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Won't Give Up Written Deal

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I've lost several contract battles as TCW because they won't give up written deals, it wasn't that SWF matched the offer, wrestlers just don't want to give up lucrative deals elsewhere. I've even tried negotiating with Knuckles as they weren't going to resign him. Do I have to be on the same level or above to steal workers?
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I've lost several contract battles as TCW because they won't give up written deals, it wasn't that SWF matched the offer, wrestlers just don't want to give up lucrative deals elsewhere. I've even tried negotiating with Knuckles as they weren't going to resign him. Do I have to be on the same level or above to steal workers?


Generally, yes. Or, you wait for their contract to expire and then sign them.


Negotiation skill can mitigate that somewhat, but it's not going to make signing with a 'hot, rich' Cult promotion a good idea to a worker who has a written deal with an International promotion.


If you're National and SWF is International (or worse, Global), you've got a very small chance of stealing workers from them without high (read: 7 or 8+) Negotiation skill and a rockin' locker room with lots of positive relationships with that worker.

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I've had this happen to me with TCW as well. I think the thing is that a worker on a written deal doesn't recognize when he isn't going to be resigned by his current employer. So when, as TCW, you enter negotiations with an SWF worker who hasn't received an SWF negotiations offer, you get stuck in an impossible situation. There's no bidding war, so the worker in question isn't comparing simultaneous offers from both promotions but rather weighing a written offer with TCW against his existing written contract with the more prestigious SWF--a contract that he apparently doesn't realize is ending and is not going to be renewed. At least that's the impression I got when an SWF worker in that situation is willing to accept a contract with TCW but says he won't accept a written contract because he's unwilling to give up his lucrative opportunities elsewhere. He just doesn't recognize that his "lucrative" SWF deal is only going to last for a few more days.


So in that situation, the only thing to do is wait until the worker has left the more prestigious promotion before entering into negotiations. It can be tricky, though, since if you don't notice the internet article that indicates whether or not the original promotion is going to be offering a new contract you won't know whether you have to immediately offer negotiations and hope to enter a bidding war or wait until the worker's existing deal has expired to have a chance at signing him.

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