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The Infamous, Rebellious, Suicidal… 4C; The Evolution of GREED

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Just thought Id swing through and say that I love this installment of John Greed's journey. I never thought it was possible but you've made this go around even more crazier than the last few. :p Witty, Hilarious, dark, and interesting all in one. I feel like this should be an HBO show or something. lol.


I marked out pretty hard with Barry Kingman making his return to the 4C. His new role fits him perfectly. Maybe another title reign for him in the future? Great stuff!

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Just thought Id swing through and say that I love this installment of John Greed's journey. I never thought it was possible but you've made this go around even more crazier than the last few. :p Witty, Hilarious, dark, and interesting all in one. I feel like this should be an HBO show or something. lol.


Thank you, CZCW! You've been a great show of support since day one with these things. So, for that, I truly appreciate any sort of feedback that you may have. Funny enough, I didn't think it was possible either (to have John go through something MORE crazy than the DOA and PSW) BUT the unique story to 4C is what brought me back to the diary writing process. I mean, I don't think there is a more crazy, unique, insane, backstage scenario than Canadian Charisma Championship Combat. Hands down, They are like ECW but with a boat-load of more drama, true psychosis, and a boss that's pretty much a full-blown insane oompa-loompa! haha.


I marked out pretty hard with Barry Kingman making his return to the 4C. His new role fits him perfectly. Maybe another title reign for him in the future? Great stuff!


Thank you, again. I'm a pretty big fan of Barry Kingman naturally, so, it only seem fitting to bring him back to 4C. Like I've said before,I really want to embrace the companies history; so, you may end up seeing more former 4C stand-outs making their journey 'home'.


As for Kingman and the 4C Championship, A lot would have to change for something like that to take place; at least right away. While I would never say never, at this point, He's more of a tag-wrestler along side Ted Brady. I would say that it's more possible to see the tag gold around their waist than any singles titles. That said, I guess you never really know where things will take him. He's a major part of the companies history; so, it wouldn't be foreign to see another title reign for Mr. Kingman.

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Date of Event:
Wednesday, Week 2, November 2010

Event #:

Location of Event:
Quebec (Canada)

Size of Event:

Duration of Event:

Broadcasting of Event:
Internet; via 4C-wrestling.com




Event Synopsis

Life, at it’s most basic form, is a constant process of making choices. We are challenged on a daily, even hourly, basis as every scenario at hand will prompt it’s own line of questioning; all demanding a monumental response of you in the end. While some preview this decisions as nothing more than minor blips along the way; in reality, every choice you make, no matter how large or small, will direct you in an entirely different direction than before.


Regardless of your status, pedigree, or stance on life, No one is immune from this escapable truth: You will live, die, and make choices in between. For the wrestlers of 4C, Where will these choices lead? Whether it’s collectively, or individually, all will change in Quebec as the wrestlers of Canadian Charisma Championship Combat stand at the ‘Crossroads’ of a war-at-hand.




Antonio Del Veccio
w/ Joy DeWitt
vs. Duberry Excess

Singles Match


Is it possible for the weak, and slightly disturbed, to ultimately crush the indestructible? Can one, locked within the deadly clutches of absolute obsession, hinder the internal fire of incessant desire in which to overcome a recent wave of momentum-killing self-destruction? This is the reality that the 4C Icon, and all-around respected figure, Duberry Excess is currently entrenched within.


After 3 miserable losses, the once untouchable Excess now finds himself teetering on the edge of being disposable; simply dubbed as a ‘former ICON’ instead of anything current. With this in mind, the first-ever 4C “Triple Crown Champion” is, once again, given another opportunity in which to turn his recently negative fortunes around; stepping into the ring with the former 4C Hardcore Champion, Antonio Del Veccio, in, quite possibly, the MOST important match in Duberry’s career.


After title matches, main event scenarios, and practically leading 4C into an era of great reverence, How can a simple match-up against another former Champion prove to be THIS important? It’s really quite simple actually. As stated before, Duberry is increasingly gravitating toward the deadly, theoretical, cliff of un-importance. If he were to lose again, There’s a good chance that the once-great competitor would officially be delegated to that of the forgettable; removed from any notion of being a Main Event wrestler for quite some time. Again, with this in mind, THIS altercation will prove to be one of his most glaringly important match-up’s in his decorated 4C career.


Also attempting to forge a theoretical mountain, attempting to regain a sense of glory, is the truly unbreakable Italian; Antonio Del Veccio. While the Chord-inspired youngster was never really seen as THE most Hardcore-figure on the roster, often considered to be quite the opposite, Del Veccio was able to cultivate a strong sense of respect for his actions; outlasting, and ultimately experiencing, pain like no other for a full calendar year as the 4C Hardcore Champion. Now, with his former beloved championship gold snapped around the waist of Sayeed Ali, Del Veccio attempts to prove himself, yet again, on a brand-new-scale; removed from the ‘hardcore’ lifestyle that he once found himself subjected too & Now focused on other avenues in his path.


With everything circulating between these two, and their scenarios as a whole, which man will climb the theoretical mountain of success? Which will find themselves stumbling back downward; potentially in route to losing ‘everything’ in the eyes of the passionate 4C Fan base? Only time will tell.



<hr color="grey">
Lingering Question:
At a crossroad of his own, Will this be Duberry Excess’s ‘breaking point’ - OR - will the 4C Icon find a way to overcome the raging spirit of the “Unbreakable Italian”?

Match Details:
Singles Match, Standard Rules.







Sayeed Ali © vs. ?????

Hardcore Match

4C Hardcore Championship Match



How can one prepare for the unknown? More specifically to Sayeed Ali, How can one design a 'battle-plan' when your adversary is cloaked in complete ambiguity? This is the scenario that 4C Hardcore Champion, and leader of the controversial 187 faction, Sayeed Ali, currently finds himself locked within.


In his first championship defense, Ali is forced to wage a psychological war with uncertainty. The truth is shadowed; therefore, the final outcome is nothing more than a general guessing game. Who will he defend against? Is it a member of the 4C roster already? Will it be a debuting superstar coming into the fold? These are the dreaded questions that surround the street-wise, war-torn, 'Hardcore Veteran' as he looks to establish his place atop the malicious few residing under the 4C banner.


In the end, While it's obvious of the glaring unknown before him... It's a given that the 187 Brotherin will ultimately have a 'hand' in on the action at some given point. In a division built upon violence, brutality, and a severe lack of empathy, The 4C Hardcore Championship will, ultimately, usher in another wave of bone-crushing aggression; ultimately forcing one, if not both, of these competitors toward the brink of utter-destruction.


Who will prevail?


The sadistic, cold-hearted, Instigator of Violence?


- OR -


The figure cloaked in the blanketing darkness of the unknown?


While no one can claim to really know WHO will come away with the victory, It can be expected that the 4C Hardcore Division will NEVER be the same.... again.



<hr color="grey">
Lingering Question(s):
Is the mystery man already on the 4C roster or a newly acquired hardcore specialist? Can said 'mystery man' find a way to overcome the numbers game as 187 is expected to be at ringside?; acting as sharks en route toward blood.

Match Details:
Singles Match, Hardcore Match, 4C Hardcore Championship Match.







The Gilbert Brothers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada vs. The Gatekeepers
w/ John Greed

Three-way Tag Team Match

4C Tag Team Championships Match



"You're damned if you do.... Damned if you don't."


This is the uncomfortable reality currently bestowed upon the heralded 4C Tag Champions, The Gilbert Brothers. Two men, celebritized due to their extremely lovable 'hockey-inspired' personas, find their professional lives in jeopardy as two very rabid, very hell-bent, 4C tandems stand across the squared circle; obsessively-focused on walking away with the very gold that the lovable Gilbert's currently posses. In an iconic generational war, Three teams which best lay claim to the "past, present, and future" of 4C Tag Team Wrestling will square off in a winner-takes-all scenario.


Stop me If you've heard of this sort of narrative before.... The difference here lies in the 'Gray space' that threatens to confuse most casual wrestling fans; while tugging violently on the focus of those who typically label themselves as 'smarks' (ie: the typical 4C Fan). The Gatekeepers, made up of 4C Icon Barry Kingman and Canadian-Indy Veteran Ted Brady, made a major splash on the tag team landscape in 4C when they assaulted the Gilbert Brothers early last month. With that said, most felt they understood the grizzled veterans from a 'disposition' perspective at this point; however, 2 short weeks later the disgruntled trailblazers set their sights, shockingly, on the 'flashy' young tandem of "The Future Kings of Canada" (Davis Wayne Newton & Chris Flynn). It was during this assault, costing the hated tandem the 4C Tag Championships, that ultimately blurred the lines of their overall allegiance. In the end, with this in mind, it seems that the duo of Brady and Kingman are only rooted in one truth: The search for 'Respect' for being the TRUE trailblazers of the 'modern style' of wrestling that 4C continues to bank on. Overall, to them, anyone who dares to question their leadership, and/or defy their standing as a team in need of absolute respect, will be dealt with accordingly.


When it's all said and done, Which tandem will walk away with the gold; proclaiming themselves as THE most premiere tag team in North America today? The lovable, and truly brutish, 'hockey-enthusiasts'? The grizzled, and overall jaded, veterans on an oppressive path fueled by a general disdain for those who have 'banked' on what THEY created? - OR - The youthful, overtly brash, and yet extremely talented, "Future Kings" of the industry we've come to love? Only time will tell...



<hr color="grey">
Lingering Question:
Will John Greed, the infamous 'voice of the Gatekeepers', ultimately influence the outcome of the match in favor of his fellow jaded fraternity members?

Match Details:
Tag Team Match, Standard Match, 4C Tag Team Championships Match.







”The Amazing” Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

Ladder Match

4C Championship Match



15 feet…


That’s how far one must climb in which to capture the most prestigious prize in our companies lengthy history: The 4C Championship. While the gleaming golden strap best personifies a sense of grandeur within 4C, ultimately labeling it’s holder as truly peerless, it can carry a hefty toll. For once you accept such a status, by winning said championship and fearlessly carry the company ‘banner’, you become a ‘wanted man’. This is true in all ‘sports’ as those typically ‘on-top’ of the industry are seen as often susceptible to ‘ankle-bitters’ in need of proving themselves. With 4C, This is no different. However, there IS a difference that ultimately sets a 4C Champion apart from the rest: With such a title reign you are EXEPCTED to carry the ‘anarchy-like’ mentality that the company perpetuates as a whole. As the Champ, YOU are the 4C. You are “THE MAN”. You are the “TOP DRAW”. Needless to say, while ‘on top of the mountain’ you are expected to teeter on the edge of the cliff; defying all logic as every step brings you closer to your potential demise.


15 feet…


Was the mandate given by the current 4C Champion, Jacob Jett, as he, and Flash’s, tag team victory 2 weeks ago gave him the right to declare an altercation of his choosing. With this gained sense of continued power, Jacob quickly proclaimed their second-ever-meeting as a gravity-defying Ladder Match. While somewhat classic in nature, There’s a good chance that Quebec will bare witness to a truly showtopping affair. With a heated sense of disdain forming between the two men indicative of their generations, All-hell is certainly expected.


15 feet…


That’s all that stands between Steve Flash and obtaining the 4C Championship for the first time in his career. Also, holding a championship based in Canada, his home country, for the first-time since 1997.


15 feet…


Is all that stands in the way of the current, and overall 3-time, 4C Champion, Jacob Jett, as he continues to cement the claim that he IS the true “Cornerstone” of Canadian Charisma Championship Combat. All in all, Defeating Steve Flash for the 3rd time will certainly help to make such a case.



<hr color="grey">
Lingering Question:
Will Jacob cement his status as the "Cornerstone" of 4C by defeating Canada's "Prodigal Son" for a 3rd time?

Match Details:
Singles Match, Ladder Match, 4C Championship Match.




One single choice, no matter how big or small, can change everything…






<hr color="black">

”Crossroads” Quick Picks:


Antonio Del Veccio vs. Duberry Excess

Sayeed Ali © vs. ?????

The Gilbert Brothers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada vs. The Gatekeepers

Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

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Antonio Del Veccio vs. Duberry Excess


I don't care Antonio is my favorite thus far.


Sayeed Ali © vs. Marc Speed?



The Gilbert Brothers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada vs. The Gatekeepers



Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash


He just won the title and you tend to keep the belt on your champions for a long time.

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Antonio Del Veccio vs. Duberry Excess

And Duberry finally loses his mind

Sayeed Ali © vs. Johnny Martin?

Thanks to some 187 shenanigans

The Gilbert Brothers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada vs. The Gatekeepers

Time for new champs

Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

Jett's star continues to rise

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”Crossroads” Quick Picks:


Antonio Del Veccio vs. Duberry Excess

Destroy Duberry Excess' mind even more.

Sayeed Ali © vs. ?????

187 is domination. No matter who the mystery man is.

The Gilbert Brothers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada vs. The Gatekeepers

Title change is probable.

Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

Jett really IS the cornerstone of 4C, not losing the title.


Also, you wrote the same thing in the bottom of the first and the last match :p

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Also, you wrote the same thing in the bottom of the first and the last match :p


Thank you for the heads up! That's what happens when you finish writing the card while your fiancee sleeps on the couch next to you. ha. I was just hoping not to wake her up. Either way, It's fixed!

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Antonio Del Veccio vs. Duberry Excess

Duberry's goin' crazy yo!!


Sayeed Ali © vs. ?????

I'll say that Ali will enjoy a lengthy reign, no matter who the mystery guy is.


The Gilbert Brothers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada vs. The Gatekeepers

WIld guess here as you have painted the Gilbert Brothers as a team to REALLY turn it up when the belts are on the line.


Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

Jett's your favorite wrestler's favorite wrestler. There I said it so suck on that, haters!

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“Did you hear about Bear? Dick [Richard Eisen] finally ‘wrote him off’; said he was ‘too much to work with’. Prof [Nero] tried his best to talk him out of it, vowing to work with him more, but there was no saving him at that point. He was let go; in the middle of his debut storyline on SupremeTV. Just like that… Gone. It really shook everyone up pretty bad. Dick [Richard] is showing signs that the stress from Cornell, and Tee-See-Dubya, is starting to get to him. After 6 months of losing the ratings war, There are whispers formulating that he’s on the verge of a major shake-up.”


+ Brian Fletcher,
"Raphael" of RIPW fame


His joyfully bouncing voice peers through the speaker of my busted track phone; relaying a message that literally invites the plethora of fluttering butterflies to, once again, take flight. Bear Bekowski, the man who forced me into an early retirement, has now found his fate much like mine was 3 years prior: unemployed and unaware of where to go next.


Just the sound of his name still sends shivers down my spine; reminding me of that crippling day when my life’s work was forcibly taken from me. Even after all of these years, after all that has gone on in my life since then, the name of
Bear Bekowski
STILL shoved me into a very dark, very jaded, realm; removed from the rest of society. I’ve spent years, hundreds of dollars as well, in therapy trying to remove the stain of his faulty spear; however, as you can see, my self-destructive mind is truly unable to grasp a life-view without his presence being involved.


Would I extend a hand to Bear; bring him up North? Good god no. Why would I? Sure, he spent months trying to apologize for his actions; but, a simple apology wasn’t going to bring my range of motion back. It wasn’t going to miraculously heal my knee like nothing had gone wrong. I’ve been told to be the “bigger man” and accept his olive branch of respect; but to be honest, those who profess such an idea are mere idiots. They don’t know what it’s like to truly lose something they loved. For me, That was my in-ring career.


Not to mention, Bear doesn’t fit the 4C in-ring brand. He’s slow, huge, and prone to becoming ‘confused’ in the ring. To be a 4C superstar you need to be quick, athletic, fearless, and posses the ability to seamlessly transition from one move-to-the-next. We were TOO complicated for the likes of someone like Bear.


It seems rather funny; in a way, that all of this comes to a head as my newest creation, “The Gatekeepers”, begin to take hold. A group fixated, almost insanely obsessed, over the notion that they’ve been pushed aside for others to succeed; those newbies capitalizing on the pathway THEY (“The Gatekeepers”) have laid. At first, some questioned why my character would accompany such a fraternity to the ring; however, this reality, Bear being released, only further perpetuates my truly jaded mentality; as it pertains to the industry as a whole. Here, like in some great moments of history, Art has taken hints from reality in which to convey a truly realistic narrative.


With all of this in mind, I set forth for the rest of my day; focused on delivering a moment NO ONE will EVER forget. A scenario that will shake the 4C landscape for months, if not years, to come. This scenario, while not necessarily in-line with my feelings toward Bear, has been consistently challenged by those in my ‘inner circle’; saying that such a situation could really turn some of our fans away. Why? I can’t go into detail to be honest; however, the truth of the matter is this…


If you know me…


By now you should…


I never ‘tow-the-line’ as it pertains to my booking…


The phrase ‘infamous’ wasn’t plastered to the beginning of my name for a reason…


I am an Agent of Anarchy within this industry…


The perfect ‘voice’ for 4C…






<hr color="black">

”Crossroads” Quick Picks:


Antonio Del Veccio vs. Duberry Excess

Sayeed Ali © vs. ?????

The Gilbert Brothers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada vs. The Gatekeepers

Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

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Antonio Del Veccio vs. Duberry Excess

The final push of Dutch's descent into madness.

Sayeed Ali © vs. ?????

You can't stop the 187's.

The Gilbert Brothers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada vs. The Gatekeepers

They keep the gates and after this event, the titles.

Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

Jett is 4C's Christian Faith or Tommy Cornell. He IS 4C.

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Antonio Del Veccio vs. Duberry Excess

Agree that this is the moment Excess turns heel after defeat


Sayeed Ali © vs. ?????

Needs the help of his partners with the newcomer pushing him to the edge to establish themself.


The Gilbert Brothers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada vs. The Gatekeepers

The Gilbert brothers score a win by pinning the Kings with The Gatekeepers then going on to face them later down the line.


Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

Just because it keeps it fresher. Jett as champ still has mileage however Flash being chased by Jett + the other contenders would be something new and would allow Flash to really showcase and build up the performance skills of the other guys. Does he fit in with 4C's product though and what a champ should be? Hmm, Jett seems the more likely but on a hunch I'll stick with Flash.

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“Are you mad?”


+ Sayeed Ali,
The man who brought me here.


“Well… Yes. Do you know me?”


I return with a slight chuckle; delivered more for myself than anything else. Meanwhile, Sayeed [Ali] stares upon me from the other side of his water-damaged kitchen table; his demeanor perfectly described as bewildered due to John’s new development.


“That kind of stuff may have worked in ‘Hollywood’; but, these fans may ‘crap’ all over the idea. Honestly, John, 4C is the land for ‘smarks’; that’s just common knowledge. Such a move like this…
[Pauses, laughs to himself heartily]
WILL be questioned on all fronts. I have NO doubt about it.”


He was right. He knows 4C better than I after working for “G-Man” for quite some time now. With that said; however, I was brought into 4C in which to shake the very foundation of the company as a whole. While I was unaware of their culture when I first came on board, I now have a better idea of how best to perpetuate the organizational brand of Anarchy. With this in mind, I don’t really foresee this new development as straying away from this notion in the slightest. If anything, it further pushes that very same narrative.


“I suppose, Sayeed; but, you need to keep in mind that almost everything has been ‘done’ already in this industry. While the idea may be polarizing to some, I promise you… It will be carried out with common-sense reasoning. I’m not like Sam [strong], I’m not going to just put together some crazy scenario and then do little to explain as to WHY it happened. You have to trust me here.”


Sayeed continues to laugh to himself rather heartily; looking all over the room as if there was a ‘golden answer’ somewhere within these very walls.


“Have you talked to Jacob [Jett] about it, yet?”


I go to speak; however, find myself without the answer that he’s probably searching for. So, with this in mind, I begin to squirm slightly; all the while talking to myself under my breathe. This uncomfortable sight quickly pushes Sayeed to respond in a continued state of shock.


“You mean… You haven’t talked to Jacob yet? You really ARE mad if you plan on going ahead with this without his consent. These fans LOVE Jacob. If you go through with this, and he’s not on board, then you have a lot of room for a hellacious fallout.”


“I know… I know…”


I respond quickly; not making eye contact with Sayeed in the process.


“Honestly, I would LOVE to speak to Jacob about it; but, he still won’t return my calls. He’s pushed me into the dark; How am I suppose to book the guy if he won’t even speak with me?”


“He has his reasons, John… You have to respect that…”


He’s making light of my less-than-great leave from the DOA. It was chaotic, and extremely unprofessional; BUT, it was justified… At least in my mind. With that said, Jacob, a floundering member of said roster, has made it very apparent to most within 4C that he doesn’t “trust me”. Is it warranted? Sure. That said, I’ve never known true stress until I found this scenario: The top man of the company, a man I put the top championship on, wanted nothing to do with me.


“I know. I’ll try to talk to him about it but I can’t guarantee anything about that.”


My statement seems rather lazily; however, picks up intensity as I quickly spin my focus back around to that of a professor; trying to sell my lecture to another in which to perpetuate a sense of greater knowledge.


“This company is built around Anarchy, Right? This ‘dare-devil’, unpredictable, nature that continually looks to debunk the ‘traditional approach’ that we’ve all come to disdain, Right?”


“Well, yea… Where you going with this…”


He responds in a joking manner; smiling in my direction.


“How is this against that narrative? How is this decision anything different than what we look to project? ‘Anything can happen’, That’s the mantra right? Well, this is the BEST example of ANYTHING coming to happen. It may rub some the wrong way; but, 4C isn’t meant to ‘play it safe’. It never has and it never will. So, why would we start now? Jacob won’t speak to me? That’s fine. Either way, I’m the man in charge… This is MY job in which to convey our overall narrative. While he may be the ‘top draw’ here, He will ‘fall-in-line’ if he TRULY cares about this company. For, if he does ‘buy into it’, this could go down as one of the most chaotic scenarios in this companies history. I promise you, This WILL gain us a lot of buzz with wrestling fans; smarks or marks.”


Sayeed sits back in his creaking chair, smiling in my direction still in this ‘you’re truly insane’ kind of manner. After rubbing his right hand across his scruffy jaw, never breaking eye-contact-with me, he continues to laugh slightly. As he slowly begins to address my final statement I find myself still quite shaky by my own response. Am I someone to take charge typically? Not really. I pretend to do so from time-to-time; however, I’m more of a ‘wrestlers-booker’ versus a man who rules with an iron fist. With that said, sometimes you HAVE to passionate push for your own directions or else you’ll fail to really make a ‘splash’ on a grand scale. Maybe it was the stirring anxiety that quickly shook my psyche following Bear’s release or, quite possibly, it was simply my mind continuing to forge down a ‘road less traveled’; but either way, I found myself about to embark upon a truly polarizing scenario.


“You’re crazy… F*cking crazy, man…
But that’s why I love you. That’s why I pushed for you to come to 4C. This sh*t is insane, to influence a scenario like this, but if done right… You really could stir up a lot of passion within the ranks. You’ve got my word man, I’ve got your back on this one.”


Never did I think Sayeed would become such a great friend; a man who always stood at my side much like Larry [Wood]. I guess it’s that ‘jaded’ fraternity we all find ourselves entrenched within. The wrestling community, while seemingly large, is actually quite small. It’s easy to rub elbows with anyone across the scale of success. All in all, in this industry, You need trusted friends or else you may end up losing your mind. It’s a labor of love, yes, but also a piper of your own demise. It’s these kind of people, much like Sayeed, that keeps me mentally in-line. Well… At least somewhat ‘in-line’.





<hr color="black">

”Crossroads” Quick Picks:


Antonio Del Veccio vs. Duberry Excess

Sayeed Ali © vs. ?????

The Gilbert Brothers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada vs. The Gatekeepers

Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

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I view your last three diaries as chapters in a book, well maybe not chapters. I guess each diary would be a book onto itself with the saga of John Greed being the over arching theme.


Anyway, I just wanted to say that I love how you have woven the previous diary into this current one once again. The whole Jacob Jett not trusting you because of his role in your previous diary (or lack thereof role wise) is awesome. I think it is cool how a minor character in one diary can become a break out star in your next one (Well to me Antonio Del Veccio is the real break out star but you have done a great job with Jacob as well.). I do hope that more PSW standouts show up in this diary as well, maybe The Ring Generals…

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And I'm back. Glad to see my Bear render found a home somewhere - I mean, it isn't like he's ever going to appear in a show anywhere is it! :D


Antonio Del Veccio vs. Duberry Excess

Antonio is unbreakable, Duberry is losing his mind. Easy.

Sayeed Ali © vs. ?????

Tempted by Mr. Squiggles but I'll go for some shenanigans.

The Gilbert Brothers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada vs. The Gatekeepers

Why not? Barry Kingman fan right here!

Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

He hates Greed already, book him to lose and he'll probably walk out!

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Antonio Del Veccio vs. Duberry Excess

Until Excess goes Demon Seed he loses


Sayeed Ali © vs. ?????

Go Omar! Go Omar!


The Gilbert Brothers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada vs. The Gatekeepers

Furthers the story best


Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

Flash is here to job and rub and do it well

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Hire Bear and job him out to your workers until he demands to be let go.


I'd probably put him in a tu-tu as well. Call him the "Pretty Ballerina" and go with some sort of 80's over-campy gimmick with it. It sounds so stupid... it... just... may... work! :p


I view your last three diaries as chapters in a book, well maybe not chapters. I guess each diary would be a book onto itself with the saga of John Greed being the over arching theme.


Anyway, I just wanted to say that I love how you have woven the previous diary into this current one once again. The whole Jacob Jett not trusting you because of his role in your previous diary (or lack thereof role wise) is awesome. I think it is cool how a minor character in one diary can become a break out star in your next one (Well to me Antonio Del Veccio is the real break out star but you have done a great job with Jacob as well.). I do hope that more PSW standouts show up in this diary as well, maybe The Ring Generals…


Thank you, BHK!


I think that's why I love these diaries so much; it feels like a true literary work versus just another random diary. The first project that I really put my time and effort into was the X-WA and, while it was a lot of fun, it lacked the heart that these John Greed-focused ones carry. Honestly, There isn't anything about these projects that I don't have a lot of fun crafting (ie: John's life, The shows, the angles, etc.). As a writer, it's cool to know that Greed has made it into a Trilogy! (PSW, DOA, and 4C). This way, there's a lot of backstory left out there so everything feels more realistic vs. happening in a vacuum. Greed has relationships just like his real-world counterparts (ie: his hatred of Jenson Tarver, Good friends with Steve Flash, Larry Wood, and Sayeed Ali, etc.); so, now it really feels 'fleshed out' from his perspective. Plus, He's quite the basket case but I love him for that.


As for ADV, He's one of my favorite people on the roster as well. His gimmick makes for a lot of interesting scenarios; so, you can expect to see alot from him going forward. Will this be show in more title reigns? Quite possibly. With that said, I'm trying to give him some solid victories before a new storyline takes shape.


And I'm back. Glad to see my Bear render found a home somewhere - I mean, it isn't like he's ever going to appear in a show anywhere is it! :D


You did an amazing job (as always) with the re-render of Bear, jhd1. Honestly. I was excited that something actually happened to him in my game so that I could finally use it in the diary. He just looks like a bad-ass motha. haha.

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Date of Event: Wednesday, Week 2, November 2010

Event #: 4

Location of Event: Quebec (Canada); Concordia Hall

Size of Event: Small

Duration of Event: 1 HOUR

Broadcasting of Event: Internet; via 4C-wrestling.com





Jacob Jett

… A “Cornerstone’s” take …


[The collective mood within Concordia Hall is that of anticipatory suspense; wondering what could possibly come next from a company that best personifies the reckless tone of true Anarchy. Their stomach’s are already full of alcohol, their minds hazed by the continuous use of such a physical depressant, and their spirit is as strong as ever; awaiting the official start of the event. Little did they know, “Crossroads” would open with a truly Iconic scenario.]


[The sound of Jacob Jett’s rapid, screamo-based, theme music blasts through out the Hall as the passionate 4C fan base quickly showers the “cornerstone” with a powerful show of support. With a wave of ‘love’ before him, Jacob arrogantly steps through the black entrance curtain; holding a smug, “How cool am I?”, look upon his face during this whole process. The 4C Championship, his most prized possession, sits firmly upon his deformed right collar bone; gleaming in the lights from above as “Mr. Amazing” himself slowly encounters the ringside area with a true sense of c*cky swagger.]


[The wildly beloved 3-time 4C Champion enters the ring as he always does; praising himself upon the apron before flinging himself over the top rope with a pull/leap kind of scenario. Shockingly, as he’s done many times before, Jacob is able to retain the golden strap over his shoulder in the process; a feat that never seems to get old. Meanwhile, the already inebriated 4C fan base is still heard showering the young Jett with a momentous show of support. At one point, going as far as to chant “Can’t be stopped” in homage to Jacob’s overwhelming win/loss record.]


[All in all, with a mic now in his hands, Jacob looks out upon the 4C masses; smirking as he always does in the process. With his music now drowned out in the background, removed from the situation at hand, the 4C Champion slowly raises the black microphone in his right hand up to his lips; on the verge of spewing forth his typical, “I’m greater than you” mantra.]


Jacob Jett: How about you all sit down and shutup; I’ve got something to say.


[Typically, such a statement would garner anyone with a hefty chorus of boos. With that said, Jacob Jett isn’t your typical wrestler by any means. With the crowd made up of mostly ‘smarks’, Jacob is often shown much love by the masses despite his obvious “Bad Boy” persona. In companies like CGC, and NOTBPW, Jacob would easily get booed for such an approach; however, here in 4C, his everlasting dedication to this company has given him a ‘free pass’ to be an all around d*ck. Occasionally, You may hear a round of boos, or a tirade thrown his way, from time-to-time; but, overall, he’s much loved despite his polarizing personality; built upon self-obsession and youthful arrogance.]


Jacob Jett: Recently, 4C has been forced to listen to a couple of ancient geezers cry about “The good ole’ days”; pleading for a level of respect that, even they must know, they don’t deserve. [The crowd pop’s] They’ve tainted our events, attacked our roster members, and have even gone as far as to challenge our way of life. To be honest, That’s all fine by me. [Laughs] This company has seen many of your kind come through before; you aren’t the first and you certainly won’t be the last. Even with this in mind, every time this bubbles to the surface, we always find a way to shed our nemesis’s like a body would expel a disease. You three… You’re just the new disease that we’re forced to deal with.


[Jacob pauses for a second; continuing forth as the 4C fan base appears to be solely behind him.]


Jacob Jett: The truth of the matter is this, You three are nothing more than temporary ‘pains in the a$$”. With time, You’ll leave us just as the others have: On a stretcher; heading back to wherever you call home. [Pauses] Gatekeepers? That’s the best you could come up with? [Laughs] Is that suppose to strike some sense of fear in me? Do you KNOW who I am? [Laughs] Incase you didn’t do your homework before stepping onto MY kingdom, This is Canadian Charisma Championship Combat and I am it’s “Cornerstone”… It’s “Untouchable”… It’s Champion! So, why would I…



John Greed, Barry Kingman, and Ted Brady

… The natural enemies of Jacob Jett …


[Just as Jacob looks to continue with his opening promo, The sound of “The Gatekeepers” theme music begins to blare over the Concordia Hall’s low-budget sound system. The song itself, rather militaristic in nature, signifies the arrival of the controversial Trio; a fact that comes true shortly after as all three members are seen walking out of the back. While all three are dressed in suits, portraying a cold-and-calculating demeanor, John Greed is heard addressing the 4C Champion from the end of the isle way; backed up by his cronies.]


John Greed: Watch yourself, Jacob. ‘Them be fightin’ words…


[John Greed stops and stares directly at Jacob Jett; returning the same arrogant smirk back upon the champ himself.]


Jacob Jett: Allow me to formally introduce these three to you all; We’ve got dopey, sleazy, and queasy. Three men with courage the size of fabled midgets!


[The crowd laughs at the expense of “The Gatekeepers”; something that actually doesn’t push any of the three to show any emotion what so ever. Instead, John calmly continues forward with his focused statement.]


John Greed: Very funny. Honestly, You’ll need that humor of yours to see the ‘silver lining’ after we put you up in a nearby hospital. [Evil Grin] Now, Let me properly introduce ourselves since you so elegantly bestowed us all with ‘crap’. We are the men who can’t stand what people like YOU have done with our creation. Honestly, Jacob, you amongst them all have most ridden on our coat-tails. A snot-nosed punk like you would be NOWHERE if it weren’t for the path we blazed; however, where’s our ‘love’? Where’s our ‘great showering of joy’? These pathetic nimrods here, They eat up all of this ‘bad boy’ crap; proclaiming you as the TRUE ‘dare-devil’ this sport has ever known. However, what they don’t seem to realize is, we did this very same thing 10 years ago. The only difference is WE didn’t receive the kind of acceptance that you have cheated into…


Jacob Jett: Oh, Whaaaa…. Are you listening to yourself? [Laughs] “We didn’t get the respect we deserved”… Whaaaa… Honestly, Did you three miss out on some childhood hugs from mamma? Is that what this is all about? I’m sure we have some fat slob somewhere in here that can pass as your mom.


[Again, the crowd laughs at “The Gatekeepers” expense; however, none of the three seem to budge. Instead, their cold demeanor continues to push this “all business” approach that all three seem to utilize.]


John Greed: You’re walking on thin ice, Jacob. Very thin ice.


Jacob Jett: Is that a threat? [Jacob is seen climbing a nearby turnbuckle; looking out upon the “Gatekeepers” with the 4C Title over his shoulder] How about all three of you jack-a$$’s come on down to the ring; we can settle this with me kicking the sh*t out of you from pillar-to-post!


[The crowd erupts at the thought of such a scenario; however, as you can expect; The “Gatekeepers” don’t budge.]


John Greed: You are exactly what’s wrong with this industry today; completely what’s wrong with this company as a whole. You walk around as if you own the place; when in reality, you’re nothing more than a common punk with a string of good luck under your belt. You think that THAT title over your shoulder give you a right to disrespect us as you have? [John shakes his head ‘no’] My brother in war, Barry, here, has held that VERY same title on 2 occasions as well! You see, you’re not so special, Jacob. You’re nothing more than American Trailer Trash posing as a ‘Reckless Icon’! Truthfully, This “I’m Amazing”, “Aren’t I crazy cause I’m Suicidal?”, shtick is all a façade. Without that championship, You would be no greater than anyone else on this miserable roster; chalked full of wanna-be’s and snot-nosed-brats.


Jacob Jett: Okay, I’ve heard enough. [Jacob walks away; turning his back on “The Gatekeepers” and talking to the crowd as a whole] Grumpy, here, is starting to bore me with his “Get off my lawn” bull-sh*t. How about you three shove yourselves back through that curtain, give your mamma a call, and hash out your bitchin’ in therapy; because I don’t have time for this crap!


[Jacob looks as if he’s pretty much written off the jaded Trio at the end of the isle way. Even with that said; however, it appears that the feeling is not mutual.]


John Greed: By the nights end, You will respect us. [Pauses] Even if that means forcing you to do so.


[John drops the microphone upon the cement floor below as the jaded Trio slowly exit the ringside area in as much fanfare as they came in with. Meanwhile, Jacob simply laughs off their violent threat; celebrating within the ring in the ultimate “Look at me” kind of fashion. With this, the opening segment comes to a close with the uncomfortable thought of WHAT may be laying in wait for the 4C Champion. How would the Gatekeepers force a sense of respect out of Jacob Jett? All in all, despite these glaring questions carrying quite the hefty psychological load, Jacob is seen defying any sense of fear. Instead, calling on the passionate 4C fan base to shower HIM with a continual show of respect; rubbing this scenario square in the face of the cold-hearted veteran Gatekeepers.]


Grade: D+


Terry Smith: I don’t have a good feeling about this one…

Ted Ross: As you shouldn’t. Tonight is the night were Jacob finally reaps the hell of his reckless ways!

Terry Smith: What did they mean about forcing Jacob to respect them? What do they have in mind for tonight?

Ted Ross: It’s quite obvious, The Gatekeepers are fixing to cripple Jacob Jett with his own ego!

Terry Smith: Look who’s talking…

Ted Ross: I hated that movie.

Terry Smith: That’s not what I’m… Oh never mind. Yes, I hated it too. Honestly, A talking baby? Get real!




Antonio Del Veccio w/ Joy DeWitt vs. Duberry Excess

Singles Match


Duberry Excess is a man obsessed; a rabid wolf zeroed in on the scent of potential prey. This is obviously evident as the slightly unkempt, overtly agitated, Excess quickly storms the ringside area in a predatory kind of manner; aggressively conquering the squared circle in a furious way. From the very second his feet touch the canvas, Duberry is seen throwing his fists like a mad-man; wayward in his approach, however, extremely violent with each and every strike. Obsessively, Duberry utilizes a round of pinfall attempts; trying to keep his opponent ‘down-and-out’ and hoping to score a quick pinfall. His desperate nature makes you feel as if this ONE victory would ultimately subdue the ‘beast within’; giving him a sense of comfort despite being entrenched in a lengthy losing record.


With Joy covering her eyes in fear, forced to watch the man she loves get pummeled by another, Antonio lives up to his name to the fullest: Unbreakable. While this reality only makes things harder for Joy, knowing that a quick and easy loss would be more ’comfortable’ to watch than an all-out beating, ADV does everything in his power to outlast the aggressor before him. In a modern-day Muhammad Ali approach, ADV appears to be taking the brunt of Duberry’s onslaught; knowing in time, He would certainly have to tire. Whether this was his decision, or he was forced into such by a quick pre-match assault by Duberry, ADV has no real choice in the matter; He must survive the beating or find a way to turn the tides.


Luckily, for both ADV and Joy, he does exactly that…


As Duberry Excess leaps from atop the top rope, attempting a high-hanging leg-drop, ADV is seen rolling out of the way at the last second (with help from a passionate yell from Joy). While he’s not really known for his aerial prowess, At this point, Duberry is looking for ANYTHING that will help him overcome the hell that is his very public professional downward spiral.


While holding his back in pain, the impact of landing on the canvas from atop contracted his back violently, Excess is seen attempting to shake it off as soon as possible; afraid that it would hurt his chances at a victory. Sadly, for him, this is the truth he couldn’t escape. As Excess attempts to pull himself back up to his feet, Antonio is seen sliding in quickly; rolling up his opponent with a modified sunset flip. The pressure of all of Antonio’s weight, coupled with the unexpected maneuver, keeps Duberry pinned to the canvas for a shocking 3 count; giving Antonio Del Veccio a successful flash pinfall. It all happens so fast, as if it wasn’t planned, giving even more ‘shock factor’ to the whole ordeal.


Antonio Del Veccio defeats Duberry Excess in 4:40 via a flash pinfall using a modified sunset flip.

Grade: E+


Terry Smith: He’s unbreakable ladies and gentlemen… You think you’ve got him, you think you have him ‘down-and-out’, and BAM… He finds a way to beat you! There’s no keeping this guy on the canvas; He’s a bonafide tough-guy!

Ted Ross: Who are you talking to?

Terry Smith: Well… The people watching this on 4Cwrestlign.com. You know, Ted… Our fans!


[Ted is heard slamming his head to the commentary table; overly dramatic.]

Terry Smith: Okay, First off… When I told you ‘no one was watching you’ earlier… You were in the bathroom having a mini-panic-attack. Second, This is your Job, Ted. Get yourself together!! People watch you twice a month on our website; that’s the nature of the job.

[Commotion is still heard.]

Ted Ross: I will unite the hands of destruction and center them on YOU!! All of you!! Turn your eyes away! You are not worthy to witness the sight of me!

Terry Smith: I just… I don’t know about you.




Duberry Excess

… He dives into his own psychological destruction …


[With Antonio Del Veccio now halfway up the isle way, heading to the backstage area with the lovely Joy DeWitt at his side, Duberry Excess is seen seated in the middle of the ring; staring off in no specific direction as he appears to be in a calming trance. With time; however, this ‘calm’ trance-like scenario comes crumbling down rather violently as Duberry begins to rip at his flat-top styled hair in a truly disturbing kind of fashion. With each and every pull, twist, and tear, The first-ever 4C Triple Crown Champion is seen drastically slipping into a state of pure psychosis.]


[With time, Duberry is seen aggressively jumping to his feet in a shocking fashion; turning his personal hatred outward as he screams to the heavens with a blood-curdling battle-cry. His arms, flung out at his side, tense and release showing the existence of large veins pumping his blood at a heightened level. Meanwhile, 4C referee, Wilson Carlisle is seen trying to ‘comfort’ the former Champion by placing his hand upon Duberry’s back in an ill-advised move. While he looks to be out for Duberry’s best interest, This does nothing to subdue the ‘beast within’ as Duberry Excess is quickly seen grabbing Carlisle’s right arm in a violent fashion; turning it awkwardly as it appears he may be on the verge of breaking the referee’s arms in two. With an truly primal vibe forming, Duberry is seen unsympathetically throwing Wilson to the canvas in a purely aggressive manner. While it looks rather rough, his fall, the best thing is that he’s out of the way; slowly crawling away dramatically from the disturbed Duberry in the process.]


[With the 4C fan base in shock as to what’s happening, Duberry is seen finally storming out of the ringside area in a gargoyle like fashion; awkwardly speeding out of sight in a flash-like manner. While this scenario is quite short in length, it truly shows that something had finally ‘snapped’ within the troubled mind of a, once great, competitor. At this moment, Duberry Excess has hit the final crossroads of his sanity; possibly never to return.]


Grade: D-


Ted Ross: It has begun… [Creepy laughter follows]

Terry Smith: What the HELL was that all about? I know it’s been tough for the man but really? Did he have to attack Wilson like that? He was only trying to help? Also, did you see him tear his hair out like it was blades of grass on a summers day? Jesus… I think I saw his bloody scalp at one point.

Ted Ross: He’s no longer Duberry Excess…

Terry Smith: What?

Ted Ross: The transformation has begun; Who you saw there is no longer your beloved 4C Icon. He has crossed-over… He is long-gone by now; most likely locked in his own personal hell deep within. HE has overtaken. HE is the NEW ruler of that vessel.

Terry Smith: Okay… You’re scaring me now… What the HELL are you talking about?

Ted Ross: The 4C will never be the same again… HE has come… The darkness has cometh…




Nomad, Mimic, and Dagger (Rage Against the System)

… The R.A.T.S. infest 4C …


[The deafening roar of a distorted electric guitar inhabits your ear drums as an unfamiliar, grunge-based, borderline melancholy, theme song encompasses the Concordia Hall. With a truly gritty nature forming, Three un-kept, heavily grungey, individuals slowly shuffle through the black entrance curtains located at the end of the isle way. Their demeanors are rather depressive in nature as a consistent scowl forms across their faces collectively. All in all, they appear to resemble the stereotypical ‘fly on the wall’ narrative that many depressive’s associate with.]


[As we watch them slowly shuffle toward the squared circle, scowling in the direction of the snarling 187 faction, we bare witness to the sound of Terry Smith and Ted Brady attempting to convey their opinions of the un-kept trio; battling the deafening sound of their distorted theme music throughout]


Grade: E+


Terry Smith: I’ve heard of these guys, They just signed with 4C; a true ‘motley crew’ if there ever was one! They call themselves “Rage Against the System”.

Ted Ross: What system do they rage against?

Terry Smith: Well, I’m not really sure? Either way, They look like your typical, grungey, anti-authority types. With that said, those in this company always find a way to ‘shock’ me in the end. I’m sure there’s more than just that underneath it all.

Ted Ross: They look to revolt against and unknown, oppressive, foe; I take it. Hmmm… [Pauses] Seems rather indicative of those we typically see in 4C. Now, I just need to ‘get in their heads’ and help them see ‘the way’ of Ross. With them at my side, I could rule the universe!

Terry Smith: While they may be crazy as well, my guess is… They don’t want anything to do with you.

Ted Ross: Why do you say that? I am a beacon of success.

Terry Smith: You’re a beacon of mental illness.




Sayeed Ali © vs. Nomad

Hardcore Match

4C Hardcore Championship Match



There is gritty, borderline dirty, nature to Nomad and his band of misfits. This is never more evident than in the animalistic snarl that’s seen resonating from his greasy, all-around scruffy, face. His mannerisms, while rather unorthodox in nature much like a coke addict after a lengthy bender, are cloaked in unrivaled dirty charisma; ultimately creating the narrative that Nomad, and by affiliation his band of misfits, certainly fall under a ‘grunge mentality’.


The other side of the squared circle tells of a completely different narrative: A collection of hardened street-fighters; working within a trio of violent outrage. For quite some time now, the members of 187 have sadistically ruled the 4C landscape with an “Iron Fist”; proclaiming each and every event as their ‘home turf’ in a war of conquering all through crippling fear. They band-together, in a gang-like scenario, as a way to ultimately control the environment before them; working as a ‘violent machine’ as they collectively manhandle all that dare challenge their status.


Needless to say, There’s a major culture clash taking place within this match-up as it all can be boiled down, in rather simplistic terms, as: The 90’s grunge punk vs. The Violent Street-Brawler.


As you can expect, The carnage surrounding the ring is quite heavy; each faction doing their best to gain control of the scenario at hand. Shockingly enough, No punches are thrown; however, the art of distraction becomes the ultimate tool utilized by all. With this, and the threat of violence, hovering above the ringside area, Wilson Carlisle is constantly seen keeping an eye on all present. Overall though, while he may carry a status of power in most matches, This is a hardcore altercation. So, with that said, he is simply there to count to three or validate a submission hold. Nothing more and nothing less. Needless to say, Even he is unable to stop this chaotic affair from turning ugly.


At one point, It appears that Nomad may be on the verge of victory, slamming the Hardcore Champion straight down the canvas with a snap DDT square onto a stop-sign; however, as Wilson Carlisle is seen counting to three… Sayeed is pulled out of the ring by his faction-mates. This enrages Nomad to the point where the scrappy, alternative-like punk, is seen flinging himself over the top rope; crashing onto 187 with a diving plancha. All 4 men, Nomad included, slam violently onto the cement floor below as the passionate 4C fan base roars; showing ‘love’ for the unpredictable anarchist that is Nomad.


Overall, the action is quite ‘open’ as both men are able to generate a respectable offense of their own. With this though, There is this constant fear that things may drift rather sour; knowing that there lies 4 other men at ringside waiting to spark violence if pushed. Again, shockingly enough, maybe due to the fact that they don’t really know each other quite yet, neither faction forces their way into the action. However, even with this, the violence within the ring is enough to quench the thirst of any blood-thirsty individual.


Sayeed Ali, the TRUE “Hardcore Icon” in 4C, shows this name to be quite true through out the match; leveling the returning Nomad with a round of hard-striking weapon shots from every which way. With each and every blow, It looks like Nomad may be drifting closer, and closer, toward unconsciousness; however, shockingly, He always finds a way to even-the-score with a strike of his own. Back and forth, in a never-ending fashion, both men wage a destructive war upon one another; truly a ‘classic’ from a Hardcore perspective here in 4C.


With both men bleeding from their foreheads, and their bodies struggling to stay upright, the match finally comes to a close as Nomad is seen sizing up Ali from the corner of the ring; holding a steel chair in hand. As Sayeed pulls himself back to his feet, staggering around the ring like a drunken sailor, Nomad is seen storming the 4C Hardcore Champion… Swinging wildly…




He misses; instead, slamming the cold steel into a nearby turnbuckle.


Slim-V quickly ascends atop the ring apron; grabbing at Nomad’s steel chair, however, doing so unsuccessfully. While his advancement is not successful, in the sense that Nomad still carries the same weapon in his hands, it does open the door for Sayeed Ali to take advantage of the situation. With Nomad’s back-turned, Sayeed Ali quickly rushes his challenger…


NOMAD spins around; playing possum with Sayeed…


Swings the steel chair…




Sayeed Ali moves again; slipping out of the way…






That’s the sound of Sayeed Ali walloping Nomad across the side of his head with a Louisville slugger left in the corner of the ring by Hardcore Killah. The 4C crowd watches on in slight horror as the once “Down-and-Dirty” competitor, Nomad, is now laying motionless on the canvas below; practically drowning in a pool of his own blood. From there, Sayeed slowly rolls over his lifeless body; successfully obtaining a 3 count from Wilson Carlisle as the rest of Rage Against the System is seen awkwardly watching on in silence. In most cases, you would expect for anyone’s allies to quickly storm the ring following such a strike; however, for some reason, Dagger and Mimic do not. Instead, the two melancholy punks stare upon their fellow stable-mate through their dangling, and somewhat, greasy locks. All victims of the violence that 187 professes.


Sayeed Ali retains the 4C Hardcore Championship by defeating Nomad in 7:06 via a Louisville Slugger strike to the head. This marks Sayeed’s 1st 4C Hardcore Championship defense.

Grade: D


Terry Smith: These guys baffle me; Rage against the System. Here lies an ally of theirs, bloodied by a baseball bat, and they do NOTHING to stop the count. What the hell? I mean, they just stood there; motionless. Almost as if they could do nothing to stop Sayeed. I just don’t get it. I mean, 187 had JUST forced their way upon the match, distracting Nomad in the process, and yet Dagger and Mimic look like they’re in some sort of trance.

Ted Ross: Not all is suppose to be understood, Terry. That is the beauty of cosmos; Ambiguity is ideal.

Terry Smith: They just watched on as Sayeed Ali smashed a hunk of wood squarely over Nomad’s head. Twice!! There’s blood everywhere and yet they did nothing about it. Honestly… I’m baffled.

Ted Ross: You’re baffled? I’m baffled by your lack of understanding. 187 stands as a ’higher power’ in the book of Ross. They cannot be touched. They cannot be turned away. They ARE the TRUE kings of this company. So, if anything, these punks were showing respect to those who rule this ’land’.

Terry Smith: That’s ridiculous… These guys don’t look like ‘obedient type’.

Ted Ross: Obedience is innate in you humans. We implanted chips in your heads; in time, you will all find that…

[Terry interrupts him; moving on as if Ted isn’t even talking]

Terry Smith: How about this weather folks? 12 inches of snow! Wow!




Nomad, Mimic, Dagger, Sayeed Ali, Slim-V, and Hardcore Killah

… Attention one way; Swerve the other …


[Mimic and Dagger are seen quietly removing Nomad’s lifeless boy from within the squared circle; holding his posture in a way that seems eerily awkward. While one-third of their trio was unsuccessful tonight, There is an air that this ‘war’ has not even come close to maturing quiet yet. More or less, with the vision of Nomad being pulled from under the bottom rope by his mysterious allies, there is this budding tension forming within the ringside area. At first, it’s expected as both Trios were on the verge of a full-fledged brawl; however, little did we know that everything was on the verge of a total redecoration; if you will.]


[With 187’s gritty, east-coast-based, gangsta theme blaring in the background, We all witness the dominating trio standing within the squared circle; looking out upon the mysterious trio removing one of their members from the ringside area by guiding his semi-conscious body to the backstage area. Hardcore Killah, seen jawing with said trio, has no idea what’s coming next as we catch a glimpse of Sayeed Ali & Slim-V sharing a cold-hearted nod. This nod, while rather simplistic, marks the END for Hardcore Killah as a member of 187 as, seconds later, Sayeed Ali is seen attacking his former ally from behind with the very same baseball bat used on Nomad. Blow by blow, thud by thud, Hardcore Killah is violently forced to the canvas; collapsing in a heap after the final strike slams across the back of his head. With Killah motionless, Sayeed Ali slowly steps away from the carnage he delivered; dropping the baseball bat while looking out upon the shocked crowd proclaiming “What? What do you want?” in a truly aggressive manner. Meanwhile, Slim-V, the fire-cracker of the group, is seen dropping down to his hands and knees, directly in the face of the fallen Killah, taunting his former Thug-Life partner with an explicit laced tirade. All in all, with Killah barely gripping to consciousness, the message has been sent: Hardcore Killah is no longer welcome in 187.]


Grade: E


Terry Smith: Holy sh*t! Who saw this coming? Hardcore Killah was just beaten to an inch of his life by Sayeed Ali! I thought these two were allies? After years of working as a tag team, Slim-V just turns his back on Killah like that? Wow…

Ted Ross: It’s the nature of their beliefs: You live by the sword then you’ll die by the sword. While it may be outdated in the way it’s presented, It’s still the truth. Hardcore Killah lived by the sword and now he will ‘die’ via the same manner.

Terry Smith: You know, Ted… you actually kind of made sense there.

Ted Ross: I always make sense.

Terry Smith: Yea, you make sense in that “not so much” kind of manner.

Ted Ross: Humor is not your best attribute.

Terry Smith: Common-Sense isn’t yours.




Steve Flash and John Greed

… The Recruitment of a Legend …


[shortly following the shocking removal of Hardcore Killah from 187, We are given the sight of a taped skit centered on tonight’s challenger to the 4C Championship, “The Prodigal Son of Canada”, “The Remarkable” Steve Flash. While physically preparing for tonight’s action, Steve is seen slowly stretching in a darkened backstage hallway of the Concordia Hall. With each and every stretch, bend, and twist, there is a slight sense of discomfort forming upon the face of the great Indy Legend. After years of breaking his body for this sport, cultivating a grand name for himself in the process, there’s no way to hide the obvious strain it’s placed upon his body; an uncomfortable wince as the ultimate culprit of such truth. At first, it appears that the scenario may not transition any farther from this, just another hype moment for the beloved veteran; however, that notion comes crashing to a halt as the unsettling voice of the infamous John Greed is heard peering from the darkness.]


John Greed: There’s a classic fable in eastern traditions of a wayward sheep trying to find a sense of belonging within a pack of wolves. That sheep, while noble in his stance, attempts to gain support, even love, from those mangy muts that surround him; unaware of his greatness due to his ever-incessant need to ‘belong’. Regardless of what he does, how he interacts with the wolves, he’s never truly adopted into the pack. With time, he’s simply eaten by his predators; never even given a chance to truly find that sense of belonging. It’s a sad, sad, story, John. Don’t you think? One, so hell-bent on acceptance is eventually ingested by the very beings that he wishes to walk with.


[John is now in sight, standing under a dim overhead light; wearing a neatly pressed black suit that soaks up the radiant beams from above like a black-hole. His eyes, focused on Steve before him, remain cold, detached, as it seems that his soul has truly ‘left his body’. With the shallow clicks of his dress shoes hitting the cement floor below, John continues to walk forward as Steve Flash does his best to ignore the infamous Greed; continuing to stretch as he does nothing to break his focus.]


John Greed: That sheep is you, Steve.


[John pauses for a second; however, regains his speech as he slowly circles Steve Flash. Again, the uncomfortable sound of peering clicks from his dress shoes clanking on the cement creates an eerie vibe; however, Steve does nothing to even acknowledge that John is even present.]


John Greed: Doesn’t it get old, Steve? Jacob Jett said it himself; “You don’t belong here”. You’ve worked you’re a$$ off for 20 years, far before many of these punks were even out of diapers, and NOW… These same little pests think that they’re better than you; That you are no threat to them as you’re ‘well past your prime’. [Pauses; laughs] Why do you push for their acceptance? Why do you, simply put, give a F*CK… What they think? Honestly, Steve, You’re head-and-shoulders above these slimy little pests; You’re Steve… “Motha-F*cking” Flash; The great conqueror of “New York” and THE most respected man on the indy market. Why… Would you even give a sh*t about these punks?


[John continues to circle as Steve, for the first time, makes eye-contact with John for a short second. Not really to agree with him; however, carrying a sense of annoyance in his face; A fact that forces John to laugh once again.]


John Greed: I won’t keep you long, Men like you shouldn’t be bothered…


[John now comes to a stop directly in front of the “King of New York”; keeping his eyes locked on Steve’s as he appears to be on the verge of a major statement. Either way, Steve, now, returns John’s sense of eye-contact; however, not in a pleasant manner really. Instead, he appears to be somewhat sternly annoyed by what’s taking place right now.]


John Greed: Squash these pests, Steve. Do yourself a favor and turn your back on these worthless, slimy, undeserving, a$$holes. The 4C has done nothing for you but treat you like a commodity; an ‘old-man’ to shove through the ropes in which to garner a good laugh for the masses. Defy them; Defy them All. [Pauses] Join us and take your rightful place at the Beloved Gates of this industry. You are a Legend, you know that and I know that, now… make these arrogant punks know that as well.


[John Greed slowly extends his right hand outward as a show of creating an alliance with the great, and wonderful, Flash. Since they aren’t very far from the start, The extension itself seems rather shallow; however, intimate in nature. With the offer before him, Steve never looks down at John’s awaiting hand. Instead, he stands motionless; staring John in the eyes for a split second before walking past him in a potential sign of defiance toward “The Gatekeepers”. With that said, now with Steve no longer before him, John chuckles slightly to himself while looking down at the cement below. He reaches in his right pant-pocket and slowly slips a cigarette into his mouth in a smooth kind of fashion; finally lighting it as the flames casts a small shadow on the wall before him. With that same chuckle still residing on his lips, Greed closes the segment with one final statement; speaking to himself as he looks at the wall where Steve Flash use to stand.]


John Greed: He’ll come around. They always do.


[With that, The segment comes to an eerie close with the sight of Greed inhaling a heavy drag of his cigarette; exhaling a plum of nicotine-laced smoke high into the air. With this scenario behind us, The stag has been set. Is this the last of their recruitment of Steve Flash? - OR - Is this only the first chapter of such a situation? Will Steve continue to act as a loner-type within the theoretical 4C walls? - OR - Will he, in time, see John’s perspective of how to go about his career here in 4C?]


Grade: D


Terry Smith: If John Greed thinks, for one second, that Steve Flash would turn his back on us all to join their little pity-party, Then he has another thing coming!

Ted Ross: How can you be so sure?

Terry Smith: Steve Flash has made a career out of being an honorable competitor. He’s traveled all over this world and established himself as THE True personification of all that is just in this industry. Why would he, all of a sudden, turn his back on his own Legend? Just so he could b*tch about the youngsters in 4C just like the rest of the whinny “Gatekeeper” Fraternity? That’s not happening.

Ted Ross: You speak with confidence; however, have no real support in your claim. He will cave. As John said, They always do.




The Gilbert Brothers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada vs. The Gatekeepers w/ John Greed

Three-way Tag Team Match

4C Tag Team Championships Match



The Gilbert Brothers are truly beloved by the 4C fan base; its obvious each and every time they forge through the sold-out masses on their way to the ringside area. Their unique blend of a nostalgic, over-the-top, 80’s-like, collective persona with the rough-and-tumble, hard-nosed, personal mantra that frames them as aggressive bullies, is widely considered to be desirable traits by the avid 4C fan. With that said, as you can expect, the severely intoxicated herd surrounding the ringside area is FIRMLY behind the current Tag Team Champions.


In a stark contrast, The very same fan base is heard showering, both, The Future Kings of Canada, and the newly formed, Gatekeepers, with a momentous wave of disdain; boo’ing aggressively in their direction as they enter the ringside area. While they receive the same sense of hatred, their mannerisms couldn’t be farther from the same. The Future Kings are seen arrogantly strutting down the isle-way, never showing a lack of confidence as it pertains to the task at hand. Meanwhile, The Gatekeepers are seen walking to the ring in a slow, methodical, and overtly ‘cold-hearted’, kind of manner. In a way, their initial entrances paint the best stereotypical picture of both teams experience within the industry. The Future Kings seem youthfully arrogant; unaware of the dangers that certainly surround them as they are far to ‘green’ to know what to fear. In contrast, The Gatekeepers are rather rigid in their gestures; obviously hardened by their years of servitude to the industry that has ‘pushed them aside’. Needless to say, all three teams carry their own, unique, narrative as they finally clash in a truly historic moment in 4C history: The day in history where the companies Tag Team Division was given a proper re-birth.


Again, while the Future Kings and the Gatekeepers receive the same response from the crowd, They are not willing to work with one another in the slightest. Actually, it’s quite the opposite as the Future Kings appear to be rather unhappy with Ted Brady and Barry Kingman; two men who cost them the 4C Tag Championships at “Blood Brothers”. At first, It’s more of a tension; however, with time, that internal aggression spews forth; opening the scenario up rather violently as Davis Wayne Newton and Chris Flynn look to gain a sense of revenge against their elders.


With all of this going on, The Gilbert Brothers stand above the rest as the true team in-control of the scenario at hand. Why is this? With The Future Kings and the Gatekeepers more focused on each other, They pretty much cancel each other out. This leaves Jesse and Joe to systematically take control of the match-up almost exclusively as their challengers spend more time bickering with one another then focusing on the task at hand. Needless to say, as it can be expected, the passionate 4C fan base stays more ‘focused’ for longer, despite their blatant intoxication, as they’re happy to see their beloved tandem in full control.


With time; however, this all comes to a gradual halt…


The Future Kings, while a very deadly tandem indeed, find themselves ‘on the outside looking in’ as their two opponents appear to be much stronger; more well-versed. It’s this base knowledge that ultimately sets them apart from their younger combatants, A truth that is inescapable regardless of their natural-born-talent.


As the match grows to a close, the voice of The Gatekeepers, John Greed is seen rearing is ugly head; distracting Wilson Carlisle for long enough as Ted Brady removes a pair of brass knuckles stowed away in his right boot. It’s this kind of throw-back approach, using a trick that’s been used for decades, that ultimately helps The Gatekeepers take full control of the match-up; following a stiff weapon strike (Brass Knuckles) from Ted Brady upon Joe Gilbert’s head. With Jesse being literally being thrown into the 3rd row via an unexpected assault by Barry Kingman, Joe is left all alone; perfect for Ted to manipulate the situation at hand.


John Greed finally ends his distraction of the referee, now joining Kingman’s side as he stands watch around the ringside area, Ted Brady is seen executing a truly traditional Northern-Lights-Suplex into a pinfall attempt. In most cases, You would expect to see Joe kick out of such a move; however, this is NOT a normal scenario due to the brass knuckles strike. With this in mind, Joe is unable to regain his consciousness in time to kick out of Brady’s pinfall attempt. Overall, after a year of holding the Tag Team Championships with unrivaled respect by all, their reign has come to a close at the hand of a man hell-bent with a vendetta against all who have ‘rode in on his coat tails’.


The Gatekeepers win the 4C Tag Team Championships by defeating The Gilbert Brothers, and the Future Kings of Canada, in 7:51 via a Northern-Lights-Suplex from Ted Brady upon Joe Gilbert. This marks the Gatekeepers 1st title reign as the 4C Tag Champions.

Grade: D+


Ted Ross: Ha-Zah!! The great elders of 4C have cemented their existence here… They are the NEW 4C Tag Champions! Phase 1 has come and passed… Now onto phase 2...

Terry Smith: What are you talking about? Phase 2?

Ted Ross: “The Book of Ross” proclaims that 3 worldly elders would, one day, step foot on 4C soil. In doing so, a great revolution would take place. I prophesized this exact thing in Ryland 1:34. Next, Chaos will reign supreme under the roof of Concordia.

Terry Smith: Has anyone ever attempted to force you into therapy? Ya know? A judge or anything? You really would.. Well, You could benefit from it.

Ted Ross: Just you wait, Terry. You’ll be eating your words later tonight…

Terry Smith: I’m going to go ahead and not trust this apocalyptic hell that you’ve prophesized about. Okay? I’m just going to sit here and act as any other normal adult would; free from your insanity.

Ted Ross: Big mistake.





… Stripping away the façade …


[The explicit-laced theme song, performed by himself, begins to blare over the Concordia Hall as “Rated-R” Raj arrogantly struts out of the backstage area; furthering the narrative that he’s ‘larger than life’ if you will. His mannerisms are rather grand as it’s obvious to see that the surging veteran is truly full-of-himself; quite confident in his recent string of victories overall. With this in mind, carrying a c*cky smirk upon his face, Raj quickly receives a microphone from a nearby ring attendant; looking out upon the booing masses with a lack of empathy for their negative view of him. All in all, little did we know that everything was about to change… All it took was a sense of self-discovery in which to unravel months worth of developing a specific persona: One that couldn’t be farther from the truth.]


Raj: Yo, Yo, Yo… Hollah at a playa…


[The 4C fan base showers Raj with an uninspired chorus of boos; all lacking in any sense of strength. Meanwhile, Raj is seen continuing to smirk as if he was just shown love for whatever reason.]


Raj: Ya see, There’s no denying me now… I am…


[Raj stops for a brief second; at first it seems like he’s trying to pause in which to generate a bigger response. However, with time, it’s obvious that there’s something brewing within him internally.]


Raj: I am…


[Again, Raj pauses; however this time, he’s seen looking around the ringside area; his mind obviously fixated on something internally. With time, Raj starts to slowly shakes his head, grabbing the black skull-cap from above and throwing it dramatically onto the canvas below. The 4C fan base packed within Concordia Hall looks on in confusion as it seems like Raj’s mannerisms have shifted rather dramatically: Gone is the overtly arrogant rapper; Present is the somewhat defeated, sunken, man with a supposed identity crisis.]


Raj: I am a joke.


[The fan base continues to watch on in confusion as Raj continues to shake his head in defiance of his supposed in-ring persona. For a moment, everything becomes very ‘real’ as it looks like Raj has systematically removed the gimmick that was bestowed upon him; making for a truly awkward scenario as it’s obvious that said gimmick is nowhere near to how he is acting now. Overall, it looks as if he’s almost saddened by coming to a sense of understanding; soul-searching in a matter of a few seconds and coming away with the knowledge that he’s been living a lie.]


Raj: For years, I’ve been playing this ‘larger-than-life’ character; the center of attention, the man of the hour. [Pauses; looks down upon the canvas with disgust.] I’ve been told to say things like ‘act a fool’ and ‘yo’ when these words have NEVER been part of my vocabulary in real-life. I’ve been forced into a corner, told to be something I’m not and for that… I am ashamed.


[A heavy sense of shock continues to circulate through out the Concordia Hall as it’s obvious that Raj is ‘shooting’ at this point. For this, knowing that the 4C fan base is made up a mostly ‘smarks’, the crowd slowly begins to open up to the former NOTBPW stand-out. A smattering of clapping, mixed in with a few wayward positive rants yelled from within the crowd, fills the Hall as Raj appears to be on the verge of breaking everything apart; challenging everyone’s perception of him.]


Raj: I’ve spent so long playing this ‘persona’ that I feel I’ve lost touch with myself; with the things that truly make me who I am. I know, who really cares, Raj? Dance around the ring like a punk and entertain the fans! [He shakes his head; pausing] I can’t do it anymore. From this point on, with you all as my witness, I will strip away this crap. No longer will I ‘act a fool’, Today… Raj shows his true colors; unafraid of being myself.


[The crowd actually starts to show Raj some sense of ‘love’; showering him with a show of support as the Canadian veteran comes to grips with his own identity. With this all taking place, and seeing the crowd’s reaction to such a ‘shoot’, Raj starts to lose himself to the excitement of the moment. A man we once looked to as an arrogant playa now stands in the middle of the ring, giddy as a young schoolboy; holding back his happiness like a youngin’ in need of a bathroom break. With a giant, genuine, smile upon his face, Raj proclaims to the world of his new change in name.]


Raj: From here on out, from far and wide, you can all look to me as your commander of the cosmos!


[The crowd is somewhat confused by his statement; however, goes with it as it seems that Raj is truly happy; giddy if you will.]


Raj: I am, Raj…. of the 7th Galaxy Gotron!!


[Raj flashes a Sci-Fi based hand gesture while holding a truly genuine, however very nerdy, smile upon his face. Again, the man once looked to as the ‘life of the party’ now stands as a closeted geek; no longer hiding his true colors. The inebriated 4C fan base doesn’t seem to really fault him for his quirkyness; showering the veteran with the most positive response he’s ever seen since joining the company. Needless to say, it looks as if Raj’s shocking twist in personality is coming across as a major success. None the less, with this in mind, Raj is seen standing in the middle of the ring flashing his nerd-laced Sci-Fi gesture to the crowd; soaking in this amazing moment of self-discovery!]


Grade: E+


<hr color="grey">Action: Raj has turned from heel to babyface. It was a complete success.

*** An alt render of Raj will be shown on the next card. Said alt render was created by jhd1 and will better display Raj‘s new persona as: “Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron!”


Terry Smith: Well… I didn’t see that coming. [Laughs]

Ted Ross: He is not from the 7th Galaxy Gotron!! This is a lie…

Terry Smith: Oh come on, Ted. Don’t take this so seriously…

Ted Ross: One of my previous loves, the one who ‘got away’, was from the 7th Galaxy Gotron! There’s no way that Raj looks anything like her people. This is an outrage!! So you show us all that you’re not an arrogant rapper, saying you want to be ‘yourself’ for once, and then you lie about where you are from? This is ridiculous!

Terry Smith: I need a drink.



”The Amazing” Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

Ladder Match

4C Championship Match



There is no greater contrast in 4C than that of Jacob Jett and Steve Flash. Their individual perceptions of life couldn’t be farther from one another and this theory is truly cemented as both men forge upon the ringside area for tonight’s Main Event. Jacob, a consummate showman due to his combination of ‘bad boy arrogance’ and dare-devil antics, utilizes the 4C landscape as his own personal playground; manipulating the event, arena, company officials, and even the fan base as his own tools of developing a unique legacy. In this Industry, and in Canada especially, your legacy is, quite possibly, THE most important product to protect. If done well, protecting that is, said wrestler can ‘live on’ well past his death; being continually praised for what they were able to accomplish during their ‘era’. With this in mind, Steve Flash is exactly WHAT Jacob is striving for: World-wide recognition for being a true ‘Legend’ of the sport. While he will NEVER admit it, as doing such a thing would ultimately make him look weak, while also cracking away on that typical ‘bad boy’ persona he perpetuates so well, it’s the truth underneath it all.


As Jacob shows his outstanding agility, bouncing back and forth in his corner as if he were ‘charging up’ for the big fight, Steve is seen in quite the opposite scenario: slowly stretching using nearby ring ropes, shifting his wrist tape, and ultimately preparing for ‘battle’ in the only way he knows how: through a masterful sense of internal focus. So, as you can expect, when the bell is finally rung… Their demeanors don’t change very much. Jacob, always starting out most matches like a rocket ascending speedily toward the heavens, quickly initiates his onslaught; leaping toward the “King of New York” with a round of lightning quick, yet fury-like, strikes upon his head. Never caught off guard by anything, Steve Flash is seen eventually slowing down the accelerated approach of the 4C Champion; regaining his composure and ultimately trading right hands as well. In the end, the first real challenge is arguably won by Flash as the indy veteran is able to subdue the reckless champion; taking control of the match by shifting their opening brawl into a slower, more indicative, approach of suplexes and long submission rest holds. While most ‘modern crowds’ would tend to hate such an approach, a slower pace dictated by Flash, the passionate 4C fan base is more so made up of ‘smarks’ versus anything else. They have drifted toward 4C due to their lack of interest in the ‘Big Two’; looking for a new product to latch onto. So, while they adore the more reckless approach to in-ring action that 4C delivers, they don’t necessarily ‘crap’ on anything that’s not indicative of a typical match-up. So, with that in mind, all stays pretty ‘cheery’ as the truly intoxicated crowd is forced to do the unthinkable: Choose who they would rather see win the match… Jett or Flash.


Alcohol inspired chants for both men are heard at given moments; sometimes rivaling each other as the masses within the Concordia Hall appear to be split over who they want to win. Back and forth, these chants grow with intensity as beer is spilled from wall to wall. Needless to say, there is a true ‘big fight’ mentality permeating throughout the Hall; a fact that only pushes Flash and Jett to the ‘extreme’ as both men attempt to deliver on such a moment.


In most cases, the truly ‘extreme’ moments come from the 4C Champion than the more reserved challenger. At one point, while Steve is attempting to climb the ladder, Jacob is seen climbing a nearby ring rope and successfully executing a flipping cannonball strike upon the ascending Flash. The move, while shocking in nature, is deadly for all involved as Jett’s body recklessly slams into Flash, and the ladder, at the same time; forcing all three figures to crash to the canvas below in a thunderous heap. Upon impact, It almost looks like Jacob takes more of the brunt from his own move; landing awkwardly atop the folding up ladder, almost theoretically breaking his back in half.


Here in lies the different focuses of these two polar opposites. Jacob seems to use the ladder as more of a platform to jump off of; where as, Steve Flash utilizes the standing figure as more of a weapon of sorts. While not in the traditional sense of a weapon, Flash is often seen throwing Jacob square into the ladder; full speed. At one point, Steve is even seen using the ladder as an extra point of destruction for the 4C Champion; executing a belly-to-belly overhead suplex onto it’s rungs. As expected through such a style, with time, it appears that Jacob’s body is taking a hefty toll of damage; his ‘bounce back’ slowing greatly as the match persists. All in all, it appears that Steve’s approach is winning out thus far; ultimately giving the second Challenge of the night in favor of Steve as well.


Everything looks to be rather positively spirited, despite these two’s general dislike of each other, until THEY showed up…




As Jacob is seen leaping from the 2nd to last rung of the ladder, connecting with a crazed hurricanrana that forces the “King of New York” over the top rope and crashing to the floor, The Gatekeepers are seen slowly shuffling through the black entrance curtain in their typical cold, and calculating, manner. With a steel chair already in the hands of Ted Brady, the grizzled trio is seen ascending upon the ringside area; calm in their approach, however, certainly dripping with vile intentions.


Jacob, not noticing their arrival, slowly starts to climb the ladder he just leapt from in which to remove his opponent from the squared circle. Rung by rung he climbs… One after the other… However, as he grows closer to the top, The Gatekeepers are seen slowly rolling into the squared circle; focused on Jacob the entire time. As the 4C Champion reaches upward for HIS prized possession, it happens…








Three steel chair shots to the back of Jacob Jett; delivered by, Gatekeeper member, Ted Brady. The sound of the cold steel’s impact is quite sickening as the current 4C Champion slowly slouches over; hugging the ladder for protection. As he struggles to fend off the pain from Brady’s strikes, Jacob continues to pull himself upward in a purely dramatic fashion.









Barry Kingman has quickly climbed the other side of the ladder; landing a round of heavy-handed punches to the forehead of the 4C Champion. With his body weakened by 14 minutes worth of action with, arguably, the greatest indy worker on the planet, and then coupling that with Ted’s recent chair shots, it appears that there is very little fight left in Jacob. With that said, in a move that truly defines Jacob, Jett is seen shockingly leaping backward with a modified moonsault off the ladder! While the base is not very sturdy, Jett twists his body awkwardly to the side in which to land square upon his attacker; Ted Brady. The impact forces both men to crash to the canvas; a fact that also removes the steel chair from Brady’s hands.


With the crowd in a state of euphoric bliss, A chant of “Holy sh*t” is heard resonating within the Concordia Hall. In a desperate move, Jacob has leapt from the ladder and crashed onto Ted Brady; hurting his chances of victory at this poitn; however, a move that is needed as it seems the Gatekeepers are focused on keeping him from said victory. As Jacob attempts to pull himself back to his feet, he’s met with a vicious close line from Barry Kingman (now down from the ladder himself). Jacob’s body twists aggressively in the air and, once again, slams back down upon the canvas; semi-motionless as he, again, tries to fend off his attackers.


With Steve Flash still laying on the outside of the ring, holding his right knee in pain following an awkward fall from Jett’s hurricanrana (forcing him out of the ring), Jacob is seen as a victim; being assaulted by both Kingman and Brady with an unfair 2 on 1 assault. They keep the 4C Champion grounded as they both stomp a ‘mudhole’ in him; slamming their fists, knees, and feet, square upon his body in a truly violent fashion.


Meanwhile, while this is going on, John Greed is seen slowly stepping toward the ladder in a truly methodical kind of fashion. With his signature smug look upon his face, The infamous ‘voice’ of the Gatekeepers, is seen slowly ascending up the ladder; fendnig off beer bottles, and any other trash, that the fans attempt to hit him with. While at the top of the ladder, with both of the competitors in tonight’s title match subdued for different reasons, John is seen grabbing the 4C Championship; gaining physical control of said beloved possession.


Now, back on his feet in the ring, Wilson Carlisle is seen trying to wrestle the championship out of Greed’s hands; proclaiming that he is “not a legal competitor in tonight’s match”. As you can guess, this doesn’t stop John in the slightest. With a cheap-shot like maneuver, Greed is seen kicking Wilson in the right knee; forcing him to drop to his left knee in pain. From there, John then uses that very same foot to shove the newly acquired referee to the canvas; forcing him to do so by heavily pushing him with his foot upon Wilson’s face.


The crowd is boo’ing like crazy, confused as to what this means, as John slowly exit’s the squared circle with the championship in his hands. Finishing their assault on Jett, The Gatekeepers are seen also filing out of the ring in a slow, methodical, kind fashion; showing no sense of needing speed up after literally STEALING the 4C Championship from tonight’s Main Event. By the time Wilson has yelled his instructions to the nearby ring announcer, The Gatekeepers are already halfway up the ramp way; not even looking upon the ringside area as they continue to walk away with the 4C Championship in their grasp.


No Contest on account of The Gatekeepers stealing the 4C Championship.

Grade: C-


Terry Smith: ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!? THIS IS THE ENDING WE’RE LEFT WITH? After an AMAZING match-up between two beloved 4C competitors, breaking their bodies for the right to carry this companies most prized possession, the Gatekeepers just walk in and steal the title? Just like that? This makes me sick!! I’m physically ill… Who the HELL do they think they are?

Ted Ross: In a land of no authority, It comes down to the individuals within said land to dictate the overriding rules. After years of being pushed aside for the ‘newer faces’ utilizing the style of wrestling THEY coined; They’ve decided to take the power BACK into their own hands. Is there anyway better to do so than taking the 4C Championship away from those who they may deem as not worthy of it all? At this point, The Gatekeepers are THE most powerful governing body this company has at the moment. They’ve won the Tag Team Championships and NOW they’ve forced their hands upon the 4C Championship. Ingenious. These men are truly hand-picked by the Wrestling GOD, Ryland, to usher this industry into a state of bliss.

Terry Smith: No, this is just bull-sh*t! Plain and Simple!!! They’ve done NOTHING to place their hands on the 4C Championship and now they think they can just BULLY themselves to the top? Plus, didn’t they try to recruit Steve Flash just moments ago? Now, they’re stealing the title away from him too?

Ted Ross: It appears that they aren’t keen on others ‘taking their time’ to make decisions… [Laughs] The elders have spoken; The 4C, and their competitors, are not worthy of the top prize! My god, I never thought I would see such a moment… The cosmos have lined up in a truly cataclysmic kind of fashion… This is a moment we will NEVER forget! The exact time and place that the 4C was shaken to it’s very core… Hazah!!

Terry Smith: Isn’t anyone going to stop them? There has to be someone back there with the fire-power to stand up to them? 187? I know they’re typically only out for themselves but, come on… these guys are attacking the very fiber of this company! We need someone to stand up to these three… WE NEED THE 4C CHAMPIONSHIP BACK IN THE RIGHTFUL HANDS OF THE TRUE CHAMPION, JACOB JETT!!

Ted Ross: He may not have lost the championship tonight in singles competition, but, he certainly has ‘lost’ possession of his prized piece of gold. He is just as alone as a former champion; standing without the very thing that validates him to the masses!




John Greed, Barry Kingman, Ted Brady, Jacob Jett, and Steve Flash

… The Elders change the landscape of 4C …


[The closing moments of “Crossroads” delivers an image that is truly indicative of the event name itself. The competitors in tonight’s main event, Jacob Jett and Steve Flash, are seen still laying in their respective areas; potentially injured from such a scenario as what we just witnessed. Meanwhile, Wilson Carlisle is seen frantically storming around the ring like a mad king; infuriated by the defiance of his rule. All in all, the overall vibe circulating around the ringside area is that of pure chaos drenched in an uncomfortable feeling of loss. The main event, one that everyone was anticipating, ends in a way that can only be described as a point of anarchy; with both men laying around the ring, unable to stop the theft that is currently taking place.]


[Garbage continues to be thrown at the Gatekeepers as they slowly exit the ringside area; never looking back upon the squared circle as they calmly exit from plain sight with the 4C Championship in their grasp. Meanwhile, the champion himself, Jacob Jett, slowly pulls himself back to his feet; now aware of what has just happened. That the very thing he loved the most had been violently ripped from his ‘hands’; forced into the grasp of his Elders. With this in mind, Jacob’s mood turns rather aggressive; which is quite a contrast to his typical charismatic feel. However, his body isn’t strong enough to allow him to chase after the thieves who are no longer present. Instead, he dramatically slumps over the nearest ring rope; staring upon the entrance curtains and yelling… “I will find you!” in between the combination of his heavy breathing and coughing.]


[in the end, the truly chaotic end to “Crossroads” has come to pass. The competitors in tonight’s main event must leave the ringside area without one being declared as the victor. The 4C Champion must exit the Concordia Hall without his most prized possession; and the 4C must move forward despite witnessing a cloud of doubt hovering above the 4C Championship itself. In a moment that will truly go down in the sands of time, Canadian Charisma Championship Combat has officially shifted into a palpable state of Anarchy; The Gatekeepers as the unexpected agents of said Anarchy.]


Grade: D+



Ted Ross: What about your “beloved” Jacob Jett? [Laughs] Maybe he can stand up to the three of them and regain his title? Oh wait… He already tried; they turned him into a heap on the canvas. [Laughs]

Terry Smith: We need a band of 4C loyalists to stand up to these a$$-holes! Jett, Flash, 187... Whoever can put aside their petty differences in which to stand up for what’s right! We can’t let these jaded cry-babies dictate what has taken YEARS to develop here in 4C! This company, its very culture, is under attack… We NEED someone to stand up for it!

Ted Ross: How can you be so sure that Steve Flash would want to stand up to all of this? While he walked away from John’s proposal, He didn’t really leap to his feet and stop them from stealing the 4C Championship!

Terry Smith: He was on the outside of the ring nursing a knee injury! You saw that; we all saw that!

Ted Ross: Really? [Laughs] The ‘Book of Ross’ tells of another story… ‘He who stands on the outsides, allowing carnage to ensue, is nothing more than a facilitator of such carnage.’ Mark my words, Steve Flash is in on this! I have a feeling…

Terry Smith: Yea, Trust a ‘hunch’ by a psycho who thinks he’s from another world. Oh, also one who prays to the Wrestling GOD, Ryland, and wrote a book, much like a bible of sorts, called “The Book of Ross”. Yep, I trust your hunch… Just as much as I trust these jaded elders to simply return the title back to it’s rightful holder, Jacob Jett!









Overall Show Grade: D

Internet Response: “The show was pretty good all around”.

A quick thought of Greed: Out of all the factions in 4C, Rage Against the System may end up as my favorite after it’s all said and done. This is pretty lofty seeing how The Gatekeepers are truly a favorite of mine right now (both as a writer and as a headbooker).


<hr color="black">

"Blood Brothers" Quick Results:


Antonio Del Veccio defeated Duberry Excess via flash pinfall. (E+)

Sayeed Ali © defeated Nomad via pinfall. (D)

The Gatekeepers win the 4C Tag Championships after defeating The Gilbert Brothers and The Future Kings of Canada. (D+)

Jacob Jett © and Steve Flash end in a ‘No Contest‘ ruling by Wilson Carlisle due to the Gatekeeper‘s theft of the 4C Championship. (C-)

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Good show, sure took a long time to read, must've taken even longer time to write xD


I like the way you describe R.A.T.S.'s don't-care attitude, I really think I understand their thoughts :D Raj's new persona seems... interesting, definitely also looking forward to seeing how that one turns out.


A game-related question: how did you make the ladder match a no-contest?

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Good show, sure took a long time to read, must've taken even longer time to write xD


Thank you! Yea, it took quite a while to put together. I wasn't expecting it to be so long; however, as I started to write, I kinda got lost in the whole process and 'went to town'. ha.


I like the way you describe R.A.T.S.'s don't-care attitude, I really think I understand their thoughts :D Raj's new persona seems... interesting, definitely also looking forward to seeing how that one turns out.


R.A.T.S. (thank you BigPapa42 with help on the name) is the epitomy of "I don't care" for the most part. Well, not in the sense that they won't do anything; but, more so in the sense that they have their own 'bag' of psychological problems. None the less, they will become more 'active' as the story progresses. As for Raj, I can see how some may be turned off by the idea. ha. To be honest, I'm not a Sci-Fi fan myself; so, I wasn't sure how to go about writing for him in this idea. However, in the end, I think he'll pose a great sense of comic relief; while also delivering some strong moments as a singles competitor too. He'll be a riot with time.


A game-related question: how did you make the ladder match a no-contest?


Fancy-Dancy creation. ha ;)


I just created a Ladder match that had more outcomes than just grabbing the title. Since I wasn't expecting there to be an outcome where any of these endings would be used; I made them possible. All with the notion that, in the end, The Gatekeepers would steal the title anyways. So, pretty much, I just created a new ladder match in the editor where 'no contest' was possible.

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