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RIPW: The Ballad of Henry Lee

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RIPW Presents: A New Day 2010


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Saturday February 13, 2010

Location: Twin River Event, Lincoln, Rhode Island

Attendance: 66

Overall Show Rating: E



[The show starts with the arena in complete darkness. The multi-colored house lights come on and they start to move along the arena. The regular house lights come on and we see Rob L. Miskovsky and Mayhem Midden sitting at a table which is on a stage behind the ring.]




Rob L Miskovsky: Hello and welcome wrestling fans to the new RIPW! We have a hum-dinger of a card for you tonight, as we are coming to you live from Lincoln, Rhode Island! I’m Rob L. Miskovsky and I am standing along side my broadcasting partner Mayhem Midden.


Mayhem, what do you think about our main event tonight between RIPW vet Kentucky Bill and his opponent RIPW newcomer Blackjack Robbins?



Mayhem Midden: Oh yeah! That is going to be a great match, to-night…dig it! But I am going to have to say that the Hardcore Hillbilly Kentucky Bill is not going to be winning this match tonight…dig it.


Rob L. Miskovsky: Oh really and why is that Mayhem?


Mayhem Midden: Cuz Blackjack Robbins might not be an RIPW veteran but the dude has experience and he is gonna show the Hardcore Hillbilly just what he is made of tonight! Dig it!


Rob L. Miskovsky: Well wresting fans, as you know tonight is the first RIPW show to take place since we split with the SWF. So tonight you will be seeing many new faces around here. And one of them is our new broadcast colleague Sue Danes, who is standing by with another new face to RIPW, Jebediah. Take it away Sue…


[We now go to the back stage area, which is nothing more than a brick wall with an RIPW banner hanging up on the wall. There is a slight delay in response time as Sue is clearly waiting for the director to give her, her cue.]



Sue Danes: Thanks a lot Rob! Before I begin this interview, I would just like to say thank you to RIPW management for giving me this opportunity to work with such a great company!


Anyway, I am here with another RIPW newcomer Jebediah! Now Jebediah how has it been so far for you in RIPW? I know with you being Amish this must seem like a totally different world to you.



Jebediah: Aye, this is a very strange world to me. I am currently in the Rumspringa period of my life, it is a period in my life where I can view the way you English live your lives. At the end of this period I will make a decision whether to live among you the English or return to my life among the Amish.


Sue Danes: Um…hold up a sec! You do realize that you are living in the United States right?


Jebediah: Aye…


Sue Danes: Well I am totally not understanding why you think you are going to be living with the English then.


Jebediah: Oh I am sorry, all non-Amish are the English. If I have caused any confusion I am sorry…


Sue Danes: Oh no problem, I just want to say that it is a pleasure to have you in this company and I wish you nothing but success in your time here. Back to you Rob!


[This awkward interview finally and mercifully ends.]


Segment Rating: E-


Rob L. Miskovsky: Well that Jebediah is just one odd fellow…moving on it looks like we are about ready for our first match of the evening. This match is a tag team match between The Wilkes Brothers and Canadian Hit Squad. Mayhem what is your opinion on our next match?


Mayhem Midden: Both of these teams our new to RIPW, so it is gonna be hard to make a prediction…dig it! But Ima gonna go with my gut and pick Canadian Hit Squad …oh yeah…dig it!


Rob L. Miskovsky: Okay, well we will see if your right as it looks like the Canadian Hit Squad are about ready to come down to the ring…



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Canadian Hit Squad vs. The Wilkes Brothers with Heather B.



[The eerie theme song to Halloween starts to play over the sound system at the Event Center. A few seconds later Sky King and Kintaro step out from behind the backstage curtain. The fans, who do not know these new members of the RIPW roster, hardly react.


There is one fan in the front row, he is a middle aged white man who is severely over weight. The top of his head has no hair on it, the hair on the side of his head is silver. He wears a yellow polo shirt that is clearly as size to small as his rotund belly protrudes from the shirt. This man is longtime RIPW fan Rowdy Roger and he is living up to his name tonight as he lobs insults at the Canadian Hit Squad as they make their way inside the ring.


The CHS stand patiently in the ring waiting for their opponents for the night to come out from the backstage area.]


[Dirty Water starts to play over the sound system and the fans start to go nuts, despite the fact that they have never seen this team before either. When the Wilkes Brothers finally step out from behind the backstage curtain the fans cheer wildly. A good portion of the fans seem to be singing along with the song as the Wilkes Brothers make their way down to the ring, slapping the fans hands while doing so.]


Match: The Wilkes Brothers defeated Canadian Hit Squad in 7:26, when Leftie Wilkes pinned Kintaro after he hit him with a Boston Whiplash (Fisherman Suplex).


Henry Lee’s Thoughts: Well for an opener this match did not really do all that well. The in ring work was not really all that good and the fans just did not seem to care about what was happening inside the ring. It seems that the fans popped more for the Wilkes Brothers entrance music than they did for this match. Also, Kintaro really seemed off his game tonight. Maybe it was because this was his first match in a new promotion…who knows. I guess I will ask him about it later.


Winners: The Wilkes Brothers

Time: 7:26

Match Rating: E-


Rob L. Miskovsky: Well that was one hum dinger of an opening bout Mayhem! It looks like the Wilkes Brothers are going to be a team to reckon with in the future!


Mayhem Midden: The Wilkes Brothers got lucky tonight…dig it! If this match was held ten times the Canadian Hit Squad would win it nine times out of ten! Oh yeah…dig it!


Rob L. Miskovsky: I am not sure if that is true or not but you are entitled to your opinion. Anyway I just got word from the back that someone has bought some airtime. And with Professor Nero being in love with the all mighty dollar, well…


[Rob looks like he lost his train of thought.]


Rob L. Miskovsky(continued): Well…um…I guess let us go to the back…


[We are brought to the backstage area, it is in the same place where Sue Danes conducted her interview earlier. Standing in front of the camera is a man wearing sunglasses, a black sports coat, white shirt, yellow silk tie, and a pair of black dress slacks.]



Brian Cash-Man: Hello RIPW fans, many of you might be wondering why I am standing her before you tonight. Well that would be a good question. You see my name is Brian Cash-Man and I hail from the greatest city in the world, New York City. A city that never sleeps and a place where champions like Derek Jeter play.


[The pro Boston crowd can be heard booing at the mere mention of the captain of the Yankees. This is quickly followed by a Yankees suck chant.]


Brian Cash-Man: I was sent here by my Boss to prove once again why we New Yorkers are superior to the rest of the country. I have an unlimited budget which I can use to build up the greatest dynasty in pro wrestling today. So I am going to be on the look out for the best talent in this promotion, and if they are elite enough I will offer them a contract to join my team.


Next month I will reveal the first member of my team! This man is one of the hottest free agents in professional wrestling today. And it will be his goal to dominate this crappy promotion!


[We head back to the announcers table where Rob still looks lost. He does not speak for a moment, it seems like he is waiting to be told that he is back on camera.]


Segment Rating: D-


Rob L. Miskovsky: The nerve of that man Brian Cash-Man! Who does he think he is, coming in here thinking that he is going to take over!


Mayhem Midden: He is the magic man with a great plan…dig it! His boss has some deep pockets and he is going to take the RIPW to the next level! Oh yeah…dig it!


Rob L. Miskovsky: Well I guess we will find out who his mystery client is next week. Earlier in the day The Kings of Federal Hill shot this video and they have requested that we show it, so here it is.


[We are in a furnished basement of some sorts. This footage is obviously shot on a camcorder and the image is very shaky. We hear a voice but the camera is out of focus so we can’t really see who it is, this is also due to the poor lighting in the basement.]



Justin Sensitive: Dude I can’t figure this out…how do ya make it in focus?



Johnny Boy: Lemme see dat thing….


[After tinkering with the camera it finally come into focus. We now see Johnny Boy‘s face engulf the entire screen.]


Johnny Boy: Der ya go dumb ass!


Justin Sensitive: Whose youz callin a dumb ass?


Johnny Boy: Ah forgetaboutit, its like a bridge ovah troubled waters bro…


Justin Sensitive: Hey everybody, it’s mean Justin Sensitive and my boy Johnny Boy.


[Justin quickly pans the camera over to Johnny Boy who has on a wife beater and enough gold chains around his neck to make one think that he robbed Fort Knox.]


Johnny Boy: Whud up people!


Justin Sensitive: Tonight me and my boy here are going to be taking on the two dudes that dress like Indians. Well guys we aint in Cleveland and you aint got Albert Belle to watch your backs. So tonight we are going to beat you just like Custer did to your ancestors.


Johnny Boy: Ah…dude…Custer was killed by the Indians…


Justin Sensitive: Oh really…ah dawg forgetaboutit, those Indians know what I am talking bout. Anyways, youz two Indians are gonna be scalped tonight and after we are done with youz. We’re gonna go to Federal Hill and party to the break of dawn!


Johnny Boy: That’s right bro!


[Just then we hear a door opening and a voice calls out from off screen.]


Woman: Johnny, lunch is ready…


[Johnny Boy looks embarrassed.]


Johnny Boy: Okay ma I’ll be up in a minute…I am doing something right this minute.


Woman: Well I just want you to know that you pasta is getting cold!


[Justin is laughing while filming Johnny Boy. This makes Johnny Boy even more pissed off.]


Johnny Boy (yelling): Okay ma, I heard ya the first time…


[Johnny Boy looks angrily into the camcorder and shakes his head.]


Johnny Boy: Now I lost my train of thought…man why my moms gotta be cramping my style?


Justin Sensitive: Forgetaboutit bro, this interview is over with anyway cause the battery is about to run out.


Johnny Boy: Wait! What? You mean youz was still recording? What the hell dude…


[The screen fades to black and we are brought back to the announcers table where Rob is smiling and shaking his head.]


Segment Rating: E-


Rob L. Miskovsky: Well how about that! Are those two guys for real or what? I guess we are about to find out because their match is up next.


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The Young Braves vs. The Kings of Federal Hill


[Run to the Hills by Iron Maiden begins to play over the arena‘s sound system as The Young Braves make their way down to the ring. They are both wearing traditional Native American headdresses. Rowdy Roger yells Whoo…Whoo at them when they walk by him.]


[A moment of silence goes by as The Young Braves wait for their opponents. Then Volare by Dean Martin starts to play over the arena‘s sound system. A few seconds later The Kings of Federal Hill step out from behind the backstage curtain. They are immediately greeted with boos as they make their way down to the ring. Justin has so much gel in his hair, he would make the Gotti boys look bad.


When they get into the ring Johnny Boy gives the under the chin salute to Running Bear. Running Bear charges at him but Johnny Boy grabs referee David Poker and uses him as a shield to protect himself form the charging Running Bear.]


Match: The Kings of Federal Hill defeated The Young Braves in 9:46 when Johnny Boy hit Running Wolf with the Forgetaboutit (One-handed bulldog) and then pinned him.


Henry Lee’s Thoughts: Wow yet another stinker! I was hoping that these four young men would have put on a better match. Alas, it was not meant to be. The fans yelled boring throughout most of the start of the match and that might have been part of the reason for the underperformance. I mean lets face it, nobody wants to hear that their work is boring.


Winners: The Kings of Federal Hill

Time: 9:46

Match Rating: E-


Mayhem Midden: That is right brother Rob…dig it! It looks like there is gonna be some celebrating on Federal Hill tonight!


You know the fans may hate the Kings because Johnny and Justin are young and brash. But the fans have to give their props to the Kings for being one of the best tag teams here in RIPW today…dig it!


Rob L. Miskovsky: Well you will get no argument from me partner. Another young competitor who has just signed with RIPW is Too Hot. And earlier in the day he filmed this video talking about his opponent tonight Stuart Ferdinand. So let us see what Too Hot has to say…


[We look to be in the same area where Sue Danes conducted her earlier interview. Too Hot is standing there with his trademark white hat on, he starts to speak.]



Too Hot: Word up RIPW, some of ya might know me…some of ya might not know me. For all ya all who don’t let me introduce myself. My name is Too Hot, and if ya don’t know now ya know.


I am here today to talk about my opponent who I am gonna face later on tonight. He goes by the name of Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand. Now Stuart Ferdinand, Too Hot knows you’ve been dogging him! Too Hot has read what ya said about him on RIPW.com. That Too Hot is a poser, that Too Hot aint street, that Too Hot isn’t fit enough to lace up your boots!


Well let Too Hot tell ya something! You bring your Village People wanna be ass down to the ring tonight and Too Hot will be a fixin to beat ya to a bloody pulp! And if ya don’t know, now ya know!

Segment Rating: E-


[Too Hot walks off camera and we are taking to an office like room where we see Henry Lee sitting at an old wooden desk with tons of papers on it. On either side of Henry Lee there is a cheap plastic plant. There is a knock on the office door and Henry Lee looks up.]



Henry Lee: Enter…


[in walks Jerry Martin, his psychotic eyes bulging out of his head. He has a very eerie smile on his face as he approaches Henry Lee‘s desk. Henry looks up at this creepy young man as he approaches the desk and smiles.]


Henry Lee: What can I do for you Jerry?


[Jerry‘s smile widens and his psychotic eyes bulge even further out of his head, if that is even possible. Jerry then begins to speak and his voice sounds very similar to that of the late Heath Ledger when he played the Joker in The Dark Knight movie.]



Jerry Martin: You know my name Mr. Lee! That is good, oh so very good! I am a huge fan of yours Mr. Lee, going back to your days in DAVE! You are an inspiration to me…


[Henry smiles at Jerry, but he obviously wants Jerry out of his office so he can continue his work.]


Henry Lee: Okay Jerry, it was good talking to you…I got some work to do so if there is nothing else…


Jerry Martin: There is something else Mr. Lee! I want to ask you how can I become an Icon of Insanity, a Hardcore Icon such as yourself? What is it that I need to do to take my game to the level?


[Henry Lee smiles and strokes his beard, he then runs his fingers through his hair.]


Henry Lee: Son, one does not become an Icon of Insanity. You either are or you are not, you either enjoy carving up people with glass, hitting them with Kendo sticks, bashing their brains in with a garbage can…well you know what I mean.


[Jerry nods enthusiastically, while his very creepy smile remains on his face.]


Jerry Martin: I enjoy doing all of those things Mr. Lee! In fact I want to prove to you that I am worthy of being your protégé. I want to earn the nickname of the Future Hardcore Icon!


[Jerry starts to laugh and clap his hands together like a raving lunatic, as Henry just shakes his head.]


Henry Lee: Look son, you have nothing to prove to me. Not tonight, not ever…and I am not looking for a protégé. I am no longer the Icon of Insanity, I am just plain old Henry Lee. And I like it that way, so if you want to impress me tonight. Just go down to the ring, and put on a great match. That will impress me…


Jerry Martin: Will do sir, I hope you enjoy the show I am about to put on…

[Jerry lets out a maniacal chuckle and walks out of Henry Lee’s office. Henry shakes his head and smiles. He then looks at the camera and says: ]


Henry Lee: That is one crazy dude right there…one crazy dude indeed.


Segment Rating: D+


Rob L. Miskovsky: Well that was an interesting conversation between everybody’s favorite little psychopath and our new Hardcore Commissioner Henry Lee.


Mayhem Midden: That it was Rob…dig it! It looks like Jerry wants some guidance in his career, and there is no better place to look than Henry Lee…oh yeah…dig it!


Rob L. Miskovsky: Mayhem, I am just not sure Henry is at a point in his career where he wants to help the next generation of psychopaths in this industry. Well if Jerry is looking to prove himself tonight it will be interesting to see just exactly what he has up his sleeves tonight. And it looks as if we are about to find out! Let us go back to the ring for our next match between Jerry Martin and Raphael!



[Psycho Killer by The Talking Heads starts to play on the arena‘s sound system, and a few seconds later Jerry Martin steps out from behind the backstage curtain. Jerry is carrying a kendo stick in his left hand and he has his typical maniacal smile on his face as he walks down to the ring.


When he gets in front of Rowdy Roger, he stops for a minute and laughs in his face and Roger yells insults at him. Finally, Jerry enters the ring and waits for his opponent.]


[i Want It That Way by The Backstreet Boys starts to play over the arena‘s sound system and the fans start to boo rather loudly. Yes all 66 of them, it should be noted that the crowd is made up of mostly men so that is part of the reason.


Raphael has a wireless headset microphone on and he sings along with the Backstreet Boys as he makes his way down to the ring. This seems to infuriate the fans even more, as he has a terrible voice and a terrible gimmick.


Rowdy Roger is seen dancing in the front row with a huge smile on is face, his stomach jiggling back and forth. Raphael enters the ring and takes off his wireless headset microphone and hands it to the ring attendant.]


Match: Raphael defeated Jerry Martin in 10:14 by pinfall.


Henry Lee’s Thoughts: Well this was an odd match…I have never watched a match were the fan favorite is booed out of the building and the heel is cheered widely. I know it is because of Raphael’s gimmick but to see a face booed so much is kind of disheartening. His gimmick is meant to get him over with the women. However, because our crowd is devoid of women, he is hated.


Any onto the match, it was a really bad match that was getting the typical boring cat call throughout it. I think the highlight of the match was when the fans for no reason what so ever broke out into a “Yankees Suck” chant. I suppose that I would rather hear that than this match sucks…


Winner: Raphael

Time: 10:14

Match Rating: E-


[After the match ends, Jerry Martin rolls out of the ring and Raphael gets the house microphone and starts to sing along with the Backstreet Boys again. This does not last long as Jerry Martin reenters the ring and creeps up behind Raphael. Jerry then proceeds to bash Raphael in the back with his trusty kendo stick.


Jerry repeatedly beats Raphael with the kendo stick until Raphael fall down to the mat. Jerry then picks up the microphone that Raphael had been singing into and screams at Raphael:]


Jerry Martin: I’m hardcore! I’m hardcore! You here me Raphael? I’m hardcore!


[Jerry laughs his infamous maniacal laugh, he then kicks Raphael in the ribs for good measure. After that Jerry leaves the battered and bruised Raphael inside the ring as various RIPW officials come out to check on the condition of Raphael. As Jerry walks to the back the fans start to chant, “Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!“]


Segment Rating: F


Rob L. Miskovsky: Oh the humanity! I can’t believe that Jerry Martin would do such a thing! What kind of animal would attack someone like that? Doesn’t he know that Raphael is just trying to make a living like he is?


Mayhem Midden: I think he was trying to prove a point!


Rob L. Miskovsky: Prove a point! Prove a point! What point could possibly be proven? Why attack a man in such a violent and vile way?


Mayhem Midden: He wants to prove that he is worthy of being called hardcore…dig it!


Rob L. Miskovsky: But there is a time and a place for all of that, and this is neither the time nor the place. He may have just put Raphael’s career in jeopardy just to prove a point, that makes me sad…



[We are now taken to a short hype video, hyping the next match between Too Hot and Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand. After the video is done we go back to the ring. Shortly thereafter we hear This Life by Curtis Stigers & The Forest Rangers playing over the arena‘s sound system.


A few moments later Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand steps out from the backstage area. He is wearing his signature black cowboy hat. The minute he comes into view of the crowd the crowd starts singing, “Y-M-C-A“ in reference to Too Hot calling Stuart a Village People reject earlier.


Rowdy Roger seems to be the leader of the crowd as he does the hand signals for the YMCA song. When Stuart gets in front of Rowdy Roger he pretends like he is going to hit him and laughs in Roger‘s face when he flinches.]


[Let Me Clear My Throat by DJ Kool starts to play and out from behind the backstage curtain comes Too Hot. He is carrying a microphone in his right hand, he just stands in front of the backstage area and begins to shout into the microphone:]


Too Hot: Party people in the house yell ohhhhh!


[The fans hardly react but that does not deter Too Hot because he is a consummate performer he continues:]


Too Hot: Clap your hands everybody! Everybody clap your hands! When I yell Too you yell Hot! Too…


[Once again, Too Hot gets a few people responding to him as he walks down to the ring. He finally steps inside the ring and hands his microphone over to a ring attendant.]


Match: Too Hot defeated Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand in 10:17 by pinfall with a Heat Seeking Missile.


Henry Lee’s Thoughts: It was a real shame that the fans never got into this match. Both men gave it their all and both men put on what I thought was a great match. I guess with the fans not really knowing either man all that well, one would expect that neither man would get much of a reaction.


I will say this, Too Hot’s entrance was very entertaining and despite the fact that the fans did not react to it tonight. I can see it catching on with them in the future, which will make Too Hot a huge star for this company.


Winner: Too Hot

Time: 10:17

Match Rating: E


Rob L. Miskovsky: Well that was a humdinger of a match Mayhem! I have to admit that I was a little shocked that Too Hot managed to pull off a victory over the international superstar Stuart Ferdinand.


Mayhem Midden: It was just luck! Too Hot is nothing but a loud mouth little punk who is going to be taught a lesson by someone soon.


Rob L. Miskovsky: Loud mouth little punk… Where are you getting that from? This is the first time Too Hot has fought in an RIPW ring, and I have found him to be nothing but respectful.


Mayhem Midden: He compared Stuart Ferdinand to a member of the Village People! How is that respectful?


Rob L. Miskovsky: Well he does come out with a cowboy hat on and leather chaps, so I guess if the shoe fits…anyway it is now time for our main event. Tonight we will see, longtime RIPW favorite The Hardcore Hillbilly Kentucky Bill taking on RIPW newcomer Blackjack Robbins. Mayhem, are you as excited as I am to see these two great combatants compete against each other?


Mayhem Midden: I am…dig it! And I will be even more excited when that turd Kentucky Bill gets his butt kicked from pillar to post tonight!


Rob L. Miskovsky: Well we’re just gonna have to see what happens tonight as our main event is about to start…



[Renegade by Styx starts to play over the arena‘s sound system and a few moments later Blackjack Robbins steps out from behind the backstage curtain. Blackjack walks down to the ring and he actually gets a crowd reaction, as they boo him. Someone in the crowd pelted him with a paper cup and Blackjack pauses to see where it came from. He then enters the ring and stands in a corner, his eyes fixated on the backstage curtain.]


[American Badass by Kid Rock starts to play and the crowd gets as loud as they have all night! Kentucky Bill soon steps out from behind the backstage curtain and the fans get even louder. Blackjack stares at him with malicious intent as Bill makes his way down to the ring.


Bill takes off his infamous Kentucky Wildcats hat and hands it to a cute little girl sitting in the front row. The little girl jumps for joy at getting such a cool souvenir, her brother on the other hand does not look all that happy as he did not get the hat. Bill finally enters the ring and stares at Blackjack, waiting for the bell to ring.]


Match: Kentucky Bill defeated Blackjack Robbins in 12:09 by pinfall.


Henry Lee’s Thoughts: Well without a doubt Kentucky Bill is our biggest star. He got the best reaction of the night and the fans really seemed to be into his match. Sadly his match with Blackjack did not match the reaction he got. This match had some very rough spots in it and overall it was not all that great.


I am not sure if it was because these two men have never worked together before or if Blackjack was nervous because this was his first match with a new company. Whatever the reason was, it hurt the match.


Winner: Kentucky Bill

Time: 12:09

Match Rating: E


Rob L. Miskovsky: What a fantastic match! That was one for the ages! Well wrestling fans I hoped you all enjoyed the show tonight, and make sure that you join us next month for what should be another humdinger of a show. For my broadcast partner Mayhem Midden, I’m Rob L. Miskovsky wishing you all a good night!


[The show ends with Kentucky Bill standing in the center of the ring having his arm raised by referee David Poker.]

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As you can see, I borrowed formats from many different diaries for this show. I completely eschewed doing match write-ups, because I suck at them. They were replaced by Henry Lee’s thoughts, which is a concept that I borrowed from Dragonmack’s great NYCW diary.


Also, I made or at least tried to make Rob and Mayhem annoying/bad. Giving their in game stats, I thought it would be the right way to write them. Obviously, Mayhem is a take off on Randy Savage. As for Rob, he is a combination of Tony Schiavone (the over-hyping of a crappy card) and Lance Russell (the overreaction when one wrestler attacks another).


The Jebediah interview sucked and I know it sucked. I thought it would be really cool to have an Amish wrestler in this diary. Only problem was, I have no clue how Amish people talk! Therefore, I presented you with that craptastic interview. And I am just going to blame it on him because he has poor mic skills.


This was one heck of a turn out for me picks wise! I thank each and every one of you who have taken the time to make picks and also anyone who has taken the time to read this. Glad to see some of my old NYCW readers here (Hyde, Taker, Oldschool, and angel) along with some new readers (Bull, eayragt, Dragonmack, Jingo and Michigan Hero)!


Also, congratulations goes out to MichiganHero who won this show’s pick contest! Because you won MichiganHero the picks contest for this show, if you want just PM me a question or questions that you would like to ask any RIPW wrestler (you don‘t have to do this if you don‘t want to).


Now either my booking is crap or I am not predictable, I book from the top of the card. What I mean is Stuart Ferdinand might be more popular world wide but Too Hot has more popularity stateside. Therefore, Too Hot got the win. Well I hope everyone enjoyed this first show!


Bull 1/5

TakerNGN74 2/5

eayragt 2/5

Hyde Hill 2/5

Oldschool 1/5

Dragonmack 2/5

MichiganHero 3/5

angeldelayette 2/5

Jingo 2/5

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I like your format, from the eyes of Henry Lee.... Now I just need to get better at predictions, and better knowledge of your talent base. ughh! 1/5!


I have to get used to the talent myself.:D As far as the format goes after doing the last diary I quickly realized that I just could not do what you, Final Countdown, Eisen-Verse and many of the other great match writers can do. I stink at writing matches, that being said I did not want to straight up copy what the game gave me. Therefore, I used what Dragonmack does in his diary (all though he does match write-ups as well).


Had I picked I would have gotten three right. :(


You should have picked, if you did you could have asked a wreslter a question.

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Yeah but ya know me, shyness much?


It is okay, if you just want to read that is fine. I just hope that you might enjoy it somewhat.


Did I miss the memo where the Wilkes Brothers went from being lifelong jobbers to a credible team?! :eek: First NoNeck, now you have them beating guys with actual talent! :confused:


Like I said I book on where they are ranked in my promotion. On my roster Kintaro and Dutch are Upper Midcard, while Leftie is midcard and Sky King is Lower Midcard and does not have any popularity in the United States at all.


Therefore, the Wilkes Brothers got the win because they are more popular in the US and this is a popularity based promotion.


Good Show BHK!


Thank you Taker!

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It is okay, if you just want to read that is fine. I just hope that you might enjoy it somewhat.


I am. I may try my hand at it on the next one. :) I'm not keen on the game as I played for a short time, got myself stuck and quit. :D



Like I said I book on where they are ranked in my promotion. On my roster Kintaro and Dutch are Upper Midcard, while Leftie is midcard and Sky King is Lower Midcard and does not have any popularity in the United States at all.


Therefore, the Wilkes Brothers got the win because they are more popular in the US and this is a popularity based promotion.



Pfft you tell'em. It's your show. You will run it the way you want. Just kidding. :)

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Sue’s Superstar of the Month!



Sue Danes: Wud up RIPW fans! This is your girl Sue Danes here and after every show that we do here in RIPW; I will be interviewing an RIPW superstar! My guest this month is Kentucky Bill! Come on in Bill…


[Kentucky Bill comes from off the screen and stands next to Sue. He has on a Kentucky Wildcats hat, a Kentucky Wildcats blue hooded sweatshirt, with a pair of faded blue jeans and a worn out pair of black Reebok sneakers on. He smiles at Sue and says:]



Kentucky Bill: How is it going Sue?


Sue Danes: I’m good, now first and foremost I totally want to congratulate on your win tonight!


Kentucky Bill: Thank you very much; it was a tough match against a tough opponent. In the end, I am just glad that I walked away with the win.


Sue Danes: Yes, it was totally cool to see you win tonight. Now my first question for you is who was your favorite wrestler growing up?


Kentucky Bill: Um…if I had to pick one it would be…ah…Steve Flash. I grew up watching him in Rapid Pro Wrestling. And since that time, he has always been an idol of mine.


Sue Danes: Okay cool…now my next question is why do you go by the name of Kentucky Bill? When you are actually from Wheeling, West Virginia and you currently, live in Cranston, Rhode Island?


[Kentucky Bill chuckles to himself for a moment and then replies:]


Kentucky Bill: That is a very good question, and it is a question that I get asked a lot. When I was younger, it was my dream to go to Kentucky and play basketball for them. The thing is, I just was never good enough to play college ball and sadly, my grades were not good enough to get into Kentucky. So, I went to a Community College and while I was there, I got into wrestling. And the rest as we say is history.


But getting back to your question, I go by the name of Kentucky Bill because I am still a huge Wildcats fan. Even if I never did get the chance to go there.


Sue Danes: My next question is actually from the website. It is from MichiganHero who is writing to us from Scotland! He wanted to ask you, “If you had a chance to form a tag team with anybody in wrestling, who would your dream tag team partner be?”


[Kentucky Bill smiles and strokes the stubble on his chin for a moment.]


Kentucky Bill: First, I would like to say; golly, I never knew we had fans in Scotland! How cool is that?


Now to answer the question, my dream tag team partner would be Steve Flash. The man is a god inside of the ring and I would consider it to be a huge honor and privilege to get the opportunity to work alongside of him in a tag team.


Sue Danes: And now a question for all of the ladies out there, are you single?


[bill blushes and looks down at his feet. He then looks up at Sue and smiles and says:]


Kentucky Bill: Yes ladies, I’m single and I’m a lookin.


[sue smiles and winks at Bill and says:]


Sue Danes: That is very good to know! Well Bill I would just like to thank you for taking the time to talk with me and I look forward to seeing you kick some tushes inside the ring!


Kentucky Bill: Not a problem Sue!


Sue Danes: Well that is all for this month, I hope you tune in next month when I interview my next superstar of the month. Until then, I hope you all have a kick ass month! See you all laters!


[sue blows a kiss at the camera and walks off camera.]


occ: Okay so I got this idea from Marcel Fromage who used to do this in his 08 diary. I hope to make this something that I do after every show, where the winner of the prediction contest gets to decide who Sue will interview. Some wrestlers will answer questions not in character (mostly the faces), while some will answer in character (the heels).


If there is ever a tie in the contest, well I will cross that bridge if and when that happens.:D

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Bill seemed quite surprised RIPW had fans in Scotland. Has he ever heard of the internet?


Well he is from West Virginia...:D











That was a joke I am sorry for anybody that reads this from West Virginia.

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Why I....


Yeah Rhode Island does suck!



Just Don't Taze Me Bro!:D


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