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The Nashville Kings have been working night and day to secure the services of their man...and it has finally paid off. The Kings will be lead by wrestling royalty in the form of TNA founder Jeff Jarrett.




In what is rumoured to be a very lucrative three year deal, Jarrett will return to his roots as manager of his home team.

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The Atlanta Olympians have finally announced their GM after intense negotiations. Atlanta's own Bill Goldberg is their man, completing the GM line-up for this seasons Premier League of Wrestling.



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Hey everyone!


I could do with a logo for:


The New York Money's

The Santa Fe Sunflower Warriors

The Phoenix Madness

The Oklahoma Doctors.



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I know I have said this before, but you do great work aja!

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I know I have said this before, but you do great work aja!


Hey, thanks. I would have done them sooner, but I've been at the beach all week.


That, and I was having a helluva time figuring out logos for "doctors" and "sunflower warriors"! :mad::D

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Premier League Wrestling Draft Preview Show




Hello everybody, I'm Mike Tenay, and thank you for joining me for the PLW Pre-Draft extravaganza! Over the course of the next hour I will be joined by members of each teams coaching staff as we discuss the stories, quash the rumours and countdown the hours to the first ever PLW draft!


We have a lot to get through so lets get straight to it. First on the discussion table will be The Atlanta Olympians, so lets take a quick look at the personal already attached to the Georgia team.






Atlanta owner, billionaire Ted Turner, has never been afraid to splash the cash to get what he wants. With a blank chequebook comes a whole lot of responsibility meaning that anything less than a PLW title victory could be considered a disappointing season. Lets hope his staff have everything in place for a successful campaign.





The Olympians will of course be managed by Atlanta's own, Mr Bill Goldberg, who at the age of forty three is one of the younger managers in the league, and he has not been active on the wrestling scene since 2004. Perhaps to make up for that inexperience, Bill has enlisted the help of an incredibly talented back-room staff.



Former Governor Jesse Ventura will be Goldberg's right hand man. In fact, many see this as an unofficial joint-managership, not least of all Jesse himself! Time will tell whether the two men hit it off or whether we have a case of too many cooks spoiling the Atlanta broth.




Head Trainer Bill Demott has a long standing friendship with the GM, stretching back to Goldbergs first ever televised match, in which he bested the former Hugh Morrus. Bill also worked as a trainer on the Ill-fated WWE Tough Enough series. The experienced former two time US champion has many a trick to teach the younger members of the roster..as well as a few of the veterans no doubt!



Demott will be sharing training duties with Lance Storm, one of the best technicians to ever grace the squared circle. The Canadian legend has left his training school, Storm Wrestling Academy, for the opportunity to coach in the PLW.



Last, but certainly not least, the charismatic, enigmatic Raven will take up the position as head scout. Raven certainly has an eye for talent and the inner workings of the business, but also possesses a unique ability to get the best out of wrestlers and see things in them that perhaps others have missed. Raven has no doubt been working round the clock, assessing the available talent pool not just for stand out stars, but also unpolished diamonds for the later rounds of the draft.


And I'm delighted to say that joining me now in the studio is the man himself, Two time ECW champion, former NWA champion, Raven. Thanks for joining us here tonight.


RAVEN- My pleasure Mike!


MIKE- Now Raven, I've known you for many years, and I know you have a meticulous eye for detail, so I know you and the whole Atlanta franchise wont be leaving anything up to chance.


RAVEN- That's exactly right, Mike. There's a great team in place here, a lotta experience, a lotta know-how, and it really is a privilege to be involved. I believe we've covered every angle, gone through every projection of who could be going where in the draft, and me and my scouting staff are more than pleased with the list of names we hope to acquire.


MIKE- The talent pool is indeed deep. Names like John Cena, Triple H, AJ Styles, Chris Jericho, all franchise players...is that the kind of person the Olympians are looking for? Somebody to build a franchise around?


RAVEN- Without naming names, I feel there are at least ten to twelve wrestlers available that you could call Franchisers, so the odds are that there's gonna be a few of them left when it comes time for our first, maybe even second draft pick. We know which we'd prefer, but they are all world class atheletes, and it would be suicide not to pick them up.


MIKE- So, would you draft somebody who could potentially upset the balance of your team?


RAVEN- Look, Mike, The PLW is a team game...but it's still contended by individuals. I've worked with a lotta guys I like, but I've worked with a whole lot more I can't stand, so to me it's kinda a moot point. Sure, it would be nice to think that everybody's going to get along, but in my experience, it aint gonna happen.


MIKE- And what about the rumour swirling around that Ted Turner and Bill Goldberg have actively been courting Kurt Angle to try and get him to make himself eligible for the draft?


RAVEN- Let me go on record and state that whilst Kurt Angle is a great wrestler, perhaps even the greatest of his generation, there has been no official contact between either myself or anybody involved in Atlanta, and Kurt Angle. Would I like him to be eligible? Of course! But then so would every chairman, manager and fan in the league.


MIKE- So if Kurt was available you would pick him?


RAVEN- Now you're putting words in my mouth, Mike! The truth of the matter is that as it stands, Kurt isn't eligible...


MIKE- But if he were?


RAVEN- You'll have to wait and see like everybody else!


MIKE- OK, cant blame me for trying! Thank you for your time and good luck in the Draft later tonight. That's it for this part of the show, join me after the break when we will be discussing The Detroit Gremlins.

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Welcome back to this PLW Pre-draft special where in this section we are going to take a look at The Detroit Gremlins.






The Detroit Gremlins are owned by Hardcore Icon and all round good guy Mick Foley. Foley is notorious for his money saving ways in his private life and many expect this to carry over into his business life. That being said, Foley is always guaranteed to give the people a show one way or another!



Foley's first order of business was to find a GM. In fact, he found two, in the shape of brothers and tag partners Scott and Rick Steiner. This is one of two joint General Managership's in the league and the only brothers to be involved.



Head coach for the Gremlins will be Scott D'amore. A former road agent, trainer and manager in TNA, as well as co-owner of Border City Wrestling, D'amore brings a wealth of coaching experience to the roll. Another Canadian export, Scott has been responsible for the training of Alistair Ralphs and Petey Williams amongst others.



Joining D'amore will be ECW legend Tommy Dreamer. The recently retired Dreamer has a long standing relationship with Foley, who he is said to be ecstatic to be working with. Dreamer was known for his heart and soul in the ring, something he will hope to instil into the Gremlins roster.




Rounding up the coaching staff is Terry Funk, one of the craziest and most unpredictable wrestlers to ever lace his boots! The Funker is also best friends with owner Mick Foley, but they have shared more than a few bloody battles in the past. Will his employment end in tears?


And joining me to discuss the fortunes of The Detroit Gremlins, the owner himself, Mick Foley. Mick, it's an absolute pleasure to have you here.


MICK- Pleasures all mine Tenay!


MIKE- How excited are you Mick that the draft is only hours away?


MICK- Excited doesn't do it justice! I mean, it feels like i'm about to superfly off the top of the cage all over again...except its twice as high! These butterflies are worse than the time I met Katie Couric! I wanna throw up more than I do after watching my best of Al Snow DVD!


MIKE- In all seriousness though Mick, you must be relishing the thought of some of the biggest names in professional wrestling coming to work for Mrs Foley's baby boy!


MICK- It's a dream come true, Mike, it really is. Anybody who travelled down the road with me will tell you that I'm not somebody who throws his money around...but when the opportunity to own my own Wrestling franchise...especially one, right here, in Detroit!...came up, I just couldn't say no.


MIKE- You mention your renown frugality...is that something that will be indicative of your transfer policy regarding contracts and the like?


MICK- I want the best wrestlers in the world in Detroit, I really do, but I want them to want to be here! There are a lot of owners in the league that are able to spend what they like, and obviously I cannot financially compete with the billionaires. That being said, if you want to have the best time of your wrestling life, if you want to learn from the very best, then Detroit is the place to be daddio!


MIKE- It seems like you've employed a lot of your old friends, along with two brothers as co GM's... do you think this is a strategy that might backfire?


MICK- Like you said earlier, me and Terry have had our run ins. I've had a few scraps with Tommy Dreamer in my time too. Hell, Rick and Scott aren't exactly adverse to throwing a few punches! That being said, there's a reason why we are all still friends. There's a bond in this team that I truly believe cannot be rivalled by any other teams in the league.


MIKE- Given the hardcore legacy of you and your staff, can we expect a hard hitting, brawling, extreme style from your wrestlers?


MICK- Well, you know, I think you can expect a little bit of everything from us. There is a wide mix of talent on our radar and we hope to provide something for everybody. Plus, you know, I've kinda mellowed in my old age Mike!


MIKE- Any names on that radar you want to share with us now?


MICK- I think there are names that everybody will have on their list that don't need any explanation. Jack Swagger impresses the heck out of me. Daniel Bryan is one of the best I've personally ever seen. Melina would make a great addition to anybodies roster. I'm not saying those are the names we will be looking to draft, but they will certainly be somewhere before the night is through.


MIKE- All right Mick, thank you for taking time out of your hectic schedule to talk to me. Join us after this short commercial break when we will be looking at The Las Vegas Playboys.

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And now we move onto The Las Vegas Playboys. Will the team from Sin City be celebrating nationwide by the end of the summer, or will whatever happens in Vegas stay in Vegas?






The Playboys are owned by one of the biggest playboys around, the notorious Donald Trump! They will play their home fixtures in the house that trump built, Caesars Palace, and are sure to be backed financially by the sugar daddy.




In another joint General Managership, life long best buddies Kevin Nash and Scott Hall will lead out The Playboys. Known as troublemakers in their time, the two clique members are certain to have a tough reception from some of the Las Vegas faithful. Whatever happens, it is sure to be a hell of a ride with these two in charge.




Heading up the coaching staff will be another of wrestlings bad boys, and friend of the GM's Sean Waltman. There is no denying Waltmans natural athletic ability, but a huge questionmark hangs over whether he can keep his personal demons behind him.




His no nonsense, smash mouth style may fly in the face of his compatriots, but Bob Holly could prove to be the glue that holds the Las Vegas fabric together. Bob also worked on Tough Enough, but was reprimanded for slapping one of the rookies. The roster may not like Bob's style, but the results speak for themselves




Head scout for The Playboys will be non other than Tito Santana. The Matador has a cool head for business and wrestling, and his experience will be invaluable for Las Vegas.



Well joining me now, they are perhaps the definition of the modern Playboy, I'm talking about Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, great to have you on board fella's


NASH- Thanks for having up Tenay


HALL- Hey yo!


MIKE- Now guys, forgive me for saying this, but trouble kind of has a habit of following you and the majority of your staff around...


NASH- Whoa, hold on a minute there chief! Aint you gonna throw us a few easy questions first like you have with everybody else?


HALL- Not cool Mang!


NASH- Just because we've been a little...high spirited in the past, doesn't mean we should be judged by any other standards than anybody else in the league!


HALL- Yeah mang, why don't you ask Randy Savage why he aint been on the wrestling scene in so long!


NASH-Shhhh, shuddup man! Don't even go there! Look, we know we have form, but can we concentrate on The Las Vegas Playboys and not our personal life?


MIKE- OK, I'm sorry guys....let me ask you this. Who, in your opinion, is the number one guy in the draft?


NASH- Well, with the quality available, I really don't think you can single one guy out. I think there's gonna be a few ego's put out of whack because a lot of world class athletes aren't gonna drafted in the first round. How's someone like HHH or Taker going to react if they don't go in the first round?


MIKE- Are you saying you won't be looking at either of those guys?


HALL- Does it sound like that's what he said mang? You need to learn when to keep your mouth shut Tenay!


NASH- Easy bad guy! You aint getting any info out of us Tenay, you're gonna have to wait till later on to find out!


MIKE- OK, thanks guys, thats about all the time we have for now. Coming up after the break were taking a look at The Nashville Kings, and whether they have what it takes to compete in PLW.

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