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The L.A. Times

“Mo Money, Mo Problems”


The night after E.M. VIII, and 6 days from the next Extreme Measures.

So it’s the night after another successful PPV and today is kind of bittersweet, because we had another successful show, however our PPV buy rate came in at a dismal 0.10. This is kind of bad, because last week we were at 0.23, but the PPV companies we are working with are not complaining, so I am not going to complain either. But after looking at our performance last night, the buy rate is the LEAST OF MY WORRIES.


Right now, I was concerned about scoring a TV Deal. I mean it was the final piece that ECW needs. I mean we had a lot of success over the past few months having weekly PPVs, but the problem that we are running into is that even though we are known around the country, we are not expanding fast enough. Not to mention we need to become National size company quickly. It’s funny that the ECW Title is kind of like “cursed”. Everyone who comes near it, they are approached by a bigger company such as TNA, ROH, or WCW.


Speaking of personnel changes, we are losing Bryan Danielson and Nick Dinsmore in a matter of 2 days, Danielson has been an important part of the roster and I was planning on putting the TV title on him, so having him sign with WCW did hurt, but the shocking part is that Dinsmore was leaving around the same time as Danielson, however he failed another Drug Test, which he failed on 2 weeks prior. I think I am going to fire him.


Well now, with everyone leaving, it’s not going to be surprising that more names are going to be trying to be signed in the future. What I have to do is to get the lower Indy guys over, as well as bringing up some of the lower level wrestlers. Just so I can prepare them for the main event picture one day. As of right now, time will tell if I we get a TV deal and if we can expand out empire.

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ECW 4-1-1: Reports and Rumors

“Dinsmore’s Dismissed”


Well it seems that Nick Dinsmore has gotten on the “last nerve” of management, failing his 2nd drug test within a month, which that could have been handled accordingly. But after signing with ECW rival and nemesis promotion, Ring of Honor. According to Co-Owner, Paul Heyman “Enough was Enough.”


Another Successful Show…


The last episode of Extreme Measures, we once again scored a victory in a successful show with an attendance of almost 23,000 fans. Despite we didn’t score that highly in the pay per view, we still are riding high on a wave of momentum that rivals the other promotions.




So the impressive Damaja finally met his defeat from none other than the Japanese Buzzsaw, Yoshihiro Tajiri. Damaja was not happy with the outcome; however Paul Heyman and Logan Anthony have come up with the decision that Tajiri and Damaja will meet up again in the near future and it quite possibly be for a #1 Contendership for the ECW Title. The way that management thought of this situation was this, Damaja has had impressive winning streak ever going over former ECW Champion Rob Van Dam week after week, however Tajiri has had some high profile feuds to including Carlito Colon. More as this develops.


ROH in Trouble?


So it seems that word around the wrestling “grapevine” says that ROH has kind of fell on hard times financial times. This has been further solidified by the fact they have just released long time announcer Gary Michael Capetta and referee Paul Turner. While Ring of Honor management saying that it’s “the furthest from the truth “, it makes the wrestling fans wonder if ROH wrestling woes are even credible.


Shannon Moore Rejects ECW


In recent news, Shannon Moore rejected ECW in order to work for ECW Rival World Championship Wrestling. Logan Anthony revealed that if he would have signed with ECW, he would have been the mystery partner of Shane Helms battling the “Playa$ Club”. We wish Moore the best in his endeavors.

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Extreme Championship Wrestling has just come to find out that the rumor from the previous rumor that the ECW Rival Promotion, Ring of Honor (ROH) is in fact TRUE! Due to low ratings in the previous shows that they have had in the past few months, and the decline in thier financial situation, a reliable source has confirmed that ROH has fallen to Cult Status.


More as this develops.

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Episode IV: "Ante Up"

Black Tiger vs. Kid Kash w/Ms. Chif


The Notorious K.I.D. has been became a thorn in the side with everyone in the ECW Roster, especially one Hardcore Chick by the name of Cheerleader Melissa! And it definitely didn’t help the fact that Kash gotten the aid of one of Melissa’s biggest rival’s, Ms. Chif! After severely injuring Melissa after the double team attack at Barely Legal, Ms.Chif then defeated “Die Hard” Eddie Edwards in her debut match. Now will Kash’s luck continue, or will Black Tiger put an end to his streak?


Rico Dinero vs.???

For the ECW T.V. Title


Dinero has been the reigning ECW Supreme since his debut winning the ECW Television title in his debut match! He has been a thorn in the side of one particular wrestler, and that is one Shane Helms! Since Shane lost the T.V. title match at Barely Legal due to the betrayal of the guy who was supposed to be “watching his back”, the “Judas” Ron Killings. Now, due to the anger of ECW Management (especially to Paul Heyman, who made a deal for bringing in Rico Dinero unknowingly). Now, Dinero has to face someone that he hasn’t face before, and the T.V. Title is on the line!


Grudge Match- No Disqualifications

The Damaja vs. “The Japanese Buzzsaw” Yoshihiro Tajiri w/ Dawn Marie


So Tajiri has done what very few in ECW have done. Snap the streak of The Damaja. The Damaja is not too happy about this; however, the accolades that both men have accomplished have not gone unnoticed. Now both men will fight in a No Disqualification match for the possible contendership for ECW Title!


The Belfast Brawler” Dave Finlay vs. EKMO


Former ECW Champion, Dave Finlay is clawing his way back up to the ECW Title Contention held by his rival and nemesis, Antonio Bank$. But in order to be back in the title hunt, he must take on one of the most brutal Samoans in the business, the man formerly known as Umaga, EKMO! EKMO has not been in the best of moods, especially since him and his partner KIMO was savagely beaten by the makeshift team of New Jack and L.A. Gates! Now will the former ECW Champion rise past this “mountain of a man”? Or will KIMO make a statement and possibly push his way into the title picture?


The Whole F’n Show” Rob Van Dam w/Bill Alfonso vs. KIMO


Like mentioned before, KIMO is going after a former ECW Champion in Rob Van Dam. RVD had defeated Tajiri in a Phenomenal Match, to become the #1 Contender for ECW Title! KIMO like his partner is still soured from his loss at Barely Legal! Now, like his partner, if he can score a victory, then he will be thrusted into the ECW Title picture possible. But if KIMO loses, then like RVD says, KIMO will be like “everyone else”.


Austin Aries makes an open challenge…

Aries says that what he did to Bryan Danielson was no fluke, and now he realizes what his purpose in ECW is simple. He is going to make his name for his self and he is going to be the NEW face of ECW. And how does he intend to do this? By taking out every single ECW alumnus and take them out in the same fashion that he did Bryan Danielson! Now will Aries make true on his word? Or will the Legends of ECW make Aries EAT his words?


No Disqualification Match

Ron “The Truth” Killings vs. Shane “Hurricane” Helms


This match is very personal between these two, to say the least. Helms considered Killings his friend, and he thought that Killings would watch his back in his crusade against Rico Dinero and the rest of the Playa$ Club. But in one instant, Killings shocked the world, and the ECW fans by not only betraying Shane Helms, but revealing that he was with Playa$ Club all along. Helms got a measure of revenge against Killings, but interfering in Killings match last week vs. Dave Finlay. Now these two will settle their beef in a No DQ match.


And the Main Event


ECW Title Match

Antonio Bank$ w/Teddy Long vs.???


So Bank$ is once again the ECW Champion, by defeating Dave Finlay at Barely Legal (by tainted means by Bank$’s Stable, the Playa$ Club), and then he defeated Shane Helms the very next week, (again by tainted means.) But like mentioned before, ECW Management wants the Playa$ Club to pay for their transgressions in ECW!


All this and so much more, on the next Episode of Extreme Measures, episode IX “Ante Up”.






Confirmed Matches.

Black Tiger vs. Kid Kash

Rico Dinero vs.?? for the ECW TV Title

The Damaja vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri in a Grudge Match

Finlay vs. EKMO


Austin Aries Open Challenge

Shane Helms vs. Ron Killings in a No Disqualifications Match

Antonio Banks vs.??? in an ECW Title Match


(I need to thank my friend Damien for making my banner for me. You are much appreciated)

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Black Tiger vs. Kid Kash

Rico Dinero vs.?? for the ECW TV Title

The Damaja vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri in a Grudge Match

Finlay vs. EKMO


Austin Aries Open Challenge

Shane Helms vs. Ron Killings in a No Disqualifications Match

Antonio Banks vs.??? in an ECW Title Match

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Black Tiger vs. Kid Kash

Rico Dinero vs.?? for the ECW TV Title

The Damaja vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri in a Grudge Match

Finlay vs. EKMO


Austin Aries Open Challenge

Shane Helms vs. Ron Killings in a No Disqualifications Match

Antonio Banks vs.??? in an ECW Title Match

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Thursday, Week 1, May.


Synopsis: In the back briefing room in the NEW House of Hardcore, the usual group was backstage, Logan Anthony, co-owner and acting in charge, in Paul Heyman’s leave of absence, Tommy Dreamer being second in charge, also the Road Agents Roddy Piper and the ever cynical Marc LeGrizzley. The only one that wasn’t there was Anthony’s personal secretary, (and possible girlfriend, Sophie). The attitude in the room was pretty optimistic, especially about the news about Ring of Honor falling to Cult.

Anthony: Welcome everyone, you have to excuse Ms. Sophie. She’s out running some errands for me, so first item of business, is the fact that we might need to “reshuffle” the roster a little bit.


Before I can even go on to the topic at hand, of course, my number one cynical critic, Marc Le Grizzley, raises his hand.


Marc: I got a question, I went on the ECW website, and I wanna know, you said the “source” about ROH falling to cult was reliable. I think I speak for everyone in the room, as well as the ECW locker room, who is this source?

Jesus, I am getting tired of his condensing attitude every week. If I didn’t have a just cause to , I would fire him. Plus, he has connections to wrestling promotions in Canada.


Anthony: Look, don’t worry about who the source is, all I know that the info is legit….


Piper: Look, why does it have to be a huge secret? I mean we all have a right to know. I mean, don’t you trust us?


Anthony: Look for right now, this has nothing to do with trust….but trust me on this, this person is the real deal, and if this person says that ROH is in trouble financial, then ROH is in trouble financially!


Then in that split second, I heard the one thing that I never thought I would thought I would hear. The sound of Tommy Dreamer DOUBTING me…..


Dreamer: Not to question your leadership and judgment, but does Paul know about this?


At that moment my cell phone buzzes, I must have been so upset at the “firing squad” from the firing squad in the briefing room, that I haven’t realized that I had 3 missed calls, and a text. 3 missed calls were from Sophie. The text was from my source, codename “Rabbit”.


The text that I read, was more distressful than the meeting I was having.


Text: “Logan, ECW is in SERIOUS trouble. You guys are being raided again. Sophie has details. Will contact you in two days for further details. – R.”

After that, I decided enough was enough…


Anthony: Look, the contacts name is RABBIT. That is not his real name, that is his code name. No one contacts him but me. ONLY ME! Ok? And the reason why I withheld this from you is because this is VERY ILLEGAL!


The tone of the room changed, from confrontational, to downright fearful. Especially when the word “legal” was thrown in conversation.


Anthony: Ever heard of insider trading? This is along the lines of it. The reason why I never told you, is because if you guys didn’t know and ever got caught, it fell on me. Plausible Deniability. But now, since you forced my hand, all of you are now ACCOMPLICES.


As everyone looks in a modified state of shock, Sophie runs in the room, as if my day couldn’t get any worse….

Sophie: Sir, we have a problem..


Dreamer: What is it?


Sophie: We are being raided again….


Marc: I thought that ROH was having financial trouble, I mean they were the ones who were initially raiding us before.


Sophie: Well my friend, at ROH has confirmed that, but its not them that’s after us this time…its BISCHOFF AND WCW!

She throws down a two sets of folders, one marked ROH, which has covered up the second folder. I look inside the Folder and the following files I read out loud.

Anthony: “Rene Rougeau, Danny Hollie (aka “The Damaja”), Edward Fatu (aka “Ekmo”), and Dave Finlay. These were all the people approached by ROH.”


Marc: “I thought ROH was having financial problems?”


Pipers: “I guess they didn’t have it too badly.”


Sophie: “Or maybe they believe that ‘Misery Loves Company’ and they are going to try and take us down with them.”


I throw the ROH folder in the center of the table and the next one made me even more upset, with three letters…WCW. I started to read off the names that WCW was trying to take…


Anthony: “Rob Conway, Shane Helms, Rene Rougeau, Kid Kash, Elijah Burke (aka “Rico Dinero), and ECW Champion Antonio Banks”


Even more pissed off, I throw the second folder in the middle of the table. But the attitude of the room was changed. These people were ready to burn me to the stake, and now its like all of the oxygen was sucked out of the room, all stunned from the revelation that Sophie had revealed. I picked up the last folder that says “MISC”, which is lighter than the others .


Anthony: “B-Boy to go on tour with AJPW, NWA making negotiation with Rob Conway, and Smokey Mountain Wrestling . Now I aint worry bout B-Boy because we have a working agreement with AJPW, but NWA and especially SMW, because we are at WAR with them.”


Piper: “This is BULLSH*T !! We just got RAPED AND PILLAGED just a few weeks ago!!”


Marc: “ So what are we gonna do now FEARLESS LEADER? I mean pretty much our Main Event and Upper Midcarder are getting cleaned out…”


Sophie looks down at her phone and walk outside real quick and then returns. The room is utter chaos… Sophie is trying to let people know that there is a visitor in the lobby. Marc is leading the charge against Anthony while Dreamer is trying to defend Anthony.


Marc: “You know what? This is all your fault Anthony! You trying to take over this promotion and look what happens? We losing guys left and right and the locker room don’t trust you, and hell you might be the one behind Paul Heyman ‘on vacation’!


Sophie tries to interrupt Marc, but now Marc and Dreamer is arguing….


Dreamer: What the HELL you mean Anthony had something to do with it? I mean lets be real, you have been an ASS to him since he has been here!!!


Marc: Fine, I tell you what? Do you know where he is? Because the last person who seen him…was Anthony! So ..tell me? What are we gonna do now fearless leader??


Sophie then ushers in a person, that no one even notices the person entering in…


“Voice”: We are going to fight….because the last thing we need, is to give these BASTARDS the Satisfaction of giving up….


Everyone is started by the familiar voice….its none other than….PAUL HEYMAN!!!!!


Everyone in the room is shocked, even me!


Anthony: Paul!? I thought you were on vacation because of the stress of everything happening like last time?


Heyman: Well vacations is OVER!! Besides. You have never seen a Commanding General take a vacation while his soldiers are at WAR do you?? Now this is what we are going to do……



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ECW Reports And Rumors


Joey Styles


So there is A LOT of ECW News that has just occurred this week so without further ado, lets begin!




We are sad to report that ECW Stars Danny Hollie and Edward Fatu (aka The Damaja and Ekmo) have signed a undisclosed contract with Ring of Honor. It was not revealed wether they signed an Exclusive Contract of or a Written Contract, however it has been confirmed that their final show will be Extreme Measures, episode IX. We wish both men well in their future endeavors.


The Father of Hardcore….RETURNS!!”

Extreme Championship Wrestling Co-owner Logan Anthony has confirmed that Paul Heyman has returned from his hiatus. There were rumors that the ECW lockeroom was in utter chaos with various bickering and in-fighting, despite the fact that ECW has been successful over the last few weeks. When asked about Paul Heyman’s return to ECW this is what he had to say.

Anthony: Contrary to popular belief, I am happy that Paul (Heyman) has returned. I mean its not easy to run a promotion, especially one like this! But this will silence the critics, both within and outside of ECW! You see we have had problems before being picked on by the bigger promotions. If it’s a WAR you want…then its ON B*TCHES!!!!

Loyal To The End

ECW is happy to report that former ECW Champion, the fighting Irishman Dave Finlay has decided to resign with ECW, despite the counter offer from ECW’s rivals, Ring of Honor! ECW management is ecstatic at the fact that Finlay has remained with the ECW family! Also, we are happy to report that Rocky Romero (aka Black Tiger) has also decided to remain with ECW!

And finally…Extreme…comes…..to TELEVISION!!!

I am happy to report that ECW will be resurrecting “Hardcore TV” on the Charter Sports Southeast on Late Evening’s on Tuesdays! Now we will be bringing all of the Hardcore action that all of you fans enjoyed on Pay Per View!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I've bee reading this diary for the last two days and i find it to be very good. It looks like a well overbooked match, full of spots, run ins and interferences. Great reading, great stuff. The promos are simple and that makes them great, as i find that the more one complicates, the more it tends to end poorly. And the sumarized matches look great. I like where this is heading, with a few exceptions. Why is Kimo wrestling, let alone with RVD? Wasn't the constantly undesired by the audience? Glad to see him wrestle though, cause you need the man power, and he and Ekmo are a good team. Too bad that Ekmo is leaving. And RVD? I'd definitely put him in the title picture, or at least winning more... Other than that, this is great stuff, and it has the potential to become even better.


Oh yeah, it's coming back. And i'm glad it is. Keep up the good work.

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Extreme Championship Wrestling



Episode 9: "Ante Up!"



Dark Match:

Rob Conway vs “Die Hard” Eddie Edwards: This was a match was good on action, but enough heat to get the crowd into it for an opener match. Edwards put a valiant effort against the wily veteran, but in the end, he was no match for Conway, when Conway put away Edwards with the Whiplash for the win.


Rating: 54/C


Main Show


Austin Aries vs ???


Austin Aries said via interview on one of the wrestling websites that he was feeling “mistreated” among ECW management, so since he couldn’t get the respect that he was “owed”, he was going to “take” it, and his target was going to be any and all of the ECW alumnist who he felt was getting a “free ride “ in ECW. When Aries was running his mouth in the ring, one particular wrestler took exception to Aries rants. A familiar “scream” came over the PA and “Natural Born Killers” began to play over the PA and




Jack came out with a shopping cart full of weapons and started to throw them into the ring, but to everyone surprise, Aries was not afraid and stood toe to toe with Jack, even going so far to get into New Jacks Element of going Hardcore! But New Jack also held his own against Austin Aries in the technical standpoint. The finish came when Aries tried to hit New Jack with a Chairshot, but Jack dodged it and hit him with the “El Kabong” Guitar Shot! The finish came when New Jack went to the top rope and tried to hit the “187” Chair Drop, but then EKMO came out and pushed New Jack off the ropes. EKMO then hit the “Sidewinder Slam” on New Jack and Aries picked up the pieces and hit the 450 Splash, making New Jack his first “ECW Victim”.


Winner: Austin Aries

Rating: C/64


-New Jack was off his game tonight, and he was tiring toward the end.

- Austin Aries looked good in the match.

- New Jack is improving in Performance skills

Kid Kash w/Ms Chif vs Black Tiger


Kid Kash came out and gave Black Tiger a “exit” option, saying that if decided to “quit”, or the same fate that happened to Cheerleader Melissa, which both Ms. Chif and Kash gave her a neck injury. Black Tiger looked away for a split second, and then he backhanded Kash in the face! With a series of back and forths between the two men, the match was almost stolen by Kash when Tiger had gotten Kash in a armbar, but MsChif had “raked” the eyes of Black Tiger, making him release the hold, without the referee seeing it. Then she made her presence felt again, when Kash “feigned” injury and got the attention of the referee, while MsChif got into the ring Desecrator (Scissored DDT) on Tiger, quickly Kash tried to rush for the pin, but then the lights went off and the song “Firestarter” by Prodigy and the spot light was focused on the rampway, but no one came out! When the lights came back up, no one was there, and Kash went for the pin again, but at the last possible second, Tiger kicked out! Kash then tried to go for the “Moneymaker” piledriver, but then Cheerleader Mellisa came thru the crowd in her Neckbrace, and distracted Kash! Kash tried to grab her by the Neck, but she elbow striked him, and that led to Tiger hitting Kash with the “Black Tiger Bomb” for the win! After the match, Chif attacked Tiger with a chair and hit the “Code Green” on Tiger, on the chair! Chif proceed to threatened her and told her to leave before she broke her neck again, but Melissa shocked her and the ECW audience by taking off her neck brace, and told Chif she didn’t “finish” the job. Both ladies began to brawl in the ring but Melissa got the best of her and hit her with the “High Spirits” Driver (Kudoh Driver) and finished her off with the Curb Stomp! Afterward, Tiger and Melissa celebrated in the ring.


Winner: Black Tiger

Rating: 77/B-


Tag Team Match

Jerry Lynn and Matt Cross vs. Jimmy Rave and Chad Malenko


This match lifted the crowd and after the last one. Lynn always delievers in the match and with the high flying of Matt Cross, as his partner, it was a very delivering match against the equally high flying Jimmy Rave and the technically sound protégé of Dean Malenko, Chad. All 4 men put on a good a show and got the crowd into the match! The finish came to the match, that even though that Cross and Lynn had decent amount of chemistry , Rave and Malenko chemistry was a little bit better! When chaos ensued , Jerry Lynn did a running clothesline on Malenko, causing them both to both to spill out of the ring, while Jimmy Rave (who was the legal man) took advantage of the confusion and hit the “Rave Effect” (Swinging leg hook fireman's carry slam) on Cross for the quick pin.


Winners: Jimmy Rave and Chad Malenko

Rating: 75/B-


ECW T.V. Title Match

Rico Dinero © w/ Teddy “T-Lo” Long vs. ???


Rico Dinero came out, and started cutting a promo saying that he is the best T.V. Champions of all time. And on a certain “somebody” who he has gave multiple title shots and now his chances are up. He also says that now, he is issuing an open challenge to anyone EXCEPT Shane Helms, due to the fact that hes had too many title shots already.


“Jungle Boogie” by Kool and the Gang starts to play and 2 Cold Scorpio begins to come out, and we have a match! This match was good in the way of action but not much of heat though. Dinero was using mostly “Rest” holds and trying to keep the old high flyer grounded, but Scorpio took to the air every chance, and when he did, he definitely made it count! Executing a suicide plancha, a spinning heel kick and a moonsault leg drop, but each for a two count! The difference maker in this match was Teddy Long, where he interfered repeatedly in the match, especially when Scorpio delivered the “Tumbleweed” Corkscrew Top Rope Leg Drop, and Long moved Dinero’s leg underneath the rope. After the referee ejected both men took it to each other like never before! Dinero tried to take out Scorpio with the “Money Train” Running Double Knee Strike but he kicked out! Clearly getting frustrated at this point, Dinero went to get a chair, which the referee tried to take from him, but Scorpio tried a last ditch effort, and tried to Superkick Dinero but he hit the referee instead, knocking him out cold! Dinero hit Scorpio with a Lariat, and then tried to go for the “Near Death Experience” but then from the crowd a hooded “fan” from the crowd came in an attacked Dinero, and he hit the “Shining Wizard” which was when he removed his hood, it was none other than Shane Helms!! Shane then sets the chair up and deleivers the “Verterbreaker” on Dinero on the set up chair, pretty much DESTROYING Rico Dinero! He then wakes up Scorpio and starts to wake up the referee. Scorpio goes to the top rope and hits the 450 Splash on Dinero, and the referee crawls over and slowly counts the pinfall, for the win!


Winner and NEW ECW Television Champion: Scorpio

Rating: 60/C


Angle: Rallying the troops


The Playa$ Club is livid and in a uproar about the last match that just happened, Straight Thuggin, Rico Dinero, Teddy Long, Ron Killings and Antonio Bank$ are in the back are arguing amongst themselves! Joel Gertner with a camera crew sneaks in their locker room. Everyone is arguing with each other, and everyone is blaming each other for the Rico’s title loss!

Joel: Hey I am sorry about your title loss tonight, Rico but what are you going to do now? I mean according to the Paul Heyman, since you made an OPEN challenge, and didn’t sign a rematch clause, you are not eligiable for a rematch!


Rico and the rest of the group is infuriated..


Rico: You see this Teddy? You see, this is another example of the “man” trying to keep us down! I mean they cant accept the fact that the Playa’$ Club is the best faction in ECW TODAY!


Banks: Look, right now, we need to regroup and handle things. Rico, you will get the TV Title back, I promise you baby boy! And speaking of handling things, TONIGHT Ron, I want you to finish this deal with HELMS! You got an Unsanction Match tonight!! So that means you do WHATEVER needs to be done! I don’t give a damn if you run him down with a MACK TRUCK , I DON’T CARE just as long as you take him out tonight!!! Now please Joel if you don’t mind, get the [beep] out!


Rating: 69/ C


Rob Van Dam w/ Bill Alfonso vs Kimo

Alfonso and Van Dam definitely have chemistry with each other, and they definitely over with the crowd, who was not over what so ever, was Kimo. I mean the man could not get over with the crowd, starting such chants as “you cant wrestle” and of course, “you suck”. That didn’t meant that Kimo didn’t look strong in the ring, just that the crowd didn’t care. The finish came when Kimo hit RVD with a sick Samoan Driver, and tried to go for a top rope splash, but he was distracted by Logan Anthony Gates, in retaliation for his partner being attacked earlier in the night! Gates hit Kimo with a baseball bat, causing him to fall off the top rope! RVD took no time and went up to deliever not one, but two Five Star Frog Splashes to get the pinfall.


Winner: Rob Van Dam

Rating: 69/C+


NO DQ Grudge Match

The Damaja vs. “The Japanese Buzzsaw” Tajiri w/Dawn Marie


This match was in response to the last encounter their last encounter, where Tajiri snapped the winning streak of the Damaja. As soon as the bell rang, Damaja took to Tajiri very early in the match and tried to put him away several times. Hes tried to take out Tajiri with the Brain Damage and the Brain Damage 2.0, but each time he tried, Tajiri was one step ahead. Tajiri employed his kicks and his mat game against the Damaja decided to take it the extreme when he decide to give Tajiri a chair shot, when he tried for the handspring elbow! Damaja showed more and more signs of being desperate, by trying to execute the Brain Damage on the chair but Tajiri countered it with a DDT on the chair! Damaja then tried to do the Brain Damage 2.0 (Chokebomb) but Tajiri countered it with a double drop kick to the chest! However, Tajiri wasn’t the only one who could counter moves, because when Tajiri tried to go for the Tarantula, Damaja countered with a Rope assisted reverse neckbreaker! The finish came when Tajiri deleivered the “Tajiri Rush” and then he deliever a Buzzsaw Kick, but Damaja kicked out! He delievered 3 more Buzzsaw Kicks busting him open and finishing him off with a Sitout Powerbomb for the win.


Winner: Yoshihiro Tajiri Rating: 72/B-

-Damaja was visibly tired towards the end.


Dave Finlay vs EKMO


This was a very action oriented match, even though Finlay was much smaller than EKMO, he definatly didn’t back down from him. But no matter how much Finlay threw at him, EKMO kept on coming! Finlay was the underdog in this match with EKMO, he tried to clothesline, DDT and he even tried to do the Air Raid Crash, but he couldn’t lift EKMO, and he countered with a Gut Wrench Powerbomb! After that EKMO took it to Finlay hitting him with Samoan Driver, Samoan Spike, and Samoan Sidewinder Slam (Triple S) on Finlay and each signature move, he came closer to winning! EKMO decided to put the Finlay on the table, and tried to finish him off with the Samoan Splash, but like Logan Anthony did earlier, New Jack came out and got his revenge on EKMO and he ran out and hit him with a crutch and Finlay took at advantage and mustered up the power to deliver a Top Rope Rolling Fireman’s Carry thru the table and got the pinfall for the win! After the match, New Jack began to beat on EKMO, and hit him with the “187” Flying Chair Drop, then Kimo came out and tried and attack New Jack making it a two on one attack, and then Logan Anthony Gates comes out and attack the two big Samoans and we have a 2 team brawl and it take most of the staff to break these two up!


Winner: Finlay

Rating: B-/75


ECW Title Match

Antonio Bank$ w/Teddy Long vs ???


Bank$ comes out and says that its amazing how many people “Hate” on him and the “club”. It was nothing but a conspiracy that Scorpio defeated Dinero and then was “conveniently” denied a rematch. He also says that to get rid of any “reasons for conspiracy”, he is going to send Teddy Long to the back so there is no speculation that he didn’t beat his next opponent fair and square!


“Man in the Box” by Alice In Chains begins to play and Beulah comes out and Tommy Dreamer comes out thru the curtain and we have a match!! Bank$ and Dreamer begin to trash talk each other at first before Bank$ slaps Dreamer. Dreamer takes it to Bank$ and goes hardcore on him very early in the match! Even going so far as doing the drop toe hold on the chair and Reverse Russian Leg Sweep on the rail (ala Raven). But Bank$ wouldn’t be out done, because he did his moves the Drive By Kick on the outside rail and a Shoulder Breaker. The finish of the match came when both men were physically exhausted, especially Dreamer who was visibly tired during the end, Bank$ tried to go for a clothesline, but Dreamer reversed it, and hit him with the Dreamer DDT, but it didn’t put him away! Bank$ did his finisher when Dreamer tried for the Dreamer Driver, but Bank$ slipped out of it and hit the “U D.I.E. in M.I.A.” Chokebreaker, but Dreamer kicked out of it!. Bank$ got a chair and was going to execute the Spinesplitta Tombstone Piledriver ,but Dreamer slipped out of it and did his own version of the Piledriver out of desperation, with both men down a masked man comes down to the ring and looks at both Dreamer and Bank$, and the crowd that its ones again Helms (due to his attack on Dinero earlier) but the man helped up Dreamer, and delivered a variation of the Backdrop Driver, on the chair! When Bank$ came to, he saw Dreamer getting up and he did another version of the Drive By Kick on a bloody Dreamer for the pin fall. After the match, the masked man was to be revealed none other than Eddie Kingston! When Bank$ saw that it was Kingston, instead of being happy, he started to get in a fight with Kingston and almost coming to blows with him! All of the remaining Club members came out and broke them up !


Winner and Still ECW Champion: Antonio Bank$

Rating: B-/74


Unsanctioned Match

Ron “The Truth” Killings vs. Shane Helms


Over the past couple of weeks, Helms and Killings have been in each other’s faces and down each other throats to the point that blood has been spilled. Killings has screwed Helms more times than not, not only did he screw him out of winning the TV Title, but also out of the ECW Title when he faced Antonio Banks. When Helms came down to the ring, he was wearing the same clothing that he had earlier in the night when he interfered in Rico’s match, and Killings remained in the ring after the melee from Kingston and Bank$ from the last match that occurred. When the bell rang, both men fought each other in their street clothing, and the rules did not apply to them, the only reason the referee was there was the count the pin fall or submission. Both men took it to the limit and the match couldn’t be contained in the ring, but in the crowd, the stands, the parking lot even in the bathroom! Both men were bloody and battered, and both men damn near killed each other in the match! Killings even went so far as to do the Axe Kick on Helms while his neck was over the guard rail! But in the end, Helms got his own version of revenge in a very brutal fashion, by doing his finisher “The Verterbreaker” off of the Ramp way and into the tables below, prompting a “Holy Sh*t” Chant! After he delievered that move, Helms could barely cover Killings, for the pin, and after the match, both men had to be attended to by medical attention.


Rating: Shane Helms

Rating: B-/76


Final Rating: B-/72

Attendance: 23,502

PPV Buyrate: 0.22

Final Recap:

Rob Conway def. Eddie Edwards (Preshow)

Austin Aries def. New Jack

Black Tiger def. Kid Ka$h

Jimmy Rave and Chad Malenko def. Matt Cross and Jerry Lynn

Scorpio def. Rico Dinero to become the new ECW T.V. Champion

RVD def. Kimo

Yoshihiro Tajiri def. The Damaja in a No Disqualification match

Finlay def EKMO

Antonio Bank$ def Tommy Dreamer to retain the ECW Title.

Shane Helms def. Ron Killings in a Unsanctioned Match

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Good show. And i can see where you're going with some of these feuds, and it looks interesting. I liked the whole Helms-continues-to-screw-up-Dinero's-matches thing, as it was an excellent way of taking the title off of him, and keeping the feud hot at the same time. Nice work. Keep up the good stuff, this a very good diary.
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ECW Reports and Rumors


Joey Styles


Welcome to another issue of ECW 411 and I am the voice of ECW, Joey Styles, so without further ado, here are the Reports and Rumors!


“Ante Up, Paid Up!”

The ninth episode of Extreme Measures got a great feedback from the Wrestling Community and has drawn a lot of praise. This is the momentum that ECW needs before we start our weekly television show.




Lightning “struck” out, ALREADY?


Puerto Rican Wrestling superstar Lightning has just been revealed to been released from Ring of Honor promotion, furthering re-enforcing the “rumor” that Ring of Honor’s prestige and financial status has been taking a hit as of late, especially, since ROH has been demoted to a Cult promotion.


“Future Endeavors”


We have came to very sad news that ECW Wrestlers Rob Conway and “The Hurricane” Shane Helms have both recently signed contracts with ECW rivals World Championship Wrestling. Shane Helms was having a red hot feud versus the Playa$ Club, and rumors has hit that management had plans for him to be in ECW Title contention. Also, we are sad to report that Danny Hollie aka “Damaja”, along with Edward Fatu aka “EKMO” is also leaving ECW to sign with Ring of Honor. We wish them all well in their future endeavors.


“Problems Within?”


Its seems like there are there is trouble in the “Playa$ Club” camp, mainly between the leader of the group, Antonio Bank$ and the “loose cannon” of the group, the King of Diamonds, Eddie Kingston. Now even though everyone watching the PPV and at the show saw that Bank$ and Kingston nearly came to blows, the spokesman of the group, Teddy “T-Lo” Long says in his “Don King-like” manner, that there was merely a “disagreement”. We will see how this plays out…




Austin Aries said a few weeks ago that since he felt that he wasn’t treated the way that a future superstar/legend that the way that he felt management should. So what did Aries decided to do? He decided to declare War on everyone whose name was made off of ECW. His first “casuality” was the “Hardcore Gangster” New Jack (even though he had a little bit of help form EKMO). Now, there is no telling when Aries is going to stop or whose even next on his hit list. But he did say that his revolution that he has against the promotion, he isn’t “alone”.




While Co-Owner Paul Heyman has became “mute” on the main event at this months PPV, “Wrestlepalooza” the question was asked, “who will be the number one contender for Antonio Bank$ ECW Title” Heyman cryptically replied, “Banks doesn’t have one. He has FIVE!” As Heyman explains that at Wrestlepalooza it will be the first ever, Extreme Scramble match for the ECW Title, and Bank$ is already in it. And the rules of this match is simple, you don’t have to have the most pinfalls, or the first pinfall, but you have to have the LAST. Over the next few weeks before the PPV, there will be a series of qualifying matches to determine who will fill the five slots facing Antonio Bank$. More as this develops.

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-You just can't catch a break with the poaching hey.:p


-Everything surrounding Melissa is gold :)


-Nice surprise with New Jack but I have no idea where he'll fit in with your vision for ECW though.


-love Scorpio getting his due.


-Banks and Finlay look strong, nice work.


-What a way for Helms to go out!


Keep up the good work!

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Weathering the Storm

May, Week 2 Monday


2 days after Extreme Measures, Episode 9, 2 weeks before Wrestlepalooza.


After having another successful show on Pay Per View, people were starting to take notice at ECW again. Not as a garbage promotion that was ran out of a Bingo Hall, but this time as a legitimate threat. The fans weren’t the only ones that were trying to take notice, but our adversaries were as well. Once again, World Championship Wrestling used it clout and popularity to once against struck against our roster, and signed midcarder, Rob Conway and Main Eventer, Shane Helms. My only guess was that WCW wanted to sign Conway, due to the fact that his tag team partner, Nick Dinsmore was signed from us earlier this year. As for Shane Helms was on fire since being in ECW, he had a pretty good, but short feud vs. Elijah Burke (aka Rico Dinero), and then it progressed over to having a feud with fellow WWE alumnist and former TNA star Ron Killings. We were getting ready to do another booking meeting, and I know the staff were going to get a little worried that we were getting our roster raided once again, but like the old saying goes. “When life give you lemons, you slap the HELL out of it, and make sure it doesn’t give you lemons again.”


As each of the booking team entered the room, I realize that my phone was vibrating with a text message. It was from a private number that said the following message. “D.T.A.” I knew what those letters meant, and week by week I was getting more and more cryptic messages from an “mysterious entity” warning me that the following events that were happening to us, were NOT a coincidence.


Anthony: Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Ok before we start, we are going to do the meetings a little differently this time, we are going to start with “Personel Reports”. Sophie?


Sophie begins to walk to the head of the board room table.


Sophie:We are going to lose Rob Conway and Shane Helms to World Championship Wrestling this week. Also on the fatigue list we have Shane Helms, Elijiah Burke (Dinero) and MsChif, and they might need a break soon, probably best if they get excluded from the next show. And besides the names mentioned on the ECW website we have other talent being approached by “rival” promotions. Black Tiger was approached by Smokey Mountain Wrestling , WCW has approached Rene Rougeau, Kid Kash, Rico Dinero, and Antonio Banks. No words yet on negotiations. Any questions?


Sophie sits down and Anthony calls up Talent Relations, Tommy Dreamer.


Dreamer: All right, as everyone may have heard, Lightning was released from Ring of Honor without being there a week. …


Before Dreamer could start on his report, Anthony asks Dreamer a question..


Anthony: Sorry to interrupt Tommy, but does Lightning work for anyone else besides Ring Of Honor?


Dreamer looks thru his files and a slight grin on his face, and response.


Dreamer: He works for Smokey Mountain Wrestling.


Heyman: Well, SMW has been a thorn in our side for a little while now, but we have been letting them off the hookand turning a blind eye to things.


Le Grizzley: Then what do you suggest?


Heyman looks over at Anthony….


Anthony: Ok here is the deal, we are going to try and sign Lightning. I mean if ROH sign him, he must be pretty good, now why they released him, further solidify proves that ROH is in trouble. The way I figured it, we can kill two birds with one stone.


Piper: Whats the other stone?


Anthony: Well, (faces Dreamer) what is Lightning’s standing in SMW?


Dreamer: Hes a Main Eventer!


Anthony: Its simple, we sign him, and since we are at war with SMW, he will leave SMW, and they will lose a Main Eventer. And to make matters worse for them, if he sucks, then we fire him a week later, and he cant go back to SMW.


Dreamer: That sounds like a good idea. So some of the talent that I have my eye on that are currently in the Indy’s right now is Robert Ray, Jon Ryan, Seth Delay, Robert Ray, Ayako Hamada, and Canadian Kevin Steen.


Heyman: Thank you, Marc and Roddy, your up.


Roddy and Marc stand up in the briefing room.


Marc: OK, Some of the negative situations that are occurring in the Locker Room, Kimo is starting to cause trouble in locker room, and Sandman failed a drug test. And the Backseat Boyz don’t like Matt Cross very much. And there is one other "notable" relationship...


Anthony: Which is?


Piper: Well, Jerry Lynn doesnt like you Paul very much. Other than that, the locker room is fine.


Anthony: Ok. We need to go into booking strategies leading up to Wrestlepalooza at the end of the month…



To Be Continued.

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