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Wrestling School Re-opens

Monday 5th April 2010


Hayward, CA-Michael K. Cariglio, who wrestles under the name Michael Modest, announced

Saturday the re-opening of the Tetsu Academy wrestling school in Hayward.


Cariglio, who closed the original Tetsu Academy in 2005 to concentrate on his wrestling

bookings in the U.S. and Japan, said in a press conference at the new establishment

that it was time to ‘come home.’


‘The wrestling business has been good to me and provided a living this far. I have had

the chance to travel the globe and face some of the biggest names in the business but it’s

time to come home. I know my career is coming towards its natural end and it will be time

in the coming years to hang up my boots. The question every wrestler asks at this time

of his career is what next? And my answer is re-opening the Tetsu Academy.’


Cariglio and business partner Andrew Vassos (fellow wrestler Donovan Morgan) are

taking enrolment for the upcoming class now. The academy is located at 17144 East 14th

Street, at the site of the former Kenpo Go Shin Jitsu School.

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…News out of California concerning Michael Modest and his defunct Pro Wrestling IRON promotion. The Domain name http://www.prowrestlingiron.com has been registered to a Hayward businessman James J. Casablanca. It seems too much of a coincidence that this domain name be bought up just weeks after Modest & Donovan Morgan re-opened their Tetsu Academy wrestling school in the same City. The two men ran PWI along with Frank Murdoch until 2005 when the promotion folded with little success. Looks as though we may be seeing a resurgence in the coming months…

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We are proud to announce that Pro Wrestling IRON has returned. In a monumental announcement Michael Modest has confirmed the rumoured alliance with Hayward businessman James J. Casablanca to bring the promotion back to life.


Pro Wrestling IRON intends to create a home for the future graduates of the Tetsu Academy alongside the original IRON fighters and the cream of current independent talent.


ProwrestlingIRON.com can exclusively announce the preliminary IRON roster as including


· Michael Modest

· Donovan Morgan

· Tony Jones

· The Iron Saints; Sal, Vito & Brandon Thomaselli

· Tony Kozina

· ‘Reckless Youth’ Tom Carter

· Apollo Kahn

· Hook Bomberry

· Ryan Drago

· Mikey Henderson



Expect major announcements in the coming days of new additions to the IRON roster along with independent talent who will represent their home promotions on IRON’s shows.

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Pro Wrestling IRON owner Michael Modest appointed today Buddy Sotello as the promotions Executive Commissioner. It was the new bosses great pleasure to announce PWI's IRON Cup Weekend 2010.


On the weekend of 12-13 June 2010 a two night, 8 man IRON Cup tournament will be taking place. The winner will take home not only the IRON Cup, a trophy that will be contested annually, but will also become the new IRON Champion.


Sotello announced that he has sole responsibility for signing and booking talent in PWI and will, therefore, be personally announcing the brackets for the tournament on prowrestlingiron.com in the coming days.


Sotello also confirmed that IRON Fighters Michael Modest, Tony Jones, Sal Thomaselli and Tony Kozina have been confirmed as entrants in the tournament.

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Bobby Fish Signs


Pro Wrestling IRON Executive Commissioner Buddy Sotello announced today the signing of Bobby Fish to a IRON Fighter contract. Fish will represent PWI in all future bookings including the IRON Cup, into which he has been entered.


"This is a great signing for Pro Wrestling IRON" said Sotello "Fish is a fighter with international experience and matches against the likes of Kenta Kobashi and the late great Mitsuharu Misawa. Bobby Fish representing PWI is an exciting prospect."


"I'm really excited about this contract" Fish revealed in a telephone call with prowrestlingIRON.com "After speaking with Mike (Modest) I am confident that this promotion is the right fit for me." Concerning the IRON Cup "There is already some great talent announced for the tournament and the competition is only going to get stiffer when the outsider talent is added. But thats how I like it and I'm ready to step up to the challenge."


Be sure to check here for more exclusive news in the coming days.


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Outsiders Announced


Pro Wrestling IRON Executive Commissioner Buddy Sotello announced the signing of 4 major outsider talents for the IRON Cup Weekend. Sotello says that Pro Wrestling IRON will continue to bring in the best talent available from other promotions to compete with PWI's IRON Fighters.


The 4 workers announced are:


  • Shinjiro Otani-ZERO1 Otani is a legend of Puroresu and considered one of the top junior heavyweights in the history of japanese wrestling. Otani will be entered in the IRON Cup.
  • B-Boy-CZW B-Boy is a veteran of the independent scene and has won championships in indie groups coast to coast. B-Boy will bring a gritty edge to the IRON Cup.
  • Joey Ryan-PWG One of the original owners of PWG and a mainstay of the California independent scene. Featured in the first generation of PWI but will be representing PWG in the IRON Cup.
  • Melissa Anderson-SHIMMER Cheerleader Melissa is considered the elite talent of the female wrestling scene and will be bringing her talent and experience to face off against Tetsu Acadamy prospects Sarah Jones and ChaCha. She will be joined by fellow SHIMMER Woman Athlete Mercedes Martinez for night 2.


The cards for the IRON Cup weekend are coming together now as the 8 competitors of the IRON Cup have also been announced. IRON Fighters Michael Modest, Bobby Fish, Tony Jones, Salvatore Thomaselli, and Tony Kozina will be joined by Shinjiro Otani, Joey Ryan and B-Boy. The brackets are expected to be announced later today.


Announced so far:


Night 1

Centennial Hall Convention Center, Hayward, CA


IRON Cup Quarter Finals

IRON Sarah Jones vs. Melissa Anderson SHIMMER

IRON Vito & Brandon Thomaselli vs. Tom Carter & Mikey Henderson IRON


Night 2

Newark Pavilion, Newark, CA


IRON Cup Semis and Final

SHIMMER Melissa Anderson & Mercedes Martinez vs. Sarah Jones & ChaCha IRON

Matches featuring the losing IRON Cup quarter finalists.

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Apologies to those reading for the delay in updates. I have very little spare time between my job and baby but am looking forward to getting this diary going and finding time to comment and contribute to other real world diaries on the forum.


If anyone wants to garner a guess or two on the IRON Cup, here is the listing for night 1. Obviously I won't be announcing the Night 2 card fully until after night 1, which will hopefully be up in the next day or two:


IRON Cup Night 1


IRON Cup Quarter Finals:


Sal Thomaselli vs. Tony Jones

Tony Kozina vs. Shinjiro Otani

Joey Ryan vs. Bobby Fish

Michael Modest vs. B-Boy


Non IRON Cup matches:

Melissa Anderson vs. Sarah Jones

Vito & Brandon Thomaselli vs. Tom Carter & Mikey Henderson


All comments and criticisms welcome. Promise to respond once i've got a card up, I hate this getting a game started up stage, seems to take me forever!


I'm aiming for realism in the diary (which explains why the first card might be a little...erm...underwhelming) but got some good ideas for it (I hope). I'm keeping it Kayfabe (Except for match & show ratings) but if anyone wants to know about the in game stats for the promotion just ask.

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IRON Cup Quarter Finals:


Sal Thomaselli vs. Tony Jones

Tony Kozina vs. Shinjiro Otani

Joey Ryan vs. Bobby Fish

Michael Modest vs. B-Boy


Non IRON Cup matches:

Melissa Anderson vs. Sarah Jones

Vito & Brandon Thomaselli vs. Tom Carter & Mikey Henderson

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PWI IRON Cup 2010 Night 1

Centennial Hall Convention Center, Hayward, CA (51 fans)


Dark Match: Hook Bomberry defeated Ryan Drago in 5:39 by pinfall with a Spear. D-



The show opens in the ring as Warren Michaels is with IRON Executive Commissioner Buddy Sotello. Michaels welcomes the fans to PWI IRON Cup 2010.


Michaels: Welcome Hayward to the return of Pro Wrestling IRON!


The crowd respond with a warm round of applause.


Michaels: It’s great to be back and I recognise a few faces in the crowd tonight. You guys are in for a treat tonight as we see the first round of the IRON Cup, the winners of which will go to Newark tomorrow night to fight not only for the IRON Cup Trophy, but also to be crowned the new IRON Global Champion!


Again the crowd applaud as Michaels continues.


Michaels: And now to the man standing beside me. May I introduce to you the Executive Comissioner of Pro Wrestling IRON…Buddy Sotello!


The crowd applaud politely with the odd exception.


Sotello: Thank you Warren. I have come out here tonight to briefly explain my position as executive commissioner. I have been appointed to this position by PWI owners Michael Modest & Donovan Morgan who felt that their positions as active IRON fighters would create a conflict of interests if they were to take booking responsibility also. So I am the man in charge of making the matches and the product you will see in the coming months and years. Basically the buck stops here…



As Sotello says this ‘Wildside’ by Motley Crue hits over the speakers and The Iron Saints, Salvatore, Vito & Brandon appear from behind the curtain and make their way into the ring, jawing with fans on the way. Sal, in his ring gear, snatches the microphone from Warren Michaels as his brothers, in street clothes, look on.


Sal gets into Michaels face.


Sal: Where are you?


Sal grabs hold of Michaels by the lapel of his jacket as he can be heard asking ‘what do you mean’


Sal: It’s not a cryptic question Warren, you are in a wrestling ring. I am a wrestler…you are not.


Sal pushes Michaels toward the ropes.


Sal: Go do your job.


Michaels shrugs his shoulders and leaves the ring as the Iron Saints turn their attention to Buddy Sotello.


Sal: And you…


Sal gets in Sotello’s face, who can be seen gulping in fear. Sal pauses for what seems an eternity before taking a step back and holding out his hand, offering a handshake…


Sal: It’s going to be a pleasure working with you.


Sotello looks undecided and stares at Sal, trying to determine his motives. Finally Sotello uneasily shakes Sal Thomaselli’s hands before repeating with Brandon and then Vito. Sotello then leaves the ring, while constantly looking over his shoulder.E



‘What’s Golden’ by Jurassic 5 then hits as ‘The Shooter’ Tony Jones emerges from the curtain. As Jones reaches the ring he is wearily eyeing Vito & Brandon Thomaselli, who have taken their position in Sal’s corner.


Salvatore Thomaselli w/Vito & Brandon Thomaselli dft. Tony Jones


· Before the ring bell Tony Jones was jawing from the corner at Brandon & Vito outside of the ring when Sal approached from behind and pearl harboured Jones with a series of vicious forearms before grabbing him, spinning him round, and posting him shoulder first into the ring post.

· Sal capitalized on his pre-match attack when the ref called for the bell to start this bout, dominating and getting the early heat by slowly wearing Jones down with a series of submission moves.

· Sal went for a sharpshooter on Jones but 'The Shooter' managed to crawl to the ropes for the rope break. Thomaselli held on until 4 3/4 and was being reprimanded by the referee as Jones managed to get back to his feet, using the ropes for support. Finding a sudden surge of adrenaline Jones charged Thomaselli with a spear and then let fly with a stiff ground and pound offence. Jones then stood above Thomaselli and bided his time, waiting for Sal to return to his feet, at which point he unleashed the ‘Holy Shoot’ Kick combo that left Sal seemingly unconscious on the mat. Jones covered for the three count but Brandon & Vito pounced onto the apron, forcing the ref to break the count.

· This pattern continued as Vito & Brandon made a constant nuisance of their selves at ringside whenever Jones got the advantage, allowing Sal back into the match.

· The finish came as Tony Jones hit a combo of three stiff suplexes, a Dragon, Exploder and finally a bridging fisherman’s hook for the pin. However, once again Sal & Brandon distracted the referee. Composing himself Jones hit the ropes as though to hit a move on Sal, but then vaulted over his prone opponent and launched himself through the ropes onto Brandon & Vito. As Jones recovered outside the ring however, Sal had returned to his feet, and taking a run up flung himself over the top rope with a suicide plancha. Sal then rolled Jones into the ring and quickly covered for the 1…2…NOOOO Jones kicked out at the last millisecond causing a pop from the crowd. Sal cursed and lifted Jones to his feet where double underhooked him, preparing him for the Snap Tiger Driver, but Jones straightened up throwing Sal over his head. A clearly winded Jones turned tentatively towards his opponent but Sal had returned to his feet, placed a crisp boot to Jones’ gut, and hit the STD for the 3 count at 12:35. C-


Following the match Jones is getting back to his feet when Sal suddenly attacks Jones beating him back down to the mat as his brothers enter the ring to continue the beat down.



As Jones plight seemed to be getting out of control Michael Modest ran down the ring closely followed by Donovan Morgan and Team KAOS cleared the ring of the Saints. Modest & Morgan then helped Jones to his feet as the crowd gave him a warm round of applause. F



We then cut backstage to a pre-taped promo where we see Tony Kozina sat in a locker room taping up his fists. Kozina slowly looks up at the camera.


Kozina: You know why I signed up for the IRON Cup? Because I am an IRON original and I want to come back with a bang, make an impression. But it looks as though Michael Modest has other ideas. I don’t care what he say, Michael Modest has architected this tournament to his advantage, so he can be the IRON Cup winner and the IRON Global Champion. Modest can’t stand the possibility that someone else could stand up as the franchise player of IRON. So that is why Tony Kozina finds himself facing Shinjiro Otani in the first round tonight. The toughest opponent in the whole tournament and I have to face him first. Nice move Mike. Problem is this…I strive in these conditions…put my back up against the wall and I will just get better. Otani is the toughest man that I could face, but he is not the toughest man in the tournament. You are looking at the toughest man in the IRON Cup, and I’m gonna prove it tonight. F+



We then cut back to the ring where Tony Kozina is in the ring awaiting the arrival of Shinjiro Otani. Otani’s music hits (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fluZcDJEVME&feature=PlayList&p=70E9E9C0A7236906&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=35) as he appear from behind the curtain and briskly and sternly makes his way down the aisle into the ring to a standing ovation form the crowd.


Shinjiro Otani dft. Tony Kozina


· The match opens with the two exchanging chain wrestling on the mat. This led to three ‘stand offs,’ the final one bringing a smirk to Otani’s face as Kozina shouts “come on!”

· The pace picked up as Shinjiro Otani hit a flying head scissors on Kozina that sent the latter sliding to the floor. Otani looked as though he was going to springboard to the outside but Kozina dodged and Otani put on the breaks. Otani went after Kozina outside of the ring but Tony slid back in and stomped on Otani as he followed back into the ring.

· Kozina took control hitting a nice snap suplex and working Otani’s neck.

· Otani replied by working Kozina’s legs with stiff kicks and a series of leglocks.

· Kozina positioned Otani on the top rope as though for a superplex but then straddled him with Otani’s head in a DDT position. Kozina looked to the crowd to signal that he would hit a ‘super-DDT’ but was shoved from the top rope by Otani. As Kozina returned to his feet Otani came off the top with a flying dropkick.

· Both men groggily returned to their feet, Otani rubbing the back of his neck. Kozina suddenly let out a scream and charged Otani hitting a stiff flying lariat that looked close to tearing Otani’s skull from his shoulders. Otani rose again, much slower and still favouring his clearly injured neck, as Kozina charged again. This time Otani ducked the lariat and took Kozina in a full nelson from behind before throwing him backwards and landing him stiff on his neck, bridging, and getting the 3 count at 14:46 with a Dragon Suplex.

· Following the match Kozina looks shocked that he was caught and pinned and crouches on his knees cursing. Otani, for his part, is spread eagled on the canvass as his ZERO 1 ring boy nurses his neck. D



We then cut backstage where we are with Vito & Brandon Thomaselli who are cutting a promo in front of the Pro Wrestling IRON logo.


Vito: The Iron Saints are here to dominate Pro Wrestling IRON and to cement our position as wrestlings elite group. Step 1 has already been completed, Sal is in the semis and will win the IRON Cup tomorrow . Step 2 begins with you Mikey Henderson & Tom Carter.


Brandon: That’s right, you two are just a stepping stone in me and Vito’s dominance in the IRON tag team ranks. We are going to beat you so convincingly that you’ll wish you never showed your faces here tonight.


Vito: Mikey Henderson, you are nothing but a beach bum. You’ve got the look, sure, but not much going on up here (Vito points to his temple) or down here (Vito pushes the camera down to his crotch, where he is now pointing) And you Tom Carter, Reckless Youth, well if that counts as youth, I’d hate to get old. You are nothing to us and you will go down as a simple footnote in the history of the IRON Saints ascension. F



We then cut away to the ring where ‘Feed the Gods’ by White Zombie is playing as Tom Carter & Mikey Henderson come out to the ring. This is followed by ‘Wildside’ As Brandon & Vito Thomaselli come down to ring, now Sal is playing the corner man.


Vito & Brandon Thomaselli w/Sal Thomaselli dft. Tom Carter & Mikey Henderson


· The Iron Saints attempted to control the pace of thi smatch by grounding the high flying team of Tom Carter & Mikey Henderson but were unsuccessful in the opening minutes as they were over run by the speed of their opponents.

· In a memorable early spot Vito & Brandon had bailed out of the ring and were conferencing with Sal outside the ring when Henderson & Tom stood atop opposing turnbuckles and launched theirselves onto the Saints.

· The Saints took control of the match when Henderson fired Brandon into the ropes and hit the opposing ropes himself but was tripped by Vito who was waiting at ringside. Brandon then hit a senton on the fallen Henderson to gain control.

· The Saints hit a variety of double team moves to keep control of the match as Henderson began to look doomed.

· Brandon had Henderson in the ‘Doomsday Device position’ as Vito went up top to hit a cross body. He was, however, caught by Henderson who hit a spinning powerslam sending Vito pummelling to the mat. Henderson was cut off by Brandon before he could make the tag however.

· Henderson was thrown into the ropes by Brandon but Mikey handstand flipped into the ropes, somersaulted and launched himself to his corner where he hot tagged Carter who came in like a CASA EN FUEGO~!

· Carter hit Brandon with a dropkick and then slingshot over the top rope onto Vito & Sal at ringside.

· When he returned however Brandon was back on his feet and hit a spinning brain buster for a 1…2…NOOOO!!!

· Carter returned to his feet and hit a northern lights bomb on Brandon but as he rose to his feet Vito had returned to the ring and hit the Sicilian Driver on Carter. He helped Brandon on top of Carter and the ref made the 3 count as Henderson just missed breaking the pin at 9:38 D



Donovan Morgan dft. Apollo Kahn


· A hard hitting matchup started with Apollo Kahn gaining the advantage after exchanging shoulder thrusts.

· Kahn hit a brutal Gorilla Press into falling powerslam combination that shook the ring and flattened Morgan.

· Kahn used his size advantage to dominate much of the match but Morgan managed to grab the victory when he rolled Kahn up in a small package from out of nowhere at 4:28. D



Following a Warren Michaels recap of what we have seen so far the theme from ‘Magnum P.I.’ hits over the speaker system as Joey ‘Magnum’ Ryan appears from behind the curtain and makes his way down to the ring girating for the unappreciative crowd along the way. Ryan climbs into the ring and takes a microphone. He pauses, taking in the crowd around him…


Ryan: (Channelling Ravishing Rick Rude) Right now what I want is for all you buck toothed, lazy eyed, drool mouthed, semen encrusted to marks to shut your faces. My name is Joey Ryan and you don’t deserve to set yours eyes upon me.


I was invited here to the IRON Cup because I am an IRON original. I was here at the beginning and I can’t blame IRON for wanting me back. I was an original IRON fighter and now here I am a bonafide superstar, and they want me back. Mike and Donovan want to say ‘hey, look at our boy, he done good.’

Well, problem is I am not and have never been anybodies boy. I’m Joey Ryan and I’m kind of a big deal.


I’ve got my own company, you might have heard of it? Pro Wrestling Guerrilla? We’re wrestling in front of thousands and I’m here in front of what? 20 marks? It’s kind of insulting really.


I don’t care about your company, I don’t care about your Bay Area wrestling scene and I don’t care for your no frills strong style bull****. I’m not an IRON Fighter, I’m a Guerrilla Superstar!


I’m gonna win your little IRON Cup, take your belt and get the hell out of here to where the real men play…SoCal!!! And when I do, I’m going to send IRON back where it belongs…out of business. E+



Following this Jimi Hendrix’s ‘All Along The Watch Tower’ hits as Bobby Fish comes down to the ring in his debut as an IRON fighter.


Joey Ryan dft. Bobby Fish


· Joey Ryan riled the crowd up early by avoiding locking up with Fish and constantly rolling out to the floor where he exchanged pleasantries with the fans.

· Finally Fish had had enough and followed Ryan out of the ring unknown to his opponent. After Ryan had finished a particularly harsh tirade against one of PWI’s more portly fans Ryan turned into a stinging knife edge chop before Fish whipped Ryan into the barricade.

· When the action returned to the ring the bout started with some comedy style antics, involving Ryan hiding, and then, following a Fish atomic drop, losing a foreign object in his trunks.

· When the action got serious the two traded some chain wrestling before Ryan got the advantage hitting a low blow behind the refs back.

· Ryan hit Fish with a piledriver and a german suplex that landed him right on his neck.

· Fish managed to fight back after kicking out from a Ryan 70s Kick and went on a flurry of offense including a succession of rolling snap suplexes.

· The fighting reached a crecendo as both men were pulling out their big moves for near falls, Ryan in particular was dumbfounded when Fish kicked out of his Mustache Ride, while Ryan managed to drape his leg across the bottom rope after Fish planted him with a Falcon Arrow just slightly too close.

· With both men running out of energy Fish slowly clambered up to the top rope and waited for Ryan to stumble to his feet. Fish then launched himself at Ryan, as though for a hurracanrana, but Ryan caught fish on his shoulders and slammed him onto the turnbuckles, folding Fish up like an accordion. Ryan considered covering Fish but then thought, in light of Fish’s many kick outs, better of it, dragging his limp opponent into the centre of the ring, double underhooking him and planting with a facebuster for the 1…2…3 at 10:53.

· After the match Ryan stood above his defeated opponent and emptied the contents of his left nostril onto him. D



We then cut to a pre taped interview, giving the first insight into the Tetsu academy, as we are sat down with Sarah Jones. Jones interview is cut with footage of her training with Modest & Morgan at the Tetsu academy.


Jones: My name is Sarah Jones, from Sunderland, England and I’m over here in sunny California to train at the Tetsu Academy.

I’ve had some success over in Europe but I just feel I have something missing, a little toughness, a little edge.


You see I’ve been a prissy little girl all my life and I’ve been messed about with and walked all over for it.


I decided during a dark spell in my career, where basically I was being held back by my niceness that something had to change, that I had to grow a backbone.


So it’s time to stand up for myself and make my mark as a strong woman in this business, and where better to learn than at the Tetsu Academy. Believe me, me and ChaCha, who’s learning with me, are going through hell every day but if that’s what it takes, that’s what it takes.


I’m realistic about my future and this is a cut throat business. I might wind up back in Europe and if that’s my destiny than that’s my destiny. But I can tell you one thing when I leave Tetsu, nobody will be walking over Sarah Jones again. Unless they want a broken ankle. E



Cutting back to the ring Sarah Jones is awaiting her opponent. '#1 Da Woman" then hits as Melissa Anderson appears at the curtain.


Melissa Anderson dft. Sarah Jones w/ChaCha


· This match was match of the night as Melissa brought a great technical performance out of the Tetsu student.

· Melissa had the best of the early action as she calmy dealt with a high octane but naïve offense from Jones.

· Jones went for a springboard high cross body but Melissa caught her on her shoulders and hit a jumping samoan drop for an early close 2 count.

· As the match develops Jones began to show counters of her own, including somersaulting out of a German Suplex attempt, landing on her feet and instantly hitting a dropkick on Melissa, that sent her retreating outside of the ring.

· As Jones got in more offense, Anderson began to look more and more disgusted at her opponent and also began jawing with the referee on counts and the fans at ringside who were beginning to get behind Jones.

· The finish came as the two went through an epic series of chain wrestling that ended with Jones hitting a sunset flip for 2 ¾. The two fighters stood to a face off which the crowd applauded, clearly frustrating Melissa.

· A furious Melissa attacked with a series of stiff forearms followed by a barrage of chops and stiif kicks. She then picked up a prone Jones and hitting the Kudo Driver. Melissa paused then lifted the clearly defeated Jones and hit the Air Raid Crash for the three count at 11:50 C


Following the match Melissa looks over at Jones as ChaCha helps her to her feet and seeing her get to feet goes to leave the ring. Jones stumbles over and stops her with a hand on her shoulder. Melissa turns to see Jones, half doubled over, extending a hand for a handshake. Melissa pauses, considering the handshake but shakes her head with a smirk on her face as she exits the ring, leaving Jones, who has fallen to one knee in the ring. E



Real Muthaphukin G’s by ‘Eazy E’ then hits as B-Boy appears from behind the curtain, face half covered in a bandanna. B-Boy gets into the ring and takes a microphone.


B-Boy: You might not be real familiar with B-Boy up her in NoCal, but that doesn't surprise me, your not used to winners. I’m gonna break it down for you real simple. I’ve been champion every place I've been. CZW, PWG, UPW, APW…it doesn’t matter. Every place I go, I get the gold. Simply put…I’m money. I’m here representing CZW in your white bread mother ****ing promotion and I’m gonna bring it ultraviolent style. Mike Modest, see if you can keep up. E



Coheed and Cambria’s ‘Welcome Home’ then hits as Michael Modest appears from behind the curtain and makes his way down to the ring for tonights main event.


Modest dft. B Boy


· The match started with B-Boy attempted to set a fast pace. He is initially successful as he hits a snap dropkick, before shooting to the apron, and springboarding atop Modest with a shooting star press for a ultra close 2 count within the first minute.

· B-Boy attempted the same strategy again, but as he springboarded towards Modest this time, Modest is on his feet and catches B-Boy with a super stiff spinebuster to the delight of the crowd.

· Modest and B-Boy were brawling on the ring apron when Modest had B-Boy set for the Reality Check, motioning he was going hit it to the arena floor. B-Boy, however, managed to slip out of the hold to the arena floor. He took Modest from behind in the position for a high angle back suplex, which Modest initially blocked, but could not resist when B-Boy tried again, sending both men crashing to the arena floor, Modest landing dangerously on his neck.

· B-Boy now took control of the match hitting several of his signature moves including a nice Exploder suplex for a close 2 count. B-Boy got several 2 and ¾ counts as Modest seemed to be fading away.

· B-Boy took Modest to the top rope to set up for a top rope move but modest blocked it and managed to manoeuvre B-Boy over his shoulder into position for the Reality Check. Modest looked around at the crowd who were on their feet, begging Modest to hit the move. Modest then launched himself off the top rope, driving B-Boy’s neck into the canvass. Modest immediately covered B-Boy and the referee counted 3 at 15:59. Following the match Modest slumped into the corner as B-Boy, who despite his defeat appeared to have taken less punishment in the match, rose to his feet and glared at Modest. D+


Modest asked the ring announcer for a mic as he was still slumped in the corner. An out of breath Modest began.


Modest: B-Boy, you just gave me one hell of a beating. It’s true. And look who’s standing up and who’s flat on his ass. Thing is B-Boy, that doesn’t matter, you ran your mouth and you hit your flashy moves and I took every one of them and I still kicked out. And at the end of the night I’m 1-0 in IRON and you’re the loser. You see that’s something that you can’t understand, you can showboat all you want but that isn’t gonna get you anywhere around here. Because you lack 1 thing…IRON!

I want to thank everybody who has come out here tonight for night 1 of the IRON Cup, and I want to see everyone of you take the drive over to Newark for tomorrow night, because as good as tonight was, it’s only gonna get better!


The crowd stood and applauded Modest as the show comes to an end. E


Overall rating: D

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IRON Cup Night II


Following last nights amazing action Pro Wrestling IRON debut in Newark, CA tonight at the Newark Pavillion. Salvatore Thomaselli, Shinjiro Otani, Joey Ryan & Michael Modest have all qualified for the semi finals of IRON Cup. One of these 4 men will be leaving Newark tonight as the winner of the IRON Cup and as the first ever IRON Global Champion.


PWI Execurive Commissioner Buddy Sotello announced the rest of the line up this morning. In a three way dance Donovan Morgan, Tony Kozina and Bobby Fish will face off, Cheerleader Melissa will tag with SHIMMER colleague Mercedes Martinez to face off against Tetsu Academy prospects Sarah Jones and Cha Cha and Tony Jones will look to exact a measure of revenge on the Iron Saints for his elimination from the IRON Cup as he faces off against Vito Thomaselli.


Here is the full card:



Newark Pavillion, Newark, CA


IRON Cup Semi Finals

(IRON) Salvatore Thomaselli vs. Shinjiro Otani (ZERO1)

(PWG) Joey Ryan vs. Michael Modest (IRON)

IRON Cup Final

??? vs. ???

Non Tournament Matches

(SHIMMER) Melissa Anderson & Mercedes Martinez vs. Sarah Jones & ChaCha (IRON)

(IRON) Donovan Morgan vs. Tony Kozina (IRON) vs. Bobby Fish (IRON)

(IRON) Tony Jones vs. Vito Thomaselli (IRON)

(IRON) Hook Bomberry vs. Tom Carter (IRON)

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Well that took longer than expected. It will probably be a week between shows most of the time I think.

Predictions welcome, you'll struggle to meet dse81's 100% accuracy for the first show but give it a go!

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IRON Cup Semi Finals

(IRON) Salvatore Thomaselli vs. Shinjiro Otani (ZERO1)

(PWG) Joey Ryan vs. Michael Modest (IRON)

IRON Cup Final

Modest vs. Thomaselli

Non Tournament Matches

(SHIMMER) Melissa Anderson & Mercedes Martinez vs. Sarah Jones & ChaCha (IRON)

(IRON) Donovan Morgan vs. Tony Kozina (IRON) vs. Bobby Fish (IRON)

(IRON) Tony Jones vs. Vito Thomaselli (IRON)

(IRON) Hook Bomberry vs. Tom Carter (IRON)

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