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"The League"--A Multiplayer Wrestling Spirit II Experience

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Screw your milk products, Pepsi is where it is at fools.


/end endorsements


Oh, you crazy kids and your reality based products with real financial backings! :p


Great. I can see the main addition for season 3...endorsement deals. Thanks, everyone. :rolleyes:


(The above was obviously a joke.)


So does that mean that next season, Maxx Skabb can't have an interview segment called "Talkin' Trash in the Yard" presented by Jack Rabbit Lawn Mower products? `cause I already paid for the t-shirts ...http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a92/Kamakeahale1/Smilies/CryingSmiley.gif (Anime tears. :p)

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Oh, you crazy kids and your reality based products with real financial backings! :p




So does that mean that next season, Maxx Skabb can't have an interview segment called "Talkin' Trash in the Yard" presented by Jack Rabbit Lawn Mower products? `cause I already paid for the t-shirts ...http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a92/Kamakeahale1/Smilies/CryingSmiley.gif (Anime tears. :p)


Pepsi : The Choice of The New Generation ;)

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I have mostly given up my Pepsi and Yoohoo drinking. It's usually less than once a month, nowadays on Yoohoo equivalents, and no full-bore sugar sodas for me anymore (and I even limit them just as harshly).


Dropped 30 pounds and kept it off, though.

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Screw your milk products, Pepsi is where it is at fools.


/end endorsements


Pepsi is the nastiest drink EVER.


Interesting. I could have swore the mini-documentary I saw on it said there wasn't any milk. I must have confused it for not having much milk. The wikipedia page says it has very little actual milk. It is mostly water from what I recall.



Either way, not chocolate milk, but a chocolate drink.

Next you're gonna tell me the Easter Bunny is fake. I can't take it man!!!!!


I have mostly given up my Pepsi and Yoohoo drinking. It's usually less than once a month, nowadays on Yoohoo equivalents, and no full-bore sugar sodas for me anymore (and I even limit them just as harshly).


Dropped 30 pounds and kept it off, though.


If I could give up all Soda the same way I gave up Mt Dew I'd be great.


@Prophet, will send times and dates your way. :D

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I have mostly given up my Pepsi and Yoohoo drinking. It's usually less than once a month, nowadays on Yoohoo equivalents, and no full-bore sugar sodas for me anymore (and I even limit them just as harshly).


Dropped 30 pounds and kept it off, though.


I did that too, a couple of years ago. Cut out all sodas, and switched to iced teas, and the occasional Sobe Energy. Problem is I also drink some 8 cups of coffee a day, so my weight has stayed pretty stable. lol


@Prophet, will send times and dates your way. :D


Booking guests for the first ever wrestling talk show that threatens to end every interview with a shiv? :p

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Problem is I also drink some 8 cups of coffee a day, so my weight has stayed pretty stable. lol


Yeah, I generally only do one huge, heavily sugared cup in the morning. Everything else is water, milk, or the occasional hard cider. If I ever got off my butt and exercised, I'd probably drop back down another 40 pounds.




Is it hard to tell we're all hanging around waiting for an update, hint, hint?

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Yeah, I generally only do one huge, heavily sugared cup in the morning. Everything else is water, milk, or the occasional hard cider. If I ever got off my butt and exercised, I'd probably drop back down another 40 pounds.




Is it hard to tell we're all hanging around waiting for an update, hint, hint?


You'll get an update when i'm ready to give SF his laptop back. Hahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

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Can Zack Ryder's finisher really be considered a lariat?

I dunno, seems kinda iffy to me, I think that for it to be a lariat, you have to run to your opponent and roll in some way to hit your opponent with the back of your kick

Sounds kinda iffysh to have Zack Ryder's finisher (jump on top of him, basically) as a Lariat

I guess it could be called a flying lariat, but... meh...


And yes, I just wasted 7 lines discussing if that is a lariat or not, derp

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In light of the impatience shown over the last few hours, and also due to the length of several matches, entrances are once again delayed. Blame your wrestlers for being too stubborn to lay down and quit. :p (Seriously, folks, I got hit with extra duties on another side project and y'all seem antsy to get started. So who am I to keep it for another hour to get entrances put in?)


Season Two, Week Three

Richmond, Virginia

October 23, 2010


It is a raucous crowd that erupts into cheers as the obligatory pyro introduction shakes the rafters of the Richmond Coliseum. Most of the signs in the crowd are in support of either Shawn Arrows or Maxx Skabb, though the entire League is represented at least somewhere in the crowd. A few moments later, the camera shifts to ringside, and our announce team.


Bob Sinclair: The capital of the Confederacy is jumping tonight! Welcome to Richmond, everyone! Bob Sinclair, at ringside as always with my broadcast colleague Frankie Garnett and Frankie, what a card we have tonight!


Frankie Garnett: You're not kidding, Bob. A First Blood match, a battle of lariats, and the most hyped main event in the League's history are all on tap tonight. This is going to be epic!


ALPHA DIVISION: SGRaaize (1-1) vs. Nuclear Templeton (2-0)

(Fans' Pick: Templeton, 92.3% (12 – 1))


Bob Sinclair: And we're not going to waste any time tonight; as we go to the ring to get us under way!


SGRaaize hit the Punch

The Eye Gouge was countered into a Side Headlock Takedown.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Slingshot To Corner

Nuclear Templeton hit the Corner Knife Edge Chop

Nuclear Templeton hit the Corner Ten Punch

Nuclear Templeton hit the Ten Turnbuckle Smashes

Nuclear Templeton hit the Mounted Elbow Smashes

SGRaaize blocked the Headbutt To Groin.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Rear Naked Punch Flurry

SGRaaize moved and the Snap Driving Elbow missed!

SGRaaize hit the Stomp

SGRaaize hit the Face Stepping

The referee warns that that was illegal.

SGRaaize hit the Seated Back Kick

SGRaaize hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

SGRaaize picks up Nuclear Templeton from behind.

Nuclear Templeton blocked the Canadian Backbreaker Hold.

SGRaaize hit the Knee Breaker

SGRaaize applied the Single Leg Grapevine

SGRaaize applied the Single Leg Boston Crab

SGRaaize picks up Nuclear Templeton from behind.

Nuclear Templeton counters by reversing on SGRaaize.

The Three Point Stance was countered into a Punch.

The Portugal Lariat was countered into a Power Surge.

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!


Frankie Garnett: Good Lord, that impact! That looked to have broken some ribs!


Bob Sinclair: Templeton had the lariat scouted, obviously, and came up with a huge counter there.


Nuclear Templeton hit the Strong Forearm Strike Flurry

Nuclear Templeton hit the Ring Apron Suplex

SGRaaize slipped out of the Headbutt To Groin.

SGRaaize hit the S.T.O.

SGRaaize picks up Nuclear Templeton from behind.

Nuclear Templeton counters by reversing on SGRaaize.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Three Point Stance

SGRaaize moved and the Snap Driving Elbow missed!

SGRaaize applied the Camel Clutch

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!


The Portugal Lariat was countered into a Power Bodyslam.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

SGRaaize is busted open.


Bob Sinclair: Templeton is making sure that no matter what, Raaize is going to be feeling the effects of this match for quite some time.


Frankie Garnett: And this is only the first match! It's bound to get better tonight!


SGRaaize counters by fighting back.

Nuclear Templeton slipped out of the S.T.O..

The Strong Forearm Strike Flurry was countered into a Slap To Chest.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

SGRaaize hit the Triple Forearm Blow

SGRaaize picks up Nuclear Templeton.

Nuclear Templeton blocked the S.T.O..

Nuclear Templeton blocked the Gutwrench Suplex. This is the second block in a row, and Nuclear Templeton takes control.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The Gutwrench Powerbomb was countered into a Kick To Gut.

SGRaaize wipes away the trickle of blood on his face.

The Portugal Lariat was countered into a Knife Edge Chop.

SGRaaize moved and the Snap Driving Elbow missed!

SGRaaize picks up Nuclear Templeton from behind.

Nuclear Templeton counters by reversing on SGRaaize.

The Forearm Strike Flurry was countered into a Shooter Takedown.

SGRaaize picks up Nuclear Templeton from behind.

Nuclear Templeton counters by fighting back.

The Charging Forearm was countered into a Single Arm DDT.

SGRaaize applied the Camel Clutch

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!


The Triple Forearm Blow was countered into a Power Bodyslam.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Headbutt To Groin

SGRaaize slipped out of the Rear Naked Punch Flurry.

The Portugal Lariat was countered into a High Backdrop.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Basement Dropkick

Nuclear Templeton hit the Headbutt To Groin

Nuclear Templeton picks up SGRaaize.

The Strong Forearm Strike Flurry was countered into a Punch.

SGRaaize climbs the turnbuckles.

SGRaaize hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The fans boo SGRaaize, trying to distract him.

SGRaaize hit the S.T.O.

SGRaaize picks up Nuclear Templeton from behind.

Nuclear Templeton broke the Hammerlock Kick.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Front Slam

SGRaaize blocked the Rain of Pain.


Frankie Garnett: Wait…blocked the what now?


Bob Sinclair: The Rain of Pain. I've been told that Nuclear's working on this; it's a variant of a crucifix pin.


Frankie Garnett: But what is it?


Bob Sinclair: Afraid I don't know for certain.


Nuclear Templeton hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Nuclear Templeton hit the Rear Naked Punch Flurry

SGRaaize blocked the Rain of Pain.

SGRaaize counters by fighting back.

Nuclear Templeton counters by fighting back.

The Three Point Stance was countered into a Side Headlock Takedown.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Nuclear Templeton recovers and stands up.

Nuclear Templeton counters by reversing on SGRaaize.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Discus Clothesline

Nuclear Templeton hit the Rear Naked Punch Flurry

Raaize tries to get out of the crucifix pin, but Nuclear is beating him senseless!


Frankie Garnett: What in the--?!


Bob Sinclair: Now I get it! Nuclear has a crucifix pin on to immobilize the arms, but he's using a free hand to beat the bejeebus out of Raaize! What an ingenious move!


The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...


The fans applaud after seeing a very good match.


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of thirteen and a half minutes...Nuclear Templeton!


Frankie Garnett: How is that move legal, Bob?


Bob Sinclair: It's just as legal as when a guy drives a forearm across the bridge of the nose for a pin attempt, Frankie. In any event, Nuclear debuts a new finisher and comes away with a divisional win tonight!


BETA DIVISION: Sebastian Moore (1-1) vs. Thor Hammerskald (0-2)

(Fans' Pick: Moore, 8 – 5 (61.5%))


Thor Hammerskald moved and the Slap Kick missed!

Thor Hammerskald hit the Headbutt

Thor Hammerskald picks up Sebastian Moore.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Punch

Thor Hammerskald hit the Knife Edge Chop

Sebastian Moore moved and the Knee Drop missed!

Sebastian Moore hit the Elbow Drop

Sebastian Moore hit the Knee Drop

Sebastian Moore applied the Body Scissors

Sebastian Moore hit the Knee Pull

Thor Hammerskald slipped out of the Single Leg Grapevine.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Elbow Strike

Thor Hammerskald hit the Headbutt

Sebastian Moore slipped out of the Rear Naked Punch Flurry.

Thor Hammerskald blocked the Gutwrench Suplex.

The Triple Forearm Blow was countered into a Fallaway Slam.

Sebastian Moore slipped out the back of the Mounted Punch Flurry.

Thor Hammerskald moved and the Kick Rush missed!


Bob Sinclair: It's been fairly even so far, Frankie.


Frankie Garnett: Sorry, I couldn't hear you over how bored I am....


Thor Hammerskald hit the Belly To Belly Suplex

Thor Hammerskald hit the Splash

Thor Hammerskald picks up Sebastian Moore.

The Gutwrench Powerbomb was countered into a Dropkick.

Sebastian Moore hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Sebastian Moore hit the Corkscrew Legdrop

Sebastian Moore picks up Thor Hammerskald.

Sebastian Moore hit the Leg Lariat

Sebastian Moore applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Sebastian Moore hit the Kneeling Kick Rush

Sebastian Moore applied the Camel Clutch

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!


Sebastian Moore looks sharp, he knows that the match has swung in his favour.

Thor Hammerskald blocked the DDT.

Thor Hammerskald slipped out the back of the Chonan Lock.

Sebastian Moore slipped out the back of the Back Suplex.

The fans try to help Sebastian Moore by chanting his name.

Sebastian Moore hit the Neckbreaker

Sebastian Moore hit the Kneeling Kick Rush

Sebastian Moore picks up Thor Hammerskald.

The fans try to help Sebastian Moore by chanting his name.

Sebastian Moore hit the Triple Kick Combo

Sebastian Moore picks up Thor Hammerskald.

Sebastian Moore with the takedown, and he has that Chonan Lock on tight, Frankie!

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

The referee has called for the bell!

The fans boo, unhappy after a dull match.


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of six minutes and ten seconds...Sebastian Moore!


Bob Sinclair: Moore continues to impress, picking up his second victory this season. It could be an interesting race in the Beta Division this season.


Frankie Garnett: Something tells me that Maxx Skabb's going to have plenty to say about it, though.


ALPHA DIVISION: Ly Quang Bao (0-2) vs. Robbie Maynard (1-1)

(Fans' Pick: Maynard, 10 – 3 (76.9%))


Robbie Maynard hit the Forearm Blow

Robbie Maynard applied the Front Facelock

Ly Quang Bao moved and the Eye Gouge missed!

Ly Quang Bao hit the Punch

Ly Quang Bao hit the Elbow Strike

Ly Quang Bao hit the Forearm Strike

Ly Quang Bao hit the Forearm Blow

Ly Quang Bao hit the Throat Thrust

Ly Quang Bao hit the Forearm Strike

Robbie Maynard took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Robbie Maynard hit the Open Handed Slap

Ly Quang Bao moved and the Kick To Gut missed!

Ly Quang Bao hit the Face Plant

Ly Quang Bao hit the Charging Forearm

Robbie Maynard tries to take the blow, but doesn't have the necessary momentum on his side.

Robbie Maynard rushed the Spirit Roar.

Robbie Maynard hit the Eye Gouge

Robbie Maynard applied the Front Facelock

Robbie Maynard hit the Punch

Robbie Maynard hit the Forearm Blow

Robbie Maynard hit the Running Clothesline

Robbie Maynard picks up Ly Quang Bao from behind.

Robbie Maynard hit the Forearm To Back

Ly Quang Bao slipped out of the Back Suplex.

The crowd start chanting to taunt Ly Quang Bao.

Ly Quang Bao hit the Triple Forearm Blow

The Single Leg Grapevine was countered into a Low Blow.

Robbie Maynard hit the Headbutt To Groin

The referee was not happy with that move.

Robbie Maynard applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Robbie Maynard picks up Ly Quang Bao from behind.

Ly Quang Bao slipped out of the Back Suplex.

Ly Quang Bao hit the Charging Forearm

Ly Quang Bao hit the Snap Driving Elbow

Ly Quang Bao applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Ly Quang Bao picks up Robbie Maynard.

Ly Quang Bao hit the Strong Forearm Strike Flurry

Ly Quang Bao drags Robbie Maynard back into the ring.

Kreizi Brainbuster II! That has to do it, Bob! It HAS to!

Ly Quang Bao is in total control of this match at the moment, and knows it.

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...


The fans boo, unhappy after a dull match.


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of five minutes and fifty seconds...Ly Quang Bao!


Frankie Garnett: I don't care what you think, Bob, that has to be a minor upset!


Bob Sinclair: Well, Vegas did have Bao favored to start, and he comes through with a huge win tonight!


El Demonio de Sangre (0-2) vs. Diamond (0-2)

(Fans' Pick: Diamond, 76.9% (10 – 3))


El Demonio de Sangre hit the Legsweep Snap Pinfall

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out!

The Lucha Bump was countered into a Arm Drag.

Diamond hit the Stomp

Diamond hit the Face Stepping

Diamond hit the Face Rub

Diamond hit the Stomp

Diamond hit the Face Stepping

El Demonio de Sangre slipped out of the Legdrop To Groin.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Running Clothesline

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Guillotina

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Stomp

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Face Stepping

Diamond moved and the Guillotina missed!

Diamond hit the Rolling Senton

El Demonio de Sangre moved and the Rolling Splash missed!

Diamond moved and the Slingshot Senton Bomb missed!

Diamond hit the Slingshot Senton Bomb


Bob Sinclair: Fast-paced action right off the bat here; I expect to see some frequent-flyer miles racked up by the end of this one!


Frankie Garnett: I expect someone to crash and burn, frankly. Between a 450 Splash and a Swandive Senton, someone's going to miss and pay the price!


Diamond picks up El Demonio de Sangre from behind.

The Dropkick To Knee was countered into a Cangrejo.

Diamond moved and the Seated Back Dropkick missed!

Diamond hit the DDT

Diamond climbs the turnbuckles.

El Demonio de Sangre shook the ropes to stop the Diamond in the Sky.

Diamond counters by kicking El Demonio de Sangre away.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

El Demonio de Sangre shook the ropes to stop the Second Rope Dropkick.

Diamond counters by kicking El Demonio de Sangre away.

El Demonio de Sangre moved and the Missile Dropkick missed!


Bob Sinclair: Demonio with just enough time to gather his wits about him to avoid that move from Diamond, heads-up wrestling by the luchador.


Frankie Garnett: I don't think Diamond's going to take too kindly to this.


The Corkscrew Legdrop was countered into a Legsweep Kick.

The crowd start chanting to taunt Diamond.

Diamond picks up El Demonio de Sangre from behind.

The Springboard Rana was countered into a Dropkick.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Flip Legdrop

The Rolling Senton was countered into a Low Blow.

Diamond used the Standing Moonsault

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

And El Demonio's jaw just got jacked up!

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

El Demonio saw it coming, and ducked the Hell Fire Kick!

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Leg Lariat

El Demonio de Sangre picks up Diamond.

Diamond blocked the Small Package.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Gutwrench Suplex

El Demonio de Sangre picks up Diamond.

El Demonio de Sangre climbs the turnbuckles.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Moonsault Press

El Demonio de Sangre climbs the turnbuckles.

Diamond shook the ropes to stop the Fuego Infernal.

Diamond climbs the turnbuckles.

El Demonio de Sangre blocked the Super Rana.

El Demonio de Sangre blocked the Super Rana. This is the second block in a row, and El Demonio de Sangre takes control.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Superplex

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!


Frankie Garnett: I don't know how Diamond got out of that, Bob. That impact certainly could not have helped her back after the match she had last week.


Bob Sinclair: Indeed, Frankie. With the League turning up the intensity of their matches, it certainly has brought an entirely new dimension to the bouts this season.


El Demonio de Sangre climbs the turnbuckles.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Missile Dropkick

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Power Guillotina

El Demonio de Sangre used the Top Rope Point

Diamond shook the ropes to stop the Fuego Infernal.

El Demonio de Sangre counters by fighting back.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Springboard Rana

El Demonio de Sangre picks up Diamond.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Lucha Spinning Head Scissors

Diamond rushed the Top Rope Point.

The Rana Pinfall was countered into a Puñetazo.

The Patadas Voladoras was countered into a Spinning Back Kick.

El Demonio de Sangre moved and the Charging Basement Dropkick missed!

Diamond counters by reversing on El Demonio de Sangre.

Hell Fire Kick! Hell Fire Kick! Hell Fire Kick!

El Demonio de Sangre moved and the Slingshot Legdrop missed!

El Demonio de Sangre picks up Diamond.

Diamond moved and the Springboard Rana missed!

El Demonio de Sangre moved and the Springboard Rana missed!

Diamond moved and the Leg Lariat missed!

Hell Fire Kick! Hell Fire Kick! Hell Fire Kick!

El Demonio de Sangre moved and the Slingshot Legdrop missed!

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Corkscrew Legdrop

Diamond rushed the Top Rope Point.

El Demonio de Sangre counters by fighting back.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Patadas Voladoras

El Demonio de Sangre picks up Diamond from behind.

El Demonio de Sangre climbs the turnbuckles.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Missile Dropkick

El Demonio de Sangre picks up Diamond.

El Demonio de Sangre throws Diamond to ringside.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Feint Pescado Suicida

The referee begins counting the competitors out.


Frankie Garnett: I was wondering how long it would take for someone to do that in this match. If he had missed, though, it might have been lights out!


Bob Sinclair: Now, can he press this advantage?


El Demonio de Sangre picks up Diamond from behind.

Diamond counters by fighting back.

The referee reaches the halfway point of his count.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The referee is almost ready to count both competitors out.

The Dropkicksault was countered into a Spinning Back Kick.

Both competitors return to the ring before they are counted out.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Springboard Rana

The crowd start chanting to taunt El Demonio de Sangre.

Diamond moved and the Slingshot Guillotina missed!

Diamond used the Arabian Press

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Diamond stops to shout some abuse at some fans in the front row.

Diamond hit the Springboard Rana

Diamond climbs the turnbuckles.

El Demonio de Sangre rushed the Diamond in the Sky.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Diamond slipped out the back of the Superplex.

Diamond climbs the turnbuckles.

Diamond climbs down off the top rope.

Diamond climbs the turnbuckles.

El Demonio de Sangre blocked the Super Rana.

El Demonio de Sangre blocked the Super Rana. This is the second block in a row, and El Demonio de Sangre takes control.

Diamond slipped out of the Superplex.

Diamond throws El Demonio de Sangre off the top rope.

Diamond picks up El Demonio de Sangre.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

El Demonio de Sangre blocked the Rana Pinfall.

Diamond climbs the turnbuckles.

Diamond hit the Flying Clothesline

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!


Bob Sinclair: Highly competitive matchup here between these two high flyers, Frankie. I don't think they've slowed down much since the opening bell!


Frankie Garnett: I don't see how, though, not after all of the abuse they've taken!


A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The Rana Pinfall was countered into a Puñetazo.

El Demonio de Sangre whips Diamond into the ropes.

The Segadora was countered into a Flying Forearm.

Diamond climbs the turnbuckles.

El Demonio de Sangre shook the ropes to stop the Diamond in the Sky.

The fans boo El Demonio de Sangre, wanting to see him take, not give, punishment.

Diamond counters by kicking El Demonio de Sangre away.

El Demonio de Sangre shook the ropes to stop the Missile Dropkick.

El Demonio de Sangre throws Diamond off the top rope.

El Demonio de Sangre applied the Quebradora De A Caballo


Frankie Garnett: In English, Bob!


Bob Sinclair: Camel Clutch.


Frankie Garnett: ...oh.


The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!


The Small Package was countered into a Punch.

El Demonio de Sangre blocked the Rana Pinfall.

Diamond grimaces as she moves, her neck seems to be hurting her.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Diamond hit the Springboard Rana

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The Arabian Press was countered into a Legsweep Kick.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Slingshot Guillotina

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Lucha Spinning Head Scissors

Diamond moved and the Power Guillotina missed!

Diamond climbs the turnbuckles.

Diamond grimaces as she walks, her knee may have been hurt.

El Demonio de Sangre moved and the Flying Elbow Drop missed!

The Cruceta was countered into a Low Blow.

The referee is furious at that breach of the rules.

Diamond climbs the turnbuckles.

Diamond hit the Sky Twister Press

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...


The fans applaud after seeing a very good match.


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of twenty-two and a half minutes...Diamond!


Bob Sinclair: Diamond comes away with the victory, but you can see her holding her neck, Frankie. If Shawn Arrows is watching this, you know he's got to be happy with that result.


Frankie Garnett: Arrows still needs to worry about Maxx Skabb, Bob. He can look to the future after that.


Tarik Nolan (1-1) vs. Super Century (0-2)

(Fans' Pick: Century, 61.5% (8 – 5))


Tarik Nolan hit the European Uppercut

Tarik Nolan hit the Face Rub

Tarik Nolan hit the Face Stepping

Tarik Nolan hit the Seated Back Kick

Super Century counters by fighting back.

Super Century hit the Back Kick

Tarik Nolan took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Tarik Nolan hit the Eye Gouge

Tarik Nolan hit the Punch

Tarik Nolan hit the Kick To Gut

Super Century broke the Short Arm Clothesline.

The Running Clothesline was countered into a Shooter Takedown.

Tarik Nolan used the Power Taunt

Super Century recovers and stands up.

The Front Slam was countered into a Elbow Strike.

Super Century hit the Kick To Knee

Tarik Nolan moved and the Jab Punch missed!

Tarik Nolan hit the DDT

Super Century slipped out of the Rear Naked Punch Flurry.

Super Century hit the Running Clothesline

Super Century hit the Knee Pull

Super Century hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

The Mounted Punch Flurry was countered into a Low Blow.

Tarik Nolan is limping, his leg is clearly damaged somehow.


Bob Sinclair: Tarik's still feeling the effects of the last couple of weeks here, as his knee is still giving him fits.


Frankie Garnett: Well, to be honest, quite a few League members have been hurting over the last few weeks, Bob. It's the nature of the game!


Tarik Nolan picks up Super Century.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Tarik Nolan hit the Running Knee Lift

Super Century easily rushed the Power Taunt.

Super Century hit the DDT

Super Century hit the Seated Dropkick

Super Century hit the Splash

Tarik Nolan moved and the Slingshot Legdrop missed!

Tarik Nolan picks up Super Century from behind.

Super Century moved and the Blindside High Knee missed!

Super Century hit the Hammerlock Kick

Super Century climbs the turnbuckles.

The Flying Body Press was countered into a Powerslam.

Super Century blocked the Mounted Punch Flurry.

Super Century slipped out of the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Tarik Nolan counters by reversing on Super Century.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Tarik Nolan hit the Spinebuster

Super Century blocked the Headbutt To Groin.

Tarik Nolan hit the Face Rub

Tarik Nolan picks up Super Century.

Tarik Nolan hit the Pump Kick

Tarik Nolan used the Slit Throat Motion

Tarik Nolan picks up Super Century.

Tarik Nolan hit the Press Powerslam

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Tarik Nolan climbs the turnbuckles.

Tarik Nolan hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

Tarik Nolan picks up Super Century.

Tarik Nolan whips Super Century to the corner.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Tarik Nolan hit the Corner Stomp Flurry

Super Century easily rushed the Slit Throat Motion.

Super Century climbs the turnbuckles.

Super Century hit the Corkscrew Leg Lariat

The Camel Clutch was countered into a Low Blow.

The referee is furious at that breach of the rules.


Frankie Garnett: Not the most ethical of counters, but it works! Get him, Tarik!


Super Century slipped out of the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Super Century hit the Hammerlock Kick

Super Century hit the Running Dropkick

Super Century picks up Tarik Nolan.

Super Century hit the High Knee

Super Century climbs the turnbuckles.

Tarik Nolan recovers and stands up.

Super Century hit the Missile Dropkick

Super Century picks up Tarik Nolan.

Super Century climbs the turnbuckles.

Super Century hit the Flying Clothesline

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...



Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of eleven minutes and ten seconds...Super Century!


Bob Sinclair: Century picks up his first win of the season, and it has to feel good for that young man!


Frankie Garnett: Man, all I know is that Tarik's gonna be angry next week....


FIRST BLOOD: The Phoenix (2-0) vs. Scott Stevens (2-0)

(Fans' Pick: Phoenix, 9 - 4 (69.2%))


The Phoenix hit the Forearm Blow

The Phoenix hit the Punch

The Phoenix hit the Elbow Strike

The Phoenix hit the Knife Edge Chop

Scott Stevens slipped out of the Elbow Drop On Knee.

Scott Stevens hit the Forearm Strike

Scott Stevens hit the Punch

Scott Stevens hit the Kick To Thigh

Scott Stevens hit the Suplex

The Phoenix moved and the Stomp missed!

The Phoenix hit the Single Leg Trip

The Phoenix hit the Stomp

Scott Stevens moved and the Elbow Drop missed!

The Phoenix blocked the Knee Pull.

Scott Stevens applied the Rear Chinlock

Scott Stevens hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

The Phoenix moved and the Corkscrew Legdrop missed!

Scott Stevens slipped out of the Rear Crossface Blows.

The Phoenix blocked the Gutwrench Suplex.

Scott Stevens hit the DDT

Scott Stevens applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Scott Stevens hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

The Phoenix moved and the Corkscrew Legdrop missed!

Scott Stevens broke the Single Leg Boston Crab by reaching the ropes.

The Phoenix hit the Triple Forearm Blow

The Phoenix picks up Scott Stevens from behind.

The Phoenix hit the Side Explosion Suplex

The Phoenix picks up Scott Stevens from behind.

The crowd start a chant for The Phoenix.


Bob Sinclair: Both men are more known for their technical skills; I'm not certain if either of them have any moves they can use to draw blood, Frankie.


Frankie Garnett: Stevens has several, mostly from MMA influence. If he can introduce his knees to Phoenix's face, it's over. Knee strikes, ground-and-pound, seated knuckle punches...Stevens has a number of ways to finish this fat guy off.


Scott Stevens blocked the Hammerlock Shoulder Breaker.

Scott Stevens slipped out of the Diving DDT.

Scott Stevens hit the Triple Kick Combo

Scott Stevens applied the Single Leg Grapevine

The fans boo Scott Stevens, wanting to see him take, not give, punishment.

Scott Stevens climbs the turnbuckles.

The Phoenix shook the ropes to stop the Moonsault.

The Phoenix throws Scott Stevens off the top rope.

Scott Stevens blocked the American Figure Four Leglock.

Scott Stevens broke the Camel Clutch.

The Phoenix counters by reversing on Scott Stevens.

The Phoenix hit the Corner Clothesline

The Phoenix hit the Side Explosion Suplex

The Phoenix picks up Scott Stevens.

Scott Stevens broke the Capture Suplex.

The Powerbomb was countered into a Kick To Gut.

The Phoenix whips Scott Stevens to the corner.

The Phoenix hit the Corner Clothesline

Scott Stevens slipped out the back of the Eternal Requiem.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Scott Stevens hit the Neckbreaker

The Phoenix counters by fighting back.

The Phoenix hit the Slingshot Suplex

Scott Stevens slipped out the back of the Camel Clutch.

Scott Stevens hit the Kick Rush

Scott Stevens picks up The Phoenix from behind.

Scott Stevens hit the Forward Russian Legsweep

Scott Stevens picks up The Phoenix.

The Phoenix blocked the S.T.O..

The Powerbomb was countered into a Kick To Gut.

Scott Stevens broke the Capture Suplex.

The Phoenix broke the DDT.

The Phoenix grimaces as he moves, his neck seems to be hurting him.


Frankie Garnett: Sign of weakness. Get him, Scorpion!


Bob Sinclair: Phoenix, remember, has a surgically repaired neck; this cannot bode well for him; especially as it may make it easier for Scott to draw blood first.


The Phoenix hit the Slingshot Suplex

Scott Stevens can hear the faint whispers of the Eternal Requiem trying to claim him!

Scott Stevens slipped out of the Camel Clutch.

The Phoenix blocked the Z"Ha"Dum.

The Phoenix broke the S.T.O..

The Phoenix hit the Capture Suplex

The Phoenix picks up Scott Stevens from behind.

The Phoenix climbs the turnbuckles.

The Phoenix climbs down off the top rope.

The Phoenix hit the Slingshot Suplex

The Phoenix picks up Scott Stevens.

The Phoenix whips Scott Stevens to the corner.

Scott Stevens broke the Tree Of Woe Stomp Flurry.

Scott Stevens throws The Phoenix to ringside.

Scott Stevens hit the Running Plancha Dive

The Phoenix counters by fighting back.

Scott Stevens broke the Capture Suplex.

Scott Stevens gets into the ring.

Scott Stevens climbs the turnbuckles.

The Phoenix shook the ropes to stop the Flying Body Press.

The Phoenix throws Scott Stevens off the top rope.

The Phoenix picks up Scott Stevens.

The Phoenix hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Scott Stevens slipped out of the Eternal Requiem.

The Phoenix blocked the Z"Ha"Dum.

The crowd is really on the case of Scott Stevens, loving that his momentum has stalled.


Frankie Garnett: Scott's finisher doesn't draw blood, does it?


Bob Sinclair: No, and Phoenix's finisher is a submission. Phoenix does have his Immolation, which is a slightly modified Death Valley Driver, which can draw blood. Shocked he's not tried for it yet.


The Phoenix counters by reversing on Scott Stevens.

The Phoenix hit the Corner Clothesline

The Phoenix picks up Scott Stevens.

The Phoenix hit the Slingshot Suplex

Scott Stevens blocked the Eternal Requiem.

Scott Stevens slipped out the back of the Camel Clutch.

The Back Suplex was countered into a Kick To Knee.

Scott Stevens blocked the Capture Suplex.

The Slingshot Suplex was countered into a Sunset Flip.

Scott Stevens picks up The Phoenix.

The Powerbomb was countered into a Punch.

Scott Stevens blocked the Vertical Suplex.

Scott Stevens blocked the Capture Suplex. This is the second block in a row, and Scott Stevens takes control.

Scott Stevens whips The Phoenix to the corner.

The Phoenix moved and the Corner Triple Kick missed!

The Phoenix hit the Slingshot Suplex

Scott Stevens slipped out the back of the Camel Clutch.

The Back Suplex was countered into a Kick To Knee.

The Phoenix hit the Roundhouse Punch

Scott Stevens slipped out the back of the Eternal Requiem.

The Phoenix blocked the Forward Russian Legsweep.

Scott Stevens climbs the turnbuckles.

The Missile Dropkick was countered into a Single Leg Boston Crab.

The Phoenix applied the Camel Clutch

The Phoenix picks up Scott Stevens.

Scott Stevens broke the Capture Suplex.

The Phoenix blocked the S.T.O..

The crowd start chanting to taunt Scott Stevens.

The Powerbomb was countered into a Forearm Blow.

The Phoenix hit the Slingshot Suplex

The crowd start a chant for The Phoenix.

The Phoenix picks up Scott Stevens.

The Phoenix hit the Vertical Suplex

Scott Stevens broke the Eternal Requiem by reaching the ropes.

The Phoenix whips Scott Stevens into the ropes.

The Phoenix hit the Roundhouse Punch

Scott Stevens blocked the Eternal Requiem.

Scott Stevens slipped out the back of the Camel Clutch.

The Phoenix broke the Back Suplex by falling on top.

Scott Stevens recovers and stands up.

The Slingshot Suplex was countered into a Forearm Strike.

Scott Stevens whips The Phoenix to the corner.

The Phoenix moved and the Corner Triple Kick missed!

The Phoenix grimaces as he moves, his neck seems to be hurting him.


Frankie Garnett: Come on, Scott, put this chump away!


Bob Sinclair: Uh, Frankie, hate to break it to you but I think Phoenix is angry. He might be out to just try to hurt someone, if his body language says anything.


The Phoenix hit the Vertical Suplex

The Phoenix picks up Scott Stevens.

The Roundhouse Punch was countered into a Arm Drag.

Scott Stevens picks up The Phoenix from behind.

Scott Stevens hit the Kick Rush

Scott Stevens picks up The Phoenix from behind.

Scott Stevens hit the Back Suplex

Scott Stevens picks up The Phoenix from behind.

The Phoenix slipped out the back of the Neckbreaker.

The Phoenix hit the Side Explosion Suplex

The Phoenix picks up Scott Stevens from behind.

The Phoenix hit the Forearm To Back Of Head

The Phoenix applied the Dream Hold

The Phoenix grimaces as he moves, his neck seems to be hurting him.

The Phoenix is struggling, trying to...yes! He has the Eternal Requiem locked in!

The Phoenix hit the Knee Pull

Scott Stevens blocked the Eternal Requiem.

The Phoenix applied the Camel Clutch

Scott Stevens blocked the Eternal Requiem.

The Phoenix picks up Scott Stevens.

The Slingshot Suplex was countered into a Kick To Thigh.

Scott Stevens hit the S.T.O.

The Phoenix counters by fighting back.

The Phoenix hit the Capture Suplex

Scott Stevens blocked the Eternal Requiem.

Scott Stevens slipped out of the Camel Clutch.

The Phoenix broke the Z"Ha"Dum.

Scott Stevens blocked the Slingshot Suplex.

Scott Stevens blocked the Capture Suplex. This is the second block in a row, and Scott Stevens takes control.

Scott Stevens whips The Phoenix to the corner.

Scott Stevens hit the Corner Clothesline

The Phoenix blocked the Z"Ha"Dum.

The Powerbomb was countered into a Punch.

The Phoenix whips Scott Stevens to the corner.

Scott Stevens blocked the Tree Of Woe Stomp Flurry.

The Phoenix hit the Turnbuckle Smash

Scott Stevens blocked the Eternal Requiem.

The Phoenix applied the Camel Clutch

The Phoenix picks up Scott Stevens from behind.

The Phoenix hit the Side Explosion Suplex

The Phoenix picks up Scott Stevens from behind.

Scott Stevens broke the Dream Hold.

The Phoenix slipped out of the S.T.O..

The Phoenix hit the Slingshot Suplex

The Phoenix applied the Camel Clutch

Scott Stevens blocked the Eternal Requiem.

Scott Stevens slipped out the back of the Camel Clutch.

The Phoenix moved and the Kick Rush missed!

The Slingshot Suplex was countered into a Forearm Strike.

The Powerbomb was countered into a Forearm Strike.

Scott Stevens blocked the Capture Suplex.

The Phoenix whips Scott Stevens to the corner.

The Phoenix grimaces as he moves, his neck seems to be hurting him.


Frankie Garnett: Come on, Scott, finish him already!


Bob Sinclair: The Phoenix is hanging tough, though I have to wonder why he's not trying to bust his opponent open, either. It's not like he doesn't have the capability to do it; he just seems to want to prove a point here.


The Phoenix hit the Tree Of Woe Stomp Flurry

Scott Stevens blocked the Eternal Requiem.

The Phoenix applied the Camel Clutch

The Phoenix is struggling, trying to...yes! He has the Eternal Requiem locked in!

The Phoenix applied the Camel Clutch

The Phoenix picks up Scott Stevens from behind.

The Phoenix hit the Side Explosion Suplex

The Phoenix grimaces as he moves, his neck seems to be hurting him.

Scott Stevens blocked the Eternal Requiem.

The Phoenix climbs the turnbuckles.

Scott Stevens recovers and stands up.

The Phoenix stops to acknowledge the fans at ringside.

Scott Stevens rushed the Flying Double Axe Handle.

Scott Stevens climbs down off the top rope.

The Phoenix counters by kicking Scott Stevens away.

The Phoenix climbs down off the top rope.

Scott Stevens blocked the Capture Suplex.

The Slingshot Suplex was countered into a Kick To Thigh.

Scott Stevens whips The Phoenix into the ropes.

Scott Stevens hit the Leg Lariat

The Phoenix is feeling the effects of Arachnophobia!


Frankie Garnett: That's not going to make him bleed, Scott!


Bob Sinclair: Frankie, I think he's too far gone to care. Looks to me like he's abandoned trying to bust Phoenix open and is now trying to ruin the man's career!


Frankie Garnett: And we'd all be better for it!


Scott Stevens picks up The Phoenix from behind.

Scott Stevens climbs the turnbuckles.

Scott Stevens hit the Missile Dropkick

The Phoenix slipped out the back of the Camel Clutch.

Scott Stevens broke the Side Explosion Suplex.

Scott Stevens hit the S.T.O.

Scott Stevens picks up The Phoenix.

The Phoenix slipped out the back of the Z"Ha"Dum.

Scott Stevens slipped out the back of the Dream Hold.

Scott Stevens hit the Back Suplex

The Phoenix slipped out of the Arachnophobia.

The Phoenix hit the Slingshot Suplex

Scott Stevens broke the Eternal Requiem by reaching the ropes.

The Phoenix hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Scott Stevens blocked the Camel Clutch.

The Phoenix hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

Scott Stevens slipped out of the Camel Clutch.

The Phoenix blocked the Z"Ha"Dum.

Scott Stevens hit the Triple Kick Combo

Scott Stevens picks up The Phoenix.

The Powerbomb was countered into a Forearm Strike Flurry.

Scott Stevens slipped out the back of the Eternal Requiem.

Scott Stevens hit the Back Suplex

Scott Stevens picks up The Phoenix.

Scott Stevens hit the Triple Kick Combo

The Phoenix slipped out of the Camel Clutch.

Scott Stevens blocked the Capture Suplex.

The Slingshot Suplex was countered into a Punch.

The Phoenix slipped out the back of the Z"Ha"Dum.

Scott Stevens counters by fighting back.

Scott Stevens hit the Triple Kick Combo

Scott Stevens picks up The Phoenix from behind.

Scott Stevens hit the Back Suplex

Scott Stevens picks up The Phoenix.

Scott Stevens is moving stiffly, his back may be injured.


Bob Sinclair: That's not a good sign for Scott; being caught in the Eternal Requiem on more than one occasion certainly hasn't done any wonders for his chances tonight.


Frankie Garnett: Shake it off, Scott. You've got him reeling, now finish him!


The Phoenix slipped out the back of the Z"Ha"Dum.

Scott Stevens broke the Dream Hold.

Scott Stevens hit the Powerbomb

Scott Stevens picks up The Phoenix from behind.

Scott Stevens hit the Back Suplex

Scott Stevens picks up The Phoenix from behind.

Scott Stevens hit the Neckbreaker

Scott Stevens picks up The Phoenix from behind.

The Phoenix moved and the Kick Rush missed!

The Phoenix hit the Triple Forearm Blow

The Phoenix applied the Camel Clutch

Scott Stevens slipped out the back of the Eternal Requiem.

Scott Stevens hit the Back Suplex

The Phoenix broke the Camel Clutch.

The Phoenix hit the Slingshot Suplex

The Phoenix picks up Scott Stevens from behind.

The Phoenix stops to acknowledge the fans at ringside.

The Phoenix hit the Side Explosion Suplex

Scott Stevens blocked the Eternal Requiem.

Scott Stevens slipped out of the Camel Clutch.

Z''HA''DUM! Scott Stevens just leveled The Phoenix!

Scott Stevens picks up The Phoenix.

Scott Stevens hit the Powerbomb

Scott Stevens picks up The Phoenix.

The Phoenix blocked the Z"Ha"Dum.

Z''HA''DUM! Scott Stevens just leveled The Phoenix!


Frankie Garnett: Bwahahaha! This is perfect! All right, Scott, whatever it takes! Ruin him!


Bob Sinclair: Frankie, is that really necessary?


Frankie Garnett: Yes, Bob, it is!


Bob Sinclair: ...


The fans boo Scott Stevens, trying to distract him.

Scott Stevens applied the Camel Clutch

The Phoenix broke the Arachnophobia.

The Slingshot Suplex was countered into a Sunset Flip.

Scott Stevens picks up The Phoenix from behind.

Scott Stevens hit the Neckbreaker

Scott Stevens picks up The Phoenix.

The Phoenix blocked the Z"Ha"Dum.

Scott Stevens hit the S.T.O.

The Phoenix slipped out of the Arachnophobia.

Scott Stevens slipped out the back of the Western Brainbuster Suplex.

Scott Stevens is clearly in great pain, he can barely stand up straight.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Scott Stevens climbs the turnbuckles.

Scott Stevens hit the Missile Dropkick

Scott Stevens picks up The Phoenix from behind.

Scott Stevens hit the Neckbreaker

Scott Stevens picks up The Phoenix.

Z''HA''DUM! Scott Stevens just leveled The Phoenix!


Bob Sinclair: Folks, the only thing I can think of is that Stevens is trying to knock Phoenix out so that Scott can bust him open at his leisure. There's no other way I can justify it.


Frankie Garnett: And what's Phoenix's excuse?


Bob Sinclair: A defenseless man can't stop you from making him bleed. That and I think Phoenix is just righteously ticked off.


Scott Stevens picks up The Phoenix from behind.

Scott Stevens hit the Back Suplex

Scott Stevens picks up The Phoenix from behind.

Scott Stevens hit the Neckbreaker

Scott Stevens picks up The Phoenix.

The Phoenix slipped out the back of the Z"Ha"Dum.

The Phoenix hit the Side Explosion Suplex

Scott Stevens blocked the Camel Clutch.

The Phoenix picks up Scott Stevens.

The Phoenix hit the Western Brainbuster Suplex

Scott Stevens slipped out of the Eternal Requiem.

The Phoenix blocked the Z"Ha"Dum.

The Powerbomb was countered into a Punch.

The Slingshot Suplex was countered into a Punch.

The Phoenix slipped out the back of the Z"Ha"Dum.

Scott Stevens blocked the Side Explosion Suplex.

The Phoenix whips Scott Stevens to the corner.

Scott Stevens slipped out the back of the Tree Of Woe Stomp Flurry.

The Phoenix broke the Back Suplex by falling on top.

Scott Stevens recovers and stands up.

The Phoenix hit the Western Brainbuster Suplex

Scott Stevens slipped out the back of the Camel Clutch.

The Phoenix blocked the Neckbreaker.

The Phoenix moved and the Kick Rush missed!

The Phoenix hit the Capture Suplex


Bob Sinclair: I think Phoenix looks ready to finish this; he's taken his gloves off and closes in on Stevens—but the ref is not letting Phoenix mount his offense!


Frankie Garnett: Good, Stevens needs time to recover!


Bob Sinclair: Ladies and gentlemen, I think Scott Stevens is out cold here; the referee is telling Phoenix to back away, and not politely, I should add.


Frankie Garnett: Get that gorilla out of the ring!


Bob Sinclair: The ref is talking with Amelia Williams; she gives a nod to the official. Here we go...


Amelia Williams: Ladies and gentlemen, the referee has medically disqualified Scott Stevens as he is clearly too hurt to defend himself any further. Therefore, here is your winner, at a League-record time of forty eight minutes and fifty seconds...The Phoenix!


The fans start a chant of 'That Was Awesome'.


Frankie Garnett: Oh, for the love of all that is holy! This can't happen like that!


Bob Sinclair: Afraid it can, Frankie. Both men refusing to utilize moves to bust their opponent open, and it ends up being Phoenix who wins the war of attrition, but at what price?!


Sean (2-0) vs. Johnny Triumph (1-1)

(Fans' Pick: Triumph, 61.5% (8 – 5))


Johnny Triumph hit the Single Leg Trip

Johnny Triumph hit the Knee Pull

Johnny Triumph hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

Johnny Triumph applied the Western Spinning Toe Hold

Johnny Triumph hit the Face Stepping

Sean moved and the Stomp missed!

Sean hit the Eye Gouge

Sean hit the Punch

Johnny Triumph took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Johnny Triumph hit the Single Leg Trip

Johnny Triumph hit the Knee Pull

Johnny Triumph applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Sean blocked the Bow And Arrow Lock.

The Single Leg Boston Crab was countered into a Legsweep Kick.

Johnny Triumph blocked the Arm Bar.

Johnny Triumph recovers and stands up.

Sean hit the Forearm Strike

Sean hit the Eye Gouge

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Sean hit the Kick To Gut

Sean hit the Forearm Strike

Johnny Triumph slipped out of the Belly To Belly Suplex.

Sean blocked the Hammerlock Kick.

Johnny Triumph hit the Vertical Suplex

Johnny Triumph applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Sean slipped out the back of the Camel Clutch.

Sean hit the Back Suplex

Johnny Triumph broke the Single Leg Grapevine by reaching the ropes.

Sean hit the Belly To Belly Suplex

Sean hit the Legdrop To Groin

Johnny Triumph moved and the Seated Back Dropkick missed!

Sean blocked the Hammerlock Kick.

Sean broke the Gutwrench Suplex.

Sean hit the Vertical Suplex

Johnny Triumph blocked the Single Leg Grapevine.

Sean hit the Legdrop To Groin

Johnny Triumph slipped out of the Mounted Punch Flurry.

Sean broke the DDT.

Sean hit the Vertical Suplex

Sean applied the Modified Figure Four Leglock

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

The referee has called for the bell!

The fans start a chant of 'That Match Sucked'.


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of six minutes even...Sean!


Bob Sinclair: Sean makes quick work of Triumph, now making it three wins over Triumph in his career.


Frankie Garnett: Man, Triumph can't get any sort of luck against this guy....


BETA DIVISION: Shawn Arrows (1-1) vs. Maxx Skabb (2-0)

(Fans' Pick: Shawn Arrows, 61.5% (8 – 5))


Shawn Arrows hit the Eye Gouge

Maxx Skabb blocked the Punch.

Shawn Arrows hit the Legsweep Snap Pinfall

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out!

Shawn Arrows hit the Eye Gouge

Shawn Arrows hit the Kick To Gut

Shawn Arrows hit the Spinning Backhand Blow

Shawn Arrows hit the Punch Flurry

Maxx Skabb took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Maxx Skabb hit the Eye Gouge

Maxx Skabb hit the Hair Pull

Maxx Skabb hit the Jab Punch

Maxx Skabb hit the Punch

Maxx Skabb hit the Eye Gouge

Maxx Skabb hit the Running Shoulder Block

Maxx Skabb hit the Knee Pull

Maxx Skabb hit the Seated Back Kick

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows from behind.

Maxx Skabb hit the Atomic Drop

Shawn Arrows moved and the Gorilla Press missed!

Shawn Arrows hit the Seated Kick

The Corkscrew Legdrop was countered into a Low Blow.


Frankie Garnett: That seems to be the counter of choice tonight. Get 'im, Maxx, I've got $300 riding on you!


Bob Sinclair: Frankie, I thought we said we weren't going to mention you gambling on air!


Frankie Garnett: Too bad, deal with it!


Shawn Arrows slipped out of the Rear Crossface Blows.

The High Knee was countered into a High Knee.

Shawn Arrows blocked the Mounted Punch Flurry.

Maxx Skabb hit the Face Stepping

The crowd start chanting to taunt Maxx Skabb.

Shawn Arrows moved and the Butt Drop missed!

Shawn Arrows picks up Maxx Skabb from behind.

Maxx Skabb blocked the Running Bulldog.

Shawn Arrows hit the Running Dropkick

Shawn Arrows hit the Rear Naked Punch Flurry

Shawn Arrows hit the Cartwheel Splash

Shawn Arrows hit the Flip Legdrop

The Rear Naked Punch Flurry was countered into a Low Blow.

The referee is furious at that breach of the rules.


Bob Sinclair: I'd be furious, too! Disqualify that man!


Frankie Garnett: Oh, hush, Bob. They let worse than this go in Japan.


Maxx Skabb hit the Headbutt To Groin

The referee was not happy with that move.

Shawn Arrows moved and the Gorilla Press missed!

Maxx Skabb rushed the Stalk Grounded Enemy.

The Snake Eyes was countered into a Eye Gouge.

Shawn Arrows hit the Running Dropkick

Maxx Skabb moved and the Standing Moonsault missed!

Shawn Arrows slipped out of the Headbutt To Groin.

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Maxx Skabb rushed the Moonsault Press.

Maxx Skabb hit the Super Overhead Fallaway Slam

Maxx Skabb takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Maxx Skabb hit the Double Underhook Bomb

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows shook the ropes to stop the Second Rope Fist Drop.

Maxx Skabb counters by kicking Shawn Arrows away.

Shawn Arrows shook the ropes to stop the Flying Double Axe Handle.

Maxx Skabb counters by kicking Shawn Arrows away.

Shawn Arrows counters by fighting back.

Shawn Arrows hit the Face Plant

Shawn Arrows hit the Side Spinning Kick

Maxx Skabb took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.


Bob Sinclair: Arrows needs to get more than that put together if he wants to keep up the pressure on Skabb, Frankie.


Frankie Garnett: Actually, Bob, that might not work. I've heard from trusted sources that Maxx has spent his week power-lifting barrels filled with midgets, while they beat on him with Nerf bats.


Bob Sinclair: I call bull on that. That CAN'T be true.


Frankie Garnett: It is, Bob. I have pictures.


A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Maxx Skabb hit the Double Underhook Bomb

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Maxx Skabb whips Shawn Arrows to the corner.

Shawn Arrows moved and the Corner Clothesline missed!

Maxx Skabb slipped out of the Implant DDT.

The Over Shoulder Backbreaker Drop was countered into a Sunset Flip.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Shawn Arrows hit the Side Spinning Kick

Maxx Skabb took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Shawn Arrows moved and the High Knee missed!

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Shawn Arrows hit the Flying Body Press

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Maxx Skabb moved and the Corkscrew Leg Lariat missed!

Maxx Skabb hit the Face Rub

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows recovers and stands up.

Shawn Arrows moved and the Flying Double Axe Handle missed!


Bob Sinclair: Prove it, then. Show me these pictures!


There is a moment of silence.


Bob Sinclair: ...well, I'll be damned. I've seen it all now, folks.


A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Maxx Skabb blocked the Face Plant.

Maxx Skabb moved and the Side Spinning Kick missed!

The Double Underhook Bomb was countered into a Sunset Flip.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out!

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows hit the Moonsault Press

Shawn Arrows picks up Maxx Skabb.

The fans boo Shawn Arrows, wanting to see him take, not give, punishment.

Shawn Arrows hit the Running Dropkick

Shawn Arrows used the Stalk Grounded Enemy

Shawn Arrows hit the Side Spinning Kick

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Maxx Skabb counters by fighting back.

The Gutwrench Powerbomb was countered into a Sunset Flip.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Maxx Skabb moved and the Moonsault Press missed!

Shawn Arrows blocked the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Maxx Skabb hit the Face Rub

Maxx Skabb hit the Big Legdrop

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows from behind.

Shawn Arrows slipped out of the Side Suplex.

Shawn Arrows hit the Side Spinning Kick

Maxx Skabb tries to take the blow, but doesn't have the necessary momentum on his side.

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows hit the Flying Body Press

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!


Bob Sinclair: Arrows nearly pulled it out there, Frankie; he's trying everything he can to put Skabb away here.


Frankie Garnett: He needs more than a Nerf bat, at least.


Shawn Arrows whips Maxx Skabb to the corner.

The Corner Glittering Magician was countered into a Running Shoulder Block.

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows recovers and stands up.

Shawn Arrows shook the ropes to stop the Flying Double Axe Handle.

Shawn Arrows throws Maxx Skabb off the top rope.

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows hit the Half Senton Bomb

Maxx Skabb slipped out of the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

Maxx Skabb climbs down off the top rope.

Shawn Arrows counters by fighting back.

Maxx Skabb moved and the Running Dropkick missed!

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows.

Maxx Skabb hit the Gutwrench Powerbomb

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Maxx Skabb grimaces as he moves, his neck seems to be hurting him.

Maxx Skabb hit the Over Shoulder Backbreaker Drop

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Maxx Skabb hit the Gutwrench Powerbomb

Shawn Arrows easily rushed the Slit Throat Motion.

Shawn Arrows hit the Side Spinning Kick

Shawn Arrows hit the Super Shot DDT

Maxx Skabb is busted open.


Frankie Garnett: I've got a friend in another promotion who likes this line, so I hope he doesn't mind me borrowing it here. ABUSE~!


Bob Sinclair: ...and you say I state the obvious, Frankie?


Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows hit the Flying Double Footed Stomp

Shawn Arrows picks up Maxx Skabb.

Shawn Arrows hit the Running Dropkick

Shawn Arrows picks up Maxx Skabb.

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Maxx Skabb shook the ropes to stop the Top Rope Diving Rana.

Maxx Skabb throws Shawn Arrows off the top rope.

Maxx Skabb hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows from behind.

Maxx Skabb hit the Full Nelson Bomb

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows.

Maxx Skabb grimaces as he moves, his neck seems to be hurting him.

The Pump Kick was countered into a Face Plant.

Shawn Arrows hit the Face Plant

Maxx Skabb blocked the Super Shot DDT.

Maxx Skabb counters by fighting back.

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

Maxx Skabb hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

Maxx Skabb hit the Headbutt To Groin

The referee was not happy with that move.

Maxx Skabb hit the Seated Knuckle Punches

The referee was not happy with that move.

Maxx Skabb hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows.

The Over Shoulder Backbreaker Drop was countered into a Sunset Flip.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out!

Shawn Arrows whips Maxx Skabb to the corner.

Shawn Arrows hit the Corner Triple Kick

Maxx Skabb moved and the Slingshot Moonsault missed!

Maxx Skabb wipes away the trickle of blood on his face.

Maxx Skabb hit the Seated Knuckle Punches

The referee was not happy with that move.

Maxx Skabb hit the Big Legdrop

Maxx Skabb is in total control of this match at the moment, and knows it.


Bob Sinclair: I know we're not in Canada or England right now, Frankie, but this blood loss is going to be effecting Skabb sooner or later.


Frankie Garnett: Gee, Bob, how about telling us something we didn't know? Something, like...how many inches in a mile?


Bob Sinclair: 63,360.


Frankie Garnett: ...shut up, man. Just shut up.


Maxx Skabb hit the Mounted Elbow Smashes

Shawn Arrows moved and the Gorilla Press missed!

Maxx Skabb moved and the Arabian Press missed!

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows.

Maxx Skabb hit the Double Underhook Bomb

The crowd start chanting to taunt Maxx Skabb.

Shawn Arrows slipped out of the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Shawn Arrows hit the Super Shot DDT

Maxx Skabb moved and the Slingshot Legdrop missed!

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows recovers and stands up.

Maxx Skabb climbs down off the top rope.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The Double Underhook Bomb was countered into a Punch.

Shawn Arrows hit the Face Plant

Shawn Arrows hit the Flying Knee Strike

Maxx Skabb took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Shawn Arrows blocked the Over Shoulder Backbreaker.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The Pump Kick was countered into a Roundhouse Body Kick.

Shawn Arrows stops to shout some abuse at some fans in the front row.

Shawn Arrows hit the Running Dropkick

Maxx Skabb took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Maxx Skabb hit the High Knee

Maxx Skabb hit the Seated Knuckle Punches

Shawn Arrows moved and the Big Legdrop missed!

Maxx Skabb moved and the Slingshot Moonsault missed!

Maxx Skabb used the Slit Throat Motion

Maxx Skabb hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Shawn Arrows slipped out the back of the Double Underhook Bomb.

Shawn Arrows hit the Running Hot Shot

Maxx Skabb counters by fighting back.

The referee begins counting the competitors out.

Maxx Skabb hit the Ring Post Smash

Maxx Skabb hit the Over Shoulder Backbreaker Drop

The referee reaches the halfway point of his count.

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows.

The referee is almost ready to count both competitors out.

The Gutwrench Powerbomb was countered into a Kick To Gut.

Both competitors return to the ring before they are counted out.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Shawn Arrows grimaces as he moves, his neck seems to be hurting him.


Bob Sinclair: Arrows needs to be careful here; we’ve had one medical DQ tonight, we do not need another one.


Frankie Garnett: Rather, he can't afford to be in one, it would hurt his chances severely!


Shawn Arrows whips Maxx Skabb into the ropes.

The Running Dropkick was countered into a Sidewalk Slam.

Maxx Skabb used the Slit Throat Motion

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

Maxx Skabb has to stop and wipe the blood from his eyes.

Maxx Skabb waits as Shawn Arrows stands.

The Flying Double Axe Handle was countered into a Dropkick.

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Maxx Skabb recovers and stands up.

Shawn Arrows hit the Moonsault Press

Maxx Skabb moved and the Slingshot Moonsault missed!

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows.

Maxx Skabb hit the Gutwrench Powerbomb

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows shook the ropes to stop the Second Rope Fist Drop.

Maxx Skabb counters by kicking Shawn Arrows away.

Maxx Skabb climbs down off the top rope.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The Gutwrench Powerbomb was countered into a Dropkick.

Shawn Arrows hit the Kneeling Kick Rush

Shawn Arrows hit the Charging Basement Dropkick

Maxx Skabb is now bleeding very heavily.

Shawn Arrows hit the Seated Knuckle Punches

Maxx Skabb is a mess, with blood everywhere.


Bob Sinclair: Would somebody stop the damn match?!


Frankie Garnett: Unless the guy is dead or about to die, Bob, they can't! Not in Richmond, anyway!


The referee was not happy with that move.

Maxx Skabb moved and the Slingshot Legdrop missed!

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows from behind.

Maxx Skabb whips Shawn Arrows into the ropes.

Shawn Arrows slipped out of the Sidewalk Slam.

Maxx Skabb broke the Springboard Body Press by falling on top.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Maxx Skabb is starting to fade, he's lost a lot of blood already.

Maxx Skabb hit the Over Shoulder Backbreaker Drop

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

Kick Out At Two-And-A-Half!

Maxx Skabb hit the Double Underhook Bomb

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

The Pump Kick was countered into a Legsweep Snap Pinfall.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out!

Shawn Arrows hit the Running Dropkick

Shawn Arrows picks up Maxx Skabb from behind.

Shawn Arrows hit the Super Shot DDT

Shawn Arrows hit the Kneeling Kick Rush

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows waits as Maxx Skabb stands.

Maxx Skabb shook the ropes to stop the Top Rope Diving Rana.

Maxx Skabb throws Shawn Arrows off the top rope.

Maxx Skabb hit the Headbutt To Groin

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows.

Maxx Skabb whips Shawn Arrows into the ropes.

Maxx Skabb hit the Sidewalk Slam

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows.

Maxx Skabb hit the Pump Kick

Maxx Skabb used the Slit Throat Motion

Maxx Skabb hit the Big Legdrop

Maxx Skabb hit the Mounted Elbow Smashes

Shawn Arrows is busted open.


Frankie Garnett: These two are making up for what the First Blood match lacked, Bob! This is glorious!


Bob Sinclair: Folks, if you have kids watching, they should have left the room ten minutes ago. This is becoming disturbing to watch.


Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows.

Skabb hits the Lethal Injection; the end draws near for Shawn Arrows!

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...


The fans start a chant of 'That Was Awesome'.


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of thirty-eight minutes and twenty seconds...Maxx Skabb!


Frankie Garnett: Skabb's face is a bloody mess, both of these men are in serious pain, but Skabb remains undefeated!


Bob Sinclair: Folks, we're already over our time slot; a big thanks to our network partners for allowing up the extra half hour. We'll see you next week from Madison Square Garden!





1. Nuclear Templeton (3-0) def. SGRaaize (1-2)

* Time of Match: 13:30

* Match Rating: B

* Winner's Offense: 49%

* Nuclear's Physical State: Head 61, Body 86, Arms 92, Legs 88

* Raaize's Physical State: Head 2, Body 63, Arms 100, Legs 96, Heavy Blood Loss


2. Sebastian Moore (2-1) def. Thor Hammerskald (0-3)

* Time of Match: 6:10

* Match Rating: D

* Winner's Offense: 63%

* Moore's Physical State: Head 60, Body 93, Arms 100, Legs 100

* Hammerskald's Physical State: Head 38, Body 77, Arms 100, Legs 85


3. Ly Quang Bao (1-2) def. Robbie Maynard (1-2)

* Time of Match: 5:50

* Match Rating: D

* Winner's Offense: 53%

* Bao's Physical State: Head 86, Body 96, Arms 100, Legs 92

* Maynard's Physical State: Head 4, Body 56, Arms 92, Legs 84


4. Diamond (1-2) def. El Demonio de Sangre (0-3)

* Time of Match: 22:30

* Match Rating: B

* Winner's Offense: 51%

* Diamond's Physical State: Head 40, Body 16, Arms 98, Legs 62

* El Demonio's Physical State: Head 52, Body 71, Arms 97, Legs 80


5. Super Century (1-2) def. Tarik Nolan (1-2)

* Time of Match: 11:10

* Match Rating: C-

* Winner's Offense: 43%

* Century's Physical State: Head 50, Body 73, Arms 100, Legs 76

* Nolan's Physical State: Head 16, Body 71, Arms 93, Legs 49


6. The Phoenix (3-0) def. Scott Stevens (2-1)

* Time of Match: 48:50

* Match Rating: A

* Winner's Offense: 52%

* Phoenix's Physical State: Head 0, Body 35, Arms 99, Legs 72

* Stevens' Physical State: Head 0, Body 0, Arms 92, Legs 67

* Surprisingly, this is not the Match of the Night.

* Note from the League Director: Before this match was run, I went in and made certain that both men had moves they could use to make their opponent bleed. I'm still not sure why neither one used them—especially in Stevens' case, with Seated Knuckle Punches, Mounted Punch Flurry, Vicious Knee Strike, etc. and a cheating level that would allow those moves to be used in a normal match. Phoenix was sort of handcuffed as I made him a "clean" wrestler and set his cheating level to "none," but this was by design as that's how I envisioned the character and was not going to change it. (By the by, I ran this match again after all of the matches were run, to see if we could get blood there, and again it ended with a medical DQ…this time after 66 minutes, with Phoenix still winning. Guess these two just don't like First Blood matches... :confused: )


7. Sean (3-0) def. Johnny Triumph (0-3)

* Time of Match: 6:00

* Match Rating: F

* Winner's Offense: 51%

* Sean's Physical State: Head 28, Body 44, Arms 100, Legs 88

* Triumph's Physical State: Head 55, Body 66, Arms 100, Legs 88


8. Maxx Skabb (3-0) def. Shawn Arrows (1-2)

* Time of Match: 38:20

* Match Rating: A*

* Winner's Offense: 57%

* Skabb's Physical State: Head 0, Body 42, Arms 100, Legs 96, Dangerous Blood Loss

* Arrows' Physical State: Head 4, Body 16, Arms 100, Legs 48, Low Blood Loss

* This ends up being Match of the Night



(Sports Entertainment, Ref Bumps allowed, American Style crowd)


Ly Quang Bao (1-2, 19%) vs. El Demonio de Sangre (0-3, 6%)

Thor Hammerskald (0-3, 14%) vs. Tarik Nolan (1-2, 12%)

SGRaaize (1-2, 15%) vs. Scott Stevens (2-1, 15%)

Shawn Arrows (1-2, 15%) vs. Diamond (1-2, 15%)

FIRST BLOOD: Robbie Maynard (1-2, 15%) vs. Johnny Triumph (1-2, 18%)

Maxx Skabb (3-0, 24%) vs. The Phoenix (3-0, 12%)

Sebastian Moore (2-1, 15%) vs. Super Century (1-2, 24%)

Nuclear Templeton (3-0, 24%) vs. Sean (3-0, 15%)


TRAINING PM DEADLINE: 28 October, 8:00 PM EDT / 29 October, 1:00 AM BST

PREDICTION DEADLINE: 29 October, 8:00 PM EDT / 30 October, 1:00 AM BST

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Ly Quang Bao (1-2, 19%) vs. El Demonio de Sangre (0-3, 6%)

IMO El Demonio de Sangre has no chance. He hasn't won once, and he has low popularity in this area.


Thor Hammerskald (0-3, 14%) vs. Tarik Nolan (1-2, 12%)

I'm still surprised that I beat Tarik Nolan. Thor Hammerskald probably won't get his first win of the season in this match.


SGRaaize (1-2, 15%) vs. Scott Stevens (2-1, 15%)

Scott Stevens isn't in good condition. This might turn out to be Scott's first squash match loss.



Shawn Arrows (1-2, 15%) vs. Diamond (1-2, 15%)

This one will be a close one, but I think that Diamond will win due to having better health than Shawn Arrows.


FIRST BLOOD: Robbie Maynard (1-2, 15%) vs. Johnny Triumph (1-2, 18%)

I just picked Johnny Triumph because he has Triumph in his name. :p



Maxx Skabb (3-0, 24%) vs. The Phoenix (3-0, 12%)

Both of these competitors are in awful condition, so I just picked Maxx Skabb since he has better popularity in this area and because Maxx Skabb seems to be the most brutal wrestler in The League. But this match could go either way.


Sebastian Moore (2-1, 15%) vs. Super Century (1-2, 24%)

Come on, I have to vote for myself! :D


Nuclear Templeton (3-0, 24%) vs. Sean (3-0, 15%)

Nuclear Templeton just seems stronger to me, and he has better popularity in this area.


I'm still shocked that I won this week! :eek: I just beat one of the most powerful wrestlers in The League! :eek: IMO that's a huge accomplishment and upset! Also, that was a great write up ShadowedFlames. Do you have a TEW Dynasty?

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