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HILITE Tournament Fighting


A new promotion has opened out of Arizona, USA, and it plans on promoting a revolutionary new concept in Mixed Martial Arts match making. As opposed to the traditional ranking systems, HILITE will promote a tournament in each of it’s weight classes each 'season', with the winner challenging the champion during the finale. These seasons will be approximately 6 months in length, with a 2-3 month off season between each of them. The first season will see four weight classes: Welterweight, Middleweight, Light Heavyweight and Heavyweight.


The company has signed it’s first fighters, and the first round draw for the inaugural tournaments has been completed. You can view the draw below:


Welterweight (170lbs)

Ray Eton (Utah, Unaligned) (7-1) vs. Wyatt Ashur (New York, Unaligned) (4-3)

Cooper Richardson (Illinois, Unaligned) (10-5) vs. Houston George (Colorado, Unaligned) (2-0)

Eli Harris (Idaho, Unaligned) (4-2) vs. Tyler Lass (California, Unaligned) (3-1)

Brad Wyman (Canada, Unaligned) (4-0) vs. Fisher Kaye (Tennessee, Unaligned) (2-2)


Middleweight (185lbs)

Woody Fierstein (Texas, Unaligned) (10-2) vs. Mateo Jane (California, Unaligned) (3-3)

Drew Jenks (Washington, Unaligned) (5-1) vs. Ronnie Allen Teller (New York, Unaligned) (2-0)

Bart Diggs (Oklahoma, Unaligned) (5-2) vs. Bill Brown (California, American Cage Fighters) (1-0)

Nick Detroit (Virginia, Unaligned) (4-0) vs. Hunter Scribbins (Arizona, Unaligned) (2-0)


Light Heavyweight (205lbs)

Rupert Dreck (Utah, Halvorsen’s) (4-0) vs. Edward Zahn (Texas, Unaligned) (5-9)

Jon Silvers (Florida, Unaligned) (6-0) vs. Zane Wybock (Colorado, Unaligned) (2-3)

Justin Brannagh (Conneticut, Unaligned) (3-0) vs. Titus Mostel (Georgia, Unaligned) (2-3)

William Harrison (Michigan, Unaligned) (3-0) vs. Adrian Pascal (Florida, Unaligned) (2-0)


Heavyweight (265lbs)

Fletcher Merman (Missouri, Unaligned) (6-3) vs. Keaton Spratt (Wisconsin, Unaligned) (4-7)

Brady Crawford (Texas, Unaligned) (6-5) vs. Stan Still (Illinois, Unaligned) (2-5)

Gareth Grundy (California, Unaligned) (6-3) vs. Damien Jones (Arizona, Unaligned) (2-0)

Harvey Loeb (Michigan, Unaligned (6-3) vs. Wilson Franklyn (Georgia, The Bear Pit) (2-0)


The first ever HILITE card is scheduled for Saturday 13th February 1999. The fights were as follows:


HILITE 1: Fierstein vs. Jane (Press release from HILITE website)


Main Event Middleweight Tourney Bout: Woody ‘Buzz Saw’ Fierstein (10-2) vs. Mateo ‘GI’ Jane (3-3)

Middleweight favourite Fierstein pits his wrestling against the sambo of ‘GI’ Jane. Can the underdog score the first big upset in HILITE history?

Co Main Event Heavyweight Tourney Bout: Gareth Grundy (6-3) vs. ‘Longshore’ Damien Jones (2-0)

Scrappy freestyle wrestler Grundy takes on violent brawler Jones in a bout that promises fireworks. Can the superior technique of Grundy triumph, or will Jones power win the day?

Middleweight Tourney Bout: Bart ‘Throwdown’ Diggs (5-2) vs. Bill ‘The Marine’ Brown (1-0)

Jiujitsu prodigy Brown is the least experienced fighter in the tourney, and in Diggs he fights one of the most experienced. Can the kickboxer use his wile to keep the fight on the feet and secure the victory?

Light Heavyweight Tourney Bout: ‘The Green Machine’ Rupert Dreck (4-0) vs. Edward Zahn (5-9)

Can Light Heavyweight favourite Dreck turn over journeyman brawler Zahn to progress?


The blurcat.com round table predicted the following winners.

Fierstein vs. Jane (indecisive)

Grundy vs. Jones

Diggs vs. Brown

Dreck vs. Zahn


OOC: Hey, I'm back after an enforced hiatus (broadband retardations) and have decided to try something fresh. Whaddya mean, some promotion's done this before? Nonsense! Anyway, please predict, as the winner at the end of the first season will find themselves in the priveledged position of being able to pick up to 4 fighters to join season two's tournaments.


Before this first event, you may also pick the eventual winner of each tournament.


You can expect results on a regular basis, with this one up either late Saturday or early Sunday [GMT]

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HILITE 1: Fierstein vs. Jane Report

Rake Jossen was at HILITE’s inaugural event along with 251 other paying souls to witness a fantastic show. Read on to find out what went down.

Fierstein grinds out decision over ‘GI’ Jane

The main event was sadly dull and will have left a bad impression on the minds of all the spectators. The greatly fancied Fierstein failed to finish Jane despite scoring takedowns in each of the three rounds. He struggled to pass or submit, but Jane could find no way out from under him each time. The judges all scored the bout 30-27 for Fierstein to give him a well appointed decision that was, however, Very Poor to watch. Fierstein joins Bill Brown in the Middleweight semis.

‘Longshore’ batters Grundy

Another short fight in the co-main event saw Damien Jones secure a quick win. After a brief feeling out period where the fighters exchanged jabs, Grundy shot for the takedown, walking right into a vicious counter right from Jones. ‘Longshore’ followed in and dropped hammerfist after hammerfist on his opponent from side control, eventually leading to the fight being stopped for a TKO win at 3:32 of round 1. Another great pulse pounding few minutes of action, with Jones looking very strong as he advances to the Heavyweight semi finals.

Brown overcomes spirited Diggs

Bill Brown took a lot longer than expected to dispose of kickboxer Diggs. He was frustrated throughout the first two rounds by some good movement from Diggs, denying him the takedown and seeing the kickboxer score with jabs. Eventually Brown secured the takedown and rapidly passed to mount, drawing cheers from the crowd with his jiu-jitsu savvy. He finished the fight with brutal elbows from the mount, eliciting a TKO stoppage at 3:51 of round 3. A good, solid fight, and Brown takes his well-earned place in the semis.

‘The Green Machine’ destroys Zahn

The opening fight of the night didn’t last long. Dreck immediately shot for the takedown, secured it, and started pounding away. Zahn covered well, but Dreck used the ground and pound to set up a pass to side control. He swiftly took the back and flattened his opponent out with more savage blows. The ref stepped in at 3:11 of the 1st round to award a TKO victory for Dreck. A great fight that really got the crowd into the event, and Dreck becomes the first light heavyweight to secure a berth in the semis.


Suspensions/Injuries after HILITE 1:

HILITE/ASAC have confirmed the following fighters will be out of action for a while.

Bart Diggs: 1 month (precautionary sus.)

Edward Zahn: 1 month (precautionary sus.)

Gareth Grundy: 1 month (precautionary sus.)

Mateo Jane: 2 months (no suspension, confirmed by fighter due to Neck Injury)


Blurcat Prediction Results: No-one joined our roundtable in casting an eye over the first HILITE event, how dissapointing.

Roundtable: 3/4


HILITE 2: Jenks vs. Teller (Press release from HILITE website)


Main Event Middleweight Tourney Bout: ‘The Human Takedown Machine’ Drew Jenks (5-1) vs. ‘The Sewer Rat’ Ronnie Allen Teller (2-0)

The explosive takedowns of the fancied Jenks are pitted against one of their own as he takes on ex-collegiate wrestler Teller. Who will triumph in this battle of grapplers?

Co-Main Event Welterweight Tourney Bout: Ray ‘The Enigma’ Eton (7-1) vs. ‘Wicked’ Wyatt Ashur (4-3)

Can Welterweight favourite Eton secure smooth progress to the next round by defeating the unorthodox striker Ashur?

Light Heavyweight Tourney Bout: ‘Wild Thing’ Justin Brannagh (3-0) vs. Titus ‘The Titan’ Mostel (2-3)

Has hotly tipped wrestler Brannagh got what it takes to beat the often underestimated all rounder Mostel to progress to the semis?

Welterweight Tourney Bout: Brad ‘Dead Eye’ Wyman (4-0) vs. Fisher ‘The Wheelman’ Kaye (2-2)

The only man from outside the United States (Wyman) pits his vicious Muay-Thai against some good old fashioned wrestling from Kaye. Will Canada triumph in this battle of the nations?


The blurcat.com roundtable picked the following winners:

Jenks vs. Teller

Eton vs. Ashur

Brannagh vs. Mostel

Wyman vs. Kaye


There, I proved I'm going to post regularly. Fancy predicting now ;)
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HILITE 2: Jenks vs. Teller Report

Rake Jossen was once again in Arizona with 231 people for what turned out to be a good show. Read on for a recap of the night’s action.

Jenks dominates Teller

Drew Jenks lived up to his tag as favourite in the main event, dominating Ronnie Allen Teller with takedowns in each of the three rounds. Though Teller landed some nice strikes early in round two and nullified Jenks on the ground he had no answer for ‘The Human Takedown Machine’s explosiveness. All three judges scored the fight 30-27 for Jenks in another sadly poor match that sees Jenks join Bill Brown and Woody Fierstein in the Middleweight semis.

Ashur upsets Eton

Wyatt Ashur became the first fighter in HILITE’s short history to score a major upset, defeating Welterweight favourite Ray Eton via unanimous decision. The fight was conducted entirely on the feet, with Ashur time and again denying Eton the takedown and outboxing him on the feet. Though ‘The Enigma’ had some success with low kicks, and, in the last round, dirty boxing against the cage, the decision was never in doubt. Ashur took a well-appointed win with 29-28 scores across the board in a good solid fight. Can the underdog story continue in the semis?

Brannagh survives 1st round scare to outlast ‘The Titan’

Titus Mostel proved more than game as he battled to a unanimous decision loss against Justin Brannagh. Mostel countered a Brannagh takedown in the first round with a picture-perfect leg sweep, securing top position and easily taking the round. In the next two rounds, however, despite a gallant effort from ‘The Titan’, ‘Wild Thing’ took him down and worked for submissions consistently. The judges all scored the bout 29-28 for Brannagh in an admittedly poor fight that sees Brannagh become the second light heavyweight into the semis.

‘Dead Eye’ shoots ‘The Wheelman’ down

Canadian Brad Wyman showed great discipline as he picked Fisher Kaye apart en route to a unanimous decision win. Wyman picked the wrestler apart with kicks to the legs and body combined with short jabs, and countering the wrestler’s takedowns with nice counter punches. Scores were 30-27 across the board for Wyman in a decent fight, which keeps Canadian interest going into the semis.


All fighters escape injury, suspension after HILITE 2.

HILITE and ASAC have confirmed that all the fighters who took part in HILITE 2 have escaped measures from the sanctioning body and injury, and will return to fighting as soon as they feel comfortable.


HILITE 3: Harris vs. Lass (Press release from the HILITE website)


Main Event Welterweight Tourney Bout: Eli ‘The Farm Boy’ Harris (4-2) vs. ‘Thunder and Lightning’ Tyler Lass (3-1)

Two young grapplers collide in the Welterweight division. Can the scrappy wrestling of Harris measure up to the technical precision of Lass’ Pankration?

Co-Main Event Heavyweight Tourney Bout: ‘The Wolverine’ Harvey Loeb (6-3) vs. ‘Silent But Violent’ Wilson Franklyn (2-0)

Willformer bouncer Franklyn be able to use his much feared knockout power to defeat rugged grappler Loeb?

Heavyweight Tourney Bout: Brady Crawford (6-5) vs. Stan ‘Rush’ Still (2-5)

Can either of these wrestlers make themselves stand out in the Heavyweight tournament with impressive victories here?

Middleweight Tourney Bout: Nick ‘Streets’ Detroit (4-0) vs. ‘The Arizona Stangler’ Hunter Scribbins (2-0)

Can hometown boy Scribbins use his wrestling to overcome kick boxer Detroit and secure the final place in the Middleweight semis?


The blurcat.com roundtable came to the following conclusions:

Harris vs. Lass (Indecisive)

Loeb vs. Franklyn

Crawford vs. Still (Indecisive)

Detroit vs. Scribbins (Indecisive)

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HILITE 3: Harris vs. Lass Report

Blurcat.com’s Broadan Jeen was among a crowd of 199 people for an average HILITE show. The results are below.

Lass squeaks past Harris

The main event saw the closest fight in HILITE history as Tyler Lass just scrambled to victory over Eli Harris via split decision. The fight was very close, taking place entirely standing, aside from a brief period in the third where Harris stuffed a takedown and worked some tepid ground and pound from front facelock. The fight was very close and could’ve gone either way, with two judges scoring it 29-28 for Lass and the other 29-28 for Harris, confirming Lass as the latest man to progress to the Welterweight semis via this decent fight.

‘The Wolverine’ outfought by Franklyn

Wilson Franklyn maintained his undefeated record in a fight that promised much but delivered little with Harvey Loeb. Loeb spent the whole fight desperately trying to get Franklyn to the ground, but he was stifled at every turn as Franklyn kept on the outside and jabbed for much of the fight. In the last round he actively tried to win the fight, putting Loeb down with a nice left-right combination, but he was back to his feet before the big man could capitalize. The judges all scored the bout 30-27 for Franklyn, who progresses to the semis after a decent fight.

Crawford bludgeons Still

Stan Still’s non-existent gas tank cost him the fight as Brady Crawford extended his winning streak. Despite being controlled by Still, who displayed some good clinch work, in the first, Crawford was the fresher man as the second began. He secured the takedown, passed and took the back where he pummelled Still with workmanlike ground and pound for much of the round, finally sinking in the rear naked choke with just 13 seconds to go. Crawford progresses to the semis in a decent fight.

Spirited ‘Streets’ Squashed by Scribbins

A spirited performance from kickboxer Nick Detroit was overcome by the superlative wrestling of hometown hero Hunter Scribbins in the opening fight of the night. Two crowd-pleasing slams saw Scribbins gain top control in each of the first two periods, and despite being unable to do anything, they did win him those rounds. In the third Detroit stuffed several takedown attempts and even rocked Scribbins with a picture perfect right hook but it was too little too late. All the judges gave the fight 29-28 for Scribbins, who is the last Middleweight to progress to the semis, in a decidedly average fight.


3 Fighters Suspended following HILITE 3

ASAC have handed suspensions to the following fighters who participated in HILITE 3.

Eli Harris – 1 month (precautionary sus.)

Fisher Kaye – 7 days (concussion sus.)

Stan Still – 1 month (precautionary sus.)


HILITE 4: Silvers vs. Wybock (press release from HILITE website)


Main Event Light Heavyweight Tourney Bout: Jon ‘Quick’ Silvers (6-0) vs. Zane ‘The Pain’ Wybock (2-3)

Can journeyman jiu-jitsu practitioner Wybock overcome the odds and a huge reach disadvantage to defeat fancied boxer Silvers?

Co-Main Event Light Heavyweight Tourney Bout: ‘Major Damage’ William Harrison (3-0) vs. Adrian ‘The Power’ Pascal (2-0)

Will the military training of Harrison be able to triumph over the amateur wrestling credentials of Pascal?

Welterweight Tourney Bout: Cooper ‘Super Cooper’ Richardson (10-5) vs. Houston ‘Furious’ George (2-0)

Who will triumph in this battle of the wrestlers – the experience of Richardson or the raw power of George?

Heavyweight Tourney Bout: Fletcher ‘The Drummer’ Merman (6-3) vs. Keaton Spratt (4-7)

Can well-rounded veteran Merman find a way to stop tough brawler Spratt in the final Heavyweight quarterfinal bout?


The blurcat.com roundtable came to the following conclusions:

Silvers vs. Wybock

Harrison vs. Pascal

Richardson vs. George

Merman vs. Spratt

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HILITE 4: Silvers vs. Wybock Live Report

Horetta Lunt was in Arizona as a part of a 250 strong crowd for another great HILITE show. The fights are recapped below.

Silvers blasts Wybock double ‘Quick’

The main event did not see even a minute of cage time, with Silvers coming out to prove a point. After sidestepping Wybock’s initial attack, Silvers came back with a huge right that wobbled Wybock. He followed in and trapped him against the cage, wailing on his opponent with huge shots before the referee called time in just 0:57 of round 1. A great fight sees Silvers complete the HILITE semi final line up.

Harrison dominates Pascal

William Harrison displayed masterful control en route to a unanimous decision nod over Adrian Pascal. A collection of judo throws and double leg takedowns saw Harrison secure top control in each of the three rounds. Pascal offered little in the way of offence, unable to shift Harrison off him or submit him, but he did manage to maintain his guard. Scores were 29-28 and 30-27 twice for Harrison, who progresses to the semis after a very poor fight.

‘Furious’ George powers past Richardson

Houston George battered Cooper Richardson en route to a 1st round stoppage and the last Welterweight semi spot. After a brief feeling out period that included some clinch work the Richardson for the most part controlled, George asserted his dominance after a big takedown left Richardson seated against the cave. George pushed him down to side control and proceeded to pound away with his elbows, drawing a TKO stoppage at 4:57 of round 1. A great fight for George, and he now has the semis to prepare for.

Merman lays a beat on Spratt

Fletcher Merman fumbled his way past Keaton Spratt to be the last Heavyweight into the semis. After using clinch throws in both of the first two rounds to secure ground position, Merman gassed out towards the end of the second after working hard for submissions and laying down some good ground and pound. Spratt took advantage of his opponent’s fatigue to outbox him in the last round, but he never came close to finishing the fight. Scores were 29-28 across the board for Merman, and he advances to the semis after an average fight.


More HILITE Fighters Sidelined after HILITE 4

HILITE/ASAC have confirmed that the following fighters are now on enforced hiatus.

Cooper Richardson – 2 months (Cuts to the face, PCD sus.)

Houston George – 1 month (Foot injury, no suspension.)

Zane Wybock – 2 months (PCD sus.)


HILITE Announce Semi Final Matchups


HILITE has announced the semi final match ups. The fights are below:


Welterweight (170lbs)

Houston George (Colorado, Unaligned) (3-0) vs. Wyatt Ashur (New York, Unaligned) (5-3)

Brad Wyman (Canada, Unaligned) (5-0) vs. Tyler Lass (California, Unaligned) (4-1)


Middleweight (185lbs)

Woody Fierstein (Texas, Unaligned) (11-2) vs. Hunter Scribbins (Arizona, Unaligned) (3-0)

Drew Jenks (Washington Unaligned) (6-1) vs. Bill Brown (California, American Cage Fighters) (2-0)


Light Heavyweight (205lbs)

Rupert Dreck (Utah, Halvorsen’s) (5-0) vs. William Harrison (Michigan, American Cage Fighters) (4-0)

Jon Silvers (Florida, Unaligned) (7-0) vs. Justin Brannagh (Connecticut, Unaligned) (4-0)


Heavyweight (265lbs)

Fletcher Merman (Missouri, Unaligned) (7-3) vs. Damien Jones (Arizona, Unaligned) (3-0)

Brady Crawford (Texas, Unaligned) (7-5) vs. Wilson Franklyn (Georgia, The Bear Pit) (3-0)


HILITE 5: Fierstein vs. Scribbins (press release from HILITE website)


Main Event Middleweight Tourney Bout: Woody ‘Buzz Saw’ Fierstein (11-2) vs. ‘The Arizona Strangler’ Hunter Scribbins (3-0)

Hometown boy Scribbins looks to continue his success and progress to the finals against first round favourite Woody Fierstein

Co-Main Event Middleweight Tourney Bout: ‘The Human Takedown Machine’ Drew Jenks (6-1) vs. Bill ‘The Marine’ Brown (2-0)

Will the dominant wrestler Jenks be able to hold down jiu-jitsu prodigy Brown and secure his berth in the finals?

Heavyweight Bout: Gareth Grundy (6-4) vs. Stan ‘Rush’ Still (2-6)

With both men having fallen at the first hurdle in the tournament, can these two eliminated fighters make good cases for remaining with HILITE?

Light Heavyweight Bout: Titus ‘The Titan’ Mostel (2-4) vs. Edward Zahn (5-10)

Despite valiant efforts both these men lost hard fought decisions in the first round of the tournament. Who can turn their HILITE careers around?


The blurcat.com roundtable came to the following conclusions:

Fierstein vs. Scribbins

Jenks vs. Brown

Grundy vs. Still (Indecisive)

Mostel vs. Zahn


OOC: Weekly updates likely for now; I has exams.
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HILITE 5: Fierstein vs. Scribbins Report

Rake Jossen was in Arizona in a crowd of 264 to witness a fantastic HILITE show. The results are below:

Scribbins outwrestles Fierstein

Hunter Scribbins turned out to be the better wrestler as he defeated Woody Fierstein in a bout that would have been better suited to wrestling mats than a cage. Though Fierstein did better on the feet, Scribbins, who took a unanimous decision with the judges all scoring the fight 30-27, won the grappling, both on the feet and standing, that took place in all three rounds, convincingly. Scribbins progresses to the final to face Bill Brown after a very poor fight.

‘The Marine’ leaves Jenks all at sea

Drew Jenks showed great composure until a Bill Brown uppercut left him loopy and allowed ‘The Marine’ to secure the submission victory. The first round saw little action, as Jenks appeared unwilling to engage, stuffing several Brown takedowns and scoring with the occasional jab. In the second Brown muscled his foe against the cage and proceeded to use dirty boxing to batter his opponent. One sharp uppercut dropped ‘The Human Takedown Machine’ and Brown followed his opponent to the floor, wrenching on the kimura to secure the tap out at 3:21 of round 2 following a decent fight. Brown progresses to the final against Hunter Scribbins.

Shattered Still gives Grundy victory

Stan Still once again displayed good skill before gassing out and handing Gareth Grundy his inaugural HILITE victory. For the first two rounds Still displayed great composure and takedown defense to control Grundy and looked set to take the decision win until he was too tired to keep the fight on the feet during the third. Grundy took him down and took his back, using a rear naked choke to Still’s detriment just as his last opponent Brady Crawford did. Still tapped at 3:18 of round 3 in a decent fight.

‘The Titan’ taps Zahn

Titus Mostel showed what he could do with a lightning quick win over Edward Zahn in the first fight of the evening. Mostel took his opponent down almost immediately and had no problem securing side control. From there he locked in a head and arm choke, rendering Zahn unconscious at 1:48 of round 1. A great match that really improves Mostel’s career prospects in HILITE.


Another Batch of Suspensions Handed out after HILITE 5

The following fighters have received ASAC sanctioned suspensions.

Drew Jenks – 2 months (Minor damage to shoulder ligaments sus.)

Edward Zahn – 3 months (Worries about brain damage following oxygen/blood deprivation sus.)

Stan Still – 2 months (Exhaustion sus.)


HILITE 6: George vs. Ashur (press release from HILITE website)


Main Event Welterweight Tourney Bout: Houston ‘Furious’ George (3-0) vs. ‘Wicked’ Wyatt Ashur (5-3)

Perennial underdog Ashur steps in with another dominant wrestler in George. Surely the Cinderella story cannot come to full fruition with ‘Wicked’ progressing to the finals?

Co-Main Event Welterweight Tourney Bout: Brad ‘Dead Eye’ Wyman (5-0) vs. ‘Thunder and Lightning’ Tyler Lass (4-1)

Will muay-thai specialist Wyman be able to nullify Lass’ grappling and secure the victory?

Middleweight Bout: Bart ‘Throwdown’ Diggs (5-3) vs. Nick ‘Streets’ Detroit (4-1)

Two kickboxers who both fell during the first tournament round, which can get his career back on track with a win here?

Heavyweight Bout: ‘The Wolverine’ Harvey Loeb (6-4) vs. Keaton Spratt (4-8)

Has the brawler Spratt got what it takes to rectify his loss in the first round against grappler Loeb?


The blurcat.com roundtable decided on the following outcomes:

George vs. Ashur

Wyman vs. Lass

Diggs vs. Detroit

Loeb vs. Spratt


A reminder that predictions are welcome!
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  • 4 weeks later...

HILITE 6: George vs. Ashur report

Broardan Jeen was in Arizona in the 272 strong crowd for a fantastic HILITE show. Results follow…

‘Wicked’s run ended ‘Furious’-ly

Underdog Wyatt Ashur was battered into defeat in a very impressive showing by Houston George. After stuffing one takedown and winning the standing exchange, Ashur was taken to the mat, where George passed and took his back. Once there he hammered away with big hooks, flattening his opponent out and leading to the ref calling a halt at 4:33 of round 1. A great fight that sees George face off with Tyler Lass in the final.

Lass lucky to escape with Wyman win

Tyler Lass edged out Brad Wyman as the two youngsters went to war in the co-main event. The first two rounds were made up of very even standing exchanges, with Wyman counter punching and Lass blasting away with leg kicks whenever the opportunity presented itself. All of Lass’s takedowns were met with sharp jabs or sidestepped, taking the big man out his game. He did have some good clinch control in the 2nd however. The third started much like the rest of the fight, but eventually Lass got hold of Wyman and rag dolled him to the floor. The bell rang before he could take advantage, but it probably won him the round and the fight. All three judges gave the fight 29-28 to Lass, who progresses to the final following a good fight.

Detroit destroys Diggs

After a tentative first round from both men, Nick Detroit scored the TKO victory over Bart Diggs in the second. After a first round comprised mainly of failed takedown attempts and jabs, Detroit trapped Diggs against the cage after a perfect jab counter right straight. The ref pulled him away from a clearly battered Diggs at 0:34 of round 2. A decent enough fight.

‘The Wolverine’ Savages Spratt

Harvey Loeb bullied his way to victory over Keaton Spratt following an impressive performance. Loeb controlled the fight wherever it went, and never needed to take the fight to his natural home, the ground, instead using nice clinch work and jabs to wear down his opponent. He even briefly utilised the thai clinch but failed to finish the fight. The judges scored the fight unanimously 30-27 for Loeb in an average fight.


Two suspensions dished out after HILITE 6

ASAC handed out two suspensions following the carnage at HILITE 6:

Bart Diggs: 2 months (PCD sus.)

Wyatt Ashur: 2 months (PCD sus.)


HILITE 7: Crawford vs. Franklyn (press release from the HILITE website)


Main Event Heavyweight Tourney Bout: Brady Crawford (7-5) vs. ‘Silent But Violent’ Wilson Franklyn (3-0)

Will Franklyn live up to his nickname or can plucky wrestler Crawford sneak into the final?

Co-Main Event Heavyweight Tourney Bout: Fletcher ‘The Drummer’ Merman (7-3) vs. ‘Longshore’ Damien Jones (3-0)

Jones proved he had KO power in the quarters. Can he utilise these skills to defeat the well-rounded Heavyweight favourite Merman?

Welterweight Bout: Eli ‘The Farm Boy’ Harris (4-3) vs. Fisher ‘The Wheelman’ Kaye (2-3)

Harris was on the wrong end of a controversial decision in the Welterweight quarters. Can he start on his way to righting that wrong against Kaye here?

Middleweight Bout: Mateo ‘G.I.’ Jane (3-4) vs. ‘The Sewer Rat’ Ronnie Allen Teller (2-1)

Has Teller got the heart to rebound from his first career loss by beating tough journeyman Jane?


The blurcat.com roundtable saw the fights going the following ways:

Crawford vs. Franklyn

Merman vs. Jones (Indecisive)

Harris vs. Kaye

Jane vs. Teller


Sorry for the big gap in postings, but the rest of season 1 should follow pretty quickly now. Comments and predicitons would be much apreciated - just use the roundtable's form and bold your picks.
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Just read this through for the first time and enjoyed it. Wish I would have been predicting from the beginning, but I'll give it a shot now.


Crawford vs. Franklyn

Merman vs. Jones

Harris vs. Kaye

Jane vs. Teller


I generally feel like I've got a pretty good handle on the Cornellverse fighters from having played the game a lot, but I could honestly see three of these four fights going either way. Look forward to finding out the results.

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HILITE 7: Crawford vs. Franklyn Report

Boretta Lunt was in Arizona for a great HILITE show, held in front of 511 people. Scroll down for the results…

Crawford chokes out Franklyn

Brady Crawford put another upset into the books as he used a rear naked choke to defeat fancied Bear Pit alumni Wilson Franklyn. Rumours that Franklyn had a bad camp were circulating as the fight began and they appeared well founded. Crawford got in close and took the big man down, rapidly passing and taking the back. After softening him up with ground and pound, Crawford snaked his arm under his opponent’s chin to render a technical submission victory at 3:30 of round 1. A good fight that sees Crawford progress to the final.

Dominant Jones puts a beating on ‘The Drummer’

Another favourite tumbled as Damien Jones used accurate strikes and good counterpunching to outpoint Fletcher Merman. Jones scored two knockdowns, one in round 1 and the other in round 3, and consistently found Merman’s chin throughout the fight with counters and jabs. Merman tried to take the fight to the ground many times but each time Jones counter punched or sidestepped his way out of trouble. All three judges gave Jones the fight 30-27, and he progresses to the final with this decent effort.

Harris upset by Kaye

Fisher Kaye proved that first impressions aren’t everything as he made up for his disappointing HILITE debut by defeating fancied wrestler Eli Harris. Harris scored the takedown in the first but failed to pass guard, a feat equalled by Kaye in the second. The third was contested in the clinch against the cage, with Kaye having control for longer, though Harris briefly had his back. The judges all awarded the very poor fight to Kaye 29-28.

Lay and Pray sees Teller triumph over Jane

Big takedowns in all three rounds saw Ronnie Allen Teller defeat Mateo Jane via a decision. Despite dominant wrestling from Teller, he failed to pass guard or do any damage with strikes in a very poor fight. The scorecards all came back 30-27 for Teller.


Franklyn suspended after HILITE 7

Wilson Franklyn had the questionable honour of being the only man suspended by ASAC after HILITE 7.

Wilson Franklyn – 2 months (Precautionary, neck damage sus.)


HILITE 8: Silvers vs. Brannagh (press release from the HILITE website)


Main Event Light Heavyweight Tourney Bout: Jon ‘Quick’ Silvers (7-0) vs. ‘Wild Thing’ Justin Brannagh (4-0)

Will Silvers reproduce his quarterfinal lightning quick finish against Brannagh, or can the underdog pull of the upset?

Co-Main Event Light Heavyweight Tourney Bout: Rupert ‘The Green Machine’ Dreck (5-0) vs. ‘Major Damage’ William Harrison (4-0)

Has the exciting army training Harrison got what it takes to blast his way to the final against tricky submission wrestler Dreck?

Welterweight Bout: Ray ‘The Enigma’ Eton (7-2) vs. Cooper ‘Super Cooper’ Richardson (10-6)

Can ex-Welterweight favourite Eton rebound from his tournament loss against tough journeyman Richardson?

Light Heavyweight Bout: Zane ‘The Pain’ Wybock (2-4) vs. Adrian ‘The Power’ Pascal (2-1)

Is hot prospect Pascal’s mental game up to rebounding from a loss against jiu-jitsu expert Wybock?


The roundtable came to the following conclusions:

Silvers vs. Brannagh

Dreck vs. Harrison

Eton vs. Richardson

Wybock vs. Pascal





Lt. Lucrativo: 2/4 (50%)



Lt. Lucrativo: 2/4 (50%)


Thanks for picking mate! Nice to have someone along for the ride; the person with the best record at the end of the season will get a prize!)

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Silvers vs. Brannagh


Experience has taught me that when in doubt, one should always take the wrestler over the striker.


Dreck vs. Harrison


Harrison's the better athlete and slightly more skilled--my guess is that he takes Dreck down and lies in his guard to grind out the win in a repeat of his performance against Pascal.


Eton vs. Richardson


Eton has some potential, but I don't think very highly of Richardson.


Wybock vs. Pascal


Pascal's the better wrestler, but he'll have to watch out for submissions.

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HILITE 8: Silvers vs. Brannagh Report

Lony Teisuleur was in Arizona amongst a crowd of 598 for a fantastic HILITE show. Results to follow…

Silvers outlasts Brannagh

Justin Brannagh put on a spirited display as former boxer Jon Silvers outclassed him. Silvers used counterpunching to stymie Brannagh’s wild swings, stuffing his lone takedown and attempt and hammering him with ground and pound in front face lock to dissuade him from doing it again. Brannagh never looked lost on the feet but Silver’s boxing experience meant he had a counter for almost everything Brannagh could throw at him. All three judges gave 29-28 scorecards to Silver as he earns a good victory and moves on to the finals.

Harrison outpoints Dreck in grapplefest

William Harrison and Rupert Dreck engaged in an even grappling match that Harrison edged via the scorecards. The first saw Harrison land a big slam but fail to do anything from the ground, while in the second Harrison pulled guard but ended up being abused by Dreck's ground and pound. Harrison had two good submission attempts, though, including a tight guillotine that saw him sweep to side control. The third saw Harrison use a judo toss against the cage and then weak ground and pound in the guard until the round ended. All three judges gave the fight 29-28 to Harrison who progresses to the finals after a poor fight.

‘The Enigma’ upset again

Ray Eton was on the wrong end of another shocking decision as he dropped his second HILITE fight to Cooper Richardson. Rumours were circulating that Eton’s camp was disrupted by illness, and that was proved as throughout the fight Richardson nullified his offence and came back with some good attacks of his own. After controlling him against the cage in round one, Richardson battered his opponent with big punches throughout round two, and only Eton’s chin helped him survive. In the third Richardson countered a takedown into side control and ended the fight pounding away from back mount. All three judges award the fight 30-27 for the Richardson upset win in an average fight.

‘The Pain’ feels ‘The Power’

Zane Wybock was stopped by a slow to get started Adrian Pascal in the third. The first two rounds saw Pascal jabbing and stuffing takedowns but not getting any real offence of his own going. In the third he scored a big knockdown and secured side control in the wake of it. Wybock rolled over to escape but gave up his back. From there, Pascal used ground and pound to set up a rear naked choke for the tapout at 4:20 of round 3. A decent fight that saw some good game planning from Pascal.


‘The Pain’ in pain after HILITE 8

Zane Wybock earned himself a medical suspension following HILITE 8.

Zane Wybock – 1 month (precautionary sus.)


HILITE Season 1 Final Matchups Confirmed


Pending injury, HILITE have confirmed the following fights will crown their first champions.


Welterweight (170lbs)

Houston George (Colorado, Unaligned) (4-0) vs. Tyler Lass (California, Unaligned) (5-1)


Middleweight (185lbs)

Bill Brown (California, American Cage Fighters) (3-0) vs. Hunter Scribbins (Arizona, Unaligned) (4-0)


Light Heavyweight (205lbs)

Jon Silvers (Florida, Unaligned) (8-0) vs. William Harrison (Michigan, American Cage Fighters) (5-0)


Heavyweight (265lbs)

Damien Jones (Arizona, Unaligned) (4-0) vs. Brady Crawford (Texas, Pittsburgh Steel) (8-5)


HILITE 9: Brown vs. Scribbins (press release from the HILITE website


Main Event Middleweight Tourney Final Bout: Bill ‘The Marine’ Brown (3-0) vs. ‘The Arizona Stangler’ Hunter Scribbins (4-0)

Can jiu-jitsu overcome wrestling? Will Brown be crowned the inaugural HILITE Middleweight champion, or will hometown hero Hunter take the honours?

Co-Main Event Heavyweight #1 Contender Bout: Gareth Grundy (7-4) vs. ‘The Wolverine’ Harvey Loeb (7-4)

The winner of this fight will be the first man to fight the winner of the Heavyweight tourney for the HILITE strap early next season!

Middleweight Bout: Woody ‘Buzz Saw’ Fierstein (11-3) vs. ‘The Human Takedown Machine’ Drew Jenks

Will the two beaten Middleweight semi-finalists rebound from their losses and get on their way to another shot at HILITE glory?

Heavyweight ‘Loser Leaves Town’ Bout: Stan ‘Rush’ Still (2-7) vs. Keaton Spratt (4-9)

Whoever loses here will see his HILITE contract torn up, while the winner will be given the chance to redeem himself next season.


The blurcat.com roundtable decided upon the following outcomes of the fights

Brown vs. Scribbins

Grundy vs. Loeb

Fierstein vs. Jenks

Still vs. Spratt





edisraw: 2/4

Lt. Lucrativo: 2/4

EddieFnG: 2/4



Lt. Lucrativo: 4/8 (50%)

edisraw: 2/4 (50%)

EddieFnG: 2/4 (50%)


Everyone got caught out by the Eton upset (so was I!) and you all also made mistakes over one of the much closer fights. Thankyou all for predicting again!


(Oh, BTW?: Lesson #1: never trust the roundtable.)

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  • 1 month later...
Ok guys, sorry about this but my PC died and the save file has gone. I'll post up the last few shows I had run and written, but I didn't even have the end of season one written. Needless to say this has taken a lot out of my desire to go again at this, but if you guys would like to see another tournament style diary I'll get to it. It might just be set in a different part of the world with different fighters - I'm thinking default data Japan?
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HILITE 9: Brown vs. Scribbins Report

Rake Jossen was among the 532-strong crowd at HILITE’s great show. Results follow:

‘The Arizona Strangler’ Strangled

Bill Brown showed his appreciation for irony as he choked out Hunter Scribbins to become the first ever HILITE champion. After defending a couple of takedowns from Brown, Scribbins found himself slammed to the mat by the jiu-jitsu specialist. Once on the floor it was only a matter of time until Brown passed guard. His submission of choice on this occasion was an arm triangle choke, and Scribbins blacked out at 4:34 of round 1, giving the victory and the belt to Brown in a good fight.

Grundy Ground-n-Pounds Loeb

Gareth Grundy showed a marked improvement from his earlier fights with a dominating win over Harvey Loeb. After a feeling out period that lasted most of the first round, Grundy took Loeb to the floor with an explosive double leg, quickly securing full mount and blasting away with ground and pound. With Loeb struggling to cope, the ref hauled Grundy away at 4:19 of the first, giving him the fight via TKO. A good fight that earns Grundy a title shot in the future.

‘Buzz-Saw’ Triumphant in Wrestlefest

A fight straight off the collegiate wrestling mats saw Woody Fierstein take a close but deserved unanimous decision off Drew Jenks. Jenks won the first round easily, taking Fierstien down after the opening exchanges and securing a half guard, where he ended the round following some tepid ground and pound. Fierstien got a takedown in the second, using the cage to pull his opponent to the floor, but Jenks escaped quickly and took Fierstein to the mat as the round ended. The third round was similar to the second, with both men getting takedowns, but Fierstein showing more control. All three judges gave a close fight 28-27 to Fierstein, who wins an average fight.

Spratt Squashes Still

A workmanlike showing from Keaton Spratt was enough to see him past an outgunned Stan Still. The duo exchanged tentative jabs for the entire fight, with Spratt using his superior footwork to score more often and avoid Still’s occasional takedown attempt. Still could barely stand up due to exhaustion at the end, as the judges all scored the fight 30-27 for Spratt, who gets the win and stays with HILITE after a poor fight.


Two fighters suspended after HILITE 9

The butcher’s bill following HILITE’s latest show is below.

Harvey Loeb – 2 months (PCD sus.)

Hunter Scribbins – 2months (Blood deprivation of the brain sus.)


HILITE 10: George vs. Lass (Press release from HILITE website)


Main Event Welterweight Tourney Final Bout: Houston ‘Furious’ George (4-0) vs. ‘Thunder and Lightning’ Tyler Lass (5-1)

Two well schooled but youthful grapplers go at it for the HILITE Welterweight belt. Can George’s skills overcome Lass’ size?

Co-Main Event Middleweight #1 Contender Bout: Nick ‘Streets’ Detroit (5-1) vs. ‘The Sewer Rat’ Ronnie Allen Teller (3-1)

Can kickboxer Detroit triumph over wrestler Teller and be the first man to challenge Bill Brown’s hold on the Middleweight belt?

Welterweight Bout: Brad ‘Dead Eye’ Wyman (5-1) vs. ‘Wicked’ Wyatt Ashur (4-3)

Will everyone’s favourite underdog Ashur be able to turn over the talented muay-thai practitioner Wyman?

Middleweight ‘Loser Leaves Town’ Bout: Bart ‘Throwdown’ Diggs (5-4) vs. Mateo ‘G.I.’ Jane (3-5)

In another striker-grappler match, will it be Digg’s kickboxing or Jane’s Sambo that triumphs and retains its owner’s contract.


The blurcat.com roundtable agreed the fights would end the following victors

George vs. Lass

Detroit vs. Teller

Wyman vs. Ashur (Indecisive)

Diggs vs. Jane

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