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The Infamous, Rebellious, Suicidal… 4C; The Evolution of GREED

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You could make it work. I say bring him in, i could see it straining your relationship with Jett even more though as he could see it as our trying to change 4C to much and bringing in your "boys" and passing on the old guard. Could make for a fun read
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wow! Thank you for all the feedback. It was a cool way to wake up this morning and see others views on Larry/KILLER. As you can see with this project, as well as PSW, Larry is a personal favorite of mine. Plus, He is pretty much John's 'best friend' in the wrestling world as he A) took him under his wing in PSW to help him become a better booker and B) he helped John back on his feet after his recent vices took over his mind/body. He's a trusted guy to John, so, such a signing would be very realistic overall. Plus, from an in-ring perspective, he may not be a 'speedy' guy with dare-devil tenancies; but, he certainly would help us with the hardcore division and give Sayeed Ali a run for his money. I'm leaning more, and more, toward bringing him officially onto the roster. It'll have to wait til post "New Year's Eve Clash" though as I'm in the booking screen right now.


As for a few specific responses....


Under the KILLER Colossus guise, Larry Wood would be a welcome sight in 4C. Though honestly, I'd love to see Ash Campbell make his way up there too in order to continue the Alastor/Colossus storyline from PSW that I was enjoying so much.


Ash is someone that i've kept a close eye on in PSW as he would easily work in 4C (both in product and character). I wouldn't be shocked to see him show up in 4C at some point in 2011; however, only when it seems 'right'. Especially since I've added quite a few new workers. I don't want it to seem too much like a 'crash booking' kind of style (then again that's kinda Greed's M-O).


You could make it work. I say bring him in, i could see it straining your relationship with Jett even more though as he could see it as our trying to change 4C to much and bringing in your "boys" and passing on the old guard. Could make for a fun read


Very true. John (I) have really brought in a lot of his former friends in PSW/DOA and I'm sure it's driving Jett crazier and crazier. With that said, I guess we'll have to see how things unfold with Larry coming on board. Will Jett care? Probably.

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4C Project Update:


First and foremost, Thank you to everyone who has voted for this project thus far for DOTM. It's much appreciated; honestly. It's great to know that all the work that goes into this project is not going unnoticed; something that all writers are thankful for.


With my new job taking a lot of my focus away, I've been forced to slow down my writing style. More or less, It's going to take a little longer these days for shows to make it up on the boards. So, all in all, I'm just asking for a little patience as we go forward seeing how the results won't be as 'rapid fire' as before.


I'm excited about where this project is going from here though as there are some really great storylines on the verge of being put out there (starting with "New Year's Eve Clash"). Also, with new characters like Clatyon Hawthorne, Kazuma's new persona, Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron!, and much more, I've come to realize that the roster has molded quite well thus far. It should make for a crazy 2010 (in-game) as 4C continues to push forward in the same: Reckless, Dare-Devil, Suicidal, 'death-wish' kind of manner. :D

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“How about Jack Avatar?”


I couldn’t help seem perplexed; staring upon the faux-grunge youngster before me. When you live long enough, The trends tend to make their comeback rather speedily; ultimately making you feel like an ancient being. None the less, while a nice coffee-going kid with good intentions, his idea was borderline idiotic.


“That may be the single worst name I’ve ever heard; nice try.”


This is why I love your diaries.


I just got caught up and I love what you're doing with 4C. Keep up the awesome stuff man.

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This is why I love your diaries.


I just got caught up and I love what you're doing with 4C. Keep up the awesome stuff man.


Thank you for catching up, Oracle! I'm sure it's quite a lengthy read, so, it's much appreciated. As for the 'Jack Avatar' dig, That's just part of the fun with the Cornellverse. haha. Being able to poke fun occasionally to those things that are done so very much from a diary perspective. The project started off that way in the first post and will probably continue forward until it sees it's final days (which isn't coming anytime soon).



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Date of Event: Sunday, Week 4, December 2010

Event #: 6

Location of Event: Ontario (Canada); Platinum Underground Night club

Size of Event: Medium

Duration of Event: 2 HOURS

Broadcasting of Event: Internet; via 4C-wrestling.com






Blonde Bombshell

… And, It starts …


[The show opens with the sight of tonight’s special guest host, The Blonde Bombshell, standing in the center of the crazily lit 4C squared circle. Her immense beauty is truly breath-taking; much like what you would expect from an “A-list” celebrity or fictitious love-goddess. This fact is on full display as the former star of “L.A. Nights” puts her best foot forward in a scantily-clad, extremely form-fitting, outfit that appears to be straight off the rack in Hollywood. All in all, as she slowly raises the 4C etched microphone up to her perfectly plump lips, the overall narrative forming with this young woman is that she is, quite possibly, the perfect vision of absolute beauty.]


Blonde Bombshell: Hello and welcome to The Platinum Underground’s “New Year’s Eve Clash”!!!! This year’s event will bring you the most unique ‘end of the year party’ you’ve ever attended as the Underground is proud to offer you the entertainment of the truly chaotic, the extremely psychotic, Canadian Charisma Championship Combat!!


[A general ‘pop’ comes from the crowd; one indicative of a party-vibe versus what you would typically expect from a 4C event. There are far more female cat-calls coming from the huddled masses; again something quite different than your average 4C event which is dominated by the 16-40 male demographic that most wrestling companies covet.]


Blonde Bombshell: My name is Amy “The Blonde Bombshell” Roberts and I’ll be your host for all the festivities tonight. Honestly, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere but HERE as we roll into a new year; 2011. Weird, isn’t it? 2011? Time flies by!


[A lackluster response comes from the crowd as most have already turned their backs to the action in the ring; instead focusing their attention on their alcohol ingesting posse that surrounds them. Either way, as Blondie raises the mic back up to her mouth to speak; The sound of a futuristic sounding theme, heavy on the cymbals, is heard being played by the in-house band for tonight, Ricky Rave and the Radical Revolvers. While their rendition is more-rock based than normal, it’s pretty easy to realize that Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron! Was certainly on his way to the ringside area.]



Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron!

… The 4C ‘Welcoming Committee’ …


[While the response to his entrance is rather uninspired, keeping in mind that this event is drawing in a lot of ‘non-wrestling fans’ due to it being a New Year’s Eve event, this doesn’t’ seem to slow down Raj in the slightest. Quite the contrary actually, as the Gotron! resident quickly staggers out of the back wearing his signature ‘space commander’ outfit that he’s recently adopted as his own. With a collapsible light saber in his hands, the man of the 7th Galaxy quickly storms into the ring; standing across from tonight’s host with his fists placed at his hips, his chest sticking outward, and his head veering off to the side: ie. A commander’s look. Blonde Bombshell, not expecting such, can’t hold back the laughter; however, stands as a good sport; helping the segment to have a light hearted nature. Shortly after all of this, Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron! is seen grabbing a nearby mic from a ring tech; officially welcoming Blondie to a 4C event.]


Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron!: Greetings, Bombshell!!! Welcome to the vast-unknown, the true final frontier, Canadian Charisma Championship Combat!!!


[A light ‘pop’ comes from the crowd; mostly from those who are actually 4C fans at the event tonight. Again, despite the lack-luster response, Raj continues to bring everything he has in his promo; relaying a strong comedic vibe as the Blonde Bombshell continues to smile rather widely in the process. Much like a head-cheerleader would when being approached by a consummate comic-book nerd in the halls.]


Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron!: A beauty of yours is unlike anything I’ve ever seen in galaxies far and wide. You’re like a beautiful comet burning the atmosphere as you come to destroy the hearts of all the men of this world. [blondie laughs playfully as Raj nods his head as if it were ‘fact’.] I’ve heard of your legend but the truth is even more breath-taking than I would have imagined! [Raj stares at Blondie with wide-eyes; in love] Now, I know on this planet you probably have your pick of the litter; Right? [blondie playfully smirks; seems shy] But why would you waste your time with men who are unable to truly sweep you off your feet; taking you into space? [smirks] Join me at my side, Bombshell, make me the luckiest man in all of the universe and grant me your hand! We can sail the cosmos together, Just you and….



”The Gatekeepers” (John Greed, Steve Flash, Barry Kingman, and Ted Brady)

… Curing a ‘Disease’ …


[Just then, Raj is cut off by the roaring sounds of a classic-rock theme blaring from Ricky Rave’s in-house band; located right off of the specially manufactured entrance ramp. Instantly, knowing what this mean, Raj spins around with his light saber raised high in a fighting stance; awaiting the arrival of the infamous “Gatekeeper” faction. Seconds go by as John Greed, Steve Flash, Ted Brady, and Barry Kingman are all seen slowly shuffling through the black entrance curtain; methodically maneuvering their way toward the ringside area with a truly cold look upon their collective face. Meanwhile, as this all happens, the stolen 4C Championship sits upon Steve Flash’s right shoulder as if he were the rightful champion; when he is not. Jett’s Championship gleams in the lights from above as the veteran stable slowly ascends into the ring.]


[unaware of their need at ringside, Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron! doesn’t seem very comfortable; instead he slightly turns to Blonde Bombshell and says “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you”. Seconds after the jaded foursome has entered the ring, Raj quickly, and quite comically, speeds toward the interfering “Gatekeeper” fraternity; swinging his collapsible light saber around like a mad man. In a matter of a few seconds, Raj is quickly floored by the aggressive hand of the “Gatekeepers”. Funnily enough, Raj looks even more ‘frantic’ as he stands to challenge the cold, and calculating, suit wearing, “Gatekeepers”. In the end, despite good intentions, raj is violently destroy right before our very eyes; simply discarded by being kicked under the bottom rope following a high-hanging piledriver from Mr. Brady.]


[With here eyes, and mouth, wide open, fearful of what she just witnessed, The Blonde Bombshell slowly starts to back up subconsciously; afraid that she may be next. However, as she does so, John Greed is seen grabbing the mic Raj once held, dusting it off, and then standing within inches of tonight’s beautiful guest host. Leering in her direction as he looks over his brow, seemingly unhappy with something; as always]


John Greed: So this is what you consider Pro Wrestling? This crap? This is what you all want to cheer on; A delusional space-nerd and a big-breasted, talentless, bimbo who has no right to be ANYWHERE NEAR a wrestling ring?


[John’s mannerisms are extremely aggressive, inspired by his hatred of the current-wrestling-culture; meanwhile, the rest of his jaded faction stands rather calmly behind him; clad in dress clothes and their hands neatly placed one over the other in a routine kind of fashion.]


John Greed: THIS is why we can’t trust ANY OF YOU with OUR craft!!! Honestly, Is THIS what Pro Wrestling is going to become once we’re dead and gone? This is how you’re going to defile our beloved ‘sport’? [shakes his head in disgust] This is EXACTLY why we’ve come to 4C; why we’ve waged the cultural war that we have. We don’t trust this ‘sport’ in any of your hands!! We’ve broken our backs, severed tendons, and destroyed any sense of a normal personal life all for this industry. And then, in a matter of a few years, you feel that you can just go ahead and completely uproot the tradition of our ‘sport”? [shakes his head in disgust; again] You all make me sick!


[The Blonde Bombshell looks as if she’s going to try to leave the ring; all in a timid fashion. However, as she goes to do so, John Greed is seen lunging out; grabbing her right arm with his hand rather forcibly; keeping her in the ring.]


John Greed: Oh, I’m not done with you yet; Sweetie. [The crowd boo’s as John pauses; Blonde Bombshell seems scared as to what may happen] Now, I understand that tonight probably garnered you a pretty ‘nice’ check. Huh? That way you can go back to California and waste it on froo-froo drinks and new designer clothes for your little dog, right?


[shakes his head] You shouldn’t be here; though. You shouldn’t be ANYWHERE NEAR a wrestling ring. You got me? This little ‘shindig’ that you’ve been asked to host is nothing more than a disease in our minds; the disease that is slowly destroying the health of this ‘sport’. So, if I were you, I would spin that little body of yours around and go back to where you came from. Okay? Leave this kind of thing to the professionals. [Pauses; stares straight into Blondie’s eyes] And if you so much-as try to complete your duties tonight, aiding in this disease, then we will see to it that you are personally… taken care of. Do you understand?


[John still forcibly holds onto Blondie’s arm as it’s obvious that she is extremely uncomfortable; scared of what may happen. With tears forming in her eyes, The Blonde Bombshell relays a short message in a wavering voice off mic: “I can’t. It’s in my contract that I have to be here tonight; countdown to the new year at the end of the show”. This statement only enrages John even more as he finally lets go of her arm; pushing her back in the process. Meanwhile, in the nick-of-time, as it seems like something very bad may come to pass, HIS music starts up…]



Jacob Jett ©

… The CHAMP to the Rescue …


[Ricky Rave and the Radical Revolvers’ quickly smash out Jacob Jett’s signature theme music; much to the delight of those 4C fans in the audience. Within a matter of a few seconds, the truly ‘suicidal’ Jacob Jett is seen slowly storming through the black curtain; carrying an aura left only for those who are considered stand-out “Icons”. With a mic already in hand, Jacob Jett stands at the top of the rampway; ready to address his enemies in the process. Meanwhile, Blonde Bombshell thankfully has been able to sneak out of the ring during all of the commotion. All in all, as Jett’s theme comes to a close, John Greed is seen walking to the other side of the ring, facing the entrance ramp, and verbally attacking the champ.]


John Greed: Well, well, well… The man himself; the stupid little fool that has helped to usher in such a disease. What do you want? Don’t you see that the grown-ups are trying to have a constructive conversation? It’s best that you tuck that little hood over your head, kick the dirt around, and think about what you’ve done…


[John flashes an arrogant smirk as Jacob Jett is seen barely flinching; instead, raising the mic up to his mouth in response to John’s statement.]


Jacob Jett: Are you done yet? [Pauses] We’re all sick and tired of your, “Blah, Blah Blah… We’re veterans, We should be respected”, shtick. Honestly, how long can you beat this cr*p over our head before you realize that your time has come and passed! This is 2010; not 1999. [Pauses] This is MY time, MY era,… not yours.


[Jacob flashes his trademark smirk from underneath his hood; meanwhile, his statement seems to have riled up John Greed even more. Showing his disdain for the young Jett within his tone and mannerisms.]


John Greed: Your time? Your era? [Laughs heartily] Do you REALLY think you’re that important, Jacob? That ‘youthful ignorance’ stage should have come and passed by now, young man. You’re nothing special. You’re simply a dime-a-dozen; and until you realize that you’re bound for one dramatic fall later on. I mean, you’re not even the 4C Champion anymore; how can you claim that you’re the ‘top dog’?


[John sadistically smirks, well aware that Jacob is STILL the 4C Champion; despite the fact that his faction has stolen the very title that physically represents Jacob’s dominance. This statement alone, meant to rile up Jacob, does exactly that.]


Jacob Jett: You know damn well that I’m still the champ, John. [Pauses; stares down John from afar] Your little goons may have stolen MY championship but it doesn’t take the fact away that I’m STILL… The 4C Champion! “The Cornerstone”… and whether you like it or not, by that matter, you’re superior!


[As you can guess, this riles up the entire “Gatekeeper” faction as such a statement hits at the root of their selfish cause. Needless to say, it looks like we’re fixing for a potential 4 on 1 assault in a matter of a few seconds.]


John Greed: We will cure this disease; one way or another. If that means tearing this event up; we will do it. If that means physically destroying you and leaving you without a career; we will do it. Hell, if that means bringing this god-forsaken company to it’s knees; We.. will.. do it! Starting tonight, We will END this disease! It doesn’t matter how long it takes, or the casualties that form because of it; because, ultimately, we’re doing this industry a favor: Removing the infectious destroyer of this ‘sport’, this beloved ‘art-form’, by any… means… necessary!


[With that, “The Gatekeepers” classic rock theme kicks off, once again, at the hands of tonight’s in-house band, Ricky Rave and the Radical Revolvers. Meanwhile, the jaded foursome faction coldly stares down their consummate enemy; the symbol of the ‘new generation’ of Pro Wrestling. All in all, the feeling is pretty mutual between the two sides as it’s obvious that Jacob Jett is fixing for a battle of epic proportions. Also, focused on reclaiming the title that was stolen from him.]


Grade: D+


Terry Smith: Something doesn’t feel right about this…

Ted Ross: you mean, Jacob Jett facing off against four men at one time? That’s not much of a ‘war’ if the numbers game is that obvious. If you ask me, The ‘disease’ that John Greed just spoke about MAY be stamped up sooner than later if Jacob Jett can’t bring it to himself to ‘play nice’ with others.

Terry Smith: While I hate to agree with you; it’s true. Jacob’s inability to work as ‘one’ with others may ultimately bring on the DEATH of 4C as we know it! All we can hope is that he can put aside his natural ‘defiant’ nature in which to finally stand-in-arms with others; or else, 4C will crumble under the “Gatekeepers” wrath!




Antonio Del Veccio vs. Frankie Dee vs. Jason Thunder vs. Jesse Gilbert vs. Joe Gilbert vs. Leftie Wilkes vs. Lightning Lomas vs. Mario Heroic vs. Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron! vs. Thrill Seeker

”New Beginnings“ 10-Man Battle Royal Match

The winner gets to via for the 4C Championship of their choosing; anytime & anywhere


The aspiration of a ‘new tomorrow’ is the over-reaching narrative circulating around the ringside area as ten 4C competitors squash within the blackened ring ropes of the squared circle. While each competitor has come to this point in a different manner, one thing binds them all: The hope that everything could change here tonight. Within the mix is a former 4C Champion, a former 4C Hardcore Champion, and former 4C Tag Champions; and while their championship pedigree is something to aspire for, these lofty individuals also have to square off against a number of men who have nothing less than incessant hunger to be in the same situation. Overall, the tone feels rather chaotic; while also very ‘fresh’. Chalked full of wide-spread eagerness.


To save time, space, and your free-time, I’ve decided to continue with the ‘typical’ larger match-up writing style that I’ve used both in the DOA and now with 4C. Instead of fleshing out, move for move, what happened; I’ll give you a number of narratives that formed within the match. After these are spelled out, giving you an idea of how the match looked/felt like, I will tackle how the match came to an end; giving you the winner (as well as the final four). So, without further adu, I give to you the 4C “New Beginnings” match.


Thrill Seeker makes his debut: Shocking those who follow the Canadian Pro Wrestling scene, Thrill Seeker of CGC fame made his 4C debut in a thunderous fashion; bouncing around the ring like a Tasmanian devil looking for it’s prey. The rambunctious aerial king made his presence known straight out of the gate as he quickly proved to be a ‘force to be reckoned with’. As you can expect, such a blazing debut only helped to manifest the ‘aura’ that is Thrill Seeker. Straight away, He looked more like an action figure of immense fame than a simple Pro Wrestler.


Frankie Dee and Antonio Del Veccio are bitter rivals: From the very start to the very finish, These two men are seen entangled in a bitter sense of warfare. Constantly, Del Veccio would look ‘down and out’ at the hands of Frankie Dee, and continually the ‘man who cannot be broken’ found a way to reclaim his composure. It is this constant rebound that seems to enrage the “White Angel” as it seems like he has taken it upon himself personally to PROVE that Del Veccio is ‘breakable’. With this as his focus, It’s easy to see why Frankie almost appears obsessed with the former 4C Hardcore Champion; looking at his ‘superior health’ as a mountain in need of climbing. None the less, through it all, Del Veccio keeps coming back for more; even after sickening blows that look to challenge the fiery Italian’s state of consciousness.


Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron! Is out of his mind: Raj’s newest persona is borderline wrestle-crap; to be honest. He’s hardly ever seen as a ‘legit threat’ from a character perspective; however, balances the comedy quite well with a strong in-ring approach. In a sense, if he wasn’t as great of worker within the ring as he is, He would probably be delegated to losing continually. Luckily for him, He still stands at an undefeated singles record since John Greed took over 4C’s booking duties a few months back. Overall, the ‘man of the cosmos’ does a great job of mixing a heavy dose of insane hilarity (diving around the ring; pretending to shoot a laser gun that isn’t there) with a fundamental in-ring style.


The inability to NOT use the top rope proves costly: For most of these men, The top rope is how they make their living. It’s how they’ve cemented their legacy thus far. So, to place them into a match where such an approach is somewhat ill-advised, is almost like asking a dog not to chase after a car. While they all appear rather guarded at first, With time, their natural tendencies begin to take control. Several wrestlers are eliminated in this match, thrown from their top rope perch, crashing them violently to the cement floor on the outside. What seems like a ‘good idea’, and organic process to how they typically compete, turns rather costly as several competitors lose their chance at gold all because they cannot remove the ‘high risk’ mantra from their psyche.


The Final Four: As expected, Frankie Dee, Antonio Del Veccio, and the debuting Thrill Seeker all find themselves within the privileged final four. One name you may not expect, however, is that of Jason Thunder; one half of the comically intense tandem of “Thunder and Lightning”. Whether it was luck, or some potential sign of what’s to come, Jason is somehow able to outlast many of his other opponents; standing tall with the final four as they all via for the greatest opportunity of all: The guarantee of a ‘new day’.


Just as the name implies, There really seems to be the feeling of a ‘new beginning’ taking form as the final four competitors appear to be rather fresh to the heightened 4C scene (outside of Frankie Dee; of course). Sadly, the most surprising situation at hand, Jason Thunder still being around, quickly comes to a close as Thunder is the first to be eliminated by a stiff standing kick from the deadly “White Angel”. Now, with three men left, there appears to be this massive stand-off; three men all coming back to their senses as they understand the magnitude of such a moment, such an opportunity. Despite all of that, however, Dee and Veccio’s disdain for each other is enough to ruin their chances at coming away with the victory. While aggressively brawling with one another, focused on only each other in the process, Thrill Seeker is seen leaping atop a nearby turnbuckle in one seamless swoop. Then, from his perch, the debuting ‘Seeker is seen leaping from the top rope seconds later; connecting with a diving hurricanrana upon a mentally occupied Frankie Dee. The swinging motion of Thrill Seeker’s maneuver forces Frankie Dee’s body weight to shift him aggressively toward a nearby ring rope; slamming into Del Veccio in the process as the two were not very far apart. In one shocking swing, BOTH Frankie Dee and Antonio Del Veccio (forced over by Dee’s body weight slamming into him) are seen tumbling over the top rope and onto the cement floor on the outside. Within seconds of such a scenario the bell is rung in favor of the debuting Thrill Seeker! In only his first night on the job, Thrill Seeker now has a guaranteed shot against the title of his choosing at any point in 2011.


Thrill Seeker wins the "New Beginnings" match in 20:27. He now has the ability to challenge for whatever title he pleases; at anytime of the year.

Grade: C-


<hr color="grey">Action(s): Thrill Seeker has debuted his new gimmick, “Extremist”, and it received an initial grade of a “B-”. Mario Heroic debuted his new gimmick, “Mysterious”, and it received an initial grade of a “C”.


Terry Smith: THRILL SEEKER!! THRILL SEEKER!! In his FIRST NIGHT in 4C, THRILL SEEKER HAS WON!! I can’t believe this…

Ted Ross: Get a hold of yourself. Idolization is not a good color on you.

Terry Smith: This means Thrill Seeker can not dictate what championship he wants to via for at ANYTIME in the next year! Do you know what this means? In one night, in one match, we now have a new potential ’break out star’ on our hands. From CGC down to the underground, Thrill Seeker now has the ability to make his own destiny here in 4C!

Ted Ross: He’ll blow it. They always do.




Thrill Seeker, Blonde Bombshell, Frankie Dee, Antonio Del Veccio, and Joy DeWitt

… One man is celebrated; two other continue to violently clash …


[Despite having difficultly breathing, or staying upright for that matter, Thrill Seeker is seen having his right hand raised victorious by the beautiful ‘one night host’, Blonde Bombshell; a byproduct of his jaw-dropping achievement in only his first night on the job. Meanwhile, as the Blonde Bombshell awkwardly holds his hand on high, smiling to the crowd as it’s easy to see that she’s unaware of why SHE is the one declaring the victor instead of Carlisle, the sight of the brewing rivalry of Frankie Dee and Antonio Del Veccio quickly takes central focus.]


[Fists of fury are thrown violently between the two enemies as Wilson Carlisle quickly storms out of the ring; attempting to break up their fight. While valiant, such a scenario doesn’t come to pass as these two appear to be dead-locked on destroying one another. With Joy DeWitt crying in the background, as always, pleading with the two enemies to just ‘stop’, Dee and Veccio are seen waging a brutal war.]


[in the end, it looks as if Frankie Dee is locked in a violent trance; incessantly trying to ‘knock-out’ his enemy with an array of strikes. When it looks like ADV is not going to drop, This enrages the “White Angel” that much more; turning his assault into an even deadlier scenario. Again, with Joy crying in the background, we’re all forced to watch Frankie Dee land an aggressive side-kick square to the back of ADV’s head. The blow is so powerful that the former Hardcore Champion is seen slowly staggering to the nearby steel guardrail; holding the back of his head as he appears to be ‘woozy’. One more strike later (another side-kick to the head) and ADV is seen crashing to the cement floor below.]


[it looks like ADV is trying to pull himself back up again, by some form of second nature, when all of a sudden, Frankie Dee is seen swooping in with a curb-stomp like strike; slamming ADV’s head into the cement rather forcibly. This act, violent in nature, finally keeps ADV down; motionless for the first time in quite some time. With the sight of her boyfriend out cold, Joy collapses in a dramatic heap next to his lifeless body; screaming out for ‘help’. Meanwhile, happy with finally flooring his adversary, Dee is seen coldly walking right past his victim; not even saying a word to him, or Joy, as he passes. In the end, it appears that Frankie Dee may have finally put ADV down; potentially for good?]


Grade: D


Terry Smith: There’s two stories forming here, ladies and gentlemen. Firstly, Thrill Seeker is the inaugural victor of the 4C’s “New Beginnings” battle royal! With that, He can now via for whatever title he sees fit and at anytime of the year. Secondly, It looks like… wow… Antonio Del Veccio may have a severe concussion following Dee’s blatant attack. Man, I hope he’s okay… You take a man’s strength for granted, thinking he’s ‘super human’, until you finally see him in a more humanistic kind of light.

Ted Ross: You live by the sword; you’ll die by the sword.

Terry Smith: What does that even mean in this scenario?

Ted Ross: You want to seem ‘super human’, like you can withstand all amounts of pain regardless of the severity? Then, you’ll ultimately find your end in a rather hellish kind of manner. It’s as simple as that.




Nathaniel Ca$ino

… The risk of a Bet …


[The sound of a generic rock theme, rooted in the narrative of ‘taking a risk’, quickly encompasses the Platinum Underground as Ricky Rave and the Radical Revolvers do their best to expel their rendition of Nathaniel Ca$ino’s entrance music. Meanwhile, the ‘man of risk’ himself, Nathaniel Ca$ino, is seen slowly shuffling his way through the back entrance curtain; dipping his head down slightly in which to mask his face under the quirky, finely taken care of, hat that has become a signature of his look. A man of money, You would expect to see him decked out in designer clothing; but quite the contrary, Nathaniel looks more like a used car salesman than a ‘high roller’. His suit is rather generic, suede almost, and his white open collar shirt looks to be aged (despite perfectly pressed). In turn, the sight of a single playing card residing in his right hand seems to draw a lot of confused interest; wondering what it’s significance could really mean. All in all, the mysterious ‘risk manager’ slowly shuffles his way into the ring; grabbing a microphone from a nearby ring tech.]


Nathaniel Ca$ino: Life is made up of risks… Some you freely accept; others you’re forced into by the circumstances at hand.


[Nathaniel pauses; still looking down slightly in which to cover his face from the crowd. Meanwhile, his calm, almost suave, voice peers through the microphone in a rather quiet manner.]


Nathaniel Ca$ino: While some try to evade risk, living their lives in a ‘safe little bubble’, such a practice will only leave you at the ‘back of the line’; forced to watch others succeed as you are forced down the road of mind-numbing mediocrity. Truthfully, to make something of yourself, or your life, you must embrace the risks… ‘Play the game’ in which to manipulate the system before it can manipulate you. [Pauses] That’s why I’m here; to extend an opportunity of risk to anyone willing to accept. The offer? One match with me tonight. The Payout? The ability to seize life by the reigns, stare down the risk of losses, and break free from the confines of your own fear. [Pauses] It’s as simple as that. No strings attached. No ‘fine print’. [Pauses] Just a friendly extension of an opportunity. [Pauses] Who stands to accept?


[At first, it appears that no one is going to step through those black curtains until all of a sudden an unfamiliar theme song blares over the Platinum Underground sound system. Being an impromptu scenario, Ricky Rave and the Radical Revolvers are unable to play the theme music themselves, so, that’s why the PA system is used instead. Meanwhile, everyone watches on in anticipation as those familiar with 4C understand that this is the sign of another new superstar on the roster.]



Kamikaze KAZ

... Debut of the 'SUPER' Cruiserweight ...


[in a matter of a few seconds, the debuting Kamikaze KAZ is seen bolting through the black entrance curtain as if something eerie were chasing him through. With an extremely accelerated pace, The newcomer quickly speeds down to the ring in a running fashion; leaping into the ring, over the top rope, and standing opposite the much more calmer, Nathaniel Ca$ino, with his hands raised up in a fighting manner. More or less, it appears that the intense nature of the new arrival appears to be pretty indicative of someone who would be willing to take such a blind risk. Either way, without speaking a word to the new 4C competitor, Nathaniel Ca$ino is seen slowly handing the microphone over to a nearby tech; preparing for his impromptu match-up in the process.]


Grade: E


Ted Ross: Who is this raging being? His energy appears to be crazed!

Terry Smith: Crazed? Maybe. He reminds me of the Joshi-revolution taking place in Japan; speedy, full of energy, and an all-around cannonball. Let’s see if he can ‘make good’ on Nathaniel’s ‘risk’ opportunity?




Kamikaze KAZ vs. Nathaniel Ca$ino

Impromptu Singles Match


Nathaniel does his best to subdue the speedy, lightning-quick, onslaught of the debuting Kamikaze KAZ; however, has a high level of difficulty of doing so straight out of the gate. In a whirlwind kind of manner, KAZ accelerates within the blackened ring ropes in a way that can only be classified as: Tornado-like. With that being said; however, there is this sneaky suspicion that he’s in ’full control’ mentality during such an approach. With other wrestlers, ’Reckless’ would often be classified as an ’buzz word’ for such a speedy assault. With Kamikaze KAZ, There’s this high level of understanding that seems to permeate from his every move; his every jaw-dropping, seamlessly speedy, spot.


Nathaniel does his best to slow down the action with time, utilizing the shifty approach that best describes him to most; however, it was a little too late at this point. Even with a comeback waiting in the wings, slowly brewing stronger and stronger with each passing moment as the scheming intellectual that is Ca$ino starts to survey his ’odds’, KAZ’s never-ending onslaught is just too much to overcome.


Shortly after it starts, Kamikaze KAZ finds a way to end the match just as he had started it: In full-on hyper-speed mode. With Nathaniel trying to leap from the top rope with a missile dropkick of his own, the possum-playing KAZ is seen ‘coming back to consciousness’ in enough time to swerve out of the way; Ca$ino’s foot misses his face in a matter of a few seconds. Now, with Ca$ino struggling back to his feet, Kamikaze KAZ is seen bolting to the corner of the ring; awaiting his opponent to, once again, pull himself upright.


Just as he does, Kamikaze KAZ is seen speeding toward his impromptu opponent, leaping upon him with a hurricanrana type maneuver; spinning all around Ca$ino’s body in various, seamless, ways as the ‘odds maker’ stands in confusion of what’s going on. In the end, after what seems like a good 10 seconds of KAZ slipping all over Ca$ino’s body in luchador-like ways, The confusion is finally ended with a sweeping DDT; planting Ca$ino’s head into the mat with so much force that it resembles a head-on-car-collision. The crowd, shocked by the accelerated confusion that had just taken place, erupts appropriately as KAZ is seen pinning his opponent’s shoulders to the mat. There was no kicking out for “The Kamikaze Strike” (Twisting, Spinning, and seamless luchador-like confusion; into a spiked DDT).


Kamikaze KAZ defeats Nathaniel Ca$ino in 5:38 via “The Kamikaze Strike” (Twisting, Spinning, and seamless luchador-like confusion; into a spiked DDT).

Grade: D


<hr color="grey">Action:Kamikaze KAZ debuts his new gimmick, “SUPER Cruiserweight“. It received a ‘B+’ straight out of the gate.


Ted Ross: He flies like a comet; speeding toward earth. I’m blown away. He’s a gift from the Wrestling Heavens there is no doubt!

Terry Smith: It’s hard arguing with that, Ted. Honestly, this ‘Kamikaze’ figure is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. He’s speedy, lightning-quick, and seemingly without a shadow; yet, He’s controlled and concise. The true signs of a SUPER Cruiserweight.

Ted Ross: I wonder if he’s looking for a ‘ringside daddy’…

Terry Smith: Uh… What?

Ted Ross: Someone to teach him the ways of the industry. Someone to ensure that he’ll go far in this ‘sport’.

Terry Smith: Something tells me that he would want NOTHING to do with you… [Laughs]

Ted Ross: Just you wait, This devilish little bugger will be at my side in no time…

Terry Smith: Oh okay, You do that. Send me a postcard from ‘crazy-land’ when everything goes through.




Clayton Hawthorne and Katie Cameron

… American-Made = Better than you! …


[The screeching sound of a distorted electric guitar fills the Platinum Underground as Ricky Rave and the Radical Revolvers do their best to portray Hawthorne’s remixed American National Anthem theme. Within a matter of a few seconds, We are all treated to the sight of “The American Patriot” Clayton Hawthorne storming out of the backstage area; holding a rather smug look upon his face as he looks out upon the Canadian crowd with a feeling of disgust resonating from within. While wearing a T-shirt that simply states “I’m American. So, I’m better than you”, Clayton is seen jaw-jacking with various crowd members; almost pushing a collection of college-aged guys, obviously drunk by this point, toward a violent altercation. Needless to say, the club’s security is quickly called in as they help usher the non-compliant Hawthorne toward the ringside area. Now, within the ring and somewhat safe from the angry masses before him, Katie Cameron is seen climbing into the squared circle as well; designated as the mediator for a brief, pre-match, promo with the controversial 4C superstar.]


Katie Cameron: Very few in 4C history have stood where you have stood, Clayton. You’re polarizing views have labeled you as an ‘extremist’ by many; especially since you’ve repeatedly attacked the country in which this company lies within. What drives you to discriminate as you have? What are your problems with Canada?


[Hawthorne, in his typical smug way, looks out upon the crowd; surveying all that’s around him as if he were going to ‘single out’ someone in the crowd as to WHY he hates Canada. With time, leaning closer to Katie’s hand which holds the mic, Clayton finally responds; reeking of self-arrogance in entire time.]


Clatyon Hawthorne: What’s my problem with Canada? [Chuckles to himself] How long do you have?


[The crowd boo’s rather aggressively; feeding into Clayton’s ‘cheap heel trickery’]


Clayton Hawthorne: You are all pathetic! I can’t stand your maple syrup stench, your back-home stupidity, and your constant ‘nice guy’ attitude. Honestly, NO ONE is that nice all the time! You’re all hiding your true colors, your real bitter hatred for the world, underneath your squishy little exterior. On top of that, You claim that the BEST wrestlers in the world come from Canada; touting names of those you perceive as ‘the best’ regardless of the truth. [shakes his head slowly in disapproval] In reality, You’re a lengthy second to the only country in this world that truly matters… America.


[The crowd boo’s rather harshly toward Clatyon; as they should]


Clayton Hawthorne: Even your beloved ‘Cornerstone’ is from America! [smug look upon his face] “The Amazing” Jacob Jett is truly a once-in-a-lifetime talent; and you all cheer him for that. In realty, though, he belongs to us; He’s an American. You all rely on, cheer for, and wish to be, Jacob. You place him on your walls, hype him on the internet boards, and claim that he’s truly the ‘greatest around’ and yet; You continue to forget one major detail. [smirks again] He doesn’t care for you. If you asked him personally, His sentiments would follow rather close to mine. It’s just that I actually have the ‘balls’ to show my disdain for this cr*p-hole. Call it ‘National Justification’. I know that I’m better than you, I know that my country is better than yours, so I have no insecurities in telling you the truth.


[The crowd boo’s; meanwhile, Katie goes to ask him another question. However, as she goes to speak once again, Clayton simply shakes his head in disapproval. Before she can even ask her next question, Clayton is seen forcibly pulling the mic toward him; relaying a final message that only furthers the crowd's hatred of him.]


Clayton Hawthorne: Why am I wasting my time? You idiots are incapable of understanding the truth; it's in your DNA. [smug look forms again; fans boo] I have better things to do then attempt to educate the inharently stupid! To make it easy for you all, I'll leave you with a simple truth. No matter how hard you try to defy reality, The truth of the matter is this... I'm Better than you... I'm American.


[The rather uninspired Platinum Underground crowd lightly showers the arrogant American with a general wave of disdain. Not in a heated manner really, but more so in an annoyed manner. In a typical 4C arena, such words could typically call for a mass riot. However, here amongst the masses, it's met more with the process of tuning Hawthorne out versus glaringly expelling hate back toward him. Meanwhile, Clayton is seen preparing for his upcoming match with TJ Bailey; still holding the same smug look upon his face reeking of a self-imposed sense of greatness.]


Grade: E


Terry Smith: What an A**… He’s nothing more; nothing less.




Clayton Hawthorne vs. TJ Bailey

Singles Match


As you can expect, Clayton Hawthorne is almost immediately met with a momentous wave of pure, unadulterated, hatred from the Platinum Underground crowd. Not necessarily inspiring violence, or really anything more than a general level of annoyance, but it’s obvious to see that the “American Patriot” is easily the most polarizing figure on the 4C roster. His mixture of anti-world views, ultra-pro-American rhetoric, and a lofty sense of arrogance that can only come from decades of family-invested ‘floating’, gives the youngster an edge psychologically as there is NO breaking his stride. More or less, He will crack your will, push you into a state of frenzied aggression based upon your annoyance for him, before you’ll ever see the American-born superstar break from his message of misguided patriotism.


With this in mind, The Platinum Underground crowd consistently showers the “American Patriot” with a buzzing sense of disdain; a fact that only drives Hawthorne to produce TJ Bailey purely into a spectacle. Anything that Bailey attempts is thwarted. Even more so than that, Hawthorne is often seen grounding his opponent with various technical maneuvers; aggressively stomping him into the mat after each and every plant. Bailey, the consummate optimist that he is, looks as if he’s trying to regain a sense of control through out the match; but in reality, there was no such thing waiting for him.


In a match that felt a little too long for what was being portrayed within the ropes, everything finally came to an end as Clayton Hawthorne is seen executing his signature, “I’m better than you” (Shooting Star Press), aerial strike in the corner of the squared circle. Upon impact, It’s pretty obvious that Bailey isn’t going anywhere, anytime soon. Quite the contrary, Bailey finds himself locked in the same scenario as always: A surfer without a wave to ride on.


Clayton Hawthorne defeats TJ Bailey in 6:31 via an “I’m better than you” (Shooting Star Press).

Grade: D-


Terry Smith: What an a**…

Ted Ross: Your hatred of him confuses me?

Terry Smith: Are we watching the same person here? He’s wildly arrogant, misguided in his patriotism, and seemingly has a vendetta against anyone who doesn’t come from America. To me, and to the rest of the world, he’s nothing more than a d*ck.

Ted Ross: This is why, on my planet, we speak of universal existence. It’s a…

Terry Smith: I’m going to cut that short in fear of losing our viewers. Honestly, Ted, maybe now is the time you should seek out some ‘professional help’? It’s a win-win scenario for us all. You go away to a padded room and I get to front these shows by myself. Sounds perfect.

Ted Ross: Padded walls can not contain me.

Terry Smith: Neither can reality.




Sayeed Ali, Slim-V, Shady, and Ricky Rave

… An attack; out of nowhere …


[The snarling, hardened, 187 trio slowly shuffles through the black entrance curtain in a wolf pack like way; herding together like a hungry collection of blood-thirsty predators fixated on the notion of their potentially deadly assault. Meanwhile, Ricky Rave and the Radical Revolvers do their best to artistically tackle the violent faction’s theme music; something that seems quite awkward as their rock roots don’t play over well when it comes to a purely ‘gangsta rap’ theme. This reality is heightened even more as it seems like Ali, V, and Shady don’t appear to really ‘enjoy’ what they’re hearing; witnessing their collective theme butchered by a rag-tag rock group.]


[With a slow pan over look, sporting a sadistic snarl upon his face, Sayeed Ali churns an evil scenario deep within his convoluted skull. Within seconds, in a shocking development, the menacing 187 trio is seen violently assaulting the 4 piece local band as they stand atop their perch. Ricky Rave, the leader singer, takes the brunt of their assault as he actually attempts to ‘put up a fight’. While valiant in a way, it’s also quite stupid as this only ignites the aggressive flame of Ali, V, and Shady. All in all, with the band’s setup torn apart like a frat house after a ‘block party’, 187 is seen slowly walking away from their carnage; Ricky Rave, and his bandmates, left in shambles as they physically appear to be ‘broken’. Victims of a heinous, passion-based, assault from the street-wise, hardened, trio.]


Grade: E


Terry Smith: What the hell was that all about?

Ted Ross: It appears that 187 didn’t really like Ricky, and his boys, rendition of their theme music?

Terry Smith: How does that give them the right to waltz over and beat them up as violently as they did? These punks should be arrested for their behavior! This just isn’t right!! I mean, I severely hate every teeny-bop song that comes on the radio but you don’t see me walking into their bedrooms and beating them up? Do you?

Ted Ross: Maybe you should? Free yourself of your worldly rules.

Terry Smith: You mean ethics?

Ted Ross: Call it what you want. You humans make me laugh; Your rules, your social exchanges, you’re all stuck on the same thing over and over again.

Terry Smith: If you’re so sick of it then maybe you should back to whatever ‘world’ you say you come from. Maybe you can catch a ride with Raj?

Ted Ross: Oh no. He’s from Gotron. I wouldn’t live there if my life depended on it.

Terry Smith: Sometimes… I really hate my job.






187 vs. R.A.T.S.

3 vs. 3 Match


Tonight’s 6-man tag match feels more like a heated, violence-inspired, gang battle than your ‘run-of-the-mill’ altercation. This is obviously evident straight out of the gate as both factions aggressively clash far before Wilson Carlisle can even call for the opening bell; raging fists standing as the glaring sign that both of these stables like nothing about one another. More or less, with a relatively uninspired party crowd watching on, these two factions continue their budding rivalry in the only way they know how: drenched in aggressive passion.


With emotions at an all-time high, It becomes very hard for Wilson Carlisle to instill a sense of order. While not necessarily an ‘iron fisted ruler’, Carlisle has gained a reputation for someone who allows ‘very little’ in the form of bending the rules. As you can guess, such an approach can be quite difficult when the company itself is rooted in pure Anarchy. With this in mind, within time, Mr. Carlisle is eventually able to force each faction to declare a legal man; a fact that feels somewhat ‘weird’ seeing how both teams were wildly brawling only a matter of a few seconds ago.


As a sense of order begins to take hold, There are still signs that neither team is really focused on playing very ‘fairly’. At each possible turn rules are pushed to the extreme, teammates utilize their ‘numbers’ at given moments, and a fiery push for aggression continues to climb. Needless to say, the ‘perfect’ scenario wasn’t really playing out as Wilson would like. Either way, though, the stiff action appears to resonate with the, somewhat, uninspired night club goers; bringing a more realistic fighting style to the masses.


With time, tension begins to grow stronger and stronger until it’s hit a ‘fever pitch’; obviously showing true as we forge closer to the match’s end. The whole ‘legal man’ scenario quickly fizzles, yet again, as all 6 men are seen brawling around the ringside area; forcing Mr. Carlisle to begin to ‘bark orders’ in their direction. In the end, such an approach doesn’t turn out to be beneficial as such a ‘yelling scenario’ can’t keep someone from brashly grabbing a steel chair & forcing the match’s end in a truly ‘F*ck it’ kind of situation. That’s exactly what happened…


With a steel chair in hand, Sayeed Ali is seen sliding back into the ring, sizing up his bitter rival, and slamming the cold steel over Nomad’s head. The sickening thud from the chair forces everyone in the club to pay attention; meanwhile, Nomad is seen slowly dropping to the canvas in an unconscious heap. Motionless, on the ground, Nomad is then struck a few more times by the 4C Hardcore Champion; that is until Mimic and Dagger are seen breaking the one-sided attack with a round of blazing fists. Knowing, and seeing such a strike taking place, 4C referee, Wilson Carlisle, is pushed to call for the bell; knowing that such a breach of the rules can’t be forgiven.


With the closing bell resonating through out the Platinum Underground night club, The war continues to unfold as the standing members of R.A.T.S. (Mimic and Dagger) inflict a call for revenge for their fallen comrade. Sadly, for them, though, 3 on 2 isn’t a numbers game that shows to be in their favor.


R.A.T.S. defeats 187 via DQ in 11:46 when Sayeed Ali is seen striking Nomad with a steel chair.

Grade: D


Terry Smith: Holy…. Did you see that chair shot? Someone should check on Nomad. I know he’s a scrappy fighter but damn… I’m pretty sure his head was literally torn from his shoulders with that shot!

Ted Ross: Silly vermin, Don’t you know that Rats often get stomped on the streets? Your infestation of 4C will end exactly the same: squashed into the bricks.

Terry Smith: I’ll give you that. Going up against 187 in such a bitter rivalry isn’t going to be easy on any faction; but, these three appear to have the stamina to embark on such a war. I mean, we still haven’t really received a reason for why they hate each other, and yet they appear like they’ve been at each other’s throats for years!

Ted Ross: It’s simple, A race for space. Both factions are trying to take control of 4C; staking their claim. Really, that’s what the 4C is all about right now. R.A.T.S., 187, and The Gatekeepers; three factions who ALL want to control the company with an ‘iron fist.’ In the end, only one team can walk away with such a status though.

Terry Smith: I don’t know if that’s it? Their rivalry seems to be more heated, more based upon passion, than just wanting to ‘take over’. I think there’s something else underneath it all.




Nomad, Mimic, Dagger, Sayeed Ali, Slim-V, Shady

… Faction Warfare …


[Mimic and Dagger do their best to fend off the onslaught of the deadly 187 faction; but in reality, it’s almost impossible to overcome such a numbers game as Nomad is still struggling to regain his footing. In most cases, taking a chair shot wouldn’t really floor Nomad this badly, but, when you fuse this with the fact that the attack never really subsides, even for a second, then it’s easy to see why he is unable to really join his partners in war. With this in mind, 187 is seen making quick work of their bitter rivals with an array of stiff strikes; making it truly impossible for the rag-tag, grungey, trio to ever really stand-up to such an altercation.]



Ricky Rave

… Revenge on the mind …


[Against all common sense, An enraged Ricky Rave slowly staggers his way toward the ringside area; fuming internally as he climbs into the ring with evil intentions on his mind. Sadly, for him, 187 doesn’t appear to be afraid in the slightest; instead, laughing at the sight of the sunken ‘rock star’ trying to act tough. As a few seconds pass, Rave is seen aggressively yelling in the direction of his previous attackers; looking to gain a sense of revenge for his earlier physical destruction.]


[With his fists clenched, Ricky quickly attempts to throw a punch square across the jaw of Sayeed Ali; a fact that never really connects as the ‘local rock star’ is floored seconds before his wayward strike by an impeding, Slim-V. All it takes is a matter of a few seconds for everything to unravel for Rave once again. In the end, Shady is seen planting the young musician with a ring-shaking powerbomb; collapsing his body in a ‘car-wreck’ kind of fashion. In the end, the carnage levied by the 187 faction is seen all around the squared circle as the members of R.A.T.S., and Ricky Rave, are seen unconscious on the canvas below.]


Grade: E-


Terry Smith: Well… That didn’t go very well. [Laughs]

Ted Ross: I think I saw Ricky’s spine snap in half?

Terry Smith: I guess this just goes to show you ladies and gentlemen to NOT try this at home!




The Gatekeepers © w/ John Greed vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Tag Team Match

4C Tag Team Championships Match



While neither team is generally ‘loved’ by the 4C fan base, The Future Kings of Canada find themselves treading on ‘new ground’ as they carry the banner of the crowd’s collective support coming into tonight’s tag title match. Nothing has changed in their swagger, they still carry the same ‘youthful arrogance’ that we’ve all come to expect from FKOC, but, for the most part, many look to them as the obvious deifier’s to the “Gatekeeper” mantra of preserving the ‘old school’ way of competition. In contrast, The Gatekeepers are met with a slightly aggressive wave of disdain; not entirely as powerful as a typical 4C event, mostly because a lot of the audience is made up of non-wrestling enthusiasts to start with, but momentous enough to make the Future King’s response much more ‘sweet’. With that said, there is no ‘breaking’ the psyche of the Gatekeeper Fraternity. Actually quite the opposite. The cold, calculating, and truly methodical, trio of John Greed, Barry Kingman, and Ted Brady, come strolling out of the backstage area with the 4C Tag Team Championships firmly in their grasp. Even without Steve Flash at their side, not making an appearance as they fear Jacob Jett would interfere as he looks to reclaim the 4C Championship which was stolen from him a few months ago, there is this general air that the veteran faction is calmly in control of everything that’s taking place before them.


The action starts off rather slow; with each team attempting to gain a better understanding of the other. In the typical Gatekeeper approach, Barry Kingman incessantly grounds the flashier Davis Wayne Newton with a round of old-school suplexes; often followed by rest-hold maneuvers in which to instantly subdue the speed of the match. DWN often looks to break free from the slower, more traditional approach; however, is never really success as the tandem of Kingman and Brady utilize their expert knowledge to ‘ground’ the youngster challengers. With time, Davis starts to accelerate the pace; but just as fast as it starts, it comes to a close. Chris Flynn isn’t any luckier in the role of a ‘igniter’; his mannerism speak of a young man looking to take control with a heavy showing of youthful arrogance, but, his actions end up coming across as somewhat uneducated. In the end, such a wayward approach only lands the challenging duo more time on the mat; swiftly trying to break free from the dreaded submission holds that certainly follow.


Much to the crowd’s distaste, The Gatekeepers do an amazing job of maintaining control of the match; instilling their own pace through out as the youngster duo of Flynn and Newton struggle to break-free from their oppressive style. In time though, that whole sense of control would quickly come crumbling down as The Future Kings of Canada find their second wave…


Move by move, spot by spot, the pace of the match appears to be moving much quicker as the match continues to climb toward it’s end. With this in mind, The veteran duo starts to show their ‘age’; having difficultly keeping up with the much younger Flynn and Newton as it’s obvious to see WHY they have employed such a slower state from the start. We now find ourselves in a complete role reversal, The Future Kings of Canada now in control; dictating the speed of the match and flooring their opponents with an array of flashy, modern-based, double team maneuvers. Overall, it feels as if we are trending toward a potential NEW set of 4C Tag Team Champions as it’s pretty obvious that the veteran champions are having a hard time maintaining their control; thus looking rather boring in the process.


With Ted Brady in his grasp, Davis Wayne Newton is seen executing a jaw-dropping belly-to-belly suplex off of the ropes upon a speeding Brady. The impact of Ted’s descent to the canvas is rather awkward; his head slamming against the ground in a violent manner as it looks like he could be barely conscious. Knowing that his team is in trouble, John Greed is seen, at this point, utilizing his manipulative ways to see that his tandem walks away with the win. As Davis goes for the pinfall, John is seen pulling Ted out of the ring through the bottom-rope. As you can guess it, This enrages those actually paying attention to tonight’s Tag Match; crying foul as John aggressively attempts to wake up his fallen associate. Unhappy with what just went down, DWN is seen leaping over the top rope with a plancha-like dive; landing upon John Greed, and a resurging Ted Brady, in the process. Overall, the spot, while minor, really ignites the Platinum Underground club into a state of excitement!


In the end, it looks like either team can walk away with the win…


Davis Wayne Newton sets Barry Kingman up for a standing suplex in the corner of the ring when all of sudden…




Low blow from John Greed (who stands on the apron at this point)!!!!


Wilson Carlisle’s attention is turned toward Ted Brady as he complains about something unknown ; giving Greed the window to interfere on behalf of his fellow associates. In the end, with Newton struggling to regain his composure from such a shocking sneak attack, Barry Kingman is seen taking full control of the situation at hand; swooping in and executing his signature, “A King’s Ransom” (Hanging Fisherman’s Suplex DDT), in the middle of the ring. Chris Flynn tries to break the count, but it’s too late. Davis is out cold and this gives the Gatekeepers a victory thanks to the manipulative practices of one, John Greed.


The Gatekeepers retain the 4C Tag Team Championships by defeating The Future Kings of Canada in 11:18 when Barry Kingman executed his signature, “A King’s Ransom” (Hanging Fisherman Suplex DDT), following a low blow from John Greed. This marks the Gatekeeper’s 1st successful title defense of the 4C Tag Team Championships.

Grade: D


Ted Ross: Knowledge is power! Again, it’s the uncanny intelligence of the Gatekeepers that overcomes the youthful arrogance that comes with those who are truly naïve to how this sport ‘really works’.

Terry Smith: Intelligence? They cheated to win!! John Greed, on two different occasions, manipulated the outcome of a given situation. If it wasn’t for him, for his blatant cheating, we may have NEW 4C Tag Team Champions. How is that honorable? Veteran-like? I don’t see how this personal vendetta is suppose to play out. Are we suppose to respect them for paving the way but also turn our heads to the side when something like this unfolds?

Ted Ross: They are the keepers of the modern style; the grandfathers of this very approach. They don’t need to adhere to our rules; our thoughts of them. They coined this style, so, it’s their given right to do with how they want it done!

Terry Smith: That’s ridiculous. Even for you to say.

Ted Ross: They, and I, have one thing in common: We speak the truth.

Terry Smith: You speak jibberish.




John Greed, Barry Kingman ©, and Ted Brady ©

… The ‘Voice’ speaks of Domination …


[shortly after the match has come to a close, John Greed is seen climbing into the squared circle with a mic already in hand. There appears to be some sort of planned speech coming from the ‘voice’ of the Gatekeeper Fraternity as the infamous one emphatically takes the side of his war-torn tag champions. With the 4C Tag Championships now in their grasps, gleaming in the neon lights from above, Greed is heard belittling the entire tag division in a fiery, verbal, assault. Meanwhile, the recent challengers, the Future Kings of Canada, are seen regaining their composure outside of the ring; slowly making their way toward the back with looks of pure anger upon their faces.][/i]


John Greed: Go to the back and let the rest of them know what you encountered here tonight…


[John proclaims to the retreating challengers as they slowly stagger their way toward the backstage area. However, not entirely before the arrogant duo is heard shouting back in the champion’s direction. Most likely lighting the flames of hatred between these two entities. All in all, with such fire coming back at him, John is seen walking toward the ring ropes nearest the losing tandem; growing with intensity.]


John Greed: Have you no class? These men are your elders!! Far more important than you EVER will be! Show us some god-damn respect!!!


[The crowd showers the Gatekeepers, and most notably John Greed, with a heavy dose of hatred through the form of a collective ‘boo’. Meanwhile, The Future Kings of Canada are seen shaking their heads in annoyance of the veteran faction; exiting the ringside area for good as they believe it’s best to ‘fight another day. Not John Greed though. He believes that NOW is the time to land a ‘knock-out punch’ toward all of their challengers.]


John Greed: Let it be known, from this day forward, that these championships… [Points to the 4C Tag Team Championships already around the waists of Kingman and Brady] are OURS and no one else’s!! There may be many teams who feel that they have ‘what it takes’ to hang with the true ‘cornerstones’ of this ‘modern wave’; but in reality, you’re nothing more than our continual punching bags; the discharged gum beneath our shoes. [Pauses] Rile up your armies, sweet talk your allies, and fight for an opportunity; it all won’t truly matter. For, you are all pawns in our never-ending game. You may stand at our gate, calling for a mutiny, but the truth of the matter is this… You can’t, nor will you ever be able to, ’hang’ with us! We ARE Pro Wrestling. You ARE… Nothing.


[With that, now that the house band has already been destroyed by 187 earlier in the night, the Platinum Underground sound system blares the Gatekeeper’s official 4C theme music; a generic classic rock song speaking of ’never backing down’. With a generally unfavorable response laid before them, The Gatekeepers (minus Steve Flash) are seen standing in the middle of the ring; smugly raising the 4C Tag Team Championships high into the air as it’s apparent that they truly believe that they are peerless.]


Grade: D


Terry Smith: They act as if they ‘own’ this industry; as if they’re the ONLY greats this company has ever seen. To be honest, who do they think they are? They have ONE man with 4C ties, Barry Kingman, and the rest of them have done nothing more than manipulate the system in which to come out ahead. Steve Flash WAS a beacon of professionalism… but now… He’s nothing more than a blatant turncoat. A man who’s more focused on his own success than doing the ‘right thing’. This group is a joke. A collection of has-been’s who want us all to bow down, sing their praises, despite not doing anything in which to warrant such praise! So, they dominate the 4C Tag team division… So what? They’ve been lucky up until now! Plus, that was only their first title defense and they actually almost lost that one! Give me a break…

Ted Ross: Are you done?

Terry Smith: No… Get a haircut. You look like a fool!




Jacob Jett © and Steve Flash

… The stage is set …


[The tension is so tangible that you could practically cut it with a butter knife as the 4C Champion himself, “The Amazing” Jacob Jett, stands across the ring from the statuesque, indy wrestling legend, “The Remarkable” Steve Flash. These two are no strangers to one another; in reality, their path’s have been violently forced into a coiling process since Flash’s 4C debut a few months back. Needless to say, with such a scenario presented before us, it’s easy to see why what came next was as shocking as it was perceived.]


[seconds before these two juggernauts were set to aggressively embrace for the first time tonight, the mood quickly shifts from a sense of competition into a state of absolute confusion.]



Thrill Seeker

… Or is it? …


[Without much explanation at first, their bout is quickly subdued by the sounds of an unfamiliar speed-metal tune; one designated for the newest 4C arrival, and winner of tonight’s “New Beginnings” battle royal, Thrill Seeker. The, somewhat, perplexed New Year’s partiers watch on as the mysterious newcomer forces his way down the isle way, stepping in between the blackened ring ropes, and instantly shouting in the direction of Wilson Carlisle to ‘start the match’. At first, Carlisle seems confused until it finally dawns on him: Thrill Seeker is cashing in his title opportunity, gained by standing victorious earlier on in the night during the “New Beginnings” match-up, joining in on Steve Flash and Jacob Jett’s scheduled Main Event match.]


[As you can expect, Jacob Jett appears to be indifferent about the newest arrival in tonight’s main event. In his eyes, and in his thoughts, it doesn’t really matter who lines up to challenge for his championship; he ultimately believes that he will always reign victorious. Meanwhile, Steve Flash appears to be doubling back on his typical ‘professional’ vibe; showing a newly developed ‘yellow streak’ as he instantly complains to Wilson Carlisle, stating that this isn’t ‘fair’. Either way, fair or not by Flash’s standards, the Main Event has found a new structure. A three-way 4C Championship match; all under a “Falls Count Anywhere” scenario.]


Grade: D


Terry Smith: Wait a minute… Is he? [Pauses; confused] It looks like Thrill Seeker is cashing in his guaranteed title shot right now! How’s that for your first night on the job? Win a battle royal giving you the opportunity to via for whatever title you would like and then, a few hours later, stepping into the ring with THE Champion himself! Wow, that’s ballsy…

Ted Ross: It shows the true merit of a being; to face adversity straight away. That said, He’s going to get killed out there! He already outlasted 9 other men for 20 minutes at the opening of our show; there’s no way he can put in that amount of time again! It’s not possible for you humans.

Terry Smith: You humans?

Ted Ross: I’m a supreme being.




Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash w/ John Greed vs. Thrill Seeker

Three-way Match

Falls Count Anywhere Match

4C Championship Match



For those who were expecting a drop-down, drag-out, brawl fueled by immense hatred from the onset of the match, You were sadly mistaken. While this approach is typical for most 4C matches, especially those pertaining to Steve Flash and Jacob Jett, this altercation has more of a ‘guarded’ sense to it. What I mean by that is, All three men appear to be doing their best to ‘feel out’ their other opponents; coming into the match with a great deal of understanding as it pertains to the extreme grandeur of such an End of the Year Main Event. Needless to say, with this in mind, the opening half of the match really carries a protective narrative; one rooted in caution as a ‘slow build’ seems to be taking form.


At first, the Main Event feels rather, well, normal despite being a “Falls count anywhere” match. No one seems eager to gravitate their altercation anywhere outside of the blackened ring ropes; most likely due to their understanding that, once they do finally spill out of the ring, there’s no going back. So, in a way, early on, nothing seems all that out of the ordinary. Well, outside of the fact that Thrill Seeker forced his way into the match; cashing in on his ‘guaranteed title opportunity’ from winning the “New Beginnings” match earlier on in the night.


With the sight of the remaining “Gatekeepers” coldly looming at ringside, “The Remarkable” Steve Flash quickly takes control of the situation at hand. Whether it’s due to his expert knowledge of the ‘sport’ itself, or, it was the incessant nit-picky interference by his fellow veterans, one thing was for sure: The Indy Legend appears as if he’s borderline unstoppable (then again, It doesn’t hurt to have a collection of ‘hired hitman’ at your side as well). Even with Jacob Jett, and Thrill Seeker, actually working as an unofficial team, focusing their attack on the aged Flash, Steve is still able to keep his head above water due to the mixture touched upon before. Also, Thrill Seeker and Jacob Jett’s mini-alliance shows to not really carry any weight as both eventually turn their sights on each other when the time seems right.


At one point, it looks as if Thrill Seeker and Jett have put aside their brewing distrust in which to team up on a fallen Flash when all of a sudden, while standing next to him and looking down upon their victim, Jacob Jett is seen landing a standing Superkick square to the jaw of the unsuspecting ‘Seeker. While the strike was rather shocking to say the least, it wasn’t strong enough to give the 4C Champion a quick flash victory. While unsuccessful, it did continue to show Jacob’s “me, me, me” persona as he was on the verge of taking a theoretical ‘cheap shot’ on a guy who was considered to be a short-term ally in that moment. All in all, it’s Jacob’s self-obsessed mantra that best describes 4C in general: Trust no one.


With time, The action starts to spill outside of the ring following a death-defying cannonball plancha, over the top rope, crashing onto a waiting “Gatekeeper” convention outside of the ring. As expected, such a dive inspires the intoxicated club-crowd into an excited state; paying attention more so as the ‘cool bald guy’ continues to ‘wow’ the crowd with an array an antics normally seen by the 4C Champion, Jacob Jett. Touching on that, it almost felt as if Thrill Seeker and Jacob Jett were more focused on trying to ‘out-do’ each other at given points of the match. Both men, utilizing the same risk-taking approach, are often seen trying to ‘one-up’ the other as it pertains to their aerial prowess. Again, as expected, this fact pulled the intoxicated club-goers into the action much more; however, in time, it’s this same rebellious style that ultimately wears down both of their bodies; making it easier for Steve Flash to gain control at given points in the match.


As Ted Brady, Barry Kingman, and John Greed, start to become a little too rambunctious; 4C senior referee, Wilson Carlisle attempts to ‘force them to the backstage area’. While his idea was grand in thought, his authority doesn’t seem to register with the veteran faction. In reality, with a “Falls Count Anywhere” match, there’s no fear of being DQ’ed. So, with that in mind, “The Gatekeepers” make their presence at the ringside area pretty known through out the match’s entirety. Subtly landing a jab, tripping up another, and generally ’getting in the way’ is the best way to describe it versus and all-out interference. Not truly dangerous but enough to cause a sense of chaos; or that Jett and Thrill Seeker just don’t have an opportunity to win unless they can work as a team (while also opponents).


While awkward, and somewhat not really trustworthy, that’s exactly what Jacob Jett and Thrill Seeker non-verbally agree to: working as a tentative unit. In a quick glance, both men turn and aggressively wage a hectic brawl with the 4C Tag Champions as Steve Flash nurses a potential knee injury outside of the ring. Within a matter of a time, both Brady and Kingman are floored; leaving Thrill Seeker and the 4C Champion, Jacob Jett, to turn their attention back on Steve Flash; who is now getting back to his feet. Following a wild Irish whip over the steel guardrail, The action quickly takes form in the crowd. Beer is spilt, chairs are thrown around, and chaos ultimately looks to take hold as all three competitors being to dig into each other violently. In the end, the tentative truce between Thrill Seeker and Jacob Jett has proven to be successful as it’s kept the 4C Tag Team Champions at bay for a split second.


With Brady, and Kingman, struggling to get back to their feet by the ringside area, and John Greed attempting to help them up in the process, Jett and ’Seeker are able to permanently floor “The Remarkable” Steve Flash with a double-team snap suplex square on the exposed cement of the night club. The sickening sound of Flash’s body slamming against the unforgiving cement is something that turns many away in shock; however, does it’s job from a wrestling perspective as the aged veteran is now, practically, unable to regain his composure.


Now, as both men raise to their feet, Thrill Seeker is seen celebrating for a short second upon his ascension; bad move. His momentary lapse of judgement, trusting Jacob Jett, proves to be costly as Jacob is, once again, seen double-crossing his tentative partner; landing a pull-up reverse DDT following a stiff kick to ‘Keeper’s back. Again, the sickening sound of someone’s head slamming against the cement floor leaves many queasy. With everything coming to pass though, and two men out cold inches from each other, it’s the prime moment for Jacob Jett to take advantage of the carnage he has sown. In a few seconds, with the 4C Tag Team Champions still at bay but eagerly coming his way, Jacob is seen picking up a quick standard three count from Wilson Carlisle as he lay atop the debuting Thrill Seeker.


Understanding the turmoil that Jacob Jett has been subjected to recently, having his 4C Championship literally stolen form his hands by the manipulative veteran foursome - "The Gatekeepers", Wilson Carlisle is seen instantly handing the 4C Championship over to its rightful holder. In a moment that feels both triumphant, and comfortable, Jacob is seen instantly taking control of his prized possession; flinging it high into the air with his right hand in a powerfully dominate vision. After months of going without, despite being the official holder, Jacob Jett has FINALLY regained control of the Championship he most cares for.


As expected, as the "Gatekeepers" realize what has taken place, still standing at ringside while Jacob stands within the crowd, a collective snarl begins to form upon their faces. Now, without the physical control of the title, they are forced to, yet again, socially 'bow' to the REAL Champion.


Jacob Jett retains the 4C Championship by defeating Thrill Seeker and Steve Flash in 21:57 after pinning Thrill Seeker following a pull-up reverse DDT in the crowd. This marks Jacob Jett’s 2nd successful title defense of the 4C Championship.

Grade: C


Terry Smith: JETT!! JACOB JETT WINS!!!

Ted Ross: I don’t believe it…

Terry Smith: Believe what you want my crazy, basket-case, of a friend!! Jacob Jett has retained the 4C Championship in a truly, unexpected, manner! Who ever would have thought that Jett could walk away retaining the belt when he not only had Steve Flash to compete with but an assurgent Thrill Seeker; not to mention the manipulative hands of the “Gatekeepers” also!

Ted Ross: He may have escaped tonight but reality will peek it’s ugly head around the corner soon! Simply put, he can run but he can’t hide.

Terry Smith: It doesn’t matter what the odds are, I will ALWAYS put my money on Jacob Jett. He comes through time and time again.




Blonde Bombshell, John Greed, Barry Kingman, Ted Brady, Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron!, Jacob Jett, and Thrill Seeker

… The Countdown to 2011 …


[shortly following the final, climactic, main event of 2010, Blonde Bombshell is seen timidly climbing into the squared circle with a mic already in hand. Scantily clad, as always, and sporting a genuine look of fear upon her face, Blondie appears to be scared of what may develop during the final countdown of the night; knowing what “The Gatekeepers” proclaimed earlier on in the night. Slowly, she raises the microphone up to her mouth; starting to waver due to her innate fear; however, aware that THIS moment is easily the MOST important moment of the night: The countdown to 2011. Overall, as an anticipatory party-vibe continues to form, tonight’s special host, The Blonde Bombshell, is heard prepping the fans for the coming new year.]


Blonde Bombshell: And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for… The countdown to 2011!!


[The Blonde Bombshell’s voice appears to waver slightly; however, still doing her best to pretend like she’s okay.]


Blonde Bombshell: It’s time to find your ‘special one’, grab a drink, and embrace the change of a new year!


[blondie looks out upon the crowd awkwardly; starting her process of counting down.]


Blonde Bombshell:


… 10 …


…. 9 …


… 8 …


[The “Gatekeepers” are slowly starting to ascend upon the ringside area; appearing evil in their intent. Led by a snarling John Greed, the veteran fraternity coldly walk towards the ringside area through the crowd (coming away from where they just were for the Main Event). Area fans don’t pay any attention to them as they embark upon their journey; creating an even more eerie situation at hand.]


… 7 ….


… 6 …


… 5 …


[shockingly, Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron! is now seen walking through the black entrance curtain; speedily walking toward the ringside area as it appears he’s coming to Blondie’s aide. Meanwhile, the Bombshell herself appears to be growing with anxiety; simply spoofed by the ascending “Gatekeeper” faction.]


… 4 …


[Adding to the carnage, former opponents, Jacob Jett and Thrill Seeker are now, also, seen forging through the crowd on their way to the ring. Their speed is much faster than the “Gatekeepers” are inches from climbing into the ring at this point.]


… 3 …


[The “Gatekeepers” are now standing upon the apron, slowly maneuvering as if they’re going to enter the squared circle. Meanwhile, Raj, Jett, and Thrill Seeker, are all seen shockingly working as one all in the name of A) defying the “Gatekeepers” and B) helping a beautiful damsel in distress.]


… 2 …


[All of a sudden, as it looks like a massive scenario is about to take place within the ring ropes… The Lights Go Out!!!!!!! We are now in complete darkness as the countdown continues on via a large screen TV in the corner of the room; all of this despite the fact that nothing can really be seen what so ever.]


… 1 …




[The sound of complete bliss is heard circulating through out the room as 2010 comes to pass; all of this taking place in complete darkness. Within a matter of a few seconds; however, the lights finally come back up; a fact that proves to be quite shocking as The Blonde Bombshell is nowhere to be seen! Absent where she once stood, Blonde Bombshell has literally disappeared from the building; meanwhile, “The Gatekeepers” are all seen standing within the ring in a state of controlled shock; doing their best to not let on any sense of shock per se.]


[All in all, the epic that is the “New Year’s Eve Clash” event comes to a close with the awkward lingering question of “Where has Blonde Bombshell gone?” hovering over the ringside area.]


Grade: D


Terry Smith: Where is Blonde Bombshell?

[Commotion is heard in the background; silence from the commentators as they appear shocked.]

Terry Smith: Where is she? The lights went out and now… now… She’s gone!

Ted Ross: She was beamed up by the Wrestling GOD, Ryland. Taken as his bride.

Terry Smith: A beautiful, young, woman just mysteriously disappeared and you’re filling the airwaves with stupid wrestle-crap? Get over it, Ted. This is NOT the time. We NEED to find out what happened to Amy.

Ted Ross: I stand by my statement.

Terry Smith: Someone call the cops!! Place a missing persons report! Amy Roberts was abducted here tonight; we need to find where she went!










Overall Show Grade: D+

Internet Response: “The show was excellent; it went down really well”.

Thought(s) of Greed: Thrill Seeker's shocking win on his first night with 4C was done in which to give us another 'main event level' babyface in which to potentially stand-up to the "Gatekeeper" fraternity. His style, and gimmick, really personifies 4C; so, I felt it was best to give him a legit debut so that he could instantly be seen as a 'big time player'. Also, with that in mind, "The Gatekeepers" have finally solidified their message as to WHY they are here: To 'cure the Wrestling Industry of a Disease'. What disease you ask? The 'disease' of the modern-wrestling approach; crying out for the 'good ole' days' in the process. This process of 'curing' the industry, and 4C for that matter, of this 'disease' will ultimately define the next year (in-game wise) as 2011 begs the question: Can 4C, and the members of 4C, stand up to the selfish warfare brought on by the jaded, veteran, "Gatekeeper" Fraternity? Or, will the Greed-led faction finally stomp out the 'modern wrestling approach'; ushering in a rehashing of the 'craft' they helped to build.


<hr color="black">

"Back to Basics" Quick Results:


Thrill Seeker wins the “New Beginnings“ match. He can now compete for whatever title he likes; at anytime. (C-)

Kamikaze KAZ defeated Nathaniel Ca$ino via pinfall. (D)

Clayton Hawthorne defeated TJ Bailey via pinfall. (D-)

R.A.T.S. defeated 187 via DQ when Sayeed Ali struck Nomad with a steel chair. (D)

The Gatekeepers © defeated The Future Kings of Canada via pinfall. (D)

Jacob Jett © defeated Steve Flash and Thrill Seeker via pinfall. ©

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Really liked the show and I think Thrill Seeker will be a great worker to have.


Thank you, 20LEgend.


I was pretty excited to see Thrill Seeker leave CGC in my game as he's a perfect example of the 4C product as a whole. With his addition, and a small amount more, I'm finally at the point where I feel like the 4C roster is 'good enough' to get us to the next level. I mean, from theoretical match standpoint who wouldn't mark out for: Thrill Seeker vs. Jacob Jett, Thrill Seeker vs. Steve Flash, Thrill Seeker vs. Davis Wayne Newton, etc.


Also, it's my initiative to continue to 'push' the originals from the roster. DWN is my main focus really; I just need to decide what I want to do with him. Insider Info wise, I was thinking of turning him babyface in which to match up against the Gatekeepers (as it seems best); but, I'm not totally sure if I really want to go that route right now. We'll see, I guess.

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Fantastic writing Eisen-verse. This is possibly your best work at the best time. The show felt very real and did a great job of taking a hokey scenario (a New Years Eve party) and transforming it into a huge storyline leading into the new year. Thoughts I have after reading are these.


1) Who abducted Blonde Bombshell? Could be anyone. I put my bet on Larry Wood as you talked about bringing him in before.


2) Love the 'disease' angle. It's close to the WWE/nWo idea back a few years ago but this one makes more sense. It's genius what you've decided to do with the Gatekeeper/4C war.


3) Great signing with Thrill Seeker!

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Fantastic writing Eisen-verse. This is possibly your best work at the best time. The show felt very real and did a great job of taking a hokey scenario (a New Years Eve party) and transforming it into a huge storyline leading into the new year. Thoughts I have after reading are these.


1) Who abducted Blonde Bombshell? Could be anyone. I put my bet on Larry Wood as you talked about bringing him in before.


2) Love the 'disease' angle. It's close to the WWE/nWo idea back a few years ago but this one makes more sense. It's genius what you've decided to do with the Gatekeeper/4C war.


3) Great signing with Thrill Seeker!


Thank you, Oracle! :D


Yea, the 'disease' name has already been used back in the WWE when Vince McMahon was using the nWo faction for the first time. That said, this version of the word is pretty much entirely different. In this case, The "Gatekeeper" Fraternity is trying to wipe the industry, they love, clean of the dumbing down/pop-culture based modern wrestling culture. In a way, despite being ultra-heels, their cause can go either way. I, for one, find myself siding with them at points; however, who can truly turn on the suicidal, death-defying, modern style that has come through now; making way for people like Jett and 'Seeker to stand above the rest. Overall, I'm excited to run with the 'cure the disease' storyline through out the next year (2011- in game).

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I have this ‘itch’.


It’s been there ever since I first started writing these diaries and I can’t help but always come back to the point where I really, really, want to ‘scratch it’. What I mean by this is, I’ve always wanted to work with Supreme Wrestling Federation. Why? As you can see by my username, It’s always been my favorite company to work with since day one. With that said, I always strayed away from actually using the global juggernaut out of fear. What drove this fear? It’s really a full list of things; coming down to:


1) BigPapa42’s amazing rendition of the Eisen-led company. Honestly, I don’t know HOW one can really match up his epic.

2) The fact that it’s used so prevalently; everyone loves SWF.

3) The sheer size of the company.

4) Not wanting it to pretty much seem like a carbon-copy of the WWE.


These are just some of the examples that I could go on, and on, about. With that said, though, I’m feeling that ‘itch’ more so than ever. I think it’s because, while I’ve fallen in love with the John Greed saga, I can no longer really relate with his depressive-ways. I’m happily married, rooted in a new professional-based job, and truly enjoying all that’s going on in life.


So what does this mean?


I’m kicking around the idea of re-vamping everything. Well, not really from a writer’s perspective as I plan on keeping the same writing style that I’m inherently comfortable with. So, what will change? The overall story.


I think I’ve found that the John Greed saga has run it’s course for me personally. It’s been a sneaking suspicion under it all as of late & I don’t want to string along scenarios if it doesn’t feel ‘right’. Ya know? As a writer, I can typically dive into the heads of those I don’t really know, or can’t really relate with personally, but at this point; I feel that the overall narrative has run its course.


So… Are you done?


. I know that some may be annoyed with me by this point; saying “stick with a company for a while”. I did X-WA for 6 months, PSW for 6-8 months, DOA for 3-4 months, and now 4C for 2 months. So, while they haven’t been for a full year worth’s of time personally, they have all been somewhere between 6-22 shows all together. It’s not that I can’t stick with a company, as I feel these lengths are pretty good versus just simply doing 2 shows and quitting, but I do feel that I have done enough to make a ‘stamp’ for myself on these boards.


If you’re not done, What are you going to do next?


I may be crazy; I may be truly insane for doing so… But… I’m going to ‘scratch the itch’.
I’m going to do my best to convey MY vision of the
Will it rival BigPapa42, JamesCasey, or anyone else who has run with the company before? Probably not. With that said, It will be unique; I promise. It will be my own vision; my own viewpoint on the company.


When will this start?


I’m not sure? To be honest, knowing my track record it will probably be sooner than later. With that said, I really want to make sure that I get this one right. Why? I have so much love for SWF, Richard Eisen, and all that goes along with it. So, I don’t want to half-ass my shot.


Normally, I wouldn't jump so quickly from a project but I TRULY feel that the idea of booking the SWF is a special circumstance that warrants such a jump. For every great writer, It's best to truly challenge yourself and what better to deliver a challenge than THE top company in the world. Can you keep them above the rest? Move into other areas of the world? Make the characters come to life? Make the wrestlers, behind the scenes, come to life? Can you build a culture that seems real? These are all things that I am dedicated to bringing to you.


All in all, That’s it. That’s my focus. I hope it interests you. The ‘Evolution of Greed’ has been a lot of fun & I really hope it registered with many. Just know that the new saga (coming soon) will be chalked full of the same dedication, the same investment, and the same focus on details. Honestly, just like with Greed, I want this next saga to carry it’s own weight and does well to entertain you all as readers.


Instead of bringing the event to a close & possibly have John Greed’s saga open for a return; I’m going to post one final posting where it pretty much relays what happens to John for the rest of his life. As you can guess, Not massively in detail from day-to-day as that would be insane… BUT… The overall gist of where he would have gone from there. I feel that that would be the best way to end such a saga.


Thank you.


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Annoyed? No, I would say not. Each of your projects has gone on at least long enough to provide a real feel and texture for the promotion. Perhaps not long enough to completely tell the story you wanted to tell, but that happens. Its one thing to be creative and skilled as a writer (as you are)... but sticking with a writing project like this long-term takes a singlular focus that is quite difficult (as I myself have learned). The creativity to find other stories that also appeal to you as a wrtier can actually be a dedriment, I find, as they chip away at that singular focus.


I can certainly sympathize with that "itch" that simply must be scratched. That was behind my very-short WWE project and my TCW project.


I can say that I definitely look forward to your take on the SWF and I don't doubt that you will be able to have a unique take on it. Best of luck, EV.

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I for one am not annoyed with you at ALL. I'll follow any of your diaries because they're always well written.


Seconded and SWF will be a change as you tend to non-global promotions. I cannot WAIT to "blog" about SWF! Good luck and I cannot wait!!!!!!

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Thank you guys. It's good to know that i'm not rubbing anyone the wrong way with taking a complete 180 away from Greed, non-global companies, and the underground cult vibe i've been working with since the Greed saga started. I'm sure my version of the SWF will have some of those cult themes to it as I tend to enjoy more 'thought out' storylines, characters, and angles versus just throwing something simple at the reader. But, with that in mind, this project will carry a different tone as it won't be a Greed production & will have new rules to stand by (from a character standpoint).


That 'itch' to book, and tell the story of, the SWF has been there ever since Day 1. To be honest, I know that it's going to be a lofty challenge but I'm really excited to see what can come of it. I'm going to take my time as it pertains to really diving into a new focus; re-reading the process of how to 'book a good show' and maybe even run a practice show or two to see what I can come up with. Mostly because, in personal games, I always end up with "B" grade shows for SupremeTV. So, I have to re-think what is considered to be good booking practices as it pertains to TEW as I don't want to fluff out with terrible ratings and de-value everything.


With that, developing my focus for how I want the SWF run, and getting to know the roster better; I'm guessing it'll be a bit before the actual thing starts up. Right now, It's all in the early planning stages so i'm sure it'll take a few drafts before I'm comfy. With this game, more so than ever, I plan on following the actual 'personal traits' of each character (even my own). So, hopefully Faith will act as he's suppose to as delegated by the game as an example. Diving into what the game gives me and fleshing that out to the point where he feels like a real person in, and out of, the ring. As you can see, This project is really going to take a lot of hard work but I'm ready for the challenge.


As I continue to develop my SWF, I'll continue to be on the boards reading others work. For the first time in a long time, I'll actually be able to read others projects; something I'm very excited about. :D


Anyways, Thanks for the support guys. It's much appreciated. Now, I just need to glue myself to the drawing board as it pertains to "The Land of Supreme". ;)

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With that said, though, I’m feeling that ‘itch’ more so than ever. I think it’s because, while I’ve fallen in love with the John Greed saga, I can no longer really relate with his depressive-ways. I’m happily married, rooted in a new professional-based job, and truly enjoying all that’s going on in life.


So what does this mean?


I’m kicking around the idea of re-vamping everything. Well, not really from a writer’s perspective as I plan on keeping the same writing style that I’m inherently comfortable with. So, what will change? The overall story.


I think I’ve found that the John Greed saga has run it’s course for me personally. It’s been a sneaking suspicion under it all as of late & I don’t want to string along scenarios if it doesn’t feel ‘right’. Ya know? As a writer, I can typically dive into the heads of those I don’t really know, or can’t really relate with personally, but at this point; I feel that the overall narrative has run its course.


That's very understable. I've commented a few times in the past about how demanding this writing must be for you, so I'm not really surprised or upset about your itch. There's not so much negativity you can find in yourself to write a believable story about a depressing hero without going overboard with your inner self. It's time to get a little lighter and I look forward to see how it renews your writing.


I also have to say that I'm curious to see how the new John Greed will be portrayed. It probably won't be your user character, but he's still under a SWF contract. Or he is ? ;)

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That's very understable. I've commented a few times in the past about how demanding this writing must be for you, so I'm not really surprised or upset about your itch. There's not so much negativity you can find in yourself to write a believable story about a depressing hero without going overboard with your inner self. It's time to get a little lighter and I look forward to see how it renews your writing.


Thank you, MrOnu. Crafting, envisioning, and writing these shows does take a lot out of me; however, I can't ever seem to 'dumb them down'. The second it starts to feel like I'm 'going through the motions' is typically when I stop a project since I know the creative drive isn't there anymore. ya know? I could have gone ahead with some 4C shows but I could feel the pull for the SWF becoming stronger and stronger in the last few weeks. It got to the point where I was thinking of storylines for the SWF more so than those in 4C. That's a sign that you should be getting out. ha.


It's true though, the 'depressing hero' was a great saga to write as John Greed fit the role so well. I started that saga almost exactly a year ago when my, then, girlfriend (now Wife) and I traveled to Colorado to potentially look into moving there. 360 some days later, Everything has changed; for the better at that. :D Now, with a new user character, and a new focus, as well as a new product-style and characters, there is a renewed sense of creativity underneath it all. First, though, I have to go through the grunt work in which to 100% say that I'm ready to put both feet forward on a 'good SWF project'.


I also have to say that I'm curious to see how the new John Greed will be portrayed. It probably won't be your user character, but he's still under a SWF contract. Or he is ? ;)

John Greed is certainly still on the SWF roster as I plan on using the default roster from the start of the TEW 2010 game. I'm somewhat of a purist when it comes to the game, so, I don't plan on making any real changes to the database outside of my user character. That way, I'm really playing the SWF as it should be played. Will I add people? Definetly. Right away? Maybe. More or less, I really want to create a true SWF diary; being realistic to the company as a whole and not overhauling everything in which to fit my perspective. I'm going to mold to the SWF; not have it mold to me.


As for his 'on screen character', I think I'm going to go with the same route I was booking him in my previous Greed saga diaries. He'll probably play a doomsday-like zealot; possibly under the name 'Brother Greed'. Should be interesting; that said... Things could change as to how I'll play him. I haven't given it too much thought as of yet.

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Well I will come along for the ride, I mean you probably knew that already. And I understand the SWF itch because I have had it as well, but I always seem to get poor match and angle grades when I try to play it. Maybe you can make my dream come true of having Joe Sexy be the Chris Jericho of the SWF!:D
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Well I will come along for the ride, I mean you probably knew that already. And I understand the SWF itch because I have had it as well, but I always seem to get poor match and angle grades when I try to play it. Maybe you can make my dream come true of having Joe Sexy be the Chris Jericho of the SWF!:D


Thank you, BHK! I would never expect to see you 'come along for the ride' simply because I don't expect anything in life to be honest. :D It makes it much easier when maybe A) It doesn't turn out or B) you're more grateful when it does. With that said, with Joe Sexy, I may play him more as a sneaky, almost slimy, awkwardly leering, sex-addict-like older guy. That guy who makes you feel uncomfortable at all times. haha. That said, I don't really know if that will happen as he looks too nice in his picture. ha. We'll see.


Realistically, since he's such a 'huge star' and such a gimmick would actually be quite creepy and turn him away from that opportunity, I could see a Jericho view with him per se. Less Campy though. ha. Also, a little more sexual-based as, I mean, his last name is Sexy. So, I'm guessing a full-of-himself, thinks he's god's gift to women, ultra-arrogant speaker. All in all, He's one of my favorite people on the roster (well, there are many) so i'm sure he'll get his chance in the sun.

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But what happened to Blonde Bombshell?:D


The plan was that she was abducted by Demon Seed. At first, it seems like it was done with malice (as you would expect) but, in turn, we find out that he actually did it to save her from the "Gateekepers". The lights go out at different points and the "Gatekeepers" are those who are attacked; all with the notion that Demon Seed is actually standing up against their oppressive nature due to his connection with 4C. In the end, it was going to be Jett, Seed, and Thrill Seeker (with maybe a few more) in which to stand up to the 'Keepers.

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What are your ideas for this SWF diary, E-V?


Everything is kind of in the beginning stages thus far; so, I don't really have anything legit to pass along quite yet. At this point, I'm devising a story to where Peter Michaels steps down from his post in some manner. I have a few things in mind; but, don't really want to go into detail as it will set-off the vibe straight away from a backstage perspective. More or less, without giving too much away, it's best to say that it's REALLY hard to work for the Eisen family.


I'm keeping all of the pre-set information as is (except for one change in which to set up the story); so, it will pretty much be the default database that everyone has their hands on right now. With help from a few alt renders maybe, I plan on trying to round out my vision for each character coming up here in the next week or so. I really want to classify each guy, give them their own spin and mannerisms, and ultimately develop them into 'realistic' people (both in and out of the ring) none the less. So, it's going to take some time to dive into all of that.


Product wise, looking at the product, will carry a true SE kind of form; however, not in the way that the WWE is right now. As you can see, Their 'risque' nature is up pretty high, so, I plan on playing the SWF with a devilish kind of arrogance; standing as the counter-opposite to the traditional frame-work of TCW and USPW. So, pretty much, 'larger than life' characters and storylines all wrapped within a bit of an edge (however not dipping into hardcore really at all). Also, with time, there will be an emphasis on 'Evolution' as it pertains to ushering in a new trend; as SWF looks to be the trend-setter versus the one lagging behind. With that said, at this time, there won't be any product changes; just a brand or two.


All in all, That's what I've got so far without going too much into detail. It's going to take a bit in which to craft everything so it feels 100% ready-to-go, but when it is, it could be one hell of a project! :D

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Everything is kind of in the beginning stages thus far; so, I don't really have anything legit to pass along quite yet. At this point, I'm devising a story to where Peter Michaels steps down from his post in some manner. I have a few things in mind; but, don't really want to go into detail as it will set-off the vibe straight away from a backstage perspective. More or less, without giving too much away, it's best to say that it's REALLY hard to work for the Eisen family.


I'm keeping all of the pre-set information as is (except for one change in which to set up the story); so, it will pretty much be the default database that everyone has their hands on right now. With help from a few alt renders maybe, I plan on trying to round out my vision for each character coming up here in the next week or so. I really want to classify each guy, give them their own spin and mannerisms, and ultimately develop them into 'realistic' people (both in and out of the ring) none the less. So, it's going to take some time to dive into all of that.


Product wise, looking at the product, will carry a true SE kind of form; however, not in the way that the WWE is right now. As you can see, Their 'risque' nature is up pretty high, so, I plan on playing the SWF with a devilish kind of arrogance; standing as the counter-opposite to the traditional frame-work of TCW and USPW. So, pretty much, 'larger than life' characters and storylines all wrapped within a bit of an edge (however not dipping into hardcore really at all). Also, with time, there will be an emphasis on 'Evolution' as it pertains to ushering in a new trend; as SWF looks to be the trend-setter versus the one lagging behind. With that said, at this time, there won't be any product changes; just a brand or two.


All in all, That's what I've got so far without going too much into detail. It's going to take a bit in which to craft everything so it feels 100% ready-to-go, but when it is, it could be one hell of a project! :D


Kinda like but not necessarily Edge's live sex celebrations? Or Triple H sexing up a corpse?

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