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"Tournament Titles"

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Guest Poppers

I haven't had a tournament title in any organization I have ran before but I just started a game with PGHW and I am wondering about them.

Is there some kind of feature where you put the wrestlers you want in the tournament or something or do you run the tournament manually?

I know I worded it wrong so it might be unclear.

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I haven't had a tournament title in any organization I have ran before but I just started a game with PGHW and I am wondering about them.

Is there some kind of feature where you put the wrestlers you want in the tournament or something or do you run the tournament manually?

I know I worded it wrong so it might be unclear.


You run the tournament however you want - just make sure that sometime that month there's a match for the tournament title.


Allows you to make the tournament as big or as small as you want, with whatever rules you want.

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