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Tyson Wrestling Alliance (RW created fed)

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Pat Patterson was leaving the business and Sabu was hanging up the boots. Would I help in creating any new stars to replace them?


What the hell? Helms and Hudson are fighting again. Well why the Hell would you lend Helms a car in the first place? I decided to give Helms a stern warning and the punk “Whatever”ed me.


Tyson on Tour #11

Week 1 August 2010

From Jack Couch Stadium

Attendance 1,400 (sold out-phew)


Davey Richards squashes Tyler Veritas before the main show. It’s fine.




Despite their great chemistry Kid Kash and Misitico also end up in the pre-show. They do better than the first match, but not by much.




Kendrick and Hart open the show proper. Hart gets the win and continues to look strong.




Little Sid is forced through a punishing set of squat thrusts. Sid kind of gets a bit muddled with the insults and sort of insults his own wife. No one seems to care.




Sid sticks around to beat Consequences Creed yet again. It’s a good thing no one is going to get tired of this match. Little Sid interferes to get his dad the win.




We give the crowd a break with a four-way. Dan Paysan defends the Ontario championship against Asylum, Ruckus and Beef Wellington. To everyone’s surprise the title changes hands and Beef Wellington is the new champion. For this I sent Kash/Mistico to the pre-show? I just couldn’t see changing a title in a dark match.




I taunt Helms yet again, telling him this time he’s certain to lose the title. Absolutely certain.




Matt Cross faces Christopher Daniels in a ladder match. If Cross wins he gets a title shot. He ends up disappointed as Cross prevails. I’m disappointed too as these guys don’t click.




Sean Morely goes and has an off night, dragging down the great chemistry with Austin Aries. Morely gets the win. Larry Zbysko keeps telling me Morely is getting better but I just don’t see it.




Haas softens up Paul London with a pre-match attack.




We repeat our best match ever, a Three-way Dance between Gregory Helms, Paul London and Charlie Haas. The crowd isn’t that into it until fifteen minutes in, when London pins Helms. That shocks the crowd. We will see a new champion. Three more minutes between Haas and London before Haas locks on the Haas of Pain and forces London to submit to become the new Heavyweight championship. It’s just about as good as the first time but that tiny difference turns out to be huge.




The Haas era has begun as a ticked off Helms is no good to me. He might need to be the next person I buy off. Or the next I job down the card…


Final grade: 70

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Dusty Rhodes retired, leaving FCW without a booker.


Ring of Honor wants to share Teddy Hart. Oh well we’ve had nobody tired yet.


“Who are you again?”


“Your lawyer.”


“I don’t think I like you.”


“Ok.” He gulped.


“So what?”


“Well sir, when you hired your entire roster you signed all of them to 9 month contracts.”




“So all those contracts are going to expire at the same time. Negotiations could get messy.”


“Ain’t no thing. My peeps will be loyal.”


“If you say so. I just had to point it out.”


“Well point you did. So what now?”


“I don’t know.”


“Now you get out of my office or I knock you out of my office.”


“Yes sir.”


With Dusty out of the picture it looks like Jerry Lawler is the new king of color. Wait Jim Cornette took over FCW? How’s he going to get along with Vince?


I sign a new guy. I could afford to cut someone but it’s not necessary.

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If you are wondering if Brute/Menace is overpowered… well Sid Vicious now has a 90 popularity in Ontario.


I was taking a gamble tonight. The numbers guy tells me we’re going to sell more tickets tonight, possibly because of out hotly anticipated main event. So it’s goodbye Jack Bruce Stadium, hello St. Michael’s College Arena.


Tyson on Tour #12

Week 2 August 2010

St. Michael’s College Arena

Attendance: 1,600 (Sell-out)


We try something different today, putting some angles in the pre-show. Since we had nothing for Austin Aries to do this week we had him record a promo video. It doesn’t go over all that well.




We move to a tag match as Asylum and Don Paysan take on Matt Cross and Pinkie Sanchez. The action is solid but the crowd is apa-apa-apatetlic. They don’t care.




Larry Zybszko tries to warm up the crowd but Little Sid hits the ring and threatens him and pushes him around. We never gave them a finish so it kind of peters out as we hit showtime but Little Sid shows he is not without menace.




We open with the Heavyweight title, since we have other plans for the main event. Charlie Haas’s first challenger is Brian Kendrick and it’s a ladder match. I give the two of them 18 minutes and they do not disappoint. Paul London tries to throw Kendrick a chair to finish off Haas but the champion intercepts it, levels Kendrick and climbs the ladder to retain his belt. Hmmm…Haas is doing well so far.




Helms comes to the ring to swear he will get his title back, only to have Sid Vicious’s music hit and the monster decimate Helms. That sets us up nicely for the main event, although Sid comes out looking way better than Helms.




Beef Wellington and Davey Richards lock up and bad chemistry rears its ugly mug again. What could have been “ok” slips to “poor” as Wellington wins with the Ass Punch. I’ve got to make that move look deadly.




Next our newest wrestler Ken Doane debuts against Ruckus. Ruckus’s terrible gimmick is really hurting him. I’m tempted to change it, even though it’s still awfully soon, because it literally can’t get any worse. After eleven minutes and change Doane hits a Flying Legdrop to put Ruckus away. The match is actually worse than the last one.




It’s time for me to take the ring again. I launch into a “celebration” that Gregory Helms has lost the title. The weird thing is I do it without ever mentioning Charlie Haas. I gloat like a son of a bitch that the fan’s favorite has been taken down and swear I’ll make sure he never holds gold again.




Paul London gets the win over Kid Kash in a match that is better than several others tonight but still nothing to write home about.




Mistico and Consequences Creed challenge Daniels for the Canadian Championship. The goal is to make Mistico look good without winning. In the end Mistico levels Creed with a top rope Moonsault only to have Daniels throw him out of the ring and steal the pin. Daniels even has to use the ropes to pull it off. Tonight this passes for a pretty good match.




The semi-main sees Teddy Hart and Sean Morely lock up once again. It's a nice little match, running just over 15 minutes. Hart exposes a turnbuckle and rams Morely’s lower back into it. That’s enough to allow him to pull out the win with a Sharpshooter but Morely looked good out there and the match is much better than what came before.




That leaves the main event. Gregory Helms versus Sid Vicious for the first time. Helms is still selling the beating he took earlier so it seems obvious Sid will win. But Helms kicks out of pinfall after pinfall in the short (ten-minute match) and tries to fight back. Sadly these two, the match I’ve been building for, can’t get their timing to match. I know I’m never going to get a great match out of these two so I have to settle for the decent one they do manage.




The angles pull down the show, possibly because of the two in the pre-show. But we still call the night a success.


Final Grade: 60

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ho wmuch money do you have left??


and that suck, you should fire helms! and make sid the champ!! he deserve it!!


I've simmed as far as early October, as I'm ahead of the actual diary, and we've lost about $140,000. If I had started with the $500,000 a regional fed normally begins with I'd be worried. But with 2.5 million in the kitty things should be fine for a while.


For those wondering my starting user stats were:

Negotiation 6

Motivation 6

Creativity 4

Leadership 4


I had never put much faith in storylines. With so few angles they seemed unnecessary to our shows. But I had tried putting Helms and myself into an on-going story and damn if it wasn’t working. People really wanted to see Helms kick the crap out of me. (Storyline rating 85)


I took the time to check out SummerSlam this week. Not a bad show, I’ll admit better than anything we’ve put on (76) and there was a promo between HHH and Undertaker that was as good as any promo I’ve ever seen. But the main event was Christian and Cody Rhodes against CM Punk and Drew Gallows. Not the strongest guys to end with. The Cena/Edge match that went before it was better.


“Who are you?”


“Your media guy.”


“I needia media?” I said, sounding clever.


“That’s what I’m here to talk about. I bet we could get a TV show.”


“A TV show?”


“Yeah, on a smaller network.”


“Then we’d be putting on 8 shows a month.”


“Unless we switch to monthly events.”


I thought hard. It hurt a little.


“No. Not now. We’re doing ok with live shows. TV won’t make as much money as events. I can’t just throw money away.”


“Ok, just keep in mind networks only look for new shows four times a year.”


“Fine.” He stood there waiting. “What now?”


“I figured you’d want to hit me.”


“Not yet, but get lost before I change my mind.”

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Lawler had just retired from the ring, now he was retiring for good? Color commentators were getting hard to come by. Larry hadn’t really improved on the announce desk since he started. Beef was already showing signs of improvement and getting popular fast.


It was time to check popularity. Ken Doane had joined the midcard but, other than that, no one was moving up or down the card. Little Sid was now more popular in Ontario than anywhere else in the world, but that wasn’t saying much.


The backstage was not quite as happy as I wanted it so I decided from now on one of the interns would arrange transportation to the arena. It would cost a little but last week people had been down enough it was affecting the show.


Hmmm… no wonder Ring of Honor was signing so many new people. They had risen to Cult size. That working agreement now seems like a really good idea… In fact…


The numbers guys tell me we can expect even more people tonight. So we go for a sell out or the maximum tickets possible?


Hey where’s my new talent swap guy? What do you mean he works for DG tonight? Aw crud.


Tyson on Tour #13

Week 3 August 2010

Mastercard Center

Attendance: 1,982 (so close!)


The pre-show is a little different tonight as we run two 3 on 1 handicap matches. First Teddy Hart takes on Matt Cross, Ken Doane and Pinkie Sanchez. It’s a decent little match and we try to make Doane look strong despite Hart pulling out the win when he forces Pinkie Sanchez to submit to the Sharpshooter.




Next Sean Morely faces the hard odds as he takes on Ruckus, Davey Richards and Dan Paysan. Morely also bucks the odds, pinning Ruckus clean with a Fisherman’s Suplex. I should have swapped the order of these two matches…




The show proper begins with Kendrick taking on Austin Aries. The action is good and the crowd is reasonably into it. Kendrick hits Sliced Bread #2 for the pin after fourteen minutes of decent wrestling.




Paul London grabs a mic to hype his main event with Sid. The crowd is into it but that’s because Sid is over, not because London is a master of the stick.




Sid doesn’t take this lying down and comes out and destroys London. Once again Sid softens up a victim before their match.




Beef Wellington defends the Ontario championship for the first time with a pretty easy victory over Asylum.




With no Jimmy Yang we go back to plan A as Daniels, Creed and a ladder decide the fate of the Canadian Championship. This time we just let Daniels dominate as Creed is going nowhere fast.




I’m out to lash into Helms again and, though I’m bragging, it’s the promo of my life. Hell, it’s the promo of the company’s life.




Poor Haas and Mistico have to follow that. It’s non-title but, if Mistico wins, he gets a title shot next week. The action is solid and both men learn from each other but it’s a let down for the crowd.




Helms and Kid Kash go almost 18 minutes before Helms hits the Shining Wizard for a clean pin. Helms is still sandbagging out there. It may be bonus time…




Sid takes on the injured Paul London in a Full Metal Mayhem match and, considering my fed is supposed to be about wrestling, it’s amazing how much having an over monster who can barely wrestle can still bring in great matches. London puts up a fight but it’s Sid who prevails and he seems to love working the main event. What surprises me is Sid goes 14 minutes without even looking tired. Maybe he can go longer than I thought. We had the best promo ever and now the best match ever… what a night!




Best promo ever + best match ever = best show ever!


Final Rating 70

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I’m too cheap for my own good. I toss Helms a $1,000 bonus and it doesn’t help in the slightest. Maybe when he forgets some of the other things bugging him it will help but, for now, it was wasted money.


We’re getting more prestigious (43) and our path-path-pathpetic momentum was growing (16).


I get a new X-Box game and forget to announce new matches before Sunday. I’m a bit surprised at which one generates the most buzz…


Teddy Hart wins the Dragon’s Gate US “Open the Freedom Gate” title. Good for him.


Terry Funk, DDP and Kip James all announce retirement in the same day. Some kind of star line-up thing.




“You guys again?” I rolled my eyes at my so-called creative team.


“We have news.”




“Ken Doane.”


“What about him?”


“He’s got superstar written all over him.”


“Says you.”


“We think he’s your hottest prospect.”


“Well I think you’re twits. Get out before I throw you out.”


They fled in terror. Still, might we worth trying to make something of Doane. I had hoped Beef Wellington would be the next break out star but maybe not…


Of course, Doane is one of the coldest guys in the whole company…

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We really are Tyson on Tour these days as we head to Ottawa. The Nail Biters apparently hitchhike to the venue and just make it in time.


Helms! What are you thinking?! Playing a nasty prank on Sid?! I mean telling him his son was hit by a car?! That’s ludicrous!


This time I’m mad and I make it clear to Helms this is his last chance. Biggest draw or not I won’t put up with this crap forever. Luckily me taking it seriously keeps it from hurting our backstage, which is just good enough to prevent problems.


Tyson on Tour #14

Week 4 August 2010

Aberdeen Pavillion

Attendance: 1,954


I can’t squeeze Little Sid onto the card tonight so I let him guest color on the first pre-show match. He ends up helping the match a little and a Davey Richards/Tyler Vertias match needs all the help it can get. Richards wins of course, clean with a Double Underhook Brainbuster.




Up next a surprisingly decent four-way. Ruckus, Asylum, Matt Cross and Mistico square off for seven and half minutes before Mistico gets the pin on Asylum.




We start off with a long tag match. London and Kendrick take on Charlie Haas and Christopher Daniels. It goes almost 20 minutes and we build it nice and slow. Daniels needs his feet on the ropes to finally keep down Brian Kendrick and… the main events have a lot to live up to.




Sid and Sean Morely come face to face. Sid tries to intimidate Sean but the face gives him a tongue lashing and blows are avoided. Sid looked a lot better than Sean here but it turned out ok.




Consequences Creed actually picks up a win over Dan Paysan in a match the crowd gets somewhat into. The two give it their absolute all but can’t follow Sid and Sean. It turns out ok.




The Ken Doane experiment begins as he defeats Kid Kash with a Flying Legdrop. We’re in no danger of burning out the crowd though.




Now I’m out with my standard anti-Helms rant. I promise that, even though Helms is in the main event, he will lose to Teddy Hart. The crowd loves to hate me.




Austin Aries faces Beef Wellington in a ladder match for the Ontario championship. Beef gets the win, which Austin is not happy about at all, but things go pretty well and I think I booked this right.




Sean Morely and Sid Vicious face. I think this is the first meeting. If it isn’t I forgot that these two don’t click. Sid looks strong as he picks up the win but this is nowhere near as good as the tag opener.




We bust out the steel cage for Helms/Hart. It’s a modern cage match and, after a solid 18 minutes of action, Hart misses a Top Rope Splash and Helms follows up with a Nightmare on Helms Street for the pin. And…yeah this works fine as the main event.




Nothing jumps out at me after the show, except that we have become more popular in Ontario yet again.


Final Rating: 67

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The good news was people had started hearing about us outside Canada. The bad news was in Quebec, the Prairies and the Maritimes our popularity was bleeding away.


“You wanted to see me?”


“Media guy, yeah. Tell me more about TV deals.”


“We’d have a few options.”




“BITE TV might take us. They already show Wrestlicious. They are tiny but they cover all of Canada except Quebec.”


“That might work.”


“There are four different Sportsnet networks. One for Ontario, one of BC, one for the Prairies and one for Quebec and the Maritimes.”


“Can’t we sign with all of them?”


“Not all at once. We’d have to pick one for now.”


“Hmmm…that’s not as good.”


“The Fight Network covers the whole country but they already have two wrestling shows so they might not be interested in another one.”


“Anything else?”


“Even if we could convince The Comedy Network to show wrestling we’re too small for them to deal with. Same issue with TSN2.”


“So we go with a tiny network or we focus on one area.”


“That’s about it.”


“Ok, I’ll think about it.”


“You realize you just missed the window to negotiate, right?”




“Yeah they just announced new schedules. You’ll have to wait three months before you get another chance.”


He was quicker than he looked, he actually ducked.


Looks like we didn’t need to make a decision any time soon. Well, let’s make an offer to a free agent while we wait…

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The new month brought a ton of offers from touring companies to our roster. NOAH wanted Davey Richards, Mistico and Gregory Helms. MaxPro wanted Helms, Aries and London and Richards is really popular as Dragon’s Gate US wants him too. Of course NOAH had released Booker T and Shelton Benjamin. They hadn’t been interested before, there was no reason to think they would be now. But if either did sign I wouldn’t be so reliant on Helms…


The larger arenas were paying off as we lose less money in August than June or July. Pat Patterson called it quits the night before our show. Would I ever be as respected in wrestling as he was?


We don’t hear back on any of our three offers before the show. Tonight we’re in Cornwall.


Tyson on Tour #15

Week 1 September 2010

Si Miller Arena

Attendance: 2,000 (Sell-out!)


Six guys go at it, elimination style, in the pre-show: Asylum, Kid Kash, Ruckus, Matt Cross, Tyler Veritas and, because I left him off the main show, Gregory Helms. Helms totally dominates with 4 of the 5 pins (Kash gets one) and the results are fine, for a pre-show, but Helms deserves better.




Kendricks, Daniels and a ladder give us a great opener. Daniels doesn’t resort to dirty tactics and still prevails for his 9th title defense.




I have to find a way to insult Gregory Helms for ten more minutes and, somehow, I pull it off. I even make the crowd care that I relegated Helms to a dark match.




Aries and Doane have to follow that. I give Aries the win to appease him after last week but I tell Larry to make Doane look good out there. Aries ends up cheating for the win and maybe, just maybe, this will help both guys.




With the pressure off Consequences Creed and Davey Richards manage to raise the bar a little. Creed gets the win. If Creed is treading water, push-wise, Richards is sinking like a stone.




Sid’s next job is to try to drag Beef Wellington to a decent segment as the two face off before their tag match. It turns out ok, Sid shines, Beef doesn’t.




Sid & Sid team for the first time as they take on Beef and Mistico. Sid does all the heavy lifting, throwing his opponents around like dolls, so of course Sid looks good. But Little Sid doesn’t; get crapped on and might even be learning.




Charlie Haas is in the sub-main tonight, facing Sean Morely for the title. We let Haas get the lion’s share of the offense and he retains after a huge German Suplex. Larry tells me Sean is learning, I’m not convinced.




Teddy Hart and Paul London was the match the crowd was most eager to see so it takes the main event slot. It’s two out of three falls. We start slow, going for 20 minutes without a pin, only to have the action explode at the end and Hart take the win with two quick pins. It takes a low blow to get the second which drives the crowd into a frenzy and we see one of our best matches ever.




Another show with no big pluses or minuses keeps our popularity growing in Ontario.


Final rating: 68

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Tyson Dux turned us down. The twit was actually loyal to MaxPro.


Turns out Media guy keeps tapes of every show. I spent a few hours reviewing matches and I still don’t see Sean Morely making huge improvements. Sure, he’s a little better at selling and he can bust out a Hardcore move more now than before but the way Larry describes it you’d think he’d become a wrestling god.


So far I had avoided having any managers or valets. But with Austin Aries annoyed with me maybe hiring Lacey to manage him would keep him happy? Let’s see if she agreed. Booker T turned us down of course. Shelton took his sweet time before opting to sign with NJPW instead. Helms and Mistico signed with NOAH, Richards with NJPW. Thursday nights were still free of conflicts but now Tuesdays and Saturdays were giving us trouble. The only clear night left for a TV show was Wednesday. But Lacey signed, for a mere $150 per show plus travel expenses. That made Aries pleased as punch and left Helms as the only sour apple in the bunch.


Sid can’t walk the streets of Ontario without getting mobbed by fans. If we were on TV we could easily make Sid a national superstar (93 pop in Ontario).


Now NOAH was after Aries too. MaxPro wanted him too, along with Hart, London and Kendrick. MaxPro had become more prestigious than us, or they’d always been and I hadn’t noticed. If I ended up sharing all my workers with more prestigious feds I could wind up with no safe nights to hold a show… I’d have to try to keep London and Kendrick loyal with more money…

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It’s back to BC this month and we go cheap on the arena. At least we’re sure we’ll sell out. BC is a little crazy. The next larger arena held 75 more people but cost eight times as much. And our BC band, Worm Bait, returns to entertain the crowd.


Tyson on Tour #16

Week 2 September 2010

Ladner Leisure Center

Attendance: 1,000 (Sell-out)


Our pre-show is a first, a four-team tag match with random teams. Creed and Morely team up, Ruckus and Asylum, Tyler and Pinkie plus Dan Paysan and Davey Richards. Morely gets the win, obviously, but Ruckus and Asylum may just work as a regular team.




It’s nostalgia time as Sid squashes Matt Cross…




Then brings out Little Sid and forces him to beat up Cross. When he finishes, Sid beats him up.




Beef Wellinton, Kid Kash and Ken Doane meet for the Ontario championship and the debuting Lacey sits in on color. Kash went early leaving in the Three-way Dance leaving Doane and Wellington to battle it out. Doane avoids the Ass Punch to rollup Wellington and win the title. But I was hoping for so much more.




Austin Aries joins Lacey as he is set to face Mistico. Lacey ends up tossing Aries the brass knuckles he uses to get the win. They go all out and it works surprisingly well.




I make my nightly appearance and the crowd is cold. It makes for an uphill climb, especially since my rants against Helms are getting repetitive. I’m furious Helms has his rematch tonight and I vow to make sure Haas retains.




Time for another ladder match as Daniels and London mix it up again with the Canadian Championship on the line. Daniels is going to have to drop this title at some point…but it’s not tonight as Daniels grabs the belt at seventeen minutes and defends for the tenth time.




Hart/Kendrick have to top that and I’ll be damned but they do just that. I asked Teddy to job to Kendrick but, when he refused, I decided not to push it. Hart is a main eventer and Kendrick an upper midcarder so I can see Teddy’s point. We keep it open until Teddy uses the ropes for leverage and scores a cheap pin.




The rematch is next. Helms versus Haas in a modern cage match. Twenty-one and a half minutes of simmering action. Finally, Helms hit the Shining Wizard and looked to exit the cage door. But I appear from nowhere and slam the cage door in Helms’s face. He staggers back into a German Suplex from Haas straight into the pin. The crowd loves it and we have another one of our best matches ever.




Best. Show. Ever.


Final rating: 70

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Now DGUSA want Aries. But London and Kendrick both resign with no pay raise. Odd. London doesn’t even ask for travel expenses. I must be a better negotiator than I thought (I have 6 in Negotiation skill).


Why is our US popularity fading?


We’re back in Ontario tonight and Mat Cross celebrates by bringing a trunkload of free booze to the show. He must have blown more than he’ll make tonight. I kind of respect that.


Tyson on Tour #17

Week 3 September 2010

Mohawk 4 Ice Center

Attendance: 2,000 (Sell-out!)


Christopher Daniels didn’t make the main show tonight so he gets a quick squash over both Pinkie Sanchez and Tyler Vertias. He looks good out there.




Our pre-show continues with Beef Wellington getting a win over Kid Kash and Davery Richards in a Triple Threat match.




The show starts with Sid dominating Mistico for eight minutes before actually putting him away.




We then bring out Little Sid and his dad forces him to practice his Legdrops. When he doesn’t impress enough he eats one of Sids.




As usual we have to follow that with something that will suck in comparison. So we throw Consequences Creed and Ruckus out for ten minutes. Creed gets another win, he might even be a threat someday. The crowd reaction is average. The in-ring action is average. But the sum don’t add up to all the parts.




Friends face each other as London and Kendrick match up for #1 contendership. It’s back and forth for over sixteen minutes. Not only do these two have chemistry as partners they have chemistry as opponents too. In what I hope is a surprise London gets the win with a clean pin. I had hoped both guys would look good but London outshone his partner here.




Sadly, this match leaves the crowd cold for my promo. I do my best to hype them up but stretching to 13 minutes is really pushing it.




Another throwaway match as we match up Ken Doane and Dan Paysan in a ladder match for the Ontario championship. It has to follow me and it’s not even close to the job. It looks like Doane isn’t up to going all out, which doesn’t fill me with confidence. It’s not a good match and we’re killing the title’s prestige.




I knew Austin Aries and Gregory Helms had great chemistry but I figured Helms would sandbag enough it wouldn’t be main event worthy. Austin’s high morale canceled out Helm’s low morale and, despite a cold crowd, they put on one heck of a match. Early on this would have been one of our best matches ever. As is, it might sneak into the top ten. How is the main event going to live up to that?




It’s another Three-way Full Metal Mayhem match to close the show. Haas has to fend off both Teddy Hart and Sean Morely. You know what, Larry? Stop telling me Morely is getting better or I’m going to think you are huffing glue. Haas comes out on top and his title reign hasn’t been spectacular but, considering I hired him to attract Shelton Benjamin, he’s doing ok for himself.




We’re back to better angles than matches, even with two good chemistry matchups. Ah well, that makes the show better than the main event.


Final show rating: 68

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Jerry Lawler had retired. And Daniels had parted company with RoH. I hadn’t expected that. MaxPro and NOAH both wanted Aries but I figured he’d stay loyal since Lacey was here. MaxPro also wanted Teddy Hart. I had to find a way to get my prestige up.


Who was RESPECT and why did they want Scott Hudson? Well Hudson has been getting better but these RESPECT guys are small. No threat.


“Not you guys again.” I sneered at my Creative team.


The fat one who had never spoken before piped up. His nasal whine made listening to him painful.


“Good job building Sid Vicious sir.”


“I like the good job part.”


“There is no one in the wrestling business today who is a bigger star in Ontario than Sid Vicious. Only The Rock is better known.”


“So what? We need a TV show now? Make him that popular nationwide.”


“That’s up to you.”


“What else.”


The usual ringleader spoke up “Ken Doane has a little more momentum but he’s still near the bottom of the pack.”


“Well I figured a future star could handle going all out. Why did I listen to you guys? I should put the Ontario championship on a real champ.”


The last guy, the Kumar look-alike, spoke now “But things have been a bit boring, haven’t they?”


“You calling me boring?”


“Not you. It’s just…We have mostly singles matches. We need some variety.”


I thought until I think I smelled smoke. “Fine, next week three 3-Way Dances. The winners face off in a 3-Way Dance for #1 contendership.”


They seemed to like this, not that I cared. Still it was a good idea.

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People still haven’t forgotten about the Helms/Hudson dust up but the backstage is pretty harmonious (84.2) as we set up at Galt Arena Gardens.


Tyson on Tour #18

Week 4 September 2010

Galt Arena Gardens

Attendance: 1,982


Our pre-show begins with Dan Paysan getting a quick squash over Tyler Veritas. It’s ok for a squash, which means bad.




We whet the crowd’s appetite for tonight’s Three-Way Dance tournament with a Triple Threat. Daniels triumphs over Consequences Creed and Davey Richards without the title even on the line. Maybe this should have been on the show proper.




Our tournament begins with Helms/Aries/Mistico. We let Mistico take second place but it’s Helms who advances.




Sid gives Little Sid his weekly lesson. This week it’s how to take multiple chair shots.




We put the weakest of our Dances on next as Kendrick triumphs over Beef Wellington and Ruckus. Can we change Ruckus’s gimmick yet?




Kenn Doane almost lasts eight minutes against Sid. Sid is the monster he always is but he doesn’t totally overwhelm Doane.




Hart/Kash/Morely has to follow that and it’s not as good as the Sid squash. I still can’t get the hang of putting a whole show together without messing up things I want to look good. It’s Hart claiming the final spot in the #1 Contender Dance.




I’m out to complain that Helms even gets a chance to face the champ. I want Helms gone from my federation and I’ll find a way to make it happen.




The announcers spend a minute hyping the main event but the real purpose is to cool off the crowd before the big matches.




It works pretty well as the 3-Way Final isn’t overshadowed at all. We try to keep Helms strong throughout and he pins Kendrick at the halfway point leaving him and Hart to fight it out. It’s not a classic match but when Hart eliminates Helms to win the match the crowd seems truly surprised.




But would Hart be facing London or Haas? London and Haas face off in a Tables Match. It’s nineteen minutes of near table breaks as we tease the crowd with everything they are worth. When Haas finally does German Suplex London through a table the crowd is on their feet and so are the guys in the back. One of our best matches yet as Haas continues to impress as champion.




A great show with even better angles. We’re on a serious roll now.


Final rating: 70

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For the first time somebody complains about being worn down. And, of course, it’s Teddy Hart, the #1 contender. Forget it, I’m not altering my plans.


Hmm some so-called experts are big on Brian Kendrick. Well I had planned to keep him long term anyway. Now Zero One wants Daniels?


It was official. Sid could not get more popular in Ontario. Now how do we exploit that?


If we were serious about a tag team we needed another experienced team. One offer might really help that.


Zbysko wasn’t improving on color but at least he was gaining respect to become a better road agent. Wellington and Hudson were both getting better. Scott Armstrong was improving as a ref and, in a pinch, could even act as a road agent. Heck at 51 he might still be a better wrestler than some of the guys on the roster.


“Media guy!”


“You wanted to see me?” He sounded nervous.


“Relax, you I kind of like.”




“Just don’t push it.”




“So I’ve though about it. And I think it’s bite or fight.”


“I’m sorry?”


“The networks. BITE or Fight. Forget sports net, we want national coverage. So we try Fight and if they turn us down we go to BITE.”


“BITE dropped Wrestlicious by the way. So we have a real shot with them. We still have to wait a month before we ask them. Then another month before we start airing.”


“Ok. We just keep doing what we’re doing then.”


“DVDs are starting to sell.”


“Fine, we need all the money we can save.”


“So this is a bad time to ask for a raise?”


“Remember what I said about pushing it?”


“I’ll just go then.”


“Good plan.”

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Thanks for the comment Remianen, Tyson won't be calm forever.


Something had to be done. Little Sid had been in angle after angle. His momentum was off the charts, more than anyone else in the company. Yet he wasn’t getting over. There was only one thing to do, artificially inflate his push and start giving him dark squashes against the other jobbers.


I almost left two big names off the card, then realized they had only tangled once before and, at the time, it was our best match ever. It wasn’t even in our top 10 any more, that’s how far we had come.


Tyson on Tour #19

Week 1 October 2010

Port Dover Arena

Attendance: 1,976


Little Sid’s push starts in the pre-show as he crushes Tyler Veritas in just over 4 minutes. It’s not a great match, but I didn’t expect one. It’s good enough it will make Little Sid more popular and with his Punisher gimmick and a few more squashes he’ll deserve to be a Lower Midcarder soon.




Things pick up with a triple threat between Beef Wellington, Davey Richards and Matt Cross. Since Beef is in the match I have Gregory Helms sit in on commentary and it turns out he and Zbyzsko work really well together. We’ll have to do this every time Beef is wrestling. Beef pins Cross with a Flying Headbutt for a tolerable dark match.




The announcers use the last bit of dark time to announce the Kid Kash/Consequences Creed match I added at the last minute. Nobody cares.




Sid starts the show by squashing Pinkie Sanchez. Pinkie has a bad night so it’s not much of a match but Sid comes off looking like a monster as usual.




After the match I come down to congratulate Sid and praise him to the audience. They hate us both so it goes over really well. We are the biggest stars on the show after all.




Good luck following that Ken Doane and Dan Paysan. It’s a ladder match, that’s something. Doane’s gimmick is working for him, that’s something. But he’s off tonight and I can’t figure out why. And it’s not just an off night. There is something about this match, or Paysan, that is not working for him. Larry is as clueless as I am but we need to watch Doane closely.




In a “Hey, these guys have great chemistry” match Aries and Morely lock up again. Thirteen minutes of back and forth wrestling until Lacey tries to interfere and hits Aries instead, allowing Morely to get the pin. Bad gimmicks and a cold crowd and it’s still a damn fine match!




Another chemistry match as we put London and Kendrick against our new team Madness and Chaos (Ruckus and Asylum). Of course Kendrick and London get the win. Kendrick gets the pin but it’s London who really shines. All four go all out and all four can handle it. It fell flat after the last match but it still turned out well.




Media guy begged me to make another video so I let him. This one hyped up the Haas/Hart match and the crowd actually liked it more than the tag match.




The next match has a time limit, only because I planned to have it go to a draw. But, no, Kid Kash refused to draw with Consequences Creed. So I let him have the win but I did everything I could to make Creed look better than him.




Next Gregory Helms faces Christopher Daniels for the Canadian Championship. They go over 18 minutes before Daniels walks out, taking the countout loss to retain his championship. Again, I had wanted a draw but Helms objected and, since Daniels refuses to rise to the main event, I couldn’t push the issue. I was expecting better from these two but Helms is still in a lousy mood.




Now the main event. I hope Haas and Hart have enough talent to overcome the heel versus heel match up. I really watch this match carefully and I realize the creative team is right. Haas is showing his age, he’s not quite the athlete he used to be and he just doesn’t seem like as big a star anymore. Oddly he’s started busting out the odd aerial move to try to keep his matches interesting. It turns out Haas isn’t the problem… Hart has a really off night, I mean really off. Say what you want about Haas but he’s the model of consistency. But I can’t change the finish now as Hart goes down with a leg injury late in the match. It looks like the match is going to end inconclusively-until Haas gets close to Hart and he surprises him with a roll-up. He was playing possum all along. Scott Hudson and Beef Wellington play up the outrage on commentary but it doesn’t really matter… Teddy Hart is your new Heavyweight Champion.




A terrible start to a new title reign. We have to admit it. This show was not a success. We are no more popular than we were when we started. It had to happen someday but it’s going to bring down the backstage mood. I bet Teddy Hart is happy, I only promised him a low level title run!


Final rating: 56

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Bob Holly was retired? Good riddance.


I hadn’t realized it before but Paul London was probably the best pure wrestler on our roster. He was in 6 of our top 10 matches including the top 3. He needed to find his way to the main event somehow.


Daniels signs with Zero One and by sheer luck I check the calendar. Charlie won’t be at the show Thursday, need to change plans. So…yeah…yeah, it’s time.


RoH wants Kenn Doane, maybe he’ll develop quicker working for them too. MaxPro is drawing over 1,400 fans. Not as good at us but definitely competition.


Our new signing comes through. That gives us a new Upper Midcard heel and a new experienced tag team. It also pushes Paul London to Main Event! Hmmm...he was still unemployed. He’d never…what the heck; it was worth a phone call to try.


With our popularity bleeding away in most of Canada we weren’t the powerhouse we had been. NWA had also regrown to regional size and that bumped us down to #11 fed in the world. Sucky. We needed that TV show after all. In terms of influence we were doing a little better, ninth.


I put up with the stench of my creative team long enough to learn it’s still too soon to be doing any gimmick changes or turns, but it won’t be much longer. I was worried though. I was new at this. Were my new gimmicks or turns going to work?

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I was glad we weren’t based in the Tri-State area. Six different federations locked in a regional battle with Dragon’s Gate US on top. Well that and I had five new bastard kids in that area.


I arrive at the Chedoke Twin Pad Arena to find the happiest backstage I have ever seen. Our new signing has made a big difference. Teddy Hart is so happy he’s almost tolerable. Plus, everyone knows what’s coming tonight. I’m so nervous about putting it in the main event but I have to take the chance.


What the heck are Pinkie and Kid Kash talking about? Rent? Don’t they own their homes? It’s what? A musical? Ok, as long as you two are happy.


Tyson on Tour #20

Week 2 October 2010

Chedoke Twin Pad Arena

Attendance: 1,947


Our 20th show and it’s going to be different. Let’s hope it works. And everybody works tonight, except Charlie Haas who isn’t here. And I do mean everybody.


Pre-show opens with a 10-man Battle Royal. Anybody who wasn’t seen elsewhere tonight was in this. Sean Morely took home the win.




Just before the show Little Sid came out and glared at Scott Hudson for a while.


56 (!)


Kenn Doane comes out and says he’ll take on any challenger for his Ontario Championship. He is immediately answered by…Sid Vicious!


73 (!)


Sid and Kenn lock up. The benefit of Sid being insanely over is I don’t have to have him squash all his foes anymore. Here we make it as open as we can before Little Sid interferes to give Sid the win and the title! Sid looks good out there but Doane doesn’t look bad even in the loss.


70 (!)


The problem is we haven’t actually warmed up the crowd and when Daniels takes on Beef Wellington for the Canadian championship in a ladder match it’s unable to follow this. Gregory Helms sits in on commentary. Beef holds his own at first but it turns into Daniels just beating on him and making no effort to go for the belt. Helms, still smarting at Daniels for walking out on their match last week, tries to interfere with a top rope splash. But Daniels dodges and Helms hits Beef Wellington. The ref holds Helms back while Daniels climbs the ladder for title defense #11.




Helms sticks around to hype the main event. We give him 10 minutes and he underperforms. But the popularity of his opponent means it goes over ok.




Consequences Creed decides he’ll try an open challenge too. He’s answered by our new debut Jack Evans. I’m glad this was really short.




The match is decent. But the big surprise is when Teddy Hart shows up to distract Creed and let Evans hit an incredible 630 Senton for his first win. And it looks like Helms managed to warm up the crowd.




Another very short angle as Hart and Evans officially reform Hart Foundation 2.0. These guys might need a manager…


We break out a new type of match of our own creation: The top rope challenge. Short of a time limit draw the only way to win the match is by pinning your opponent after hitting a move off a top turnbuckle. Austin Aries and Paul London debut this one and boy was it the right choice, especially with their chemistry. London picks up the win but… Damn, this could have been a main event.


71 (!)


We cool the crowd down as Brian Kendrick gets on the stick to hype his match with Teddy Hart. He’s our best mic man and he still can’t break out.




Kendrick/Hart gets less than 12 minutes so I tell both guys to give it their all. I need to make Hart look strong in his first title defense so I have him win clean with the Sharpshooter. It’s an ok match but not the best of the show. I’m pinning a lot on the main event.




And here it is. Gregory Helms versus Mike Tyson. We spend a lot of time with Larry working on this, I consider scripting the match but decide Helms can carry us. The crowd is rabid as I make my entrance but I no jack about psychology and the basics of wrestling. This company is supposed to be about skill. Is this going to work?


No. At first the crowd is into it. And at first we put on some decent action. But I forgot one basic fact. I’m an authority figure around here, not even an occasional wrestler. The crowd just can’t buy me lasting over fifteen minutes with a former champion never mind winning, even with brass knucks. Plus, I haven’t been keeping up my training. I’m exhausted by the end. If this had gone 8 or 9 minutes it could have been a gem. As it is it utterly kills the show…




Well, the angles helped. And we didn’t lose popularity. Still for a show with two top 10 matches it was an utter failure. At least Helms was smart enough not to complain about jobbing to me.


Final show rating: 54

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And Dory Funk Jr. was out of the business. Now Harley Race was heading into the sunset as well.


Ok, rebuilding time. First off, I had to get people thinking of me as a wrestler, at least part time. That would allow me to wrestle as long as I could physically handle.


Ok yeah, I knew Shawn Michaels would never work for us. But that didn’t stop us from hiring a new road agent, if only on a short term deal. Yes, Lance Storm now worked for TWA and Gregory Helms called me on his own dime to tell me how happy he was. It looks like our morale problems are solved for now.


We were putting the finishing touches on our proposal for the TV networks. I spent a while scouring the free agent market before deciding to try one offer. We might get him for a short-term visit. Plus, did we want a manager for the Hart Foundation?


How did RESPECT get a Pay Per View deal? Man, Canada sucks sometimes. Plus I keep thinking I’m supposed to drive on the other side of the road.



Mike Tyson is now an Occasional Wrestler

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I arrive at Iceland Mississauga for our 21st show. My fears the backstage would be down turn out to be unfounded. Lance Storm has made a big difference, I think people now realize I’m taking this seriously. Nonetheless, I pull all the guys together and apologize for putting too much faith in myself last week. And I promise I’m going to work on improving in the ring. The guys seem fired up and ready to go (Backstage rating 92.9).


Tyson on Tour #21

Week 3 October 2010

Iceland Mississauga

Attendance: 2,000 (Sell out!)


We start the pre-show fishing for chemistry. Matt Cross and Tyler Veritas face Kid Kash and Dan Paysan. No chemistry to be found, good or bad, but at least I give poor Kid Kash a win.




Davey Richards and Mistico put on a pretty good match to cap off the prelinimaries. I even give Richards a clean win.




We start by setting up a shoot fight between me and Pinkie Sanchez. And, once again, it’s a mess. I’m inconsistent as hell in these matches and neither of us have the psychology or ability to sell this requires. I’m going to have to fight decent wrestlers it seems…




I celebrate not just this win but my big win over Helms. After a while Helms interrupts, we go on the mic a bit, then we brawl. It’s a big step up from the match although I must say I come out looking way better than Helms.




Charlie Haas is back and we make him look good in a win over Consequences Creed.




We cool off a bit with a Kenn Doane/Ruckus match. Doane comes out on top with a Flying Legdrop after they eat up 13 minutes of the show.




I let London and Kendrick get on the mic to hype the main event against the Hart Foundation. I expect London to flounder but he holds his own.




Up next a three way dance for the Canadian Championship. Daniels holds off both Aries and Morely but I told Zbysko to protect Morely, not have him go out first.




Just when I get Helms happy he has to complain about losing to Sid & Sid?! Big Sid is a wrestling god, no matter who he’s paired with you should damn well be willing to lay down. He doesn’t sandbag this match but what’s he going to be like next week?




Now comes the big match. No point in saving this one for a rainy day. Two experienced tag teams going at in inside a steel cage for 22 minutes of slow build action. Evans’ gimmick doesn’t work and that’s the only bad thing I can say about this. The match is simply fantastic. A new highpoint for TWA. Tonight champagne is on me!


78 (!)


After all that the angles are what pulls us down. Hmmm…let’s see. It’s within a hair’s breath of #1 but so are a lot of other shows. It ends up at #5. Maybe I should have kept Paul London off the microphone after all…


Final show rating: 70

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I took a look at the roster. Little Sid still didn’t deserve his push but it was getting closer. Davey Richards had risen to the midcard, knocking Ruckus down. When it finally came time to change Ruckus’s gimmick he had better hope the new one works better.


Helms was once again annoyed with me. The egotistical, selfish prick was on thin ice. I listened with dread to a Teddy Hart radio interview and it turns out he slagged the JAPW roster, claiming he surpassed them all by far. No mention of us. Probably for the best.


Ring of Honor let Paul London go? Or had he outgrown them? If he had then he’d have outgrown me too. Maybe being based in Canada will actually help us this time.


Bad news comes in threes. Tyson Dux is still loyal to MaxPro. Jushin Liger doesn’t want to work in Canada and we’re too small for Paul Heyman. Now who would manage the Harts? I could try him; he’d be ok.


I took some time to read the newspapers. It turns out the Canadian economy had turned around. So now both the economy and the wrestling industry were rising. I liked this Conservative party but their leader looked like a robot.


Dragons Gate US was winning every regional battle in the US. So far they hadn’t ventured out of the Tri-State area but their PPV deal meant they were slowly building national exposure. After the next show we can approach TV networks…

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