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"Something I've been wondering about for a long time now, given that title prestige isn't relevant in the game - what effect do titles actually have on a wrestler's momentum or overness? I suppose logically the best use of a title would be to have it change hands in a huge blowoff match after a lengthy, hot feud with the prospective champ already having a good deal of momentum. As opposed to giving a mid-card belt to some straggler with C- momentum, winning it in a 5 minute opener and defending it sporadically against jobbers who haven't got a hope. Does this kind of thinking actually work in practice in TEW 2005? Or will wrestlers simply get more over as a result of the hot feuds, with the belts acting as props but not actually adding to their momentum or popularity in themselves?

Thanks guys."


I found this question in EWB and as i've been wondering the same thing, decided to post it here. Does anyone know an answer for this? But a real answer, with certainty? If so, please do share. Thanks in advance.

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I certainly don't know with any certainty, but from my own experience, I can't think of a single time that I've seen a title match perform better than the same match without the belt. Obviously, there is enough randomization to make observation difficult (at best), as well as the lack of precision, due to the letter grades.


Still, from my own experience, I don't think title matches received much of a bonus (if any), until Title Prestige was introduced.

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I certainly don't know with any certainty, but from my own experience, I can't think of a single time that I've seen a title match perform better than the same match without the belt. Obviously, there is enough randomization to make observation difficult (at best), as well as the lack of precision, due to the letter grades.


Still, from my own experience, I don't think title matches received much of a bonus (if any), until Title Prestige was introduced.


That is also my opinion, and i've played all TEW's. It seems that titles were only props until title prestige was introduced. But some things are hard to spot in TEW if you're not paying that much atention, and that's why ask someone who truly knows the answer to enlighten us. :D

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As far as I've found guys with titles do gain momentum and popularity quicker, but only because they rarely lose so you can keep the belt on them, meaning they rarely (if ever) take those momentum and popularity hits that can drop someone from A* mom to C+ in a single match.


I tend to use singles mid-card titles as a testbed for weather a sustained push will make a guy a star. Thinking about it, that's the same as real life, so thats a good feature in my eyes :)

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As far as I've found guys with titles do gain momentum and popularity quicker, but only because they rarely lose so you can keep the belt on them, meaning they rarely (if ever) take those momentum and popularity hits that can drop someone from A* mom to C+ in a single match.


I tend to use singles mid-card titles as a testbed for weather a sustained push will make a guy a star. Thinking about it, that's the same as real life, so thats a good feature in my eyes :)


What is a good feature? DIdin't understood that part.

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I think you guys are simply using the same term differently. MJ isn't saying that a feature of TEW2005 is good; he's saying that the feature of booking a midcard champion - as a trial run for the worker - is good.


I think it's safe to assume that titles don't actually have an effect on momentum & popularity gains, or in match grades. What they do effect is the way that we as bookers handle specific workers, which helps keep us focussed on increasing their popularity and momentum. They're like leaving a note for your future self, saying to pay attention to that dude, because you think he's coolbeans.

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I think you guys are simply using the same term differently. MJ isn't saying that a feature of TEW2005 is good; he's saying that the feature of booking a midcard champion - as a trial run for the worker - is good.


I think it's safe to assume that titles don't actually have an effect on momentum & popularity gains, or in match grades. What they do effect is the way that we as bookers handle specific workers, which helps keep us focussed on increasing their popularity and momentum. They're like leaving a note for your future self, saying to pay attention to that dude, because you think he's coolbeans.


And that's a shame,cause in my opinion title prestige adds to the game. And it is realistic. But yeah, i now got the use that MJ was giving to the word. Tnks.

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I think you guys are simply using the same term differently. MJ isn't saying that a feature of TEW2005 is good; he's saying that the feature of booking a midcard champion - as a trial run for the worker - is good.


I think it's safe to assume that titles don't actually have an effect on momentum & popularity gains, or in match grades. What they do effect is the way that we as bookers handle specific workers, which helps keep us focussed on increasing their popularity and momentum. They're like leaving a note for your future self, saying to pay attention to that dude, because you think he's coolbeans.


Yeah, cheers Greg, I had a word fail lol

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