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Tyson Wrestling Alliance (RW created fed)

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It all changes here.


Ok, here’s how two conversations, condensed into one, basically went.


Other guys: You want me to invest in your fed?


Me: Yeah, think of the possibilities.


Other guys: Forget it.


Me: Aw come on Paul/Bill, you can raise the money. We’re putting on great product we just need capital until we can start making money.


Other guys: Call me when you start making money.


So Heyman and Goldberg were out. I had one guy left I could think of who could help us out. After that I would be desperate.


Shelton Benjamin tore a stomach muscle. If he’d signed with us it would never have happened. Still, he’d only be out a month.


I stopped by the office before heading to the taping and he was waiting for me. We got the small talk out of the way.


“That’s the deal. I give you ten million dollars. You give me 51% of the company. And together we will bring this company to the heights of Mount Olympus and we will walk among the gods!”


“Ummm… ok.”


“And I want a main event title.”


“Ummm… sure.”


“And I still want a written contact with a wage.”




“Then it is decided. The forces have aligned. The world will shake from the steps we begin today.”


“Sure Mr… what should I call you?”


“Just call me Warrior.”


:eek:. The WARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR is now in charge. This just got waaaaaaaay more awesome than it already was/is.

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Total Tyson Wrestling

Week 2 April 2011

Centennial Stadium

Attendance: 3,086


Reid Flair continues his dark match life as he gets tossed around by Shannon Moore to start the night.




Even worse is Tomko dominating the team of Dan Paysan and Matt Cross. Not a lot of consistency between these guys.




The real show starts with another handicap match. Sid and I gang up on Petey Williams. It’s weird to have Sid being the guy carrying the tag team. It takes a double team but Sid and I prevail and we actually teach Petey something about a good old fashioned brawl.




I hang around to gloat when Warrior hits the ring and destroys me. He’s not the star he thinks he is as I far outshine him.




Raven really is a shell of his former self as he’s tiring in an eleven-minute match against Beef Wellington. At least he doesn’t complain when I give Wellington the win.




Mike Knox crushes Daivari and what wasn’t a good idea to begin with is ruined by bad chemistry.




Booker T comes to the ring to dismiss Consequences Creed as a threat.




Their match is next. Booker has the majority of the offense but not enough to make Creed look bad. At times it looks like Creed has a chance. And Creed can be happy with his performance, despite the loss.




Three tag teams, tornado rules, elitteration rules. Aries/Haas, London/Kendrick, Machine guns, Wayne and Shuster titles on the line. The guns duck out and hide early on letting the other two fight it out. Once they have torn each other apart the heels return and take out Haas. But London and Kendrick fight back and drag the match out to the 18 minute mark before London lands a Reverse STO on Sabin and pins him to keep the title. Another new entry to the top ten of all time.




Another great show.


Final Show Rating: 80

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Raven gets sent back to the Live brand. I really should let him have a microphone. That allows Davey Richards to join the TV brand where he won’t have a schedule conflict.


“Don’t hire anybody with low charisma.” Warrior blurts out as he barges into my office.




“Everybody we have is ok. Just don’t hire anybody new unless they have at least some charisma.”




“Do I get my title next week?”


“Maybe we should build your momentum first.”




Well, he did have 51%. If he wanted to boss me around he could. This was going to suck.


Alex Shelley was now RoH champ too, but Mike Knox was let go. Some guys on the radio are talking up Consequences Creed but “Creative” has never been that impressed by him. I actually catch Accounting guy skipping down the hall. I can’t stand to see him that happy so I fake a punch that gets a little closer than I wanted. He faints. Well his problems are basically solved so whatever.


Off to BC.

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Total Tyson Wrestling

Week 3 April 2011

Bill Copeland Sports Center

Attendance: 2,010 (Sellout!)


Oh yeah Shawn Daivari and Reid Flair have great chemistry. They don’t exactly pop the crowd but they don’t hurt us. If Flair can perform anywhere near this level regularly he’ll get over even as a jobber.




The Canadian Championship gets defended in the dark as Moore takes on Matt Cross. It almost goes ten minutes before Shannon uses an eye poke to set up a Hurricarana that retains his belt.




Showtime! London and Kendrick defend their tag belts against Credo. Face/face doesn’t help and, while this might help the belt, it does nothing for their storyline.




I see what we can do with Warrior’s mic skills. He goes on a wacky rant in the ring before the lights go back and, when they come back on, I appear behind him. I beat the tar out of him making him look bad. Since I expanded my storyline with Petey Williams to add both Warrior and Booker T we should help things the more we do this.




Chemistry gives and chemistry takes away as it hammers the Beef Wellington/Davey Richards match up. By the time Beef hits the Flying Headbutt for the pin I'm just glad it’s over.




Three bruisers square off next: Sid, Tomko and Knox. It only goes ten minutes and it’s by no means a great match but Sid pulls out the win. Still maybe it’s time to start transferring some heat off him.




Petey is about to speak when Booker hits the ring and beats him down with a ladder. The angles are weak this show. Let’s hope the big matches work out.




Haas and Sabin…wow. That was a great match. Despite only having ten minutes they told a great story in the ring and had the crowd eating out of the palm of their hand. This could have been the main event and just might overshadow it.




Yeah we burned out the crowd. But, despite a lack of chemistry, Aries and Shelley go at it in a Last Man Standing Match for the Heavyweight championship. They do their best to keep up with the match before and almost do it. When Shelley hits his second Sliced Bread #2 of the match the crowd chants like mad for Aries to get back up. Sadly, he misses by less than a second. Shelley grabs his title and bails as the crowd goes home satisfied.




Really? The angles didn’t drag us down? Ok, whatever.


Final Show Rating: 77

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TWA has released Mike Mondo, or Mondo Mike. We wish him well in his future endeavors.


Lots of retirements lately: Pat Tanaka, Ron Simmons, Sgt. Slaughter, Trish Stratus, Scott Hall had left the ring and Inoki had retired from the industry entirely. Why wouldn’t Warrior stop wrestling?


Time to check the roster. We only had five main eventers now: Booker T, Chris Sabin (wow), Tommy Dreamer, Alex Shelley and Paul London. Down in the upper midcard were Petey Williams, Sid, Brian Kendrick, Charlie Haas, Mike Knox and Austin Aries. Poor Katsuhiko had dropped to an opener! Booker T and Paul London were kings of the overness mountain. I needed to find a way to get them into a match.


The heavyweight championship was as prestigious as it could get. The Canadian was maxed for a midcard title and the Ontario was slightly ahead of that. It was the tag titles that were lagging.


Well, it would have to happen. Warrior would have to step back into the ring. He utterly sucked. What would he be like rusty?

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I announce before the show that everyone now has to stay for the whole show. I want people paying attention to the rest of the card. We were about to launch a storyline that would bring a lot of new people together.


The backstage wasn’t quite perfect anymore. No one had done anything special lately and we no longer had a weekly event to boost everyone’s morale. We were still in great shape but we’d have to be more careful. Especially since the new boss was a complete jerk.


Total Tyson Wrestling

Week 4 April 2011

Jack Gatecliff Arena

Attendance: 3,057


Shannon Moore is again stuck in the dark match as he pins Dan Paysan in a non-title match.




The bad chemistry bug hits again as Tomko crushes Creed and I’m glad this is dark.




Mike Knox and Sid may not have psychology but they have chemistry! And Knox gets the win as we try to spread some popularity around.




The next angle is all me. I come out to complain that Warrior bought half my company in a hostile takeover. But I force him to return to the ring tonight. I, meanwhile, will team with Booker T to face London and Kendrick for the tag belts.




For an eight-minute match Haas/Daivari turns out quite strong. Haas wins with the Haas of Pain.




Now the Warrior match. It’s Davey Richards who has to try to drag Warrior to a watchable match and boy does it not work. I run in and attack Warrior and he wins by DQ at the six-minute mark.




Aries faces Sabin for the Ontario championship and I forgot they do not click. Sabin cheats relentlessly until Aries turns the tables on him and uses the ropes for leverage to get the pin.




If this main event tanks, and boy could it, we may have our worst show in a long time.


It me and Booker T teaming against London and Kendrick. There are three people in this match who know what they are doing and I do as little as possible. Kendrick and London will never be a better tag team than they are now, the Guns are the same way. So, somehow these guys carry me to a good match. Wait, is this top 10?




Shelley and Sabin run out and help me and Booker beat down London and Kendrick until Warrior and Petey Williams make the save. Well, Petey makes the save as Warrior makes his way slowly to the ring. He looks bad every time he steps out there and he wants the belt?




Yes! One of my matches was #10 of all time. It might not last a week but I can take a lot of pride in that. And the #5 show of all time to boot!


Final Show Rating: 78

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Both original Sid and Roddy Piper make their retirement official. We lose about the same money this month but with Warrior’s moneybags behind us we don’t have to worry for a long time.


“I like this Reid Flair kid” My new “boss” said. “How can we make him a star?”


“It will take time, he’s still a nobody and needs to pay his dues.”


“Well, get on it. I want him rising up the card like the phoenix from the ashes of shame and regret and…”


I sneak out while he rambles on. This wasn’t what I wanted. This was supposed to be my fed. My decisions. My choices. Warrior was pulling the strings now and I didn’t want to be just another puppet. Let’s see if he goes for my plan for the live show.


Total Tyson Wrestling

Week 1 May 2011

Ray Twinney Compex

Attendance: 3,700 (Sellout!)


Just one dark match as Credo, Petey Williams & Mike Knox and Tomko & Davey Richards all square off in a one-fall match. We let them go 12 minutes until Knox hits a wicked looking STO on Dan Paysan and picks up the win.




Just before the cameras roll I come out with Booker T to wish him well in his match against Warrior.




I leave as we start the show leaving Booker to hype up his match against Warrior. Maybe I should have stuck around…




Ok… all things considered this should have been a train wreck. Not only is Warrior still rusty but he had an off night to boot. Somehow Warrior lasts 12 minutes before I try to interfere and wind up knocking Booker out. Warriror hits a Big Splash and picks up the win. Booker is a great guy for agreeing to do this. He’s the one who ends up looking good anyway.






I have Sid squash Reid Flair. Warrior is in my ear about how we need to make this kid look good not get crushed. The real problem is they have no chemistry so what could have helped Flair probably won’t.




In what could easily be a main event Sabin has to cheat to win over Charlie Haas.




Next comes a Lucha Libre style match. Shannon Moore has traded in his Canadian championship for a shot at the… tag titles?! Yes Shhh! takes on London and Kendrick. London gets beat up for the first part of the match as the heels double team very effectively. They focus on the legs, taking away London’s mobility. London finally manages to make the tag but the ref is distracted and doesn’t allow it. That allows Moore to hit the Mooregasm and score the first fall.


Kendrick comes in for the next round. He puts on a great performance and eventually scores a pin on Daivari.


Now for the final fall. Sabin tries to handle it by himself again but the numbers overwhelm him. Sabin finally comes in but London’s hot tag is cut off by double Dropkicks to the knees. London goes down and Moore rolls him up, grabbing the tights, and we have NEW tag team champions.


London’s contract is up in just over a month. I hadn’t realized just how huge he had become in Ontario. Very huge. If I couldn’t bleed some popularity off him fast he wouldn’t re-sign. Yet if I pissed him off too much he wouldn’t re-sign either. This was going to be a balancing act…




What I thought would be a bathroom break before the main event turns into a riveting promo as Austin Aries tears into Alex Shelley. It’s not even that Lacey helps him, he just knocks it out of the park.




Man we need somebody to train our main event in psychology. Too many matches are drifting. But the Aries/Shelley Last Man Standing match turns out just fine in spite of that. Aries takes Shelley down at the end but, when he goes to the top rope, Chris Sabin interferes and knocks him to the mat. Shelley is able to recover enough to hit Sliced Bread #2 and Aries just misses the ten count.




That Booker T promo cost us but I can live with it. A new #9 match of all time propels us to the eight best show since we started. Which reminds me… we were two weeks away from our one-year anniversary. I guess we’d need to play that up at the live event.


Final Show Rating: 75

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A 0.09 rating? That meant actual people were starting to watch the show. One more season and we’d try moving to a real network.


I am not sure Fight Network ever draws these kinds of numbers in real life.


Lacey had turned face but still had the bitch gimmick. We have a talk about a new gimmick and she reveals she has been practicing to be a DJ in her spare time. So DJ Lacey is born and we pick up some equipment for her to use.


Charlie Haas had signed to tour with NOAH and they were bigger than us. There were no immediate conflicts but there could be in the future as NOAH did the odd annual show on Wednesday. Gregory Helms had been reduced to joining MaxPro.


Cogeco again said no. We needed to be more popular in BC at the very least, but I couldn’t say how much more would be enough.


I needed a new Canadian Champion. Who? He’s fallen to the midcard? Really? Ok him probably.


We’re at Casino Rama tonight and I agree to make a few appearances around the place before the show. We could draw more fans than this place holds but the arena would cost twice as much and Warrior says no. I think Accounting Guy has gotten in his ear. Come on, we have tons of cash. Let’s flash it around!


Tyson on Tour #41

Week 1 May 2011

Casino Rama

Attendance: 5,000 (Sellout)


In the deepest darkest match Aries and Haas crush the lowest of the low team of Tyler Veritas and Pinkie Sanchez in under two minutes. Haas dominates but the crowd is still more into Aries.




Ten man battle royal:

Rob Conway


Beef Wellington

Consequences Creed

Kid Kash

Kookoo for cocoa puffs

Matt Cross

Reid Flair

Shawn Daivari

Dan Paysan


The final four are Tajiri, Cross, Flair and Daivari. Tajiri uses a Tarantula on Cross and Flair takes advantage to dump both. But Shannon Moore runs in and helps Daivari eliminate Flair giving Shawn the win.




We start the show with me. I’m out to announce the new TWA X Tournament. Over the next month ten men will qualify for the tournament. Then, at the next Tyson on Tour, all ten will face off in an over-the-top Battle Royal. The winner not only is named the tournament winner but gets a title shot!


Warrior’s music hits and he interrupts.


“Tyson, sniveling worm that you are. The spirits have spoken and the Warrior will be in the Battle Royal.”


“That’s ludicrous. You need to qualify.”


“No! I am the supreme force. I need not prove it. I am in the match. Say no more!”


“Fine. But I’ll see you in our tag match later.”




Our first match is a qualifier for the X match. Brian Kendrick faces Jack Evans. While nobody really believes Evans is going over he puts up quite a fight in what turns out to be a very good opener.




We waste a warmed up crowd on a Mike Knox/Raven squash match.




Remember that tag match I mentioned? Sean Morely teams with Warrior to face me and Sid. Sean is face in peril for the early part of the match. Sid and I take turns beating up on him and never letting him near his corner. Finally, after over nine minutes of this, Morely makes the tag. Warrior is on fire. He enters the ring. He roars at me. He grabs the top rope and starts shaking it up and down.


Then Morely clocks him in the back of the head. Morely holds the dazed Warrior’s arms while I deliver a knock out punch and pick up the pin. Morely, Sid and I celebrate in the ring and Morely is the most hated guy there.


Who says we’re not cretive?




Media Guy complained he hadn’t got to do a video in a while. So we let him put together a nice clip package to hype the Three-Way Title match tonight between Alex Shelley, Paul London and Booker T. It’s not bad and we know the angles are going to weak tonight anyway.




Another qualifier match as Tommy Dreamer faces Tomko in TWA’s first ever Chain Match. It’s rare we let two brawlers show their stuff like this but the crowd has no problem with it and the match turns out to be better than expected. Dreamer picks up the win with the DVD (which triggers Scott Hudson’s trademark line: “There’s a DVD for the DVD!” and Dreamer qualifies for the X match.




Next up is Beef Wellington versus Shannon Moore. They decide they are going to top the previous match and, thanks to some amazing chemistry, they do just that. Moore’s Corkscrew Neckbreaker after Daivari interferes is absolutely gorgeous and the crowd cheer in spite of themselves. All this with a burned out crowd. But what next? A super burned out crowd?




Austin Aries and Charlie Haas, along with Lacey, vow that they will both qualify for the X tournament, team up to eliminate everyone else, then settle which one of them is the best.




Chris Sabin faces Petey Williams in a ladder match for the vacant Canadian Championship. It’s an absolutely break neck pace for over thirteen minutes. Williams takes down Sabin and climbs a ladder for the belt. Alex Shelley runs in. He pushes the ladder over. But Williams leaps onto Shelley’s shoulders and hits a Hurricarana. The ladder lands on Sabin. While Sabin tries to recover Petey gets a second ladder and climbs it to win the title.


Sabin didn’t even complain. He’s a stand up guy. And yes there were problems. Sabin doesn’t go all out well. Williams was inconsistent and the crowd was still burned out. Maybe they’ll be ok for the main event though since this was a little worse than what came before.




Nope, the crowd is still burned out for the main event. This is all Wellington and Moore’s fault. Who told them to steal the show? We scripted this ladder match but, at 40 minutes in total, it’s the longest match in TWA history and the lack of psychology shows. Booker, Alex and Paul can’t tell a story this long. It goes from long spans of brawling to trading technical moves to a spot fest and back with no rhyme or reason. I expected better from Lance as a road agent. At least it’s open.


In the end Shelley and London’s personal rivalry get the better of them as London hits a big splash off the top of the ladder onto Shelley, who is on a table. The wreckage is spectacular but it leaves the door open for Booker T to sneak in and grab the title. We have a NEW Heavyweight champion.




Warrior’s insistence on being in angles was starting to hurt the show. Trying to build Lacey up wasn’t helping either. But, these live shows don’t always have to be great. Very few people see them until the DVD goes on the market. As long as we can improve our popularity in Ontario with them they serve their purpose. Plus, 5,000 tickets is a new record. But it could have been higher if Warrior had let us rent a bigger arena.


Final Show Rating: 72

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MaxPro never seemed to try to sign our workers before, but now they were after Kendrick. Lance Storm sign for another three-month tour. I wish he would just sign longer contracts. He never seems to ask for a raise.


“Selling!” Warrior bellowed at me.


“What about it?”


“Nobody worse than me!”


“But I’m worse than you.”


“Ok you get a pass.”


I had been worried for a second. Sid sold better than Warrior. Heck, I’d be hard pressed to find anybody who sold worse than Warrior.


I think London and Kendrick are now at popularity levels where they will re-sign. Just need to keep them stable for another week or two.


On TV this week: two X qualfiers and a rematch of our #2 match of all time!

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Even in BC Warrior insists on a cheaper venue we can sell out instead of a larger one where we can maximimze ticket sales.


Total Tyson Wrestling

Week 2 May 2011

Sungod Recreational Center

Attendance: 2,000 (Sellout!)


I convince Warrior to wrestle in the dark matches tonight. He crushes Tomko in a three-minute fart of a match. Yeah Warrior performed so badly even dominating didn’t help him.




We throw a three-way tag match together as Aries and Haas face the impotute teams of Matt Cross and Reid Flair as well as Davey Richards and Alex Shelley. It’s actually Shelley and Richards who pick up the win. Flair is off tonight but I see a lot of guys learning from this match-up.




On the real show we start with a qualifier. Sid versus Paul London. It’s one of Sid’s longest matches, 17 minutes, and Sid is tiring by the end. Sid manages a win, though he needs to grab the ropes for leverage and Sid is in the big match while London is not.




We have a short celebration for the new champ hosted by me. It goes over well. But can Booker beat Brian Kendrick in a steel cage?




Shhh! successfully defend their new tag titles against Credo in an ok match.




Williams and Sabin lock up again in a Submission match but this time, instead of the Canadian Championship, a spot in the X match is on the line. Williams looks set to repeat his victory until I provide the distraction Sabin needs to pick up the win. Something about that match agreed with Williams.




We let Kendrick and Booker go at each other on the mic and it provides a break between the main events, which was all it was there for.




Looks like we cooled the crowd off too much. They just aren’t into the main event as much as they should be. The result is a merely ok match when I was hoping for a blow away. Kendrick kicks out of a Sidewalk Slam, Booker kicks out of Sliced Bread #2 and, at the end, Booker hits an Axe Kick and grips the tights just to make sure he keeps his title.




With the camera off and the crowd booing him, Booker T leaves the cage. Mike Knox, who had otherwise been left off the card, attacks him and lays him out. The crowd gets to leave happy.




Not a great show by any mean but our popularity continues to grow and that’s what matters.


Final Show Rating: 72

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London’s constant fatigue is starting to become an issue. If I declared war on PWG he would stop working for them. But knowing him he’d just take another job elsewhere.


“Creative” and the road agents privately tell me Warrior is only going to get worse in the ring. His prime is almost twenty years past and he’s living on nostalgia and fumes at this point. But how do you get tough with your banker?


We drop Sean Morely’s gimmick and make James Mitchell his manager. We revive the Black Hearts (once Harts) stable and make the two a tag team. Let’s hope they don’t have bad chemistry.


The Fight Network won’t give me a B-show anyway so those two are stuck off TV for now. They could anchor a B show.


The problem with pushing Lacey is she ends up asking for a big raise. I give it to her just to keep Austin Aries happy. And I almost forget to renegotiate with Tajiri. Bloody freelancers.


I look to hire somebody who isn’t popular around here but would make a good new jobber. Pinkie and Tyler have been here for ages but they’re still nothing special. Heh, ages. How long one year seems.



1000th post!!!

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Man Tyler Veritas can tell jokes. But then I see Warrior is in a fight with James Mitchell. Well, just about anyone else would kick his ass. I talk to Warrior, I try to appeal to his business sense but he’s not going to learn.


Wait Davey Richards isn’t here? He missed both shows? Aw crap he had a match tonight. Now I have to have someone else eat a pin.


Total Tyson Wrestling

Week 3 May 2011

Oshawa Civic Auditorium

Attendance: 3,947


I know we need to build Reid Flair, boss. But that means building his skills too. And a quick dark loss to Matt Cross will teach him a lot. Trust me, we’ll get him over.




The Machine Guns and Credo round out the dark matches. The guns look strong throughout and it’s no surprise when Creed taps out to Shelley’s Crossface.




In the main show London and Kendrick take on Sid and Tomko. Kendrick pins Tomko with Sliced Bread #2. The match is ok but, between this and the dark match, I’ve probably taken some steam out of the big tag teams storyline.




Warrior comes out to speak but I jump him on the entrance ramp and beat him like a rented moole.




See? Davey Richards isn’t here and I replace him with Daivari. Daivari and Knox have no chemistry and I knew that! This is a qualifier for X so, of course, Knox goes over to proceed to the big match at Tyson on Tour.




Aries and Haas come to the ring, bummed they’ve been booked to face each other to qualify for X. Lacey complains that the only way to keep one of them out was to make them face each other because they could beat anyone else. Then my music hits and I come out to add one detail. Their match? Last Man Standing.




Hmmm… the match is decidedly underwhelming. You wouldn’t think the face versus face aspect would be such a problem but I can’t figure out anything else that accounts for it going over so poorly.




We lower the cage for Booker T and Petey Williams to face off for the big belt. Petey didn’t cash in his other title for this so he has a chance to become a double champion. It’s a good match, lots of technical wrestling thrown in with the usual cage hijinx. It takes not only a Bookend but the champion’s feet on the ropes to finally keep Petey down.




More popular is all that matters. More popular is all that matters.


Final Show Rating: 76

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Jody Fleish is in. Tyler Veritas is out. And, making me very happy, London and Kendrick both re-sign. They demand big wage increases but I counter by locking them into one year contracts. Now I can push them again.


The whole Warrior/Mitchell thing blows over. Mitchell isn’t essential but let’s hope Warrior doesn’t start holding grudges against anyone important.


The schedule conflicts have become too much. Tyson on Tour will now be live on the first Friday of every month. Bloody NOAH.






“I’m the Warrior. It will make good press if we start a war.”


“I guess. But it would have to be with a less prestigious fed.”


“Isn’t there another fed in Ontario?”


“MaxPro? Yeah. We don’t share any workers.”


“Them. And get reporters in here. Where’s media guy?”


Heh. He had adopted all my nicknames for people. So, war it was.

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Ok there were six guys in the X match now: Aries, Kendrick, Knox, Sid, Tommy Dreamer and Warrior. We needed to get the last four in soon. We could leave one for the Live show itself but we had to get the other three qualified in the next two TV shows.


Hmmm…Ontario doesn’t have a lot of arenas the size we need and Warrior again insists on going with a smaller one we can be assured to sell out.


Is the TV roster getting bloated? We have a full pre-show and a post-show match and two people still get left off the card. Maybe it’s because Davey Richards is here.


Total Tyson Wrestling

Week 4 May 2011

Ray Twinney Compex

Attendance: 3,700 (Sellout!)


“Creative” keeps telling me Daivari needs mic time so I let him open the dark show with some standard evil foreigner stuff. It’s ok. If he were popular he would be a decent angle guy.




I convince Warrior he needs to work off his rust in dark matches. He tells me if he’s only in dark matches then I’m only in dark matches. We agree to both do a five-minute time limit draw. He’s up first, against Sid. And hey! The rust is gone at last. It’s still a lousy match but not godawful.




My opponent is Mike Knox and we manage a better match but that’s all at Knox’s feet.




We turn on the cameras as Shannon Moore challenges Austin Aries for his Ontario Championship in a ladder match. I’m reminded we’re a fed about performance not old guys lumbering around the ring as these two put on a great show. We have a pretty straight match and Austin goes over clean. We don’t want interference in every match, do we?




Petey Williams and Tomko go ten minutes, not just for the Canadian Championship but for a space in X as well. Petey is the one we’re trying to rebuild so he goes over in an ok match.




Booker T comes to the ring to complain he has to face some nobody named Reid Flair tonight. He goes on to say it doesn’t matter who your pappy is, or might be, it matter what you do in the ring. And what Booker T does in the ring is take punks like him down a notch.


Not sure Reid has a notch to go down; but the crowd loved it.




We don’t let Booker totally dominate the kid but he gets the lion’s share of the offence. He drags Reid to a pretty good match but looks good doing it.




I give the Guns live mics to continue their feud with London and Kendrick and damn if they don’t ackuit themselves well.




Chris Sabin and Charlie Haas go for a spot in X. I told them to go out but main they outdo themselves. I think the main can beat this. At least I hope they can. This time Alex Shelley interferes and secures Sabin a space in the tournament. Man, it was only a ten-minute match. How was it this good?




Alex Shelley and Paul London fight for one of the last two spots in X in a two out of three falls match. Each one scores a fall but the third fall ends in a double countout as a midair collision leaves both men unable to stand. So what does this mean? Do they both get in? Or neither?


Damn. London is pissed enough he’s sandbagging….




A quick post show match gives Davey Richards a win over Consequences Creed. Most people don’t stay for it.




Damn, I thought the angles would be good enough not to pull us down, but they did.


Final Show Rating: 73

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The war was on. Now Warrior insisted we actually do something. When did I become the voice of reason? I convince him to start slow, taking shots at MaxPro on our website. And now they think they can steal Jack Evans from us?


Accounting guy was smiling. What’s up with that?


“We lost less this month than any month since we were still regional sized.”


“That’s good.”


“Yes. You may have been right all along. We just needed start-up capital to hold out until we started making money.”


“It worked for TNA.”




“Now we just need a Pay Per View deal.”


“Not my department.”


The new TV season started and the juggled line-up made our competition a lot weaker. We could start drawing bigger numbers this season, which would be great leverage for negotiating with a bigger channel.


It was hard to believe but Hulk Hogan vowed he would never wrestle again. Of course if I ever hired him I’d probably make him go back on that at least once but… Yeah, I don’t want Hogan as well as Warrior.

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Petey Williams brings one of those kids’ bowling sets to the arena and organizes a tournament. As it always seems the guy in charge won. And with that we have our perfect backstage again.


Total Tyson Wrestling

Week 1 June 2011

Ray Twinney Compex

Attendance: 3,700 (Sellout!)


I let Warrior replace Beef Wellington on color for the dark matches. Sadly no chemistry is apparent between him and the rest of the team. Tomko squashes Reid Flair in a bad start to the night.




Next up, a handicap match as Mike Knox takes on the tag champs. Despite his disadvantage Knox holds his own. But Daivari tricks Knox into thinking he tagged in when he actually didn’t and that lets Shannon Moore roll up Knox for the win.




We open the show itself with Kendrick beating Davey Richards in an average match.




Booker T and I meet in the ring. We promise we will not only take out Aries and Haas tonight but we will crush Warrior and his pet project Petey Williams.




Speaking of Petey Williams I force him to defend the Canadian Championship against Sid. The title actually hurts the match since it’s become our lowest rung belt. But Petey gets the surprise win and Sid happily does the job.




For the who knows how manyeth time now we have The Guns face Credo and pick up an easy win. This is better than expected, which may mean a burned out crowd later.


And when Booker T and I face Aries and Haas it turns out burning the crowd out is not the problem. The problem is we fall short of them. Sure there’s the usual problems with me but the real problem is 13 minutes is not long enough for a match of this caliber.




Everyone but me leaves. I start ranting about how I’m going to erase that loss from the record books when Warrior comes from under the ring and lays me out. That gets the crowd back. And, while I look good, Warrior doesn’t look bad. He is getting more over but maybe he still has enough menace left we should use that.




Even though Paul London is still sandbagging a little when I tell him and Shelley to go all out they listen. This is for the second last spot in the X match. They only have 18 minutes but they go at a break neck pace with as few rest spots as possible. It looks like it could go either way until Chris Sabin once again interferes on his partner’s behalf and gives Shelley the edge he needs to score the win. The Guns bail from the ring before London can go after them and the show ends with London kneeling in the ring beating his fists against the canvas in frustration.


That’s in the top 10.




In fact, that’s our second best match of all time. Only Booker T and Petey Williams from Tyson on Tour 40 tops it. And that’s strong enough to drag an otherwise mediocre show to #6 of all time. And the angles were just fine.


Final Show Rating: 78

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Still only a 0.09 rating? I wonder if the rating period had improved in a past season and I just hadn’t noticed. Still, we’d get on a bigger network next season.


I convince Warrior we need to set an attendance record with this show, even if it costs us a few grand.


Tyson on Tour #42

Week 1 June 2011

Sarnia S&E Center

Attendance: 5,616


We start the dark match with Davey Richards taking on our new jobber Jody Fleisch. I try to enjoy it but Storm is yammering in my ear the whole time “Fleisch is rusty. This match is too long. These guys work really well together. The announce team and the color guys really help, too bad the crowd can’t hear them. Richards looks great out there. I think Fleisch is learning from Richards.” I almost hit him before the match ends.




We follow it up with an ok Fatal Fourway where Kamikaze pins Matt Cross and robs both Reid Flair and Kid Kash of the win.




We start the show proper with a Three-way Dance to qualify for the last spot in the X tournament tonight. Rob Conway and Tajiri both want in but Paul London has come too close too many times to be stopped now. He pins both men and celebrates as he qualifies for the main event.




London’s celebration is cut short as the Machine Guns run in and attack him. But his own partner, Brian Kendrick, comes to his rescue. Still, how will they get along in the X match later?




Sid and I take on Warrior and Knox in a bad match and really, putting me and Warrior in the same matches is going to drag them down.




Raven hypes up his title shot against Petey Williams and… how do you underperform when there is no one else with you? I’ve never heard of that before. So much for “Creative” pushing Raven on the stick.




The match is far better. Raven takes his Canadian Destroyer through a table with dignity. I almost hot shotted the belt to Raven to fulfill that pesky contract obligation but I didn’t want to piss off Williams.




Lance Storm is helping to clean up the ring when Tomko comes out and scares him off for no apparent reason.




Shhh! faces two challengers: Credo, as usual, and the new team of Jack Evans and Sean Morely, the Black Hearts. The title is on the line and the champs pin Credo to hold their titles. This is a surprisingly good match.




I call out Warrior and tell him there is no way he’ll win the X match. He tries to intimidate me but homey don’t play dat.




Booker T clears us out of the ring so he can go on a long tirade about how Charlie Haas is, was, and always will be a nobody. Haas is only facing him because he’s the biggest name not in the X match. But Booker T isn’t giving up his title to the less talented half of a flash-in-the-pan tag team.


Wow he tore the roof off the place.




And then the Submission match. Twenty-two minutes of hold after counterhold between two guys who turn out to have great chemistry. I wanted to save the X match for the main event but now it may not live up to this.




The guys come out for the ten-man match. Warrior comes out last but I attack him on the entrance ramp with a crowbar. I batter his leg and the back of his neck then run as Security approaches. Warrrior somehow makes it to the ring before the match starts but he promptly collapses and is taken away by medics.


The remaining nine square off. And I can tell the crowd is already cooling off. The Guns battle with London and Kendrick while Dreamer and Knox gang up on Sid. But Sid turns the tables on them and manages to dump Knox. The match continues for a while before Sid eliminates Tommy Dreamer. Aries and Williams try ganging up on Sid but it gets them nowhere. Sabin and Kendrick manage to eliminate each other. With his regular partner gone Shelley forms an alliance with Sid. Together they take out Austin Aries. Petey Williams and London try to fight them off but Sid manages to Choke Slam London then he and Shelley eliminate Williams.


Shelley looks to dump London but London fights back. The two end up battling against the ropes on the far side of the ring from the entrance ramp. Sid hangs back, watching them intently. So intently that he doesn’t notice Warrior come stumbling from the back and re-enter the ring. Sid strikes, scooping up both Shelley and London and dumping them. He raises his arms in triumph – and Warrior Clotheslines him out of the ring from behind. Warrior is the X Tournament winner!


Yeah it didn’t work. Let’s just leave it at that.




Glad that wasn’t televised. It didn’t even help us in Ontario. Our biggest crowd sees our worst show in a while.


Final Show Rating: 70

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Jack Evans demands a $600 raise and I almost let him go. But he’s one of my more skilled lower card guys so he’s valuable to keep around.


I spend a long time searching the indies for young guys with potential. Hopefully down the line they’ll develop to the point where they become useful additions to my roster.




“I can see where this is going.”


“Let there be non who cannot traverse the marathon of life within our camaraderie!”


“I think I understand.”


“Then make it so.”


These restrictions were starting to add up. Goldberg and Big Daddy Voodoo, among others, were now off limits. Was this going to continue?

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Warrior gets in another fight tonight. This time with our referee. I can’t really crack down on him so I have no choice but to continue with the fatherly approach so it at least looks like I’m doing something to the rest of the locker room. Oh yeah, we’re in BC. The plan is to do one TV show from BC every month, the week after Tyson on Tour.


Total Tyson Wrestling

Week 2 June 2011

Coquitlam Sports Center

Attendance: 2,000 (Sellout!)


We start the dark matches with Credo getting a rare win over Kid Kash and Davey Richards. No chemistry here and Richards was fatigued to boot.




Kendrick/Haas/London/Moore go ten minutes in a Fatal Fourway before time expires. Lacey did some good work at ringside.




Alex Shelley comes to the ring just before the cameras roll. He’s out to complain that Warrior should never have been allowed back in the X match. And since he was only eliminated because he was betrayed by Sid he demands a one-on-one shot for the X championship tonight. Warrior comes out and glares at him before nodding.




And, amazingly Shelley manages to drag Warrior to a watchable ten-minute match before Warrior gets the win with the Military Press Drop.




Booker T comes out to taunt Petey Williams and finally manages to warm the crowd up a little. Williams was an idiot to cash in his Canadian Championship for a shot at the Heavyweight belt. Man, it hurt this interview that the crowd was cold.




I forgot Mike Knox and Sid have great chemistry so this match turns out better than expected. But if I don’t start using Sid in angles again he’s going to end up mired in the midcard for a long time.




On the other hand Austin and Sabin have poor chemistry. But if they didn’t the ladder match would have been far too good for the semi-main. The Ontario championship is on the line and this time it’s a clean fight, no outside interference. And it’s Aries who goes over and retains his championship.




We lower the cage for the main event. Once again Petey Williams has a shot at Booker T’s championship. Once again they put on a hell of a match but, once again Petey comes up short after I enter the cage and distract him long enough for Booker to hit the Bookend for the pin.




The people who put the top 10 lists together, I’m not sure who they are, peg this at the #5 show of all time and the main event as our new #2. Which means both our #1 and # 2 matches are Booker T versus Petey Williams in a steel cage.


Final Show Rating: 78

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What the hell happened to Pro Wrestling RESPECT?! They had sunk to LOCAL size!


Wow, the roster was getting wacky. Let’s check it out.


Main Event

Booker T (H)-TV

Petey Williams (F)-TV and he just had a midcard title!

Alex Shelley (H)-TV

Austin Aries (F)-TV

Tommy Dreamer (F)-Event


Upper midcard

Brian Kendrick (F)-TV

Chris Sabin (H)-TV

Sid (H)-TV

Mike Knox (F)-TV

Charlie Haas (F)-TV

Paul London (F)-TV



Tajiri (F)-Event

Jack Evans (H)-Event

Tomko (H)-TV

Raven (H)-Event

Davey Richards (H)-TV

Sean Morely (H)-Event

Shannon Moore (H)-TV

Shawn Daivari (H)-TV

Beef Wellington (F)-TV


Lower midcard

Dan Paysan (F)-TV

Rob Conway (H)-Event

Matt Cross (F)-Event

Consequences Creed (F)-TV



Katsuhiko Nachocheese (F)-Event

Kid Kash (H)-Event

Reid Flair (F)-TV



Jody Fleisch (F)-Event

Pinkie Sanchez (F)-Event


Occasional Wrestler

Warrior (F)-TV

Mike Tyson (H)-TV


Williams had shot up in popularity just this month. Not sure what set a fire under him but he was jobbing to the top!


*****! Tommy Dreamer shattered his elbow in a DGUSA match. He’s out for a year without surgery. Surgery is dicey. I talk it over with Warrior. We agree to make Tommy the color commentator on our live shows. Maybe a year on the desk will improve his charisma. Of course Tommy may just opt to retire before he even comes back…


Warrior demands to take Tommy’s spot in the main event and I can’t argue. He puts on lousy matches but he’s still over and he can do angles. Not sure there’s a free agent out there to replace Tommy anyway. In exchange I get Warrior to agree to slip Paul London a bonus to make up for some of the jobs he’s done lately. $3,500 later Paul London is happier than a pig in what I said when I found out Tommy Dreamer was injured.


Remember that big roster list I just posted? Well, with Dreamer out it changes. Sabin moves up to the Main Event. Shannon Moore takes his spot. Consequences Creed takes his spot. Kamoozy moves up to the Lower midcard and, wow, Pinkie Sanchez is an Opener.


Warrior comes up to me and mentions he’s glad we don’t ban drugs or alcohol like some kind of dragonian, whatever that is, government. Wait, we don’t ban drugs backstage? I thought we did. I notice Warrior doesn’t complain we ban smoking. But then, he doesn’t smoke.


I go out the night before the show and meet a chick who claims she is a model. I’m not sure I buy it but she’s no Butterface and the night ends up going well.

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There just isn’t a good 3,800-4,000 seat arena in Ontario so we head back to the Ray Twinney Compex. The backstage is a bit down over the failure of the last event but Knox and Mitchell put on a comedy act that brightens things back up.


Total Tyson Wrestling

Week 3 June 2011

Ray Twinney Compex

Attendance: 3,700 (Sellout!)


In the dark, dark match Beef Wellington gets a win over Daivari.




In the slightly less dark match, Mike Knox and Charlie Haas pair up to defeat Kid Kash and Davey Richards. Even at his age Kid Kash is still learning out there.




Petey Williams teams with Warrior to take on the Guns and it’s the good guys who pick up the win in a better than expected match.




I confront Warrior. I tell him next week he has to defend the X title one more time against Sid. If he wins that then he gets his title shot.




Speaking of Sid he squashes Dan Paysan. Only their chemistry makes it watchable but I need to build Sid back up a bit.




Incredibly Shannon more manages to get a better match out of Reid Flair than Sid managed.




Booker T and Austin Aries have a war of words and I can’t believe Aries can hold his own against Booker with no sign of help from Lacey.




Ok… face versus face should not kill us this much when we only have a medium divide. Because when London and Kendrick face off for the #1 contendership I expect a great match, not this crap. I guess the angle before hand just set the bar too high.




Booker and Aries better be able to put on a great match to save this show. It’s a Last Man Standing Match but I tell them to limit the weapon use. As with most of our main events this one is on a slow burn until the end. A lot of time is spent on the ref counting with most counts ending after five to seven seconds. The problem is they don’t quite have the psychology for it. Add in the cold crowd and it’s a fine match but not a blow away affair. And I have no intention of moving the title off Booker when we’re building towards his match with Warrior.




Ok, it wasn’t a total disaster. In fact, it was our new #8 show of all time. The main event itself squeaks into the official top 10 of all time but it’s not likely to stay there long.


Final Show Rating: 77

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It wasn’t saying much but Reid Flair was now more popular in Ontario and BC than he was across the US. All those dark matches add up kid. Damn, now Sid was too big. Hopefully the loss to Warrior cools his jets a little.


“Buy out that Respect fed!”




“We can use it as a development fed.”


“We have no one on written contracts to send there.”


“Then pick it clean.”


“There’s one wrestler and a road agent there I’d actually be willing to hire.”


“Then sign them and shut the place down.”


“I’ll try.”


They reject. They aren’t facing bankruptcy yet but their roster could fall apart at any time.


“Declare war on them!”




“You hear my words. We will give them a lesson in Darwinian Survival of the Fittest.”


“What if they don’t believe in evolution?”


“Just do it!”


I do. I try to sign their biggest star and I assume Scott Hudson will stop working for them. But Tully Blanchard works for DG too so I can’t make him an offer.

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When I hear someone almost got in a fight with a fan, and it wasn’t me, I assume it was Warrior. But, in fact, it’s Raven. I could easily survive without Raven so I tell him he’s on his last chance now.


Total Tyson Wrestling

Week 4 June 2011

North Bay Memorial Garden

Attendance: 3,814


Mike Knox faces Kid Kash. You would think a three-minute match would be a squash but somehow it doesn’t quite work as one. But Knox dominated so that’s what matters.




Credo faces Tomko and Richards next. It’s the heel team that goes over when Paysan is introduced to Tomko’s Big Boot. Good for a dark match.




Ok, Warrior defends his X title against Sid. You would think between them they could scrape up the psychology for a twelve-minute match and you would be wrong. But it ensures Warrior gets his match against Booker T.


And, in my third attempt, I actually remember to put the X title on the line for once and Warrior officially wins it here.




I show up and Sid and I beat the stuffing out of Warrior. Even Sid looks good compared to Warrior.




I put Petey Williams, Brian Kendrick and Shannon Moore into a Triple Threat Match. The crowd was still cold or this would have been even better.




Booker T pops in to taunt Paul London about his upcoming win. Booker was allowed to pick the stipulation tonight and he picked something that he should be able to win fairly quickly: an over the top rope challenge. And that suits him to a T. Booker takes a warm crowd and makes them hot.




Pity the next match is the piss break but, on the other hand, this is good. Reid Flair and Daivari have chemistry and I’m confidant Flair can lose his way up the card with matches like this.




Man I need to find a way to inject some psychology into my workers because Haas/Aries vs. The Guns falls apart in less than fifteen minutes. Yes we can still go ok but we need to find a way to make all these guys better. Ah heck, it lifted the crowd. That’s good for a semi-main.




I have high hopes for the main event. I even crack open a bottle of JD to calm my nerves as I watch. London takes the early offense, wearing down Booker. But one well timed reversal turns the table and now it’s Booker’s turn to pound on London. Booker finally goes for a win but London ducks through the middle rope to the outside. London refuses to return to the ring and Booker is forced to follow him out. They proceed to brawl all around ringside then into the aisles and all around the arena. They even dump popcorn on each other as they brawl at the concession stand.


London manages to score a big Pump Kick then drags the dazed Booker back to the ring. But Booker fights back before London can dump him. From there it’s a long string of attempts to throw each other out with every counter and avoidance you can think of. Again, not enough psychology for over twenty minutes. In the end London tries for a High Crossbody and Booker catches him. Booker dumps him but London manages to land on the apron. Booker isn’t one to take a win for granted and makes sure to watch if he goes over. When he doesn’t Booker leaps over the top rope and straddles London’s neck. London is knocked off the apron and his feet hit the floor just before the champion’s. And it suits the champion, to a T.




Yeah that’s our best show and match ever. I down the whole JD, forgetting I’m supposed to be driving. Someone stops me from making a big mistake. He takes my keys and gives me a lift to the hotel in my own car then catches a cab to his own hotel. I tell you something that guy just earned my loyalty!


Final Show Rating: 86


Who was it who saved Tyson from possibly killing himself?

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I’m in HQ in Toronto when Warrior strides in. He looks happy.


“Come with me.”


I don’t like the sound of that. Warrior leads me to a waiting limo and across town. We arrive at a large building, what looks like an old factory.


“Where are we?”


“Welcome to Tyson’s Playhouse.”


“You mean?”


“I bought us a venue. We’ll be able to use this for TV and events for a while to come.”


“Will it pay for itself?”


“Maybe. But it adds to our name value.”


“I suppose.”


“I will summon the spirits to grant their blessings upon this place. All will go well here.”


Yeah but things went well at all our shows. People only got hurt or died when they were somewhere else. I check the place out. It’s actually pretty cool although the décor is kind of extreme since Warrior chose it.


Mike Sydal signs. I make him a heel, give him a 70s disco gimmick and pair him up with Kid Kash, That 80s Guy, as a tag team. “Creative” comes up with The Throwbacks as their name.


Ok, so we’ll try out the new venue.

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Raven’s argument with the fan is making backstage less than perfect. The odds of Raven ever getting that title shot I promised him then renewing his contract are very low.


Total Tyson Wrestling

Week 1 July 2011

Tyson’s Playhouse

Attendance: 4,188


Wait, the crowd is hot to start the show? Well they get to see Davey Richards beat up on Reid Flair in a pretty decent match. Richards is now acting like a spoiled brat out there and it works way better than what he was doing. Warrior is starting to get impatient with me holding Flair back. But he is getting more and more popular in Ontario and BC. Isn’t that what matters most? We’ll get him on TV when he can put matches like this on regularly.




In a rare show of bravado Beef Wellington makes an open challenge.




It’s answered by… me! And if you thought the first match was one-sided you should see this one. With no one to carry us neither of us can put on a good match. I was just outshone by Reid Flair.




Enough about me, let’s start the show. Mike Knox faces the tag champs in a handicap match. Mike really holds his own but the numbers game, along with copiush cheating gives the tag team the win. And this is good for an opener.




Did I say enough about me? Well actually next Warrior and I have a confrontation and, is Warrior high? Is that why he makes no sense whatso****ingever?




Then I send out Tomko to try to take down Warrior. But Tomko is no match for the three or four moves Warrior can manage these days and the crowd… just doesn’t buy Warrior in the ring. And Warrior is insisting his title shot Friday be in the main event. At least it won’t be on TV.




Booker T is out to run his mouth but Petey Williams has had enough. He tells Booker to shut up once and for all… then hits him with the Canadian Destroyer! And they’re both in the 6-man tag match coming up later tonight!




The Throwbacks (Mike Sydal and Kid Kash) debut against Credo in the first of what I am sure is many losses to come. Is Kid Kash still getting better?




And on to the semi-main. Austin Aries versus Sid for the Ontario Championship. Somehow the title drags down the match. It’s too long for Sid and too short for the crowd’s taste. Basically, it ain’t good.




Where are all the stars? They’re in the main event where the Booker T and the Motor City Machine Guns face London, Kendrick and Williams. We forgo the slow build and just have 27 minutes of action. There’s some problems, inconsistency is one but psychology actually works out. Most of these guys are still getting better not worse so if I hold my roster together I have some future stars on my hands. London and Booker have already shown they can get to the top. Heck, I have to be careful not to let all these guys get bigger than the fed.


Oh and I distract Williams and the Guns take out London allowing Booker T to hit an Axe Kick then holds the tights to ensure the pinfall.




I still don’t understand how a dark angle can hurt the show so much…


Final Show Rating: 73

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