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The Infamous, Rebellious, Suicidal… 4C; The Evolution of GREED

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Kinda like but not necessarily Edge's live sex celebrations? Or Triple H sexing up a corpse?


I don't think you'll be seeing that in the SWF. haha. Sure, they are 'risque' in nature but not that over the top. ha. My vision, so far, is to craft the SWF as slightly more edgy than TCW; however, not necissarily an 'attitude era' company. While that era was interesting to me as a kid, I think I like the idea of booking the SWF more in-line with the early/mid 90's sense of actual characters versus a bland overall representation where everyone is the same character just under a different name (ie: WWE right now).


Joe Sexy will probably be the closest thing to that 'over-sexualized' kind of approach; but even in his case, it won't be that far I don't believe. ha.

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I know one person who will be highly annoyed with you... Jacob Jett!!! The man was slowly starting to trust you then you walk out on him again, I wouldn't be surprised if all this ended with Jett killing Greed...



In all seriousness though, best of luck to you with SWF I'm sure it will be an amaing run. And I completly understand where you are coming from. I never wanted to use SWF for the longest time because I figured a) the roster was just to huge, and b) if I'm already the number one promotion in the world what challenge is there. Then i started up a diary in 08 with them and have loved them since.


I think they will be a great fit with your writing style. There are so many unique characters there that you can make your own, and with your uncanny ability to really make characters stand out well I expect the diary to be nothing short of epic (but hey no pressue ;)


Good luck my friend, and thanks for the amazing read

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I know one person who will be highly annoyed with you... Jacob Jett!!! The man was slowly starting to trust you then you walk out on him again, I wouldn't be surprised if all this ended with Jett killing Greed...


haha. I could see that honestly. Jacob Jett, promising young wrestler, spends the rest of his life in Prison following the murder of John Greed. In all reality, while I'm stepping away from the Greed saga; I mentally expect that he will have stayed with the company from there on out. I don't think, for John at least, there would be any other opporunity that would come along so I'm thinking 4C would have probably been his last company. Whether that meant spending the bulk of his life there or simply leaving the industry, I highly expect that he would stick it out there. So, while I'm ending it, in my mind, he's still going forward.



In all seriousness though, best of luck to you with SWF I'm sure it will be an amaing run. And I completly understand where you are coming from. I never wanted to use SWF for the longest time because I figured a) the roster was just to huge, and b) if I'm already the number one promotion in the world what challenge is there. Then i started up a diary in 08 with them and have loved them since.


I think they will be a great fit with your writing style. There are so many unique characters there that you can make your own, and with your uncanny ability to really make characters stand out well I expect the diary to be nothing short of epic (but hey no pressue ;)


Good luck my friend, and thanks for the amazing read


Thank you!! Honestly, I believe everyone sets out to create an 'epic' at some point in their writing career. Will SWF be mine? I'm not really sure. All I know is that, as of right now, things are coming together really well. A lot of character analysis these days for me to say the least; trying to get the know the roster from the inside-out (my user character included). There are many writers who have tackled this company before me (some great ones even going on right now) so I don't expect to really break that far from the pack. Honestly, BigPapa42 pretty much 'made his name' with Generation Supreme. Can I rival that? I don't think so. Will I try? I would be a bad writer to say that I was going into the project uninspired.


In the end, I just want to bring a unique view of the SWF, The Eisen family, and all that goes along with that. My main goal is for the readers of my SWF project to walk away going; "I really feel as if I was there". Whether that was actual SWF shows, or backstage for that matter, I really want the reader to feel that they are reading a novel versus a simple booking diary.


If that interests you, Then hopefully I'll see you all when the next project starts up!

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Thank you!! Honestly, I believe everyone sets out to create an 'epic' at some point in their writing career. Will SWF be mine? I'm not really sure. All I know is that, as of right now, things are coming together really well. A lot of character analysis these days for me to say the least; trying to get the know the roster from the inside-out (my user character included). There are many writers who have tackled this company before me (some great ones even going on right now) so I don't expect to really break that far from the pack. Honestly, BigPapa42 pretty much 'made his name' with Generation Supreme. Can I rival that? I don't think so. Will I try? I would be a bad writer to say that I was going into the project uninspired.


In the end, I just want to bring a unique view of the SWF, The Eisen family, and all that goes along with that. My main goal is for the readers of my SWF project to walk away going; "I really feel as if I was there". Whether that was actual SWF shows, or backstage for that matter, I really want the reader to feel that they are reading a novel versus a simple booking diary.


If that interests you, Then hopefully I'll see you all when the next project starts up!

You've got a reader in me. Since I'm sorta-new to TEW, I've only followed the DOA and 4C diaries and loved every bit of it. I'm interested to see what your amazing writing style does for the SWF.


Hey, I've always thought you'd do an SWF diary...after all, Eisen-Verse is your name.


Reading stuff like yours inspires me to give diary writing another crack. After corrupted files and long times without playing, I'm just thinking about trying this again...one of my ideas is using one of the guys in this 4C game you described in-game perfectly, in my mind. Thanks for being a great writing inspiration for me and the amazing diaries you do.


You've got a lifelong reader in me.



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You've got a reader in me. Since I'm sorta-new to TEW, I've only followed the DOA and 4C diaries and loved every bit of it. I'm interested to see what your amazing writing style does for the SWF.


Hey, I've always thought you'd do an SWF diary...after all, Eisen-Verse is your name.


Reading stuff like yours inspires me to give diary writing another crack. After corrupted files and long times without playing, I'm just thinking about trying this again...one of my ideas is using one of the guys in this 4C game you described in-game perfectly, in my mind. Thanks for being a great writing inspiration for me and the amazing diaries you do.


You've got a lifelong reader in me.




That's awesome that my previous projects have pushed you to want to work with a new potential dynasty in the future. Honestly, thats' very cool to read/hear. At one point, about 2 years ago, I was at the same place as you were; never really playing the game at all, reading other dynasties but not really having a real thought of putting the work into it. For me, luckily, it was BigPapa42, NoNeck, and FINisher that inspired me to start writing. Hell, I think I loaded PA's email box with daily questions about the process and he was amazing enough to help me along the way. That's what's cool about this community, We have some great writers who are all willing to talk things over. If you ever need something like that then just let me know and I'll be more than happy to help; that is if you want it.


Also, good to know that I'll have you on board with SWF. It seems like a logical jump for someone with the username as I do to take on such a project. ha. That said, I feel like I had to get to this point for people to view this next project as legit. Does that make sense? If I were to have 'itched' the SWF craze when I first started then I'm sure I would have been passed by as 'another nameless writer'. At this point, luckily, I find myself with people like yourself who actually like what i've been able to put together! So, with that in my 'pocket', thankfully a project of this massive grandeur may just work. :D

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