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FLOW - Female Legends of Wrestling: 6 Teams Compete for Fame and Fortune!

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OOC: I recently started playing TEW again and decided to do another variation of a brief joshi diary I had done when the original TEW came out years ago. Instead of focusing on a Japanese promotion, I'm going to run this one in the USA but the twist will be that I'll be cherry picking some of the greatest female wrestlers/sports entertainers of days gone by in their respective primes. I originally started this on TEW 08, but eventually switched over to TEW 10 using Bobinc's women's mod. I'm set up as a national promotion just so I can have a development territory from the start.


Over the years professional wrestling has seen more than its fair share of highs and lows. Some select superstars have made lasting impacts on the business, while countless others have fizzled out and been nothing more than a footnote. The one thing that most can agree on is that women historically have not had much of a place in "the big picture" of the few promotions that have been fortunate enough to get (inter)national exposure. Sure there are a handful of "household" names that were able to slip through the cracks over the course of the last 25 years, but none of these women have ever been able to say that they headlined a show that more than a few hundred people saw either live or on recorded media. My goal is to change that, and I think that I've been able to create a format that will generate interest among casual wrestling fans, MMA fans, and the more niche base of fans who enjoy seeing talented women wrestle. Welcome to Female Legends of Wrestling!



'The Anarchist' Amy Dumas (Lita)


Lisa Marie Varon (Victoria)

Molly Holly

Tina Ferrari (Ivory) & Alundra Blaze (Madusa/Medusa Miceli) - T & A




Beth Phoenix

Mickie James

Nikki Roxx (Roxxi Laveaux)


Madison Rayne (Ashley/Lexi Lane) & Talia Madison (Velvet Sky) - The Madison Avenue Mafia




Dolly Holly (Angel Williams/Angelina Love)

Gail Kim

Nattie Neidhart

Trish Stratus

Precious Lucy (LuFisto) & Bloody Marie (Maryse) - The Queens of Quebec




Ayako Hamada

Bull Nakano

Io Shirai

Michiko Ohmukai

Aja Kong & Awesome Kong




Faby Apache

Sarita (Sarah Stock)

Sexy Star

Shelly Martinez

Melina Perez & Portia Perez





Melissa Anderson

Sara Del Rey


Crazy Daizee (Daizee Haze) & MsChif


*NOTE: I took some liberties with designating people to teams, but the USA teams are comprised solely of women who had some sort of prolonged national TV exposure as a wrestler. Team 1 is comprised of women who debuted before Dec. 31, 2004, and Team 2 is comprised of those who debuted in 2005 and beyond.


The rules of FLOW


1) All 36 wrestlers will compete as individuals and/or as tag teams, but will score points for their team based on victories and bonus points they may accrue throughout the season. At various points throughout the season bonuses will be award to the team and/or individual who has the most points at that time. There may also come a time where the players with the lowest scores on their individual teams may have to fight to keep their jobs.


2) Points will be awarded as follows


5 pts for winning any championship match via pinfall or submission

3 pts for winning a championship match via countout or DQ that is not caused by any of the teams represented

3 pts for simply being involved in a Main Event match on a monthly event (or PPV if we ever get that far)

2 pts for winning any non-championship match via pinfall or submission

2 pts for simply being involved in a Main Event match on TV/weekly event

2 pts for winning a match against any other team's captain

1 pt for winning a non-championship match via countout or DQ that is not caused by any of the teams represented

1 pt for any draw, double CO/DQ or other outcome that results in neither a winner nor a loser

1 pt for eliminating any participant in a multiparticipant match (three way dance, fatal fourway, battle royal etc)

1 pt for participating in the "Match of the Night" (best rated match, if a tie whichever is closest to the end of the show)

1 pt for participating in the "Segment of the Night" (best rated non match segment, if a tie whichever is closest to the end of the show)


3) In the event of an injury that leaves a worker out of action for at least one full month, a substitute may be called up from our developmental ranks. The substitute will then be removed from the roster once the original worker is medically cleared to compete again.


4) In the event that a team chooses to replace their captain, the original captain cannot return to the captain's position for at least THREE months.


5) The remaining members of the winning team will split a $300,000 cash prize at the end of the season.




QUEEN OF FLOW: This is the top singles prize in FLOW. Generally speaking the only people who will be eligible for this title are either (a) Team Captains or (b) the team leader in points. In the extremely rare event that two teammates were to meet for this title, the winner would automatically become the new Team Captain even if that would otherwise violate rule 4 stated above.


FLOW TAG TEAM TITLES: At the start of the season each team declared an initial pairing solely for the right to be eligible for the tournament to decide the initial champions. Once all of the initial pairings have competed in said tournament, the teams will have the right to adjust the lineup for their tag team as they see fit. Each of the six teams must however maintain at least one full time tag team at any given point, though they can have as many as they desire.


Team bios, the first card and the Captain's Draft will all follow.

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Alundra Blaze - (5'10 150, 30 yo face) - Blaze is a well traveled veteran who had already achieved a level of success many other women never come close to by the time she was just 23. Having competed in Japan for a few years, Blaze brings a level of maturity and a wider range of styles than many others on her team. Was chosen to represent her team in the Tag Team Title tournament thanks to her familiarity with Ferrari as the two have worked together (and against each other) many times over the past decade.


Finishing Move: BLAZE OF GLORY (Bridging German Suplex)


'The Anarchist' Amy Dumas - (5'7 135, 26 yo heel) - Dumas is as unpredictable as she is talented. The fiery red head has gained a bit of a reputation for no showing events and walking out of contracts, but when she does show up she's amongst the best in the world at getting a crowd to react one way or another.


Finishing Move: ANARCHY RULES (Moonsault)


Jazz - (5'4 150, 26 yo heel) - This New Orleans native is one of the pound for pound strongest female wrestlers that we've ever seen. Although she's rarely the tallest person in the ring, few would dare to match her toe to toe.


Finishing Move: JAZZ STINGER (Sitout facebuster)


Lisa Marie Varon - (5'8 155, 31 yo heel) - Varon was a professional bodybuilder/fitness competitor who got into the business thanks in large part to her connection with Trish Stratus. While the two were originally inseparable on the road their friendship was a casualty of an ego clash as Stratus routinely was promoted more than Varon regardless of where they competed, a fact that always drove Varon crazy. Varon has said that her mission in life for the first season of FLOW will be to drive Stratus out of the promotion.


Finishing Move: WIDOW'S PEAK (Gory neckbreaker)


Molly Holly - (5'4 140, 26 yo face) - In a business as cutthroat as professional wrestling, Molly Holly may very well be the nicest person in the entire industry. After years of dying her hair blonde, she recently cut off most of her hair and went back to her natural brunette roots in hopes of promoting a healthier body image for the legions of young girls who look up to her. Is widely considered to be the most talented all around wrestler on either of the two USA teams.


Finishing Move: MOLLY-GO-ROUND (Flipping seated senton)


Tina Ferrari - (5'5 135, 37 yo face) - Ferrari is easily the oldest woman on the roster, but plans to prove that she can still compete at the highest level. Interestingly enough, Ferrari had a hand in training two of her teammates (Dumas and Holly) years ago.


Finishing Move: ARRIVEDERCI (Facebuster)






Beth Phoenix - (5'8 160, 27 yo heel) - Phoenix is a bit of a rarity in pro wrestling in that she spurned offers to go to larger promotions because she wasn't looking to travel too far away from home when she was younger. After becoming the hottest female independent star in the business she was finally made an offer she couldn't refuse and proved that she could be a big fish in a big pond as well. Phoenix looks to be the odds on favorite to be the leader of Team USA 2 whether her teammates agree or not.


Finishing Move: DOWN IN FLAMES (Michinoku Driver II)


Madison Rayne - (5'3 115, 23 yo heel) - Rayne is one of the smallest women on the roster, but also has the biggest chip on her shoulder. This beautiful blonde is used to having things handed to her, and she fully expects to find her name in the record books as one half of the first ever FLOW Tag Team Champions alongside her good friend Talia Madison.




Mickie James - (5'4 135, 27 yo face) - Mickie is almost the exact opposite of Beth Phoenix in that she was always a hot commodity on the independent scene but couldn't quite get an offer to advance to the next level for years. When she did she proved that she belonged, but grew tired of being passed over for the latest blonde flavor of the month and is hoping to show everyone that she could, and should, have been a headliner for the last few years at the very least.


Finishing Move: MICK KICK (Roundhouse KO kick)


Nikki Roxx - (5'9 142, 27 yo face) - Roxx is one of those people that generally leaves fans with a smile on their face after they meet her because she seems to enjoy her job so much. It doesn't hurt that she has a great look and the talent to match, but Roxx makes her living based on the fact that she's almost always going to get people behind her.


Finishing Move: BARBIE CRUSHER (Hammerlock guillotine drop)


ODB - (5'6 165, 28 yo face) - You'd think that someone who goes by the name "One Dirty Bitch" would be a hated villain, but that's simply not the case with ODB. Not being a stunning, leggy blonde, ODB had to work harder than most women to build a name for herself, but it was that dogged determination not to give up her dream that made her one of the more recognizable stars across the US indies. When she finally got a chance to show what she could do she quickly become a fan favorite thanks to her laid back attitude outside of the ring, and her punishing style inside of it.


Finishing Move: THE DIRTY DOZEN (Top Rope X-Factor)


Talia Madison - (5'6 125, 26 yo heel) - Talia is another spoiled brat who originally got into the business as a valet but slowly worked her way into becoming a capable wrestler. If her attitude wasn't so poor she might have been the type of person who could adequately play the underdog babyface role to a tee, but Talia Madison without an attitude just isn't Talia Madison.


Finishing Move: RE-TALIA-TION (Straitjacket sitout sleeper slam)






Bloody Marie - (5'8 125, 25 yo heel) - When you hear "former swimsuit model turns wrestler" does your mind immediately go to a place where that model takes pleasure in beating women with steel chairs, ladders and the occasional light tube? If it doesn't, then you'll be surprised when you see just how vicious Bloody Marie is. Precious Lucy's protege is every beat as psychotic as her mentor, but somehow seems more evil because she looks so innocent.


Finishing Move: THE FRENCH KISS (Implant DDT)


Dolly Holly - (5'7 118, 26 yo heel) - Fans of the indy scene in the early to mid 2000's knew Dolly Holly as Angel Williams, a tomboy with model good looks. While her wrestling skills were marginal, her willingness to take a beating earned her a great deal of respect amongst the fans. She eventually parlayed that into a brief stint with the WWE where she was introduced as Molly Holly's #1 fan. After her release she floundered until she braided her hair, started wearing cutoff overalls and began to mock Molly taking up her last name.


Finishing Move: DOLLY-GO-ROUND (Senton splash)


Gail Kim - (5'4 125, 29 yo face) - It's hard to imagine that Gail Kim's wrestling career began as the masked "La Felina" when her look has garnered her a few chances to compete in promotions around the world. Kim was deemed a failure when her first stint in the WWE was a bust, but she didn't give up and has added a lot to her arsenal in the ensuing years and hopes to prove that everyone was wrong about her when they said she couldn't handle the pressure of heading a promotion's women's division.


Finishing Move: HAPPY ENDING (Straitjacket neckbreaker slam)


Nattie Neidhart - (5'5 150, 25 yo face) - This powerfully built daughter of Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart was bred for greatness, but her body type prevented her from getting a chance to star in the WWE in spite of her obvious connections to the promotion. Nattie didn't let that bother her and continued to work at honing her craft and earned her way to national exposure. She opted to leave when she realized that she would be able to represent her home country AND wrestle a better caliber of opponents in FLOW.


Finishing Move: NATTIE BY NATURE (Spinning powerbomb)


Precious Lucy - (5'3 145, 26 yo heel) - The diminutive build of Precious Lucy throws first time viewers off when they see just how aggressive and violent she is in the ring. Having earned her name wrestling against men in the province of Quebec she earned the nickname "The Ultraviolent Queen of Quebec" which was later shortened to just the "Queen of Quebec" as she is the only female who was able to maintain regular bookings in the area. She took a raw and impressionable Bloody Marie under her wing about a year ago and the two have terrorized countless Canadian women wrestlers ever since.


Finishing Move: LUCY'S LAW (Rear naked choke/choke slam)


Trish Stratus - (5'4 125, 27 yo face) - Trish is arguably the most well known and popular female wrestler we've ever seen, an achievement that is even more amazing given that she was originally just brought in to be a pretty face mouthpiece for men who were struggling to catch on with the then WWF fanbase. Her influence on the sport can be seen heavily on this team as three (Marie, Holly & Kim) of her teammates all got into wrestling after doing some modeling in the past and she is also partially responsible for jumpstarting her rival Lisa Marie Varon's career as well.


Finishing Move: STRATUSFACTION (Springboard bulldog)






Aja Kong - (5'5 225, 29 yo heel) - Aja Kong is the prototype of the joshi monster heel. Although she weighs well over 200 pounds she is still fairly quick and agile for her size. It goes without saying that she is also incredibly strong and capable of knocking out anyone in FLOW with her finisher. The Japanese team decided that two Kongs were better than one and have their sights set on winning the Tag Team titles straight out of the gate.


Finishing Move: URAKEN (Spinning backfist)


Awesome Kong - (5'10 275, 30 yo heel) - Awesome Kong is the rare female wrestler who would have little trouble competing against men thanks to her, pardon the pun, awesome frame. Instead, it seems that the American born Kong takes some sort of sick pleasure in destroying females who are literally half her size. If she wasn't enough of a handful on her own, teaming up with Aja Kong gives the two largest women in FLOW a major advantage in size and strength against anyone they could ever face.


Finishing Move: AWESOME BOMB (Sitout powerbomb)


Ayako Hamada - (5'4 145, 28 yo face) - Although she was born and raised in Mexico, Hamada opted to honor her father's homeland and chose to compete for Japan where she spent the majority of her career. By the time she was 20 she had held every major title in ARSION and then chose to freelance in Mexico and Japan for the better part of the next decade. Now that she's 28 and has conquered both of her parents' places of birth, she is heading to America with hopes of continuing to build her championship collection.


Finishing Move: HAMADA DRIVER (Michinoku Driver II)


Bull Nakano - (5'7 210, 26 yo heel) - At 210 pounds, Nakano would easily be the heaviest member of any other team in FLOW. However, she falls near the middle of the pack within her own group as both Kongs tip the scale at a higher number. The Japanese contingent obviously put a premium on size and strength and it seems as though Nakano is their primary choice for success in singles as the season begins.


Finishing Move: BULL RUSH (Stinger Splash)


Io Shirai - (5'1 115, 18 yo face) - Io Shirai has the distinct "honor" of being FLOW's smallest AND youngest competitor. This wrestling prodigy quickly began to make a name for herself in Japan thanks to her incredible agility and high flying style. Some have argued that she's "too young" and hasn't "earned" her place, but the younger of the Shirai Sisters is fully prepared to do whatever it takes to prove she belongs amongst the world's elite.


Finishing Move: SHIRAI STAR PRESS (Running SSP)


Michiko Ohmukai - (5'7 135, 27 yo face) - Ohmukai was picked for Team Japan partially as a mentor to Io Shirai, whom she trained, but also because she has a legitimate chance at beating anyone else on the roster. A veteran in Japan, Michiko underwent a style change at the midpoint of her career which began when she was a much thinner, less capable 16 year old. Although she is still relatively young, Ohmukai wants to give wrestling one last chance to see if she can once again be a champion or if it's time to move on to the next phase of her life.


Finishing Move: TIGER SUPLEX






Faby Apache - (5'3 140, 27 yo heel) - Faby Apache comes from a wrestling family. Her father, sister, mother in law and husband have all been household names in Mexico, and Faby has achieved success in both Mexico and Japan like her friend Ayako Hamada. While she has just recently started to come into her own as a singles wrestler she has a decade of experience to fall back on and promises to be one of Team Mexico's brightest stars.


Finishing Move: TORMENTA APACHE (Double Underhook Sitout Facebuster)


Melina Perez - (5'4 125, 27 yo face) - Melina is yet another model who found her way into pro wrestling, though her path to stardom took much longer than some of the others who have also gone that route. While Melina has never competed for a Mexican promotion she chose to honor her heritage by wrestling for Team Mexico a move which made her many more fans south of the border. Rumor has it that it was also Melina's idea to team with Portia Perez because she was a fan of her work.


Finishing Move: TIJUANA SUNSET (Leg trap sunset flip powerbomb)


Portia Perez - (5'4 128, 21 yo face) - Even though she's only 21 years old, Portia has wrestled in the US, Canada, Europe as well as Mexico and found a decent amount of success everywhere she's gone. When given the choice of competing for Team Canada, Team Indies, or Team Mexico, Portia chose Mexico because she felt like her career and Sarita's were very similar and was honored to learn that Melina wanted to team with her. While Portia has claimed that she would like to debut the Xtasis mask for American audiences she realizes the significance of the mask and has opted to leave it retired out of respect.


Finishing Move: PICTURE IMPERFECT (Unprettier)


Sarita - (5'6 125, 29 yo face) - Sarah Stock is someone who had to travel out of her home country to develop a following as this native of Winnipeg went largely unnoticed in Canada. After years of trekking back and forth from Canada to Mexico, she finally found her place once she lost her mask and has essentially remained a bigger star in Mexico which is why she is competing for Team Mexico under the nickname she earned there.


Finishing Move: LA REINERA (Modified spinning backbreaker rack)


Sexy Star - (5'4 125, 27 yo heel) - Sexy Star is an incredibly arrogant woman who managed to become a well known commodity in Mexico because she looks good and somehow managed to retain her popularity even when she was forced to don a mask. Her wrestling ability isn't that great, but for some reason Team Mexico felt compelled to add her to their squad as they see something special in her.


Finishing Move: SEXY STUNNER


Shelly Martinez - (5'5 135, 27 yo heel) - Shelly Martinez is perhaps the least experienced member of the FLOW roster which has only further fueled the notion that Team Mexico is essentially a ragtag bunch of women who have no real connection to Mexican wrestling, with the exception of Faby Apache. Like Sexy Star, Martinez has managed to earn the majority of her fanbase strictly due to her looks and was chosen to compete because Team Mexico requested that she be part of their lineup.


Finishing Move: SHELLY SHOCK (Sitout facebuster)






Crazy Daizee - (5'5 115, 25 yo heel) - For many years Daizee Haze was one of the most beloved babyface wrestlers on the independent scene. However after years of being pummeled by larger competitors, specifically MsChif, she ripped into the fans for not understanding that she grew tired of taking beatings for their amusement and dropped the "flower child" gimmick and clothing that had made her famous. She soon re-appeared dressed just like MsChif and has been one of her closest allies ever since.


Finishing Move: MIND TRIP (Snapmare driver)


Daffney - (5'5 135, 32 yo heel) - Daffney is another example of a former babyface who spent years building a fanbase before turning her back on them. While she spent the first handful of years of her career as a valet she soon began to grow weary of the constant grind and retired. After a few years off she started to train and returned as a wrestler, often teaming with Daizee Haze. When Haze "went crazy", Daffney began to adopt a darker look and attitude as she blamed the fans for turning her best friend against her. It wasn't too long before she decided to rejoin Daizee as part of MsChif's Misfits.


Finishing Move: LOBOTOMY (Bridging swinging fisherman suplex)


Melissa Anderson - (5'9 140, 25 yo face) - It's somewhat ironic that Anderson got her start as a cheerleading valet who was billed as hailing from Canada when you consider that Anderson was born in LA and is all business in the ring. After years of being trapped in a dead end gimmick Anderson dropped the Cheerleader portion of her moniker and decided to wrestle under her birth name. It didn't take long for her to show that she was one of the best female wrestlers in the world and Anderson is said to be ecstatic that she can finally test herself against the best in the business.


Finishing Move: KUDO DRIVER (Vertebreaker)


MsChif - (5'7 150, 27 yo heel) - It seems that Mschif's self appointed nickname "Your Soul's Tormentor" may just be appropriate when you consider that she was able to turn two perennial babyfaces into her allies/followers and nearly did the same to Melissa Anderson after a lengthy feud. while MsChif's powers of persuasion are amazing, her in ring ability is nearly as good as she dominates her foes with power, speed and an uncanny flexibility that leads to her routinely torturing opponents with devious twists on standard submissions.


Finishing Move: DESECRATOR (Scissored DDT)


Sara Del Rey - (5'10 160, 27 yo face) - Del Rey is yet another globetrotter who had wrestled all over the world at a relatively early age. While Sara is blessed with great height, skill and desire she never fit the textbook definition of a "diva" and had to work her way through the indies in order to get her name out there. Del Rey is considered one of the favorites to potentially be a break out star during the season.


Finishing Move: ROYAL BUTTERFLY (Butterfly lock into butterfly suplex)


Serena - (5'4 130, 22 yo face) - Serena was only 18 years old when she packed up her belongings and relocated to Kentucky to began her pursuit of a career in the industry. While she was almost an instinct success story in the WWE developmental ranks she never got called up to the big leagues. After three years, Deeb went off on her own and just started to prove that she could be a player in the indies when she received an offer to compete in FLOW.


Finishing Move: SPEAR

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Tonight's special show began with a camera panning across an empty arena before it zoomed in on the FLOW logo in the middle of the ring. Then we got a clip package that featured members of all six teams involved in this season. Once the package came to an end we got a glimpse of Joey Styles, the man who will call the action for FLOW.


Joey: "Hello and welcome to the Female Legends of Wrestling. I am your host Joey Styles, and earlier today all 36 women involved in FLOW were here to select the 6 team captains to start off the season. Some teams had little trouble selecting a leader, and well at least one team nearly came to blows when trying to figure out who would be calling the shots. Let's roll the tape!"


*The first team that arrived today was Team USA 1 comprised of 'The Anarchist' Amy Dumas, Jazz, Lisa Marie Varon, Molly Holly and their designated tag team T & A (Tina Ferrari & Alundra Blaze). Molly immediately went over to Ferrari and gave her a hug as the two had become close when Ferrari helped train her years ago*


Molly: "I think we should pick Tina. She's the most experienced one here and she helped me and Amy make it to the top. I think she deserves the chance to be the first captain and she has my vote."


Varon: "So because she's OLD, she should be the captain? That's pretty stupid!"


*Dumas chuckles*


Amy: "You're not exactly young either, grandma! I don't really give a [censored] who the captain is but I think we should change our name to Team Cougar since you three *points to Varon, Ferrari and Blaze* are all in your 40's right?"


*Jazz seems to agree as she laughs while Varon gets right up in Amy's face and the two begin to shove each other until Blaze and Ferrari break it up*


Varon: "You're lucky that they stepped in or you'd be trying to wipe my boot prints off of your face right about now!"


Amy: "Whatever you say grandma. Whatever you say. Like I said before, I don't care who you pick to be the captain because none of you bitches are gonna tell me what to do anyway. I'm outta here!"


*With that Dumas flipped off her entire team and then walked out. Following her outburst things quickly settled down*


Blaze: "I'm going to vote for Tina as well. Any objections?"


*Blaze scanned the room, no one complained and the first captain of Team USA was decided although Varon and Jazz didn't join in on the celebration once Ferrari was officially selected to be the captain*






Joey: "I don't know that I agree with their selection, but Team USA 1 obviously wanted experience to be a factor in choosing their leader. At the end of the day though Tina Ferrari already has some issues as she will have to try and squash whatever tension remains between Amy Dumas and Lisa Marie Varon. As you'll see in just a moment Team USA 2 wasted little time in choosing their captain, but how can I put this delicately . . . it wasn't exactly something they chose of their own free will."


*Styles signals to show the footage which begins with Beth Phoenix, Mickie James, Nikki Roxx, ODB (who was wielding a 12 pack) and The Madison Avenue Mafia (Madison Rayne & Talia Madison) crowding into a room. The Madisons both stood up and were about to speak when Phoenix rose, walked over to Talia and shoved her back into her seat which made Rayne drop right back down as she didn't want to get manhandled*


Phoenix: "I AM going to be the captain of this team. Unless of course any of you want to settle this the old fashioned way."


*Phoenix starts to crack her knuckles and rolls her head from side to side while everyone else remains silent*


Phoenix: "That's what I thought."


ODB: "Well, that's just great. I think we should drink to our new captain. *ODB bends down and snaps off a few beers from the 12 pack which is now down to about 8* Anybody want one? I got plenty more in my car! *ODB looks around and sees that no one's accepting her offer* No. Well alright, more for me then!"


*Phoenix quietly leaves the room as ODB continues to drink*


Rayne: "Are you alright Talia? Did she hurt you?"


Talia: "I'm fine, but she RUINED my shirt with her greasy man hands! *Talia starts to tear up at the thought of having to discard any item of her wardrobe*


*The scene came to an end with the Madisons consoling each other, ODB belching as she tossed another empty beer can to the ground and Mickie James and Nikki Roxx just staring at each other in silent disbelief*






Joey: "I would just like to take this opportunity to let you know that FLOW management does NOT, I repeat does NOT approve of drinking and driving. *Joey fixes his tie looking slightly ashamed at having to say something like that* Anyway, I know that the graphic said that Team USA 2 chose Beth Phoenix, but let's be honest, BETH PHOENIX chose Beth Phoenix. The two American teams are certainly divided as we head into the opening week of the season. Let's see how Team Canada's meeting went."


*The footage of Team Canada's initial meeting was quite calm as Dolly Holly and Nattie Neidhart led the way with Gail Kim & Trish Stratus chatting as they walked in. A few moments later, The Queens of Quebec (Precious Lucy & Bloody Marie) filed in and the team meeting began with Lucy surprising everyone*


Lucy: "The Queens of Quebec vote for Trish to be captain."


*Marie nods as Trish looks a little confused*


Trish: "I'm grateful, but is there any reason you guys are both choosing me?"


*Marie stands up with a ****y smirk on her face*


Marie: "We both know that you're going to fail, so when Team Canada really NEEDS a captain you'll all realize that Lucy is the only choice!"


*Lucy crosses her arms and smiles at Trish*


Lucy: "Enjoy being the captain while you can."


Trish: "I will enjoy it . . . for the entire season!"


*Once Gail and Trish cast their votes for Trish, Dolly and Nattie agree and the meeting comes to an end with the QoQ whispering to each other as they leave the room with self satisfied looks on their faces*






Joey: "A little strategy being used by the Queens of Quebec. I like it. They can focus on being a tag team and if Trish fails it seems like they're willing to split up so that Lucy can take a leadership role. It was probably the best decision they could have made considering how popular Trish is in the locker room area. Next up is Team Japan."


*The immense size of Team Japan was on full display as the diminutive Io Shirai was barely visible as she walked in behind Bull Nakano, and the biggest tag team in FLOW, Aja & Awesome Kong. Ayako Hamada and Michiko Ohmukai rounded out the group with Ohmukai opening the discussion*


Michiko: "I have spoken with Ayako-chan and Io-chan and all of us would like to vote for Nakano-san."


*Micihiko then bows her head and sits down as Nakano looks around at the Kongs who both shrug their shoulders*


Nakano: "Very well."


*And just that quickly Team Japan filed out of the room without any arguments or incidents*






Joey: "What the hell was that? Where was the anger and bitchiness that all of the other teams showed? It appears that Team Japan is unified and if they can bring that sense of teamwork to the ring, it'll be interesting to see who can oppose them. Did you see the size of the Kongs? *Joey shudders* Next up is "Team Mexico" and I use that term loosely considering that only two of their members have made their living wrestling in Mexico."


*Team Mexico looked tiny in comparison to the Japanese squad as Faby Apache, Sarita, Sexy Star, Shelly Martinez and the team of Melina Perez & Portia Perez headed into their room with everyone on the team standing between 5'3-5'6 and weighing in at 125-140 pounds. As soon as everyone was in the room Faby jumps to her feet and starts to speak*


Faby: "I should be the captain since I'm the only one who has spent her life wrestling in Mexico!"


*The masked wearing Star starts to laugh*


Star: "I've only been wrestling for two years and I'm already a bigger star than you are pendeja!"


Faby: "That's only because you slept your way to the top puta!"


*Portia can be seen asking Melina what a "puta" is and seems shocked once she finds out that Faby called Star a whore and Star didn't seem to deny it*


Melina: "There's no way I'm voting for either one of you to lead this team and since Shelly isn't even a wrestler, no offense, I'm going with Sarita."


Portia: "Yeah, me too! And if any of you ever calls me a pen-day-ha or a poo-ta I will slap you right in the face!"


*Portia then demonstrates as she slaps one of her hands against the other which inadvertantly broke some of the tension in the room*


Faby: "Fine, at least that gringa speaks Spanish. Go ahead and "lead" us Sarita!"


*Faby stormed out of the room, while Portia double checked that gringa wasn't an insult before introducing herself to the new team captain who seemed more than a little flustered that she was going to have to try to bring this group together*






*Joey was seen still laughing as the clip came to an end*


Joey: "You've got to love Portia Perez. I have no idea why she's on Team Mexico, but she's funny. We're now down to the sixth and final team captain selection with a group near and dear to my heart, Team Indies. I know that I'm an announcer and I'm supposed to be "objective", but not everyone in this business has the opportunity to get picked out of some magazine and thrown into a wrestling ring for a major promotion while others toil away for YEARS before they get a chance and then get told to forget everything they know and "wrestle" a style that wastes their talent! *Joey pauses for a moment* I'll get off of my soap box now, before I say something I may regret."


*It seemed that Team Indies unofficial colors were green and black as Crazy Daizee, Daffney, Melissa Anderson and MsChif were all wearing some combination of those colors, which Serena picked up on as she asked Del Rey if they missed out on a prior team meeting with a smile on her face. The selection process began with MsChif debating out loud what was best for the team*


MsChif: "It's obvious to me that I'm the best leader here, but it's also obvious to me that Daizee and I make the best tag team. If I'm the captain and in the tag team, then I can't wrestle singles matches and that will cost us chances to earn points. *MsChif starts to get frazzled and begins pulling at her hair while letting out a shill scream* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!"


*Upon hearing MsChif scream at the top of her lungs, Daffney lets out a piercing wail of her own and Serena's expression turned to one of fear after seeing these two lunatics up close*


Anderson: "Why don't we just let Sara be the captain? That way you and Daizee can wrestle as a team and everybody's happy because you guys will stop screaming?"


*Daizee looks befuddled*


Daizee: "Why would anyone be happy when the screaming stops? It sounds like beautiful music to me!"


Anderson: "That's because you're used to it now, but there was a time when you didn't like it. You remember, back when you were Daizee Ha. . ."




*Daizee then started rocking herself in the corner and muttering to herself that Anderson was a liar. Daffney quickly went over to calm her friend down, whispering a scream in her left ear if that's possible*


MsChif: "The Misfits all vote for Sara. If you fail though, you'll have to answer to me!"


*Mschif then snapped her fingers and walked out of the room with Daffney and Daizee following in short order*


Anderson: "Don't worry Serena, they're not so bad once you get to know them."


Serena: "Uh, why would I want to get to know them when they all seem crazy?"


Del Rey: "They may be a bit "different" but they're the most loyal people I've ever seen in this business. If we want to win the prize money, we're going to need them to be on our side. And just so you know, you do NOT want to get on MsChif's bad side. It's not fun."


*Anderson then walked over to Serena and welcomed her to the team before congratulating Del Rey on being their team leader*






Joey: "I'm not quite sure what to say. Back in my ECW days I saw some things that I'd rather not talk about, but I don't know that I've ever seen three people as disturbed as MsChif's Misfits. All I can say is, welcome to the business Serena. Sometimes it's best not to get what you want. Now that we know all of the six team captains, it's time to reveal the matches which will determine the first ever FLOW Tag Team Champions! This is Joey Styles signing off, I'll see you next week!"





http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/AjaKong.jpg & http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/AwesomeKong.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/MadisonRayne.jpg & http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/TaliaMadison.jpg


Double Kong (Aja & Awesome Kong) vs The Madison Avenue Mafia (Madison Rayne & Talia Madison)




http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/TinaFerrari.jpg & http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/AlundraBlaze.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/LuFisto2.jpg & http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/Maryse.jpg


T & A (Tina Ferrari & Alundra Blaze) vs The Queens of Quebec (Precious Lucy & Bloody Marie)



http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/DaizeeHaze5.jpg & http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/MsChif.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/MelinaPerez2.jpg & http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/PortiaPerez.jpg


MsChif's Misfits (Crazy Daizee & MsChif) vs Melina Perez & Portia Perez



The winners of match 1 vs the winners of match 2 vs the winners of match 3

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OOC: Tonight's event was only an hour, but starting with Episode 2, I switch to 90 minutes. I'll be running a weekly show, and then a "PPV" style event every 3 months on a Saturday or Sunday (Episodes 13/26/39/52). I also ended up tweaking some of the stats when I got to the 2010 version so the ratings get much better later.





http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/AjaKong.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/AwesomeKong.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/MadisonRayne.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/TaliaMadison.jpg


Double Kong (Aja Kong & Awesome Kong) vs The Madison Avenue Mafia (Madison Rayne & Talia Madison)


Tonight's opening match was a lopsided affair in every possible way. Awesome Kong weighed more than her opponents combined, while the Madisons came to the ring wearing Dolce & Gabbana shades and had just recently had manicures done. After what seemed like an eternity the Madisons played rock, paper, scissors to see who was going to have to get into the ring with "that man beast!" (read: Awesome Kong). Talia drew the short end and was basically bludgeoned for a few minutes before taking an AWESOME BOMB (Sitout powerbomb) that would have been enough for the victory if the Kongs hadn't been feeling a bit annoyed. Awesome dragged Talia over to their corner and tagged in Aja who then SQUASHED Talia with a BANSAI DROP, earning the pin while sitting on the diva's chest. After the match Rayne tried to revive Talia by promising her a shopping spree. Talia mumbled something about "Gucci" before passing out again.


Double Kong def. The Madison Avenue Mafia (Aja p. Talia) - D (10 min) Awesome Kong stood out




The next segment took place earlier in the night as Team Indies arrived at the arena. Crazy Daizee & MsChif went off to the dressing room to get changed for their match, while Sara Del Rey & Melissa Anderson showed up to offer some support and shoot some promotional pictures for the FLOW website. This left Daffney & Serena alone in the back near the make-up/hairdressing area.


*Serena is in the chair looking at different ways to fix her hair when Daffney takes a brush and starts playing around with the youngster's hair*


Daffney: "So, I heard you think that I'm a little bit crazy."


*Serena looks embarrassed, but then Daffney starts dancing around like a lunatic and smears on a thick layer of green lipstick across her mouth and left cheek*


Daffney: "It's a shame that you think you know all about me, because whatever you've heard probably isn't true."


Serena: "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, I didn't mean to. But you, Daizee and MsChif are a bit . . . much to take in all at once."


*Daffney puts a finger across her mouth and seems to be in deep thought for a moment before she speaks again with a German (?) accent*


Daffney: "AHA, I zink I zee the problem. The Misfits ARE a handful, but if my years in therapy have taught me anything it's how to read between the lines. *Daffney puts her hands in front of her face and starts darting her head out from around them* I'm sure you know that Daizee and me used to be like this *Daffney holds up two fingers that are crossed at the tip* but then she started hanging out with MsChif and we don't really talk as much as we used to. And then Sara and Melissa are always together too, *another dramatic pause* so that means that you and I are going to have to become BESTIES!"


Serena: "Uh, that's not what I meant. I just meant that it's not easy trying to get to know all of you at once."


Daffney: "DUH! That's why I'm gonna spend all my free time with YOU from now on. That way you don't feel pressured by trying to get to know everybody and I have someone to call at 3 in the morning when I can't sleep. This is SOOOOOO gonna rock! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"


*At that point Daffney threw up some devil horns, stuck her tongue out, spun in front of Serena and planted a big wet kiss on her forehead leaving a HUGE green smear behind*


Daffney: "I'm gonna go get my cell phone so we can exchange numbers. Don't. Go. Anywhere!"


*With an excited look on her face Daffney sprinted off camera, while a disgusted Serena frantically tried to wipe away the green blob on her face*


Daffney/Serena promo - C+ (6 min)



http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/LuFisto2.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/Maryse.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/TinaFerrari.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/AlundraBlaze.jpg


Queens of Quebec (Precious Lucy & Bloody Marie) vs T & A (Tina Ferrari & Alundra Blaze)


Our second match of the evening was much more competitive than the first, and the outcome was in doubt throughout a series of near falls early on. The tide of the match shifted when Marie was tagged in and started to play to the crowd just a little too often, allowing Ferrari to make the much needed hot tag to Blaze. The veteran took over and was in firm control of the match when LuFisto clubbed her from behind leading to a four way brawl in the middle of the ring. The Americans were able to catch Marie with a double team suplex moments before Ferrari and Lufisto fell out of the ring after a powerful running lariat by the Canadian. In the meantime Blaze was able to avoid getting hit with THE FRENCH KISS (Implant DDT) and countered with a back body drop. Marie was woozy as she got to her feet and walked right into the BLAZE OF GLORY (Bridging German Suplex) which gave the US the victory!


But that wasn't the end as LuFisto spiked Ferrari with a piledriver on the outside, and then grabbed a steel chair which she tossed into the ring. She waffled a celebrating Blaze in the back and then slammed the chair across the top of her head as Marie picked up LuFisto's steel chain, which she wrapped around her right fist. LuFisto then applied a Camel Clutch on a barely conscious Blaze which gave Marie a chance to fire right hand after right hand into her foe's face busting her open. Marie was enraged and shouted for LuFisto to "get her up!" repeatedly while Marie unwound the chain. LuFisto complied and fired Blaze into the ropes before grabbing onto the opposite end of the chain which was then used to assist in a devastating clothesline as the steel struck Blaze in the throat! Marie then whipped Blaze with the chain across her back twice before referees swarmed to the ring and dragged the blonde away kicking and screaming.


T & A def. The Queens of Quebec (Blaze p. Marie) - D (12 min) The Queens were really off of their game tonight.



http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/DaizeeHaze5.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/MsChif.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/MelinaPerez2.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/PortiaPerez.jpg


MsChif's Misfits (Crazy Daizee & MsChif) vs Melina Perez & Portia Perez


The last Semifinal of the night got underway with Portia summing up the last match by saying "that chick is nuts!" before stepping out of the ring to let Melina start things off against MsChif. The larger woman quickly gained the advantage as she trapped Melina in the corner and pounded away for a while before trying to get her to tap out to some painful looking submissions. Fortunately for Melina, she's perhaps the only woman in FLOW that's more flexible than the deranged leader of the Misfits. Melina was able to finally escape from danger as she ducked a charge in the corner with a beautiful split. MsChif banged her head on the top turnbuckle and narrowly avoided defeat after a small package. A couple of tags were made and Daizee was ultimately able to get the edge she needed thanks to her willingness to break the rules as a well placed thumb to the eye stopped Portia's momentum and eventually led to a devastating MIND TRIP (Snapmare driver) and a victory for the Misfits.


MsChif's Misfits def. Melina Perez & Portia Perez (Daizee p. Portia) - C (11 min) MsChif stood out




The next segment took place outside of Team Canada's locker room as Trish Stratus stormed out and could be heard yelling back at Bloody Marie & LuFisto. The camera crew followed Trish who walked away and took a while to compose herself before she began to speak.


Trish: "I don't get those two. First of all, I've never seen two people celebrate a loss so much in my life. They came to the back expecting a bunch of high fives, and "good jobs" after they lost a match because Marie just had to showboat. Apparently, they think losing is fine as long as you "make an impact" doing it, but personally I'd rather win a match than hurt someone so I must be the crazy one. You'd think after all of the nonsense they pulled during the Captain's Draft that they would have wanted to make a good impression and help the team win some points early on in the season. Instead, we were all supposed to be ecstatic because Alundra had to be carried out of the ring. If they weren't going to take this seriously, then they should have let Gail and I represent Team Canada in the tournament. *Trish sighs* With teammates like these, who needs enemies. *Trish throws her hands up in frustration* Turn the camera off, I'm done."


*Trish gets her wish as the camera feed ends with the Canadian captain looking completely exhausted*


Trish promo - B- (6 min)



http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/AjaKong.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/AwesomeKong.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/TinaFerrari.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/AlundraBlaze.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/DaizeeHaze5.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/MsChif.jpg


Double Kong vs T & A (Tina Ferrari & Alundra Blaze) vs MsChif's Misfits


Tonight's Main Event saw three teams come together in various states of health. The Kongs were fresh and rested, Tina Ferrari came out by herself as her partner was on her way to a local medical facility and The Misfits were trying to rest as much as possible since they never left the ring after pulling out their victory. MsChif proved to be a bit of an evil genius as she wouldn't allow either of the Kongs to enter the ring and managed to get the match started with her going up against a still shaken Ferrari. MsChif did her best to punish Ferrari, but the game veteran would not yield and continued to kick out of one pin attempt after another. Eventually MsChif started to get exasperated and made a tag in to Daizee, and all of their plotting went up in smoke as Daizee missed a top rope splash and gave the Team USA 1 Captain a chance to tag out to Awesome Kong! Kong ragdolled Daizee with great ease and looked like she was about to commit a homicide with a devastating AWESOME BOMB (Sitout powerbomb), but MsChif made the save at the last minute.


Aja Kong wasted no time in taking Chif down with a well placed URAKEN (Spinning backfist) as the ref briefly lost control of the action. As he tried to clear the ring, Ferrari chop blocked Awesome Kong and then worked with Daizee to drag the massive frame of the 275 pounder over to her corner where she tagged herself in! Kong argued to no avail and Ferrari took the brunt of her frustration as she was just about knocked out by a massive clothesline by the Team Japan member. Daizee capitalized on the carnage and tagged in MsChif who hit Ferrari with a few knees to the body before finally putting her down with a DESECRATOR (Scissored DDT). Aja Kong tried to make the save, but got knocked to the side by Daizee who connected with a springboard missile drop kick to her back. The referee made the count and MsChif's Misfits won the titles, but Awesome Kong got the final word on the show as she spiked Daizee with a second AWESOME BOMB after the match while MsChif rolled out of the ring and grabbed the title belts leaving her friend to take a few more kicks from an agitated Awesome Kong.



MsChif's Misfits def. Double Kong and T & A (MsChif p. Ferrari) to become the first ever FLOW Tag Team Champions! - C (15 min) MsChif was excellent


C rating




TEAM INDIES (+24) 12 pts each for Daizee/MsChif (5 for championship win, 2 for another win, 2 for Main Event, 2 for beating USA1 captain, 1 for MoTN)

TEAM JAPAN (+10) 5 pts each for Awesome/Aja (2 for a win, 2 for Main Event, 1 for MoTN)

TEAM USA 1 (+10) 5 pts each for Ferrari/Blaze (2 for a win, 2 for Main Event, 1 for MoTN)

TEAM CANADA (+1) 1 pt for Trish (1 for SoTN)


# 1 - (24 pts) TEAM INDIES: CAPTAIN - Sara Del Rey


12 - Crazy Daizee

12 - MsChif


# 2 - (10 pts) TEAM JAPAN: CAPTAIN - Bull Nakano


5 - Aja Kong

5 - Awesome Kong


# 2 - (10 pts) TEAM USA 1: CAPTAIN - Tina Ferrari


5 - Alundra Blaze

5 - Tina Ferrari


# 4 - (1 pt) TEAM CANADA: CAPTAIN - Trish Stratus


1 - Trish Stratus


# 5 - (0 pts) TEAM MEXICO: CAPTAIN - Sarita


# 5 - (0 pts) TEAM USA 2: CAPTAIN - Beth Phoenix

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This brief video package began with a clip of some of the members of Team Indies celebrating their FLOW Tag Team Title victory following the first taping. Crazy Daizee was seen icing down the back of her neck while MsChif had the two title belts draping from her shoulders and criss crossing across her chest. A jubilant Daffney was doing cartwheels in the background, while Melissa Anderson, Sara Del Rey & Serena were nowhere to be seen.


MsChif: "Get used to this picture! Unlike some other teams, we didn't come to FLOW to make friends, try to impress the fans or just have a good time. We came here to dominate! We came here to punish! We came here to torment!"


*MsChif is interrupted by Daffney*


Daffney: "Don't forget the money! We came to make lots and lots of money."


*Daffney rubs invisible bills between her fingers before MsChif pushes her aside*


MsChif: "The money is just an added bonus. Beating up those idiots on the other teams is payment enough."


Daffney: "Whatever. You can't buy stuff with beat up idiots."


*MsChif shoots Daffney a look that screams "shut up now, if you know what's best for you" and Daffney responds by zipping her lip and throwing away the key*


MsChif: "Daizee and I proved we're the best tag team here. We're already in first place, and we're going to stay there and there's not a damn thing anyone can do ab . . ."


*At this point, ODB walks, or should I say staggers, into the room carrying a six pack and then knocks*


ODB: "Congrats ladies! I think we all should toast your impressive victory tonight. None of my teammates want to drink with me, but I hear you ladies like to party. *ODB tosses each of the Misfits a beer* C'mon, c'mon drink up. There's plenty more where that came from."


*Daizee and Daffney snap open their cans and toast to their team's victory while MsChif looks confused as to why exactly ODB thinks it's OK to be in her locker room before letting out a scream and walking out with both belts in her possession*


ODB: "That chick needs a drink or ten. Know what I mean?"


Daizee: "I think she needs to get laid!"


*All three ladies share a laugh, but then Daizee winces still showing the effects of taking two AWESOME BOMBS earlier on in the evening*


Once the clip ends, we're taken to a studio where Joey Styles is seen standing in front of a purple and black banner with the FLOW logo behind him.


Joey: "I know that everyone thinks that Daizee is crazy, but I think she's right on the money. MsChif REALLY needs to loosen up. Anyway, I'm here today to let you fans know which 12 ladies will be entered in the tournament to determine the first ever Queen of FLOW! Following our first taping, I got in touch will all six of the team captains and asked them to pick two representatives of their team to compete."


TEAM USA 1's Tina Ferrari chose Jazz & Molly Holly.

TEAM USA 2's Beth Phoenix chose Beth Phoenix & Mickie James.

TEAM CANADA's Trish Stratus chose Gail Kim & Trish Stratus.

TEAM JAPAN's Bull Nakano chose Ayako Hamada & Bull Nakano.

TEAM Mexico's Sarita chose Faby Apache & Sarita.

TEAM INDIES' Sara Del Rey chose Melissa Anderson & Sara Del Rey.


Joey: "Once we knew the participants it was time to make a random draw. The first round of the tournament will take place next week on Episode 2. The following week we'll have the final four matches getting us from six down to a champion!"





http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/BethPhoenix3.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/SarahStock.jpg





http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/AyakoHamada2-1.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/SaraDelRey2.jpg


Ayako Hamada (TEAM JAPAN) vs Sara Del Rey (TEAM INDIES CAPTAIN)



http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/Jazz.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/TrishStratus2.jpg


Jazz (TEAM USA 1) vs Trish Stratus (TEAM CANADA CAPTAIN)



http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/FabyApache.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/MollyHolly2.jpg


Faby Apache (TEAM MEXICO) vs Molly Holly (TEAM USA 1)



http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/BullNakano.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/GailKim2.jpg





http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/CheerleaderMelissa2-1.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/MickieJames2.jpg


Melissa Anderson (TEAM INDIES) vs Mickie James (TEAM USA 2)

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http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/BethPhoenix3.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/SarahStock.jpg




Tonight's opener was going to earn either Team USA 2 or Team Mexico their first points of the season as their captains, Beth Phoenix & Sarita, were set to meet. The fans were behind Sarita and she gave them a lot to cheer about early on as she used her speed and quickness to keep the powerfully built Phoenix off guard and nearly won the match after a series of arm drags and a few well placed drop kicks to the chest. Phoenix wasn't used to being grounded for long and kept complaining about her hair being pulled, which was a flat out lie. After a high impact tornado DDT Sarita nearly finished Phoenix off with a Magistral Cradle, but the New Yorker muscled her way out of danger before rolling out of the ring to catch her breath.


Sarita then dazzled the crowd by running across the ring and launching herself up and over the top rope . . . but she eventually came down right in Phoenix's arms. Although she staggered for a step and a half, Phoenix then muscled Sarita up and over with a fall away slam into the guardrail! From that point on, it was all Phoenix and the captain versus captain match soon came to an end as Sarita went DOWN IN FLAMES (Michinoku Driver II) and was pinned in the middle of the ring. Following the match, a smug Phoenix taunted the fans for a bit before leaving to a chorus of boos as the ref checked on her opponent.


Beth Phoenix p. Sarita - C+ (11 min)



http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/AyakoHamada2-1.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/SaraDelRey2.jpg


Ayako Hamada (TEAM JAPAN) vs Sara Del Rey (TEAM INDIES CAPTAIN)


The next match was one that a lot of fans were looking forward to as it finished 2nd in our online poll in terms of most anticipated match of the evening, trailing only the Main Event. Del Rey was fired up at the chance to finally face Hamada, since they never met back when she was training in Japan years ago. The two showed sportsmanship as they shook hands before the match, but any feelings of friendship or respect went out the window as soon as the bell rang and they swung away at each other with Hamada surprisingly taking the fight to Del Rey. The Japanese star was able to control the pace of the match with stiff strikes, and their timing on some high risk moves was great as they went through a series of near falls that drew cheers every time one of the ladies kicked out just before a three count could be registered.


Del Rey eventually wore Hamada down and turned things around with a vicious lariat and then slowly, but surely asserted herself building momentum with a head butt/axe kick combination. The captain of Team Indies then showed off some of her technical skills with a variety of suplexes including an impressive release German that dumped Hamada on the back of her neck. Sara then motioned that it was time to finish this one off as she pulled Hamada up into position for a ROYAL BUTTERFLY (Butterfly lock into butterfly suplex) which was more than enough to secure the 1-2-3. After the match, a great deal of the crowd applauded both ladies as they shook hands and then briefly embraced as they were able to deliver a match well worth the wait.


Sara Del Rey p. Ayako Hamada - C+ (12 min)




On our first episode Team USA 1 had one of their members, Alundra Blaze, end up at a local hospital thanks to a savage post match attack by the Queens of Quebec, and tonight we saw a similar outcome although the set up was different as 'The Anarchist' Amy Dumas ended up taking out her own team captain! The segment began innocently enough as she approached Tina Ferrari earlier on in the evening and wanted to know why exactly Jazz & Molly Holly were chosen to represent the team in the Queen of FLOW tournament. Just as soon as Ferrari was about to answer, Dumas kicked her in the stomach and then snapped off a DDT right on the cement floor! Dumas then mounted Ferrari and was essentially dribbling her head on the floor until security and some of her teammates intervened. Molly looked concerned as the medical team was checking on Ferrari, who was completely unresponsive, and decided to prevent the camera crew from filming any further.


'The Anarchist' Amy Dumas attacks Tina Ferrari - C+ (4 min)



http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/Jazz.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/TrishStratus2.jpg


Jazz (TEAM USA 1) vs Trish Stratus (TEAM CANADA CAPTAIN)


Our next match started off with a great reaction though much of the crowd response had to do with the fact that Trish Stratus was participating as she is without a doubt the most popular member of the roster. Jazz didn't seem to care that the crowd didn't love her and decided that she was simply going to beat Trish into submission as she charged into the ring and fired a half dozen forearm shivers before tossing her into the nearest corner where she pummeled her some more. Watching Trish take a beating made the fans want to see her comeback that much more, and the response she garnered as she connected with a belly to back suplex to bust out of a vicious side headlock was amazing.


A few high kicks had Jazz on the ropes, figuratively speaking, but she took the air out of the room when she flipped Trish inside out with a vicious running lariat. It seemed as though Team Canada was about to have their captain eliminated from the tournament when Jazz looked like she was setting Trish up for a Jazz Stinger (Sitout facebuster), but Trish wouldn't go down without a fight and tagged Jazz with a fierce European uppercut and snapped off a STRATUSFACTION (Springboard bulldog) before Jazz could recover! Three seconds later, the match was over and the crowd popped for Trish's victory and advancement in the tournament.


Trish Stratus p. Jazz - C- (13 min)



http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/FabyApache.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/MollyHolly2.jpg


Faby Apache (TEAM MEXICO) vs Molly Holly (TEAM USA 1)


The next match was going to end either Team Mexico's or Team USA 1's chance of becoming the first Queen of FLOW since those teams had already suffered losses earlier on in the night. Molly looked distracted after seeing Tina Ferrari sent to a hospital and Faby showed no mercy as she jumped her before she could even enter the ring. Faby went all out ruda in this one throwing Molly around by her shortened hair, standing on her neck, choking her and just being an all around bitch though she never actually tried to pin Molly during the portion of the match where she was in full control. The generally mild mannered Molly eventually got tired of Faby's rulebreaking ways and showed an aggression that Faby didn't expect. The crowd started to show their support as Molly tossed Faby around with a series of suplexes before climbing to the top. The luchadora was dazed as she got to her feet, and was absolutely wiped out by a gorgeous MOLLY-GO-ROUND (Flipping seated senton) that gave Molly a victory and ensured that Team Mexico would have to wait at least another week before they could get on the scoreboard.


Molly Holly p. Faby Apache - D (13 min) Faby's card position was too low for a match this length




Shortly after Faby lost, we were taken to the backstage area where Shelly Martinez was seen watching a TV monitor and laughing to herself before she noticed that she was being watched by someone with a handheld camera.


Shelly: "This is week 2 of FLOW right? *the camera shakes up and down as the cameraman agrees with her* And Team Mexico STILL has no points right? *again, the camera shakes in agreement* I just wanted to make sure that I had my facts straight. So what have we learned about my team so far? Portia Perez? Loser. Melina Perez? Loser. Sarita? Loser. Faby Apache? Loser. I think it's hilarious that all of the so called "veterans" on Team Mexico acted like they were SO much better than me and Sexy Star *it's soon revealed that Star was the person wielding the camera as she waves to the people watching* because they had more experience than we did. Well how's that working out ladies? Next week we'll take on ANY two women on ANY other team, and I promise you that we'll do what none of you homely looking "professionals" could, and that's win a match and look good doing it!"


*Shelly then blows a kiss at the camera and walks off with the camera zooming in on her body as she walks away*


Shelly Martinez promo - C- (6 min)



http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/BullNakano.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/GailKim2.jpg




Our next contest was the final one involving a Team Captain as Bull Nakano looked to make it out of the first round and to prevent Canada from getting both of their members into the final six as Gail Kim was hoping to join Trish Stratus on next week's card. The size difference between the two ladies was amazing as Gail basically bounced off of Bull when she attempted to use some of her high flying tactics to ground the larger woman. Nakano swatted away a dropkick and then punished Kim with a running powerslam for a near fall. Once Kim was grounded, she was in serious trouble as Bull used all 210 of her pounds to weigh on the much smaller Kim, who valiantly fought but couldn't get out of the way of a German suplex that was followed up in short order by a huge sidewalk slam that knocked the wind out of her. Nakano then pulled Kim up by her hair, whipped her into the far side corner and all but made her vanish with a BULL RUSH (Stinger Splash). Kim fell face first to the canvas and was promptly rolled over and covered for the victory. Nakano merely smirked as her hand was raised while Kim looked like she'd just been hit by a moving vehicle.


Bull Nakano p. Gail Kim - C (10 min)




As one member of Team Canada left the ring, another walked down the aisle with a mic in her hand as Nattie Neidhart made her way out to a surprisingly loud reaction. The third generation star slapped hands with some fans before rolling into the ring and speaking her mind.


Nattie: "I have to say that I'm pretty disappointed that I wasn't picked to represent the team tonight, and that I won't have a chance to become the first Queen of FLOW. BUT, I do respect my team captain Trish because she has the team's best interest in mind. I was sitting in the back earlier when I saw what Amy Dumb-ass did to Tina and part of me thinks that she's not really that upset that she was left out of tonight's matches. I think she's just a punk who figured she'd attack the oldest person on the roster because she knows if she tried some of that "rough stuff" with someone like me SHE would be the one leaving on a stretcher! *the crowd pops* Coming from the Dungeon the first rule is to ALWAYS respect the people who made it before you, and next week I'm going to BEAT some respect into Amy whether she likes it or not! *Nattie then does the trademark Neidhart laugh and take a lengthy pause* YEAH BABY!"


*Nattie then tosses the mic and fires up the crowd before leaving to another nice ovation*


Nattie Neidhart promo (challenges Dumas to a match next week) - C+ (6 min)



http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/CheerleaderMelissa2-1.jpgvs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/real%20pics/MickieJames2.jpg


Melissa Anderson (TEAM INDIES) vs Mickie James (TEAM USA 2)


The Main Event would determine who was going to join Beth Phoenix, Sara Del Rey, Trish Stratus, Molly Holly & Bull Nakano in next week's Semifinal round and the winner would give their team bragging rights as Melissa Anderson was either going to make it a 2 for 2 evening for Team Indies, or Mickie James was going to do the same for Team USA 2. The fans seemed to be split with their cheers, though Mickie was slightly more popular and Anderson was more aggressive giving us some heel attitude as she chopped away at Mickie's chest then gestured for everyone to be quiet before knocking her off of her feet with a vicious chop. Anderson continued to put the boots to Mickie for the next few minutes, but James eventually fired back with some powerful shots of her own before grounding the larger woman with a Thesz press followed by multiple punches.


Mickie let out a scream as she popped to her feet and armdragged Anderson back to the canvas before dropkicking her in the back of the neck. Things were going Mickie's way until she went for her one-handed cartwheel into a standing monkey flip, and that's when Anderson landed on her feet and knocked James silly with a leaping thrust kick to the face. Anderson then fired a dozen or so kicks to the midsection before she climbed to the top turnbuckle and went for a huge Missile Dropkick, but Mickie saw it coming and sidestepped it at the last moment leaving Anderson to crash and burn on the mat! While Anderson was largely able to shake off the impact of the blow, she walked right into a MICK KICK (Roundhouse KO kick) and crumpled to the canvas where she was covered as Mickie James showed that she's capable of ending a match at any time.



Mickie James p. Melissa Anderson - C- (15 min)


C- rating




TEAM USA 2 (+8) 4 pts for Phoenix (2 for win, 2 for beating Mexico captain), 4 pts for Mickie (2 for win, 2 for Main Event)

TEAM INDIES (+5) 3 pts for Del Rey (2 for win, 1 pt for MOTN), 2 pts for Melissa (2 for Main Event)

TEAM CANADA (+3) 2 pts for Trish (2 for win), 1 pt for Nattie (1 for SOTN)

TEAM JAPAN (+3) 2 pts for Bull (2 for a win), 1 pt for Hamada (1 for MOTN)

TEAM USA 1 (+2) 2 pts for Molly (2 for win)


# 1 - (29 pts) TEAM INDIES: CAPTAIN - Sara Del Rey


12 - Crazy Daizee

12 - MsChif

3 - Sara Del Rey

2 - Melissa Anderson


# 2 - (13 pts) TEAM JAPAN: CAPTAIN - Bull Nakano


5 - Aja Kong

5 - Awesome Kong

2 - Bull Nakano

1 - Ayako Hamada


# 3 - (12 pts) TEAM USA 1: CAPTAIN - Tina Ferrari


5 - Alundra Blaze

5 - Tina Ferrari

2 - Molly Holly


# 4 - (8 pts) TEAM USA 2: CAPTAIN - Beth Phoenix


4 - Beth Phoenix

4 - Mickie James


# 5 - (4 pts) TEAM CANADA: CAPTAIN - Trish Stratus


3 - Trish Stratus

1 - Nattie Neidhart


# 6 - (0 pts) TEAM MEXICO: CAPTAIN - Sarita

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