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Im looking to start a WWF InVasion diary, I have compiled the rosters but I am just stuck now. Anyone help me by telling me what storylines were going on in WWF and WCW at the time of the last Nitro [The last Nitro never happens in my diary].

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Since your a WWF guy, can you confirm these were the titles holders as of the 26th March 2001


WWF Championship

Steve Austin

WWF Intercontinental Championship

Jeff Hardy

WWF Tag Team Championship

The Dudley Boyz

WWF European Championship


WWF Light Heavyweight Championship

Dean Malenko

WWF Hardcore Championship


WWE Womens Championship


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Since your a WWF guy, can you confirm these were the titles holders as of the 26th March 2001


WWF Championship

Steve Austin

WWF Intercontinental Championship

Jeff Hardy

WWF Tag Team Championship

The Dudley Boyz

WWF European Championship


WWF Light Heavyweight Championship

Dean Malenko

WWF Hardcore Championship


WWE Womens Championship



Since you're presumably starting the data in April 2001 (since Nitro ended week 4 of March), I'd go with the Wrestlemania X7 title holders. That's Austin as champ, Edge & Christian as tag champs, Chris Jericho as IC champ, Kane as hardcore champ, Eddie Guerrero as Euro champ, Chyna as women's champ, and Malenko as Light Heavyweight champ.


Wikipedia is a pretty useful resource for this stuff: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wrestlemania_x-7

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Since your a WWF guy, can you confirm these were the titles holders as of the 26th March 2001


WWF Championship

Steve Austin

WWF Intercontinental Championship

Jeff Hardy

WWF Tag Team Championship

The Dudley Boyz

WWF European Championship


WWF Light Heavyweight Championship

Dean Malenko

WWF Hardcore Championship


WWE Womens Championship



The Rock was the WWF Champion at the time. Austin didn't win it until Wrestlemania X-7 on April 1st.


Chris Jericho was the Intercontinental Champion from January 21st until April 3rd's edition of Smackdown.


Dudleyz are correct.


Test is correct.


Crash Holly was light heavyweight champion from March 18th until April 29th.


Raven is correct.


As is Ivory

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Since you're presumably starting the data in April 2001 (since Nitro ended week 4 of March), I'd go with the Wrestlemania X7 title holders. That's Austin as champ, Edge & Christian as tag champs, Chris Jericho as IC champ, Kane as hardcore champ, Eddie Guerrero as Euro champ, Chyna as women's champ, and Malenko as Light Heavyweight champ.


Wikipedia is a pretty useful resource for this stuff: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wrestlemania_x-7


Wrestlemania will be the biggest deciding factor in who the champions are. Do you want to start the game pre- or post-WM?

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Okay. For game purposes, since every month has only 28 days, you would look to have that start time as Week 4 of March. Ensure that WWF (it's still F at this point, right?) has 'Mania on Sunday of Week 4, which it likely already is.


With those conditions set, Jaysin's list of champions is accurate.

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Okay. For game purposes, since every month has only 28 days, you would look to have that start time as Week 4 of March. Ensure that WWF (it's still F at this point, right?) has 'Mania on Sunday of Week 4, which it likely already is.


With those conditions set, Jaysin's list of champions is accurate.


Except you can't set start times by week, hence my question.

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Im editing a mod to my liking, and thats the data I want to start at. Ill be simming until that date in the game, booking shows with no real purpose other than to get good ratings and then starting from March 26th.


Thanks for the list, ill do some more digging for the storylines at the time.

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