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USPW: A New Era

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OOC:This is probably not the most interesting or unique back story, but I am mostly doing this diary for the show storylines and characters, so hopefully that is where things will get interesting, although probably not at first as i will try and finish up the starting storylines before making new ones. I am using a clone of Jack Avatar as my character and he will be a prominently feature at least at first, as he will likely be the easiest character for me to write. I know most people don't like the talented in ring working Avatars but hopefully people will still like this and read it as i am going to try and make it more about the stories rather than grades i hope to keep it going for a while. any and all Criticism is welcome, but now, on with the story. . .



A New Era





Sneer: Sam I think I want to step down as head booker.


Strong: What for?


Sneer: I’m just burnt out on booking, but there is this kid I met at this indy show, he is a great worker with some really good ideas and I think if you give him a chance he would be a great replacement for me. I have him waiting outside for you to meet him.


Strong: Well, bring him in and let me talk to him.




Sharp: Hi, my name is Chris Sharp, Mr. Sneer said you wanted to meet me.


Strong: Yea, he told me you have some good ideas for USPW.


Sharp: I have a few. .


Strong: Well lets hear them.


About an hour later. . .


Strong: Well those certainly are some intriguing ideas you have, but I don’t know if I like the idea of revamping the roster.

Sharp: I understand that Sam, but I know that you know USPW isn’t going to be any sort of competition to the big two with a roster full of, well quite frankly, talentless giant heavyweights. Now I’m not saying we need to cut everyone and sign a whole new roster but I would like to gradually start signing some workers who aren’t huge and have some actual talent.


Strong: Hmm, I guess you have a point, but so long as it’s a gradual transition maybe the fans will accept it. I know a few of the top guy’s contracts are coming up and they may not want to resign anyway, you know how big headed some of these guys can be. I will send you a list and you can decide how you want to handle them.

Sharp: So does that me I have the job?


Strong: Well I may not agree with some of your plans, but I think we can compromise, and I like those ideas of yours, not to mention you’re a great worker. So yes you got the job.

Sharp: Thanks Sam, I’ll do my best. Oh, and about me debuting


Strong: Yea, we only have a couple of days to work on it, but I it sounds like a good plan. . .


So it begins. . .


Credit to Self for the user character picture.

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January Week 1, 2010


USPW Women’s Championship Match

Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden


The Towers of Power vs. The Hillbillys


Chris Caulfield vs. T-Rex


USPW Television Championship Match

Andre Jones vs. Freddie Datsun


USPW World Championship Match

Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson

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USPW Women’s Championship Match

Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden


No reason for Raven to drop the title yet.


The Towers of Power vs. The Hillbillys


As much as I like the Hillbillys (And really who doesn't like Hillbillys?) they are not going to win this one.


Chris Caulfield vs. T-Rex


USPW Television Championship

Andre Jones vs. Freddie Datsun


USPW World Championship Match

Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson

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Wednesday, Week 1, January 2010

Attendance: 5,000

Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)



Sam Strong opens the show standing in the ring with a microphone in hand. He waits for the crowd to settle down then begins to speak.



Sam:“Ladies and Gentlemen I’m out here tonight to introduce one of the newest members of the USPW Roster. A man I think could become the USPW World Champion one day. Ladies and Gentlemen allow me to introduce to you, Chris Sharp!”



Sharp struts to the ring, to a mixed reaction from the crowd, wearing a very nice suit and a rather arrogant smirk on his face. He makes his way into the ring grabbing his own mic on the way in. . .


“Thank you, thank you, let me just say what an honor it is to be in the ring with the legendary Sam Strong!”

The fans give a huge pop at them mention of Strong’s name much to the chagrin of Sharp although he tries not to show it directly to Sam.


“Alright, don’t get to crazy now this isn’t about Sam its about me, the newest Star of USPW, Chris Sharp! Now let me just say that its good to be here in USPW, I mean I could easily be main eventing for the SWF or TCW but I decided to come here to USPW, because I wanted to take this promotion out of the ground that Sam Strong has run it into and bring it out into the light.”


Boos begin to rain down on Sharp as Strong looks on bewildered at what he has heard and before Sharp can continue Strong cuts him off.


“Hey now listen here brother, I don’t appreciate you coming out here and disrespecting my company and my fans!”

A loud roar erupts from the audience as Strong rotates looking through the crowd soaking in all of the cheers.


“Now I know you are a talented kid, that’s why I brought you into this company, but you need to learn to show some respect. I don’t care who you could be working for you’re working for me now!”


Another loud cheer comes from the crowd, and Strong nods his approval to the them as Sharp stand in front of Sam with a questionable look on his face. He then looks down at the canvas and his look goes back to the arrogant smirk that he came to the ring with and he begins to laugh slightly before he starts to speak.


“Oh, well let me just say-”

Sharp doesn’t even bother to finish talking before he smashes the microphone into the skull of Sam Strong which causes him to crumple to the canvas as Sharp stands over him admiring his handy work. Sharp then precedes to stomp Sam repeatedly while he is on the ground, he then picks him up looking to land something even more devastating, but before he can Nicky Champion comes out to save his mentor from the brutal attack of Chris Sharp.


Sharp jumps out of the ring while Champion tends to Strong. As Sharp backs up the ramp Strong grabs the mic that had just been bashed against his skull.


“Sharp!, you’ll regret doing that. As a matter of fact since you’re still out here and Nicky is out here, why don’t we get a ref out here and let Nicky whip your ass!”

The arrogant smile quickly disappears from Sharps face as the crowd cheers loudly at the decision of Strong.


Grade: B


Jillefski: Looks like Sharp may regret trying to make a statement at the expense of Sam Strong.

Starr: We are gonna find out next!



Nicky Champion vs. Chris Sharp

The match starts out with Nicky on the offensive landing several big shots on Sharp. After taking some punishment Sharp manages to hit Champion with a thumb to the eye that the ref didn’t see. Sharp the begins to mount some offense hitting Champion with a big Clothesline and this a Stalling Suplex. After a minute or two Sharp got c*cky, and started to taunt the fans and Champion, which gave Nicky the chance to turn the match back in his favor, but as Champion began to mount another offensive Sharp hit him with a blatant low blow that gave Champion the win via Disqualification.


Winner by DQ:

Nicky Champion

Grade: C+


Starr: That may not be exactly how Sharp wanted to debut but he is the one standing tall in the end.

Jillefski: Indeed, but if Sam Strong has anything to say about it, I'd say things are far from over between these two.


USPW Women’s Championship Match



Raven Robinson© vs. Belle Bryden

Continuing straight ahead to the next match. Raven and Belle stay pretty even throughout the match. With Belle in control early, She goes for a huracanrana only to have Raven counter it into a Powerbomb. After that Raven remained in control for the remainder of the match eventually hitting a Night Faller for the win.


Winner and still USPW Women’s Champion:

Raven Robinson

Grade: C

Starr: A good showing from the ladies here tonight.

Jillefski: One of the best I’ve seen Micky.


After the women clear the ring Shane Sneer’s music hits and he makes his way out to the ring greeted by the fans with thunderous boos.


“Ok Folks I am out here tonight to address a few things. First of I want to say, to all of the current employees of the Sneer Corporation, your services are no longer required and you are hereby terminated from the Sneer Corp, and for those of you wondering why, lets just say that the performances of my former employees were not up to the standards that I expected of them. Now With that said I am out here to put the word out that I am now looking for new employees and anyone who thinks they have what it takes to work for me, please send me your resume for further evaluation. Thank you.

Grade: C-

Starr: It looks like Sneer is looking for some new employees.

Jillefski: Well if I know Shane Sneer he already has a few people in mind.



The Towers of Power vs. The Hillbillys

No longer employees of Shane Sneer, the Towers of Power are no less dominant in their match with the Hillbillys, with each member taking turns brutalizing their opposition. After a few minutes of destruction Mick finally ends it with a Bulldozer Powerbomb on Pete.



The Towers of Power

Grade: D

Jillefski: A dominant showing from the now self contracted Towers of Power.

Starr: And who knows what these two will do without Sneer to tell them.


After a quick break the camera is shone backstage where Peter Valentine sitting on a table polishing his National Title. After a few moments Darryl Devine and Seduction are shown walking by arguing and right as they pass Valentine, Darryl lashes out at Seduction leaving her crying by Valentine. Peter seizes the opportunity and quickly consoles Seduction all the while maintaining his evil grin.

Grade: E+

Starr: That looks like an interesting situation.

Jillefski: Indeed.




Chris Caulfield vs. T-Rex

T-Rex uses his power to control Caulfield for most of the match. Rex goes from one power move to another until the fans rally behind Caulfield and he moved out of the way of an attempted corner splash, But Right as Caulfield was about to go on the offensive. . .




Bruce The Giant came out and hit him with a Giant Chokeslam.


T-Rex joins Bruce in the beat down but before any real damage can be done. . .




James Justice runs out to even the playing field, and the four begin to brawl. And with all of the chaos the ref has no choice but to declare the bout a no-contest.



No One

Grade: D+

Jillefski: It looks like Bruce wanted to try and get the upper hand on Caulfield before the pay per view, and T-Rex wanted in on the carnage as well.

Starr: Yea, but luckily James Justice stopped them before an real damage could be done.


USPW Television Championship Match



Andre Jones© vs. Freddie Datsun

Freddie puts up a decent fight against the champion Jones in the co main event, maintaining the offensive through most of the match, but right when Freddie thought he had the match won, Jones managed to hit him with a poke in the eye, that the ref just so happened to miss, and then a Blast from the Past for the 1-2-3 and a successful title defence.


Winner and Still USPW Television Champion:

Andre Jones

Grade: D+

Jillefski: What a cheap way to retain the title.

Starr: Yea, but that’s the key Danny, he retained his title.


USPW World Championship Match



Enygma© vs. Jumbo Jackson

A good match between these two for the title, as the bell rings Jumbo is quick to use his power advantage to overwhelm Enygma. After a few power moves from Jumbo a slight mistake allow Enygma to take control. Enygma then begins to slowly work down Jackson with a variation of high risk and technical moves. Jackson manages to go back on the offensive for a few moments before he gets caught in the Enygma Variation and is forced to submit.


Winner and still USPW World Champion:



Grade: C

Starr: A good showing by Jackson.

Jillefski: Not quite good enough though.



Enygma is shone celebrating in the ring after a grueling match, but as he is about to leave. . .


Tyson Baine and T-Rex enter the ring and begin to assault Enygma. Tyson Baine hits Enygma with Hades Bomb, and as the show goes off the air Baine and Rex stand tall over the broken champion.

Grade: B-


Show Rating



TV Rating:


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I was sitting in my office a day after the show when Sam came in. .


Sam: That was a pretty good show you booked kid. I must say I wasn’t expecting you to get over as well as you did. The fans where really into your gimmick.


Sharp: Thanks Sam, although I must say it probably wouldn’t have went over as well if I where in there with anyone else.


Sam: Maybe so but still it was a good job you did, and a good show.


Sharp: Yea well I hope that once some of the stories progress the shows will get a little better.


Sam: They will, also I went over that list of workers you put on the chopping block.


Sharp: And?


Sam: They have all been notified of their release.


Sharp: How did they take it?


Sam: They didn’t take it well, but it wasn’t bad, now you wanted to tell me something?


Sharp: Yes, I have a list of a few workers I wanted to bring in. Here is the information I gathered for you to go over.


Sam: Hmm, yea I have always been a fan of those guys, and this kid has some crazy good charisma. Ha, I should have known you would wand to bring this guy in.

Sharp: Ha, yea of course, he is the backbone of my Actual Talent Initiative.


Sam: Ha, so is that what your calling it?


Sharp: I suppose so.


Sam: Is there anyone else your where planning on releasing?


Sharp: No not yet anyway.


Sam: Ok.


Sharp: Oh, I also signed Wilson Carlisle, that young ref from D.C.


Sam: Yea, I heard he is good, lets see how long we can hold on to him before SWF or TCW come calling.


Sharp: Yea, well anyway I also go us a PPV deal with American Option it’s a 6 month deal and we get 10% of the revenue.


Sam: You sure are persuasive aren’t ya kid?

Sharp: I got the job here didn’t I?


Sam: Ha, I guess you did.


Sharp: I also wanted to talk to you about the PPV schedule I was planning on moving all of the PPV’s to the 3rd Saturday of every month.


Sam: What about Independence Day Slam!?


Sharp: I was thinking of changing the name to just Independence Slam!?


Same: Alright, we will see. So is that all for now?


Sharp: Yea, that about covers it.


Sam: Ok, I’ll see you tomorrow then.


Just as Sam left i saw the story on the news page of USPW.com

Breaking News

USPW have released the following workers


Al The Hillbilly

Pete The Hillbilly

Sheik Mustafa

Robbie Sanchez


OOC: Sorry BHK no hillbilly love from me. :o

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January Week 2, 2010



USPW Women’s Championship

#1 Contender Match

Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb


Bruce The Giant vs. Captain USA


Chris Caulfield vs. Anger


Savage Fury vs. ??????


Jumbo Jackson vs. The Force


Main Event

Enygma & James Justice vs. Tyson Baine & T-Rex(The Titans)

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USPW Women’s Championship

#1 Contender Match

Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb


Although you could be building Bomb for a title match, I'll still go for Strong.


Bruce The Giant vs. Captain USA


I'm not justifying this.


Chris Caulfield vs. Anger


Or this.


Savage Fury vs. ??????


The New Talent Initiative wine.


Jumbo Jackson vs. The Force


After last week, Jackson picks up a win.


Main Event

Enygma & James Justice vs. Tyson Baine & T-Rex(The Titans)


Building opposition for Enygma. What am I saying - Enygma might block losing to T-Rex. Oh well, sticking to instinct.

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Wednesday, Week 2, January 2010

Attendance: 5,000

Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)



Starr: Ladies and gentlemen welcome to USPW American Wrestling! I’m Micky Starr and my partner as always Danny Jillefski!

Jillefski: Thanks Micky, but right now we are gonna go to the ring where James Justice and Enygma look like they have something to say.




Justice: Last my bro Enygma here successfully defended the USPW World Title against Jumbo Jackson, but afterward Tyson Baine and T-Rex attacked him. Now seeing as how me and Rex have a little beef with one another I couldn’t just let Baine and him get away with beating up my dude here. So like last week when I evened the field for my bro Caulfield I’ve decided to help out the champ tonight!


Justice pauses for a moment as the crowd cheers loudly.

Now Enygma and I have talked about it and think that Baine and Rex need come out here and face us like real men! So how about it dudes?


Baines music hits and him and T-Rex make there way into the ring to a roar of boos.



Baine: Who do you think you are? You know I can break you in half! You got no business calling us out!


Justice: Whoa! Dude chill, no need to get all tense, your killing the vibe. Now if you really think that you can beat my bro Enygma and I how about you two dudes meet us in the ring tonight in a tag team match!?

The crowd cheers loudly once again for Justice and Enygma.


Baine: Ok, if you want to challenge us, your on! But let me just tell you that its your funeral.


Rating: B-

Jillefski: It looks like we go ourselves a main event for tonight!

Starr: I think your right, but I wonder if Baine is right and Justice and Enygma are digging their own graves?


#1 Contender’s Match


Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb

Alicia and Cherry put on a good match to open the show, with Cherry using her experience to out maneuver Alicia for much of the match. However, just as Cherry is about to land a cross body from the top rope, Alicia moves out of the way sending Cherry crashing into the canvas. Alicia seizes the opportunity and picks her up and hit’s the Strong Arm Tactic for the win and a shot at Raven Robinson next week.


Winner and New #1 Contender:

Alicia Strong

Rating: C

Jillefski: So that means Alicia Strong gets a shot at Raven Robinson's USPW Womens Championship, next week on American Wrestling!

Starr: Your very good at stating the obvious Danny.



Bruce The Giant vs. Captain USA

Domination is the easy and quite frankly the only way to describe this match as Captain USA didn’t manage to mount a single offensive move throughout. Finally after Bruce got bored, he hit the Giant Chokeslam for the W.



Bruce The Giant

Rating: D+

Jillefski: Quick but I certainly doubt it was painless.

Starr: As do I.


After Captain USA is helped from the ring, Sam Strong’s music hits to a loud pop from the crowd, and he makes his way to the ring with a microphone in hand.


Thank you folks. Now as many of you saw, last week I introduced someone who I thought was the future of this company. Someone who I thought could become the USPW World Champion. Someone who I thought, quite frankly could lead USPW to the top. What was revealed to me, was that the person who I thought all of those things about, turned out to be nothing more than an egotistical, arrogant, and manipulative little punk! Chris Sharp you showed your true colors to me last week, and not only did you disrespect me, you viciously attacked me. Now I could easily fire you but I would much rather punish you first. That’s why at Stars, Stripes and Slams! I’m putting you in a match against my protégé Nicky Champion!


Sam pauses as another loud cheer erupts from the crow.


Sam: And Sharp its not going to be just any match. It will be an old fashioned Strap Match!


The crowd cheers one more time as Sam leaves the ring.


Rating: B

Jillefski: It looks like Sharp shouldn’t have angered the boss.

Starr: We’ll see Danny, Sharp was able to hold his own fairly well last week against Champion.

Jillefski: Well, we will just have to wait till the pay per view to see if he can hold his own in a Strap Match!



Chris Caulfield vs. Anger

Almost as quick as Bruce's match, Caulfield was out to make a statement to is rival by completely dismantling Anger in this match. With the crowd fully behind him, Caulfield hits the Danger Drop for the win.



Chris Caulfield

Rating: C-

Starr: It looks like Caulfield is trying to tell Bruce that he wont be intimidated by Bruce's size. Just look at what he did to Anger!

Jillefski: True Mick, but Bruce is on a whole other Scale compared to Anger.


Shane Sneer’s music plays and a loud round of boos from the crowd welcomes him to the ring.



Oh, now folks you know your happy to see me.


Another round of boos come down as Sneer just laughs.


Well, you people may not be happy, but I sure am. You see folks I have found the two newest employees of the Sneer Corporation. Two men I have had my eye on for quite some time now. Ladies and gentlemen allow me to introduce to you the future USPW Tag Team Champions, The Ring Generals, Dean Waldorf and Marv Statler!




The Ring Generals Make their way to the ring and stand behind Sneer, as Sneer just soaks up the boos from the crowd.


Now folks this is just the beginning. I Still have many more applicants for positions in the Sneer Corporation, but at the moment I think its time for the Ring Generals to show you that the Sneer Corporation will be the most dominant force in USPW!


Rating: D+



The Ring Generals vs. Savage Fury

The newest employee’s of The Sneer Corporation, The Ring Generals make an impressive debut against Savage Fury controlling the match from beginning to end, with the duo hitting what Sneer dubbed the Corporate Crash to defeat the veteran duo.



The Ring Generals

Rating: D-


The camera cuts backstage to show Peter Valentine flirting with Seduction.

Valentine whispers something in her ear, she nods her approval and the two walk away.



Rating: D+

Jillefski: I wonder if Darryl Divine knows about this?

Starr: I don’t thinks so, and I sure don’t want to be around if and when he finds out.



Jumbo Jackson vs. The Force

A rather one sided match as the uncontrollable Jumbo Jackson completely dismantled The Force, one move at a time. After a few more minutes of destruction, Jackson mercifully hit’s the Jumbo Avalanche for the win.



Jumbo Jackson

Rating: D+


After the match Jackson decides that he isn’t done beating The Force, and as Force is exiting up the ramp Jackson attacks him and precedes to Powerbomb Force off of the stage.


Jillefski: Oh my goodness! I think Jumbo Jackson may have just ended the career of The Force!

Starr: I hate to go against the Power of the Force, but I think you may be right Danny.

After security restrains Jackson, EMT’s tend to The Force and after a few minutes the get him on a stretcher and wheel him out of the arena and into a waiting ambulance.


Rating: C



Enygma and James Justice vs. Tyson Baine and T-Rex(The Titans)

The faces use high speed and high impact attacks to keep the heel reeling for the first half of the match, but the heels used their brute force to end up on the attack midway through. The heels stay dominant all the way up to the end when the Enygma makes a hot tag to Justice who cleans house on the heels, but as Enygma was regaining his bearings on the out side, Tyson Baine grabbed the USPW World Title and bashed it into the skull of the champ just as the ref turned to see causing a DQ.


Winners by DQ:

Enygma and James Justice

Rating: C+

After the match Baine and Rex continue their assault on Enygma and Justice, both hit their finishers on their respected opponents as the show goes off the air.


Rating: B-

Jillefski: Another show and again Enygma is left down and out, only this time Justice is here to join him.

Starr: Well, that may not be the case at the PPV, or next week for that matter.

Jillefski: Again we’ll just have to wait to find out, good night ladies and gentlemen!




Show Rating:


TV Rating:


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January Week 3, 2010


Nicky Champion vs. Giant Redwood


USPW Women’s Championship Match

Raven Robinson vs. Alicia Strong


USPW Television Championship Match

Andre Jones vs. ?????


Chris Sharp vs. ?????







OOC: I probably wont start any kind of prediction contest until after the PPV. I think i may set it up so that it will go from one PPV the next which means it will go for the 4 tv shows and the ppv and the winner can pick a match for the next PPV or a fued they want to see, or if they want me to sign someone or push some one(please not Redwood:D), pretty much whatever they want. I dont expect the shows to be to hard to predict. but its mostly a way to get people involved. Things are going a little slow right now but i hope it will get better as it goes on. Anyway the next show will probably be up tomorrow so if anyone wants to predict there is plenty of time to do so, and thank you to anybody reading this. This is my first diary that has lasted past the first show and like i said before i hope to keep it going for a while.
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I got a phone call from Sam a few days after the last show. He was mainly calling to tell me that I did a pretty good job and that the TV Rating went up slightly, we talked for a few more minutes and the he mentioned a few things about the roster.




Sam: So I don't know if you have seen it yet or not, but a few contracts are set to come up in the next month or two. Any plans on who will be kept or let go?


Well I saw that Java and Anger both only have about 2 months left on their contracts and T-Rex only has a few more days than that on his. Overall i want to try and resign Rex but the other two i had planned to let go.


You may want to be careful about how much you push Rex. If he feels like he is popular enough to get a call from the big two, he may not want to resign. Anger has had a bad attitude as of late so i think it would be better for the roster to let him go anyway, but what were you going to do about Savage Fury if you let Java go?


Well to be honest they are mostly just a stepping stone for the lower guys and i think Tribal Warrior can mange that by himself, until his contract comes up. Not to mention if we drop both Anger and Java that leaves two roster spots open, so we can bring in another tag team.

Who were you thinking of bringing in?


I have a few teams in mind. . .

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but hopefully people will still like this and read it as i am going to try and make it more about the stories rather than grades i hope to keep it going for a while. any and all Criticism is welcome, but now, on with the story. .


Ok, constructive criticism and personal opinion.




* Matches and shows are just about the right length for me (a big plus)

* Separations and colors make it really easy to read

* Pretty good matches




* I've not yet seen the real benefit of the early roster changes character-wise (probably a matter of time? One thing is sure, Waldorf and Statler are nothing special yet. lol)

* Tell me that Jim Force will be back and not sacked too.. (his character seems easy to write about)

* Please no more pink it is unreadable to me

* Your post with the behind-the-scene meeting after the first show killed much of the created momentum I had about the starting storyline as a reader



I'm enjoying it and will read the next shows to see where you're going.



Nicky Champion vs. Giant Redwood

One of your comment pretty much gave the answer lol


USPW Women’s Championship Match

Raven Robinson vs. Alicia Strong

Hmm. Retaining at least until the PPV?


Andre Jones vs. ?????

starting momentum for Mr. ?????.


Chris Sharp vs. ?????

A second match for Mr. ?????.. Hmm. He probably won't be able to do two in a row. Sharp needs a clean victory to prove he can beat Champion.

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Ok, constructive criticism and personal opinion.




* Matches and shows are just about the right length for me (a big plus)

* Separations and colors make it really easy to read

* Pretty good matches




* I've not yet seen the real benefit of the early roster changes character-wise (probably a matter of time? One thing is sure, Waldorf and Statler are nothing special yet. lol)

Yea it may take some time for me to actually give the characters some personality but I hope to make it better.

* Tell me that Jim Force will be back and not sacked too.. (his character seems easy to write about)
He isn't getting sacked anytime soon or at all for that matter, but he wont be seen for a while, I had thought he would be easy to write about but every promo i tried to write for him seemed Forced(pardon the pun) so i just gave him some time off while i try and get some more practice in writing the promos. Fear not though he will be back

* Please no more pink it is unreadable to me

changed it.

* Your post with the behind-the-scene meeting after the first show killed much of the created momentum I had about the starting storyline as a reader
yea it probably wasn't the best idea to say i wasnt going to release anyone and then release people:o and to be honest i didn't write either of them until after i wrote the second show, i originally said this diary would be mostly about the show stories rather than Behind the scences stuff but with the way i went about doing things i couldnt write it without doing the Behind the scences segments but anyway people who are let go will be due to me just letting contracts expire as in the second behind-the-scenes post. I am most likely going to try and keep the Behind the scenes post to a minimum and most of the time they will only be there to say who is leaving and who is coming in, i mostly just wanted the first few people i brought in to be a surprise(for reasons im not quite sure about lol.)



I'm enjoying it and will read the next shows to see where you're going.



Nicky Champion vs. Giant Redwood

One of your comment pretty much gave the answer lol


USPW Women’s Championship Match

Raven Robinson vs. Alicia Strong

Hmm. Retaining at least until the PPV?


Andre Jones vs. ?????



Chris Sharp vs. ?????

A second match for Mr. ?????.. Hmm. He probably won't be able to do two in a row. Sharp needs a clean victory to prove he can beat Champion.

i dont really know if your joking or not but the two ????? are two separate people:rolleyes: and i forgot to put it on there(fixed it now though) but the Andre Jones match is a TV title match. but anyway thanks for the help.

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He isn't getting sacked anytime soon or at all for that matter, but he wont be seen for a while, I had thought he would be easy to wright about but every promo i tried to wright for him seemed Forced(pardon the pun) so i just gave him some time off while i try and get some more practice in writing the promos. Fear not though he will be back


lol. No problem. I was getting anxious. I really like him and his character.:)


i dont really know if your joking or not but the two ????? are two separate people


Hehe. I'm sorry if it sounded a bit harsh with the negatives. Positives far out-weight them.


Keep up the good work.

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Wednesday, Week 3, January 2010

Attendance: 5,000

McGaw Arena (Tri State)


After the opening video plays and the announcers welcomes everyone to the show they cut to Tyson Baine who is in the ring.



All of you people need to listen very carefully to what I am about to say!


The crowd interrupts Baine with a lout What? Chant that irks the giant slightly.


Last week I proved that Enygma doesn’t stand a chance against me at Stars, Stripes, and Slams!

I made it known to the whole world that I am bigger, stronger, and better than Enygma! And just three days from now I will prove that I am the true USPW World Champion!


Baine closes his eyes and takes a deep breath as he feeds off of the crowds now almost deafening boos. But as he opens his eyes the lights go out in the arena and the boos disappear as everyone tries to figure out whats going on.


Starr: I wonder what this could be?



The lights return to show Enygma standing behind Baine with a steel chair in hand preparing to take off Baines head as soon as he turns, but just Enygma swings Baine manages to drop down and roll out of the ring, seething as Enygma stands tall in the ring.


Rating: B

Jillefski: It looks like Enygma is trying to get inside the head of Baine before their match at Stars, Stripes, and Slams!

Starr: With the look on Baine's face, I think he may have succeeded.


Nicky Champion vs. Giant Redwood

A warm up match for Nicky heading into the PPV. He stayed in control for the entire match, but just as he decided it was time to finish the match, . .


Chris Sharp decided to make his presence know by attacking Nicky causing another DQ victory for him.


Winner by DQ:

Nicky Champion


Rating: C-


Sharp continues his attack on Champion, and gets ready to set Nicky up for a Sharp Shot(Island Driver), until Sam Strong appears on the big screen.


I wouldn’t do that if I where you Sharp!


The camera cuts back to show Sharp now with a microphone.


And why is that?


Well, If you do I will suspend you and you will forfeit your match at the pay per view, I don’t want you wasting all your energy before, your match tonight.


I don’t have a match tonight.


Oh, but you do, and it will be against an opponent of my choosing.

A loud cheer for Strong as the camera cuts to show Sharp, his anger clearly visible.


Rating: C+

Jillefski: I wonder who Sam has in mind for an opponent.

Starr: Only Sam knows, but I’m sure whoever it is will pose a challenge for Sharp.

USPW Women’s Championship Match



Raven Robinson vs. Alicia Strong

Raven starts the match on offense, hitting Alicia with shot after shot, but Alicia uses her quickness to turn the tide in her favor. Toward the end Alicia is in control and attempts a Strong Arm Tactic, but Raven somehow reverses it into a Night Faller for the win.


Winner and Still USPW Women’s Champion:

Raven Robinson


Rating: C-

Starr: How on Earth did Raven pull off that win, I thought for sure that Alicia had it?

Jillefski: Me to Micky, but either way Raven Robinson is still the Womens Champion.

Shane Sneer makes his way to the ring without his new employees The Ring Generals.


Ladies and Gentlemen, many of you saw last week exactly what the two newest employees of the Sneer Corporation are capable of. I mean the defeated two veterans of USPW without so much as breaking a sweat. Now as I said last week, these two are going to be the next USPW Tag Team Champions and come to think of it I haven’t seen the current champs in a while. So, the self proclaimed, People’s Team, how about you come out here and defend your titles, that is unless your scared.



After a moment Freddie Datsun’s music hits to a good pop and he and Des make their way to the ring where Freddie grabs a mic.


Are you serious Sneer? Do you honestly believe that my partner and I are afraid to defend our titles. Just to correct you, Des and I have been dying to defend these titles, we just haven’t been given the opportunity.


Well if that's the case, then how about you defend them right here, right now.

Freddie and Des nod at one another, and give Sneer an answer.


Your on Sneer!

Just as the champs accept the challenge An evil smirk appears on Sneers face as if he is goading the champs into a match with his new team. Then The Ring Generals appear and attack them before the match can even start. They continue to assault the duo until a ref comes out. Des and Freddie say they can compete so the ref starts the match.


Rating: D-




USPW World Tag Team Championship Match



The People’s Team vs. The Ring Generals

The pride of the Tag Champs got the best of them here, as they stood no chance against the fresh Ring Generals after the pre match assault. At Sneers command TRG end the match, and one Corporate Crash(Snapshot) later there are new USPW World Tag Team Champions.


Winners and New USPW World Tag Team Champions:

The Ring Generals


Rating: D-

Starr: And just like that we have new Tag Team Champions.

Jillefski: Sneer is one crooked businessman, and he proved it here tonight.

USPW Television Championship Match



Andre Jones vs. Kashmir Singh

A good debut for one of the new members of the USPW Roster. Singh put up a decent fight against the champion, and proved himself worthy of challenging for it in his first match with the company. Still Jones is champion for a reason, and he showed that by dispatching of Singh with a Blast From The Past, after some underhanded tactics.


Winner and Still USPW Television Champion:

Andre Jones


Rating: C-

Jillefski: Again Jones resorts to cheating to retain his title.

Starr: Yes, but cheating will only work for so long Danny.

After a break the camera cuts back to the ring where Seduction is standing with Peter Valentine.


Excuse me everyone, but I am out here to get something of my chest. A few weeks ago me and my boyfriend Darryl Devine had an argument and he decided to verbally attack me. I was very hurt by his actions, but lucky for me Peter Valentine overheard the altercation and was there to comfort me. So I am out here to tell you Darryl that you and I are over and Peter and I are officially a couple.


Valentine turns with a confused look on his face. He pushes the mic away and whispers something to Seduction. He turns again to grab his own microphone as Seduction begins to speak again.


What are you doing Peter?


Look sweetheart, I don't know what you got running through your little brain right now, but uh, we are not a couple.


What are you saying?


Look, let me be honest with you, I saw what happened between you and Darryl a few weeks ago, and well, I was just making the best of the situation. So, Seduction, I have no interest in you, other than, well, I think your little brain can figure it out.


Valentine looks Seduction up and down as he finishes his sentence. Then a tearful Seduction starts to speak again.


So you were just using me. But why? What did you have to gain?


Nothing really. I just wanted to find out how easy Devine's girl was. and I think I, and everyone for that matter, figured it out.


Valentine exits the ring and starts walking up the ramp, leaving Seduction crying.


Rating: D


Starr: Well I guess we don't have to worry about Darryl finding out about Peter and Seduction now.

Jillefski: True, but I'd be willing to bet that he saw all of what we just did.

After a short break Chris Sharp makes his way down the ramp for his match. As he stands in the ring Sam appears on the screen to announce Sharps opponent.



Ladies and gentlemen, and you Mr. Sharp, allow me to introduce the newest member of USPW. . .



Steve Flash!


Flash makes his way out from the back to a huge ovation from the crowd, while Sharp, still in the ring, is clearly shocked to see the former NYCW Empire Champion.






Chris Sharp vs. Steve Flash

A great match between Sharp and Flash. They both show their talent off in the match with Sharp using a lot of Brawling and High flying attacks, while Flash chose to use a more technical offense. The action went back and forth until Sharp, feeling threatened by Flash decided to cheat, by poking flash in the eye so he could hit the Sharp Shot and pin flash along with a handful of tights for the win.



Chris Sharp


Rating: B-


Jillefski: Sharp wins the match, but had to cheat to do so.

Starr: Yes Dan, and if Sharp thinks he can do the same to beat Nicky Champion in their Strap match at Stars, Stripes, And Slams! I believe he will be sadly mistaken.


After commercial break the camera comes back to Micky Star and Danny Jillefski ready to make and announcement.



Starr: Ladies and Gentlemen we have just been informed by Sam Strong himself that tonight’s main event is going to be a six man tag match!

Jillefski: Folks its going to be Enygma, James Justice, and Chris Caulfield taking on Tyson Baine, T-Rex, and Bruce The Giant! All of which have singles matches with one another at Stars, Stripes, and Slams! in just three days!

Starr: And folks we have also be informed that that match is happening Right now!

Rating B-


Enygma, James Justice, & Chris Caulfield vs. Tyson Baine, T-Rex, & Bruce The Giant

A good main event to lead into the ppv. The heel team were in control for the most part, using power and size to overwhelm the face team, butthe face team rallied late and after Justice and Caulfield cleared the ring of Rex and Bruce, Enygma was left in the ring with his ppv opponent, Tyson Baine. Enygma used his quickness to out move Baine and managed to get him on the ground and lock in an Enygma Variation for the win.



Enygma, James Justice, & Chris Caulfield


Rating: B-



After the match the face team celebrate in the ring together to close the show.


Rating: B+


Starr: the good guys come out on top tonight but will they all be standing tall at Stars, Stripes, and Slams!?

Jillefski; Tune in this Saturday to find out. Goodnight USPW Fans!


Show Rating:


TV Rating:


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Good evening ladies and gentlemen, Davis Ditterich here with the preview to USPW Stars, Stripes, And Slams!


We will Start things off with the Ladies of USPW! That’s right folks, we couldn’t have our inaugural pay per view without featuring these lovely ladies. So it will be Raven Robinson Defending her USPW Womens Championship in a Fatal-4-Way match against Belle Bryden, Cherry Bomb, and Alicia Strong! The odds are against the champ in this match but who knows how things will turn out!




After That we have the USPW Televisions Championship on the line as Andre Jones defends his gold against one of the new member of USPW Steve Flash! Steve Flash made his debut in a losing effort to Chris Sharp, but due to underhanded tactics, so management has decided to give Flash another shot at glory as well as a shot a gold against the athletic Andre Jones!




Next we will have Peter Valentine taking on Darryl Devine, and with all the happenings with Seduction over the past few weeks this one could be good!



Moving on, one of the more talked about matches heading into the pay per view. Nicky Champion will try and do his mentor proud when he takes on the arrogant Chris Sharp in a Strap Match! Sharp made a statement in his USPW but perhaps mistakenly did it at the expense of the boss, Sam Strong. Strong decided that he wanted to teach Sharp some respect and chose his protégé Nicky Champion to be the one to do it.



Now after that we will have the James Justice taking on the monster T-Rex! Justice made a statement at the end of last year when he pinned the Prehistoric Predator, but ever since Rex has been more focused than ever. The one question in this one is if Justice can pull off another miracle and beat T-Rex for a second time!




Following that is the #1 Contenders match for the USPW World Championship, featuring Bruce The Giant taking on “The Hardcore American” Chris Caulfield! These two where named co. #1 contenders back in December, but both felt they should be the sole #1 contender. They have been at each others throats since with Caulfield trying to prove he isn’t intimidated by the size of Bruce. While Bruce has been destroying everyone put in his path to prove Caulfield is no competition. Either way the score will be settle between the two and a sole #1 contender to the USPW World Championship will be named!




And now the match everyone has been waiting for. Enygma will face Tyson Baine for the USPW World Championship! Enygma has been on the receiving end of many attacks from Tyson Baine over the past few weeks, but Enygma seemed to get inside the head of the Monster on the last episode of American Wrestling. Will Enygma’s mind games allow him to retain his title or will all of the brutal attacks by Baine leave the Enigmatic One defenseless against the wrath of the monster?










Ladies and Gentlemen, all of the questions will be answered!

So set your TV's!,

Because this Saturday!

Its Stars, Stripes, And Slams!

And Its Live!

On Pay Per View!






Quick List


USPW Womens Championship


Raven Robinson© vs. Belle Bryden vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong


USPW Television Championship Match

Andre Jones© vs. Steve Flash


Peter Valentine vs. Darryl Devine


Strap Match

Nicky Champion vs. Chris Sharp


James Justice vs. T-Rex

USPW World Championship

#1 Contender Match

Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

USPW World Championship Match

Enygma© vs. Tyson Baine

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Quick List


USPW Womens Championship


Raven Robinson© vs. Belle Bryden vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

Strong could help the division more with the title.


USPW Television Championship Match

Andre Jones© vs. Steve Flash

Jones can still go as champion. I think this feud will continue though.


Peter Valentine vs. Darryl Devine

I almost forgot about Devine before the last show. I'm unsure Valentine will accept a loss. Devine could benefit from this match though.


Strap Match

Nicky Champion vs. Chris Sharp

I doubt it'll be totally clean.


James Justice vs. T-Rex

I think this could end in a DQ with T-Rex receiving help from a newcomer.

USPW World Championship

#1 Contender Match

Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

Beating Bruce isn't that easy.

USPW World Championship Match

Enygma© vs. Tyson Baine

I believe he still has a few more wins to go before losing his title.

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USPW Womens Championship


Raven Robinson© vs. Belle Bryden vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong


USPW Television Championship Match

Andre Jones© vs. Steve Flash


This is actually a tough one because I could see it going either way.


Peter Valentine vs. Darryl Devine


Strap Match

Nicky Champion vs. Chris Sharp


James Justice vs. T-Rex


T-Rex is garbage!:D


USPW World Championship

#1 Contender Match

Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield


With a face champion I think the heel should be the #1 contender.


USPW World Championship Match

Enygma© vs. Tyson Baine

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Live On Pay Per View!

Saturday, Week 3, January 2010

Attendance: 15,000

The Dust Bowl (South East)


An extravagant video package highlighting all of the action over the past few weeks involving, Enygma, Tyson Baine, James Justice, T-Rex, Bruce The Giant, Chris Caulfield, Nicky Champion and Chris Sharp opens the show!



Rating: B+

Starr: Ladies and gentlemen welcome to USPW’s inaugural Pay Per View, USPW Stars, Stripes, and Slams!

Jillefski: That’s right folks USPW is now on Pay Per View, and as you saw in the opening package, tonight’s show is set tear the house down!

Starr: Indeed Danny, Tonight some rivalries will end and a few may begin. So lets get on with the show!


USPW Womens Championship




Raven Robinson© vs. Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden vs. Cherry Bomb

A fairly decent match for all of the action that was going on. Each of the ladies took turns dishing out punishment on the other with none having a clear advantage. Right at the end a chain of finishers are hit as Belle hit Cherry with a Dish Of The Day, but was hit by a Strong Arm Tactic by Alicia who then ended up turning into a Night Faller from Raven Robinson who manages to be the one to make a pinfall and retain her title.


Winner and still USPW Womens Champion:

Raven Robinson


Grade: C

Jillefski: Raven some how comes out of the match still the Champion.

Starr: Even with the odds against her she somehow makes it out with the title still around her waist.


USPW Television Championship Match



Andre Jones vs. Steve Flash

An ok match, that could have and maybe should have been better. Andre may not be as talented as Steve but he has a level of athleticism all his own. Andre held his own throughout, and even though Flash was in control about to hit the Flash Bang, Jones somehow managed to spin out and quickly roll up Flash for the win


Winner and still USPW Television Champion:

Andre Jones


Grade: C-


Starr: Look Danny, Jones finally won a match without cheating, and It was against Steve Flash of all people!

Jillefski: Yes, but you know what they say Micky. Cheaters always cheat.

Starr: That really doesn't make any sense Dan, but either way Jones is still the champ!


We cut backstage where Darryl Devine and Seduction are seen.




Darryl I’m so sorry. I wasn't sure what was going on with you. I thought Peter actually cared about me, but I was wrong he was just using me for his own fun. I hope you can forgive me?


Look Seduction I forgive you, but only because now, thanks to all this, I’m more focused on my goals here in USPW than ever. After I saw you with him to be honest it showed me just how much you were holding me back. So yea I forgive you, but we are still done!


Devine walks away from Seduction leaving her to sulk, and gets a pretty good reaction from the crowd in the process.


Rating: D-

Jillefski: Looks like Seduction is all alone now.

Starr: You think I should go console her Danny boy?

Jillefski: For your own good, no Mick.



Peter Valentine vs. Darryl Devine

Not a very entertaining match but mostly because it’s the first time these two meet since the story with Seduction began, and since Darryl pretty well ended that story before the match, the fans are clearly uninterested in who wins. Anyway, Devine puts up a fight, but he is no match for Valentine wins with a Heartbreaker on Devine.



Peter Valentine

Rating: D+

Jillefski: Ironic that Valentine wins the match with a Heartbreaker.

Starr: Well Danny, with no Seduction I think my heart may be broken as well.

Jillefski: Uh, sorry to hear that Micky.


A quick break for some advertising and the camera comes back to show Freddie Datsun and Des Davids in the ring.



Shane Sneer! You screwed me and Des out of our Tag Team Titles a few days ago on American Wrestling, and well, to make a long story short, we want ‘em back!


After a moment Sneer and his enforcers appear at the top of the ramp to answer the challenge.




So the two nobodies want a rematch, huh? Well, I’ll tell you what. I’m feeling generous tonight, so you got your rematch!


Rating: D+


Starr: I guess we’re gonna have a Tag Title match next!

Jillefski: Now who is stating the obvious Mick?


USPW World Tag Team Title Match



The Ring Generals© vs. The People’s Team

A better match than their first encounter as The Ring Generals still aren’t quite over enough, but they are getting there. Lots of control by The People’s Team as they attempt to regain the Tag Titles. The Ring Generals actually don’t get any offence in until the end, when a mystery assailant comes out from under the ring and attacks Davids and Datsun while Sneer distracts the ref. That gives The Ring Generals the opportunity to gain control and hit Davids with a Corporate Crash to retain the Tag Team Gold.


Winners and still USPW World Tag Team Champions:

The Ring Generals


Rating: D


Before we are able to find out who the mystery attacker is, Des Davids goes absolutely crazy, attacking everything he can find. Datsun tries to calm him but Des then turns his attack on his partner. After hitting a Quarterback Sack on Freddie, Des leans down and tells him that this is all his fault.


Rating: E+


Jillefski: I had hoped to find out who that mystery attacker was, but it looks like Des Davids had other plans.

Starr: Yea me to, but regardless I think we can put and end to the People’s Team.

Strap Match


Nicky Champion vs. Chris Sharp

One of the more talked about match ups coming into the PPV. Nicky Champion put on a clinic against Sharp in the Strap Match. Brutally whipping Sharp with the strap as Sharp showed the pain from each whip on his face and his body. Sharp managed to mount a slight offensive toward the end, but his decision to taunt his Champion and the fans ultimately cost him the match when an sloppy attempt at a Sharp Shot is countered it into a Hawkeye Hammer by Champion who preceded to touch all for corners while dragging an unconscious Sharp behind him, to win the match.



Nicky Champion


Rating: C+

Jillefski: Well it looks like this rivalry might now be over with Nicky Champion showing who the better man was.

Starr: Maybe. After that beating I don’t think Sharp is gonna mind if its over.


A video is show highlighting some of the focal points of the James Justice and T-Rex Rivalry.


Rating: B-


Starr: Now its time for James Justice and T-Rex to settle their score.

Jillefski: That’s right Micky, lets just hope they don’t completely destroy each other.

Starr: I think that may be what they are gonna try and do Danny.





James Justice vs. T-Rex

Another good match that the crowd was well into. T-Rex did what most people his size do, used his power to dominate Justice in the early going. After a while Rex started to slow down and that gave Justice the opportunity to go on the offensive. A few more minutes of back and forth action and Justice hit’s the Liberation Slam out of no where to win the match.



James Justice


Rating: C+

Jillefski: And Justice comes out on top again against Rex.

Starr: He does indeed Dan, but I wonder if it’s the last Justice will hear of Rex.

Another video is played only this time it highlights the feud between Bruce The Giant and Chris Caulfield.


Rating: B


Starr: Now its time for the co-main event, the #1 Contenders match for the USPW World Title between Bruce The Giant and Chris Caulfield!

Jillefski: Chris Caulfield has been on a mission to prove that he is not intimidated by Bruce’s size, but I still don’t know if he is going to be able hold his own against the power of the Giant!

Starr: Well Danny we are gonna find out next!


USPW World Championship #1 Contenders Match


Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

Caulfield spends the early stages trying to knock Bruce off his feet to no avail. On the last attempt Caulfield tries a crossbody only to be hit out of mid air by Bruce. Bruce then precedes to dominate the middle part of the match by mostly hitting Caulfield with heavy punches and headbutts. The fans try to rally behind Caulfield but just as he is about to mount an offense Bruce grabs him and throws him from the ring with a Giant Chokeslam. Caulfield is knocked completely out and ends up being counted out as Bruce celebrates in the ring.


Winner and now #1 Contender:

Bruce The Giant


Rating: C+


Starr: We now know who the next challenger for the USPW World Title will be!

Jillefski:Yes we do Dan, but now its time to see who Bruce will challenge for that title!


Instead of a video we go backstage where Davis Ditterich is waiting.


Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome my guest, Tyson Baine. Now Tyson your match with Enygma for the USPW World Championship is just moments away. What are your thought going in?



My thoughts Davis? There is only one, and that is win!


Baine exits to make his entrance, and a few seconds later Enygma walks up. The Champ looks at Ditterich and then the camera and walks away.


Rating B-


Jillefski: Now its time for what we have all been waiting for the USPW World Championship Match.

Starr: That’s right, Baine has stood tall the past few weeks, but now it crunch time, and we will see if he can stand tall when it counts!


USPW World Championship Match



Enygma© vs. Tyson Baine

A great match, probably one of the best matches in USPW history. We saw all of the typical big man vs. small man psychology on display, with Baine overpowering Enygma for much of the affair. Enygma was not to be underestimated though and rallied back with the cheers of the fans behind him. At the end Enygma pulled of a move that should normally only be seen in a video game when he lifted Baine up and scoop slammed him to a huge pop from the crowd. Afterward he quickly locked in the Enygma Variation and forced Baine to tap for the second time in under a week to retain the USPW World Title.


Winner and still USPW World Champion:



Rating: B

Jillefski: What a match! Thats is the best match I’ve seen in years.

Starr: I must say I agree Dan. An outstanding match that sees Enygma topple the monster Baine to retain the USPW World Championship!

Jillefski: Well that’s all for us tonight folks, and be sure to tune in to American Wrestling this Wednesday to see what will happen next here in USPW!


Show Rating:


PPV Buys:


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I made my way to Sam's office on Monday after the pay per view. On my way up I received many congratulations for how well the pay per view went. Surprisingly enough the last one to tell me good before I made it into Sam’s office was Peter Valentine. However I think he was just congratulating me because I used him on the show more than anything. Pete’s character is not really different from his real personality. When I finally opened the door to Sam’s office Shane and him were discussing, what else, but the pay per view.


Sam Shane

Just the man I was waiting for that was a good pay per view you booked there kid.


I don’t think I could have done it any better kid, kudos.

Thanks, It was difficult, but now that its over I think I may actually be getting into the groove of things.


That’s good to hear. Now before we get into anything else what are you planning for the next few weeks.


Well, its fairly well set that Enygma will defend the World Title against Bruce at the Red, White, And Blue, in February so that is one thing to plan for.


Ok, but we can’t just have one storyline kid, what else do you have planned?


Well, I was thinking. . .


The three of us talked for almost another hour about the upcoming storylines.


All of that sounds interesting, but you didn’t mention yourself or Nicky anywhere in that?


Well I had originally planned to use my character quite a bit at first, but after going over things I don’t think it will be as necessary now. I’m more comfortable in the writing so I think I can sit on the back burner for a couple weeks to let the more important stories progress.


Ok, and what about Nicky he got over really well with that beating he gave you at the PPV?


We all chuckled for a second, I did get may ass kicked pretty good by Nicky that night, Only in the storyline of course.


Yea, I was just planning to build on his momentum, I don’t want him to get over to quick. I was planning on making it a slower process like for me.


Ok, but don't forget that if you wait to long all that momentum wont be good for anything.


Ok Shane.


But, all in all that all sounds good, I think your free to go kid.


Thanks Sam, but before I go, Am I hearing things right about Steve Flash?


Oh, yes, Me and him were talking at the pay per view, about history and whatnot. Anyway I got him to renegotiate his contract to a written deal so he is exclusive to us now.


Cool, maybe now the Stones will stop hounding him about coming back to Canada.


Maybe so.


Another round of laughs from Sam and Shane and then it was time for me to go. You know, show to book and all.

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January Week 4, 2010

USPW National Championship Match

Peter Valentine© vs. Freddie Datsun


T-Rex vs. Regular Joe


USPW World Tag Team Championship Match

The Ring Generals© vs. Savage Fury


Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb


James Justice vs. Anger


Main Event

Enygma & Chris Caulfield vs. Bruce The Giant & Tyson Baine

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USPW National Championship Match

Peter Valentine© vs. Freddie Datsun


Freddie Datsun sucks!:D


T-Rex vs. Regular Joe


USPW World Tag Team Championship Match

The Ring Generals© vs. Savage Fury


Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb


James Justice vs. Anger


Main Event

Enygma & Chris Caulfield vs. Bruce The Giant & Tyson Baine

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... my word, my ratings suck compared to these :eek:.


USPW National Championship Match

Peter Valentine© vs. Freddie Datsun


T-Rex vs. Regular Joe


USPW World Tag Team Championship Match

The Ring Generals© vs. Savage Fury


Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb


James Justice vs. Anger


Main Event

Enygma & Chris Caulfield vs. Bruce The Giant & Tyson Baine

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Wednesday, Week 4, January 2010

Attendance 5,000

Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)



A video is shown highlighting the some of the action from Stars, Stripes, And Slams!


Rating: B


After the video is done playing the camera fades to show Enygma standing in the ring with the USPW World Championship over his shoulder.


Four days ago I was in one of the most brutal matches of my career. Four days ago I was taken to the limit by Tyson Baine. And Four days ago I overcame all the odds, and I beat Tyson Baine to retain the USPW World Title!


The calmly spoken words of the champ gets a huge cheer from the crowd as Enygma then holds the title belt up for everyone to see.


However, something else happened four days ago. A new #1 contender was named. A new challenger to my Title. That Challengers being none other than Bruce The Giant.

Right at the mention of his name Bruce’s music hits and the giant himself makes his way to the ring where the stoic champion waits. As Bruce enters the ring he immediately stands directly in front of Enygma, the height difference rather obvious as Enygma barely comes even with Bruce’s chest. Bruce grabs the champions hand that holds the mic and the booming voice of the massive challenger is very clearly heard even with his accent.



Enygma!. . . At Red, White and Blue, the USPW Title, Will Be Mine!

With that Bruce pushes away Enygma’s hand and walks away leaving the champion in the ring, The champ shows no signs of being intimidated, however, and just stands calmly in the ring.


Rating: B+

Starr: It doesn’t look like Enygma is at all intimidated by Bruce The Giant.

Jillefski: I wonder if he is trying to play mind games or is genuinely isn't scared of The Giant?

Starr: I don't know Danny, but thing will get interesting when these two finally face off.


USPW National Championship Match



Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun

Valentine’s first defense of his National title was a tough one. In more ways than one really as he and Freddie really didn’t come together, and looked completely out of sync with one another. Luckily the match wasn’t all that long, and interference from Datsun’s former partner Des Davids maybe took some of the attention off of the sub par match up. Valentine capitalizes on the distraction and wins the match.


Winner still USPW National Championship:

Peter Valentine


Rating: D+

Jillefski: It looks like Des Davids still has some unfinished business with Freddie Datsun.

Starr: That seems to be the case, but Des had better be careful, Freddie is a veteran and he won’t take this lying down.



T-Rex vs. Regular Joe

Squash match through and through as Rex hit all of his noteworthy power moves and finally the Jurassic Crush to finish it off the rookie.





Rating: D-


Starr: Tough luck for Joe having his first match against Rex.

Jillefski: For sure, but I think he should worry less about the loss and worry more about making sure he can still walk.

After a break Tyson Baine is shown pacing the ring absolutely fuming.



Enygma! Get out here and give me a rematch! You screwed me last night! Now Get out here now!


Baine continues pacing waiting for Enygma, but instead of hearing Enygma’s music, Chris Caulfield’s music hits and the Hardcore American makes his way to the ring.


What the hell do you think your doing! Did Enygma send you out here, I swear if he is trying to mess with me!. . .


Calm down big guy I’m not out here because of Enygma.


Then what are you doing? I want my rematch with Enygma!

Listen big man. You lost at Stars, Stripes, And Slams!, but come to think of it so did I. . . Anyway I always like a good fight, so how about you and me, go one on one, at Red, White, And Blue, and whoever wins, oh I don't know, gets a shot at the Title? Come on, what do you say?


Are you kidding me? If you think Bruce beat you bad, you don’t even want to know what I’m capable of!


You know what? I think I do!

Caulfield hits Baine with a big punch that sends the monster reeling, but he doesn’t stay that way for long, and a wild brawl erupts between the two. Right as the officials get them separated, Sam Strong appears at the top of the ramp.


Hey guys, instead of beating the crap out of each other so bad neither of you are able to compete, why not save it for the pay per view. Because, after that little escapade, I think a match between you two would be perfect for Red, White, And Blue!

A big smile appears on the face of Caulfield as Baine yell the words are you kidding me.

Oh and since I was planning on putting it together anyway, I think for the main event tonight, we’ll have, Chris Caulfield team with Enygma to face, Tyson Baine and Bruce The Giant! Give ‘em a good show brothers!


A huge pop from the crowd as Sam announces the Main Event for the evening.


Rating: B-

Jillefski: What a main event we now have here tonight!

Starr: Sam is all about pleasing the fans, and I think he succeed with that match up.


USPW World Tag Team Championship Match



The Ring Generals© vs. Savage Fury

The Ring Generals second match against Savage Fury goes slightly different than the first as the two behemoths pretty much assault the Champs. With the Generals reeling Savage Fury attempt to finish them off, but just as Java is about to make the pin, Shane Sneer jumps on to the apron causing a distraction for his duo. With the ref distracted the mystery assailant from the pay per view jumps into the ring and uses a chain to knock out the challengers. Then, as quickly as he appeared, he disappeared, up the ramp, without anyone getting a look at who it was, and also just in time for Waldorf to drape his arm across Java, and win retain the titles for The Ring Generals and The Sneer Corporation.


Winners and still USPW Tag Team Champions:

The Ring Generals


Rating: D-


Jillefski: Yet again that mystery attacker helps The Ring Generals retain the gold.

Starr: I think that Shane Sneer might know who that mystery man is, and if my gut is right we might find out for ourselves next week.


Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb

A triple threat match between three of women not holding the Womens Championship. All three ladies showed their determination, as its not a #1 contenders match per se, whoever wins will surely be much closer to a title match than the others. All the ladies take turns on offense, with Belle and Cherry team up to take out Alicia, and then focus on trying to take one another out. Belle and Cherry go back and forth for a few minutes, until Alicia gets back up and cleans house on the other two, however after she hit’s the Strong Arm Tactic on Cherry, Belle seizes the chance to shove Alicia from the ring and steal the victory.



Belle Bryden


Rating: C


Starr: That win puts Belle a little closer to a rematch with Raven Robison for the USPW Womens Championship.

Jillefski: Indeed it does Micky, but after such a close match, I don't think the other ladies are trailing all that far behind.


A short video montage is played showing Andre Jones working out and performing amazing feats of athleticism. At the end of the video he turns to the camera and smiles wile a narrator says “Andre Jones, USPW Television Champion.”



Rating: D+


Starr: Looks like Andre had to make sure he was still on the show. I wonder what the add space cost him?

Jillefski: I don't know Micky, but to him I'd bet it was enough.



James Justice vs. Anger

An entertaining match, even though just about everyone knows that Anger has isn’t going to win. Each worker takes turns beating up the other. Justice plays to the crowd a few times to keep them into the match. The end is fairly definitive as Justice fights off Anger and hit’s a Liberation Slam for the victory.



James Justice


Rating: C




As Justice celebrates in the ring and plays to the crowd a large hooded man, jumps the barrier at ring side, slides into the ring an begins to brutally attack Justice. After hitting what looks like a Jumbo Avalanche the man throws back his hood to reveal none other than Jumbo Jackson!


Jackson yells something at Justice that the cameras microphone can’t quite make out, and then exits as officials come out to help Justice.


Rating: B-

Starr: Jumbo Jackson, who hasn’t been seen in a couple of weeks, makes an emphatic return here tonight!

Jillefski: I believe Jackson came out here to make a statement, and boy did he ever do that!



Enygma & Chris Caulfield vs. Bruce The Giant & Tyson Baine

The Swapping of opponents doesn’t stop the old rivalries from showing their faces in this match up. Bruce and Caulfield start things in much the same way they did their pay per view match, with Caulfield attempting to knock the Giant of his feet, and not succeeding . Bruce takes control, until Baine practically begs to be tagged in so he can get his hands on Caulfield before their one-on-one match. Caulfield manages to fight off the big man and make the hot tag to the champ, Enygma. As Enygma cleans house on his former rival, his new one, Bruce, enters the ring and tries to stop the champs momentum, but Enygma is somehow able to keep the upper hand and clotheslines Bruce out of the ring and then does a springboard moonsault to Bruce on the outside taking both of them out. In the middle of all the chaos Chris Caulfield regains his bearings and makes the blind tag on Enygma right before he dives at Bruce, and then, in a showing of sheer willpower and some impressive strength, lifts the Tyson Baine, who is still the legal man, up and hit a Danger Drop to pick up the win for his team.



Enygma & Chris Caulfield


Rating: B



After the match is over, Bruce and Baine attempt to attack Enygma & Caulfield while they are celebrating. The winning duo manage to see the attack coming and an all out brawl breaks out between the four competitors to end the show.


Rating: B+


Jillefski: Somebody needs to get out here before these four hurt somebody!

Starr: I think the only people they are worried about hurting are each other! If nobody can break these guys up this brawl may still be going next week!

Jillefski: That's a good possibility Micky, but we are out of time tonight folks, don't forget to tun in next week! Goodnight!


Show Rating:


TV Rating:






Credit to Self for the pic used for Regular Joe.

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February, Week 1, 2010


Nicky Champion vs. Des Davids


The Towers Of Power vs. Savage Fury


Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb


Tyson Baine & T-Rex vs. Captain USA & Regular Joe


Bruce The Giant vs. Steve Flash


USPW World Championship Match

Enygma© vs. Peter Valentine

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Nicky Champion vs. Des Davids


The Towers Of Power vs. Savage Fury


My hate for the Savage Jobbers knows no bounds!


Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb


Tyson Baine & T-Rex vs. Captain USA & Regular Joe


Capt. Jobber is known for one thing and one thing only and that is jobbing!


Bruce The Giant vs. Steve Flash


USPW World Championship Match

Enygma© vs. Peter Valentine

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