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The Infamous, Rebellious, Suicidal… 4C; The Evolution of GREED

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Meh there is always Jez or Jay and others. A lot of refs are better in a lot of ways then Gordy. BTW isn't the road agent the one that facilitates the product more? And you definitely need a better one there. Keep Grant on and you can create some backstage conflict out of it given his relationship with Winner.
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Mr. Gordy will now contact Guru and the plot will move into phase 2...


;) You can never out-run The Guru...


You might have a hard time keeping Wilson Carlisle. I had him for a grand total of two months in my MAW game before he was hired by TCW.

Yep, Carlisle gets picked up pretty darned quick.


I thought that may come to pass; either way, he seemed like the best man for the job right now. If he leaves, At least we were able to update that position for a few months before needing to change it out again. I'm more than comfortable with having a revolving door when it comes to referees. Just as long as they're better than Andy Gordy. ha.


Meh there is always Jez or Jay and others. A lot of refs are better in a lot of ways then Gordy. BTW isn't the road agent the one that facilitates the product more? And you definitely need a better one there. Keep Grant on and you can create some backstage conflict out of it given his relationship with Winner.


Grant is defiantly not working as a true 'road agent' for these shows. More or less, He's just a backstage official due to his relationship with Winner. So far, I've been using Steve Flash as my 'road agent' and swapping in John Greed for when Steve is wrestling. There are a few other people I thought about bringing in for that position, but, they are all pretty popular in Canada so they would as for faaar to much on a 4C budget.


Also, with John saying that the referee is the most key component to good in-ring action, It certainly is a fusion of the ref, competitors, and the road agent. Either way, Andy Gordy wasn't ideal from a referee perspective (I felt as if he was holding back 4C from a grade perspective).

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Critical-23's "Agents of Anarchy" Mark the F*ck OUT~! Review!!!


It's me, it's me, it's. . .critical-23!! In case you 'Net nerds are wondering where I've been well--you know that little upstart indy promotion based out of Cleveland? Um, the Dog Pound? Come on, your friggin' kidding me--you ain't heard of the Dog Pound?! And you call yourself a fan of the blog?!?!?!? Screw you, slap head! Onto the card. . .*grumbles*


The Future Kings of Canada defeated The Gilbert Brothers via pinfall.

I totally called this one. Chris Flynn? Davey Boy?! Come on! The Gilberts are entertaining as hockey lovin' hosers but face it, they are brawlers and this ain't the days of Whipper anymore. Put a few weapons around the ring and I believe the Gilberts could hang with some of today's premier tag teams hands down. However this was a straight up, non-hardcore match that the "future" Kings cheated to win with a cheap roll-up. And how can Davey move like that, avoiding the Slapshot? Must be the bacon, eh? 3 outta 5 slapshots for Davey cheating and for Flynn being a d*ck. Next!!!


Sayeed Ali defeated Antonio Del Veccio & Slim-V for the Hardcore Championship.

Surprise of the night as ADV is shown to the great white North that even he has a limit when it comes to taken a shot to the head. For over a year, 'Tonio has been beaten to a pulp and pulled out the win time and time again and would then call me and brag about it. Everytime this guy gets hit, Rip Chord cringes (trust me, Rip cringes without even seeing the match--that's how hard ADV gets hit). Maybe now without the Hardcore title, ADV can focus on Jacob Jett now. 4 outta 5 for Ali doing what most of the roster couldn't do: keep ADV down. Next!!


Frankie Dee defeated Duberry Excess via pinfall.

Dee is Canada's John Pathlow. There I said it and you know it to be true, you slap heads. Who else but Dee can pull off a Karate Kid-like kick like that, huh?! Yeah, I thought so. And Excess is on the verge of cracking--which usually means to us in the biz that it is time for a "gimmick" change. Hopefully something besides the usual "screw the fans for not cheering me enough so I'll go batsh*t crazy and destroy everybody" kind of change. Seen that one and done that one plenty of times myself. 4 outta 5 for Dee being a monster and for Duberry for still being able to have all of his teeth.


Jacob Jett defeated Steve Flash via pinfall.

Where has this Jacob Jett been?! For those of you who THINK they are in the know, Jett is the former Jettstream of the infamous DOA promotion that was pretty much a jobber (blame the network, yo!) which hid his true skills as a crazy and c0cky performer. Enough about that, though. How awesome is Steve Flash?! "Uncle Steve" as I call him, can carry matches to almost instant classics with just about any lump of turd (seriously, look it up on MeTube: Strong Style versus Flash and I was just a month out of training!!!). Don't know who will step up to the plate next but I wouldn't be disappointed to see this bout all over again. 5 outta 5 just for the hope of seeing this contest again!!!!


Well that is it for this month, nerds! And please, PLEASE~! check out the Dog Pound promotion on MeTube. Be sure to check out that handsome (no homo!) gentlemen wearing the bandanna. Peace!!

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Critical-23's "Agents of Anarchy" Mark the F*ck OUT~! Review!!!


It's me, it's me, it's. . .critical-23!! In case you 'Net nerds are wondering where I've been well--you know that little upstart indy promotion based out of Cleveland? Um, the Dog Pound? Come on, your friggin' kidding me--you ain't heard of the Dog Pound?! And you call yourself a fan of the blog?!?!?!? Screw you, slap head! Onto the card. . .*grumbles*


The Future Kings of Canada defeated The Gilbert Brothers via pinfall.

I totally called this one. Chris Flynn? Davey Boy?! Come on! The Gilberts are entertaining as hockey lovin' hosers but face it, they are brawlers and this ain't the days of Whipper anymore. Put a few weapons around the ring and I believe the Gilberts could hang with some of today's premier tag teams hands down. However this was a straight up, non-hardcore match that the "future" Kings cheated to win with a cheap roll-up. And how can Davey move like that, avoiding the Slapshot? Must be the bacon, eh? 3 outta 5 slapshots for Davey cheating and for Flynn being a d*ck. Next!!!


Sayeed Ali defeated Antonio Del Veccio & Slim-V for the Hardcore Championship.

Surprise of the night as ADV is shown to the great white North that even he has a limit when it comes to taken a shot to the head. For over a year, 'Tonio has been beaten to a pulp and pulled out the win time and time again and would then call me and brag about it. Everytime this guy gets hit, Rip Chord cringes (trust me, Rip cringes without even seeing the match--that's how hard ADV gets hit). Maybe now without the Hardcore title, ADV can focus on Jacob Jett now. 4 outta 5 for Ali doing what most of the roster couldn't do: keep ADV down. Next!!


Frankie Dee defeated Duberry Excess via pinfall.

Dee is Canada's John Pathlow. There I said it and you know it to be true, you slap heads. Who else but Dee can pull off a Karate Kid-like kick like that, huh?! Yeah, I thought so. And Excess is on the verge of cracking--which usually means to us in the biz that it is time for a "gimmick" change. Hopefully something besides the usual "screw the fans for not cheering me enough so I'll go batsh*t crazy and destroy everybody" kind of change. Seen that one and done that one plenty of times myself. 4 outta 5 for Dee being a monster and for Duberry for still being able to have all of his teeth.


Jacob Jett defeated Steve Flash via pinfall.

Where has this Jacob Jett been?! For those of you who THINK they are in the know, Jett is the former Jettstream of the infamous DOA promotion that was pretty much a jobber (blame the network, yo!) which hid his true skills as a crazy and c0cky performer. Enough about that, though. How awesome is Steve Flash?! "Uncle Steve" as I call him, can carry matches to almost instant classics with just about any lump of turd (seriously, look it up on MeTube: Strong Style versus Flash and I was just a month out of training!!!). Don't know who will step up to the plate next but I wouldn't be disappointed to see this bout all over again. 5 outta 5 just for the hope of seeing this contest again!!!!


Well that is it for this month, nerds! And please, PLEASE~! check out the Dog Pound promotion on MeTube. Be sure to check out that handsome (no homo!) gentlemen wearing the bandanna. Peace!!


You're hilarious, Critical-23! I was throughly entertained reading this one. haha. Great work, Bravo!


I appreciate the work you put into these things. :D

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Date of Event:
Wednesday, Week 4, October 2010

Event #:

Location of Event:
Ontario (Canada)

Size of Event:

Duration of Event:

Broadcasting of Event:
Internet; via 4C-wrestling.com




Event Synopsis

There is no stronger bond than that of blood brothers. Regardless of the world that surrounds them, the turmoil that will almost certainly transpire, those bound by blood are forever locked in a state absolute cohesion. With this in mind, Canadian Charisma Championship Combat invades the comfortable landscape of Windsor Arena Hall once again; challenging such a given truth by forcing two contrasting opposites to form as one. Both individuals hoping to achieve another level of success while depending upon a perfect stranger; needing to form the closest thing to a ’blood brothership’ in which to capitalize on the opportunity laid before them.


Can cohesion, a sense of ’blood brothership’, be manufactured? - OR - Will the narrative prove to be exclusive to those who actually share the same blood? We, and the competitors of our Main Event, will come to find out the truth behind such a test of social construction.




Antonio Del Veccio w/ Joy DeWitt vs. TJ Bailey

Singles Match


The man projected as unbreakable faces his toughest challenge yet: Reality.


After holding the 4C Hardcore Championship for a full calendar year, an amazing feat of supernatural-like strength, Antonio Del Veccio is forced to move forward without his prized possession; now in the hands of Sayeed Ali and, the ultra deadly, 187. For the first time in 365 days, Del Veccio is up against a brand new opponent; one that could certainly crush him psychologically: The slippery-slope of a post-championship drought.


While TJ Bailey certainly doesn’t pose the same kind of threat Del Veccio’s previous challengers did, The ‘larger than life’, Californian ‘dude’ should not be taken lightly. Do not let his west-coast, dazed & confused, persona fool you. TJ is, what most industry experts call, a ‘budding superstar’; potentially only a ‘big-time win’ away from stepping into the limelight many expect he will, someday, call ‘home’.


With this in mind, don’t expect an easy ‘walk in the park’ for the former, rebounding, 4C Hardcore Champion. While he may no longer be subjected to the harsh conditions of the division he once reigned ‘extreme’ over, He is now forced into a new predicament: Attempting to stave-off the potential rise of a surging, truly ‘stellar’, surfing King.



<hr color="grey">
Lingering Question:
Can Antonio Del Veccio rebound from his title loss, last month, to Sayeed Ali?

Match Details:
Singles Match, Standard Rules.







The Gilbert Brothers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Tag Team Match

4C Tag Team Championship Match



2 weeks ago the unthinkable happened: The overtly ‘green’, wildly self-absorbed, tandem known as “The Future Kings of Canada” manipulated their way toward a career-changing victory; defeating 4C Tag Champions, The Gilbert Brothers, in a truly unexpected moment. Granted, the win was perpetuated by their total disregard of the unwritten rules of 4C; however, one cannot deny the victory none the less. This WAS their ‘break-out’ moment; their potential springboard to bigger, and better, things.


That springboard to bigger, and better, things has brought them straight to the most coveted prize in this companies tag-team division: The 4C Tag Team Championships.


While their loss was certainly ‘tainted’, The Gilbert Brothers aren’t one to wallow in semantics. They had an opportunity to win, and for some reason, they were unable to seize the reigns of the match-up. So, with this in mind, it’s to be expected that the 4C Tag Champions will come into “Blood Brothers” with a focused mindset, hell-bent on retaining their prized possession; stalling the newly budding rise of the “Future Kings of Canada”.


Sadly, for the Gilbert Brothers, those who stand across from them, within the squared circle, may not be the only predators circulating around the ringside area. As seen during “Agents of Anarchy”, there is a new, mysterious, tandem forging through the darkness; seemingly fixated on the championship belts that they posses as well. With this as common knowledge for 4C fans, one has to wonder if the only championship match of the night will end in a chaotic fashion? All in all, for the Gilbert Brothers to walk away with the gleaming golden plated belts still fastened around their waists, they will ultimately have to remove any potential outside stressors. For if they don’t, There is a good chance we may see NEW 4C Tag Champions by the nights end.



<hr color="grey">
Lingering Question(s):
Can the “Future Kings of Canada“ find a way to defeat The Gilbert Brothers 2 times within a month time span? Will the mysterious new 4C trio, made up of Ted Brady, Barry Kingsman, and John Greed, continue the carnage they bestowed upon the Tag Champions; aggressively forcing their hand in, another, sneak attack?

Match Details:
Tag Team Match, Standard Rules, 4C Tag Team Championships Match.







Duberry Excess vs. Raj

Singles Match


Can you spot desperation? Are you able to diagnose another with a crippling sense of fear? If so, then you’ve witnessed these very scenarios within the framework of the once-great, now struggling, Duberry Excess.


Duberry is, quite possibly, one of the most beloved figures in company history. So, with that being said, his recent ‘fall from grace’ has left a collective sour taste in the mouth’s of 4C fans. Once revered for his, seemingly, endless stock-pile of resiliency; Duberry now finds himself in a complete state of struggle; waging a war with his own psyche as he attempts to guide his ‘ship back on course’. Is it possible? That remains to be seen. Recently; however, signs continue to point toward an inevitable downward spiral versus any sort of miraculous up-swing of fortunes. A truth that can only be described as severely disheartening to both Duberry himself, and those who label themselves as loyal Excess supporters.


On the other hand, Raj has recently seen his 4C stock continue to rise like a blazing phoenix; forging a new path upward once removed from the constraints of his past. His recent decision to strip-away the lovable, somewhat flaky, rave-persona has worked wonders; bringing forth a changing wind that has shown continued progress from a win/loss perspective in 4C. Can he continue to climb the 4C ladder much like he claims his freshman album will? Again, this remains to be seen.


Two men, floating down two different paths, will meet for the first time in 4C history. While their motives are quite contrasting, BOTH want, and/or need, a victory of this magnitude. For, the victor will certainly display an ability to take hold of their careers; leaving them more prone to potential Championship opportunities in the future.


Realistically, Duberry Excess needs this win badly; both for his 4C career and his own, personal, mental health.



<hr color="grey">
Lingering Question(s):
Is Duberry Excess in danger of drifting into obscurity if he’s unable to temper his recent losing record? Will Raj prove himself to be a ‘changed man’ as it pertains to singles wrestling success?

Match Details:
Singles Match, Standard Rules.







Jacob Jett © and Steve Flash vs. Frankie Dee and Sayeed Ali

Tag Team Match

If Jacob Jett/Steve Flash win
: Steve Flash will via for the 4C Championship in 2 weeks; competing against Jacob Jett during the 4C’s Quebec event. Also, for winning, Jett will name the stipulation of said match-up.

If Frankie Dee/Sayeed Ali win
: Dee and Ali will square off against one another in 2 weeks to officially find the NEW #1 Contender to Jett’s 4C Championship.


To succeed in tag-team competition, two men must become one; think as a unit, act as a unit, and ultimately find victory as a cohesive unit. Most often than not, Those who embark upon this journey with a sibling tend to overcome the odds at a speedier rate; their extensive knowledge of one another, almost as if they can communicate without needing to say a word, as the ultimate tool in their divisional ascension. While the four men competing in our main event are nowhere near the label of a ‘family’, They must find a way to best work as a team to ultimately gain what they want personally: An opportunity to challenge Jacob Jett for the 4C Championship.


One minor miscommunication can bring any one of these superstars career’s to a screeching halt. All it takes is on e wayward, loner-based decision, to eventually unravel your cohesive attack; ultimately opening a giant window for the opposing team to take advantage. Needless to say, despite their obvious differences, both tandems will be forced to accept the other as a ‘Brother’; if you will, working as one in which to succeed as separate entities.


Walls my crumble, perceptions may be challenged; however, the truth of the matter is this: One team will walk away with the ability to proceed toward Jett’s Championship. Who will it be?



<hr color="grey">
Lingering Question(s):
Can two former opponents, Steve Flash and Jacob Jett, work as one despite their recent battle at “Agents of Anarchy”? How will the severely contrasting styles of “The White Angel” and the 4C Hardcore Champion come together in which to take another step toward a potential 4C Championship opportunity?

Match Details:
Tag Match, Standard Rules, Special Stipulations.




To succeed one must rely on another; an unstable ‘brothership‘ is born.






<hr color="black">

”Blood Brothers” Quick Picks:


Antonio Del Veccio vs. TJ Bailey

The Gilbert Brothers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Duberry Excess vs. Raj

Jacob Jett © and Steve Flash vs. Frankie Dee and Sayeed Ali

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”Blood Brothers” Quick Picks:


Antonio Del Veccio vs. TJ Bailey

Standard rules is just right for the technical ADV.


The Gilbert Brothers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Intrigued by the sight of Greed and the Kingman/Brady duo.


Duberry Excess vs. Raj

The downslide continues. . .


Jacob Jett © and Steve Flash vs. Frankie Dee and Sayeed Ali

Gotta keep Jett as the centerpiece.

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Antonio Del Veccio vs. TJ Bailey


I really wanted to see Antonio hold onto his title but it was not meant to be. Anyways, TJ Bailey sucks so Antonio should get the win here.


The Gilbert Brothers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada


They may be the future kings of Canada but this is the present, but it will be the past by the time someone reads this...


Duberry Excess vs. Raj


Jacob Jett © and Steve Flash vs. Frankie Dee and Sayeed Ali

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Antonio Del Veccio vs. TJ Bailey


The Gilbert Brothers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada


Duberry Excess vs. Raj

Tough call but will go with Duberry on this one.


Jacob Jett © and Steve Flash vs. Frankie Dee and Sayeed Ali

Better Team in my opinion although Frankie Dee and Sayeed Ali are good in their own right.

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“What do you believe is his reason for not talking to you?”


He relayed his line of question while keeping his eyes glued to the flimsy piece of paper before him; sitting comfortably upon the inside of his right leg while it’s seen crossed over his lap. He wasn’t much different than ‘the doc’ back in New York; one shrink is like all shrinks. That said, he did carry himself with a little more of a disconnected vibe; seeming like one more dedicated to the notion of ‘going through the motions’ than anything else. In the end, his hefty paycheck was most certainly his real motivation; the years of challenging himself as a psycho-analyst was long past him by now.


“Well… He was an employee of mine at my previous destination; the DOA. While there, He was, more or less, silenced within the ranks; pushed aside for others who were more ‘popular’ then he. Looking back, my inability to really give him a legit ‘shot’ was probably my greatest failure within that post. Well, that and my inability to subdue the anti-authoritative voice in my head; telling me to simply ‘walk out’ on the company despite no real leads of my removal.”


His demeanor doesn’t change in the slightest; keeping his eyes fixated on the paper before him still. Meanwhile, facing such a scenario again rips my heart in two; leaving me inches from the theoretical cliff of responsibility. It was sophomoric to leave the DOA on such terms; but, I couldn’t help but feel justified knowing that Jensen [Tarver] was looking to replace my anyways. Could I have been more empathetic? Sure. Did I want to be? No. Never the less, my choice had already been made so I must live with the consequences that come with my decision. Even if that means my top draw, and top champion, wants nothing to do with me at this point.


“You just… left? Walked out?”


He responds in a cold; however, inquisitive manner.


“Yea. It was during the taping of a TV event; I just… walked right out the door. Never looked back.”


There was an awkward silence for a second; a situation that drives my skin to crawl every time it comes to existence.


“Well, John. In just the short time I’ve interacted with you, It seems like everything stems down to this internal feeling of defiance. You tend to hate your employers, those who stand against you, and those who you think are pushing you aside. It’s not uncommon, no, but it is something that will always haunt you both professionally and personally. The drug-use, the alcohol addiction, those are both scenarios stemming from this defiant nature; you were revolting against your own life, fighting a war within yourself as, part of you, felt it was best to ‘drown your sorrows’ in the very things you K NOW are not good for you. But, you did them anyways. Does this sound correct in your judgment?”




I respond rather lazily; sighing in the process. Knowing that he’s right; however, still unable to really rip myself entirely from the defiant-nature he has just opened before me.


“You can’t expect him to open up to you, John. This employee of yours, It appears he has already grown tired of your antics. Can you blame him? Honestly? Deep down, you must know that you would feel the exact same way if the tables were turned. So, with that in mind, it’s best that you continue forward with the hope that he’ll turn around; however, you must prepare for the thought that it may NEVER be what you want it to be. They call it ‘burning bridges’ for a reason.”


I wanted to say “Thanks dad” in a snotty-like fashion; however, that would only add fuel to the fire as it pertains to my supposed lack of respect for others. Either way, I simply nod in agreement; looking down toward my watch in the process.


“Do you have somewhere to be, John?”




His stare is quite uncomfortable; stripping away his calm demeanor for a second in which to call me out on my actions.


“My recommendation for you, John, is to take a few seconds in the next week to really review those decisions that may have hindered you both professionally and personally over the last 5 years. It appears that you’ve done enough damage to yourself on all fronts; it’s now time to realize WHY you made those decisions. Once you can tackle the root of your problems, you may find a consistent theme forming within it all.”


“Do you see a consistent theme?”


I respond; again with a lazy-kind of manner.


“That’s not for me to convey. This is your review; not mine.”


He was right; but, I couldn’t help but mock him internally.


“Alright, ‘Doc’. Great talkin’ to ya’…”


I, again, respond; however, this time, mocking him externally. My tone, dripping in sarcasm, practically flew out of my mouth on a subconscious level. Even as I was saying those very words, I knew that I was wrong in doing so, but, there was no suppressing it.


The tremors were still there…


My Knee was starting to show signs of crippling arthritis…


My bed consisted of the driver’s side seat of my broken-in 94 Plymouth Sundance…


Needless to say, I’m, most likely, a time-bomb waiting to explode. I can only hope to cut the right wire before everything explodes in my face… Again.






<hr color="black">

”Blood Brothers” Quick Picks:


Antonio Del Veccio vs. TJ Bailey

The Gilbert Brothers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Duberry Excess vs. Raj

Jacob Jett © and Steve Flash vs. Frankie Dee and Sayeed Ali

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”Blood Brothers” Quick Picks:


Antonio Del Veccio vs. TJ Bailey

The Gilbert Brothers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Duberry Excess vs. Raj

Jacob Jett © and Steve Flash vs. Frankie Dee and Sayeed Ali



Great work thus far. Whether it's PSW, DOA, or 4C, you do a great job of creating a unique tone for your stories.

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Antonio Del Veccio vs. TJ Bailey

You simply can't stop the Iron Man, unless your the 187's. I predict some sort of gang warfare between Antonio and two/three others versus the 187's.


The Gilbert Brothers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada

With Greed's new duo coming in to force, it makes perfect sense for two hungry workers to make a name for themselves in 4C.


Duberry Excess vs. Raj

You seem to be going places with Duberry, much like Ash in PSW. Maybe Demon Seed shall show up in the wrestling carnival that is 4C.


Jacob Jett © and Steve Flash vs. Frankie Dee and Sayeed Ali

I see Jett stealing the win from Flash, as a further show of disrespect. Flash will win the title. Hopefully.

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the wrestling carnival that is 4C.


This is the absolute, best, way to describe 4C in my mind; MichiganHero. Thank you for that. :D


4C, in all of its psychotic glory, is truly a circus if there ever was one (both inside the ring and 'behind the scenes'). That's why I love it as much as I do; creates for a truly interesting scenario. One with limitless possibilities; which is amazing for a writer.

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This is the absolute, best, way to describe 4C in my mind; MichiganHero. Thank you for that. :D


4C, in all of its psychotic glory, is truly a circus if there ever was one (both inside the ring and 'behind the scenes'). That's why I love it as much as I do; creates for a truly interesting scenario. One with limitless possibilities; which is amazing for a writer.


Wait I got it! Call the next even Psycho Circus!!!! Wait... What!! Aaaaah snap. lolz.

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Critical-23's "Agents of Anarchy" Mark the F*ck OUT~! Review!!!


It's me, it's me, it's. . .critical-23!! In case you 'Net nerds are wondering where I've been well--you know that little upstart indy promotion based out of Cleveland? Um, the Dog Pound? Come on, your friggin' kidding me--you ain't heard of the Dog Pound?! And you call yourself a fan of the blog?!?!?!? Screw you, slap head! Onto the card. . .*grumbles*


The Future Kings of Canada defeated The Gilbert Brothers via pinfall.

I totally called this one. Chris Flynn? Davey Boy?! Come on! The Gilberts are entertaining as hockey lovin' hosers but face it, they are brawlers and this ain't the days of Whipper anymore. Put a few weapons around the ring and I believe the Gilberts could hang with some of today's premier tag teams hands down. However this was a straight up, non-hardcore match that the "future" Kings cheated to win with a cheap roll-up. And how can Davey move like that, avoiding the Slapshot? Must be the bacon, eh? 3 outta 5 slapshots for Davey cheating and for Flynn being a d*ck. Next!!!


Sayeed Ali defeated Antonio Del Veccio & Slim-V for the Hardcore Championship.

Surprise of the night as ADV is shown to the great white North that even he has a limit when it comes to taken a shot to the head. For over a year, 'Tonio has been beaten to a pulp and pulled out the win time and time again and would then call me and brag about it. Everytime this guy gets hit, Rip Chord cringes (trust me, Rip cringes without even seeing the match--that's how hard ADV gets hit). Maybe now without the Hardcore title, ADV can focus on Jacob Jett now. 4 outta 5 for Ali doing what most of the roster couldn't do: keep ADV down. Next!!


Frankie Dee defeated Duberry Excess via pinfall.

Dee is Canada's John Pathlow. There I said it and you know it to be true, you slap heads. Who else but Dee can pull off a Karate Kid-like kick like that, huh?! Yeah, I thought so. And Excess is on the verge of cracking--which usually means to us in the biz that it is time for a "gimmick" change. Hopefully something besides the usual "screw the fans for not cheering me enough so I'll go batsh*t crazy and destroy everybody" kind of change. Seen that one and done that one plenty of times myself. 4 outta 5 for Dee being a monster and for Duberry for still being able to have all of his teeth.


Jacob Jett defeated Steve Flash via pinfall.

Where has this Jacob Jett been?! For those of you who THINK they are in the know, Jett is the former Jettstream of the infamous DOA promotion that was pretty much a jobber (blame the network, yo!) which hid his true skills as a crazy and c0cky performer. Enough about that, though. How awesome is Steve Flash?! "Uncle Steve" as I call him, can carry matches to almost instant classics with just about any lump of turd (seriously, look it up on MeTube: Strong Style versus Flash and I was just a month out of training!!!). Don't know who will step up to the plate next but I wouldn't be disappointed to see this bout all over again. 5 outta 5 just for the hope of seeing this contest again!!!!


Well that is it for this month, nerds! And please, PLEASE~! check out the Dog Pound promotion on MeTube. Be sure to check out that handsome (no homo!) gentlemen wearing the bandanna. Peace!!


First of all Eisen I love the new diary and just wanted to let you know i voted for you for DOTM (even if you are the competition) ;)


Secondly... Thanks for the shout out Critical you just got bonus points from management :p

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Duberry Excess was very popular backstage, as he turned up bearing enough free alcohol to float a battleship.


The backstage area is in a full-on-haze as a drop-down, drag-out, party that would probably put most Fraternities to shame, encompasses the area not seen by the public. Well, at least not at this point, as we can expect to see various video clips winding up in plain-sight via social networking sites; we live in a world connected at all times.


Dutch, known as “Duberry Excess” to 4C fans, practically wheeled in a portable bar; an endless line of coolers stocked full of area hard liquor. To say the least, from an organizational perspective, my heart was lodged heavily in my throat; fearful of the backlash that would certainly come if such information made itself public. As stated before, though, It was pretty much a far-gone-conclusion that such a scenario would arise. Then again the rebellious, ‘shock and awe’, mentality that best explains 4C has been well documented for years. This example of such a live, and party, ‘on the edge’ is nothing new to those who follow our polarizing brand. To them, this would be just another ‘rock-star’ kind of moment that would ultimately portray our company exactly as we are: Reckless.


Personally, I find myself removed from the scenario at hand; locked away in a separate room, away from the locker room area, as I attempt to subdue the demon within. With other drugs, It’s not overtly acceptable to pass around in such a Laissez Faire kind of manner; however, with Alcohol… Everything is fair game.


There in lies the root of my constant struggle. I find myself aligned with a company that is, most likely, the worst case scenario as it pertains to keeping my sobriety.


Clawing, Crawling, Closing my eyes as I can feel the sweat trickle down my forehead…


I lay in the darkness; afraid of what lay beyond the door. How can I stand at the helm of a show where my crippling vice is freely passed within inches of my face? What will become of our organization if these men, potentially drunk, step into tonight’s event without their full-focus; could we see the sickening end of someone’s career, or even their life, based upon a terrible choice of self-destruction?


Too much to handle; I remain secluded in the darkness for now.




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Locker Room Impact:


The event of Duberry Excess bringing loads of free alcohol to the event ("Blood Brothers") raised our locker room morale 1%. 4C currently sits at 91% after such a scenario.


”Blood Brothers” Quick Picks:


Antonio Del Veccio vs. TJ Bailey

The Gilbert Brothers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Duberry Excess vs. Raj

Jacob Jett © and Steve Flash vs. Frankie Dee and Sayeed Ali

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