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Playing a new game on the NHB1989 mod. About 2 years in. My own company. International now. For some reason i can't give anyone on my roster a gimmick with anymore than c+ rating. Tried lots of gimmicks with all my roster lots of times over the course of my game. Not breaching the 6 month rule or using bad gimmicks. Tried varieties. Don't think it has anything to do with my product. Using my own usual product i have used in many different games and mods. Any ideas?
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There's your creative user talent, as well as the worker's gimmick skills to take into account. Check both. It could be that you are giving a worker a gimmick that doesn't suit him well (for example giving Rey Mysterio a brute gimmick isn't the greatest idea)
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I don't think it has anything to do with the gimmicks i use. I'm usually good at keeping workers gimmicks between b- and a* in other games right off the bat. As for creative talents, i put 5/5/5/5 as i do in my other games. Unless i just forgot to put any in..... would that cause this?
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Also check your product. If your fans don't like gimmicks, that's going to take a chunk out of your max potential rating (regardless of worker capability).


My products I use have elements that require gimmicks (heavy/key Mainstream) along with a large swath of the audience who don't like gimmicks (Medium or higher Realism and/or Pure). I don't care because I play with gimmick effects off, generally. But when tweaking my preferred product, I noticed that no matter how good the worker is with a gimmick category or how well a gimmick matched up with my fan's desires ('fans prefer gimmicks that are simple' so I used a gimmick with 0 subtlety and difficulty and risk with a worker with 100 in the gimmick category and as both face and heel - gimmick rated 66. Repeat for every worker disposition and category rating from 99 to 79 - gimmick rated 66). 66, by the way, is C+.

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This is the way that I use to select the appropriate gimmick for a worker. Since I use this way I never get a gimmick rated below B.


1) Check your company product. You must search for the following phrases "The fans would exept proper gimmick" meaning you can USE gimmicks, "the fans like/to don like Risky Gimmicks" if your fans like risky gimmicks then choose gimmicks with C+ Risk or else DO NOT choose a gimmick with D- or above in Risk, "the fans like their gimmicks to be simple" now you are searching for low Subtle rated gimmicks (again below D-)


2) Check each worker individualy. Check his Face/Heel rating and then all the other gimmick skills. If we assume that the F/H grades are the highest (for example B+/B+ and everything else up to B-) select a gimmicky or a Unique gimmick. If this is not the case then choose a gimmick based on his higher skill (for example a worker with F/H D+/B- and a A* in Cool Should have a Cool Gimmick)


3) When you do the turn angle always try for it to have as a highest grade as possible. I have witnessed that good rated angles give good turn momentum


4) Change your gimmick AFTER you make the turn. I always get better gimmick grades this way. In another part of the forum, I asked advice when I had similar problems. Once I followed this piece of advice the problem disappeard.


5) Never change your gimmick on 6 months. Sure the penalty doesn't show up, but I strongly suspect that it still applies (but in a smaller degree). I personally have discovered that the ideal window for a Company that gives 1 Show per month is the 18-24 months period.


hope that helps

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Also check your product. If your fans don't like gimmicks, that's going to take a chunk out of your max potential rating (regardless of worker capability).


My products I use have elements that require gimmicks (heavy/key Mainstream) along with a large swath of the audience who don't like gimmicks (Medium or higher Realism and/or Pure). I don't care because I play with gimmick effects off, generally. But when tweaking my preferred product, I noticed that no matter how good the worker is with a gimmick category or how well a gimmick matched up with my fan's desires ('fans prefer gimmicks that are simple' so I used a gimmick with 0 subtlety and difficulty and risk with a worker with 100 in the gimmick category and as both face and heel - gimmick rated 66. Repeat for every worker disposition and category rating from 99 to 79 - gimmick rated 66). 66, by the way, is C+.


Well we all know I don't know how this game works, but I'm with Remi on this one. I keep gimmicks turned off all the time. It's way too difficult to remember every nuance of every gimmick of every wrestler, and it doesn't really add anything to the game. I'd never be able to remember what category each gimmick is in, anyway, because my memory sucks bad.


In reality, gimmicks haven't amounted to much over the years. You have a few really good ones (The Rock, Steve Austin) and a few really bad ones (Gobblety Gooker, Red Rooster), and everything else has just been average. There have been gimmick stables that have been huge (nWo, Four Horsemen, Degeneration-X), but that's covered by stable momentum I think. Other than that, I don't think gimmicks have had that great an impact on wrestling. Except maybe Hulk Hogan. Other than him and a select few, though, I'd say a C rating is what damn near every gimmick ever made would have gotten. I'd say the wrestlers themselves have done way more than their gimmicks ever have, except in a few cases.


That's just my opinion, though.

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2) Check each worker individualy. Check his Face/Heel rating and then all the other gimmick skills. If we assume that the F/H grades are the highest (for example B+/B+ and everything else up to B-) select a gimmicky or a Unique gimmick. If this is not the case then choose a gimmick based on his higher skill (for example a worker with F/H D+/B- and a A* in Cool Should have a Cool Gimmick)


5) Never change your gimmick on 6 months. Sure the penalty doesn't show up, but I strongly suspect that it still applies (but in a smaller degree). I personally have discovered that the ideal window for a Company that gives 1 Show per month is the 18-24 months period.


2) - is rather interesting for me as I have wondered what would make a worker qualify for certain gimmick types that are not in the skills list (I have never seen a rating for Realistic or Gimmicky in a worker's skills when checking for gimmicks) myself. So basically, you're saying that a worker who has at least B+ in either heel or face can use one of the gimmick types that doesn't show there?


I have the same problem as David. Not ALL my workers get (only..) C+ ratings for their gimmicks, some have B- up to A, but it appears rather random. In almost none of these cases was a turn involved, most were debuting workers, or guys whose gimmick I changed (because the initial one got a bad rating). I followed the in-game advice on how long I should keep a worker off camera for the change to be working btw, so what Spyridon wrote in 5) might have happened there but yeah ...


Essentially, I have completely run out of ideas for it as it really appears to be totally arbitrary to me. No matter if gimmick skills etc all work for a guy I debut with a new gimmick, a lot get bad ratings for absolutely no reason I can see other than the game trying to simulate real life to a degree where fans just don't care for worker A or B's gimmick, no matter his or her skills. While this would be realistic, a bit of feedback from the game would THEN be much appreciated because as it is, to me at least, it's a complete shot in the dark each and everytime.


A successful turn seems to indeed boost a gimmick's rating as I have noticed, but like I said, for debuting workers I have tried everything and it's always random in it's outcome. Turning gimmick effects off, much like Lindsey said, is probably what I am going to do, because as it is this whole system makes absolutely no sense to me (never had this happen in the previous TEW games btw).

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In reality, gimmicks haven't amounted to much over the years. You have a few really good ones (The Rock, Steve Austin) and a few really bad ones (Gobblety Gooker, Red Rooster), and everything else has just been average. There have been gimmick stables that have been huge (nWo, Four Horsemen, Degeneration-X), but that's covered by stable momentum I think. Other than that, I don't think gimmicks have had that great an impact on wrestling. Except maybe Hulk Hogan. Other than him and a select few, though, I'd say a C rating is what damn near every gimmick ever made would have gotten. I'd say the wrestlers themselves have done way more than their gimmicks ever have, except in a few cases.


There were more than a few cases though. Think of the 'Deadman' gimmick. I don't think anyone could've pulled it off as well as Calloway has (and not nearly for as long as he has). I think TEW2010 does this very well. Most gimmicks aren't really that great. But you have a few that really resonate and those are the ones that people remember for long periods of time. The problem I have with how they work is getting penalized for a 'poor' gimmick because it doesn't rate B- or better (a 'resonating' gimmick). That's the primary (and largely only) reason I play with gimmick effects off. I don't tend to pay too much attention to gimmicks, preferring to focus on worker in-ring performance. More than that, I tend to have product features that decry gimmicks while needing other product features that require them.

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