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Tyson Wrestling Alliance (RW created fed)

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I always hated meeting with my lawyer. But today was the worst.


“27 new child support lawsuits! What were thinking?!”


I shrugged “I was having fun.”


“Fun? Well that’s over now. What do you plan to do?”


“Simple. I’m skipping to Canada. They won’t extra-extra- Help me out here.”




“That’s it. They won’t extradike over child support.”


“Ok, but how the Hell are you going to make a living? The boxing world won’t touch you after this.”


“Forget boxing.”


“Then what?”


“Professional Wrestling.”


“You’re going to wrestle?”


“Sometimes. But I’m going to run the show.”


“Mike, that’s crazy.”


“Nobody calls Mike Tyson crazy.”


I didn’t hit him that hard. I needed a new lawyer anyway… a Canadian lawyer.



My first diary. Be gentle.

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<p>Tyson Wrestling Alliance (TWA)</p><p> </p><p>

Regional Federation</p><p> </p><p>

Ontario based</p><p> </p><p>

Traditional: Key Feature</p><p>

Mainstream: Low</p><p>

Comedy: Low</p><p>

Cult: Very Low</p><p>

Risque: None</p><p>

Modern: Medium</p><p>

Realism: Low</p><p>

Hyper Realism: None</p><p>

Hardcore: Low</p><p>

Lucha Libre: Low</p><p>

Pure: None</p><p>

Daredevil: Low</p><p> </p><p>

Match Intensity: 50%</p><p>

Match Danger: 40%</p><p> </p><p>

Women’s Wrestling: None</p><p>

T&A: None</p><p>

Face/Heel Divide: Medium</p><p> </p><p>

Starting cash: 2.5 million</p>

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<p>Thanks for the comment! I'm Regional, as it mentions.</p><p> </p><p>

“Who are you again?”</p><p> </p><p>

“I’m your new lawyer.”</p><p> </p><p>

“Well not a single damn Pay-Per-View carrier will touch us. Can we sue them?”</p><p> </p><p>

“Sue them for a smart business decision?”</p><p> </p><p>

“I don’t like your lip.”</p><p> </p><p>

Ah well. Live shows it is. The roster was shaping up fairly well. Though some names we’d really been interested in had turned me down. Hell, the only reason I even signed Charlie Haas was in hopes of convincing Shelton Benjamin to sign. And he’d gone and signed with NOAH. Still, we were ready to kick off the show. Thursdays seemed clear as far as conflicts went. And with only TNA and ROH conflicts to worry about things looked good. Ring of Honor had even agreed to a working agreement. </p><p> </p><p>

It was almost showtime.</p>

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<p>User Preferences</p><p>

Stats as Grades – OFF</p><p>

Owner goals – OFF</p><p>

Small roster penalties – OFF</p><p>

Repetitive booking – OFF</p><p>

“Perfect Show” – ON</p><p>

Staleness – ON</p><p>

Gimmicks – ON</p><p>

Worker morale – ON</p><p>

Locker room morale – ON</p><p>

Momentum – ON</p><p>

Time limits – ON</p><p>

Advance booking deletion – OFF</p><p>

Dirt Sheet hidden – OFF</p><p>

Industry and economy – ON</p><p> </p><p>

Backstage rules</p><p>

No smoking</p><p>



Chiropractor</p><p> </p><p>

Backstage rating 82.9</p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TWA Roster</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Main Eventers</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Brian Kendrick</p><p>


Fun Babyface</p><p> </p><p>

Gregory Helms</p><p>


Old School Face</p><p> </p><p>

Sid Vicious</p><p>


Punisher</p><p> </p><p>

Charlie Haas</p><p>


Ice Man</p><p>


Upper midcarders</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Sean Morely</p><p>


Old School Face</p><p> </p><p>

Paul London</p><p>


No gimmick</p><p> </p><p>

Christopher Daniels</p><p>


Preacher</p><p> </p><p>

Teddy Hart</p><p>


Family Legacy</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Midcarders</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Austin Aries</p><p>

Heel </p><p>

Ravishing</p><p> </p><p>

Consequences Creed</p><p>


No gimmick</p><p> </p><p>

Davey Richards</p><p>


No gimmick</p><p> </p><p>

Kid Kash</p><p>


Arrogant Heel</p><p> </p><p>



Fan favourite</p><p> </p><p>



Gangster</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Lower midcarders</strong></p><p> </p><p>



No gimmick</p><p> </p><p>

Dan Paysan</p><p>


Full blooded Italian</p><p> </p><p>

Matt Cross</p><p>


No gimmick</p><p> </p><p>


Little Sid (Gunner Eddy)</p><p>


Punisher</p><p> </p><p>

Pinkie Sanchez</p><p>


None</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Authority Figure</strong></p><p>

Mike Tyson</p><p>


Fabulous Heel</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Enhancement Talent</strong></p><p>

Tyler Veritas</p><p>


Thrill Seeker</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Non-wrestlers</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Larry Zybysko</p><p>

Road agent/Color</p><p> </p><p>

Scott Hudson</p><p>

Announcer</p><p> </p><p>

Scott Armstrong</p><p>


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<p>“Don’t you think you should have announced the card more than two days in advance?”</p><p> </p><p>

“Shut up! You’re my lawyer not my publicist.”</p><p> </p><p>

“You fired your publicist.”</p><p> </p><p>

“Well I didn’t want to punch her. Punching women gets you in trouble. I found that out the hard way.”</p><p> </p><p>

With a two-hour show I had planned five matches. There might be room for a throwaway and some pre-show stuff too. And we’d need some non-wrestling. But mostly this was going to be about matches.</p><p> </p><p>

Tyson on Tour #1</p><p>

Week 3 May 2010</p><p>

From Jack Couch Stadium</p><p>

Attendance 1,400 (sell-out)</p><p> </p><p>

Our preshow kicks off with Ruckus getting a win over Pinkie Sanchez. Whadda ya know? The first match we put on we discover good chemistry. The match still sucks ass though as Ruckus is way off his game. Still, in five years this might be a money match.</p><p> </p><p>

28</p><p> </p><p>

We continue the pre-show With Davey Richards cheating to win over Matt Cross. It’s not a bad match and Cross is already showing signs he’ll get better with time.</p><p> </p><p>

50</p><p> </p><p>

Now the real show starts. And it starts with me. I have to get the crowd to hate me and I succeed. I run down their country, their leaders, hockey, maple syrup and about five other Canadian things I had written on my hand. Hey, it works for Sarah Palin. I have the crowd eating out of my hand when I get to the point. Tonight’s main event of Gregory Helms versus Christopher Daniels will be for the TWA Heavyweight championship!</p><p> </p><p>

75</p><p> </p><p>

Next, our only experienced tag team, London and Kendrick, take on the throwaway team of Austin Aries and Kid Kash. I haven’t even bothered to create a tag belt. That’s how little tag wrestling is going to matter in this company. I give them 12 minutes and very little instruction and the result is not as good as I hoped. It doesn’t bring the crowd down at least. Kendrick gets the pin on Kash and the two add one more notch to their tag experience belt. </p><p> </p><p>

52</p><p> </p><p>

Next up, our resident monster Sid Vicious squashes Mistico. Oddly, the crowd likes it about as much as the tag match that came before. And both guys seem to learn something from each other.</p><p> </p><p>

52</p><p> </p><p>

We give Helms the mic as he vows to take down Christopher Daniels. It’s not stunning but it’s not bad either. So far the mic work is surpassing the actual wrestling tonight. And damn, the gimmick is not working for him. Plus, did he sound drunk?</p><p> </p><p>

61</p><p> </p><p>

Teddy Hart bitched like crazy when I told him he was going to draw with Sean Morely. But to his credit he didn’t sandbag at all and the result is our best match so far tonight. But neither of these guys’ gimmicks are working. Maybe having gimmicks at all was a bad idea…</p><p> </p><p>

61</p><p> </p><p>

Just when we were in danger of burning out the crowd Asylum squashes Tyler Veritas in a match no one likes.</p><p> </p><p>

28</p><p> </p><p>

Now it’s Daniels’ turn to hype the match with Helms. He does worse than Helms and has the same gimmick problem and slight slurring of some words. </p><p> </p><p>

51</p><p> </p><p>

Now my brainchild. Sid Vicious giving his son a hard lesson in wrestling. This time he made him do 300 push-ups, yelling at him until we mercifully cut away. The crowd ate it up. And hey, Sid’s gimmick is actually working.</p><p> </p><p>

71</p><p> </p><p>

Now for the big matches. First off, Charlie Haas takes on Consequences Creed. I gave them 18 minutes, which turned out to be just right. Haas was the stronger but Creed had a few chances. In the end Haas used a low blow to set up the Haas of Pain and came out on top.</p><p> </p><p>

54</p><p> </p><p>

Now for the main event. A steel cage match for the Heavyweight belt. We take our time, pacing the match to build to a big finish. In the end it’s Helms hitting the Shining Wizard for a pinfall victory and our first belt won ever.</p><p> </p><p>

67</p><p> </p><p>

Well, that's an easy improvement to our popularity in Ontario. Can this last?</p><p> </p><p>

Final show rating 62</p>

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<p>I couldn’t believe it. WWE had agreed to a non-aggression pact! I didn’t; have to worry about being raided and I never stood a chance of stealing their talent anyway.</p><p> </p><p>

“Excuse me.”</p><p> </p><p>

“Who are you?”</p><p> </p><p>

“I’m your accountant.”</p><p> </p><p>

“What do you want?”</p><p> </p><p>

“Sir, initial estimates are that you lost over twenty thousand dollars last night.”</p><p> </p><p>

“Gotta spend money to make money.”</p><p> </p><p>

“It’s your money.”</p><p> </p><p>

“Damn right it is.”</p><p> </p><p>

“Still I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t point out this may cost you more than the child support you are trying to avoid. Shouldn’t you-“</p><p> </p><p>

I didn’t hit him that hard. Looks like I need a new accountant. And a plan for next week’s card. The debut show had been awesome and buzz was already building. We needed to be just as good next week and that meant having all three titles on the line.</p><p> </p><p>

Still, raising ticket prices a couple of bucks wouldn’t hurt.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>A few notes:</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

I’m using the Mr. Canada mod, May 2010 edition</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Economy 36 and falling, Wrestling industry 32 and rising.</em></p>

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Everybody backstage was keyed up over how well last week’s show had been. Teddy Hart was in a bad mood. The guy might not last long around here. He’s backstage poison.


What the hell? Gregory Helms beat up our announcer?! My brand new champ feels like he has to pick on backstage staff. Now what the hell am I going to do? I can’t fire him but I can’t let him get away with this. Who does he think he is? Me? I end up reading him the riot act and he promises to behave from now on. Still, do I have him drop the title? And backstage gets a lot less friendly after that punch up. Let’s see if we can put on a great show anyway.


Tyson on Tour #2

Week 4 May 2010

From Jack Couch Stadium

Attendance 1,400 (sell-out)


We warm up the crowd with Davey Richards getting a win over Tyler Vertias. For a pre-show match, it’s not bad.




We open with Sid Vicious beating up on Consequences Creed for over eight minutes. Once again we find decent chemistry, only to have it spoiled by Creed having an off night. Still, Sid looked good out there and that was the whole point.




Now it’s my turn to wow the crowd again and I pull it off. I announce the three title matches for tonight then rip into William Shatner. The crowd want to see me beaten bloody but nobody dares interrupt the boss… so far.




Our young guy belt, the Ontario Championship, is on the line next as Asylum takes on Matt Cross. I told these guys to go all out and it suited them both. The wrestling is decent but no one cares. Asylum hits the Double Underhook Neckbreaker for the pin and the title.




We build London and Kendrick’s tag experience yet again as they face Ruckus and Dan Paysan in a ladder match. It’s no surprise when they win. What is the surprise is how they win. Since I never actually said what the thing they were supposed to grab was so they opted for a stuffed purple dinosaur. It got some laughs.




Helms uses his genuine anger at the events of earlier to tear into Charlie Haas. The result is a decent promo though “poopyhead” is not a good insult.




The Canadian championship is on the line next in a Three-way Dance. Daniels is meant to look good here and he does, taking out Kash first then Mistico. What sucks is Kash is the only guy in the ring with a working gimmick.




It’s bathroom break time as Austin Aries squashes Pinkie Sanchez in six and a half minutes.




Sid Vicious makes Little Sid run laps while he threatens him if he doesn’t keep going.




In an attempt to keep Teddy Hart happy, after all he wasn’t the biggest problem this week, I give him the win in the rematch with Sean Morely. Now how do I get Teddy to agree to lose the eventual rubber match?




Then it’s main event time, Helms versus Haas, no disqualifications, no count outs. Nineteen minutes, back and forth, without much in the way of hardcore stuff. The results are so good the announce team is no longer overshadowing the action. Wow.




Final show rating 68

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Booker T won’t sign with us but he’ll sign with NOAH. I’m going to punch him next time I see him.


TNA’s last impact was a 78. We’re in their league so far.




“Who are you?”


“Your new accountant.”




“Well the numbers are in for our first month.”


“Spit it out.”


“We lost two thousand dollars.”


“Two thousand dollars? That’s nothing. I spend more than that on one shoe.”


“Yes but…”


“But what?”


“We only ran two shows. If we were to run four we would lose more.”


“We can worry about that next month.”


“Yes sir.”


I faked a punch just to see him flinch then kicked him out of my office.


I was still the biggest thing in my company with more momentum than Jesus. The weird thing was people were starting to get behind Little Sid. He looked poised to move. Of course he hadn’t stepped into a ring yet… Teddy Hart was the next hottest thing in town. Which meant I had to try to keep him happy for now.


I needed a third color man who could wrestle. It took some wrangling (I had to import the worker from another mod) but I had an offer out. Would I hear back by showtime?

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I caught The Great Kahli on a radio interview. Apparently he doesn’t like working with people smaller than himself. Who the **** does he like wrestling then? The national debt? Sugar Ray Leonard’s ego? Whales? Wales?


The backstage is calm as we meet up at Jack Couch. Two successful shows in a row seems to be overshadowing the lingering resentment from last week’s fight. Let’s hope performances live up.


Tyson on Tour #3

Week 1 June 2010

From Jack Couch Stadium

Attendance 1,400 (sell-out)


Our pre-show begins with Ruckus squashing Tyler Veritas. I didn’t expect much and didn’t get it, in spite of these two working pretty well together.




Consequences Creed versus Dan Paysan is cruising along pretty well until Paysan gets himself disqualified near the five-minute mark. It’s not much better than the last match but at least it doesn’t actually annoy the crowd.




Sid’s lesson to Little Sid gets relegated to the pre-show this week as Sid tries to toughen the Sidster up by using him as a punching bag. This fires the crowd up for the real show.




Teddy Hart and Mistico manage not to disappoint too much as Hart needs the ropes to get the pinfall. But Hart is sandbagging out there. I wonder how I can make him happy short of buying him off?




I am well into my usual rant against Canada when Gregory Helms decides to shut me up. It’s not nearly as good as a solo performance would have been and I outshine Helms. But I think he learned something.




Asylum loses to Davey Richards by countout, retaining his Ontario championship. Richards refused to job so I took the easy way out. It’s not as bad as I feared it would be especially since it’s two good guys.



Sid Vicious takes five minutes to crush Matt Cross.




It was time to give Brian Kendrick a live mic and he hypes up his match with Austin Aries. It’s not as good as I hoped as, despite his wins, momentum is not on his side right now.




The match itself is better and worth almost 17 minutes. It’s Kendrick who gets the 1…2…3 as he hits Sliced Bread #2 for a nice clean win that pleases the crowd. It didn’t show but I could tell Kendrick was getting tired by the end. That’s not good. I already have Sid as a main eventer who can’t go 20 minutes, now I have two?




Daniels and Morely face off before their match trading insults. For this I relegated the Sids to the pre-show?




We head straight into the match with the Canadian championship on the line. It’s back and forth and Daniels needs a belt shot to get the pin and retain his title. And I swear Daniels is rubbing off on Morely because he looked better than ever out there.




Time for the main event. A three-way Full Metal Mayhem match between Helms, Haas and Paul London. It starts slow but, by the end, it’s flat out crazy and the crowd is chanting “TWA” for the first time ever. Helms retrieves the belt and remains the champion but, in a match this good, everybody wins.




For the first time our angles didn’t live up to the matches. The answer? More Sids!


Show rating 62

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I had killed two birds with one stone. I had a new Midcarder and a color man who was slightly better than Zybysko. Now let’s hope the three man team works together.


Sid’s monster push was working. He was way more popular in Ontario than the rest of Canada. I wasn’t doing too bad myself. But I had plans for Sid that might hurt him in the end. And how long would it be before I stepped into the ring?


Max Pro, the only other fed in Ontario, had held one show last month and managed a 45 rating. I wasn’t quaking in my boots.


“Who are you guys?”


“We’re the Nail Biters.”


“Some kinda support group?”


“No! We’re a band.”




“So we want to play at your shows.”


“Are you willing to sign one of those waving things?”


“A waiver?”


“Yeah in case anybody punches you. So you can’t sue.”




“Deal then. Show up Thursday.”


A bunch of free punching bags I could take my frustration out on without them suing? Sweet!

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Back at the Jack Couch. The guys seem pretty happy after three straight successful shows. Teddy Hart is surly as usual but otherwise it’s pretty quiet.


Tyson on Tour #4

Week 2 June 2010

From Jack Couch Stadium

Attendance 1,400 (sell-out)


Our first pre-match show features a debut: Beef Wellington! Beef gets the win over Ruckus as I guest on commentary. But these two do not work together at all and the result is a disaster. Not the debut I had hoped for.




Brian Kendrick gets a clean win over Davey Richards and things are much better.




The show itself opens with Sid forcing Little Sid to jump rope and, when he eventually makes a mistake, Sid chokes him out with the jump rope. Or at least that’s what I had planned. Instead I reversed the roles on the booking sheet. This night is not going well…




We break out the ladders as Daniels defends the Canadian championship against Consequences Creed. Luckily our open goes well and, when Daniels retrieves at the fifteen-minute mark, the crowd gives both men some respect.




Now comes the great experiment, Little Sid and Sid Vicious team up to face the jobber core of Tyler Vertias and Pinkie Sanchez. It’s not a great match by any means but Sid comes out of it looking good.




Helms gets the live mic, hyping his match with Teddy Hart. Maybe we overplayed Hart’s role. It might have been better if Helms had focused on himself as this is not a great promo.




What was supposed to be a bathroom break match turns out to be riveting as Kid Kash and Mistico work together like they’ve known each other all their lives. It’s back and forth for 12 minutes until Mistico scores the upset with a quick roll-up. I have to remember to do that again.




Lightning strikes twice as Paul London and Austin Aries work just as well together. London gets the win but the crowd is into it and the action is fantatic.




Time for me to show my face as I vow revenge against Gregory Helms. Slow, painful revenge. Forced to watch a Saved by the Bell marathon level revenge.




We gear up for the end as Charlie Haas takes on Sean Morely. I told Larry to lay off and let these guys call the match themselves. It seems to work out ok. It’s not as good as the London/Aries match but it’s more than adequate. Morely seems determined to show improvement every time he steps in the ring and I’ll be damned if it’s not working.




Our main event is a two out of three falls match as Helms defends the title against Teddy Hart. Helms gets two straight falls just to avoid being predictable but Hart is still sandbagging. Maybe it’s time to buy his happiness…




Well, that angle screw-up guaranteed my angles would be subpar to my matches and the show overall is our worst. But I still consider it a success for our size.


Show rating: 55

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Jimmy Hart retiring? Wow. End of an era.


I called Teddy Hart into my office. I let him vent a bit then slipped him an envelope. When he saw the $2,500 inside he left all smiles. Nobody else was unhappy so I wouldn’t need to flash the checkbook any more, for now.


“Who are you guys?”


“We’re your creative team?”


“Did I hire you?”


“We volunteered.”


“Did you sign waivers?”




“Ok then.”


These pencil necked geeks proceeded to tell me what I already knew. Our main eventers were our biggest stars, we have no young guys who look like future superstars but some have potential. Mistico, Richards, Creed Pinkie Sanchzez and Matt Cross all might be something someday. Daniels is probably our best in-ring guy. Sid is over-the-hill and Charlie Haas will be following soon. They kept yammering on until I got bored and started playing ball-in-cup. That pissed them off. I finally gave one a hard flick to the nose and that scattered them. Man, these guys smell worse than a locker room after the show.

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Hmmm…we’re on our fifth show in the same region yet attendance stays the same. Oh well, don’t argue if it’s working.


Tyson on Tour #5

Week 3 June 2010

From Jack Couch Stadium

Attendance 1,400 (sell-out)


Your pre-show festivities consist of a five-man match. Morely, Creed, Mistico, Paysan and Ruckus. We get ten minutes of solid in-ring action in front of a mostly bored crowd before Morely pins Creed with a Fisherman’s Suplex. I told them to work the crowd and it looks like they did a good job.




Sid jerks the curtain facing Paul London. This is the first match of Sid’s that’s not a flat out squash. London still eats the pin after ten minutes but he looks ok out there.




Sid calls out Little Sid for his lesson and this time I made sure the roles were right. It shows.




Beef Wellington leaves the color desk to get a win over Kid Kash. It’s as bad as you’d expect but wow, Kid Kash actually has a good gimmick. Too bad I’m not going to push him.




Austin Aries squashes Pinkie Sanchez in hopes of building his momentum. It’s actually better than the last match.




I continue to vow revenge against Gregory Helms but this time I make it all about me. I hype my very real accomplishments and make the crowd hate me.




And to top it off I step in the ring to face Matt Cross. I knock him out in under three minutes, totally dominating. But neither us us can sell worth a damn and I have an off night. The weird thing is we work together really well so it’s not a disaster. But I’m not getting more popular if I can’t wrestle better than that.




Daniels and Asylum have a champion versus champion match. Daniels wins of course and it’s a decent enough match up.




Kendrick brings things down with a weak promo against Teddy Hart. Didn’t my so called creative team say this guy was one of my best microphone guys?




The match more than makes up for it. They go 18 minutes at a solid pace pushing the limits of Kendrick’s stamina in hopes of improving it. In the end Hart shoves the ref in the way of s Superkick then manages to get a Sharpshooter locked on. The ref comes to just as Kendrick is forced to tap and the crowd hates Teddy as much as the roster does.




Helms/Haas 2 has to top that so we bust out a steel cage. 19 minutes of great action before Helms lands the Nightmare on Helms Street to put Haas away and retain his title. Now will Helms actually get more popular as a result?




Our matches are still outshining our angles, which isn’t the worst thing I suppose. This turns out to be our second best show ever in spite of it.


Final rating 64

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Jerry Lawler is retiring? Oh, just from in ring competition. Well that’s about fifteen years overdue. Caught Asylum on the radio. He sounded good. He said he liked working with bigger guys. That won’t be easy but maybe a match or two with the Sids is in the cards.


Gregory Helms is just as popular now as when we started… What are we doing wrong? Asylum has sunk to opener status so it’s time to think about a title change. And despite having all the momentum in the world people think of Little Sid as a jobber.


Speaking of Lil Sid, he showed up with a boatload of booze before the show making him very popular. Wait a minute…Lil Sid is 16 years old! Even in Ontario that’s three years under the drinking age. And his dad was ok with it? Fine, whatever.


I guess the booze had an impact on Helms because he let go one of the worst farts any of us have ever encountered. Even with the booze in there people were out of the locker room for about thirty minutes. I tried to tell him to use the washroom next time but he was pretty surly about it. So just when people had forgotten the fight the champ gets even more backstage heat. Has no one told him his title reign isn’t going that well?


Tyson on Tour #6

Week 4 June 2010

From Jack Couch Stadium

Attendance 1,400 (sell-out)


Pre-show Christopher Daniels beats up on the job squad of Tyler Vertias and Pinkie Sanchez. Pinkie has a bad night making a bad match worse but at least Daniels looks good.




We kick off the real show with Sean Morely taking on Austin Aries. Turns out these two have loads of chemistry and we end up with a great opener. Morely makes Aries tap out to get the win.




Next something we should have done a long time ago. I approach Sid Vicious about my problem with Gregory Helms. Perhaps he can help me?


And, wow, just wow.




Nothing could follow that and Asylum defending the Ontario championship against Dan Paysan, even in a ladder match, has no chance. Both guys go all out for eight minutes but two heels is a recipe for a crowd not caring. Even when Paysan retrieves the title to become the new champion the crowd just sits on their hands.




Teddy Hart and Matt Cross are left to pick up the pieces and they get the crowd back into the show. Hart gets a clean win after 11 minutes and we can only hope things pick up from here.


It’s time for Little Sid’s weekly lesson. This time he has to run up three flights of stairs, before Sid shoves him back down.




Paul London takes on Kid Kash and I’m more than satisfied with the results as London picks up the win.




Kendrick comes out to cut a promo, only to be ambushed by Charlie Haas. He beats on Brian for a while before Gregory Helms makes the save and drives Haas off.




Mistico lasts eight and a half minutes against Sid Vicious before falling to a massive Powerbomb.




Helms returns to the ring to swear he’ll retain his title. I interrupt and we exchange insults “pale face”/”illiterate”. It ends up in a brawl before I retreat. But it comes off great. This has to be getting Helms over, it just has to.




Helms hangs around for the Full Metal Mayhem three-way against Kendrick and Haas. It ends up coming across as a let down after the awesome promo before it. All three guys give it there all and Helms busts out some new technical moves I haven’t seen before but this just ain’t good enough.




This week the angles lifted the show, but I still should have protected the main event.


Final rating 60

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How are our guys getting so much radio time? Now it’s Kid Kash and he lets slip he gets nervous before matches high on the card. I don’t think you have much to worry about Kid.


Yes! Helms is finally starting to get over. But Kendrick has dropped out of the main event scene to be replaced by…Teddy Hart? Hmmm…what to do about that? And Little Sid is creeping up in popularity as well.


Amy Dumas is back in the business. We don’t have a single woman working for us. Too tempting to hit them. So good for her but who cares?


“Who are you?”


“Your accountant.”


“What do you want?”


“You told me to let you know about finances after a month.”


“Oh yeah.”


“Well…as I warned you by running four shows we lost more money.”


“How much?”


“Over $38,000.”


“And we started with?”


“Two and a half million”


“So we’ll be bankrupt in…” I counted on my fingers “Ummm…a year?”


“More like five years.”


“Aw that ain’t no thing. We’ll make money by then.”


“Are you certain?”


“Have you been watching the shows?”


“No sir, I despise wrestling.”


I was going to hit him, but I decided just to tape my knuckles up in front of him. He got the message and excused himself to go to the bathroom. I thought he’d go right in front of me.


Bothering me with petty numbers. I had a show to put on.

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Darn, Maximum Pro rose to Regional. Maybe they will be a threat after all.


We had to find a new band for tonight. Why? Because we were going to British Columbia. We didn’t want our popularity in the rest of Canada to totally dry up so a show every few months in BC was in order.


Tyson on Tour #7

Week 1 July 2010

Ladner Leisure Center

Attendance 1,000 (sell-out)


Our pre-show festivities begin with Charlie Haas beating Mistico in a decent match.




In what should have gone on first (wasn’t this going to be first?) Don Paysan squashes Pinkie Sanchez while the crowd craps all over it.




Blech. On with the real show.


Beef Wellington doesn’t even last eight minutes against Sid Vicious but it turns out these two are magic together. Sid comes out looking great and Wellington learns from the experience.




Sid brings out Little Sid and forces him to carry his bags. When he drops one Sid drops him to the floor.




We’re just blessed with good chemistry as Ruckus and Sean Morely put on a match far better than they deserve to. Sean wins off the Flying Splash but I am happy.




Austin Aries has to resort to cheating to beat Matt Cross. The wrestling is ok but no one cares.




Things pick up as I once again launch into a long dia- dia- diatrite (?) against Helms. I promise I will find someone who can take his title. Tonight it’s Teddy Hart’s turn.




London and Kendrick return to action against the throwaway team of Kid Kash and Davey Richards, neither of who deal well with trying to go all out. Kendrick pins Richards in what turns out to be a decent match.




Helms gets a mic.


“Mikey, Mikey, Mikey. I notice you finally stepped in a ring. That’s good. That sets a precedent. See now people know you are a wrestler. And I’m telling you right now I want you in a match. Teddy Hart is not going to take my title away. Nobody is going to take my title away. So if you want me to lose my title you better be prepared to take it yourself.”




Daniels, Creed and a ladder are next. Daniels retains of course and it’s just average all around.




Teddy Hart faces Gregory Helms. They go 25 minutes and handle themselves pretty well. It was supposed to be a draw, a double cage escape, but something goes wrong and Helms ends up winning clean. Six defenses for Helms so far.




The angles helped again. It looks like we’re setting into a groove and we’re more popular in BC than we were before. Now to go back to Ontario to make some money.


Final show rating 64

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Well, Dusty Rhodes has been winning all the best announcer polls for a while, but that’s coming to an end. Dusty is calling it quits, leaving the business. I wonder who will be next?


AJPW wants Charlie Haas? Well he’ll probably work both. I hope…


I remember to call the Nail Biters since we’re back at Jack Couch tonight.


Tyson on Tour #8

Week 2 July 2010

From Jack Couch Stadium

Attendance 1,400 (sell-out)


Pre-show Charlie Haas beats up on Pinkie Sanchez, who has another off night. It’s a submission match designed to show off Haas and Sanchez doesn’t appreciate it.




We kick off the real show with Teddy Hart getting a win over Beef Wellington. Hart has to cheat to win but I’m keeping him happy.




I show up next.


“Gregory Helms. You want a match with me? You want a match with one of the greatest fighters to ever live? You think I should lower myself to compete in front of these Canadians? Well you are going to have to earn it. Tonight you face Brian Kendrick and Paul London in a handicap match. If you win I’ll face you next week. If you lose next week you defend your title in a Four-way dance.”




Mistico and Ruckus fail to follow that but still manage a watchable match. Mistico hits La Mistica to get the pinfall.




For the first time we resort to overbooking a match as Kid Kash, Austin Aries and Matt Cross tangle in a Three-way Dance. Cross pins Kash only to fall to Aries. Kid Kash’s inconsistency keeps the match from rising above average.




Sid Vicious forces Little Sid to punch a concrete wall until his fists are raw and bleeding.




Vicious heads to the ring as we milk his chemistry with Consequences Creed in the rematch. Creed puts up the best fight we’ve seen anyone give Sid but Little Sid interferes to give his father the win.




Asylum gets his rematch for the Ontario championship. Paysan wins, no one cares.




We get serious as Helms faces London and Kendrick. He holds his own incredibly well but the numbers game catches up with him in the end and London reverses an Eye of the Hurricane into a DDT for the pin. Now let’s hope Helms isn’t too pissed…




I ambush Helms after the match but he ends up looking pretty bad as a result. I’m golden and that’s what counts.




Daniels defends the Canadian Championship in a the main event. His opponent is Sean Morely and, for fun, it’s no DQ no count out. These two improv the whole match and the crowd starts hot… but it fades pretty quick as these guys let the crowd down. Once again I forget to protect my main event and kill it with a hot angle before hand. Daniels uses a handful of tights to get the pinfall and retain the title. At least Morely is learning.




Some of the angles helped and we continue to grow in popularity but I’m just not happy with this show.


Final show rating: 61

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Adam Pearce left Ring of Honor? Well that will shake things up. Let’s hope the new booker isn’t hostile. And with Jimmy Hart retired the book at Wrestlicious was open too. I had no intentions of moving but there were going to be some major moves soon. In fact Wrestlelicious was already under a new booker within days. It was… Freddie Prinz Jr.? Ok that’s just weird. Ring of Honor didn’t last much longer as Carlos Colon took charge. That made more sense.


WWE seemed intent on resigning anyone who came up for renewal. And they were supposedly planning big pushes for David Ortunga and Heath Slater. I’d believe it when I saw it.


Helms had been right to complain. Losing the handicap match had really hurt his popularity. That would be hard to rebuild. Oh well, I’m still new at this. Helms had the distinction of being in seven of our top ten matches so far so his title run really was justified. That included the handicap from last week at #10. Also from last week the Sid Vicious/Consequences Creed match had taken the #5 spot.


We had risen to #14 promotion overall, 8th in prestige.


“Who are you?”


“I’m the merchandise guy.”




“Well, we’ve been too conservative with our orders. We’re selling out too often. We need to rethink distribution. It’ll cost a little more but I think we’ll more than make it back.”


“Sure, whatever.”


“Also we need better quality stuff.”


“What’s wrong with our stuff.”


“Well take your shirts. The decal is just ironed on instead of silk screened. It makes you look ugly.”


“Are you saying I’m ugly?” I asked, drawing back my fist.


“No! Just that crappy merchandise makes it look like you are.”


“Fine, fix it. You better be right about this making us more money.”


“I’m sure of it.”


“Or else.”


He gulped. “Or else?”


“Or else.”


Now, would the Four-way Dance work out?

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What the heck, we’d try Cogeco one more time. We were slightly more popular in two places now.


Even a very happy Teddy Hart is still backstage poison.


Tyson on Tour #9

Week 3 July 2010

From Jack Couch Stadium

Attendance 1,400 (sell-out)


Our pre-show is Consequences Creed versus Davey Richards. Richards refused to job but I made him cheat to win. It’s fine for what it is.




We open with Sid crushing Matt Cross in under six minutes. It’s a fine opener.




Then Sid calls out Little Sid. This time he quizzes him on US capitals and every time he gets one wrong Sid slaps him. It really fires up the crowd. Now if Little Sid would just get over faster.




A second squash follows as Dan Paysan beats up on Tyler Veritas. It’s non-title as I realize the Ontario championship was supposed to be a low level title but I created it as main event. It’s now floating but it’s way too prestigious for these two to fight over.




Paul London and Kid Kash have to redeem things and they do fine. London gets the win to build on his win over Helms last week. Kash learns a thing or two even at his age.




I show up next to taunt Helms. I run down every possible way the three opponents in tonight’s match can beat him and I laugh at the prospect.




Daniels and Wellington try to follow that. I don’t make it easy as I tell Zbysko to keep Daniels strong while protecting Wellington. Daniels goes over clean and defends the Canadian Championship for the 5th time.




Misitco takes on Ruckus next. Ruckus has the worst possible gimmick I have to say. I tell them to go all out and let Mistico shine. Somehow, the two manage to show up Daniels.




We let Austin Aries take the mic as he and Kendrick face off before their match. It’s not great but it might help Aries.




The match is next and Kendrick wins, just like his partner, to continue establishing them as threats.




And now for the main event. Helms/Haas/Morely/Hart. Hart gets the first pin when he takes out Morely. But Haas traps him in the Haas of Pain and makes him submit. Helms hits the Nightmare on Helms Street for the pin at 15:24.




Will Helms ever lose the belt?


Final show rating: 66

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The Cogeco guy showed up in person to tell me they were turning us down. He regrets it now.


Tyson on Tour #10

Week 4 July 2010

From Jack Couch Stadium

Attendance 1,343 (uh-oh)


The pre-show is a quick six-man. If you don’t see them on the card elsewhere they are in this match. Mistico gets the win.




Paul London faces Charlie Haas to start the festivities. London has an off night so the match isn’t what I hoped but it’s still not bad. London’s win streak comes to an end as Haas resorts to underhanded tactics to pick up the win and fifteen minutes wasn’t enough time for these two.




I head out next.


“Helms, I liked your ugly mug better when you wore a mask. I am going to get that belt off you one way or another. Tonight I give Austin Aries his first ever shot. If he can’t stop you I’ll find someone who can. You make me sick you santa-monious prick. If it takes an army I’m taking you down.”




Sid and Sid face Consequences Creed in a handicap match. Big Sid does the heavy lifting and picks up the win. He comes out looking good, despite having an off night.




We give the crowd a break as Don Paysan beats Pinkie Sanchez. It’s non-title once again as Paysan probably won’t defend the title until I figure out who can take it away from him. It’s a crappy match but I think Pinkie learned something.




I attack Helms backstage but he ends up looking horrible in the segment. Am I helping him or hurting him?




Beef Wellington rolls up Ruckus after a quick match and…did I already know these two suck together? This is not going to help either guy.




Kendrick and Hart have to get the crowd back and they put on a decent match. Hart wins with a handful of tights.




Daniels and Morely have an exchange before their match. These guys are supposed to be decent on the stick and this is not up to the standard we need to review.




They get in the ring to follow it up and they show they can get the job done between the ropes. Daniels gets the win to retain the Canadian championship.




I wonder how Aries and Daniels can follow this and only their great chemistry saves the match from being a letdown. It’s a tables match, runs over 20 minutes and ends with a great spot by Aries to go through the table.




Looks like the angles and matches were about equal this time. But we didn’t sell out. Helms/Aries didn’t put butts in seats.


Final show rating: 61

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Time for some repetition. Milk some chemistry we know about.


Ring of Honor wants Helms now. But at least they have to share.


I stared at the two guys in my office.


“Ummm…merchandise guy, right?” he nods “Shoot.”


“We’re up two grand on merchandise last month. And we only changed strategy part way through.”


“Good, you can go. Accountant guy?”


“We lost a little more money last month.”


“Just a little?”


“Yes sir.”


“But we went to BC.”


“Yes, ticket sales were down but as you heard merchandise was up. Fewer expensive matches kept expenses down and you paid no bonuses.”


“Cool.” I faked a punch again, just to get him to flinch.


It was going to be a long road to the next level. And expenses would skyrocket then as we’d need real staff. We’d have to hire women too. The press might start paying attention too and we had some notorious drug users on the roster. As well as things were going now it was a hard road to come.

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