, only to get a hangman DDT on the ground for a big "ouch" moment.

Eric Eisen took this as an advantage and quickly put Lobster Warrior in the ring for the cover, but that was not enough for the victory.

Eric Eisen announced the end and then picked Lobster Warrior for The Supremacy, however, Lobster Warrior rolled Eric Eisen in the Lobster Trap (Small Package) for the 2,99999999999.

Eric Eisen got really angry and gave a lot of closed fist punches on Lobster Warrior until finally getting separated from the referee.

The Referee started discussing with Eric Eisen, while Lobster Warrior was getting up. Eric Eisen throwed the Referee into Lobster Warrior but Lobster Warrior grabbed the referee before he would fall on his head.

Eric Eisen took this chance as a distraction to punch Lobster Warrior with his Brass Knuckles and to Supremacy him on top of those same brass knuckles.

As if that wasn't enough, he got up and put his foot on top of Lobster Warrior's torso for the ****y pinfall.


Winner: Eric Eisen

Good match, the crowd was very wild on this one, and you could definitely hear their boos at the ending, Eric Eisen is getting booked as the worst heel ever, ahah, by the way, he's clearly improving on his Performance and Technique, same can be said about Lobster Warrior. B-




I don't like the fact that Knuckles was in here, he sucks, in my opinion, but whatever. Judging from the comments, it seems that this show took a little from SWF's popularity, it wasn't as good as it should have been, it was good, but not SWF-Good.


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