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Tyson Wrestling Alliance (RW created fed)

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“I can’t do this anymore.”




“Wrestle. I ache all over. 3 more months and then I’m done. I can be the commissioner from here on out.”


“Well.” I say fighting like crazy to sound disappointed instead of jubilant. “You have the main event tomorrow. Hopefully that will be good.”


“Of course it will! I’m going to give them something to remember me by.”


That could be true in a number of ways though…


I celebrated by skimming through a lot of WWE programming. It was weird, WWE put on some of the best wrestling I’d ever seen, on RAW. Their Pay Per View shows were on par with our shows quality wise. What was up with that?


I should hire someone new near the top of the card. Pickings are pretty slim, a lot of guys are on tours, but maybe he would come back…


What the? We could have sold out a larger arena than our new one with this show. Sure it’ll be great for TV for a long time but I hope Warrior isn’t married to having events here.


Tyson on Tour 43

Week 1 July 2011

Tyson’s Playhouse

Attendance: 5,000 (Sellout)


In the dark Pinkie Sanchez faces Raven and I come /this/ close to giving Pinkie the win. But an angry Raven is not going to help the backstage area.




Next Sid, Mike Knox and Sean Morely square off in a Triple Threat. Morely is a non-factor but it’s Sid who manages to Choke Slam Knox for the win. Mike Knox does manage to hit an Elbow Drop!




Haas and Shelley face off in a throwaway match that attempts to steal the show. If this had gone a little longer it would have been a classic. As is, it still rocks as Shelley picks up the win.




I knew Booker T and Warrior facing off wouldn’t be gold but I never expected the opened to outshine it. Booker announces tonight he is going to bury Warrior, because their match will be a casket match.




I decide to see what Mike Sydal can do as I give him a non-title match against Austin Aries. This turns out to be a bad choice as these two have chemistry issues. It turns out ok but it’s not a good gage of Sydal’s stuff.




We give Kendrick a mic to hype his match with Sabin later. It’s… ok.




Shhh! successfully defend their titles against Beef Wellington and Tajiri in a ladder match.




And, in what was supposed to be a bathroom break match, Paul London drags Tomko to what must be one of the best matches of his career. They do just as well as the opener. These might still be top ten matches, it’s close.




A quick ten-man Battle Royal is next: Creed, Paysan, Richards, Evans, Fleisch (who is still rusty), Kaakakookoo, Kid Kash, Matt Cross, Reid Flair and Rob Conway. The final four comes down to Cross, Evans, Creed and Kash with Evans eventually dumping Cross for the win. There’s your paycheck boys.




I come out to speak but Williams jumps me on the entrance ramp and we brawl until security tears us apart in the highpoint of the show so far.




Sabin and Kendrick go almost 30 in the semi-main. It’s not that great a match but it will probably still overshadow the main event and this show could ****ing hurt our popularity.




By the way, Tommy Dreamer is not as good as Beef Wellington on the announce desk. There’s only a few months left on his contract. Will Warrior even let me re-sign him when he’s injured?


As for the match. Well, it’s not awful. That’s a testament to Booker T who has the heat for the entire match. Nobody is surprised when I interfere and Booker traps Warrior in the casket to retain his title. Oh, we didn’t mention it was a title match? Well too bad, it still counts as Warrior’s shot.




What? We actually got more popular? Wow, the undercard has never been so vital to our success before. If only Warrior had agreed to open…


Final Show Rating: 74

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I’ve imposed some “Owner Goals” from Warrior. Nothing too strenuous, yet:


Minimum Charisma: 40

Minimum Selling: 26

Minimum Stamina: 40


Reid Flair must gain popularity

Tyson’s Playhouse must be used until we can draw 7,500 fans

We must not fall below 5 million

We must gain popularity in Canada


I never did see any results from my dirty trick…


I point out to Warrior that Reid Flair is now a legitmate lower midcarder. That means I can start giving him wins. Warrior admits my strategy worked. Then he pointed out I had left the Canadian championship vacant. Whoops.


Mike Sydal leaves Respect, just as I had planned. That would hurt them, good luck signing anyone that good to a local fed.


Warrior comes to me with a wacky idea. An annual show with just the non-TV guys to tour our less popular areas. I point out that’s only about ten guys. He says make it a two hour medium show. I sigh and agree and book it for mid-August. I can always have a few of the big names guest for a main event. Pity Dreamer is injured. We name the show Rebellion and even create a tournament title for it. That will come in handy.


Roderick Strong drives a hard bargain, especially for a guy I only plan to use at events, but I sign him anyway. I just need to use him every month or pay out a large downside.


It’s time to give Paul London a gimmick at last and hope it turns out well. He’s a Fan Favorite, let him act like one. Might as well have Kendrick go the same way. I’m going to need these guys in the main event soon.


Off to BC.

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I love when Lance tells stories. So does everyone else. The man should write an autobiography.


Total Tyson Wrestling

Week 2 July 2011

Kamloops Memorial Arena

Attendance: 2,000 (Sellout!)


The pre-show kicks off with Shhh! in a non-title match against Consequences Creed and Reid Flair. The champs cheat to get the win.




Mike Knox and Tomko go to a ten-minute time limit draw.




Paul London and Brian Kendrick debut their new gimmicks and… man. Kendrick’s is just as bad as the last one and London is as bad, worse than having no gimmick at all. They pick up an easy win over The Throwbacks (Kid Kash and Mike Sydal).




Booker T comes to the ring to taunt his opponent, Charlie Haas, and announce the stipulation. Tonight sees the return of the Taser on a Pole match!




The Canadian title is vacant no longer as Davey Richards defeats Dan Paysan in a match that doesn’t inspire faith for his title run.




Warrior comes to the ring. Before he can speak Sid’s music hits. The two men stare each other down for a long time before they both turn and leave in opposite directions.




In the semi-main Austin Aries defends his Ontario Championship against the Machine Guns in a Triple Threat match. The pair work together for a long time but, when they finally turn on each other, Aries uses it to his advantage and manages to hit his 450 Splash on Shelley for the pin.




The main event will be better. I’m sure of it. But first a breather as Petey Williams and I have a brawl backstage.




The main event dawns and I sit back to watch the great chemistry of Haas and Booker T carry them to a great match. But, as the match wears on, the lack of psychology starts to show. And Haas has been working too hard and is not at his best. So it’s a good match, not great by today’s standards but worthy of a main event. Booker hits a Book End, and grabs the taser. Haas can only avoid him for so long before he goes down spasming. Booker arrogantly lets the ref count him out rather than pinning him as the crowd boos like crazy.


It’s rare Booker fights a guy who can teach him something about technical wrestling.




Final Show Rating: 78

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Ok, let’s talk to the Top 10 people.



#10 London and Kendrick defeated Motor City Machine Guns in a Full Metal Mayhem match (Tyson on Tour 38)

#9 Paul London defeated Tomko (Tyson on Tour 43)

#8 London and Kendrick defeated Motor City Machine Guns and Aries/Haas (Tyson Total Wrestling April 2011)

#7 Alex Shelley defeated Charlie Haas (Tyson on Tour 43)

#6 Booker T defeated Charlie Haas (Tyson Total Wrestling July 2011)

#5 Booker T defeated Brian Kendrick (Tyson Total Wrestling March 2011)

#4 Alex Shelley defeated Paul London (Tyson Total Wrestling June 2011)

#3 Booker T defeated Petey Williams in a Modern Cage Match (Tyson Total Wrestling June 2011)

#2 Booker T defeated Paul London (Tyson Total Wrestling June 2011)

#1 Booker T defeated Petey Williams in a Modern Cage Match (Tyson on Tour 40)


I move Pinkie Sanchez to TV brand and try to steal a replacement from MaxPro. I also change the event announce team again, replacing Zbyszko with Beef Wellington. Larry works as a Road Agent either way so he gets his check. Plus he has never improved and Beef continues to. So does Hudson for that matter.


Just two weeks and we start shopping for a new TV network.

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It’s been a while since anybody brought booze to the show. This time it’s Mike Knox.


Total Tyson Wrestling

Week 3 July 2011

Tyson’s Playhouse

Attendance: 4,610


The entire dark show is eaten up by an big expensive ten-man match. The Guns, Haas, Paysan, Knox, Kash, Sydal, Pinkie Sanchez, Tomko and Reid Flair. The Guns, Knox and Tomko are the final four. The Guns dump Tomko but Sabin turns on Shelley and eliminates him. But there appears to be no hard feelings as, later, Shelley pulls down the top rope to allow Sabin to dump Knox and win.




We open with Aries defending his Ontario championship against Sid. Sid is tired by the time he taps to The Last Chancery. I expected worse so I’m happy.




Booker T taunts Williams. His title shot tonight will be his last one. This has gone on long enough. It’s time for Williams to accept that he is a loser and move on with being a jobber for the rest of his career.


Wow. That was… wow I did not expect gold like that.




With the crowd on fire they absolutely eat up what was supposed to be a piss break match. Davey Richards defends his Ontario Championship against Consequences Creed. And this title run has lit a fire under Richards because these two put on an excellent match.




I’m about to run my mouth when, once again Warrior destroys me. It’s just about time to decide how to evolve our storyline. Do we keep the heat on Booker or Warrior and I?




The semi-main is a Four-Way Dance between London, Kendrick, Daivari and Moore. Alliances break down quickly and it becomes truly every man for himself. Daivari goes first, Moore takes out Kendrick, London takes down Moore for the win. This crowd is having a great time. But will they be burned out for the main event?




Nope, the crowd is just fine for the main event. And Booker and Petey go at like they really will never face each other again. It’s a submission match so it turns into a technical clinic. Heck, Booker T shows that he may be losing the fight with age but he can still learn a thing or two to help stave off Father Time.




Between the main event (#3 of all time) and the angles we wind up with our BEST! SHOW! EVER!


Final Show Rating: 88

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Damn, Dragon’s Gate US grew to Cult size. They already ranked ahead of us this would make things worse. Yep, suddenly they want about six of my workers. They should choose me over them but this only aggravates my fatigue issue.


Rick Steiner and Ken Shamrock both retire.


Storm re-signs and it’s time to negotiate with Tajiri again.


“How you doing?” he asks me.


“I’m good. And thanks again.”


“Thanks for moving me to the TV show.”


“I’ll do my best to get you some national exposure. It’s the least I can do.”


“Just don’t do it again.”


“Thanks Pinkie.”

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I notice we seem to draw way more fans than we expect to when we hold the shows at the Playhouse.


Total Tyson Wrestling

Week 4 July 2011

Tyson’s Playhouse

Attendance: 4,246


A great match gets wasted in the dark as The Gun, Shhh!, Credo and the makeshift team of Haas and Williams square off. It goes 14 minutes in the dark and heats the crowd up for the main show. Not that long ago this would have been a top 10 match.




We open with a bad idea. Me and Davey Richards versus Warrior and Reid Flair. This storyline is going to die fast I’m sure. Not nearly enough selling. Not nearly enough consistency. Heck, it probably should have been worse. The crowd was at least hot from the warmup match.




Knox squashes Kash as I rebuild the Brute.




Booker T gets some mic time to just plug himself and it goes well.




My next plan fails. Aries defending his title against both Paul London and Sid. The original plan was for this to be non-title and London to get the win. But Aries refused to do the job so I put the title on the line since he was winning anyway. What we end up with is a bad match.




Kendrick hypes his title shot against the T man. He does quite well. “Creative” is right this guy can go on the mic.




Booker T versus Brian Kendrick is a pretty by-the-numbers Cage match. It goes twenty-five minutes with no stamina or psychology issues. The end result is a fine main event considering Kendrick isn’t a main eventer.




Yeah that’s a good show.


Final Show Rating: 79

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Shelley leaves RoH for DGUS, Richards and London join him there. Shannon Moore hurts his nose working for someone else. It’s minor but he won’t be at 100% for the next show. Petey Williams changes his style to Japanese Junior which Lance and Larry agree suits him better.


The time finally comes to try to move to a new network. Warrior and Media Guy and I sit down and discuss options. We settle on two possibilities at first. The Score is our best bet but they already carry RAW and Smackdown. Much Music is against wrestling generally but the industry is doing ok so maybe they’ll accept.


Accounting guy looks better these days. He tells me we’re now losing the same kind of money we lost when we were a regional fed with a TV show. So I guess that’s better. Warrior doesn’t want us dropping below five million but that seems workable.

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Finally a peaceful night.


Total Tyson Wrestling

Week 1 August 2011

Tyson’s Playhouse

Attendance: 4,622


Credo take on Richards and Tomko and come up short in tonight’s only dark match.




We fill the rest of the pre-show with me calling out Petey Williams then throwing him out of the building complete with a security escort. Let’s see if that got the crowd hot.




It did. But the opener, a Triple Threat between Knox, Sid and Warrior totally wastes it. This is just awful. What’s worse, Warrior refuses to job so ends up pinning Sid to get the abominzation over with.




Booker T rips into Paul London about him getting yet another title shot. Isn’t it time to hire some new guys and clear out the dead wood?


Sure Book, you find a decent free agent these days.




Haas and Aries get a win over The Throwbacks in a surprisingly good match.




Not to be outdone The Guns drag Reid Flair and Pinkie Sanchez to an even better match.




The Guns then vow they will not rest until they drive London and Kendrick from the federation.




Despite needing to protect Moore’s injured nose Kendrick manages to get an even better match than the last two out of Shannon Moore before hitting Sliced Bread #2 for the pin at the seventeen-minute mark.



You know I have to wonder if all these slow building matches are exposing my worker’s lack of psychology. Maybe if the matches were more fast paced it wouldn’t show as much. I’m not sure. But when we get results like this is hardly matters. Booker continues his unstoppable reign as champion with what officially counts as his ninth title defense.




Our string of great shows continues with this ranking as #3 of all time. Booker T now holds 7 of our top 10 matches. Can anything stop us now? Surely one of the new TV networks will be interested.


Final Show Rating: 83

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Considering we weren’t planning on having a tag team dividon we now had 8 regular teams once I officially joined Flair and Sanchez up.


Tyson on Tour #44

Week 1 August 2011

Tyson’s Playhouse

Attendance: 5,000 (Sellout!)


In the dark, The Throwbacks actually get a win against Matt Cross and Kabukee. This worked out pretty well. Good enough it could have been on the main show.




Our new jobber gets a rough first night as he has to take on three men: Tomko, Sean Morely and Rob Conway. He doesn’t last long, the crowd’s interest is even shorter.




Ok, let’s fire this puppy up.


We start with Mike Knox beating up on Jack Evans for almost 13 solid minutes with Evans barely getting any offense in at all. Yes, I need Knox to challenge Booker T. I need to build him up.




As Mike Knox celebrates Booker T comes out to run him down on the mic. Knox looks ready to tear his head off but Booker never get close.




Remember how I made Pinkie Sanchez and Reid Flair a tag team? Well it’s the non-team of Pinkie and Jody Fleisch who get a tag title shot tonight. Fleisch still hasn’t worked his rust off, Daivari has an off night and the belts are a drag not a help. But they still manage an ok match with the champions retaining after blatant cheating.




Petey Williams gets a win over Raven, who is tired after fifteen minutes. I don’t see Raven getting that title reign.




With nothing else to do I give Aries, Haas and Lacey some time mic time to promote themselves. Aries looks good out there, Haas is ok, Lacey… not so good.




Sid manages to dominate Credo and take them both out with Double Choke Slams.




Roderick Strong, a self-proclaimed Ring of Honor invader, picks up a debut win over Reid Flair.




We bring out the ladders as Davey Richards defends his Canadian championship against Tajiri. It turns out to be quite a good match with Richards going over clean.




Warrior and I have another of our famous brawls and Warrior can finally hold his own against me.




Paul London faces Alex Shelley. Shelley refuses to job but I manage to pull off a double count out on an audible. London has an off night so it was good this was only the semi-main.




And we burn out the crowd. The main event is Booker T versus Brian Kendrick versus Charlie Haas in a Full Metal Mayhem match. Yes, the lack of psychology shows up again but that’s not enough to drag it down as much as the crowd problems. When Booker does pin Kendrick the crowd ends up happy but I expected a lot more.




Yeah… that’s not good enough. The crowd got fed up with Jody Fleisch and the angles weren’t up to snuff. Shows like this in Ontario will mean we’re just treading water. Not to mention the locker room will be let down.


Final Show Rating: 72

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I try not to beat myself up too much when the live shows fail. If we had a PPV deal things would be different but, when it comes down to it, these live shows are not as important, quality wise, as TV.


Respect finds itself without a booker. Let’s hope they just die.


Warrior, Media Guy and myself pace a groove in the carpet as we wait on word of a new TV deal. When they don’t get back to us by the time we have to leave for BC we send out offers to YTV and The Comedy Network as well, just so we don’t run out of negotiation time.


I go for a few drinks in BC and some punk MaxPro fan gets in my face. He throws the first punch but, being a trained boxer, I almost get into trouble for hitting back. As is I’m up all night dealing with cops and I’m beat tired when I head to the arena.

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The TV roster has grown a bit. It’s hard to get everyone on the show tonight.


Total Tyson Wrestling

Week 2 August 2011

Coquitlam Sports Center

Attendance: 2,000 (Sellout)


Petey Williams starts us off against Kid Kash. Even with great chemistry it’s not all that good.




Credo and Shhh! meet yet again. It’s non-title but the champs still go over after a ref bump and a double team.




And we’re live:


London and Kendrick get a win over Sid and Tomko in what turns out to be a good match.




Booker T gets his usual mic time to taunt tonight’s opponent: Charlie Haas.




The Guns also have to carry a weak team: Pinkie Sanchez and Reid Flair to a match that is nothing special.




In a crowd cooler Beef Wellington gets into the ring and beats Mike Sydal.




Finally things pick up in a champion versus champion match as Austin Aries takes on Davey Richards. I don’t know why this match doesn’t agree with Richards but it turns out just fine anyway.




Can the main event live up?


Booker T and Charlie Haas have great chemistry but I’d love to not have Larry and Lance yammering about psychology all the time. But who was going to teach some of the best guys on my roster to be better? It’s a standard match and it’s booked a little too standard. It doesn’t blow anyone away and Booker cheating to win is getting tired. Somebody will have to take that belt off him sometime.




Booker is celebrating when Mike Knox hits the ring and destroys him.




Though the show is over we the live crowd a treat as Warrior tries to chase me backstage only to have me flee in my car.




This is getting boring. We need to shake things up somehow.


Final Show Rating: 79

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