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The Infamous, Rebellious, Suicidal… 4C; The Evolution of GREED

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For Raj, he was expected to shift to a more 'serious' persona, so the change you have chosen is awesome xD


Yea, to be honest, at one point, I was going to have him allign with 187 as Hardcore Killah had been 'thrown to the wolves' after Sayeed's match. That said, as I continued to look at his character, while matching that with the ridiculous smile he has in his default picture, it just all came to me: This closeted sci-fi geek coming out and finally shedding away who people think he is for who he truly is. More or less, He'll be very unique to write for as I'll be able to utilize the whole "over the top" feeling that Totally Supreme had in DOA; however, coupled with sci-fi lingo that I'm sure I'll have to read up on. haha.




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The results for "Crossroads" are up on the previous page (Posted: 06/15/2010; ie: Yesterday). If you're looking for something to read, or consider yourself to be an avid 4C follower, then give it a read. I'm always a fan of hearing any sense of feedback from you all; what you liked, didn't like, etc. Either way, just wanted to let you know that they were up since my last post crossed us over into a new page!

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+ Taken from a Radio Interview Jacob Jett gave to a local, Ontario, radio station - 99.5 "The Rush".




“It’s bull-sh*t. That’s what it is. I don’t think there is a better way to describe it. He bails on Arcadia and now winds up in ‘my neck of the woods’; threatening the very thing I love the most. Now, if that wasn’t bad enough, he’s brought in a slew of his ‘cronies’ to overtake our events. Honestly, There are some really good men being pushed aside for these guys. I mean, normally I wouldn’t have a problem; but, in 2 months he’s already handed his ‘buddies’ their gifts. What’s next? Is 4C going to become just another heap of ruins like his previous places? I mean, he comes in, destroys everything, and then just leaves these companies as a shell of what they use to be. He’s a nuclear bomb; that’s what he is. A f*cking nuclear bomb.”


“Harsh words for a guy who put the top title on you, Don’t you think, Jacob?
God, I’d hate to be backstage at one of those events if things are going on as such.”


A slight chuckle is heard from Jacob; joining with the interviewer in this sense.


“Who else could he put the belt on?”


You can almost feel the arrogant smirk forming upon his face after such a statement; laughing there after at the absurdity of such a statement.


“Slipping into your ‘Amazing’ persona are we?”


The two continue to laugh heartily.


“No, no. I kid. I can’t help but slip into the character every once in awhile. When you play it for so long, It becomes a part of you. Honestly, 4C is chalked full of a round of great guys. My beef with John is personal. Yes, he put the title on me; but, part of me feels that it’s a ‘peace offering’ in a way. I don’t know. I’m a trusting guy; but, I don’t trust him. I just can’t when all he’s shown is the opposite.”


It was weird to hear Jacob speak in his own words on the matter. That said, It would have been nice to hear such feelings in person versus via a radio interview for all the world to hear. Then again, maybe this was the best route to go with. I mean, yes, he did air our ‘dirty laundry’ before the masses; but, I’m afraid that this wouldn’t have been said if I were in the room. Jacob was too ‘good’ of a guy to really voice his opinion in that manner. Instead, He simply uses the silent treatment to normally keep me at bay; subconsciously sending me a message as to his distrust.


Is it realistic for him to still dislike me? Sure. Is there merit to his statement? Sure. With that said; however, I have no plans on changing in the slightest. If I am to be a ‘nuclear bomb’ then I guess it will meld quite well with the overall narrative that 4C typically portrays. If anything, such a statement could lure some ‘side-line’ wrestling fans to search us out. As you know, Controversy is something I never stray away from. If anything, it only helps to perpetuate your name; giving you an ability to be seen/heard above all. It may be a deadly game to play; but, it’s a game I will choose to play till the day I die.


Will we ever be able to patch things up? I’m not really sure. To be honest, with me on board, I don’t really expect Jacob to stay very long in 4C. Sure, It’s his ‘baby’ in a way; but, there were many before him who also saw this company as their ‘baby’. With time, Money will talk. With time, Fame will talk. When that happens, Jacob will be on the first flight out of Ontario; on his way to one of the bigger companies.


I don’t doubt his loyalty; even when saying that. I guess, deep down, he knows of “G-Man’s” love for me. He knows that there is no swaying the mentally degenerated man that stands atop this whole kingdom. So, instead of raising a stink in a total prima donna kind of fashion, he has decided to simply ‘shut down’ verbally; closing any sense of conversation between he and the headbooker. With our dwindling relationship as an obvious problem backstage, and with any future booking ideas, it’s pretty easy to see that Jacob will eventually ‘jump’.


Until then though, or until we find a way to patch this problem, I will continue forward with my plans; hoping that Jacob doesn’t use his locker-room-influence to sway the 4C masses into an all-out revolt. It hasn’t happened yet; but, something pushes me to think that things could gravitate in that direction if anything drastic were to take place. In the end, I was brought here in which to ‘shake things up’; and ‘shake things up’ I will certainly do.
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I was expecting Hardcore Killah to be dumped at some point, but I'm surprised it happened in this show as I didn't see any hints in the previous ones. It won't be an easy thing to do, but it looks like Jett and Flash might have to work together for some times against the Gatekeepers.


I might be nitpicking, but I don't like that render for the 4C championship. That's an eagle right ? That's so not a canadian symbol. With our proximity to the US, it's kinda pre-set in our minds that anything remotely associated to an eagle is an american thing.

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I was expecting Hardcore Killah to be dumped at some point, but I'm surprised it happened in this show as I didn't see any hints in the previous ones. It won't be an easy thing to do, but it looks like Jett and Flash might have to work together for some times against the Gatekeepers.


Hardcore Killah's 'drop' from 187 comes off of him costing Sayeed Ali a victory in the main event tag match at "Blood Brothers". It's hard to find as it was right at the end of the match; however, Killah ended up striking Sayeed in the head with a steel chair accidentally. That's why, when the attack happened on this show, I had Sayeed and Slim-V look at eachother as if it was something they had talked about prior. So, it's a 'shock' to everyone as it all transpires pretty quickly. With that said, there's a reason of Killah's demise I guess so quickly as he's due to be released by the end of the month since he doesn't have enough Charisma (pre-set by Winner).


As for Flash/Jett, What comes next will certainly be a crazy scenario as it tests everyone's view of all involved. ;)


I might be nitpicking, but I don't like that render for the 4C championship. That's an eagle right ? That's so not a canadian symbol. With our proximity to the US, it's kinda pre-set in our minds that anything remotely associated to an eagle is an american thing.


It's not my favorite render but I ran with it since it's one that ReapeR had put together in his thread. Would I love a new alt render of the title? Certainly, yes. ;) Will I bother ReapeR in which to get it? Probably not. He's a busy man and I don't want to impose anything upon him that make get in the way of other things. :D

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Are the 187's getting a new member?


Also LOVED the ending of the Jett/Flash ladder match. Serves Jett right for disrespecting The Gatekeepers. I am also kinda hoping that Flash is in on it. The Ultimate Gatekeepers of Wrestling seems like a good position to put 4C on the map.

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Are the 187's getting a new member?


It's in the works right now. I'm trying to find the right fit for the most part though. There are the obvious choices like: Omar Brown and R.K. Hayes (Who may not sign due to the fact that we aren't popular enough); but, there are also some names that some may not expect to fill in the fold. I doubt they will have their addition by the next show, "Back to the Basics", but, with time, they'll most likely see an addition to round out the trio vs. R.A.T.S.


Also LOVED the ending of the Jett/Flash ladder match. Serves Jett right for disrespecting The Gatekeepers. I am also kinda hoping that Flash is in on it. The Ultimate Gatekeepers of Wrestling seems like a good position to put 4C on the map.


Thank you! It was something that I thought some may like, and some may dislike; so, I knew it may be polarizing. Not in that "how could you?" kind of fashion but in the fact that John is bringing more of a dark, Cult-like SE, vibe to 4C. In a way, 4C is a "smarks" company; so, with that in mind, you'll always find a challenge of making everyone happy.


As for The Gatekeepers, There certainly will be an addition or two down the line. Will it be Steve Flash? That's possible. I don't want to give away too much of the storylines coming up. :D

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Ok maybe I am slow here but is the Jacob Jett/John Greed fued a story driven thing or are there really issues in the game? Don't get me wrong, I like it as it seems to drive the whole thing but just curious if you really had issues in game with him.



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It's funny, you say things exactly the same way I think them; it's a promotion for the "smarks", and you need to find a way to even surprise them. In the same way, many of us when we read this diary think like "smarks" and might be surprised too :D KUTGW is all I can say :D
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I love the Raj thing because it is just so wacky! I was thinking that he would go for a realistic gimmick myself, instead you came out of Leftfield and hit us with an awsome gimmick. Hopefully you can do with Raj, what others have done with Jim Force!


Speaking of which, I would love to see Jim Force show up in one of your diaries. I know 4C might not be right for the Force but it would be great!

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Ok maybe I am slow here but is the Jacob Jett/John Greed fued a story driven thing or are there really issues in the game? Don't get me wrong, I like it as it seems to drive the whole thing but just curious if you really had issues in game with him.




It's a combination of both. When joining 4C in game, after my stint with DOA, I created a "Simmering Tension" relationship between the two. Realistically, if it weren't for how John left DOA, things would be set as 'normal' straight out of the gate. however, in this case, someone like Jett would certainly be feartful of what John Greed may do to the company he loves the most when he saw everything first hand in DOA. Plus, there is a personal vendetta there as Greed didn't really push Jettstream in DOA what so ever. He was a resident jobber if you will. So, It's more or less a continuation of my DOA project; but, I have added this scenario 'in-game' as well.


It's funny, you say things exactly the same way I think them; it's a promotion for the "smarks", and you need to find a way to even surprise them. In the same way, many of us when we read this diary think like "smarks" and might be surprised too :D KUTGW is all I can say :D


It seems we think alike, Funkyzafara. :D


With a company like 4C, typically the people who tend to end up following you religiously are either A) Local fans or B) "Smarks" who are looking for a new avenue to watch after becoming bored of the bigger companies in the region. So, needless to say, I freely promote that our fans are probably raging "smarks". It's hard not to be now a days with the rise of the internet! We all know so much before the product even hits the stage.


With 4C, The only way to find us is A) In person or B) On the internet. There is no TV, no PPV, so we're at mercy of those who are avidly searching for something 'new'. To me, those people tend to be 'smarks'.


I love the Raj thing because it is just so wacky! I was thinking that he would go for a realistic gimmick myself, instead you came out of Leftfield and hit us with an awsome gimmick. Hopefully you can do with Raj, what others have done with Jim Force!


I've always wanted to work with Jim Force. haha. Honestly. I have. I guess, Raj will be the closest thing I will come to booking such a character (wacky and based on the 'cosmos'. haha) I have to say, I was bored with Raj before; however, now I'm all about his new persona. It'll be great to write for, truly crazy, so expect to see Raj as a major component of 4C going forward. The reason? His gimmick for sure. Plus, he's 2-0 since Greed took over 4C anyways. So, it's not too much of a stretch to see him as a threat; regardless of his gimmick.


As for the 'out of left field' thing, That's how I work... ;)

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I see Flash being very Hogan-esk. He's the super over Face who can do no wrong, then BAM he joins The Gate Keepers and turns on everyone. I was getting that vibe reading that last show.


There's always that possibility. While I won't go too far into detail, what I can say is, Steve Flash will play a major role in the top storyline in 4C. With the 4C Championship wrongfully stolen away from Jacob Jett, and to an extent Steve Flash since he could have won their ladder match, a lot will transpire as it pertains to WHO really IS the Champ. Officially, It's still in Jacob Jett's name as the true champion but this notion will be severely tested from a psychological perspective. :D I'm excited to see it go forward; especially using Jett/Flash/and The Gatekeepers as the main focus of such craziness.

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My feet gently graze the mounds of food wrappers encompassing his sunken studio apartment in the ‘warehouse district’ of Ontario, Canada. The unflattering stench of week-old-food violates my nostrils as, for a split second, I actually begin to feel quite faint. While it’s not a ‘perfect living scenario’ by any means, This is what he called home; the man who shares my infamous nature with the wrestling masses, “G-Man”: Troy Winner.


As my eyes begin to wander around the small, cell-like, room, I happen to come across the sight of a make-shift wrestling ring developed out of a cereal box and cracked tongue depressors. The 4C logo, drawn in a child-like manner upon an envelope, is seen taped heavily upon the center of the box; ultimately labeling it as exactly that; A 4C wrestling ring. Meanwhile, there lay 5 familiar action figures, broken and faded; however, confusingly proclaiming themselves as various 4C superstars. How do I know this? There are small strips of tape across each of their chests; misspelled names of 4C wrestlers upon them. Jacob Jett, Duberry Excess, Barry Kingman, and Sayeed Ali all find their names inscribed on the peeling tape. Meanwhile, Troy’s own name, as well misspelled, is seen plastered across the largest action figure of them all. Funnily enough, The figure itself is about 4 times the size of the rest of them; truly towering above them all as it seems that Troy likes the idea of him being a ‘monster’ of a man.


I come to a rest at the plastic lawn table in the corner of the room. The bent legs underneath make the overall piece of furniture practically unusable for any real reason; however, I didn’t really care. I know what it’s like to ‘live off of what’s available’. Hell, I live in my car. At least Troy has an apartment; I guess.


Just then, the bathroom door flies open in a fury, and out walks the “G-Man” himself. His eyes are rather wide, much like a bug, as he mutters to himself; looking down upon the floor as if there were some great novel grabbing his attention. Now, at the table as well, Troy gently looks up at me with a large, comical, smile upon his face. While he may be a little, well.. Weird, there truly is a genuine charm to the man. I guess, This is why most tend to show their absolute loyalty to 4C; proclaiming it as their ‘home’. How couldn’t you? A company that allows you to do whatever you want, in a country not bogged down by the “Big Three”, and an owner who, simply put, has destroyed his credit rating in which to keep the company afloat. Needless to say, there was a sense of comfort forming within as it pertains to this place. Even with a boss who may be seconds away from being thrown, permanently, into the ‘Looney bin’.


“I need your advice, Wonderful prophet of the Wrestling GOD’s.”


While it’s still rather uncomfortable that I’m living a lie, allowing my mentally unstable boss to believe that I’m truly a ‘prophet’, it certainly is helping me in the long run. So far, I’ve seen no push back from Troy in the slightest. If anything, He’s pretty much let me run the company as I see fit. Easily, The most hands-off boss I’ve ever had in my short history ‘behind the curtains’.


“Well, okay. What’s up, Troy? Problems with the bank again? I’m sure, at some point, they’re going to stop lending us cash, huh?”


Despite my line of questioning; Troy goes forward with the real subject lodged in his mind.


“People are calling me; filling up my voicemail. They want me to tell them what I think about you and Jacob [Jett]. I tell them that I don’t know, I just don’t know what they’re talking about, but they can’t hear me through the box of voicemails. They just keep calling, and calling. What do I say to make them go away? The beeping light scares me; I can’t sleep when it beeps, John. I can’t sleep.”


Troy appears to be on the verge of tears; sinking his head downward as it seems that he is truly ‘defeated’ for whatever reason. Jacob and I’s petty little scenario is one thing, but, Troy shouldn’t have to be subjected to this line of questioning. Honestly, I don’t think Troy’s done an actual interview with anyone since the late 90’s. He’s a simple man, living off of the government due to his inabilities to function, lighting up at the sight of a 4C event; the company he has built. The crazy scenario that is the Pro Wrestling media was something best left to me. More or less, It was time to really mend my ways with Jacob; or else, things were going to continue to get worse.


“I’m sorry, Troy. This thing with Jacob is complicated. I’ll make those voicemails go away.”


I extend my right hand out, patting Troy on his back as he continues to look downward; his eyes wide open as if he’s in a state of disbelief.


“I’ll fix it all. The second I leave here, I’m going to find out where Jacob lives & set things straight. Okay? Those voices will go away and you’ll just have to focus on getting to our next event. Is that alright? Sound like a good thing?”


Troy nods his head, still looking downward, as it appears he agrees with me. From there, I try to continue to comfort my boss; however, such a scenario is cut rather short as Grant Truman is seen shuffling through Troy’s studio doorway. His frame is quite hefty, somewhat menacing due to the all-black attire that he consistently wears, as his greasy, borderline stringy, hair sways gently behind him. With a scowl that could kill any living organism from afar, Grant locks eyes with mine; notably unhappy at the sight of Troy on the verge of tears.




It was best for me to leave; so, I did exactly that.


Not exchanging any words with Grant as I know it wouldn’t end in an actual conversation. You see, Grant is more of the lurker; not the open-conversational kind of man. He was much more comfortable with being a ‘fly on the wall’ versus engaging anyone other than his own thoughts.


With all of this in mind, knowing the pain that Jacob and I’s situation was starting to generate, I set forth for his apartment on the outskirts of town; given to me by Sayeed. It was time to finally set things straight; find a way to come to grips with the reality that we both face as manager and employee.


It’s all coming to a head. This could either pave the way for a new wave of something purely “Amazing” - OR - blow up in my face as it only further perpetuates my ‘nuclear bomb’ mentality.


I guess we’ll see.
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Critical-23's Ultra-mega-batsh*t crazy review of Crossroads!!!!!!11!!!


Oh yeah, you flippin' slapheads!! Late this time but you nerds love this blog sh*t no matter how late it is!! Anyways, this event was full of surprises and debuts and twists and turns and--so many things that I can't name it! Let's get to the card, yo!!




Antonio Del Veccio defeated Duberry Excess via flash pinfall.

Wow! Dunno what to say about these Canucks that follow 4C but they need to wake up and smell the awesomeness that is ADV. Once again, they crapped on this match and it is all Duberry Excess' fault. Totally Excess' fault. 3 outta 5 WRISTLOCKS because the crowd crapped on this one. Next!!


Sayeed Ali © defeated Nomad via pinfall.

Wooooo!! This was a surprise even to me as I didn't expect Nomad to roll up in here. And Rage Against The System? Total genius in my opinion. They look like they all lived in Seattle in the 90's during the grunge music boom period. Anyhoo, Sayeed whooped @$$ like I thought he would and gives Nomad a true 'welcome back'. 5 outta 5 Kurt Cobain CDs for this return and for nostalgia purposes. Next!!!


The Gatekeepers win the 4C Tag Championships after defeating The Gilbert Brothers and The Future Kings of Canada.

Wow. Personal vote didn't win this one but the Gilberts STILL turned it up a notch as they always do when their belts are on the line. However, they were outclassed by the 'Keepers and the FOCKers are continuing to impress me and keep an eye on Davey boy, that FOCKer is a future star. 3 outta 5 for Kingman simply breathing in the ring. Next, yo!!


Jacob Jett © and Steve Flash end in a ‘No Contest‘ ruling by Wilson Carlisle due to the Gatekeeper‘s theft of the 4C Championship.


First off 5 outta 5 security guards that SHOULD have been at ringside to prevent this crap!! I like the idea, I really do, and cannot wait to see where this goes. Jett won't be happy and Flash won't be happy--possible team-up? Fan boys' wet dreams right there, yo!! Main thing is this: Greed has taken over another promotion and this time he as more than enough back up. But has he made a mistake in taking Jett's most prized possession? A man with the aerial skills and devil-may-care attitude of Jacob is not one that I would take lightly. Don't look over your shoulders, fellas, always look above. . .Till next time, nerds! PEACE~!

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Critical-23's Ultra-mega-batsh*t crazy review of Crossroads!!!!!!11!!!


Oh yeah, you flippin' slapheads!! Late this time but you nerds love this blog sh*t no matter how late it is!! Anyways, this event was full of surprises and debuts and twists and turns and--so many things that I can't name it! Let's get to the card, yo!!




Antonio Del Veccio defeated Duberry Excess via flash pinfall.

Wow! Dunno what to say about these Canucks that follow 4C but they need to wake up and smell the awesomeness that is ADV. Once again, they crapped on this match and it is all Duberry Excess' fault. Totally Excess' fault. 3 outta 5 WRISTLOCKS because the crowd crapped on this one. Next!!


Sayeed Ali © defeated Nomad via pinfall.

Wooooo!! This was a surprise even to me as I didn't expect Nomad to roll up in here. And Rage Against The System? Total genius in my opinion. They look like they all lived in Seattle in the 90's during the grunge music boom period. Anyhoo, Sayeed whooped @$$ like I thought he would and gives Nomad a true 'welcome back'. 5 outta 5 Kurt Cobain CDs for this return and for nostalgia purposes. Next!!!


The Gatekeepers win the 4C Tag Championships after defeating The Gilbert Brothers and The Future Kings of Canada.

Wow. Personal vote didn't win this one but the Gilberts STILL turned it up a notch as they always do when their belts are on the line. However, they were outclassed by the 'Keepers and the FOCKers are continuing to impress me and keep an eye on Davey boy, that FOCKer is a future star. 3 outta 5 for Kingman simply breathing in the ring. Next, yo!!


Jacob Jett © and Steve Flash end in a ‘No Contest‘ ruling by Wilson Carlisle due to the Gatekeeper‘s theft of the 4C Championship.


First off 5 outta 5 security guards that SHOULD have been at ringside to prevent this crap!! I like the idea, I really do, and cannot wait to see where this goes. Jett won't be happy and Flash won't be happy--possible team-up? Fan boys' wet dreams right there, yo!! Main thing is this: Greed has taken over another promotion and this time he as more than enough back up. But has he made a mistake in taking Jett's most prized possession? A man with the aerial skills and devil-may-care attitude of Jacob is not one that I would take lightly. Don't look over your shoulders, fellas, always look above. . .Till next time, nerds! PEACE~!


As always, Critical-23, your work is much appreciated! Absolutely loved your review of "Crossroads"! I especially love that the Nomad/Sayeed Ali match recieved 5 out of 5 Kurt Cobain CD's. Now you're speaking my language. ;) haha.


You truly bring something special to this project; and for that, I will forever thank you. Great stuff as always!

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As always, Critical-23, your work is much appreciated! Absolutely loved your review of "Crossroads"! I especially love that the Nomad/Sayeed Ali match recieved 5 out of 5 Kurt Cobain CD's. Now you're speaking my language. ;) haha.


You truly bring something special to this project; and for that, I will forever thank you. Great stuff as always!


No, sir, YOU have the great stuff especially with Raj. I scrolled down so fast just to see him say "I'm serious" but you totally went the other way with it and for that sir- -WOW~! KUTGW and btw, Jett's a d*ck.:D

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No, sir, YOU have the great stuff especially with Raj. I scrolled down so fast just to see him say "I'm serious" but you totally went the other way with it and for that sir- -WOW~! KUTGW and btw, Jett's a d*ck.:D


Why thank you! Raj just never looked the part as the arrogant, club-going, type. I know that was his default gimmick; but, it just never seemed to fit right. His smile was too... I don't know... Weird. haha. With that said, I think this gimmick will suit him TEN times better. Plus, jhd1 has graced me with the most perfect alt render of Raj as "Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron!". I'm really excited to get this character moving! Should be a lot of fun (much like Totally Supreme was).


As for Jett, Yes... he's a d*ck as a character; but, I think he's somewhat justified in his distrust of John Greed; coming into 'his' company and potentially messing up what they have already been able to do for 14 years. With that said, I'm trying to play him off as a good guy who just distrusts John due to his inability to remain professional during, and at the end, of his time in DOA. As you'll see with the next post; however, things are coming to a climactic resolution... or maybe not. ;)

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No, sir, YOU have the great stuff especially with Raj. I scrolled down so fast just to see him say "I'm serious" but you totally went the other way with it and for that sir- -WOW~! KUTGW and btw, Jett's a d*ck.:D Oh and hire Jared Johnson!


I fixed your post for you critical!:p

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Bwa ha ha ha. Good call, BHK. It's been weird to not see Critical-23 continually pushing for his beloved Jared Johnson. ;) we all have our favorites.


Well I figured you brought in Ted Brady for me, so maybe you should bring in JJ for Critical!:D

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Well I figured you brought in Ted Brady for me, so maybe you should bring in JJ for Critical!:D


Yes and no. ;) I had the idea for the "Gatekeepers" and Ted seemed perfect for the role; especially since he carries great overness for Canada. With that said, I knew it would win you over; so, it helped in both ways. haha.

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“I F*cked up, Jacob. What else do you want from me? Honestly? I may be crazy but I’m not dumb. I get it, This place is your ‘home’; you’re afraid that I’m going to humiliate you on your own turf. That’s not the case, Jacob. You are, without a shadow of a doubt, THE most important person to this company and I promise that will stay intact. You need to promise me something though in return, Find it somewhere within you to trust me. ‘Hollywood’ was ‘Hollywood’; This is Ontario.”


I blankly stare in his direction; fueled by my immense emotion as it feels like my body my physically rip at the seams. If it’s passion he wanted, if it was a plea, a promise, an ‘I’m sorry’, I was going to do whatever it took to keep him happy. Some may mutter to themselves that it’s not needed; That Jacob is just another wrestler on the roster. One we could replace with a billion other youngsters on the Canadian circuit; hungry for success. I don’t agree with this notion; however, as I truly see Jacob as the foundation piece of this great company. Without him, 4C would lose a great sense of it’s identity. So, with this in mind, I find myself practically on my knees as I lean forward on the leather couch below me; pleading for forgiveness from someone who stands 7 years younger than myself.


“Put this aside; this fear, this anxiety, this lack of trust and find it within you to see that I’m here, not as a destroyer, but as a facilitator; A facilitator of a rising ascension. If were going to, eventually, challenge for attention on a mass level; We need you to be as focused as ever. Cemented on our plan & dedicated to the final outcome.”


I pause again; trying to search for the right words.


“This is YOUR company… I’m just here to see to it that it explodes through the cement ceiling above.”


His response to my plea of desperation is what I originally expected: Slightly optimistic while still holding onto the pessimistic view of myself due to his preconceived notions. Overall, I couldn’t blame him. I personally brought him to the DOA after reviewing a slew of highlight reels found on his website. He was hesitant at first to split his focus between two companies; however, with time, I was able to convince him that it would pose as a great career move; especially seeing how he would be formally introduced to the American viewing public through the form of a flashy new product. With time, his interest and excitement started to wane as I found it hard to truly keep him ‘afloat’ from a roster standpoint. It was my fault, my burden to bare; however, it was one that was rooted in the fact that we simply had more popular workers on the roster. Plus, in reality, I wasn’t in Hollywood for very long. I DID have goals of pushing him forward; but, that wasn’t going to come until Season II; too far out in the future for the youngster losing interest.


His heart is truly in the right place; a good kid with a strong love for the industry we both find ourselves intertwined within. His loyalty to 4C reminded much of the same flawless loyalty I once saw from Christian Faith in New England. While I wasn’t a part of the main roster, I was often a frequent guest backstage; taking notes from various SWF superstars who were nice enough to string along an arrogant punk like me. While backstage, There was one man who always had an aura to him; a glow if you will. That man personified the SWF, he personified everything that Eisen had worked hard to create, and yet there was never any brash contract demands or outlandish claims. Faith, a consummate SWF-man, was truly loyal to the company that brought him into success. This greatly reminds me of young Jacob; latching onto 4C as a child would to it’s mother. Thankful for what they were able to bring to him, comfortable with his place within the hierarchy, and overjoyed by the ability to truly wrestle HIS style; not forced to slow down his pace, or remove any sense of his dare-devil like tactics. 4C was Jacob Jett. Jacob Jett was 4C.


With this in mind, It was imperative that he and I end up on the same page by the end of our conversation together. At first, I thought I was going to walk away with an even more strained relationship, sensing Jacob’s uncomfortable nature as it pertains to me placing myself within his personal space, but with time his stance started to soften. He was still quite hurt, still obviously jaded at the sight of me, but at least by the end we had come to a proper agreement where we would keep our ‘petty scenario’ to ourselves; never again to air it out in the public as a move of defiance. With this, I was hoping to slowly win over the American-born youngster as his performances within the 4C ring were intertwined with our companies success as a whole.


There is no escaping it. For me to be successful in 4C, to truly do what it is that I want to achieve, I was reliant upon Jacob Jett. I need him at his “A-Game”, focused and ready to take on all challenges, as we set out to change the landscape of Canadian wrestling. A lofty claim, I know, but a man can dream can’t he?


In the end, gripping a plastic bottle of water in his hands, Jacob relays this final message of hope. A message that, while not perfect, would at least start the slow process of repairing my strained relationship with our top performer.


“You don’t need to challenge my focus, John. I’m all in; but, not because you asked me to do so. 4C is the ‘love of my life’; When those lights kick in, the fans pile into their seats, and the clock finally strikes for me to appear, I get a feeling that no one can explain: Absolute freedom. I can do what I want, when I want to do it, and I don’t have to stop and ask a billion different people if that’s okay.”


Jacob pauses for a second; looking straight into my eyes with a level of confidence that can only come with a well-adjusted human being.]


“My biggest fear is that you’re going to add your ‘buddies’ to the list, throw around some new ideas, and ultimately the thing I love most about this company will come tumbling down. Traps will be set, emotions will run ramped, and before you know it, I’m having to talk to you before each and every event to make sure what I do is ‘okay’. Joey [Poison] never asked anything of me but my dedication; much like you have today. He knew that I worked best on my own terms; and that’s the way I want to keep it. In ‘Hollywood’ you were such a prick; Always going over the script in a psychotic-like fashion. There was no room for error, no room for innovation, no room for any sense of freedom. How can I know that you won’t do that again here?”


Jacob pauses again; shaking his head in disapproval of his memories with John in Hollywood.


“If you stay out of my way; we’ll be fine. We can talk about storylines, gimmicks, scenarios, etc.; but in the end, I want to have the room do what I feel is best. You can trust in me, John. This company means a hell of a lot more to me than it does to you. I’m not going to swerve us into some sh*tty situation. I care for this place too much.”


A hefty sigh comes from Jacob as he leans back in his seat; placing his hands behind his head in a relaxing kind of fashion.


“I respect that you would come to my place to talk about this. Honestly, I do. I guess, in the end, I need to see that you’re going to stick around for long enough before I truly trust you. You can just walk out on people like you did in ‘Hollywood’; you ruined the lives of so many people that night. Did you even hear of the amount of firings that came after that night? [sighs] They shook everything up; wanted to break the DOA free from what you had started. [Pauses] You can’t do that here; Not my ‘home’. Not to “G-Man”. Not to any of us. Get your act together, show us that you’re in it for the long haul, and then I’ll find that trust you’re speaking of. Until then, we’ll work together in a cordial manner; but at the end of the day, I can’t say that I trust you anymore then I do my dog who pees in the house everyday.”


I guess I’m a dog. I can live with that. As long as it means that we’re moving forward.





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What we learned/Changes made:


* While Jacob still has 5 months left on his contract, I have gone into the editor and added a "Creative Control" clause to his existing contract. This will best simulate Jacob's want to stay 'in control' of his own entity (afraid that John will force 'red-tape' upon him as was done in the hectic world of Broadcast TV with the DOA).

* John and Jacob currently have a "Simmering Tension" relationship which started early on in this diary. At this point, despite the fact that they've moved forward with trying to work together, it is still considered to be simmering as there has been no 'make up' by any means.

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Date of Event:
Monday, Week 4, November 2010

Event #:

Location of Event:
Ontario (Canada)

Size of Event:

Duration of Event:

Broadcasting of Event:
Internet; via 4C-wrestling.com




Event Synopsis

It’s considered good practice to consistently strip away the conditioned noise in your path; ultimately coming back to a minimalist state where you can finally be freed of your limiting habits. In pro wrestling, as in any other form of competition, it’s often regarded as imperative that, every once in awhile, we return to the very basics of our craft. It is, in this way, that a competitor can truly become a more well-rounded, all around deadlier, opponent to others. In 4C, this is no different.


With pure chaos circulating around the 4C Championship, and an overall tone of pure recklessness continuing to encompass the company as a whole, now would be the perfect example of a time in which ‘stripping away our conditioned experience’ would be most needed. Never will 4C, and it’s competitors, ever truly step away from the suicidal nature of it’s product; however, for one night only, they will do their best to re-establish their roots; bringing forth a much more focused attack as they all prepare for potential new opportunities on the other side.


When life, and competition, throw convoluted scenarios your way, It’s best to simply transition… Back to basics.




Clayton Hawthorne vs. Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron!

Singles Match


The truth will set you free.


This is an age-old-adage that reaches far past it’s early creation, and in our case, is certainly surging through the mind of the once stereotypically arrogant, Raj. After years of projecting an image that created a hefty dissonance for the Canadian-born competitor, Raj has finally found the comfort of absolute truth: When you finally accept who you are, no longer hiding it to the masses, you will find great happiness in your everyday life.


For years, He’s been known as the ‘man with swagger’; A club-going, ultra-arrogant, life of the party kind of personality. While he played the role rather well, never outwardly showing the internal dissonance that plagued him personally, in hindsight; His ‘dime-a-dozen’ persona was nothing more than a cloak of deception. Now, finally opening up his true nature to the world, Raj stands as a new man. Well, a new being if you will as “Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron!”.


Standing opposite the ‘commander of the cosmos’ is none other than the debuting American youngster, Clayton Hawthorne. Rooted in an absolute, almost close-minded, pride for his home country, Hawthorne is the epitome of Southern ‘charm’. With that said, said ‘charm’ can be quite polarizing to those who don’t prescribe to the “We’re American’s; So we’re just better than you” mentality; a viewpoint that has cultivated a strong dislike of the ‘Land of the Free’ with many outside nations. Overall, while ignorant in many ways, one thing can’t be denied when you speak of the young Clayton Hawthorne: He loves his country immensely; almost to an unhealthy level as it pertains to his psychological health.


Will the youngster with a thick southern drawl make his first night in 4C a historic one? - OR - Will the transformation of Raj, with the help of the universal powers in play, usher in a ‘golden age’ for the keeper of the stars?



<hr color="grey">
Lingering Question:
How will the newly developed “Gotron resident” fair as he unveils a brand new gimmick to the 4C masses?

Match Details:
Singles Match, Standard Rules.

* It should be noted, Clayton Hawthorne is KC Glenn in the default cornellverse database.







Antonio Del Veccio
w/ Joy DeWitt
vs. “The White Angel” Frankie Dee

Singles Match


In his supernatural-like glory, Antonio Del Veccio has made a career in 4C out of withstanding immense amounts of pain; pulling himself back up after being subjected to heinous attacks rooted in violent, weapon, warfare. While his performances can be described as nothing short of Legendary, This ability will certainly be pushed to the extreme as his opponent this month is, quite possibly, THE most dangerous man in all of Pro Wrestling: Frankie Dee.


He may not swing a steel chair, or aggressively wield a household toaster as a forcible blunt object, but, in reality, such a form of thoughtless combat is not needed when you literally have tirelessly trained yourself to become a true ‘Human Weapon’. His bones have been broken, his tendons twisted and torn; all with the centered focus of, one day, becoming the most deadliest force ever known to man. While recently losing the 4C Championship to Jacob Jett may inspire some of his critics to quickly ‘write him off’; such a move would be truly idiotic. This man, this restless warrior of combat, is far more dangerous than ever before. How do we know? It’s really quite simple. What’s more dominating, more hell-bent, more ‘hungry’, than a man in need of proving himself? Now place that psychological obsession within the body of a man who truly understands the ‘Art of War’. Without the 4C Championship as his physical sign of dominance, maintaining said title around his waist for a full calendar year, the “White Angel” is now forced into a predicament that will only subside once he’s conquered all yet again.


Is it possible for ADV to stand up to, yet another, violent assault? If so, Antonio will, unquestionably, be praised as one of the greatest competitors of All-time. Lofty, I know; but, the truth of the status lies in his remarkable ability to overcome all odds; standing before new violators on a monthly basis, taking their best shot, and coming back for more. Can he do this, yet again, and halt Frankie’s rise back toward personal vindication? - OR - Will the former Hardcore Champion finally show signs that he is, in fact, human; susceptible to being ‘broken’?



<hr color="grey">
Lingering Question:
Will the former 4C Champion’s focused onslaught be enough to ‘break’ the ‘unbreakable’?

Match Details:
Singles Match, Standard Rules.







The Brotherhood
w/ Nomad
vs. The Future Kings of Canada vs. The Gilbert Brothers vs. 187

Four-way Tag Team Match

The Winner will be declared as the new #1 contenders to the 4C Tag Team Championships


8 men. 4 teams. 1 goal.


To obtain the lofty status of being the new #1 contenders to the 4C Tag Team Championships.


For the last few months it’s been very apparent that company officials are looking to re-emphasis the once dwindling division; giving it a much-needed growth after years of losing it’s luster. With this in mind, knowing the grandeur of being able to establish yourself on the ‘ground floor’ of such an upswing, each team is truly fighting for much more than just a simple victory. Gold, unquestioned respect, and the potential of being seen as ‘cornerstones’ of said division is all on the line; delivering a hefty sense unrivaled pressure as no team wants to be left behind.


In the end, Which team will set them apart from the rest? In turn, which team will go on to challenge the recently oppressive “Gatekeeper” fraternity for the 4C Tag Team Championships? No matter who it is that walks away with the victory, One thing is for sure: Tag Team Wrestling is back, and more insane than ever, in 4C.



<hr color="grey">
Lingering Question:
Can the Gilbert Brothers maintain their dominance over the division; even without carrying the championships at this time?

Match Details:
Four-way Tag Team Match, Standard Rules, First-Pinfall (Not an Elimination based match), The Winning tandem is the NEW #1 contenders to the 4C Tag Team Championships.







The Gatekeepers
w/ John Greed
vs. “The Amazing“ Jacob Jett and “The Remarkable“ Steve Flash

Tag Team Match

Non-title match


How can you trust in another who you may expect to potentially be working with the enemy? Is it ever possible to trust in another when there stands a level of mysterious ambiguity circulating around their very being? For the 4C Champion, Jacob Jett, this is the very real scenario projected before him as he must find a way to ‘trust’ a brewing rival; a rival that could potentially be silently working with the dreaded “Gatekeepers”. This possibly scheming figure is none other than the peerless, all-around Indy Wrestling Legend, “The Remarkable” Steve Flash.


Their interaction has been marred with crippling tension; a fact that’s been accelerated due to Jacob’s ultra-defiant, overtly polarizing, nature. While many could fault him for his lack of an ‘olive branch’ extension, would you truly expect anything different from the “Amazing” one? His success in 4C is due, large in part, to his arrogant, ‘you can’t keep up with me’, nature. This kind of approach often brings a ‘blaze of glory’ style of success to it’s user; however, it also aides in the development of a truly polarizing situation with most. Especially when coupled next to someone like Steve Flash, a consummate professional who possesses a great deal of respect worldwide due to his ‘blue collar’ nature, Jacob’s unwelcoming style may come across as even more damaging to his public persona. Either way, wide-spread approval is something that Jacob seemingly doesn’t care much for. Instead, focusing all of his attention upon his own success; developing his own legacy.


Still, though, how can one trust another when you feel like they may be shaking hands with ‘the devil’? During “Crossroads”, It was obvious that “The Gatekeepers” were doing their best to influence the legendary Flash; offering him a position as a figurehead of their veteran-based fraternity. While Steve didn’t accept John’s welcoming gesture, something we haven’t seen from anyone else in 4C as it pertains to Steve Flash, there was a level of mystery circulating around the main event that may point toward a potential alliance in the works. While it seems shocking, to think of Flash in any other light than as a pure SUPER-Babyface, there appears to be a level of concern forming as to whether the peerless legend would simply ‘cross-over’ in search of a governing body that actually shows their respect to him. You may dislike the “Gatekeepers” but, thus far, they are the group who has shown him such a scenario; this is obvious in John Greed’s glowing recruitment speech a few short weeks ago.


In the end, in a truly chaotic altercation, Steve Flash and Jacob Jett will look to enact a level of revenge after the “Gatekeepers” physically manipulated the ending of their main event match-up at “Crossroads”. Now, without his championship at his side, can Jacob Jett find a way to restore his status by re-gaining the tangible stamp of his 3rd 4C Championship title reign? - OR - Will the “Gatekeepers” continue their militia-like ways; forcing the company as a whole to accept their violent rule as they continue forth with their age-based vendetta? The war has been set. The pieces are in place. Which tandem will come away victorious in battle as we continue on with this, potentially, tireless war?



<hr color="grey">
Lingering Question(s):
Is Steve Flash an ally of “The Gatekeepers”? Will Jacob Jett retain the custody of the 4C Championship after it was stolen from him by “The Gatekeepers” during the “Crossroads” main event?

Match Details:
Tag Team Match, Standard Rules, Non-Title match-up.




When pushed to the edge, Back to the Basics one must go.




<hr color="black">

”Back to Basics” Quick Picks:


Clayton Hawthorne vs. Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron!

Antonio Del Veccio vs. Frankie Dee

The Brotherhood vs. The Future Kings of Canada vs. The Gilbert Brothers vs. 187

The Gatekeepers vs. Jacob Jett and Steve Flash

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Four matches in an hour! Can I ask you what % of your show is matches? I always have a hard time with this, when I run an hour show. So I was just wondering what your setting is.


Clayton Hawthorne vs. Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron!


Raj might not win but the master of alt renders jhd1, made a great alt render so how could I pick against that?


Antonio Del Veccio vs. Frankie Dee


I know that you are pretty high on both guys, in this match I don't think the awsomeness that is ADV can be the human weapon that is Frankie Dee.


The Brotherhood vs. The Future Kings of Canada vs. The Gilbert Brothers vs. 187


Just going with the team that makes the most sense to me.


The Gatekeepers vs. Jacob Jett and Steve Flash


Not sure if I am right on this because I could see Flash throwing Jett to the wolves.

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Four matches in an hour! Can I ask you what % of your show is matches? I always have a hard time with this, when I run an hour show. So I was just wondering what your setting is.


Clayton Hawthorne vs. Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron!


Raj might not win but the master of alt renders jhd1, made a great alt render so how could I pick against that?


Antonio Del Veccio vs. Frankie Dee


I know that you are pretty high on both guys, in this match I don't think the awsomeness that is ADV can be the human weapon that is Frankie Dee.


The Brotherhood vs. The Future Kings of Canada vs. The Gilbert Brothers vs. 187


Just going with the team that makes the most sense to me.


The Gatekeepers vs. Jacob Jett and Steve Flash


Not sure if I am right on this because I could see Flash throwing Jett to the wolves.


I have it set at 80% right now. I know, it sounds like a lot of matches to pull off in an hour; however, 4C is a modern-based company so their matches should, by definition, be a little shorter than those of more traditional companies. With that said, things are about to change after "Back to Basics" as I think I may go back to one event a month; bumping it up from SMALL to MEDIUM. That may help to get the company over quicker while also not strapping us financially.

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